#ms. heinous svtfoe
positivibee1997 · 7 years
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“You’ll have to go through me to get to her highness...”
Let’s be honest here; we still don’t know squat about Toffee. And after the mid-season finale of SVTFOE, it seems as though Toffee being connected to Eclipsa is still up for speculation.
The husband theory is out (though reincarnation could be an option). The child theory is out (’course adoption is an option). The only option we have know is either a pawn of hers, or a trusted soldier. SO trusted, he was given the task of protecting Meteora. However with him gone and her identity discovered, Star might have to be her Toffee (protector) from everyone.
All I got to say is, ‘Good luck Star; we’re all counting on you.”
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coldduckweaselkid · 2 years
seasons 3 and 4 of star vs. is when the show’s writing was starting to fall off. seasons 3 and 4 were also the seasons that stopped including hints for marco being a trans girl. coincidence?
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sea-owl · 3 years
So a while ago I mentioned that I have a whole AU made because I started to spite ship Meteroa and Festivia. Because I decided how the writers and the fandom treat the two was not it when the baby switch was revealed.
Warning this is long and I'm on mobile.
So to start in my AU the switch still happened, but I actually have a reason why they chose Festivia.
Festivia is Meteora's soul mate. The Magical Commission used the wand to find Meteora's soul mate because they believed that person would be the best fit to rule Mewni since that person would technically be married to the throne anyway, and with them sending Meteora away to Saint Olga there was no way it would backfire.
Spoiler alert, it backfired.
During Festivia's traveling years, which totally happened because there was whispers and attempted coup from both Monsters and Mewmans, she accidentally met Meteora.
Both were sneaking away from their respective gaurdians and then hid in the same spot. Festivia was fascinated by Meteora, especially her tail, and declared themsleves new best friends. Meteora, the shy thing, went along with it. They were friends for years and then they just fell in love, and then got married.
During the years of their friendship Festivia was the one to insipre Meteora to open a finishing school for girls. She wanted more princesses to become like her friend.
Festivia (who is scarily good at politics when she wants something done) began to work hard to regain trust in the people so that she could begin work on a Mewni that was better for her friend/wife. Once she got the Mewmans to love her, she started to look at potential peace agreements.
When Festivia fell pregnant with Dirhhennia no one knew who her partner was, and then one day Meteora showed up trailing behind Festivia. Festivia declared Meteora her wife and Mewni's Royal Consort, what were they gonna do? Festivia was already pregnant. Festivia knew it was a huge gamble but to work towards a better future for Mewni and to try to win a political move towards peace with monsters she did let it be known that her wife was 1/2 and her child would be 1/4.
The family loved one another and were happy for a few years. That changed around the time Festivia fell pregnant with Crescenta.
Around that time is when the two women learned the big secret. Meteora was Eclipsa's daughter and Festivia was sold to the Magical High Commission.
Meteora's temper flared and she stormed out of the castel. Festivia smiled at their daughter and said "Mommy just needs to go do some important things at her school right now. Come play a pretty song for Mama."
Over the next few months Meteora came on short visits and refused for her family to visit her at St. Olga's.
Things grew tense in kingdom too. Less monsters agreed to peace talks, and Festivia found herself starting to house Mewmans from all over the kingdom. Throwing party after party to help the Mewman's distracted.
One day it just exploded.
Festivia had enough and marched over to St Olga's. Where she found her wife experminting on her students. Some nothing more than floating corpses.
Angry Festivia demanded why Meteora would do this. Meteora answered that it would keep them and their daughters young, young and strong enough to one day fight the Magical Commission for what they done to them. For what all of Mewni has done to them.
Festivia looked on in disbelief. "Mom wouldn't want this."
Meteora scowled. "The Commission raised you to be their puppet. She wasn't even your mother. "
"And you aren't the woman I fell in love with."
Meteora turned but Festivia was gone.
More and more Mewmans ran to the castle for protection, and Festivia housed them all.
Stories of floating corpses with black eyes and monster attacks became frequent. It came to the point where Festivia sent Mina and the other Solarian soliders.
Then came the day Meteora and her army made it to the gates. Festivia met them there with her wand in hand and butterfly wings on her back.
"I want the queen and princess alive!" Meteora comanded.
Festivia gathered all her magic. "Memory eraser, pew pew."
Her wife defeated, no longer remembered, and with a broken heart Festivia went into labor. Crescenta was born with silver hair, Festivia changed it to blonde with a simple spell.
Meteora was returned to St Olga's as the head mistress. Festivia prayed her wife remained good hearted like she was before. The kingdom now belives Festivia's spouce is Prince Musty Moutian and that one of her daughters is the product of an affair. Festivia smiles on, no one guesses to the secrets she keeps. She altered the history in people's minds, in the texts, and she tried to plan for a better future when one of her daughter's take the throne. It is Festivia's hope for change.
Festivia takes all her secrets to the grave along with all her love for her wife and daughters.
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Okay , I called this once, and I’m calling it again: Ms. HEINOUS is the MOTHER of  ECLIPSA, not the other way around, TOFFEE is Eclipsa’s half brother or something (hey, that’s what happened on ‘Dexter’, sorta)  and MINA LOVEBERRY is the MONSTER LOVE child .... I mean, look at this design one the door in ‘The Grandma room’.  I mean, actually /look/ at it!
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Why, is Moon’s cheek emblem on the right side underneath Ms. Heinous’? If we’ve been getting our relations correct in claiming that Heinous is the ashamed daughter of Eclipsa and her Monster Lover-Turned Husband? Then shouldn’t Eclipsa’s spades be placed ON THE RIGHT SIDE ABOVE MOONS DIAMONDS? And shouldn’t Ms. Heinous’ clubs be the /RIGHT/ side of the door? ABOVE STAR’S? If Eclipsa is Heinous’s mother as the lazy popular theory state’s, then why is her symbol, of the clubs on Moon’s side of the door?  Shouldn’t it be on the LEFT SIDE OF THE DOOR, ABOVE STAR’S? IN  PLACE OF THE SPADE? WHICH SHOULD BE ON MOON’S SIDE OF THE DOOR, THEN? This was a very carefully placed artistic decision that was meant to be giving us another hint at the lore... Please look at the patterns on the door! It’s a meant to be a puzzle! And  If we go in the pattern that the popular theory states.... Then why are the patterns so confusing and mismatched? If you go across the distant “family connections” wouldn’t make any sense, would they? Not with the obvious parallels with Star and Eclipsa along with the parallels people have been trying to make Ms. Heinous and Moon .... (only to further support the “Ms. Heinous is Eclipsa’s daughter” theory which what?) 
However, if we look at it in THIS WAY .... Moon Butterfly /IS/ STAR’S MOM, AND MS. H. IS /ABOVE HER/ AS ECLIPSA IS STAR, (implying spades and clubs came before the newer generation, being hearts and diamonds) SO IT’S ONLY LOGICAL THAT.... LIKE....
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Ms. Heinous is.  By all accounts. Eclipsa’s Mother.
Ms. Heinous most likely taught Eclipsa dark Magic. Not the other way around. The one most who was most tempted/consumed by Eclipsa’s dark magic was Marco. Not Star, Marco. Marco, who Ms. Heinous wants to destroy, who will probably end up being her disgrace of a daughters (ECLIPSA)  a.k.a the reason she started working for the damn school in the first place’s protege, which will only add fuel to the fire. Maco’s arm still has the monster virus,dorment , Eclipsa’s arm clearly has something. Marco is the one who notices Eclipsa’s form in the trailer, NOT STAR! Marco, Heinous’s, and Eclipsa’s story-arches are going to intertwine. AND IT’S GOING TO BE BEAUTIFUL. THINK OF THE PRINCESS DR. MARCO THERAPY SESSIONS. THINK OF ECLIPSA’S PAINTINGS.
Also, Toffee is probably Eclipsa’s adoptive/half brother from an affair that Heinous kept secret (like mother, like daughter, only H. didn’t go after an implied ancient warlord and then go public about it and ruin her marriage over it and THAT IS WHAT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE, she probably saw Eclipsa’s choices as punishment for her own deeds and then went to go work for St. Olga’s eventually becoming Head Mistress, she probably raised Toffee in secret from his infancy, and Toffee is probably a product of St. O’s, himself, after all, where else would Heinous hide him if she didn’t want him to be found out? Which Eclipsa probably did). if we take into account that Toffee is probably Heinous’s illegitimate child that she traumatized and locked in St. O’s to further “civilize” and him and make him how he is in an attempt to make up for not being able to control Eclipsa, and it “worked” on him, but he doesn’t want anything to do with them (Eclipsa, or Heinous) but wants to rule Mewni for himself as the rightful heir (let’s say that Toffee was born BEFORE Eclipsa and she found out about him later) then not only does that make way more sense, makes the fact that Toffee killed the Queen of Hours, Moons Mother, all the more terrifying, some deep seeded Mother Issues in this family...... And if Toffee WAS THE REJECTED/DISOWNED FAMILY MEMBER, IT ALSO MAKES TOFFEE’S TARGETING OF LUDO MAKE MORE SENSE AND MAKES LUDOFFEE? LUDO/TOFFEE, EVEN MORE CANON, Y’ALL CAN BITE ME ....       
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Star’s  seemly out of nowhere “AAAHH!!! Demon!” scare in the final, when she’s never shown fear of “demons” before was some fucking foreshadowing, because how much do you wanna bet that at the end or mid movie, when everything seems like it’s gonna go back to the status quo.... 
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...Eclipsa’s husband/Monster Love is going to appear in Star’s room exactly like this? The tone of the scene will be darker, because his presence will be much stronger, ether that, or considering who his daughter is and who Star’s idol  is, and considering how all I feel all of those personalities are going to bounce off of each other , it’ll  be way scarier than this scene it AT FIRST... but then it’ll turn hilarious really quick!  
“You’ll never get him on your side”? “In this Ancient Monster Temple”? The scene above? The shows easing into his presence already! Just like they did with Eclipsa after showing the portrait! And when he finally *appears* in the narrative flesh,  he’ll be crouched over in shadow and at first, we’ll probably only be able to catch him out of the corner of our eyes, just like they intended with Eclipsa in the crystal but oh, he’ll be there!
And his, Mina Loveberry’s, and Star’s story arches are also going to be beautifully intertwined with eachother....   
  Because Mina Loveberry is the the result of Monster Love, yes! I’m saying Mina is Eclipsa’s and the Monster’s daughter. I don’t know why y’all think Monster Love’s true heir is (canonically presented as, at least for now)  MALE and an EVIL LIZARD LAWYER but it disgusts me and i don’t have time to get into why your wrong bc I’m disabled and currently experiencing a spell of nausea but Mina Loveberry is the perfect combination of the two of them and I can tell bc she probably has pieces of her dads personality and she’s been around for a while if Star “grew up with her” I mean honestly: A scruffy Ancient Warrior Princess who has a questionable way of doing things and morals, who people call “bananas” and can make herself buff at will, with an even more Ancient Monster So Ripped He Doesn’t Need To Wear a Shirt Warlord for a dad an Ex Queen of Mewni for a mom? 
Who the fandom also seems to think has “questionable morals” (Eclipsa) because she’s one half of a narrative metaphor that’s kind of the Whole Point of the show and people still think she’s “evil” and “crazy” and “wrong” for that? 
Mina Loveberry being the daughter of Monster Love doesn’t make more sense to you than a Conventionally Attractive, Clearly Evil Lizard Man of an Entirely Different Species, who walks around in Suit, being their son?  Okay bye!
P.S “You’ll never get him on your side” was talking about Eclipsa’s husband, who probably made some sort of deal with Toffee as Eclipsa made a deal with Moon. Because this whole thing was probably a game to the lovers at this point, and the Monsters deal with Toffee probably involved him being brought back so he could be with Eclipsa in the future if Eclipsa’s Lover himself isn’t an immortal being already. But he will  be back bc the design is too good, too detailed, and they wouldn’t create a character design THAT FANTASTIC,  that complementing to each other, if they didn’t have clear plans for  characters. 
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 As I theorized before, why do you think the Ancient Monster Temple was brought up? It was foreshadowing. So was ”You’ll never get him on your side”. Because whatever his plans are, he’s coming back to be with his wife .... season 4 if not after the mid season 3 break, or sooner or even THE MOVIE.     
 LIKE /FUCK/ IF IT WEREN’T FOR @snotpuddle and @sophididoo and Ariel(hugbees)IwouldhateToffee, I love ludoffee and Ludo in general, and I’ve come to love Toffee as a villain..... BUT I WAS THIS CLOSE, MAN. THIS.  CLOSE.
FYI: I only got the screen cap of the door from a “Heinous is Eclipsa’s daughter” theory video on yt. It just frustrates me how people never noticed this detail when the actual pattern of relation is right in front of you. Like, we spend so much time over analyzing steven’s tunaverse and gravy falls (I’m hungry) but like, when a silly show us provides with the simplest of clues in such a small, but easy to find detail, we mess it up entirely to repeat the same stuff over and over that we already knew, even though they’re literally giving us an answer to our question that opens us up to theories that make a hell of a lot more sense and are far more interesting than the stuff we keep repeating....I ....I dislike this fandom. VERY MUCH.   
In conclusion, I want everyone to love and appreciate Grimalkin, Eclipsa’s husband/Monster Love (Because somebody had to name him for the time being): http://megades-sweet-darkness-delight.tumblr.com/post/157773267862/eclipsa-is-disabled-and-cute
And quit telling themselves that he’s ether TOFFEE, TOFFEE’S DAD, TOM’S DAD, OR DEAD. Thank You and Goodnight! 
jfc here’s a post where i embarrassed myself by accidentally linking my entire disability headcanon to an ACTUAL STORYBOARD ARTIST thinking she was just a causal fan cause Y’ALL HAD ME SO SICK OF ECLIPSA’S TAGS BEING NOTHING BUT THE SAME THEORIES SHIT POSTS AND (P)CORN AND IT’S STILL HOT GARBAGE, BUT YEAH i think this pretty much CONFIRMS that Eclipsa’s husband has a NAME, AN ACTUALLY ROLE IN THE STORY, IS  NOT TOFFEE, AND IS COMING BACK VERY SOON: http://megades-sweet-darkness-delight.tumblr.com/post/158984634972/does-eclipsas-monster-lover-have-a-name
My passive aggressive commentary looking for feedback other than “you’re so passionate!!!!”, was her FIRST NOTE on that post before she removed it from the tags btw, i hope you guys are happy, at least now they know I’m “passionate”.   
Here is the post where I originally called Heinous being Eclipsa’s mother: http://megades-sweet-darkness-delight.tumblr.com/post/157934913017/will-you-be-making-another-final-version-of-the t
Now THIS is a theory! Sorry for infodump/tagging anyone who didn’t want to be tagged, I just needed to get my point across how much people are actually ignoring the MONSTERS importance to the plot most likely because of the way that he looks!! And that’s shameful! 
Let me know if I need to put this under a ‘readmore’ or something.
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arjengelly · 4 years
What if Bellows pulled a Black Velvet Inferno on King?!
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kyotemeru-arts · 5 years
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Meet Castor!
He's a robot made by Gemini as an "adoptive" son for miss Heinous, but since that one season where miss Heinous aka Meteora ripped his "heart" out, Castor has been asleep for a decade before getting rebooted along with the henchmen... Wonder who did it? 👀
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bumbleyy · 6 years
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ive been way too obsessed with her and the show lately
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mysteriesofmarcy · 5 years
End of Monster Bash:
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"My name is Meteora."
Also end of Monster Bash:
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Credits Jessica Walter as "Ms. Heinous"
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kotoharuofficial · 5 years
The Ending of Star
So, with the final episode of Star vs. the Forces of Evil, I have to say that my disappointment with the lack in quality the show went through is astronomically high. Keep in mind, I am not a “shipper” in this show, so my opinions on it aren’t related to “who ended up with who” (though like others have said, I do have some issues with the pacing of the end game pair, however pacing is what I’m mainly going to be talking about here).
So, there are a lot of things I could mention about the ending of Star, but I’d like to take this time to say that Star vs the Forces of Evil (along with a certain other show), really is unable to like, execute having a villain in the story. In this post I’m going to be discussing the “major” villains that have been seen through out the arcs. 
Before I begin, while I am not including Ludo in this list, Ludo shows some of the greatest character development along with Buff Frog as far as “Villains” in the show go. However, Ludo is never portrayed as himself as the main dangerous villain of the show. Ludo is usually used for the more comical aspects of the show, thought there are instances like with his family where he is portrayed as a more sympathetic than evil character.
The characters I’m going to be talking about are Toffe,
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Ms. Heinous (Meteora before rebirth)
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And Mina Loveberry 
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Toffee is the first major villain that we are introduced to, all the way back in season one. Firstly, out of all of these villains, Toffee is the best one that was implemented in the show in both his arc and his “first death”. At the point in the series that Toffee is introduced, we are unaware of the past Mewmin’s have had with the monsters until Mewnipendence Day, and even then we’re just given a slight glimpse into the problem of monsters and Mewni. The episodes prior to Buff Frog and Ludo being kicked out of the castle as Toffee takes control of Ludo’s minions is a great set up to Star’s first interaction with Toffee, and Toffee’s first death. I will add too, that if Toffee was only a minor villain in the series, and this was his permanent defeat at this point, I feel that this would be a satisfying ending to his arc. However, Toffee is a major villain so the arc continues, and again, I think this is great. Toffee lives inside the other broken half of the wand’s star, and throughout the season, Toffee takes possession of Ludo in order to regain his form, trap star inside her wand, and destroying the other half of the wand. I appreciate the build up to all of this, until he actually dies forever. Now this isn’t a decry saying that “Toffee shouldn’t have died”, because I think he totally should have. Despite that fact that the monsters had a right to feel angry over their treatment from the Mewmans, Toffee’s way of trying to achieve vengeance and freedom for his people was the wrong way of doing so. My issue is one of the first examples of pacing in Star vs not being so great. The fight between Star and Toffee was nothing, and by the time Toffee returned to his original body, he was only alive for a couple minutes afterwards. If the arc would have finished off with more of a fight, then I feel like people wouldn’t have been hoping for, and imagining that Toffee was probably going to be returning before the series is over. Over all, I think that while Toffee has some of the best villain character moments, the execution of his character at the very end fell on deaf ears as far as pacing and subtly goes. 
Ms. Heinous (Meteora)
Now we move on to a villain that I am definitely not crazy about what happened to them. I don’t really see the appeal of baby Meteora. I appreciate the fact that now Eclipsa and Globgor have a chance of raising her as a family, however, I feel like the execution of her character ended up really sloppy. 
Heinous is set up as the result of the whole world being against Eclipsa, and it shows the cruelty of Mewmans and the High Council. I understand the purpose of Heinous losing control of her monster powers when she comes back to the castle because of all of the years of repressing and not being able to express herself. Additionally, Heinous is tired. She’s tired of having to repress what she is, especially when she actually learns who she is. Unfortunately, because of her inexperience with her monster abilities, she loses control of them quite easily. Now here’s where I completely disagree with the decisions being taken towards the character of Ms. Heinous/Meteora. Instead of reaching a conclusion with Heinous’ character arc here, the character arc is merely stopped in its tracks. By making the decision to turn Heinous back into an infant, it not only “erases the damage” that was done to Meteora, but it also means that all the previous issues raised are topics that will never be discussed further. To make it short, Instead of any kind of character development, they just reset the character. Heinous and Meteora are no longer the same person, only really Meteora’s dislike of Marco stays the same. 
Mina Loveberry
Oh boy, Mina as a final villain. 
So Mina started out fine enough, she was seen as a warrior and a fighter. We learn that she’s a Solarian warrior and no one can defeat her. I wont get into my issues with “destroying the magic”, but regardless; Mina’s “defeat” was not only a let down, but it was the one moment in the show were she wasn’t really “defeated”. She lost her abilities, sure, however she still is same old Mina and no one is willing to do anything to stop her. Again, it’s slightly harder to talk about Mina’s ending arc because some of my issues involving the Solarian warrior army stem from other characters and events in SVTFoE, however the amount of “dead time” in the episode that could have been used to fill up the fight with something was frustrating to say the least. Lastly, I’m not saying that I wanted Mina to turn good, but even after watching as her former Queen’s ghost refused to help her, Mina seems to have learned nothing. There isn’t a sign of anything indicating that she has any sort of feelings of being betrayed by Solaria. Sure on one hand you can say that “Mina is crazy, so she wouldn’t change her ways”, but I counter “Mina is forever loyal to someone that she cherished more than her own life, and her response to that is nothing?” Sure this all would have worked out better maybe even if there were a few extra moments dedicated to the actual fighting in the episode.
All of this being said, the main issue with Star has ALWAYS been its take on pacing. I understand that this last season particularly was rushed in certain points, however this has never been a new problem with Star. The thing that frustrates me the most with SVTFoE, is that every time a compelling story element appears, it is wither resolved in the most anti-climatic way possible, or it’s thrown to the side, never to be heard from again. I really wish that there was an expansion or rework done on certain villains, but at least I can say that some individual characters had the ability to grown nicely throughout the seasons. I will always have much love for Tom, and I’m happy with the direction he slowly traveled in. 
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abowlofmoe · 6 years
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This episode... :O
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judedeluca · 7 years
Did anyone else cheer when Meteora punched that robot bitch across the room after she said Meteora should be “Thanking her?”
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sofieology · 7 years
YO to all the svtfoe fans who recently watched the new episode
While ya’ll are fangirling about the whole “HOLY MOLY THEY KISSED OMG DSLKUAHLUNSL”
Why aren’t you people paying attention to these?!
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Heinous or should I say Meteora doesn’t deserve this.. She deserves better tbh
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atnrrm-blog · 7 years
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shiny cheeks
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spatziline · 7 years
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She’s joking lol.....ISN’T SHE????
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will you be making another, final version of the disabled eclipsa post?
uh, i have another version in my drafts that was supposed to be the FIRST version? :D 
But again, it’s a HEADCANON not a “theory” cause there’s 99% chance it’s not gonna happen and the only reason I knocked %100 down to 99% is because there are at least two other wheelchair kids on the show plus it’s got ghibli heart down %100 so like, Howls Moving Castle .... Main baddy in a wheelchair thrown thingy ... a girl can dream.
But YES I will be posting that as well and I have other headcanons and I plan on making a post about the Past Queens of Mewni having different disabilities as well and that’s what #STARVSTHEFORCESOFABLEISM is for and I recently figured out that Ms. Heinous is Eclipsa’s MOTHER do to the patterns on the door in The Grandma Room and the way that they’re arranged (Mother Symbol [DIAMOND] Daughter Symbol [HEART] Mother symbol [CLUB] Daughter Symbol [SPADE]) 
Plus I mean....”We can’t always control the path our children choose to take....” and one of the main female villains is an absolute control freak obsessed with breeding the perfect daughters   Princesse’s ....
Plus Star’s own mother issues... and the parallel set up between her and Eclipsa.... 
Plus, Ms. Heinous’s naturing nature towards lizard monsters, Toffee is ether one of two people to Eclipsa.... but I don’t wanna get into that right now ...... but I just thought of something for who he could be in canon and ...... oh my gosh .......
See, all these things are subject to change the more I think about them...... and they may not happen in canon. But they do make for some pretty good fanon and fan-fiction! :D
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arjengelly · 5 years
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I’m thinking of drawing these 2 together like TKO & KO and have them sing Escapism
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