watchallisonteach · 7 years
20 Questions
I was tagged by @mrskcreads (and I think someone else a while ago?)
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Allison
Nickname(s): Ally (for a short time in high school. I still have one friend who calls me that).
Height: 5′4″
Ethnicity: Irish, Italian, Polish, Bohemian.
Favorite fruit: Watermelon and Mangoes
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite book series: Harry Potter, hands down.
Favorite flower:Gerber daisies or sunflowers
Favorite scent: I’m obsessed with Eucalyptus Mint right now.
Favorite color: Coral
Favorite animals: Sloths, owls, hedgehogs
Coffee/tea/cocoa: Coffee. All of the coffee. Preferably iced coffee.
Average sleep hours: Right now, because it’s summer, ideally 8-10.
Cat or dog person: Dog. I’m allergic to cats. :(
Favorite fictional characters: Hermione Granger. Sirius Black. Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. Dr. Cristina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy. Olivia Pope. 
Number of blankets: At the moment, just 1, my top sheet. I usually stick to 1. Comforter by itself, or top sheet. There’s not much in between for me.
Dream trip: I really, really want to do a driving tour of Ireland.
Blog created: I think around December or January of 2011/2012. I started it just as I was going into student teaching.
Number of followers: 1745 (though I’m sure some of them are spam/porn/deactivated)
I tag: @beeps-bravely-through-her-fear @redfernfrog @the-littlelady @cretemansuper2  @paradiselostthenfound @cantwaittoteach @randomrambleramble @magicalmissb @muchadoaboutteaching @theycallme-misssunshine @kashichen70 @missblythe and whoever else wants to do this!
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hisnamewasbeanni · 7 years
Tumblr media
Stop, Drop, & Selfie, ft. hairy bearded me, Bolivian poncho, and Mexican bandana (that my grandparents brought me in the 90s and is returning home after more than 20 years)! I tag @lovethroughamachine, @lovelikesummer, @muchadoaboutteaching, @beeps-bravely-through-her-fear, and @gayaspinkink.
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karibikes · 11 years
muchadoaboutteaching replied to your post: Play hide the treats! Make them stay in another room, hide a few pieces, and let them find it.
Great idea! They are currently napping but as soon as they get rowdy again, that’s the game we shall play.
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hisnamewasbeanni · 9 years
Did I do this one already? Sorry if I did. (But not really.)
Rule #1: Always post the rules. 
 Rule #2: Answer the 11 questions the person who tagged you wrote, then write 11 new ones. 
 Rule #3: Tag 11 new people.
mrsjdr’s questions:
1. What TV show can you not get enough of lately?
Bluestone 42: British military comedy. Hilarious. Sense8: Sci-fi, genuinely multi-cultural, multi-gender, multi-sexuality, multi-everything. And a tiny bit science-nerdy to boot. If you like Orphan Black you’ll like this one.
2. What’s your favorite mobile app?
It’d be a close call between Tumblr and ABC iView.
3. What makes you giddy?
Sweeping view changes and large-scale zooms when watching movies in the cinema. Not in a good way. Bleurgh.
4. Easiest way to annoy the ever-loving heck out of you?
Enter and exit the room I’m in without closing the door behind you.
5. If you could only listen to 1 musical artist for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
Ray Charles. Danceable, singable, or even just background music. And it’s ageless. It’s lasted this long for a reason. Plus, range? FORGEDDABOUDIT. The guys the only artist in history to win Grammy awards in FIVE different categories.
6. What’re the qualities you look for in a best friend?
Humour, intelligence, strong morals, and that they show through actions how they value my presence in their lives.
7. If everyone who met you could already know 1 important thing about you, without you having to say it or explain it, what would it be?
If I’m impatient or rude or annoyed or impolite in any way, there is a 99.97% chance that it’s got nothing to do with you and that I’m just hungry.
8. What 1 thing do you think would make our world a better place if all humans could/would do it?
Ask themselves each day: “Objectively, am I having a positive effect on the world overall?”
9. What is your biggest goal or dream right now?
Travel the world and meet people in every corner of it.
10. What about tumblr keeps you coming back?
My high susceptibility to addiction.
11. Describe your ideal weekend.
I just had it.
Saturday: Walked with the Girl for coffee, then continued on to a park where we read and threw a frisbee for a couple of hours, then came home and watched the Wallabies win the Rugby Championship with her dad.
Sunday: Pancakes and coffee for breakfast. Went to see Spirited Away with the Girl and her bestie at Brisbane GOMA. Got coffee and snacks after, and lay by the river reading for a few hours. Came home and watched Jumanji, before eating tandoori chicken for dinner, then strawberries dipped in white chocolate for dessert.
My questions: 1. What topic is it easiest to distract you with? 2. If you had a key to any one door in the world, what would it be? 3. Do you believe there are atheists in foxholes? Why/why not? 4. Are you a cat person or a dog person? By which I mean, which would you rather eat? 5. If you had one wish left from a genie and were about to die, but you’d promised to use your last wish to release them from their prison, what would you do? 6. If you woke up in the middle of the last movie you watched, how fucked would you be? 7. Would you rather be too hot (hot damn), or cooler than being cool (ice cold!)? 8. If you could be taken safely to either the deepest part of the ocean, or outer space, which would you choose? 9. If you became trapped in a Groundhog Day scenario (no consequences, starting each day on repeat), what are 3 things you’d do? Honestly? 10. An Englishman, an American, and an Australian walk into a bar. Who is the most obnoxious? 11. If you could try ANYTHING new this year (no limits or repercussions whatsoever), what would it be? Bonus: What’s actually stopping you, physically and/or logistically?
Tagging: lovethroughamachine, muchadoaboutteaching, adiemtocarpe, antdonut, benotafraid–itsjustagame, tiptoelightlypastmymind, positivelypersistentteach, postsfromthemrs, whatisthisfliccery, mrskaaay, jocelynseip, littlemissfrisbee, kicksandgiggles
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hisnamewasbeanni · 10 years
Fall asleep drunk after a wonderful Italian/Australian wedding (so therefore full of delicious food, even more delicious wine, wonderful company and hilarious dancing).
Wake up to a bunch of alcohol-related snapchats from muchadoaboutteaching and jbizzle329.
I love you guys. Feeling the connection.
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