lilieths · 2 years
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“— i saw the world i had walked since my birth and i understood how fragile it was, that the reality was a thin layer of icing on a great dark birthday cake writhing with grubs and nightmares and hunger.”
TROPES: besties, let me fill this in later, i’m just trynna get this out TV PARALLELS: read the above line, lol
NAME: Lilith Rhian Gaumond ⟢ lilith— meaning “belonging to the night,” comes from the Akkadian word lilîtu, the feminine form of a word meaning “demon” or “spirit.” ⟢ gaumond— a surname of German origin, meaning “death in a battle.” AGE: 26 ( well, she’s been 26 for a good half a century; is really 78 ) OCCUPATION: Archivist for the Talbots CIRCLE: Night
The Gaumonds were a prestigious family of Wizards before the fall of their estate, claiming to have descended from Perenelle Flamel herself— at the very least, they descended from one of her previous marriages, before she’d even met the creator of the Philosopher’s Stone. Perenelle had left her first and only son with his father, to be forgotten by history as she herself had been, though Durham Gaumond had endured.
Magic came easy for a man whose own parents had been so entrenched in these ways. While he could never hope to master the sorcery of his maternal half, his own father had taught the man all he could from his own ancestors. His was a lineage of healers, and his children and their children would continue this tradition for centuries before the birth of Lilith. She was a disruption to this working system.
But before she’d bastardized the magic that flowed through her veins she thrived in it.
Lilith had not been allowed to go to public school with the other children, her parents preferring home-schooling so that she could properly be taught. Hours were spent with classes in casting, ritual, history, and spells. The eldest daughter of the Gaumonds was a special sort…a prodigy that seemed to have more potential than her own father, the magic of Durham coursing through her veins with a fervor they hadn’t seen in years. 
Her mind was constantly filled with her studies, and when it was left with its own thoughts, hers turned into a battleground, simple and complex all at once because she was unsure of how to marry the person she was supposed to become and the person she truly was on the inside: ravenous for a knowledge denied to her, needing all that Perenelle had kept from Durham.
Journals had been passed from parent to child for all these years, detailing the bitterness felt by their ancestor in being abandoned, the determination to surpass the Flamel name and the yearning for more forbidden fruit. 
While her parents used the majority of these ramblings as a cautionary tale ( taking whatever teachings they could and attempting to redact the man’s more pernicious recordings ), Lilith could not be kept from the words on the weathered pages of those journals. She’d convinced herself there was a code, some secrets left to be discovered— perhaps she was right, but no one had ever listened. 
As the years passed, her parents become busier with her younger sibling— if Lilith had been a prodigy, Levi was a savant. Better still, he took after Durham in the ways that mattered, and abandoned those that didn’t.
The siblings took very different paths then, with Levi becoming everything his parents wanted, and Lilith becoming this recluse, looking for something no one believed in. Flamel had his eternity among the living but his wife was said to have had some mastery over the dead. If she’d been descended from Perenelle, then why wouldn’t she strive to do the same?
Lilith had taken to visiting seats of power, finding tomes of years past and devouring their contents, making copies of the pages so that she could pour over them again and again and again. She was convinced Durham had left a codex of sorts, and with time she’d uncovered the secrets of Perenelle and the necromancers that came before her.
Still, the years would show that some things are forbidden for a reason— even with an affinity for the dead, she was a healer. Flowers grew wherever she’d tried to raise the dead ( animals, because she’d never come across anything else, and she’d kept far from cemeteries ).
Her first true test came with the most terrible caveat; Levi had taken to pixie dust and he’d taken to it so thoroughly that it’d taken his life in return.
As he laid in her bathtub, she’d moved as if on autopilot, filling the tub with water and herbs, slicing into the palm over her hand and pouring the ichor over her brother’s corpse. She’d chanted the words found in the old texts, in some archaic language she’d yet to decode in its entirety, but she didn’t have time to study, not for this test.
It seemed to work at first; the color returned to him and his lungs seemed to be filling with air once again— her own body and mind were filled with a feeling of vertigo. Her vision had blurred but she kept steady, chanting and chanting until the world around her went dark. When Lilith woke again, she was met with a worried younger brother, trying to shake her away and mumbling about how she was cold, still, not breathing. 
She didn’t believe him, she was living in this moment and so was he? She’d discovered Perenelle secrets so why was Levi crying? Why had he flinched when she moved?
Lilith should’ve gone and read through the texts again, had she read the fine print she would have understood that necromancy was predicated on the transfer of one’s life force, and she’d given Levi all of hers. How she was still living? No one could say.
But she’d given her brother life again, right? Well Levi had gone relinquished it once more, wasting her life force as he had wasted his.
— Lilith is the queen of making a small apartment look like an Italian villa for some reason. No really, with the simple but homey furniture and the color palette it’s very chic and very much the opposite of who the Undead Archivist has become as of late. It’s a room on the top floor of her building so she gets lots of privacy, and enough space for her to be comfortable. — Also this girl can eat ( hence buying out the meat market every week ). — Rises with the sun on average, even when she gets to bed at ungodly hours. — Her style is interesting, it’s this chic and grey/sepia mess of different things but her definite staples are gold and pearls, as well as sneakers and silk skirts ( and let’s not forget a cardigan with just about nothing under ). When she’s wearing pants, they’re the baggiest thing, and she loves turtlenecks and spends her time looking for blazers in the mens section. 
Once again, more to come!
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clemxjohnson · 2 years
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“Creatures such as these stand on a borderline, one foot in the mundane and the other in the supernatural. An abomination to some and a miracle to others, dhampirs have yet to find a home in any of the two worlds they inhabit, cursed to feel like the other, regardless of who or what they’ve surrounded themselves with. This lot can code-switch as much as they’d like, but they’ll never fit in. Not entirely.”
NAME: Clementine Aurelia Johnson
NICKNAME(S): Clem, Lem, Clemmet, 
DOB: September 12th, 1996
AGE: 26
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
GENDER: cis woman
PRONOUNS: she/her
HOMETOWN: Las Vegas, Nevada
SPECIES: Dhampir
OCCUPATION: Waitress at Pete’s Diner/Student
TRAITS: Kind, Affectionate, Loving, Nervous, High-strung, Emotional, Self-sufficient, Self-conscious, 
PIERCINGS: Double lobes (both)
FASHION: Vintage vibes. Loves Denim with the cuffs rolled, converse, embroidering plants into both, dresses, pastels, long floral skirts, flowy outfits, ponytails tied up with ribbon
Clementine Devlin Johnson is, by all accounts, a freak of nature. Straddling the world between the living and the undead, she’s always thirsted for blood the way a Vampire might. But, unlike one, she is not affected by sunlight or given the promise of immortality. She will die at an average human age, fate willing. She is the product of a union between a Vampire and Human, a hybrid who is far from safe in either world. 
Clem, admittedly, doesn’t know much about who she is. She knows who her Mother is after some extensive digging: Moira Devlin the, now, former Orator. Vampire. From Clementine’s research, that makes her an even bigger rarity as most Dhampirs’ are born of male vampires and female humans. But, all these revelations only leave Clementine with more question. The most important one being: Why? Why did her Mother feel the need to abandon her, and distance herself so greatly? Though, it seems that answers are few and far between with how her Mother set up her life in her stead. 
She knows that, as a baby, Damian Harker was tasked with finding her a home. She was placed with the Johnson family, and Aware family whose son would soon become a rather impressive Hunter. And, to their credit, they treated her fine. She was well fed, clothed, and wanted for nothing. Growing up a cheerleader, pageant queen, and star student; everyone loved her. Everyone except Clementine. 
Clementine knew that she was different, and knew that she didn’t quite fit with the Unaware world, no matter how hard she tried. None of the other cheerleaders thirsted for blood, for example. But, Clem did, no matter how hard she tried to repress it. There wasn’t much she could do about it, either. It was a primal need that needed to be met, so she took to animals. Small ones, usually, that she could trap with ease. Pigeons, the rare squirrel, even a bunny once, but that was in a moment of pure desperation. But, for all of the small animals she’s gone through, she prides herself on having never fed from a human.
When the questions became too much, she finally tried to seek out answers. Despite her family’s insistence to ignore them, she went searching. Damian Harker being one of her stops along the way. But, all that came from that was being called an ungrateful brat, and being told that if she wasn’t grateful for what Damian had done for her, then she could owe him for all those years of looking after her. 
Clem now has that hanging over her head. It’s nothing like what she wants, but there’s little she can do to change her circumstances. A theme with her life, unfortunately. 
As an adult, she’s made a point to get out of the Johnson household, her image of them tainted. But, she hasn’t cut them off completely. Either way, she’s made a point to make herself self-sufficient so that no one can accuse her of needing anyone anymore. If Damian has her in debt for it, she doesn’t want to run the risk for it anymore. She’s still searching for the place where she belongs, but it feels like the most impossible ask of all time. Hopefully, with time, she’ll find out how to manage the balancing act between her life as a Human and her new life as part of the Midnight Underground.
Despite being the makeup of a popular girl in High School, Clementine never quite felt seen or loved. Mostly because she felt like she was constantly putting on an act, and if the people around her liked her for her act, why would they like her for who she was underneath it all?
Clem loves art. It’s a safe space and outlet for her. From painting to photography, she finds solace in putting the things she can’t discuss into artistic interpretations that no one can quite decipher right.
Rather than enter the political sphere, Clem wants to become a teacher, and teach English. The escapism of books has always called to her, and she feels like it’s the direction life is pulling her in. But, she feels a sense of obligation to become a part of the political sphere.
She spends a lot of time at Luna Books, using it to scope out books, and get lost without any sort of imminent risk.
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josefina-cruz · 2 years
Introducing the Thrall
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Every Face Has a Name…
Name: Josefina “Jo” Anita Alves Cruz
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Age: 26
Gender: Cisgender Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Circle: Mortalis
Occupation: Socialite/Social Media Influencer
The Beginning and the Middle....
Did anyone ever really remember a time before they knew too much? Not as far as Josefina knew. Maybe once, when she was four, her mother and father would tuck her into bed with her favorite stuffed doll and tell her that there were no monsters under the bed. Maybe that was the last time she remembered not knowing. When Senator Cruz had kissed her forehead and said he was fighting hard to keep the scary things away.
But he’d been playing house with them instead. Making favors and debts he couldn’t cash until his family was forced to pay up in return. Josefina thinks the first time she knew for sure was fourteen though, when she walked into that office and saw the vampire drinking her mom’s blood. She had screamed so loud it nearly shattered the expensive vase in the corner of the room. When the vamp was done her parent’s had taken her aside and explained this was just part of the deal. They worked with the creatures of this Midnight Underground and they got things in return.
The first time she’d been made part of it was only two years later at sixteen. Debts. That’s what the Underground functioned on. And once you became Aware you could be just as owned by them as anyone else. Her father made a debt he couldn’t own up to the consequences of and so he dragged his family into them like he always did. It was Josefina who had managed to save the day. Her quick wit had helped with one of the territorial disputes between a few scattered faeries.
That was the first time she ever tried it: fairy food. It was addictive stuff. Sweet and alluring and enrapturing in a single bite. She’d been hunting it down ever since.
Her father had turned to her after the whole thing was done and reminded her how similar they were. Like father like daughter. But, she realizes now, she thinks she’s not half as stupid as he is.
Jo loves kiwis. She’s not 100% sure why she does but they’re a fun little tiny fruit with a fuzzy exterior
She would describe her sexuality as “hot dangerous woman sexual.” If you could kill her, she’s probably interested.
TW ADDICTION: She is addicted to fairy food. Due to it’s incredible taste to humans, she’s been unable to get enough of the stuff.
She has a very popular Instagram. Follow her at @colormefine.
She is not above committing crimes and has, in fact, committed many of them! She’s a messy little gremlin girl.
Her coffee drink is ridiculously complicated if she orders in front of other people, but if she’s alone it’s just a classic iced coffee with room for cream, that way the barista doesn’t have to do it themselves.
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magic-by-nora · 2 years
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Name: Nora Lucas
Age: 28 (November 3rd, 1994)
Gender: Cisgender female (she/her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Circle: Power
Occupation: Blackjack Dealer at The Carmilla/Freelance Magic Dealer
What is Known
A mage that almost sprang out of no where, Nora has spent the last eleven years training and building up her powers in the Midnight Underground. Her name is a common one tossed around if you want a magical solution to something.  
There is no office to request her work, nor does she allow people to go to her home at any odd hour like a stray cats asking for food. If you want her service, find her at the blackjack table. It’s odd, she always seems to know when people sit at her table for magic work or normal gambling and will give people who wish to hire her a special poker chip. While holding it, they can have a telepathic conversation with each other in order to work out the details of the job. A bit excessive? Maybe, but at least this way she doesn’t have to waste money on an office space, or worse, handing out her phone number.
Regulars do not need to go through the effort of meeting her at the Carmilla. For them, she hands out a business card which they can write on to put in a request. 
She has a frequent customer card. For every 10th spell, you get a free potion of your choice.
She has a familiar that acts as a service dog for her. His name is Pip and he is a Bernese Mountain Dog. He is a good boy. 
She isn’t a troublemaker–no she rejects that title. After all, no one can prove that she was the one that placed that spell on the pen to never be able to write clearly on paper or the cup that turns any alcohol poured in it into water. Harmless prankster or a menace to society? The judge is out on that one.
While she is able to cast any type of spell that one might need of her, she is particularly gifted at mental wards. They are her most expensive service since the wards are near impenetrable, though they will eventually weaken if the wards aren’t reinforced every year. Some claim this is her scam to get more money out of people and she hasn’t confirmed nor denied this rumor.
What People Think They Know ⁙ common rumors ⁙
Pip seems like he’s more dog than familiar. Maybe he really is just a service dog. What would a powerful wizard need with a service dog?
You can get cheaper prices in her spell work if you sleep with her. 30% of the time this works 100% of the time.
She has no loyalties, not even to her own circle. She only cares about what will be best for her, no matter the consequences to everyone else.
Those glasses she wears are definitely one of those hipster glasses that aren’t prescription. It’s all to fit the “I’m smarter than you are” aesthetic.
What Will Be Left Unsaid
Her power comes from a curse on her family that gives everyone born in her family the ability to practice magic at the expense of their sanity. The Navarro Curse, as it is usually referred to among the Midnight Underground, has been around for centuries and any wizards from this bloodline can cast strong spells and create incredible acts of magic, but usually only for a year or two at best. Afterward, the wizard will lose all sense of sanity and as such their ability to practice magic. Almost all members of her family choose to ignore the gift which causes it to fade until eventually they are an average human. 
With the help from her great-grandmother’s research, she discovered that she could protect her mind when she casts spells by offering other physical aspects of her body, such as the use of a limb or sense of smell. The effects of this offering eventually wear off and she gets full use of her body again, but it is never exactly the same as it was before. A piece of her is always lost with every spell she casts–she has just gotten good at making sure it is as small of piece as possible.
She was born Leticia Navarro but changed her name to Nora Lucas to avoid the stigma of her family curse.
She is the longest living Navarro wizard in recent history, possibly even ever. She doesn’t know how long she will live nor what will happen once her body has nothing left to offer. As far as she knows, she is living on borrowed time and she’d be damned if she’s not going to live it the way she wants to. 
She comes from a large family who had always told her she was foolish to indulge in the family curse, that is until she gave her blind half-sister her sight back. For several years after, her family relied on her to give them every little thing they ever wanted and the effort left her with a permanent tremor in her left hand. When she finally put her foot down, they turned on her and was kicked out. That her bitterness towards them has soured her perception of most mortals.
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eunxyeong · 2 years
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“— i feel like i could eat the world raw.”
NAME: Eun Yeong, these last few decades anyway AGE: 612, he thinks. it’s been awhile [actually older than that] TITLE: the vamp CIRCLE: night OCCUPATION: antique dealer, previous right hand to the orator
there isn’t much to know about Eun Yeong... or Yeong Eun if he were still in Korea. but that was ages ago. there is little he can remember about his time as a human. he was born, so a mother and father must have existed. he may have been married. may have had a child once. memories are nothing but echoes from his earlier years. a vague taste of what a fruit may have been. a feeling of shame. 
what he does know, is he died. the moon was bright. his death was slow. his blood looked black as he eyed it with disbelief. 
as a vampire, Eun has never been known to be the most predictable. always living on an edge between seeing death again and dancing right back to safety. relative safety. many would call him reckless. chaotic.
 over time, within that chaos, bloomed calculation... 
with every whim, came a way to bend it in his favor. a friendly smile. a tilt of his head. Eun cared enough about things when it meant his comfort. It was the very reason he was drawn to Vegas all the years ago, made friends with Moira. did his best to quell some of the insatiable hunger that stormed through him. 
he does not speak of his age to those around him. many, if not most, that may have known his true age have already died. instead, Eun just allows people to assume what they wish. his whimsical and down right vicious tendencies have many believe he is but a young vampire. suits him just fine. 
adding more to the thought that he is a younger one, a fledgling or childe. Eun wasn’t much into the whole idea of a vampire family or coven. as such, never had the name. still, he often does not go out in the sunlight. if he is seen, there are long sleeves and anything else he can put together to hide from the sun. it was too bright, honestly. 
often, friendship does not come as an easy thing for Eun. the most can’t handle his mercurial habits. a night life that never stopped. very rarely is he caught as being serious, unless it was something asked of him by the orator. he took that part of his life very seriously. it was how he was able to have a room of large pillows and velvet. 
while friendship has proven to be difficult, lovers have not. Eun does not discriminate in what a person is or presents as. there is something about sampling life that truly pleases him. if he lets a bite or two slip from time to time while he his paying particular attention to thighs, well... no ones complained. 
in truth, the death of Moira shocked him. for much of their time together, he associated her with an acquaintance rather than friend. it wasn’t until her death that Eun finally decided that, maybe, he had enjoyed their years knowing each other. his been a little lonely since her passing. a strange feeling to have within him. 
it was annoyance that filled him when he thought of the night candidate. not so much for the whole werewolf thing. whatever. they all had beastly tendencies. even if immortals tried to lie about it. what bothered Eun, was the fact that he didn’t know that corner of the community deeply. they tended to keep their distance from him. which was, too bad. but probably smart. he had always wondered what a werewolf would taste like. human? wolf? terrible like a hunter? or, perhaps something better. smart or not, it was his new mission to see what they were all about. see how he can make sure the life he has enjoyed for the last hundred years or so, still his in the end. 
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esmerays · 2 years
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“— it is a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful; i’ve always been more comfortable this way.” 
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TROPES: manic pixie dream girl, deadpan snarker, hidden depths, symbolic wings, genius ditz, motor mouth, proud beauty, stepford smiler, not so above it all, girly bruiser TV PARALLELS: The Guide from What We Do in the Shadows, Zuko from ATLA ( some Azula and Ty Lee...and some Bumi tbh ), Catherine from The Great, Howl Pendragon from Howl’s Moving Castle, Gina from Brooklyn 99, Tinker Bell from Peter Pan, Nux from Mad Max: Fury Road, Cece from New Girl with some Winston, the Cat from Coraline, Clover from Totally Spies 
NAME: Esmeray Talbot ( née Sönmez ) ⟢ esmeray— derived from Turkish esmer “dark” and ay “moon”. ⟢ sönmez— means “eternal, inextinguishable, unquenchable” in Turkish. ⟢ talbot— means “messenger of destruction” TRUE NAME: ▇▇▇...wouldn’t you like to know... AGE: 222 ( she’s in her persistence, positivity and balance year ); though she appears 28 OCCUPATION: Debt Collector CIRCLE: Wild 
Esmeray was one of those creatures that greeted the world with a ferocious cry— from the very beginning of her life, she was demanding to be seen; to be heard; to be honored. And in these first moments of existing, she’d been given those very luxuries she so desired.
Why wouldn’t she be? As the youngest child of the Duke and High Duchess of the Işbaşaranesan clan, she’d have all of the opportunities, love and riches that could be afforded to her. There’s even a celebration for her christening once her mother is well enough and the entirety of the Seelie court is in attendance ( as well as some of the Unseelie, though it draws the ire of the ruling family’s more radicalized faeries ).
Unsurprisingly, Esmeray would be given all of these bits of opulence now, but it wouldn’t last very long. Even the most beautiful things lose their novelty in due time, and no child of the Işbaşaranesan clan was conceived without purpose.
All the same, you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise. On the surface, the young fae seemed like a frivolous thing, existing as a means to simply exist but not everything was always so simple. A butterfly would flap its wings by virtue of having been gifted the appendages, never knowing the effect such an act would have elsewhere...
Though she was never meant to sit on the high seat, her parents raised her in preparation for such a task— within the ever-changing structures of the High Fae Court, one must ready themselves to strike in the absence of power. Perhaps they should have taught her that successful rulers are patient as well.
She’d just thought the court could use some changes, and hubris had whispered in her ear, telling her that she could be the one to bring about some form of Renaissance. If the court was experiencing a dark age, her mother and father had convinced her that the current monarch was to blame.
Unaware that she had been one pawn in a long line of them, Esmeray went and moved her chess pieces, nearly losing her head in the process. As lighthearted as they may be, the Fae don’t take kindly to treason; they believe that punitive measures are supreme.
On her end, Esme never named any accomplices— not her brothers, nor her parents. On their end, they played their part perfectly: dressing their words in shock, repenting for their wayward daughter and begging the High Court for forgiveness, for leniency.
Monarchs need not show benevolence, but the peri is lucky in this sense. In lieu of an execution, there is banishment ( temporary but meant to punish all the same ); walking amongst the mortals for a century or two is meant to temper the fae’s impulses, isolate her from her kin and subdue any shred of rebellion coursing through her veins.
It’s odd then, how much she’s come to enjoy her time in the Otherealm— odd how the pain of homesickness is mediated by the novelties of freedom. No one would even know that this task was a punishment, just the same, she may have forgotten as well. Growing too comfortable playing god in the land of mortals.
We’ll see what the future has in store.
・゚* Though she’s not allowed to move between the Otherrealm and Fae Realm, Esme is always popping up in places she has no business being in— locked rooms? Elevators in between floors? And anything in else you could think of; Esmeray knows that she’s testing the rules set for her but it’s never held her back before. 
���゚* Call it stupidity or whatever else, but she doesn’t really blame her family for all that’s happened; Esme was the one to take action, and she was the one to fail. More than anything, she’s thriving in this new space of hers, but she knows the other members of her family would be loathe to rub elbows with the non-Fae.
・゚* She currently has a huge problem with human food, it’s just very bland ( some things even taste like ash, she thinks ). Sure she’s smuggled some produce and seeds across the realms, but in a pinch when she has to eat human food, it’s doused in an unmentionable number of condiments that no one else could stomach.
・゚* While she’s working with Carmen as a debt collector, most of her expenses are covered by her extensive inheritance, given to her early as a parting gift. It’s odd that people in the Otherrealm don’t use aurum for purchases, but she’s converted a lot of it into American Dollars and the rest is stowed away somewhere.
・゚* Esmeray is like a magpie in many senses, she’s a lover of the collection and she has a penchant for keeping a plethora of things, intangible and corporeal. Most of these things were spirited away from other people, but her greatest treasures are those small, inconsequential things accessorizing her own existence.
・゚* There’s something about human social conventions that escapes her ( well, truly she’s hoping to escape it ) and it shows in the unashamed way she carries herself. There’s lot of conservatism in the human realm, a lot of etiquette that she’d sooner laugh at. While she may entertain one or two rules, a fae is a fae is a fae.
・゚* Faeries for the most part, are smarter than they let on, or more perceptive at least; you have to be in this business. Esmeray is no different. While she’s no seer, the fae is ever the spectator ( re: eavesdropper ). It’s just that she likes being in the know, the people of the Midnight Underground are fickle in a way so different to her own.
・゚* Doesn’t seem like the type but she does have a planner, though you’d open it to find something close to gibberish. It pays to be organized with the amount of debts owed in this city of theirs— she thinks she’s written everyone’s name in there at least once and if she didn’t have her own debts she’d have to wonder what was in the water.
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chlocxli · 2 years
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“The future is always in motion, like a great river dragging us all to our inevitable ends. There are some who can raise themselves above the surface to see what awaits us, looking into a future both unclear and terrifying. These oracles are blessed with the sight…and cursed by what they see.”
NAME: chloe héng li (li héng, 李恒)
DOB: december 9th, 1996
AGE: 26
SEXUALITY: bisexual
GENDER: cis woman
PRONOUNS: she/her
ZODIAC SIGN: sagittarius
HOMETOWN: camden, maine
SPECIES: clairvoyant, human
OCCUPATION: card dealer at la fortuna
TRAITS: firey, strong, cunning, impulsive, flighty, intelligent, compassionate, adventurous, loyal
EYE COLOR: brown
TATTOOS: patchwork tattoos across both arms, and a sternum tattoo. the collection continues to grow
PIERCINGS: double lobes (both), helix (right)
FASHION: denim, cropped t-shirts, jeans, doc martens, hiking boots. pinterest board can be found here.
triggers: death
Chloe grew up in a small town. A sleepy place in New England that could bore anyone to tears. The only thing that made it interesting was her. Generation after generation was granted the gift of sight, since the earliest days in the Tang Dynasty as the Li family was formed. It was a gift granted to the first born Daughter of each family line, passed to her by her Grandmother after her Father was the only child born to her. 
It was a gift her Father and Mother would have rather not been bestowed to her. Mostly her Father, who saw what the gift had done to his Mother, and her Mother before. He knew that it was a burden too much for any one child, but his Mother insisted that it needed to be passed on. Without it, family legacy would be lost with him. So, regardless of her Parent’s feelings, Chloe was bestowed with the sight. 
It started simply enough, being able to sense and see small incidents before they happened. Someone falling off their bike, the narrow miss she’d have with the school bus one morning— all things that would concern a little girl. 
But, as she grew, so did the severity of her visions. They started to become more dire, violent even. It came to a head when she saw the death of her best friend at the time. It was the first time Chloe had tried to truly interviene, and force a change in fate. But, she was quick to learn that changing the outcome of someone’s fate was not so simple. Her friend, despite always being impressed by Chloe’s foresight— as she so affectionately referred to it around others who did not know the truth —she refused to budge on attending some stupid party. 
Chloe was already grieving her friend by the time the news broke the morning after. 
It was that incident that motivated Chloe to leave home. She knew she was not destined for life in a small town, anyway, but with the knowledge that she couldn’t even protect the people she grew to care about? She had no choice but to leave, if only to protect herself from learning their fate before them. 
She joined a troupe of other humans like her— gifts and awareness of something beyond themselves. It was the only time she’s felt quite secure, but security is scary. Chloe still fears that closeness that she gets with other people, worrying what she may begin to see. So, when the group landed in Vegas, she chose to stay. Staying, while potentially irresponsible, felt like the best possible choice for her. 
The Midnight Underground is the new place where she dips her toes in the water. And, well, she would leave it if things got too hairy. But, there are claws in her now. Leaving is not an option until her debts are paid.
Chloe always loved the idea of travel, ever since she was a kid. She could seldom do much about it as she wasn’t brought up rich enough for regular travel, but she read every book she could get her hands on, and would make her own adventure
The choice to leave home was almost too easy for a lot of reasons. She wanted to get away from her parents because of the fact they didn’t support her and because she didn’t want to somehow hurt them with her powers. Either through learning something she shouldn’t, or accidentally pushing them towards a fate she wanted them to avoid
When she left home after High School, she joined a traveling group of people not too dissimilar to her. There were some other oracles, and some other humans with power, too. She learned a lot about her powers from them. A lot of her control and focus comes from tricks she got from them 
During her time on the road with them, she started exploring her identity more. She started getting tattoos and piercings, and now has patchwork tattoos all over her arms, hips, and sternum 
She also rides a motorcycle cause it’s a thrill. She also figures she’ll have some vision if she’s meant to crash, so it’s safer for her than most people that ride
When she landed in Vegas, she split from the group once hse learned about the Midnight Underground. She’s not sure what about Las Vegas called to her, but something did. She has no intentions of leaving yet
She has a hard time making connections with people. She’s too scared to see something bad about the people she loves again, and knows there’s a chance she can’t stop it. It causes her to be brash with people at times, and push them away if they try to get too close to her. It’s easy to perceive her as mean or rude because of this, but she’s really just scared.
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connortalbot · 2 years
The Wolf
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“Primal, deadly, and awesome. Little in the world can match the werewolf’s relentlessness or brute force. Those cursed by a bite or born into a bloodline carry a great fury within them. But fury, like all emotion, can be tempered and forged into something greater…”
Basic Statistics:
Name: Connor Henry Talbot the Second
Age: 30 years old
Gender: Cisgender Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Circle: Night
Occupation: Owner of Luna Books
A Shortened Biography:
The Talbot family has been around since the beginning of Vegas and, thus, the beginning of the Midnight Underground itself. The rumor is his great-great grandfather Samuel Henry Talbot, only 22 years of age in 1905, had sat at that table, across from Moira, and said his piece regarding the naming of the Midnight Underground. No one will ever know for sure now though. The people from then are long dead or long gone, Moira now rotting in her grave, and poor Samuel died three months before his son was born. A fledgling hunter, excited to earn his place, had shot the man dead on his very doorsteps.
If you know of the Midnight Underground, you know of the Talbots, and thus you know of Connor (both of them). His father is the current leader of the largest pack of wolves in Las Vegas. As the first born son, Connor is supposed to take control of them. Or, he was anyway. His 30th birthday came and went with little fanfare, no passing down of the torch. Rumors ran rapid and wild after that. The current running theory is that the second son, Clifford (he really did try to convince his parents that naming a wolf after a dog would cause nothing but trouble) is going to be the one who takes over.
The reality of that situation is a little more complex.
His parents are not stupid. They know very well that Cliff would run their family into the ground if given the chance at power. He is young, dumb, and a little too excited for a chance at proving himself to be a big dog. Pun intended. They can’t let him have the thing he desperately wants. And thinks he deserves.
However, after Connor’s...unfortunate incident that’s left him in debt to Damien Harker of all people, they aren’t willing to pass down anything to him until all of that is resolved. So for now, they simply say that his dad isn’t quite yet ready to move on. That people, and thus wolves, are living longer and it seems like exchanging hands of power at 30 is a silly tradition when you’ve got almost another 100 years to live after that.
But those who know, know and it’s his biggest shame to date, degree in English Literature be damned.
A Little Levity (Headcanons)
Connor is covered in tattoos. The most impulsive of which being the moon fazes that follow along his spine. Many of the others are literary references he’s unwilling to admit to. Though his personal favorite is the half sleeve Artemis portrait on his left shoulder. Goddess of the moon and all that.
My son fucks. Frequently. Perhaps as a coping mechanisms for his own feelings of failure. But don’t tell him that.
You know it’s not projection because his two favorite books are actually East of Eden (a novel I hate so much it’s become part of my personality) and Pride and Prejudice (but he won’t tell you that one unless you’re very close).
Okay maybe I am projecting with Pride and Prejudice a little bit.
Connor wears glasses. It’s an unfortunate side effect to the fact that as a wolf he can see fucking everything. His eyes are tired.
He loves to fight. God he loves to fight. He loves it almost as much as he loves to fuck. There’s nothing quite so satisfying as crunching someone’s nose in with bloodied knuckles.
Surprisingly, he played volleyball in high school. Mostly because his parents didn’t want him playing a sport where he had a lot of opportunity to throw punches and the thought of him playing golf and having access to a metal stick he could just swing was equally as terrifying.
By technicality, it is kind of a good thing that he’s aggressive. However monitoring that aggression in a public high school was an absolute nightmare.
Didn’t stop him from getting a 4.0 GPA though.
For high school and college.
He actually got accepted into UCLA for English, but his parents didn’t like that nor want it so he was forced to go to UNR (it was as far away as they would let him go) and tack on a Business major at the end of it.
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Here are some preliminary tags as we finish up the blog
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