wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request Moriarty The Patriot characters including Mycroft as fathers? Like would they be protective, caring, would they spoil them a lot yk just general things basically🤭
Omg that's such I cute idea, I'm always too lazy to include mycroft but I'll include him this time.
'•.¸♡mtp men as fathers♡¸.•'
Mtp x gn!reader (if I make reference to the reader but idk)
Fluff :)
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, John, Mycroft.
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William James Moriarty:
He will be such an excellent father, but won't pay as much attention to the child as he would like.
He is a maths professor so he'll teach his children about maths obviously, but he is occupied by his work at time and cannot spend as much time as he would like.
He will also teach them on like equality and decent human respect and how everyone should be treated equally because at the end of the day we are all homosapiens and shouldn't judge each other due to nasty stereo types and rumours.
Basically his child(ren) are well educated but still go to school cuz like they need to.
Also Louis teaches them basic kitchen skills.
Over all 9/10 father, the whole underground situation isn't the best regarding children yk
Louis James Moriarty:
He is protective as hell, like the house is baby proofed till the child is six or something.
But he will let the child explore its surroundings, especially in nature.
He's they type of guy to baby proof the plastic containers but let them walk to the very edge of a cliff yk.
He wouldn't actually let that happen but you get what I'm trying to say hopefully.
He child grows up around the smell of tea and obviously that's the only thing they drink.
Also he teaches them basic and simple culinary skills!
Louis also would educate his child(ren) about decent human respect and the child's uncle, William will teach them math in his spare time.
9/10 again the very deadly line of work thing isn't the best regarding children yk.
Albert James Moriarty:
He spoils them, need I say more?
Also he encourages them to play with other kids from lower classes.
He would be the most serious about tho and his drinking habits need to be reduced.
The child can't have such influences on its little mind.
Its uncles teach him a lot of things but Albert also contributes.
8/10 after, this time his legal and illegal line of work also his drinking habits, we don't want the child to grow up to be drinking alcohol 24/7.
Sherlock Holmes:
He is the fun dad, like all the kids love him.
But he can be low key scary when serious/angry but other than that he's chill yk.
John is child's favourite uncle, and it thinks Mycroft is low key scary.
Also Ms Hudson gives little Holmes candy cuz she can never resist the little kid.
It's the only reason why Sherlock isn't on the streets.
Also he spoils the kid.
7/10 father, he's like broke, smokes way too much, also his line of work isn't the safest (he got arrested and almost killed someone) but he will try and be careful.
John H. Watson:
He's an amazing father, he's really caring and soft.
He might spoil the child on a rare occasion but nothing too much.
Also if he thinks he'll endanger himself being sherlock's partner or like assistant idk but whatever he is to sherlock during working hours, he'll quit.
He doesn't trust sherlock with his child, like at all, he thinks sherlock will drop it or something.
10/10 father, he makes the child his first priority and shouldn't get shot death regarding his line of work.
Sebastian Moran:
I cannot see him as a father, like at all.
Mycroft Holmes:
He a stubborn father, but he has a soft spot for his child, it's honestly so sweet.
Like he would low key spoil the child but not too much and he'll be a very caring father.
Although when he gets mad or overly irritated the child is told to stop whatever they are doing in a harsher tone and either get told to go to their room or something similar depending on what they are doing.
But he apologise to the child and tells them what they did wrong.
His child will definitely grow up to have manners.
9/10 father, he gets irritated a bit too much.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry but bond isn't in here as well :(
I hope the request is to your liking tho!
Take care of yourself as much as you can and have a good day/night!
-love, tired Az :) <3
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fancyfeathers · 28 days
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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The day Albert is arrested is the same day Andrei becomes the new Earl Moriarty. The night of William’s death and the manor is set ablaze by Albert, all the children and the darlings of William, Louis, and Albert get out when they are told to and gave to watch the life they knew burn up into ashes, but when Albert comes out to make sure they all are okay before having them taken to somewhere safe until the chaos is over, they are gone. Eloise and Andrei predicted this may happen with this last plan, so they packed suitcases in the garden shed so that when it was time to watch the flames rise they could run and not look back but no one knew where they went and Albert feared that his darling and family may have perished in the fire.
So when Albert stands in Mycroft’s office before he is to be imprisoned he asks Mycroft to look for his children and before Mycroft can even respond a new set of footsteps enters the room. Both Albert Mycroft look to see Andrei, dressed in fine clothes like an adult, clearly no longer a child. Albert immediately asks his eldest where are his sisters and cousins and Andrei tells him that they were staying with the young gentleman Eloise had been courting, but not like it mattered because none of them could sleep.
“I suppose as you know with your father’s arrest you shall become the new Earl Moriarty, and the Moriartys shall be treated the same it does the Holmes- as families who must shoulder the weight of sins and crimes-“
“No, I refuse to let that be the case.”
Andrei had never interrupted anyone before, let alone Mycroft. Andrei was livid at Mycroft’s statement and Albert was shocked that his sone would speak in such a way.
“When Eloise was six she had tried to stop her father and then Madeline as well, I eventually realized as well what was going on and so did Marguerite and Hyacinth. We know what they did to our mothers and it disgusts me, but we tried to stop them from damning themselves anyway because we believed that no one deserves to die. We lost our childhoods because of their obsession, possession, and a false sense of justice, so if you think I shall let myself or my current or future in bear the weight of their sins, you are sorely mistaken because none of us will do such a thing.”
“What has gotten into you, Andrei-“
“Lord Moriarty.”
“Excuse me?”
“Lord Moriarty, that is my title, father. The one I received today when your crimes have been brought before the crown. I am Lord Andrei Nicholas Moriarty from this day on, do lean to respect that seeing as you were not able to respect mother for all the years you were married- no… married is the wrong term, held her captive is a better description, do you not think?”
Albert is clearly taken aback by his son’s new behavior and just watches as he looks back at Mycroft again.
“I simply came here to tell you that none of my kin who caused the crimes against this nation shall bear the weight of what has happened. I vow to you that I shall not let these sins stain my name any further, I will work to restore my family’s honor by moving forward by giving us all a new start. If one should try to drag us down with what our fathers have done then I shall make sure personally that their plans will fail and defend those I consider my family till my dying breath, and no I do not consider my father family any longer, he is as dead to me as my uncle who died in that river last night. Now if you would excuse me, I have other things I need to tend to.”
Andrei leaves and Mycroft and Albert just sit there in the silence left behind. Then that was the last time Albert heard from Andrei for years, any of his children for that matter. Mycroft would write to Albert in his captivity and tell him of what he had heard his children and nieces were up to…
Eloise had become a well respected detective much like Sherlock Holmes and even took on a case all the way in the city of Venice, Italy, during their famous Carnival of Venice. Also hearing she is to become a Duchess when she married her betrothed who has recently become a Duke in his own father’s retirement.
Madeline he heard was now a professional fencer and had also begun teaching at a women’s university, becoming a professor just like her father, though Madeline taught science and not mathematics.
Marguerite was traveling Europe with her mother, Albert’s darling, even getting to meet many famous and noble people throughout the nations they have seen, getting to have tea with the Grand Duchess of Russia when visiting Moscow.
Hyacinth’s life was much the same due to her condition, living with Andrei in their townhouse in Mayfair, though since she was becoming of age she had received many new suitors who had which never been allowed before due to the overprotectiveness of her father and uncles. And apparently she rather fancied this one future Marquess.
Then there was Andrei, he was told about Andrei the most. Mycroft sent him clips of newspaper articles that were about him, the new bill he helped to have passed, the new charity he was funding, the opera house he had rebuilt. Andrei never cared for the public opinion, he just cared about doing the right thing and punishing the wrong. Andrei kept his word in rebuilding his name, people saw him as strong for overcoming all the hardships in his life. It was like Whitley all over again, but unlike Whitley, Andrei never lost hope even in the darkest of times and learned how to properly protect the people he loves.
The one thing that Mycroft does not tell Albert is what he does not know. Andrei, Eloise, and Eloise’s Fiancé, Nathaniel Briar, are beginning to form a network, an organization dedicated to stamping out illegal acts in the underworld that may affect the current society, refusing to let anything like what happened before happen again (sort of like the Aristocrats of Evil from Black Butler). Now while Mycroft and the MI6 may not be aware of this organization yet, they will be because of the threat it may pose to the MI6 soon enough.
(Also I did some post timeskip sketches of Andrei and Marguerite. I didn’t do too much with Andrei from his previous design besides giving him a green carnation on his left lapel. Then Marguerite I gave her less modest clothing for the time because she is either at the beach in France on her travels with her mother or coming back from a sniper job after being recruited into the organization that Andrei is making and all those heavy petticoats and hard to breath and stiff blouses makes it hard to shoot.)
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illamda-spaminations · 2 months
I find it so interesting that during the Twisted Hearts OP, when the song goes "I feel you sins all the time", they showed Mycroft and Albert respectively. While Mycroft does not understand/know everything that's going on with the LOC and Moriarty & co., I do believe he understands how Albert feels, especially about taking the punishment on himself.
For example: This scene in MTP, post-Final problem
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He understands because he knows Albert and, more importantly, he has been there, it's just the circumstances and the consequences of the decision is very different. The reason he dedicated his life to working for the government was because of his father's involvement in the French Revolution. He wanted to repent on behalf of him, so he decided to take on that punishment, protecting Sherlock in the process. Albert does something very similar, he takes on the atonement so Louis doesn't have to. He believes Louis deserves so much more than punishment; he deserves a fulfilling life, a happy one, or at least as happy as it can get, and above all, the one who should reap the crops William sown [I should REALLY make a separate post on Louis ye gods-].
Mycroft could've let the Moriarty brothers do what they saw fit, as long as he was spared from the brutality, but instead he threatens them. If they don't put the country's future and prosperity first, Mycroft will personally "annihilate" him [his words not mine].
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This scene really goes to show that Mycroft is genuinely dedicated to the Empire, he is very intent to serve for the country's future, but it's not blind loyalty, it's him being bound to it, it's the least he could do to make up for his father's sins [sins of the father am I right?] and it's the same for Albert. He and Mycroft love their younger brothers, to the point of sacrificing themselves in order to protect them, to make sure they live as they please, free of guilt. The difference is that Mycroft changed over time, he started to loosen up. The first time we see him outside of his office for non-work related matters was with meeting everyone in the dinner party. And for Albert? Time stopped turning entirely. The moment he entered the tower was the moment he couldn't go back. It was him, his thoughts and the messages from Mycroft to distract him. The only person who could convince him to come out of his prison and start living was William; because William's actions, sins, guilt and will to die was the very reason why Albert chose his punishment.
In comparison, Mycroft's self enforced punishment was lighter to Albert's. While Mycroft has to deal with constant stress [this is not really canon, but considering that he's referred to as the government, yeaaaaa I think he's gonna be stressed af] and grief, Albert had to deal with a spiral towards insanity, grief, religious guilt for the Moriarty plan and his compulsive thoughts. And he's sure as hell isn't going to stand on his own for a while after that.
Another thing [this time it's actually related to my point :0] is exactly when the two show up. Mycroft shows up around the lyrics "I feel your sins" while albert shows up around "all the time", which further proves my point. Since Sherlock and William showing up around the point of "I can't feel your love but I can give you love" basically describes Sherlock's goal of saving William and their relationship in a nutshell.
"I don't know if you see me as a friend but I'll see you like that anyway, and save you, just like what I would do to another friend."
What's not to say the same can be true to Mycroft and Albert?
"I can never truly understand what you are going through, but I will always understand how you feel."
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briefpeachdinosaur · 23 days
Mtp the remains ending was beautiful
I'm really exited for part 2 of the story
It makes me so emotional that these 2 had another child after all the suffering and I liked how it is Shows and proved that Williams Actions weren't just spilling blood but also acually being abel to help the people who he helped.
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I also liked how they insisted that they have to make another family picture with everbody in it this time.
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Plus I'm sooo happy for my girl Helena I love her so much !!! And that she and her father are back togehter made me so happy!!!! But I wonder if she will show up again just like the other Helena.
I loved remains alot but I thought it was way to short but it makes sense, it was only meant to be a small series on a few events that happend but were Importend thats why I'm really exited for part 2 of mtp.
I hope we get to see more of the characters themselfs as individualls and there feelings, views and more specially the ones that didn't had alot of screentime or we don't know alot about.
Tags! @wolliak @viiper1 @diveintovortex
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rifulofthewest · 15 days
Okay, I've done some research on my previous question and now I'm going to summarise the information
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Disclaimer: I'm not British; my country lost its nobility in the 1400s and we had different titles for them; I don't understand all these British nobility titles but I tried to if any person who really understands how it works sees mistakes and wants to correct me, please do (but gently), I will really appreciate it
At the start, let me remove the semantic:
• Count = Earl
The term "count" was used by the English for a short period of time, it originated and belongs to continental Western Europe
• The two terms mean the same thing
• Calling earls "counts" is a modern perception, there was no such thing in 1866 (years when the events in the manga begin), so mtp translation has a stylistic mistake
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1) Firstly, I went to look up what Earls owned, did for a living and why the title was given
• Earls owned large areas of land
it could be a fairly large number of neighbouring cities (which formed their earldom - their own small kingdom) or many small territories in different parts of the Empire (county)
• they collected taxes from the people who lived on "their" land and did politics in the House of Lords
• since 1066 (again, in mtp the events begin in 1866), one could obtain the title only by being born into a family that already had owned it or by marrying a title holder
• A woman could be a title holder by herself (by birth right)
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2) Now it is easy to combine this with what mtp says
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• Both Albert's mother and father are holders of the Earl titles, individually
This is why his mother feels so confident in constantly questioning her husband's actions (and beating little Liam up) → she is wealthy and does not need to hold on to the money and security that marriage offers to other women in the Empire. She has had it all her life; they are in equal financial positions
• Combination of land owned by two Earl title holders is a very large land area
• It (surprise for me) is really enough for them to collect taxes from the people who live on land they own to be able to live without additional work or worry
• They are far from the first Earls in their families, so their capital accumulations are gigantic
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Just imagine, Albert's work in the army and MI6 was just for the future implementation of the plan, they didn't need this money at all (+ Universal Export, the cover company for MI6 (which had to actually export something, otherwise it would be too easy to reveal them))
+ Will's professor's money
In those years, professors in prestigious schools/ universities earned a lot because the profession was only for the rich
Going back to my original question, Albert's father worked as an Earl. That's it.
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mayuichi · 8 months
“Rest assured, it is not mine.„
William James Moriarty x fem!reader Warnings: dark contents (murders, beating, blood, etc...), spoilers of MOSTLY the second season! be aware!
note: i'm so obsessed again over MTP, you can't know how much. i'm rewatching it rn, and i'll reread it too. ALSO i'm so sorry for my absence, i'm procrastinating and finding it hard to stay motivated, especially with my nausea, but it's slowly getting better so i hope i'll be capable to write more!
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Pictures from the anime Yuukoku no Moriarty / Moriarty the Patriot.
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Being the child of an earl isn't too hard. But as a woman, you are expected to be nearly perfect. Graceful, elegant, flawless, and charitable. Most respect you, or more likely.. fear your father. Speaking of which, you still live with your parents. You haven't found a suitable man yet. It was infuriating for your father, he wanted you to find a husband. But you couldn't care less for now. Strolling around in town is much more entertain than finding someone.
After one more heated argument with him, resulting in a red mark across your cheek like it happened so many time before, you call it a day and leave to your room for the night. Clutching on the plush you have managed to keep, you sit on your bed, staring at the moon through the window. Your mother didn't even tried to protect you, never. If only things could change.
Undressing yourself to slide on a warm robe, you close the curtains and fall on the soft mattress, engulfing in it, pulling the covers over your frame. Tomorrow is another day, it will all be okay.
At least, that's what you thought...
Awakening by a voice. You focus on it, only to realise it's a stranger. You've never heard them before... did you? Chills parkour through your veins, jolting you forward. You don't know who they are, nor what they want. But you don't want to stay near them.
Stepping cautiously out of your room, you hurry as best as you can to the front door. On your track, your gaze averts on a gruesome scene. Your father, resting in his blood, his life slowly fading from his body. With your mother, next to him, heavily injured. The footsteps behind you make you believe they're after you, now.
Sighing in relief when you finally see the front door. Your hands reach for the handle, your body freezes at the voice. “Leaving so soon? I've been told this family was full of cowards, but still...„ his voice malicious. You couldn't even move, feeling the tip of the blade against the back of your neck.
Just swallowing was hard. One bad move, and you'd die. Trying to take a deep breath. Your heart is pounding in your chest, your hands sweaty. “I... I am not like them..„. Hesitantly turning around, you could perceive one of his eyebrow raising. “The day... The day I'd be like them, I'd rather die...„
You don't even know half of what your father does, but all you've discovered about has never been good. A smirk displayed on the stranger's face, his golden locks falling ever so slightly above his scarlet eyes. “Hmm.. Interesting...„
Staring at him, also because you don't want to miss any of his action, your eyes get used properly to the dark, allowing you to see more of his features. And it isn't long before you recognise the second son of the Moriarty. A mathematics professor, and a noble, now pointing a blade at you.
However, he withdraws his blade, sheathing it back in his cane. Taking a step forward, he moves his hand across your cheek, his fingers grazing gently. “... Such a poor thing. I suppose it's a recurrent treatment, isn't it?„.
His touch, his words, his expression... It's so sweet, so caring. Is it truly the same man that has murdered your parents? With a sigh, he pulls away, thinking of a way to be sure you'd keep your silence over his true identity. But before he could utter a word, you got carried away and whispered your thoughts.
“I wouldn't mind... joining you. I want to be useful as well...„. Surprise filled his eyes. His piercing gaze staring right through your soul, he leans in, his tall frame towering over you. “Are you sure ? It is a dark and dangerous path. You shouldn't be impulsive.„. He hasn't dismissed you. He feels it in you, after all. That strength and resilience after all those years. This desire to be able to make a change. Even if you aren't a good fighter for now, you could become one.
His associates were unsure, at first. You were so fragile, so sensitive. How could you become useful ? But he kept believing in you, training you, and asking for Jake to train you as well. Within weeks, you were already close to be as good as them. You just lacked experiences.
And perhaps, everything that happened got you closer to their leader, the true Lord of Crime... William. He'd often invite you over tea, or to stroll around town. At this point, it became a habit of you, to go buy some pastries to a hardworking baker and have your tea party. It wasn't always just the two of you. Sometimes, Louis and Albert would join in, or even Bonde. It was such heartwarming times.
It has never been a surprise for you that in a middle of your discussions, William would suddenly fall over the couch and sleep. It always made you giggle quietly. But despite it, none of you took a step further. After all, neither knew if the others actually had feelings or if it was just a mere thought.
Months after you joined, William has went again with Louis only to take care of some aristocrats, with Fred's intel. Those nights are the worst. You're restless, incapable to be in slumber.
Sitting on your bed, in your robe, you hear the front door opening. Footsteps in the corridor, and the brothers' voice, casting each other's goodnights. Stepping out of your room, you gaze over William, blood soaked. “Is... is that blood?„
He turns around to face you, a gentle smile spreading when he sees you. “Rest assured, it is not mine.„. You blink, unsure of how you should feel. It's clear though, it isn't having the right effect. “Is that supposed to reassure me?!„
Your exclamation caught him off guard, and he walks closer, placing a comforting hand over your shoulder. “Isn't it usual now, though? You have seen me bloody a lot before.„. His words hit you like a train. You have seen him blood covered, yes, but your mind has never been calm about it.
“I know! I just-.. Ugh..„, anxiety floods you, your head lowering as you dismiss his hand. “I never said it was fine for me. It makes me worry. What if you get hurt?„. It's a stupid assumption, and you know it. He makes plan for every tiny details. He never leaves room for uncertainty.
Hurrying yourself to ask him to forget it, you go back in your room, closing the door behind you. Plopping on your bed, you can't help but hate yourself. Why are you so worried about him? He's not a child, and beside, he knows how to act upon unexpected twists. You pick the pillow, placing it in your arms, hugging it against you.
“... I hate it so much.„ you growl under your breath. Eyes closed and lost in your mind, you don't pay attention to the footsteps and the door opening. You only get out of your thoughts when you feel something, or rather someone, taking place on the mattress.
You turn around to see William sitting next to your laying form, his hand hovering over your hair, caressing it carefully. He has taken off his coat and changed his clothes to his usual sleep attire. “I find it flattering, you know? Your worries being on me. But I have my shares of worries over you, too.„ he chuckles.
It makes you groan silently, turning again to make him face your back. Seeing you holding your pillow so tight, he allows himself to lay beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Don't be upset, my dear. How about we plan a tea party tomorrow? As a token of apology for all those worries I fill your heart and mind with.„
Just the thought of it cracks a smile from you, and he sees it clearly. You slowly nod, closing your eyes as you lean further in his embrace. You know it wouldn't last forever, but you'd drown yourself in it for as long as it last.
It's an hour later he withdraws his arms from you, giving your hair one last stroke, before standing up. “I will see you tomorrow, my dear. Have a good night.„
As he walks away, you turn around, sitting up quickly, calling out his name. “... William!„. Your voice is so urgent, like your feelings are about to explode. “Yes?„ he turns to face you, his eyes softening at your desperate state.
“I...„ you hesitate. Is it truly a good idea to confess ? It isn't a secret for yourself anymore, you've fallen for him, smitten by his simple presence. But maybe it isn't a good thing to tell him... “... Take care... Goodnight...„
Something tells you by the look of his eyes, he knows you're hiding your feelings from him. But he doesn't push. Not yet. You're too vulnerable for now. He wants you to willingly admit them. He closes his eyes. “I will, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow.„ and with that, he leaves your room, the silence feeling it. Your feelings drowning you in slumber.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋmayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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muqingswife · 4 months
I saw you reblogging mtp content a few times on my dash, can you recommend me some good x reader fanfics? I'm new in this fandom I hope you will accept ☺️
OH MY GOD I HOPE I DIDNT MAKE YOU WAIT TOO LONG, i usually dont see my tumblr notifications 😞
well, answering your question, i only read william fanfics, here are some that i really like (obs: its 5am now in brazil, im dying of sleep and the sfw n nsfw r all mixed, in the beginning i tried to be more organised but now its a mess 🥴
of authors, I LOVE @moriartyluver and @pillow-anime-talk, they are definitely my favorite authors, you can read all their fanfics and ALL will be good but these are my favorites
https://www.tumblr.com/moriartyluver/704616356287578112/hi-how-are-you-if-someone-hasnt-already-id?source=share (ive lost count of how many times i re-read this
https://www.tumblr.com/moriartyluver/710434893110394880/may-i-request-william-as-a-father-hcs-preferably?source=share (i love everything that involves characters being parents, especially liam
https://www.tumblr.com/pillow-anime-talk/725758537229320192/hello-can-i-ask-for-prompt-1-family-fic-with?source=share (I WAS THE ONE WHO SENT THIS ASK, this fanfic will always have a special place in my heart
here are other fanfics, by different authors
https://www.tumblr.com/rosesrflo/694267122730336256/honey-just-put-your-sweet-lips-on-my?source=share (i love this one
thats it for now, tomorrow maybe ill add more because now im really falling asleep, i hope you like it!
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bluebellebarrett · 4 months
Mycroft Holmes. Again.
I guess this is my way of saying I'm back on my MTP bullshit? And that I am too far through a new fic for my school final to not be finished yet, but priorities. This would go where prologues usually go, if I actually end up finishing and posting this.
When he was a young child, sometime between the death of their mother and the beginning of his dubiously storied career at Harrow, Sherlock had come into possession of a pair of magnets. Mycroft could not remember the year, exactly, but he could remember the singleminded focus with which his younger brother set about discovering all of the magnets’ secrets. They had struck Sherlock as something arcane, bordering on magical, no matter how many times Mycroft had explained to him how they worked; Sherly had spent hours at a time determining how strongly the magnets would seek each other through a selection of materials at a variety of thicknesses. 
There would be a little crease that had appeared between his brows every time the magnets failed to find each other, and the only word Mycroft had had for it was disappointment. It had made his chest twinge, young as he himself was at the time. There was quite possibly nothing to be done about the strength of Sherlock’s magnets, but Mycroft has spent an entire night in their father’s study, searching through his books for some way to make it better. He’d read in detail about electromagnetic experiments, and had, for the first and only time, made the mistake of telling Sherlock something without supervising the effects it had on him, and, well. Despite the maid’s claims, Sherlock had not burned the house down, only scorched the drapery in the sitting room. Very heavily scorched, sure, with some damage to the crown moulding, but the house stood. So, too, did the point. 
From that day, Mycroft Holmes had thought he’d developed something of a sixth sense for when magnetism might lead to trouble. And yet, when he picked up the dossier on the British Indian Army’s most recent exploit in Amritsar, he hadn’t even felt a twinge. 
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
from the future to the past.
request: professional hacker!s/o whos very skilled in computers and building them, with terrifying abilities to gather intel,,,, also has a talent in making gadgets then time travels to mtp,,,, works for mi6, best buddies with von herder, close relationship with secretary holmes too,,,, how would the rest of the moriarty gang react? would they use them???  
# tags: headcanon; strangers to friends & strangers to lovers; time travel; hacker!reader; soft romance; a bit of comedy; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. whole mi6 {mtp}
author’s note: hey anonnie, sorry for waiting so long! thank you! hope you like it :)!
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↘ Your latest invention turned out to be the biggest and by far the most shocking success of your twenty-something life.
↘ And at the same time your greatest and most dangerous curse, because the last virtual time exchange program you created, which was made by the initiative of restoring old databases, took you... several hundred years back, to be more precise, to the end of the 19th century and on top of that to London city.
↘ You looked like a recluse among beautifully dressed ladies, children in clothes with long frills and gentlemen with tall hats and gold-trimmed coats.
↘ Your bright jeans, black sweatshirt with a huge hood and hair tied up in a loose bun were a comic image among the dressed-up nobility or even less wealthy townspeople. Your appearance and the fear in your eyes caught the attention of Albert and Louis Moriarty, who extended a helping hand to you without asking for anything else.
↘ At the MI6 hideout William spoke first, not convinced of your presence among them. At first he thought you were the enemy and wanted information about their group, but then when he started asking you about various names and situations that seemed logical to him, your expression didn’t become distrustful or deceitful in the slightest. He realized that this is not your world.
↘ On that day you told everything about yourself and the future that awaits humanity, as well as about their fame in later centuries. You told about the actions of Sherlock Holmes and the Moriarty family, and also that in the 21st century many books, series and films about their lives were created. Of course, Sherlock was thrilled and asked you about everything, and then he got closer to you than anyone in MI6.
↘ For others it was strange that he liked and trusted the other person in this way, and for some it was completely normal – after all, you were a person always smiling and really cute in your actions.
↘ Sherlock quickly fell in love with you and became your partner (not only at work, but also in life).
↘ Over time: days, weeks and months, you forgot about your previous life. You gladly accepted the help of Louis and Miss Moneypenny, who helped you dress up so that you fit perfectly with the other members of MI6, while Sebastian and Fred, with a little help from James Bond, created a new name for you and your new past, so that no one has not developed unfounded suspicions of you.
↘ You also made great contact with Jack, who replaced your father in these difficult times, and with Von Herder, who became your closest friend. You two got along great, and although he did weird things sometimes and had a dangerous passion for firearms, you really had a good time and loved playing cards and reading books in your spare time, and teasing William or Albert who always shook their heads when they saw the two of you.
↘ Zack acted like your second father, although he was definitely shyer than the others, while Henry and Sherlock’s male sibling were like big brothers to you. The latter felt great respect for you, the more that you straightened his real, younger brother a bit, and at the same time made him much more serious and became a good helper of the Moriarty brothers.
↘ Your manual skills have been very useful to MI6; even if at first the middle brother just wanted to use you to help him with his own plans, over time he really liked you and realized that even though you feared for your current life, you worked hard to help them and be their real friend.
↘ You continued to create your inventions as a hobby, and your list of later achievements included the creation of the first light switch and lamp, and even the first screen with the ability to save data on it. For your entire group, you created the first makeshift telephone with the ability to receive short calls, and when you had a little more time than normal, you created more inventions that benefited not only MI6, but all of England, and then the world.
↘ You wrote it all down in a notebook, which after many years found its way to the right people, and they published it, making MI6 famous all over the world, starring you, and your romance with Sherlock Holmes became one of the best-loved romance novels of those years.
↘ Such was your new life, and your relationship with people from the officially nonexistent sixth branch of the British Military Intelligence.
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 16 Madeline
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"I know how hard it's is to lose a parent but sometimes t-the-they know when it's their time to leave"
Chicago Med S4 E2: When to let go
The following week I hadn't heard anything from Jay at all, I felt like I had chased him away while I tried to seduce him.
"Good morning," I said walking up to Natalie and Will.
"Morning," they said at the same time.
"Natalie, may I ask why you are extremely happy?" I asked placing the iPad on the counter.
They looked at each other before Natalie turned to face me and showed me her hand. I looked down at her finger and saw an engagement ring on her ring finger.
"Holy shit!" I gasped covering my mouth with both my hands, "Congratulations you guys" I said bringing them both into a giant hug.
"The ring is beautiful isn't it," she said showing me her ring.
I held her hand and stared at it in awe, "it's extremely gorgeous you lucky woman" I said chucking.
"It's my mother's ring," Will said looking at Natalie with love.
"I'm excited for the wedding," I said gushing in happiness I could see Natalie in a wedding dress and Will crying as she walked down the aisle.
"Congratulations guys hopefully the wedding planning goes well and don't stress over it," I said grabbing my iPad.
"Thank you," they said smiling.
"Get her on the vent, make sure she's 100% oxygenated," I said to April.
"She's waking up"
"Push 4 milligrams of midazolam," I said putting my stethoscope around my neck, "Whoa, easy easy"
"It's okay Stella," I said holding her arm.
"BP and heart rate are stable"
"She's settling down. Draw a blood gas with carb oxyhemoglobin" I said to one of the nurses.
"Yes Doctor"
I left them to go talk with Kelly who was standing outside looking at Stella.
"Hey..." I said sending him a small smile.
"What's happening?" He asked
"Her vitals are holding, but she's in pretty bad shape, we're running some tests and should know more soon," I said as the alarms started beeping.
I rushed into the room, "blood pressure and sats are dropping"
"All right, she's bleeding in her airway," I said checking her mouth, "hang a unit on the rapid transfer, suction her ET tube, and get a chest X-ray"
I opened the curtain, "Hey Will— oh hey Jay" I said looking at them with a smile.
"Madeline, what can I help you with?" Will asked as I felt Jay looking at me.
"Oh it could wait until your done helping the patient," I said ready to leave the room.
"Yeah, let me just finish up with my dad then I will help you," he said.
I froze in my spot, "oh this is your father?" I asked looking at both of them.
"Yeah, our hard-headed father," Jay said looking at him.
"Nice to meet you, Mr.Halstead," I said sending them a smile.
"You as well who are you?"
"Oh, I worked with Will for a couple of months but I've known him since we were in university," I said.
"And I and Madeline are friends, she is my boss's niece," Jay said standing next to me.
He nodded his head and looked at me, I told them goodbye and left as Conner entered the room.
I was surprised I wasn't expecting to meet his father like this at all, I soon heard yelling coming from the room so I rushed back to Stella since I didn't wanna hear them fight at all.
"Blood is coming too fast. Every time I suction the tube it fills back up again" April said working on the tube.
"Hang another unit and just do your best to keep up," I said.
"Where's the x-rey?" Conner asked.
I turned away from April and Stella to look at Conner, one of the nurses pulled up the X-ray onto the board.
"She's got a massive hemorrhage in her right lung, it's impossible to say where it's coming from. All right, call the blood bank, trigger the MTP" Conner said.
"Can you stop the bleed?" Kelly asked looking over at Conner since they stood right next to each other.
"First I've gotta find it. Let's set up for a bronchoscope"
"Mads! Stella is going to be okay right?" Kelly said standing in front of me.
"Yes, Conner is the best surgeon here in Chicago and at Med," I said running my hands down his arms.
He nodded his head and he kept looking at the room where Stella was in, "hey why don't I get you something from the vending machine okay" I said walking him into the waiting room.
"Water please," he said as he took a seat.
I handed him the water bottle then Sylvia came to join us.
I sent them both a smile before I walked back into the emergency room.
The alarms started beeping and it was coming from Will and Jay's dad's room. I rushed towards the room with Will behind me.
"He was talking just a minute ago," Jamie said.
I checked for a pulse and didn't feel one, "No pulse. Bag him" I told the nurses.
Will started doing chest compressions as I started bagging him, "What's going on?" Jay asked walking into the room.
"He's in V-fib, charge to 200 and give me the paddles," I said handing the bag to another nurse.
"Clear," I asked placing the paddles on his chest, his chest went up and down.
"Still no pulse," Will said checking his neck.
"Push a milligram of epi," I said.
"Got it"
I started doing chest compressions again, "Will Madeline?" Jay asked.
I ignored him and continued to do chest compressions.
"Charge to 200"
"Nothing, another milligram of epi," Will said looking at the screen.
The machine started beeping again and I page Dr.Abrams.
"How long before you restored sinus rhythm?" Dr.Abrams asked looking at the laptop screen.
"He was down for about five minutes," Will said standing next to Jay as I stood on the other side of them.
"Well, that's consistent with what I'm seeing," he said turning to look at me, "Almost no EEG waveforms"
"What does that mean?" Jay asked.
"You wanna tell him" he said looking at me.
I nodded my head before taking a deep breath i turned to look at Jay.
"Are we not seeing some brain activity?" Will said cutting me off before I started talking.
"Artifex, distortion, interference. Dust on the window"
"Okay, I'm not—I'm not following," Jay said looking at all three of us.
"Your father is brain dead," I said immediately the whole mood of the room changed to the point it made me uncomfortable and I couldn't describe the mood of the room.
"Like, you—you're saying that there's....there's no chance?" He said.
"If I had to calculate the odds, I'd say 1,000 to 1 against, this vent could be put to to better use," Dr.Abrams said looking over at Will.
"What? Are you serious?" Jay yelled out.
"Jay—" I said rushing to him to stop from from fighting him.
"What the hell is wrong with you man?! Are you kidding me?" He said.
"We'll talk about it thanks Sam," Will said.
I put my hand on Jay's chest but he walked out of the room in anger.
"I will talk with him okay why don't you go back to Stella they might be out of surgery now," he said.
I nodded my head and sent him a small smile before I walked away.
"She's lost a significant amount of blood," I said trying to hold in tears.
"Unfortunately, the only way we can be sure to completely stop her bleed is to remove her entire lung," Conner said.
"What?" Kelly said shocked and out of words.
"Yeah. Kelly, it's the best chance we have of saving Stella's life" I said
"She can't be a firefighter if she only has one lung. There's gotta be something else you can do" he said looking at us.
We both shook our heads he then looked at April who stood behind us, "April?"
We turned to look at her, "What if we tried ECMO? It would rest her lung so we have enough time to locate the bleed—"
"No, we'd have to give her anticoagulants to keep the lines open," Conner said.
"Isn't it worth a shot?"
"She's too unstable," I said.
"Believe me, Kelly, this is the best course of action"
"Sounds to me like you've thrown in the towel before you even tried to save her lung. Being a firefighter is the only thing Stella cares about. I'm not going to let you do it" Kelly said.
"I'm sorry but it isn't up to you. We haven't been able to reach her family so it's our decision" I said.
"Get her upstairs"
"I won't let you do this"
"Kelly, please"
"No. No"
"Kelly, you have to let me—"
"Get off me"
"Security!" I yelled out.
"Whoa, whoa, Madeline?" April said.
"No! Kelly..."
"Come on"
"Please escort him out please," I said looking at Kelly as my heart was broken in half.
He looked at me in disbelief as I told security to escort him out.
"I'm sorry, Kelly," I said
"Don't do this" Kelly said pointing at Conner.
"Hey Jay," I said walking up to him as he sat by the window.
"Hey," he said sitting up from the edge of the window.
"I know you don't wanna hear this question, but how are you doing?" I asked him as I placed my hand on his cheek.
"Not good at all, I-I-I've been taking care of him since my mom passed away and I'm not ready for him to leave me," he said bringing me into a tight hug.
"Oh Jay, I know how hard it is to lose a parent but sometimes they know when it's their time to leave," I said running my hands down his back.
"I'm not ready for him to leave me and I just know he isn't ready for us at all," he said pulling away from the hug.
"Why don't we go see him," I said kissing his lips softly.
He kissed me back before he nodded his head, he grabbed my hand and we walked towards his dad's room.
The doors open and Will walks in; he stands at the end of the bed and looks at Jay.
"Hey Jay," he said then sending me a smile.
I stood behind Jay as I had my arms on his shoulder.
"We gotta take Dad off the vent," he said I looked at him like crazy.
"What? No, no, no. He...I've been sitting with him, and he blinds his eyes" Jay said holding his hand, "and I grabbed his hand, and he squeezed my hand. He squeezed my hand" Jay said looking at him.
"Those are just reflexes. They don't mean anything"
I squeezed Jay's shoulder reminding him I was there with him.
"I'm telling you, man. He knows that I'm here"
"He doesn't. He can't"
Jay had tears forming in his eyes and he squeezed his dad's hand, "We can't, he's....he's gotta come back, man, cause that can't be the last conversation I ever have with him"
"Look, whatever regrets you have, you not gonna resolve them here. You just gotta accept that"
"Don't tell me what I got to accept"
"Jay, the reason Gwen encourages us to take our time with Dad? His bypass was 29 days ago. If he dies before the 30 days are up, regardless of why, it's fatality for the hospital" Will said leaning closer to Jay.
"So what?"
"So Gwen's just trying to keep Dad alive for one more day so the hospital doesn't take the hit," Will said in anger.
I was speechless when Will said that and anger formed inside me, Gwen is giving them false hope so the fucking hospital doesn't take the hit for their father.
Jay stood up from his seat and walked towards Will, "I get it. You feel betrayed. I don't care. I care about Dad"
"And you think he'd want to be kept alive to buff some numbers?" Will spat out.
"You need to get out. You got to get out, man" Jay said pushing Will out of the room.
"Guys guys calm down please!" I pleaded with them.
"They're using him," Will said pointing over at their dad.
"That's your problem," Jay said pushing him completely out of the room till he slammed up against the desk.
"Jay, he's gone," Will said
Jay sent a punch towards Will's face, I let out a scream and covered my mouth.
"William Halstead and Jay Halstead!" I yelled out at both of them.
Jay looked at us both before he went back into his father's room, I quickly grabbed some supplies to treat Will's bleeding nose and also fixed Jay's bruised hand.
After I treated Will's bleeding nose I went down to treat the Jane.
I held onto her arm as Dr.Flores cut the arm.
"Okay, pressure has be to relied but that's not fluid," he said looking at the cut.
"It's blood," I said as I shoved a finger into her arm, "Her ulnas broken. That's what causes the bleeding"
"Compartment syndrome was caused by a fractured hematoma, not fluid"
"It wasn't your fault, Dr.Sanchez," Nurse Sheer said.
"They found her just outside the room where the fire started, so how would you have broken her arm?" I said confused checking her left shoulder.
It was bruised up black and dark green and some redness that covered her light brown skin. I moved down to her rib and saw the same bruises there as well.
"There's also extended bruising around her ribs and pelvis. This woman wasn't just burned" I said looking up at both of them," she was beaten" I said recognizing.
I walked towards the room and saw Will and Jay in there, Jay sat by his father's side while Will stood behind him. I washed them and talked as Will then sat down next to him.
A small tear slides down my face as I quickly wipe it away.
I saw a message from Maggie saying our John Don was gone from her room, I quickly rushed towards the room.
"She's gone!" Maggie said.
"She can't that far since she was injured but she could die we gotta find her quick," I said looking at her and Dr.Flores.
Jay sat on my couch drinking a beer as he just stared at my TV, he had almost one whole case on his own. 
"Jay" I mumbled placing my cup of wine on the coffee table.
He ignored me as he continued to stare ahead, I turned to look at my couch grabbed a pillow, and threw it at him.
He turned to look at me with a glare, "I've been calling your name for the past 3 minutes Jay" I said.
"Right, sorry. It's just--" he said shaking his head.
I got up from the couch and walked towards him, I climbed onto his lap and brought him into a hug, "It's okay Jay" I said kissing his cheek. 
Her outfit:)
Hi guys, so I'm back from Mexico!!! It was such a blast I got back on Wednesday and I didn't update for two days but guess what guys I'm also sick and dad am both sick :/
I also start school in a week my last year of high school very excited about that, I'm also getting my braces off in two weeks yes after 3 and half years they will be gone:)
Btw I might start using different gifs for Madeline Since sadly Chungha doesn't have that many but remember to always imagine her face in them !!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3
Hi guys, so I'm back from Mexico!!! It was such a blast I got back on Wednesday and I didn't update for two days but guess what guys I'm also sick and dad am both sick :/
I also start school in a week my last year of high school very excited about that, I'm also getting my braces off in two weeks yes after 3 and half years they will be gone:)
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3
Jay Master List
intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Book Two
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello there! Thank you for doing my request (the Albert x male! reader one) Could I request Moriarthree + Moran adopting a kid(s) with their male s/o?
Thank you
That's a cute idea! You're welcome for the request and thank you for requesting!
'•.¸♡ fathers ♡¸.•'
Mtp x male!reader (specifically male cuz like gay was illegal and stuff)
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sebastian
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William James Moriarty:
Y'all are taking the kid of the streets probably and giving it the home it deserves.
The both of you decided on adopting a child a couple of years into the relationship but there were some difficulties with adopting especially for a homosexual couple.
You had to trust the person you were adopting with your life, so the best thing was to adopt a young child (2-5) or a baby.
The two of you would take care of it equally both of you being in the child's life as much as possible.
If the child was to be legally adopted from somewhere than on paper William was the legal parent/guardian.
But if the child was 'illegally' adopted you just pretend the child was from a past relationship and William was helping with raising the child.
If you get to name the child it would probably be something like Oscar or Mary, idk many baby names so deal with it.
William won't share his past even with his child, not that he doesn't trust it, he won't only to not traumatize the child and they don't really need to know.
If the child starts asking why William and Louis look so alike if Louis was adopted and William was born into the family then he will tell the child the truth but only then.
Over all he loves the child a lot and seeing his family always brings a smile to his face.
Louis James Moriarty:
He was more sceptical about having children, not he didn't want to raise a child with you, he just didn't know how to and didn't know how much can the child if they should even know anything also what should they say when asked about a random child running about the manner.
But if you do adopt a child it would probably be a child who needs help/support and who's from the lower class.
Regarding age, Louis will want to adopt a baby, they can be trusted more (idk how you're supposed to know if they child needs support when they're a baby but oh well), and also the two of can pick a name.
Regarding names it would be something special with meaning to the both of you he'll probably try to convince you to name it william/will/liam
On paper you're probably the guardian and if asked you will also take responsibility of having a child from who knows where.
He will tell the about William and him when the child is old enough or when he knows the child won't scream out these secrets to everyone around them.
Also the child will be taught to cook and make amazing tea, there's no getting around that.
Albert James Moriarty:
He was definitely the most exited to adopt a child but it would be harder for him to do so, he is the Head of the Moriarty family.
He has to go to all these social gatherings and everything, he'll probably use the child as an excuse whenever he can.
On paper and off paper Albert is the guardian.
The child was adopted from a not very well off orphanage or something, he probably wanted to adopt all of the children but you didn't let him, you probably settled on adopting 2.
He just loves seeing you all do just like regular stuff but together as a family. Seeing his children run up to him after he comes home from work brings joy to his heart.
Age wise he wouldn't really care, like they could be 17 but as long as he gets to be a father he wouldn't care.
He also tries drinking less around his children, he doesn't want his children to get a drinking habit but if his child asks to try some of his wine - depending on their age - he would let them try it, but only a sip and only that one time.
Sebastian Moran:
He would be more reckless in regards on social images and stuff, he isn't open about being in a relationship with a man cuz yk like jail and stuff, but in regards of taking care of a child together he just says you are good friends and y'all are taking care of the child since taking care of a child ain't easy.
Legal adoption? Probably not.
He just says the kid is his and the mother is either dead or she's off somewhere in the world.
In terms of age he won't adopt a baby, at the youngest the child would be like 4 probably.
Idk what else to write:( sorry
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I'm like cleaning out my drafts but I don't wanna write so I'll write as much as I can and then not yk, it's kinda annoying but oh well :(
Have a wonderful day/night!
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fancyfeathers · 21 days
William: My grandchildren are perfect in almost every way. We just need to fix that pesky color eye of theirs.
Their eyes are definitely gorgeous, they just are her husband’s eyes and for reference of all the things Eloise’s husband has done to either make William’s life harder and it that irritates him…
1.) Court his daughter. William was trying to maintain his daughter’s rebelliousness not introduce her to someone who will only draw it out more, Eloise and her husband both are highly intelligent and given his power and influence if they worked together they might have been able to stop William’s plan.
2.) He formed a network with Andrei and Eloise, an organization dedicated to stamping out illegal acts in the underworld that may affect the current society, refusing to let anything like what happened before happen again. Now during the time skip and post time skip it would infer with the work of the MI6 since they are technically not apart of the government as they are nonexistent.
3.) Marry his daughter which made Eloise a duchess and extremely difficult to get to. By placing her at the head of society all eyes would be on her, a natural form of security which makes her practically untouchable.
This does not include all the other little things he did when he was William’s student for a semester or two at University but I have no doubt he was a bit of a menace then given that his inspiration was Vincent Phantomhive from Black Butler, take that as you will.
so while he absolutely adores the twins their eyes just remind William of their father, who is no doubt looking for them.
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moriartyluver · 11 months
fl is so really for those thoughts about Liam icl. If I slept with a man that fine I’d never stop thinking about it 😭 The way Jack was treating her like a daughter in law 🤭🤭
liam choking on the tea in the bonus 💀 I love how you didn’t use the usuals gender stereotypes of a virgin woman with a man who’s fucked half the female population. I think it makes a lot of sense for Liam and fls dynamic too (+ I livvvveee for subby liam 😩)
The band au 🤭 I’m so excited for more chapters omg
the way I called it Are you mine? Had me SCREAMING
i love AM and the references were just too good. Most fics never get pop culture references good but I think you did amazing. I’m gonna binge pistols today solely because of the sex pistols reference and also so I can theorise on what will happen.
the band is so cool too 😭 (name) is actually the embodiment of arabella and Brooklyn baby. She isn’t a rockstar’s gf she is a ROCKSTAR GF and she is hilarious. If she was a real artist I’d absolutely adore her and go to every concert fr
The bit about her parents was so sad but really well written at the same time 😕 like you can tell they care about her and want her to have a good career but they still obviously were in the wrong, especially her father not owning up to his mistake. It reminded me of Lane’s mother in Gilmore girls finding all of Lane’s stuff and kicking her out (please don’t do that to y/n my heart wouldn’t be able to take it)
omg that bit about her meeting liam 😭 it was too too funny. Bro was probably star struck but I love how they’re similar even though you’d expect them to be complete opposites
I’ve been rambling too much now but I’m really proud of you for how well you seem to be managing both writing and college too.
-🦢 anon (aka ur biggest fan)
Liams perspective may be coming soon 👀
It’s so hard to write his perspective tho icl. Like what is bro thinking.
Also yes u have no idea how much I hate opening up an mtp fic and then all of a sudden it’s just casual misogyny and gender roles EVERYWHERE like Ik it was normal at the time but surely liam of all people wouldn’t be contributing to it??
The mtp band au is everything to me rn. It’s my baby. I think of it all the time. I just loooove how creative I can be with it
I was actually so tempted to call the fic ‘arabella’ but it felt wrong and restricting because it’s a whole ass name of that makes sense?? I didn’t want people to click on it and think it was gonna be about an oc or something I might add a few arabella references tho 🤭
I was low-key inspired by Lane’s backstory. Like the bit about her trying to find herself except she won’t end up with a Zack because I hated that mf
Also thank you sm 🫶🏼 it really means a lot. It’s pretty tough doing updates but I still want to interact with people on tumblr if that makes sense but I also have to prioritise college too 😕
And dw I don’t mind rambles. Please feel free to send almost anything to my inbox, I really don’t mind <3
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politicalmojonews · 1 year
NBC's Todd: Hunter Whistleblower Charges 'Look Pretty Credible' But 'This Has Nothing to Do with China'
On Friday’s broadcast of NBC’s “MTP Now,” host Chuck Todd stated that the claims from whistleblowers about the handling of the Hunter Biden investigation “look pretty credible” but the claims — which include revelations about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China and him using ties to his father, President Joe Biden, as leverage in these dealings in China — have “nothing to do with China,”…
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annemoriarty · 2 years
[MY PERSONA "Anne Bellaryn"]
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• Name : Anne Bellaryn
• Birthday : May 12
• Height : 150 cm
• Weight : 45kg
•Like : Red,Rose, sweet,Cat, Reading Novel , cooking,sew , playing piano
•Dislike : SPIDER
•Family :
- Ayaa Bellaryn ( young sister/twin)
•Seiyuu/VA : Mamiko Noto
She's cheerful, easy to smile but she's short-tempered yet charismatic and intelligent. even though she is short-tempered or emotional, of course she is loyal and loves her friends or family.
She also likes Luke and wants to hug him, because Luke is so VERY CUTE and Anne treats Luke like her own son ,while Belphie somehow thinks of Belphie like her younger brother.
She really very likes Anime, in the human world sometimes she also often cosplays and attends several events cosplay that are held in the human world. But in Devildom she tries not to talk too much about anime or games, except with Leviathan.
If in the human world she lives with her father and mother, Anne has twin sister and Anne is the last one, but her twin sister doesn't want to be a old sister, so Anne takes the position of old sister.
Pact Marks Mammon's is on Anne's left abdomen, Anne's Pact Marks Satan's is on Anne's right back, Pact Marks Asmodeus's is on Anne's right thigh, Pact Marks Belphie's is on Anne's left arm, Pact Marks Levi's is on her left back, Pact Marks Beel's is on the middle back, and Lucifer Pact marks is on Anne's left eye (Only Appears At Certain Moments shining dark blue light ).
Pact symbol that is owned on Anne's body, will appear when Anne is angry or when Anne needs to summon Lucifer or others on human world . Anne's left chest there is a black rose marks.
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Relationship :
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-Anne have twins (son and daughter )on future namely Alastor Morningstar , Eisheth Morningstar and Son named Agares
-Anne is multi-fandom oc , but obey me is my persona main fandom
{Outfit fullbody link }
-happy devil day 2022
-luxury cruise
-Halloween 2022
-Obey Me The Great Yokai Parade Event
Others Fandom :
-MTP ( Ship with William)
- MASHLE (Dorm Adler)
My Others oc :
-Rushi Nakagawa ( Naruto)
-Eraina Yamashita ( twisted wonderland)
-Liviana Brlyn (Kuroshitsuji)
-Aino Ichimaru ( Bleach)
-Anna Grigorievna( Bungou Stray Dogs)
-Yukino Yamazaki ( Kimetsu no yaiba)
-Yamabuki Serikawa ( Hypnosis Mic)
- Saigiku Asahi ( kny oc)
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todaynewsguru · 2 years
Minor rape victim moves HC seeking termination of 26-week pregnancy, court seeks expert panel’s report
Minor rape victim moves HC seeking termination of 26-week pregnancy, court seeks expert panel’s report
THE BOMBAY High Court Monday directed the state-run JJ Hospital to admit a 26-week-pregnant 14-year-old girl, who was allegedly raped by a relative, and form a medical board to examine her based on the provisions of Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971. It asked the medical board to give a report on or before Wednesday on a plea filed through her father for termination of her…
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