#mtp head cannons
wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request Moriarty The Patriot characters including Mycroft as fathers? Like would they be protective, caring, would they spoil them a lot yk just general things basically🤭
Omg that's such I cute idea, I'm always too lazy to include mycroft but I'll include him this time.
'•.¸♡mtp men as fathers♡¸.•'
Mtp x gn!reader (if I make reference to the reader but idk)
Fluff :)
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, John, Mycroft.
Tumblr media
William James Moriarty:
He will be such an excellent father, but won't pay as much attention to the child as he would like.
He is a maths professor so he'll teach his children about maths obviously, but he is occupied by his work at time and cannot spend as much time as he would like.
He will also teach them on like equality and decent human respect and how everyone should be treated equally because at the end of the day we are all homosapiens and shouldn't judge each other due to nasty stereo types and rumours.
Basically his child(ren) are well educated but still go to school cuz like they need to.
Also Louis teaches them basic kitchen skills.
Over all 9/10 father, the whole underground situation isn't the best regarding children yk
Louis James Moriarty:
He is protective as hell, like the house is baby proofed till the child is six or something.
But he will let the child explore its surroundings, especially in nature.
He's they type of guy to baby proof the plastic containers but let them walk to the very edge of a cliff yk.
He wouldn't actually let that happen but you get what I'm trying to say hopefully.
He child grows up around the smell of tea and obviously that's the only thing they drink.
Also he teaches them basic and simple culinary skills!
Louis also would educate his child(ren) about decent human respect and the child's uncle, William will teach them math in his spare time.
9/10 again the very deadly line of work thing isn't the best regarding children yk.
Albert James Moriarty:
He spoils them, need I say more?
Also he encourages them to play with other kids from lower classes.
He would be the most serious about tho and his drinking habits need to be reduced.
The child can't have such influences on its little mind.
Its uncles teach him a lot of things but Albert also contributes.
8/10 after, this time his legal and illegal line of work also his drinking habits, we don't want the child to grow up to be drinking alcohol 24/7.
Sherlock Holmes:
He is the fun dad, like all the kids love him.
But he can be low key scary when serious/angry but other than that he's chill yk.
John is child's favourite uncle, and it thinks Mycroft is low key scary.
Also Ms Hudson gives little Holmes candy cuz she can never resist the little kid.
It's the only reason why Sherlock isn't on the streets.
Also he spoils the kid.
7/10 father, he's like broke, smokes way too much, also his line of work isn't the safest (he got arrested and almost killed someone) but he will try and be careful.
John H. Watson:
He's an amazing father, he's really caring and soft.
He might spoil the child on a rare occasion but nothing too much.
Also if he thinks he'll endanger himself being sherlock's partner or like assistant idk but whatever he is to sherlock during working hours, he'll quit.
He doesn't trust sherlock with his child, like at all, he thinks sherlock will drop it or something.
10/10 father, he makes the child his first priority and shouldn't get shot death regarding his line of work.
Sebastian Moran:
I cannot see him as a father, like at all.
Mycroft Holmes:
He a stubborn father, but he has a soft spot for his child, it's honestly so sweet.
Like he would low key spoil the child but not too much and he'll be a very caring father.
Although when he gets mad or overly irritated the child is told to stop whatever they are doing in a harsher tone and either get told to go to their room or something similar depending on what they are doing.
But he apologise to the child and tells them what they did wrong.
His child will definitely grow up to have manners.
9/10 father, he gets irritated a bit too much.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry but bond isn't in here as well :(
I hope the request is to your liking tho!
Take care of yourself as much as you can and have a good day/night!
-love, tired Az :) <3
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yyutsuu · 1 year
Information + Masterlist
I had some trouble with the gmail I previously used, on my previous account, I have successfully figured it out and will continue to post on this account
(Please someone help me how do you work tumblr 😭😭)
Note that there most likely will be some sort of spoiler if you are not up to date with the series
I absolutely adore sherliam and William, so if I currently do not have any requests, expect sherliam or William posts.
(No exceptionally fancy layout because I am not able to figure how Tumblr works 💀💀)
Under normal circumstances, I will post once a week, though the amount of days may be shortened or extended by little amounts. That is depending on what I need to get finished during the week, since I usually try to fulfill requests.
I am currently taking requests.
Note that I will not write all requests, depending on the character and scenario (I may ignore a request if I know absolutely nothing about the topic or have not a clue on how to write it), processing time for any request may take up to weeks.
What I will write:
-Extremely thin chance I will write actual NSFW, maybe a few head cannons-
Character x reader insert
Character x character
Romantic relationship
Platonic relationship
Mostly gender neutral reader
If not requested and involves body parts will mostly be gender neutral
If no detail on gender and involves some type of body part I will go with male
(Will update if I realize I have forgotten anything)
What I will not write:
As said before most likely no NSFW except head cannons
Lime of underage characters (obvious no NSFW)
Usual boundaries (I do not feel like listing them all 💀)
(Will update if I realize I have forgotten anything)
Masterlist (characters I will write for):
William James Moriarty:
Sherlock Holmes:
Albert James Moriarty:
Louis James Moriarty:
Henry Antrim:
Fred Porlock:
Sebastian Moran:
James Bond/Irene Adler:
Von Herder:
Mycroft Holmes:
(If a character who is not present on the list is requested I will most likely accept it and add them)
(Will update if I realize I have forgotten anything)
There is barely any mtp content on Tumblr ughh
I love those silly little fellas so much it’s painful
(English is not my first language and it also is not my last, so forgive me for any grammar mistakes)
-yyutsuu on Tumblr and Wattpad-
!! Please refrain from reposting my work without permission !!
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