macrofreedom · 4 years
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roguenewsdao · 7 years
New Revelations Threaten Mueller's "RussiaGate" Case
Their indictments of Paul Manafort and his longtime aide and suborning of false testimony about an allegedly 'Kremlin connected' Maltese professor from a flaky and possibly British planted canary in the campaign George Papadopoulos resulted in screaming headlines. But absolutely nothing incriminating Trump nor demonstrating 'collusion' with the Russian government has been produced, and the money laundering conspiracy indictments against Manafort relate to his work for the Viktor Yanukovych government the State Department and CIA helped overthrow in Kiev, months before he joined the Trump campaign (in fact Mueller's indictment writers, in their haste named ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko as president of Ukraine when Manafort worked in the country).
Perhaps owing to the reality that his full cooperation with the CIA would come out, Carter Page remains a free and unindicted man. Months of furious #TheResistance and Democratic deep state loving troll speculation on Twitter and Facebook that Page would be indicted proved false. In over 200 pages of testimony the investigating House Committee released, Page denounced the dirty Hillary team funded Steele dossier as a Democratic deep state plot, and a pretext for politically motivated wiretaps against himself and the campaign. In his testimony, Page also ridiculed the low level of knowledge regarding modern Russia many have in the U.S. media and government, who mostly persist on Boris and Natasha type stereotypes from the Soviet era. Try as they might, his questioners like Rep. Adam "full of" Schiff (D-CA) could criminalize Page's sincere desire to see Trump improve U.S.-Russian relations.
However, the nastiest exposes of the deep state at its dirtiest lie ahead, which is why Mueller is a man in such a hurry to throw as many charges against the wall in hope that one of them will stick as possible.
Wikileaks exposure of actual CIA hacks where they posed as Russia's anti-virus company Kaspersky Labs, long accused by Washington of back dooring its software for Kremlin spy services, has raised the specter of numerous 'Russian hacks' Fancy Bears or otherwise being false flag operations to frame Moscow. The meeting of CIA Director Mike Pompeo and NSA whistle blower William Binney who challenges the 'Russians hacked the DNC' claim at the heart of the entire RussiaGate conspiracy theory as a hoax has enraged the ex-spooks and agency sock puppet 'journalists' now wedded to the story for their credibility and possibly under the table payments from FusionGPS and other parties. -- JWS
Full article by Harley Schlanger published below:
Nov. 10 -- On October 24, CIA Director Mike Pompeo met for one hour with Bill Binney, to hear the evidence that the whole story of "Russian hacking" of the emails of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during the 2016 presidential election is a fraud.  Binney, a former technical expert with the National Security Agency, was involved in a detailed forensic study of the charges of Russian hacking, which concluded that there was no hack involved, but an insider leak, which provided the emails later released by Wikileaks.
It was the publication of these emails which led to the charges; by Hillary Clinton and her campaign operatives, that the Russians had hacked DNC servers, as part of a plot by Russian President Putin to help Donald Trump win the election, over Putin-hater Hillary Clinton.  These charges served the narrative being cooked up by intelligence community officials in the Obama administration, who were "investigating" Trump's alleged Russian ties, at the instigation of, and in collaboration with the highest levels of British intelligence.
The investigation which was the subject of Binney's briefing to Pompeo had been made public in a memo to President Trump, released on July 24, 2017, by the VIPS, the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.  The VIPS is an organization of distinguished former U.S. intelligence officers, of which Binney is a member.  Despite their sterling credentials, and past record for accurately exposing various intelligence community hoaxes -- such as the claim by CIA Director Tenet that it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction -- there was a blackout on this report by the mainstream media, which was busy instead pushing increasingly bizarre theories about Russian hackers, and Trump's "collusion" with them. 
Following his meeting with Pompeo, Binney said that the CIA Director told him that he met with Binney, because "the President told me I should talk to you."
This set off a predictable furious reaction by the media, which has been using Russiagate to push for the removal of President Trump.  CNN, for example, described Binney as "one of the principal deniers of Russian interference in the U.S. election," deriding him as a "conspiracy theorist."  Hillary Clinton apologist Robert Reich accused Binney of pushing "a bizarre right-wing conspiracy theory," asserting that Pompeo's meeting with him shows that the CIA Director is "a stooge of Trump."
Why did this meeting trigger such an hysterical reaction?
The attempt to blackout the VIPS memo was broken by the LaRouche organization, which featured it in publications, town meetings, including two addressed by Binney and VIPS member Ray McGovern, and public leafleting, including distribution to the Congress.  On August 9, the influential magazine The Nation ran a thorough article by Patrick Lawrence, detailing the results of the VIPS investigation, leading to several other breaks, including an August 15 feature by Danielle Ryan in Salon magazine.
Despite efforts to counter these articles, the fact that the intelligence community -- i.e., the CIA, FBI and office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) -- has been unable to produce any evidence to back up their January 6, 2017 claim of Russian intervention, has increased the public skepticism of Russiagate.  The first indictments announced by special counsel Robert Mueller of Trump campaign officials on October 31 have deepened this skepticism, as the charges are obviously fraudulent, or unrelated to Russiagate, as reported in Neue Solidarität on 9 November ("Faule Methoden von Briten and FBI kommen ans Licht").
A series of revelations in the past week has added to the evidence that the whole of Russiagate is in fact nothing but an actual conspiracy launched to undermine President Trump, and to remove him if necessary.  Those involved include the highest level of British intelligence; the former intelligence community leaders of the Obama administration: CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, and DNI Clapper, as well as many operatives of these agencies who remain in place; Obama himself; George Soros and his web of NGOs and fake grassroots organizations; Hillary Clinton and her top campaign officials; and the mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic.
Among these revelations are first, that the Fusion GPS dossier against Trump, produced for "former" MI6 agent Christopher Steele, was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.  Efforts to confirm the accuracy of its claims have proven fruitless, despite continuing efforts by Mueller's team to find corroborative evidence.   Secondly, that Fusion GPS and its operatives have ties to at least two British/FBI sting operations.  These are the June 6, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, at which a Russian lawyer was alleged to be presenting anti-Clinton "dirt" to Donald Trump, Jr., and other campaign officials, including Paul Manafort; and the strange case of George Papadapoulos, who has entered a guilty plea of lying to the FBI about his involvement with "Russian agents."  Despite all the hype surrounding these events, nothing incriminating has been produced.  There was no "dirt" offered at the Trump Tower meeting; and the Papadapoulos story is full of lies and contradictions, discrediting it.
Third is the release of excerpts of former interim DNC chairman Donna Brazile, who revealed that the Clinton campaign did engage in underhanded and probably illegal tactics to defeat Bernie Sanders in the campaign for the Democratic Party nomination in 2016.  Brazile exposed an August 2015 deal, the "Joint Fund-Raising Agreement" between the Clinton campaign and the DNC that, in return for the campaign paying off some debts left by Obama's 2012 campaign, Clinton would takeover the functioning of the DNC, which was supposed to be neutral in the campaign for the party nomination.   This deal was signed a year before Clinton "won" the party's nomination.  Brazile not only reveals possible money laundering operations by Clinton and her campaign, in violation of Federal Election Committee rules, but proves the validity of the emails published by Wikileaks, of the anti-Sanders operations run by the DNC -- which Clinton and her supporters had attempted to hide, by launching the attacks against the Trump campaign and the Russians!
Still to come are the results of investigations currently underway in the Congress on whether the FBI used the discredited Fusion GPS report to obtain FISA court warrants to conduct surveillance against the Trump campaign; whether Comey lied to Congress when he said there were no warrants, that he knew of, to spy on the Trump campaign; and whether the FBI made payments to Steele or Fusion GPS.  These should shed more light on the collaboration of U.S. and British intelligence, in conjunction with the Clinton campaign, during the campaign, and after Trump's election victory.
The briefing given by Binney to Pompeo at the request of Trump makes clear that the president is not only fully aware of the VIPS report, but that his rejection of lies of the intelligence community at the heart of Russiagate, and his dismissal of the Mueller investigation as a "witch hunt", is not designed to cover-up a crime, but an attempt to put an end to one of the most disgraceful post-election dirty tricks operation in history.  There is no question that this operation has seriously affected his ability to act on his campaign promise to "drain the swamp" of private, special interests which dominate both parties.  However, as his trip to China demonstrates, with the deepening of his ties to China's President Xi Jinping, which has the potential to bring the U.S. into the New Silk Road global initiative, and his willingness to work with Putin, it has not deterred him from breaking with his predecessors' London/Wall Street dictated policies of war-like provocations against those nations.
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macrofreedom · 4 years
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roguenewsdao · 7 years
Coup-Plotters Frantic To Sabotage Trump's Asia Trip
This article originally appeared at the LaRouchePAC.com website on November 1, 2017. -- JWS
China, in the meantime, is rolling out the red carpet for Trump's presidential visit—the first by a head of state since the historic 19th CPC National Congress, which concretized the transformation of world history initiated by Xi Jinping's launching of the New Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road during his first five-year term.
The barrage of media attacks on Xi in the U.S. and British press — as a ruthless dictator, "the new Mao" and "the new Stalin," among others — cannot cover up the reality of the incredible pace of development, within China, and across the developing sector nations of the world, through the Belt and Road Initiative. Even the IMF and such historic British banking institutions as HSBC are forced by reality to report the transformation taking place internationally due to China's initiative — if only because they want to contain it.
The difference between the two futures facing mankind is stark. Xi Jinping presented a vision for China and the world for 2050, with China becoming a fully developed nation, while helping to lift the world's formerly colonized countries out of poverty to become modern industrial nations. He bases this on the concepts of a "community of common destiny," and a "new type of great power relations." He fully backs President Trump's stated intention to work closely with China and Russia in this new type of great power relations, driven by the New Silk Road vision for a common destiny of progress for all.
Then there is the current lack of vision in the West. The British imperial interests behind the coup attempt against Trump are the same City of London and Wall Street forces which have driven the western economies into industrial decay, the collapse of infrastructure, the demise of our nuclear industry and our space programs, a horrendous drug epidemic, vast unemployment and increasing rates of poverty and suicide.
Yet the means to escape this dying culture are in our hands. While the New Silk Road is the pathway, the evil of the bankrupt gambling institutions in London and on Wall Street, which have taken control of most of our government institutions, must be destroyed if we are to realize such a vision. Franklin Roosevelt showed that this is possible with his New Deal, imposing Glass-Steagall to clean out the filth on Wall Street, and establishing Hamiltonian national credit to rebuild the nation's infrastructure and unleash the productive powers of labor and scientific development.
Just as Robert Mueller implemented the "Get LaRouche Task Force" in the 1980s, precisely because Lyndon LaRouche was spearheading a movement to achieve that higher vision for mankind, so is Mueller today still functioning on behalf of the Empire, frantically trying to keep the world divided, to stop Trump from bringing the United States into cooperation with China and Russia.
LaRouche's Four Laws incorporate the FDR approach, adding the urgency of a new era of cultural and scientific cooperation among sovereign nations, to create a truly universal renaissance for the future of mankind. This is no time for complacency. The path is clear, and victory in the short term is possible, and necessary, if the world is to avoid global chaos and war.
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roguenewsdao · 7 years
As 'RussiaGate' Implodes, Brits Push 25th Amendment To Remove Trump
The following article by Harley Schlanger originally appeared in the German language Neue Solidarität news magazine which you may find at EIR.de. -- JWS
Oct. 27 -- As Barbara Boyd's report in this issue of the paper demonstrates, the operation to remove President Trump has been one which, from the beginning, should have been summarily rejected as "Made in London."  According to the authoritative special report she authored, which was released by LaRouchePAC, "Robert Mueller Is an Immoral Legal Assassin," the British first targeted Trump directly in 2015, with the London-based GCHQ intelligence coordination center taking the lead. [The Russian Analyst would like to add here another example of flagrant British 'ex' spook meddling in U.S. politics, that of former GCHQ employee Matt Tait who has been published by James Comey's good friend Benjamin Wittes on the Democratic Deep State mouthpiece website Lawfare, where Tait accused a now deceased Republican operative Peter W. Smith of having sought Hillary Clinton's infamous deleted emails from 'Russian hackers' on the dark web, without demonstrating any proof that Smith obtained the emails or reached any hackers Russian or otherwise before Smith's death by a reported suicide near the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Tait, who tweets at @PwnAlltheThings, gave testimony to Mueller's investigation in a 'coincidental' favor between the old friends Mueller and Comey -- JWS]
It was a British firm Orbis, in collaboration with an American firm, Fusion GPS, whose operatives were deployed to write the Trump "sex dossier".  The leader of the team was "ex"-MI6 spy Christopher Steele, the founder of Orbis and a collaborator of the FBI, who worked together with Orbis colleague and former British Ambassador to Russia, Sir Andrew Wood, to produce the lying dossier, which alleged that not only did Russian President Putin have blackmail material on Trump, but that Putin "meddled" in the U.S. election to make Trump President. It was this dossier, delivered by U.S. Senator and Trump enemy John McCain, to FBI director James Comey, which led to the formation in June 2016 of a "Get Trump" team, by leaders of U.S. intelligence serving under President Obama, which has been at the center of "Russiagate."  The targeting of Trump has nothing to do with Putin conspiring with Trump, to manipulate American voters -- the "scandal" is intended to prevent Trump, as President, from cooperating with Putin and China's Xi Jinping, to put an end to a unipolar, imperial system of geopolitics, which has dominated international political, economic and financial relations since the murder of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.
On October 24, The Washington Post, one of the leading mouthpieces for this anti-Trump movement, released a bombshell, confirming that the Steele dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.  A law firm working for the Clinton campaign hired Fusion GPS in April 2016, to compile the dossier.  Thus, the document which provided the excuse to launch the attack on Russia and Trump was produced by British intelligence operatives, paid for by a U.S. political campaign!  The article reports that the FBI offered to pay Steele to continue, after the Clinton campaign ended its funding, but dropped the effort, when the existence of the dossier was made known in January 2017.
This expose was forced by the actions of Republicans in Congress, including Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA), the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), the chair of the Judiciary Committee, both of whom have been working to highlight the role of Fusion GPS and Orbis in creating the fake narrative behind Russiagate.  In the last week, Fusion GPS attorneys refused to answer subpoenas issued by the House Intelligence Committee, and the firm's co-founders pleaded the Fifth Amendment to avoid answering questions, when they appeared before the Committee.  Further, Fusion GPS attorneys filed a request before a federal judge to prevent release of its bank records, which might provide the answer as to who funded the dossier.  The investigative and legal spotlight has thus become directly focused on the role of British operatives. [After this story 'went to press' the House Intelligence Committee announced that Fusion GPS had voluntarily surrendered the bank records, though it remains to be seen if the firm fully complied with the subpoena -- JWS]
President Trump responded to their evasive actions by tweeting, "Officials behind the now discredited 'Dossier' plead the Fifth.  Justice Department and/or FBI should immediately release who paid for it."
BRITISH TV: "SEX; SPIES AND SCANDALS" The problem those running the regime change operation against President Trump are having with making the Russiagate story stick is exemplified by a much-hyped "documentary" produced by British television Channel 4, "Trump and Russia: Sex, Spies and Scandal".  Featuring former BBC Washington, D.C. correspondent Matt Frei, the pathetic 45-minute special was nothing more than a rehash of all the unsubstantiated charges which have characterized the phony scandal. A particularly revealing moment was an interview with The Atlantic magazine writer Franklin Foer, who admitted that the case against Trump is "a circumstantial case, but there are a lot of circumstances"!  The October Atlantic's lead story is "Will Donald Trump Destroy the U.S. Presidency?"  In its review of the documentary, the fiercely anti-Trump publication highlighted this dilemma: It claims there have been "numerous unrecorded meetings between [Trump] campaign members and senior Russian figures.  Millions of dollars washing back and forth.  The firing of FBI director Comey...the list goes on and yet, somehow, has not yet amounted to anything anyone can act on in a meaningful way." The failure to find anything substantial has not stopped the Get Trump operations.  Washington insiders report that special counsel Mueller is feverishly pushing to find anything which confirms the charges of the Steele dossier, while his investigators are scrutinizing twenty-five year-old real estate deals of Trump, looking for a "smoking gun."  The circulation of the LaRouchePAC dossier on Mueller, which has been distributed to most Congressional offices, has had an obvious effect, which will deepen as the role of the British and their neo-con/neo-liberal American allies is exposed.
THE 25TH AMENDMENT It is therefore not surprising that, given the failure to prove Russian meddling/Trump collusion as a basis for impeachment, there has been a surge of articles and commentaries appearing which suggest using the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump.  The 25th Amendment was adopted in 1967, to "modernize" the succession process if the President were to become incapacitated.  Section 4 of the Amendment states that if the Vice-President and a majority of the cabinet conclude the President is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office," they can go to the Congress to ask that he be removed. Those behind the talk of utilizing the 25th Amendment argue that Trump is "unstable;" "incompetent," "impetuous", etc., i.e. crazy, and liable to incinerate humanity in a nuclear war, due to these qualities. Using the 25th Amendment was presented as a possible scenario at the time of Trump's inauguration, with Foreign Policy magazine suggesting it on January 30, 2017, "Three Ways to Get Rid of President Trump before 2020."  The article argued for its application, saying it became clear from his first days in office that "he is as crazy as everyone feared."  The other two ways proposed to remove him were impeachment and military coup!  An earlier, more inflammatory piece, appearing in The Spectator (of London) on January 21, 2017, was titled, "Will Donald Trump be assassinated, ousted in a coup, or just impeached?" The following is a partial listing of the spate of calls for removing Trump using the 25th Amendment: 1. October 11, Vanity Fair --  Gabriel Sherman writes that Trump "advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods."  The author quotes former Trump adviser Steve Bannon saying that he told Trump they might use the 25th Amendment to remove him. 2. October 14, UK Guardian -- columnist Jonathan Freedlander, who also is employed by the BBC, writes "Yes, Trump can be removed from the U.S. presidency.  Here's how."  He also uses the word "contain" to describe the situation in the White House, writing that "the one being contained is Trump himself."  After describing how the 25th Amendment could be applied, he asks, "Who wouldn't want to end this presidency, swiftly and cleanly?"  Freedland wrote a book, under a pseudonym, this summer, titled "To Kill the President", about how cabinet members conclude the only way to prevent nuclear war with Korea is to kill the president, since neither impeachment, nor the 25th Amendment could complete the job in time. 3. October 16, The New Yorker -- runs an article on a group of 27 psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health experts who published a book, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump."  They have formed an organization called "A Duty to Warn", and are organizing a series of events to create a mobilization to force the use of the 25th Amendment.  The theme of the book, and their actions, is that Trump "suffers from an incurable malignant narcissism that makes him incapable of carrying out his presidential duties and poses a danger to the nation."
4.October 20 -- the chief ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush, Richard Painter, begins a barrage of tweets saying "We ignore the 25th Amendment at our peril."  These come a day after Bush himself delivered what the New York Times described as an "unexpected and eloquent speech against Trumpism."  Among other things, Bush said that U.S. politics is today "more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication."  He added "we have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty" -- this from a President who lied to get the U.S. into a regime change war against Iraq, and justified torture as "enhanced interrogation." 5. October 23, Foreign Policy takes up the theme again, under the headline "How Far Must Trump 'Unravel' Before the 25th Amendment Kicks in?"  Foreign Policy was founded by Clash of Civilizations theorist Samuel P. Huntington, and was bought by the Washington Post in 2008.  Huntington's work is based on an idea advanced by British imperial geopoliticians, that there are no common interests among nations with different religions and ethnicity, and to seek such agreements is folly. Seen in this context, the sudden, more aggressive push for applying the 25th Amendment to remove Trump is due not only to the failure, thus far, of the Russiagate narrative to provide grounds for impeachment, but because it has not deterred Trump from pursuing cooperative relations with Russia and China.  On November 3, he will begin a trip to Asia, with a November 8 meeting scheduled with China's President Xi, and a likely meeting with President Putin at one of several international conferences.  It is the prospect that such meetings will lead to a more active engagement of the U.S., under Trump, with Russia and China, that is likely behind the push to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump.
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