#msp hacker's tool
b2bcybersecurity · 10 months
2024: KI-basiertes Wettrüsten geht in die nächste Runde
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Künstliche Intelligenz und Automatisierung liefern Angreifern wie Verteidigern entscheidende Sprungbretter für ein erfolgreiches Vorgehen. Das sind dann Werkzeuge wie KI-basierte Sprach-Chatbots oder KI-Spear-Phishing-Tools. Kurz vor Ende des Jahres ist es für WatchGuard Technologies wie immer an der Zeit, den Blick in die Zukunft zu richten und potenzielle Angriffstrends sowie Entwicklungen im IT-Security-Umfeld in den Fokus zu rücken. So räumt das WatchGuard Threat Lab unter anderem bösartigen Prompt-Engineering-Tricks, die auf Large Language Models (LLM) abzielen, 2024 große Chancen beim Unruhestiften ein. Das gleiche gilt für „Vishers“, die ihre bösartigen Operationen mit KI-basierten Sprach-Chatbots ausweiten, und Hacker, die es auf moderne VR/MR-Headsets abgesehen haben. Viele neue Gefahren durch die KI Aber auch auf der Gegenseite wird sich dank zunehmender Automatisierung ganz sicher einiges verändern. Es zeichnet sich deutlich ab, dass im Zuge der zunehmenden Komplexität bei der Absicherung von Unternehmen und dem voranschreitenden Fachkräftemangel professionelle Managed Security Services auf Basis integrierter Sicherheitsplattformen immer stärker an Schlagkraft gewinnen. „Jeder neue Technologietrend eröffnet neue Angriffsmöglichkeiten für Cyberkriminelle“, unterstreicht Corey Nachreiner, Chief Security Officer bei WatchGuard Technologies. „Im Jahr 2024 werden die neuen Bedrohungen, die auf Unternehmen und Privatpersonen abzielen, noch schwieriger zu bewältigen sein und insbesondere an den Kräften von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen zehren. Angesichts des anhaltenden Fachkräftemangels im Bereich der Cybersicherheit ist der Bedarf an Managed Service Providern (MSP), aufeinander abgestimmten Sicherheitslösungen und automatisierten Plattformen zur Stärkung der Cybersicherheit und zum Schutz von Unternehmen vor der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Bedrohungslandschaft so groß wie nie zuvor.“ Die wichtigsten Vorhersagen des WatchGuard Threat Lab Prompt Engineering überlistet Large Language Models (LLM): Das Experimentieren mit KI-Sprachmodellen ist inzwischen sowohl im Privat- als auch Unternehmensumfeld gang und gäbe, schließlich versprechen diese im Alltag entscheidende Unterstützung. Aber auch Cyberbösewichte wissen diesen Trend zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil auszuspielen. Insofern hält das WatchGuard Threat Lab ein Szenario, in dem ein cleverer Prompt-Engineer – sei es ein krimineller Angreifer oder ein Forscher – den Code knacken und ein LLM so manipulieren wird, dass vertrauliche Daten durchsickern, in den kommenden Monaten für durchaus realistisch. Zahl der von MSP über automatisierte Plattformen bereitgestellten Security-Services wird sich verdoppeln: Angesichts von rund 3,4 Millionen freien Stellen im IT-Security-Umfeld und des verbitterten Kampfs um Fachkräfte werden 2024 bei der IT-Absicherung immer mehr kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen Unterstützung bei professionellen Dienstleistern (Managed Service Provider oder Managed Security Service Provider) suchen. Um der steigenden Nachfrage und den knappen Personalressourcen gerecht zu werden, werden diese wiederum verstärkt auf einheitliche Sicherheitsplattformen setzen, die auf umfangreicher Automatisierung mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und maschinellem Lernen (ML) basieren. Verkauf von KI-Spear-Phishing-Tools im Dark Web erlebt Boom: Bereits heute können Cyberkriminelle im Untergrund Werkzeuge erhalten, die Spam-E-Mails versenden, automatisiert überzeugende Texte verfassen und das Internet und die sozialen Medien nach Informationen und Verbindungen eines bestimmten Ziels durchsuchen. Viele davon sind heute noch auf manuelle Anwendung ausgelegt und setzen voraus, dass ein Angreifer zu einem Zeitpunkt jeweils einen Nutzer oder eine spezifische Gruppe ins Visier nimmt. Doch genau diese bisher händischen Schritte werden künftig dank künstlicher Intelligenz und maschinellem Lernen ebenfalls immer stärker automatisiert erfolgen. Umso wahrscheinlicher ist es, dass sich diese neuen KI-gestützten Tools im Jahr 2024 zu Bestsellern im Dark Web entwickeln. 2024 erfolgt Startschuss für KI-gestützten Telefonbetrug (Vishing): Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) und Automatisierungstechnologie machen es zwar einfach, Tausende von Nummern in Massen anzuwählen, aber sobald ein potenzielles Opfer mit einem Anruf geködert wurde, ist immer noch ein menschlicher Betrüger nötig, um es endgültig in die Falle zu treiben. Dieser bisherige Vishing-Flaschenhals könnte 2024 der Vergangenheit angehören. WatchGuard prognostiziert, dass die Kombination aus überzeugendem Deepfake-Audio und LLM, die in der Lage sind, weiterführende Gespräche mit ahnungslosen Opfern zu führen, Vishing-Anrufe massiv befeuert. Darüber hinaus ist möglicherweise nicht einmal mehr die Beteiligung eines menschlichen Bedrohungsakteurs erforderlich. VR/MR-Headsets ermöglichen die Nachbildung von Benutzerumgebungen: Headsets für Virtual und Mixed Reality (VR/MR) erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Doch wo immer neue und nützliche Technologien auftauchen, sind auch kriminelle Hacker meist nicht weit. Die Experten vom WatchGuard Threat Lab erwarten, dass im Jahr 2024 entweder ein Forscher oder ein böswilliger Hacker eine Technik finden wird, um einschlägige Sensordaten von VR/MR-Headsets zu sammeln, auf deren Basis sich  die tatsächliche Umgebung, in der die Benutzer spielen, nachempfinden lässt. Dem Missbrauch dieser Informationen stehen damit Tür und Tor offen. Ausufernder Einsatz von QR-Codes führt zu schlagzeilenträchtigem Angriff: Obwohl es QR-Codes – die eine bequeme Möglichkeit bieten, per Mobilgerät auf einen Link zuzugreifen – schon seit Jahrzehnten gibt, sind diese gerade in letzten Jahren im Mainstream angekommen und finden sich heute beinahe überall wieder. Für die Analysten vom Threat Lab stehen die Chancen extrem hoch, dass es im Jahr 2024 zu einem großen Hack kommen wird, weil jemand einem QR-Code folgt, der zu einem bösartigen Ziel führt.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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ipmcomputers · 1 year
NIST Password Standards
As most businesses rely heavily on technology to operate efficiently and serve their customers, we embrace the convenience of digital tools. It is crucial not to overlook one of the cornerstones of strong cybersecurity, password standards. Using strong passwords to safeguard sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access to your business accounts and data is critical. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides comprehensive guidelines for creating and maintaining strong passwords. Let’s explore these guidelines and understand why they are vital for your cybersecurity. Introduction to NIST The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a world-renowned institution that develops and promotes measurement standards, technology, and cybersecurity recommendations for a wide range of industries. In the context of cybersecurity, NIST offers guidelines and best practices that help organizations protect their digital assets from cyber threats. Let’s examine the key password behaviors that NIST recommends: 1. Length Matters: Go Beyond Minimum Requirements While many platforms mandate a minimum password length, NIST suggests going beyond the minimum to enhance security. Aim for passwords that are at least 12 to 15 characters long. Longer passwords are exponentially more difficult for hackers to crack, as they increase the possible combinations required for a successful attack. 2. Complexity is Key: Use a Mix of Characters NIST advises using a combination of different character types within your passwords. Include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This intricate mix adds an extra layer of complexity, making it significantly harder for malicious actors to guess or crack your passwords. 3. Passphrases are Powerful: Create Memorable Yet Strong Phrases Consider using passphrases instead of passwords. A passphrase is a sequence of random words or a sentence that holds personal significance to you. This approach creates a lengthy and memorable combination that’s tough for attackers to decipher. For instance, “BeingSeasideMakeMeHappy!” 4. Avoid Common Words and Patterns: Stay Unique Steer clear of using easily guessable information, such as “password123” or common words found in dictionaries. Additionally, avoid sequential patterns like “abcd” or “1234.” Hackers often employ automated tools that can quickly crack passwords that follow predictable patterns. 5. Regular Updates: Change Passwords Periodically NIST suggests changing passwords periodically, even if there’s no apparent security breach. This practice reduces the risk of prolonged unauthorized access. Establish a schedule for password updates, and encourage your employees to follow it diligently. 6. Unique Passwords for Each Account: No Repetition Using the same password across multiple accounts might seem convenient, but it’s a significant security risk. If one account is compromised, it jeopardizes all other accounts with the same password. Generate unique passwords for each account to contain the potential impact of a security breach. 7. Consider a Password Manager: Convenience and Security Managing multiple complex passwords can be challenging. A password manager securely stores your passwords and generates strong ones for you. This not only simplifies password management but also enhances security by reducing the likelihood of password-related vulnerabilities. Implementing strong password behaviors is a fundamental step toward bolstering your cybersecurity defenses. Following these guidelines can help to ensure that your sensitive business information remains safe from cyber threats. Remember, in the digital world, a strong password is your first line of defense. Breach Secure Now helps MSPs to build strong human firewalls by teaching password standards and more – contact us today! The post NIST Password Standards appeared first on Breach Secure Now!. The post NIST Password Standards appeared first on IPM Computers LLC. from https://www.ipmcomputers.com/
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it-helpdesk-support · 2 years
What is a Firewall & How Does It Work?
Cybercrimes are increasing, with a new kind of threat coming every day. In such a situation, the foremost necessity for businesses is to secure their network system. A firewall is a security system that safeguards your network and devices from a cyber intruder. So, it is crucial for IT help desk companies to implement firewalls, ensuring the security of their client's networks.
MSPs know the significance of firewalls for network security. Firewalls protect networks and connected devices from a vast spectrum of security threats. Again, they can notify you about potential threats to conduct from within user networks. The threats can be unauthorized entry to your clients’ network system, viruses, Macros, etc.
 However, there are numerous challenges in executing the firewalls. For IT service providers, proper presentation of the function of firewalls for their clients is a major part of service delivery. So, you should be prepared to answer if your customer seeks you about the concept of a firewall.
This post describes everything about a firewall and how it safeguards your network.  So, let's learn about firewalls.
What is a Firewall?
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A firewall is a cyber safety tool that scans incoming and outgoing network traffic to detect and block hostile data containers. It functions on predefined regulations, permitting only fair traffic to access your confidential network. You can implement firewalls as hardware, software, or both.
Firewalls are normally your first line of protection against the cyber menace. These threats may include viruses, malware, and hackers attempting to access the internal network of your organization. Check What Is a Firewall? for more knowledge.
Different Types of Firewalls
There are various kinds of firewalls depending on their traffic screening procedures, design, and functionality. The most used and effective kinds of firewalls are:
1. Packet Filtering
A packet-filtering firewall manages data across a network. It checks the original address of the data packet to decide whether to block or allow it access to the network. This firewall method also considers the terminus address of the data packet, the application directives to transmit the data, etc.
2. Proxy Service Firewall
This kind of firewall defends the network by screening notes and directives at the application phases. For a particular application, a proxy firewall acts as the doorway between different networks.
3. Stateful Inspection
This firewall technique checks the condition, port, and code of the traffic to decide its eligibility to access the network. Here, the screening is determined based on directions and context defined by the administrator.
4. Circuit-Level Gateway Firewall
This firewall works based on the session layer of the internal device.
It confirms specific Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections and tracks the active sessions. The firewall ends tracking the connection once the verification is completed.
The process is similar to packet filtering firewalls and performs a single check at a higher layer utilizing minimum resources. It sets a virtual linkage from the side of the internal device to hide the identity and IP address of the user from the remote host.
5. Next-Generation Firewall
As per Gartner, Inc., the next-generation firewall is similar to a packet inspection firewall with in-depth functionality. It works on combined advantages of application-level assessment, intrusion deterrence, and data from outside. This procedure helps the firewall to go above port/protocol assessment and bar traffic.
How Does a Firewall Work to Protect Your Network?
You have gone through the different types of firewalls, and also the benefits of implementing them. So let us look at how these cyber protector work.
A firewall filters the data coming to your network and blocks malicious content outside your system. The common threats that firewalls prevent from entering your network and devices are denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, backdoors, macros, spam, viruses, and remote logins.
In DoS attacks, hackers send countless connection requests to a server, but the server cannot find the source of the request center. The mass of requests floods the server, and it even blocks legitimate connection requests.
Sometimes the server goes down for several hours due to DoS attacks that severely impact the IT service desk services. A firewall analyzes the validity of the connection requests, based on the protocols. Thus, it safeguards your network server from DoS attacks.
Backdoors are application gateways with exposures that hackers manipulate to enter a private network. It contains software with faults that intruders can exploit to acquire entrance to your devices. Firewalls help you identify such application bugs so that you can take preventive steps before any intrusion occurs.
Macros refer to blocks of pre-programming directives or C-statements in an application or software. It contains a series of connected actions under one command that run the process.
Hackers can design similar macros that work in an application. Now they will hide the macro in a data and send it to your network. Once the server allows the data to enter your computer, it will get administrative access to the application, creating a disaster. A firewall can detect a hostile macro during the scanning of the data packets attempting to enter your network.
Viruses, once on a computer, copy themselves and spread to another device on the network. Viruses can be used to do a variety of things, ranging from relatively harmless activity to erasing data on your computer. Firewalls can inspect data packets for viruses, but it is better to use antivirus software in conjunction with a firewall to maximize your security.
If viruses enter a computer, they can spread themselves to all connected devices. The impact of a virus attack can lead to the manipulation of your confidential data. Firewalls scan data packets that attempt to enter your network. It checks for viruses and blocks malicious data. However, it is ideal to execute antivirus software in association with a firewall to enhance your security.
A firewall is a crucial part of the organization for ensuring security. It delivers improved safety and privacy from exposed services. Further, it stops unauthorized users from entering a confidential network linked to the internet.
A firewall enables you to manage and revise the safety protocols effortlessly from a single delegated device. It protects your network system from cyber-attacks.
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install webroot download windows 10
install webroot download windows 10- Activate Webroot antivirus in your PC, Andriod or Laptops and protects them from the virus, spam & malware.
How can webroot.com/safe help me?
Webroot support specialists can lend you their hands to download, install and update Webroot Spy Sweeper Antivirus on your system. We can also correct all errors that can crop up when installing and configuring Webroot Antivirus on your PC. We can help you detect and remove malicious threats, malware, and spyware by doing a quick scan of all files and folders. With our robust technology, we can delete suspicious programs and infected files from your system. Our antivirus specialists can clean up all online threats, including Trojans, rootkits, keyloggers, and worms. We can optimize the speed and efficiency of your computer and also prevent it from becoming sluggish.
And now just give us the green light to remotely access your computer via the Internet and our certified technicians can protect you from identity theft and prevent unauthorized users from accessing your computer and personal data.
Where to seek out webroot Key Code?
The Webroot security package is simple for you to set up and installs at www.webroot.com/safe. So just find a 20-character alpha-numeric code written on the back of the retail card. Then here is a sample product key to understanding you:xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Welcome to install webroot secure anywhere with key code
Before you step ahead to install the software, confirm that you meet these conditions:
If you have an older version of Webroot antivirus on your System, either update it or reinstall it from the official website.
In case you have another antivirus, Uninstall it before downloading and installing Webroot safe as it might cause software conflicts and even affect a computer’s performance. Go to control panel/ settings to uninstall other antiviruses.
Make sure your computer has enough space to install the antivirus.
Before you purchase Webroot antivirus, it is essential to check for system specifications as you need to know which version of any Operating system supports a certain version of the antivirus.
If you already have been using Webroot antivirus, you simply need an upgrade and reactivate it.
install webroot download windows 10 Advantage for Businesses:
install webroot download windows 10 -Businesses require different multi-level protection as compared to private users. With smarter cyber protection, you can safeguard your employees and company with hassle multi-vector protection for desktops, laptops, virtual machines, tablets and smartphones with www.webroot.com safe especially home users. By providing Managed Service Providers with multi-vector security solutions, the Webroot Channel Edge Program promises recurring revenue, increased profitability, sales support and enablement tools. The brand’s cloud-based Threat Intelligence Services help to protect your customers with new unanticipated sophisticated online dangers. Read on to know the advantages that your business can enjoy with these services. You can try out each of these with free trials and choose the one that best suits your requirements to keep cyber threats at bay and gain complete control of your business. With Webroot Safe Install, you can protect your computers and devices.
Endpoint Protection – Endpoint protection is very crucial for every business computer and allied devices.
Countless mails have malicious attachments to phishing sites that serve as thriving ground for hackers, viruses and other malware. But if you secure your system with multi-vector protection, you can safeguard every endpoint across various users and prevent online attacks of all kinds.
Channel Edge MSP Program – This is designed to increase and improve the functioning of every business. Apart from protection you also get resources, flexible billing and easy management that is needed for flourishing your business by delivering superior services in every aspect.
Protection through Machine Learning – The Webroot Threat Intelligence platform is a cloud-based feature that aids every business with accuracy, context organizations and vendors that is needed to protect themselves as well as their customers across all online activities. Webroot Setup install helps you with antivirus installations.
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download webroot for windows 10
"Download webroot for windows 10 - To download, install and activate webroot on your windows pc visit official webroot websitewebroot.com/safe."
Welcome to installing webroot for windows 10
With the development of the digital world, online protection is crucial. It is extremely important to protect your PCs, Mac, computers as well as mobile devices and tablets with webroot.com/safe. This can be done with the help of effective internet security and anti-virus products from www.webroot.com/safe that safeguards all devices used on digital platforms. Webroot is a private American company that provides comprehensive internet security solutions for consumers as well as businesses with various products. These services are available for home based computers, small offices as well as large business enterprises by preventing potential dangers in real time whenever they connect in the digital space for both personal and professional purposes.
Instructions before installing webroot for windows 10
If you have an older version of Webroot antivirus on your System, either update it or reinstall it from the official website.
In case you have another antivirus, Uninstall it before downloading and installing Webroot safe as it might cause software conflicts and even affect computer’s performance. Go to control panel/ settings to uninstall other antiviruses.
Make sure your computer has enough space to install the antivirus
Before you purchase Webroot antivirus, it is essential to check for system specification as you need to know which version of any Operating system supports a certain version of the antivirus.
If you already have been using Webroot antivirus, you simply need an upgrade and reactivate it.
How to download and install webroot on windows 10?
Antivirus and cyber security products from this brand are easy to use and install and can be done in a simple manner by following a few steps. The security package offered by this brand is incredibly easy to setup and install. You can easily install and upgrade any of the Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus products that help you handle cyber security in the best possible manner.
Here is how you can do it in three simple steps:
Start with setup and install at webroot.com/safe by downloading the software that you can do without a CD or DVD. All you need is a good internet connection for the purpose.
You will find a 20 character alphanumeric code (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) which is your product key. If you buy retail card, you will find this unique code on the backside of the card that you need to enter.
Install Webroot with this Product Key by entering this unique product key to complete the installation process and clicking on the ‘Submit’ button.
With the Webroot.com/Setup Product Key, you can complete the installation process all by yourself. Here are a few troubleshooting tips for a smooth Webroot installation.
If the automatic download fails, you can call the helpline for assistance. Slow internet connections can lead to problems in downloading.
If you already have an antivirus installed on your device, you will have to uninstall that first and remove it completely from your system.
Ensure that the latest updates are installed on your operating system so that it is compatible with the Webroot antivirus.
Comprehensive Care and Protection
Download Webroot for windows 10 aims to offer complete protection of sensitive files across all your devices that include all kinds of iOS devices, OS devices as well as Android devices by encrypting them, controlling access as well as providing an audit trail for changes to these types of files. The company provides complete care by shielding devices through a wide range of services that include:
Webroot.com/Safe antivirus installation as well as uninstallation
Antivirus re-installation
Antivirus upgradation
Activate, upgrade as well as update webroot antivirus software
Webroot Setup antivirus settings as per specific system requirements
Scan the system and remove virus, spyware and every other malware along with every other potential threat that might damage your device
Fix, troubleshoot and resolve issues related to Webroot com Safe
Including installation
Customize Webroot antivirus settings to match your requirements with assistance from webroot.com/safe
Advantage for Businesses
Businesses require different multi-level protection as compared to private users. With smarter cyber protection, you can safeguard your employees and company with hassle multi-vector protection for desktops, laptops, virtual machines, tablets and smartphones with webroot.com safe especially home users. By providing Managed Service Providers with multi-vector security solutions, the Webroot Channel Edge Program promises recurring revenue, increased profitability, sales support and enablement tools. The brand’s cloud-based Threat Intelligence Services help to protect your customers with new unanticipated sophisticated online dangers. Read on to know the advantages that your business can enjoy with these services. You can try out each of these with free trials and choose the one that best suits your requirements to keep cyber threats at bay and gain complete control of your business. With download Webroot for windows 10 Safe Install, you can protect your computers and devices.
Endpoint Protection – Endpoint protection is very crucial for every business computer and allied devices. Countless mails have malicious attachments to phishing sites that serve as thriving ground for hackers, viruses and other malware. But if you secure your system with multi-vector protection, you can safeguard every endpoint across various users and prevent online attacks of all kinds.
Channel Edge MSP Program – This is designed to increase and improve the functioning of every business. Apart from protection you also get resources, flexible billing and easy management that is needed for flourishing your business by delivery superior services in every aspect.
Protection through Machine Learning – The Webroot Threat Intelligence platform is a cloud based feature that aids every business with accuracy, context organizations and vendors that is needed to protect themselves as well as their customers across all online activities. Webroot Setup install helps you with antivirus installations.
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ddevices · 2 years
Three reasons why organizations need MDR
Small-sized companies face security challenges. Although digital transformation has enabled companies speed up their launch times and shift essential services in cloud-based applications and services but it has also caused an increased dependence on technology, increasing their vulnerability and threat of cyber-attacks. They are investing money in enhance their online infrastructure, however they're not investing more resources to manage the cybersecurity risks.
On the other hand , there hackers operating at cloud-based infrastructures as well as MSPs. Recognizing MSPs are MSPs are third-party vendors, which could impact hundreds, perhaps hundreds of companies and are targeted by hackers using ransomware. If an attacker is able to gain access to the network using little resources, the likelihood of a successful ransomware attack increases by 700 percent.
To mitigate these risks, businesses aren't able to rely on the EDR and also the MSP and are looking for services of managed detection and response (MDR) services providers. These providers are no longer just for businesses and offer an essential and active security solution for businesses with limited resources which are in risk.
Three reasons for companies to think about collaborating with MDR.
1.) Threat actors pose a significant danger for businesses with limited resources.
The threat of malware continues to grow and create more sophisticated attacks that resource-strapped businesses are most susceptible to. They've devised automated attacks that are difficult to distinguish and look for low-hanging fruit, which is typically companies that don't have sufficient security measures in place or have the appropriate technology.
They're also shifting away from businesses with huge budgets and security teams, towards smaller companies which are more likely to be successful.
Attacks on resource-strapped businesses is more lucrative for malicious hackers
Hackers are getting noticed by targeting companies that have little resources. The number of ransomware attacks is increasing due to the fact that ransoms are still being paid, despite the drastic increase in the amount of ransom. Security experts are also showing an increase in their use of APT attacks. Companies continue to work in cloud-based services or third-party suppliers who have access to hundreds or hundreds of customers. Hackers could employ to use the APT attack to penetrate a enterprise in the hopes of gaining access to other companies. Since these companies are typically not as secure, it creates an opening for attackers to gain access.
Given the increased threat posed by ever-more aggressive actors, as well as the ever-changing nature of their attacks, businesses aren't able to rely on conventional security tools such as EDR tools or bare MSP services. They must look for innovative products and vendors that will increase their security in cyberspace.
2.) Insufficient resources can lead to an unsustainable environmental
Companies with limited resources face particular risks and cybersecurity concerns that companies do not have, making them the targets. The main reason for this is due to a lack of resources. They include:
Capability to recruit and keep cybersecurity talentA lower budget for cybersecurity usually will result in the absence of skilled personnel. Many companies lack the ability to recruit the most skilled cybersecurity experts. A lot of people prefer larger corporations or firms which are specialized in security, and this may make it harder for hiring.
A difficulty in understanding the market for vendors and tools and marketsThe range of methods and tools for security makes it difficult to navigate through the market, even for experts. Smaller companies might not have the expertise to choose the right tools. After you have purchased the security software, it might not be the best option for your business's needs. This can cause in an excessive amount of signalling and alerts, as well as a flood of data that doesn't lead in the improvement in security.
The lack of prioritization causes in less cyber-resilience:Cybersecurity isn't on the top of any prioritized list of a resource-constrained company's priorities which results in less dedicated resources. If there's not enough time or attention, or funds available, the company may not have the technology or processes to stop malware from infiltrating their network and also preventing negligence by employees from causing a breach , or not reacting in time in the case of a breach to occur. The business will be in a slack in security for cybersecurity and could be at risk of the risk of becoming more vulnerable.
Compliance is getting more difficult:Without the proper structure and procedures or controls in the proper place the organization may not be able meet the standards required for compliance. Because risk from third party sources is a constant issue for regulators businesses could be exposed to penalties in the case of data violations.
3.) MSPs don't have the capability to address specific cybersecurity issues.
A lot of organizations are working in partnership with MSPs to providing IT assistance. They might think they can depend on the MSP to provide them with the cyber security they need. But, the capability of of an MSP isn't a comprehensive solution, and trusting the services of an MSP could cause more harm than benefits.
MSPs do not have the specialized cybersecurity expertise or services to safeguard and assist companies identify and respond in the event of an attack. Because of their extensive number of customers, they can also be slow in responding or offer support, which could cause in destruction when a company is targeted. Certain MSPs aren't available on weekends or during off-hours This is a significant problem since hackers don't work during normal hours.
MSPs also offer licenses for vendors as well as automated on-boarding. They're often not in a position to offer the best security solutions because their technology partners tend to concentrate on standard IT services. This could result in slow times of launch in departments that aren't able to afford waiting.
A well-managed detection system and device is an essential necessity in the present dangerous world
MDR solutions are specifically designed to improve cyber security via security monitoring that is available 24/7. A lot of MDR providers services are able to work with companies instead of being a privilege available only to large corporations. Many MDR firms are adapting their services to meet the requirements of resource-strapped businesses and are expanding into new markets to help smaller companies. If you are looking to find MDR services, companies must choose a provider who has developed the MDR solution specifically to those that has limited resources, which will allow businesses to reap the maximum benefits provided by the MDR service.
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the-hacker-news · 11 months
Guide: How vCISOs, MSPs and MSSPs Can Keep their Customers Safe from Gen AI Risks
The Hacker News : Download the free guide, "It's a Generative AI World: How vCISOs, MSPs and MSSPs Can Keep their Customers Safe from Gen AI Risks." ChatGPT now boasts anywhere from 1.5 to 2 billion visits per month. Countless sales, marketing, HR, IT executive, technical support, operations, finance and other functions are feeding data prompts and queries into generative AI engines. They use these tools to write http://dlvr.it/SyhjXw Posted by : Mohit Kumar ( Hacker )
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uplevelsystemsblogs · 2 years
Top Trends in Managed Firewall Service that SMBs must look out for in 2022 | Uplevel Systems
So you run a small business facing an unmanageable number of cybersecurity threats, and you’re afraid for your business. Unlike your larger competitors, you don’t have extra staff or know-how to manage these complex cybersecurity issues. What do you do? You turn to a Managed Firewall Service.
A Managed Firewall Service is a combination of hardware and software, backed by a team of experts, that monitors and responds immediately to cyber threats. This team combines engineers from the vendors themselves, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) that install and monitor security applications, and a dedicated Security Operations Center (SOC). 
This combination brings you the needed security expertise and awareness without the significant ongoing investment that it previously took.
Managed Firewall Service Trends SMBs should look for
Here are some Managed Firewall Service trends to look out for in 2022.
1. SaaS Firewalls on the Rise
According to Sanchez & The Dell’Oro Group, SaaS and virtual firewalls are predicted to grow by a whopping 25% CAGR between 2021 and 2026. Traditional, buy-and-own physical firewalls are not expected to grow much, if at all. Firewall-as-a service is eating their lunch. The world is going subscription!‍
2. End-user Education is Key
The rise of remote work directly conflicts with the need for a consistent security posture across the business. Most employees don’t associate their home computers and entertainment devices with corporate security threats, and frequently don’t even bother securing them.
This carelessness could become a tool for hackers, who can gain access to your network through these employees. Educating the end-user is important: according to The 2022 State of IT, 76% of companies surveyed plan to invest in security training tools for their employees.
3. Bringing on an MSSP
You may think that just buying and installing a firewall will keep you safe. Not at all! Even the most powerful firewalls need to be properly configured, maintained and monitored. 
Chances are that your current staff will be out of their depth when trying to manage the corporate firewall; this is is why even large enterprises are resorting to bringing on managed security service providers (MSSPs), rather than relying on their in-house staff. It just makes more security sense, and saves time and money into the bargain.
4. Multi-factor Authentication
Keyloggers and password-cracking software are now easily accessible to even the most unskilled cybercrackers; so insurance companies are demanding that Multi-Factor Authentication be used across the board in order to put a policy in place.
MFA is only slightly more tedious than a basic username/password, but offers an order of magnitude more security. The 2022 State of IT survey indicates that 68% of businesses are planning to mandate MFA in the next year. Shouldn’t you?
‍Take your security up a notch with Uplevel Systems
It’s 2022, the pandemic is in the rear-view mirror, but many SMBs continue to support a work-from-home or hybrid work policy. The employee retention and efficiency gains justify at least some level of work-from-home. However, remote workers are far more susceptible to cybersecurity threats, and can easily compromise the entire corporate network.
Uplevel comes to the rescue with its robust, cloud-managed firewall as a service; its powerful VPN technology; and its Secure Remote Worker gateways, that allow the MSP or MSSP to extend the corporate security perimeter into the home – without on-site visits or interfering with the employee-owned devices!
Source: https://www.uplevelsystems.com/blog/top-trends-in-managed-firewall-service
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ipmcomputers · 2 years
Healthcare Clients
When it comes to needing a strong cybersecurity program, don’t overlook the opportunity that the healthcare industry presents. There is a market here that MSPs should be focused on as a way to grow their business. Why Focus Here? Healthcare continually remains one of the largest targeted industries for cybercriminals. The payoff for a data breach in healthcare is high given the value of patient health data. The difference between responding to a hacker can mean life and death – not to mention the hefty HIPAA fines that can go along with a data breach. Is HIPAA the Same as Cybersecurity? There may be confusion around the difference in what a HIPAA program is, and how it relates to cybersecurity. Compliance with HIPAA rules and regulations is heavily dependent on a strong cybersecurity program. But they are not the same thing. If a healthcare business is not adhereing to a strong cybersecurity program, they likely have security gaps that provide points of access for a cybercriminal. Cybersecurity is part of a HIPAA compliant program. Identify Risk Conducting an annual Security Risk Assessment (SRA) is part of a your client offering. In healthcare, an SRA is required. This can act as a conversation starter for potential new clients that are in healthcare, or as a way to grow your existing clients that work in the industry. Available Tools Healthcare businesses need a strong cybersecurity program. Don’t hesitate to grow this side of your MSP business based on uncertainty about HIPAA. As a Breach Secure Now partner, you have our team of experts ready to assist you! Our compliance, training, and security programs address the threats of cybercrime that healthcare businesses face on an ongoing basis. Ready to learn more? Let’s talk today! The post Healthcare Clients appeared first on Breach Secure Now!. The post Healthcare Clients appeared first on IPM Computers LLC. from https://www.ipmcomputers.com/
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phen-ai · 3 years
What is the difference between MSSP and CSP? Why is it important to have MSSP for your organization?
A managed service provider or MSP is a company that remotely manages an organization's IT infrastructure or end-user system so that the company can focus its attention on its core operations. MSP services can range from monitoring a network to providing software or hardware to specialized services like remote firewall administration. Some Managed Security Service Providers specialize in specific parts of IT, like data storage, while others focus on markets like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. MSPs typically work on a proactive basis, under a monthly subscription model, usually a flat fee per device or user or a flat fee for an all-inclusive plan that covers everything the MSP offers. MSPs are most popular among small and medium-sized businesses because these businesses have limited in-house capabilities. And MSP is an ideal way to get IT expertise with limited investment. However, large enterprises can also use MSPs. Often to supplement in-house IT staff during a budget crunch, for instance.
MSP is often used synonymously with a cloud service provider or CSP or Managed Security Service Provider, MSSP. But there are some key differences. While an MSP handles all kinds of IT functions, a CSP specifically handles IT needs in the cloud, including software as a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service. An MSSP, as the name suggests, is focused on security. While MSPs might offer some security support, an MSSP will typically provide varying levels of continuous security monitoring, vulnerability, risk assessment, threat intelligence, and intrusion management. 
Technology is improving, and so cyber threats are getting more sophisticated nowadays. Keeping the digital network and infrastructure up to date and safe from hackers has become a much-needed activity for every organization around the globe. Achieving a high level of cybersecurity of your own might not always be possible, and you need a cybersecurity partner with the right skills, tools, and Artificial Intelligence software to provide continual threat protection.
Canfield CyberDefense Group or CCG is one of the best leading MSSP with cutting-edge AI-powered security solutions to protect and safeguard your network from unknown cyber threats. CheckMate, managed by Phen.AI from CCG, is one of the best available solutions to ensure the highest level of network security with competitive prices.
Benefits of Managed Security Services by CCG:
Effective management and quick response to threats 
Get experienced security experts to manage your network
Scalable and flexible enough to handle security workloads
Reduce security-related operating costs.
Get real-time Network Traffic Monitoring, detect hacking activities, denial of services, other cyberattacks and gather info from would-be attackers and respond to the threat before an attack with our high-end Managed Security Service. For more information, visit www.phen-ai.com. Call at (240) 390-3978 or Email at [email protected] to have a quick assessment of the risks our computer network might have.
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ddevices · 2 years
Ransomware presently strikes one of every 40 associations each week, Check Point finds
Distributors targeted
As for industry-specific, the information paints a worrying picture for VARsand distributors, and systems integrators. In Q2, the industry witnessed a 143% rise in ransomware-related attacks in comparison to the same timeframe last year . That's equivalent to one out of 47 organizations affected every week.
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The increase was only exceeded with the Retail and Wholesale sector's jump of 182%. Government and Military saw the third highest growth, with 135 percent.
In the Education and Research sector was discovered to be the most targeted sector in the world with the average of 2,300 attacks per week by an organization (up 53 percent). Government and Military were second with 1,620 incidents (+44 percent) and then ISPs as well as MSPs that recorded 1,397 (+29 percentage).
The healthcare sector was hit by a massive 40% increase in 1,342 attacks per organization each month, CPR found.
Double-extortion     ransomware makes average payment to close 1 million
How     to ensure you don't get attacked through ransomware 2022
"The willingness of organizations to comply with ransomware demands to protect their patients has shown that the business of ransomware can be extremely profitable. We can therefore observe that hackers are continuing to put resources into targeting healthcare institutions," Dembinsky continued. Five minutes and 0 seconds 23 seconds Volume by region Africa is the region most targeted in Q2, averaging 1,758 attacks per week per organization (up by 3%) in the first quarter, then Asia's 1684 (+25 percent) and South America's 1,602 (+29%).).
Check Point reiterated that ransomware attacks usually result of employee inexperience and poor routines. Check Point stressed precautionary measures like regularly backup of data, having a proactive strategy that includes the process of scanning and filtering content and maintaining systems to the latest.
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daniloqp · 3 years
Kaseya Ransomware's nightmare is over
Kaseya Ransomware's nightmare is over
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Almost three weeks makes a ransomware attack against little known computer software company called Kaseya turned into a full-blown epidemic, with hackers grabbing computers up to 1,500 companies, including a major Swedish grocery chain. Last week, the famous group behind the hack disappeared from the Internet, leaving victims with no way to pay and release their systems. But now the situation seemed close to finally being resolved, thanks to the surprise appearance on Thursday of a universal decryption tool.
The July 2 hacking was almost as bad. Kaseya provides IT management software that is popular among so-called managed service providers, which are companies that offer IT infrastructures to companies that prefer not to handle them themselves. By exploiting a bug in an MSP-centric software called Virtual System Administrator, the REvil ransomware group was able to infect not only those targets but also its customers, causing a wave of devastation.
In the weeks that followed, the victims effectively had two options: pay the ransom to recover their systems or rebuild what was lost through backups. For many individual companies, REvil set the ransom at approximately $ 45,000. He tried to shake up MSPs for up to $ 5 million. Originally, it also set the price of a universal decoder at $ 70 million. The group would later go down to $ 50 million before fading, probably in an attempt to go down during a time of high tension. When they disappeared, they took their payment portal. The victims were stranded, unable to pay even if they wanted to.
Kaseya spokeswoman Dana Liedholm confirmed to WIRED that the company obtained a universal decoder from a “trusted third party,” but did not detail who provided it. “We have a team working actively with our affected clients and will share more information on how we will make the tool available as these details become available,” Liedholm said in an emailed statement, adding that the broadcast to the victims had already begun, with the help of the antivirus company Emsisoft.
“We are working with Kaseya to support their customer engagement efforts,” Brett Callow, Emsisoft’s threat analyst, said in a statement. “We have confirmed that the key is effective in unlocking the victims and we will continue to support Kaseya and her clients.”
Security firm Mandiant has been working with Kaseya on the repair more broadly, but a Mandiant spokesman referred WIRED to Liedholm when asked for more clarity on who provided the decryption key and how many victims still needed it.
The ability to release all devices that remain encrypted is undeniably good news. But the number of victims left to help at the moment may be a relatively small piece of the initial wave. “The decryption key is probably useful for some customers, but it’s probably too late,” says Jake Williams, technical director of security firm BreachQuest, which has several customers who were affected by the REvil campaign. This is because anyone who could reconstitute their data, through backups, payments or others, would probably have already done so. “The cases where it’s likely to help the most are those where there’s some unique data in an encrypted system that just can’t be reconstituted significantly in any way,” Williams says. “In these cases, it is recommended that these organizations pay for the decryption keys immediately if the data was critical.”
Many of REvil’s victims were small and medium-sized businesses; as MSP customers, they are definitely the types who prefer to outsource their IT needs, which in turn means they are less likely to have reliable backups readily available. Still, there are other ways to rebuild data, even if it means asking customers and suppliers to ship everything they have and start over from scratch. “Someone is unlikely to hold out hope of a key,” Williams says.
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the-hacker-news · 1 year
Webinar: Tips from MSSPs to MSSPs – Building a Profitable vCISO Practice
The Hacker News : In today's fast-paced and ever-changing digital landscape, businesses of all sizes face a myriad of cybersecurity threats. Putting in place the right people, technological tools and services, MSSPs are in a great position to ensure their customers' cyber resilience.  The growing need of SMEs and SMBs for structured cybersecurity services can be leveraged by MSPs and MSSPs to provide strategic http://dlvr.it/SmTGj4 Posted by : Mohit Kumar ( Hacker )
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verdantislife · 4 years
Increased Threat to Master Service Providers 2019 saw Master Service Providers (MSP) coming under increased attacks and their tools faced breaches that were used to manage customer IT systems. Even prominent IT companies faced phishing attacks and employee data got compromised. The leaked data was used by hackers to launch serious attacks on innocent individuals. It was estimated that the hackers used tools to gain a deeper connection into the customer networks. MSPs are usually trusted in the client’s networks, so it can easily be expected that hackers will continue with their activities and use MSPs to hack customer data in the coming year as well. Checkout Cyber Security Services by verdantIS,net 
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dileepdy1999-blog · 7 years
Installing Webroot on Windows 10
Businesses require different multi-level protection as compared to private users. With smarter cyber protection, you can safeguard your employees and company with hassle multi-vector protection for desktops, laptops, virtual machines, tablets and smartphones with www.webroot.com safe especially home users. By providing Managed Service Providers with multi-vector security solutions, the Webroot Channel Edge Program promises recurring revenue, increased profitability, sales support and enablement tools. The brand’s cloud-based Threat Intelligence Services help to protect your customers with new unanticipated sophisticated online dangers. Read on to know the advantages that your business can enjoy with these services. You can try out each of these with free trials and choose the one that best suits your requirements to keep cyber threats at bay and gain complete control of your business. With Webroot Safe Install, you can protect your computers and devices.
Endpoint Protection – Endpoint protection is very crucial for every business computer and allied devices. Countless mails have malicious attachments to phishing sites that serve as thriving ground for hackers, viruses and other malware. But if you secure your system with multi-vector protection, you can safeguard every endpoint across various users and prevent online attacks of all kinds. Channel Edge MSP Program – This is designed to increase and improve the functioning of every business. Apart from protection you also get resources, flexible billing and easy management that is needed for flourishing your business by delivery superior services in every aspect. Protection through Machine Learning – The Webroot Threat Intelligence platform is a cloud based feature that aids every business with accuracy, context organizations and vendors that is needed to protect themselves as well as their customers across all online activities. Webroot Setup install helps you with antivirus installations.
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Why Does A Manufacturing Business Need A Managed Service Provider
When it comes to maintaining and managing a business' IT infrastructure, a managed services provider is an excellent solution. Regardless of the size of your business, an MSP can prove to be beneficial in a plethora of ways. No wonder the demand for managed services providers is increasing rapidly. Especially now, when the entire world is going through difficult times due to the Coronavirus outbreak. 
Today, businesses from almost every industry rely on managed services providers. And the manufacturing industry is no exception. It looks like MSPs are not just for IT solutions for small and medium businesses anymore.
Over the years, we have seen a spike in the number of manufacturing companies relying on MSP for their IT needs. 
You must be wondering, does a manufacturing company really need a managed service provider?
Well, you're in luck. In this article, we will discuss four reasons how MSPs can benefit manufacturing companies as well.
So, let's get started.
4 Reasons Why Your Manufacturing Company May Need An MSP
Reason #1 - Cloud Management
COVID-19 has brought about the dawn of complete digitisation. As a result of which businesses from every industry have started expediting their cloud migration. It gives them all the more reasons to rely on managed services providers. Also, manufacturers today are flexible on collaborating with IT experts and would rather hire remote IT teams for their cloud migration. It gives them the agility, mobility, and versatility they need all while saving the cost of hiring an in-house team. 
Reason #2 - Improved Security
A manufacturing company is always at high risk from hackers. A company can lose millions if there is a data breach. And this can ruin a business. With an MSP, a manufacturing company can avoid these cyber attacks. They have the expertise to protect legacy systems and can install software that can protect your business efficiently. They regularly monitor your IT infrastructure and network to make sure it is intruder free at all times. One of their basic services also includes updating your old hardware and software. Apart from that, they adhere to and maintain security compliance.
Reason #3 - Connecting Data
To manage large volumes of data can be challenging. Identifying an efficient method to secure, and store these data as well as grant access to them is not easy either. And this is where the expertise of an MSP comes in handy. Since they already have the resources, tools, and experience to gain real-time data and manage them, it can prove highly beneficial for manufacturing companies.
Reason #4 - Increase Efficiency
For a manufacturing company, its productivity is vital for its success. A little bit of downtime can mean a significant loss to the company. A managed services provider ensures your business runs without any interruptions. They build a robust network system and frequently backup data to ensure your business runs effectively and efficiently. Even if there is a network outage, the issue is resolved instantly to avoid any loss of time or productivity.
A managed services provider can only add value to your business. The reasons mentioned in this article is proof that it is highly advantageous to companies from the manufacturing industry. We hope this article has helped you understand and clarify your queries. If you need more information, you can always contact us.
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