#msm noggin
melodiousmonsters · 7 months
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Sketches from a discord vc, most were requests from others there! had fun doing it too i feel way more motivated to art when talking to others
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Some msm characters as ppl lol
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(Sorry I haven't posted in a while fgfyg)
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msmsillyarts · 1 year
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Bro think he 🪨
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shadomeno · 1 year
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notkirbiinut · 1 month
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costume goes hard
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screemu-ribbons · 2 years
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Been thinking about Earth Island, lately.
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knavewoods · 1 year
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autism-world · 11 months
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When the monsters sing
Commission info
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jjdogasaur · 1 month
Happy (late) Bee Day! It might've been two days late, but as I promised, here is the bee day art! There were some struggles, but it was fun drawing this! Especially trying to draw Tring, a monster that I was honestly terrified of drawing.
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melodiousmonsters · 11 months
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Started putting booksby's signature on the monstiary pages because it seemed fun.
"Geologica capetra (Noggin) average around 4’5”-1.3m tall. Noggin are bipedal and mostly made of stone with fleshy appendages. They have strong jaws made for cracking rocks. Like most monsters who are primarily made of rock they have a kiln for a digestive tract.(Kilns in monster anatomy are a modified version of the "convert everything to calories" organs other monsters have, they work via magically producing heat that also absorbs nutrients from things, but mainly serves to melt rock)
Their bodies themselves are made of three main parts, the main cylindrical rocky body, the aforementioned fleshy limbs, and their jaw. The limbs are directly attached to the body, but are counted as a different part for their organic makeup. The jaw is locked in place by two protrusions on the inside of it that push into dents in the body allowing it to swivel open and closed. 
The makeup of their bodies depends on what rocks they eat, a noggin who eats mafic rocks will be darker in color, and vice versa. Their skin tone also depends on outside factors and can change, in areas of high sunlight they will get darker as they develop more melanin, and paler as they are exposed to less. With their jaws being detached from their bodies, it's assumed they grow magically, each different rock type has its own signature of the earth element allowing the jaw to be made of the same rock as the body despite it not being formed from minerals the noggin consumes. Most commonly their stone is a medium gray, and their skin is a tan tone.
With their stone plate growth they have to grate down their forms regularly. They take dust baths and sit in streams to erode their rock. Or they carve themselves, some who do that decide to get more decorative with their visage and carve themselves into unique shapes. Some may even implant other stones and metals into their bodies for a little extra flair, often in most noggin-centric groups this is seen as posh and eccentric behavior."
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"G. capetra therma (Primal noggin, magma noggin, or thermal noggin):  These noggins are native to earth island and near solely live there. They are mafic and always dark in color. Their skin is covered in rocky scales. Their kilns burn hotter than average, causing them to be warm to the touch and partially glow at the mouth. They all live in a large social group in the bowels of the Second Volcano and have a unique culture. They worship the earth colossal and Igeo (torrt, if you remember the old name I changed it after coming to the conclusion that earth monsters don't get to be named after gemstones), being one of the only groups of monsters who widely think the celestials are real. They believe they are directly descended from the first noggins to exist with very little trace of other elements in their non-existent blood. No one has any way of proving this, but at least currently they appear to be mostly earth, which is what will happen if you live in an elemental sink.
Their mouths are made of stony digits instead of the usual solid chunk in the common variation. Their claws are for digging in the much harder solid stone that makes up their home. In their old age they may grow horns from their backs and sides below their hands.
As for more about the social group, called the magma refuge(thus the name magma noggins), came into existence when the cataclysm occurred. A group of noggins hid in the deep caves of the second volcano and lived there for the years leading up to the present. During that time they evolved into their unique forms and developed the skills necessary to survive in that harsh environment. They also became mostly carnivorous in their organic diet, with the only organic food in the cave being the weird cave dwelling lizards and bats that could handle the heat down there.
When they rediscovered that the surface was safe, they found out the large herbivores of the earth lands, now earth island, still existed, and wanted to eat them. They learned to make weapons to hunt the critters, and hunting became a part of their culture. To be considered an adult there you have to take down a rock monitor.
When the first monsters began awakening from their statues the magma refuge helped them rebuild monster society and get used to having to all live directly off the land again, which I am so glad I didn’t have to do. I woke up to a nice functional civilization where everyone already knew what they were doing and had all sorts of systems up and running. And it also wasn’t freaking earth island, no giant lizards trying to kill you.
They also HATE hyehehe, they compete for the same (organic) food, and their general nature annoys them, so it’s bound to be at least a rivalry. They even have the hide of one actually! They used to use it for ritualistic purposes and intimidation originally, but after it was found out that hyehehe were sapient they felt bad and retired the use of it. Kept it for sentimental reasons though."
Ecology and behavior
"Noggins live in areas with rocks, which are pretty much everywhere. They are primarily geovoreous with a small amount of organic food in their diets to support the organic parts of their body. They get rock to eat by digging them up with their feet, by biting them off of rocky surfaces, or just eating them off the ground. You can tell when noggins live nearby when there’s a noticeable lack of pebbles or stones on the ground. Their foraging behavior and removal of large stones in the earth makes them very good for plant growth. For organic things they are opportunistic and eat anything they can find.
Sometimes they use their rocky appearance as camouflage, as they are usually made of the most common rock in their area so they blend in perfectly, they are small and easily overpowered by critters similar in size to them, and their limbs are made of meat and edible. Their high mineral content probably makes them not the most appetizing thing in the world, but some critters can be desperate enough to go for them. They also use this for hunting occasionally, most often for small critters that they wait to get close enough, and then quickly snapping them up in their jaws."
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(the image is of a fairly old young noggin, like maybe a 9 year old in human years, they are usually smaller)
"Noggins, like most natural single elementals will hatch anywhere. Young noggins don’t hatch from their eggs and instead form from them. They are very wobbly and clumsy so they often sit rather than standing. Adult noggins will carry young ones on their heads to move them around. They do start walking quite late in development which is often annoying because they get super heavy very quickly so it’s difficult to carry them for that entire time, but it must be done as they will quickly devour all the rocks in an area due to their need to grow."
Just a fun note to finish this off, a group of noggins is called a quarry.
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cracksh0t · 2 years
wanted to redesign these two
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jimmerzz0905 · 2 years
hyehehe has always reminded me of that one scooby doo laugh effect so I made this
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notpandi · 1 year
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awwww look at them theyre upset ☹️
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shadomeno · 1 year
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notkirbiinut · 11 months
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msm stuff from a few weeks ago
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p1xel-error404 · 1 month
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my singing monsters evolution (simplified to most significant species)
would love to see fanart of some of them
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