#mueang x doctor
What even is Be Mine Superstar?
It’s a love story.
It’s Horny on Main.
It’s a representation of the toxicity in the industry.
It’s Bosston’s body’s breakout role.
It’s an end to Ja & First’s innocence.
Honestly each week is a new adventure & I’m loving it.
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patandpran · 3 years
The quiet way I  love you
Summary: More than anything, Mork wants to be Pi’s friend, but in doing so, he must keep loving Pi... silently.
Pairing: Mork x Pi (Fish Upon the Sky)
Mork can’t help but follow around Pi like a lost puppy, no matter how many times Pi tries to outrun him. Every corner that Pi turns, Mork somehow is there, as if he appears out of nowhere. It’s as if Mork slowly becomes a part of the permanent landscape that makes up Pi’s everyday life.
There’s a sort of silent resistance that Mork can sense in Pi. Part of him wants to open up to Mork but there’s something getting in the way of Pi fully letting down his guard with Mork. It makes Mork want to take on all of Pi’s inner demons himself, leaving Mork bloodied and battered, but the fight would be worth it to have Pi finally let him in.
Mork doesn’t want to force anything with Pi but he can’t help but be consumed by his classmate. There’s something so inherently endearing about how worked up Pi lets himself get about the most mundane things, how flustered he becomes when he doesn’t know the answer in class and just how little he seems to care about what people think about him. 
There’s something about Pi’s glasses and braces that Mork finds ridiculously adorable as well. Mork has never met someone so authentically… themselves. 
Mork knows better than to share these thoughts with Pi. He’s not exactly silent about how he feels about Mueang Nan and Mork doesn’t want Pi to still consider him a ‘love rival’ by misunderstanding his distaste about when Pi obsessively rants about their peer. All that Mork can do is sit silently and supportively as Pi shares how he feels about Mueang Nan, as much as Mork wishes it was him who Pi was gushing about HIM instead. 
Silence is something that Mork can navigate. He would much rather keep what he has slowly worked hard to earn with Pi: trust, a peek into the inner workings of Pi’s complex mind and the honor of Pi tolerating his presence. 
The trust was the hardest for Mork to gain and he is not about to let all his hard work slip through his fingers. He is happy to patiently wait by Pi’s side and silently learn more and more about Pi.
Mork tries his best to maintain his composure around Pi, especially when Pi starts to let him in. He has to keep in the feeling of excitement and joy contained so as to not scare Pi away. Mork fears that if Pi knows how much Mork has invested into building their friendship, Pi might go running in the opposite direction and never turn back.
But he can’t help but adore Pi. Mork isn’t quite obsessed but he’s getting there. Every minute he spends with Pi feels like something to celebrate. Mork loves discovering the smallest things about Pi: his habits and mannerisms. The most minute details about Pi completely fascinate Mork. If Mork could major in “Pi”, he would gladly graduate with a Doctorate.
Pi is surprised when Mork’s presence starts to become a part of his daily routine, to the point where a day feels incomplete if he does not cross paths with Mork. Sometimes they make silent eye contact across the classroom before Mork leans over and whispers the answer that the professor is posing to Pi. 
Often Pi is sitting in the courtyard, stressing and sweating over his textbooks when Mork presses a cold drink to the back of his neck, both settling and startling him in the same moment. 
But more often than not, Mork simply shows up and sits quietly next to Pi, which used to bug the hell out of Pi but now he hates to admit the gesture is kind of comforting.
Mork listens. He is the best listener that Pi has ever met. Pi can spend hours complaining and sharing his woes and Mork just patiently waits until Pi is done with his rants. He sometimes shares a word of wisdom but usually he is simply there to offer his presence as support.
At the beginning, Pi thought that Mork was a challenger, someone he had to somehow defeat but it turns out that Mork just wants to be friend.  Pi has never had a friend like this, someone who doesn’t seem to want anything from him. The only thing that Mork seems to want is his time and nothing more.
 Pi doesn’t know how to react at first when Mork keeps appearing unannounced in his life but soon he’s sharing space with Mork as if it is second nature. Having Mork at his side is now as natural as breathing.
Mork knows better to ruin what they have by telling Pi how he feels…
So he will just go on loving Pi in his own, quiet way.
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ordonews · 4 years
False hope: why coronavirus sometimes returns after recovery
False hope: why coronavirus sometimes returns after recovery
US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) — More than a million coronavirus infected have recovered. But to some of those who were diagnosed with the long-awaited diagnosis, the disease returned. This destroys the prevailing understanding of the mechanisms of the spread of the virus and confuses doctors.
Since the beginning of the pandemic more than 1 million people who have been diagnosed with a coronavirus,…
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