lgcsoyoun · 2 months
Episode 3: Sketches
Soyoun knows that today's video will be both one of the most interesting and labor-intensive for her as well as one of the hardest to explain to the viewers who aren't fashion students.
"Welcome to yet another episode of Astrid's Atelier!" She waves to the audiences. Zooming out, the viewers see that she's sitting in front of her desk with all her art materials out, as well as some fabric samples.
"As you see in the title, the next step in the fashion design process will be sketches!" Gesturing to her desk, Soyoun smiles as she anticipates the work she'll be doing for this. She purposely didn't work on this project so that the viewers will see how she does it in real-time (as well as see how much effort and time designers put into sketching the perfect outfit).
"Now we've done ideating and moodboarding, the next step is to actually sketch a tangible design." Soyoun already stretches her arms, knowing that she'll be doing this a lot. Thankfully, they have a free day today. She props up her sketchpad for the cameras and picks up her favorite pencil.
"Like I said, sketches are meant to present an idea in a tangible form. It's the barebones of the overall outfit, see?" Soyoun then flips to her previous sketches of other designs. "They can communicate the technical elements of an idea, including darts and seams, sleeve length, overall length, fit, shape, and more. I'll be using them as a blueprint for the first prototype."
This is going to be a long few hours of sketching. With her materials and ideas in tow, Soyoun knows she'll lose herself in her sketching, so she gets all the talking done out of the way. "You can sketch the traditional way, like I will be doing for this video." She then lifts her pencil, tapping it against a fresh page. "But other projects call for more digital means. And with that, let's get sketching! It's time to bring this vision to life!"
Just as Soyoun predicted, she loses herself in the world of futuristic fantasies with a touch of whimsy, because that's who she is. She imagines her muse as a game character who is meant to save the world. Yet, she keeps her heroine's outfit practical and true to the universe she'll be in. Of course, take the pieces apart, and her muse can wear them in her daily activities. Soyoun also throws in splashes of her muse's favorite colors... at least those that fit this universe she's sending her muse to.
Sketch, erase, pull her hair in frustration, drink some water; reply to a message from one of the other Crystallis members, occasionally complain to Max, ask her gamer friends for help, draw some more, play with paint samples. Rinse, then repeat. Soyoun supposes that this video will be fast forwarded.
It takes her several hours but she finally has a sketch she's satisfied with. Now, it's time to color it in and show the audiences. "This isn't meant to be perfect," Soyoun says. "It's just the barebones and the bare minimum of what to expect when everything comes together."
When it's all done, Soyoun then steps back and lets the camera film her final sketch.
"Tada! It's all done. This is just the overall tentative look. There are still other sketches to make, such as the technical ones for each piece of clothing that will go into this final piece, but that's for next time. I hope you enjoyed this episode and learned something from it. Always appreciate your designers! Skrrt skrrt! Byeeeee!"
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lgcsoyoun · 3 months
Episode 1: Introduction
ASTRID'S ATELIER EPISODE 1: Introduction + Getting Started
This is both the best and worst idea Soyoun's ever had, if she'll be honest with herself. Best, because she's passionate about what she'll be doing. Worst, because she'll be putting on a lot of pressure on herself to make this entertaining for the audiences. Feeling Eunjo unnie's blank stare, Soyoun decides it's a good sign as any to begin.
"What's up! It's your girl, Astriiiid!" Soyoun twirls in front of the cameras as she poses in her studio which doubles as both a personal practice room and an atelier. "Yes, you saw that right! I finally have my own YouTube show called Astrid's Atelier. Wooo!"
She dances around the studio, not caring about the cameras as she gestures to the space around her. "In this video, I will be merging two of the things I love outside of being an idol, namely fashion and art." Soyoun tries her best not to speak too quickly out of excitement. But it's not every day she gets to actually do what she likes and geek out about fashion and drawing.
"In this show, I will come up with an outfit for a specific person based on a concept or style that I think suits them. Then the rest of the videos will show you my creative process and how I actually make the outfit. In the end, our beloved muse shows up and tries the outfits." Soyoun then points to her moodboard, which is to be blurred by the editing team. "Right now, I just got confirmation from my lovely muse that she's available to be my muse and not anyone else's for now."
Soyoun is then seen walking around her studio, examining different fabrics, sketching several basic designs, and measuring her very blurry guest. The conversation between Soyoun and her guest is fast forwarded, but snippets of their conversation are also shown in subtitles.
Chuckling, she shoots finger guns at the cameras. "Yes, the guest at the end of the series is a girl. That's all I'm sharing with you guys. Do you have any suggestions for styles I should try designing? Or any specific vibes you want me to dabble in? Yes, this is completely up to you, because I feel like my biases of how well I know my lovely muse will get in the way. This is a test of both my skill and creativity, so hit me with your best shot!
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lgcsoyoun · 3 months
Episode 2: Ideation + Moodboarding
ASTRID’S ATELIER EPISODE 2: Ideation + Moodboarding
This is the first time Soyoun gets to show off her designing process since she graduated from university, so she's both excited and nervous to see how this goes. She's in the comfort of her studio as she sets up the cameras for today's video.
"What's up? It's your girl Astrid and welcome to yet another episode of Astrid's Atelier! I'm glad you guys aren't sick of me yet." She winks at the cameras as she shows off the space around her.
"After I got all your votes, the most I got was for techwear, so we will be dressing up my mystery muse in that aesthetic. And honestly, you guys chose well. I can't wait to see how my lovely muse will pull this off." Soyoun winks at the cameras. "But before we can get there, I'm afraid we'll be going on a long and creative journey before we have an actual outfit."
Soyoun then pulls out the scrapbook which she uses for mood boarding. "Before anything else, the first thing I do is brainrot. As the designer, it's up to me to create a cohesive design. To do that, I have to organize my ideas and inspiration into a mood board." She then opens her scrapbook to reveal several mood boards she made back in college. "As you can see, I organized my past ideas and inspirations into a mood board so I didn't lose sight of the vision I had for those outfits. Though I tend to use digital mood boards more, some of my less tech-savvy professors wanted a physical mood board hey could touch."
Soyoun then shows all the material she already gathered for this mood board. "As with every mood board, I collect inspiration. I look at magazines, books, photos, nature, and social media for images. It doesn't matter where you find your inspiration. It's totally up to you where you find it. In fact, for this one, I turned to lots of sci-fi films." As someone who isn't a fan of the genre, Alize would know how much of a sacrifice this is for her. "But wherever you choose to find your inspiration, you should house it in one location you can easily find. It can be a P*nt*r*st or M*l*n*t* board, a notebook, an album on your phone, or in this case, a scrapbook."
Soyoun then shows off what she has so far. When the camera zooms in, the viewers can see screenshots from sci-fi films and outfits worn by female video game characters. Then the camera pans to runway outfits from designers who have done techwear, as well as photos of weapons, sci-fi aesthetics, and blurred photos of Soyoun's muse. There are also song lyrics and movie quotes to help set the mood of the outfits. Finally, sharp-eyed viewers will see blurred doodles of Soyoun's muse in various poses and positions.
After this, Soyoun fears she'll lose the viewers once things get a little bit on the technical side. "Now that I have enough research material, it's time to compile them all. I like writing down and sketching my ideas for a design, silhouette, construction, material, and color of the outfit. It's a bit more on the technical end, so I will do a separate video of that if I don't bore you." Instead, the video shows a sped-up version of Soyoun through out various days, sometimes, the venues changing from her private studio to the dorms, and sometimes even during schedules, writing copious notes and doing lots of sketches until she comes out with one she's satisfied with.
When that's done, Soyoun is seen back in the studio, standing in front of a huge corkboard as seen in those police films. "Today, I'll be showing you guys how I do my moodboards! I'm making them bigger than usual so it's fun to film. And i also like the whole vibe of it looking like those suspect boards we see on TV. You'd think we were committing a crime after this." Laughing to herself Soyoun then starts assembling her mood board with the images she found for the look. "I don't just confine myself to fashion images," she admits to the camera. "I also included materials I think I could use like leather, metal, and other things that would fit." She gestures to the part where several fabric samples are pinned, as well as a few metal chains. Even several keychains of anime weapons are displayed.
"As you can see, this techwear look I'm going for is a futuristic, cyberpunk with a hint of video-game badass female protagonist," she says with a laugh. "This is hardly my usual style, so I am curious to see how my final look will turn out."
"To see what happens next, I hope to see you in a future episode of Astrid's Atelier. In the meantime, I better clean up and head to practice, or else Yamapi will have my head!"
Chuckling, she throws in one more thing for the audiences. "While waiting to see what happens next, I am curious to see who you all think my muse is! Those who get it right will get a... uhm... I don't know yet, but I will talk about it with my muse and the powers that be known as the managers. I really gotta go now. Skrrt skrrt!"
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