#mugoi always reminds me of Satou from Ajin
chouhatsumimi · 2 years
Vocab from Karneval, vol. 4
強襲 きょうしゅう assault, violent attack
激闘 げきとう fierce fighting
突如 とつじょ suddenly, all of a sudden / de repente
豹変, ひょう変 ひょうへん sudden change, complete change
著しい いちじるしい striking, remarkable, considerable / sobresaliente, notable
人懐っこい, 人なつっこい, 人懐こい, 人なつこい ひとなつっこい, ひとなつこい friendly, affable, amiable, sociable, loving company, (animals) taking kindly to men
検挙 けんきょ arrest, roundup
攻防 こうぼう offense and defense, offence and defence
迫力 はくりょく impressiveness, impact, force, intensity, appeal, strength, punch, edge, vigor / fuerza, impacto
日夜 にちや day and night, around the clock, always, constantly / día y noche, siempre
譜 ふ (sheet) music, (musical) note, (musical) score, genealogy, family tree, record of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc.
へし折る, 圧し折る へしおる to smash, to break
惨い, 酷い むごい, ムゴい cruel, merciless, pitiless, brutal, atrocious, inhuman, tragic, horrible, terrible, dreadful, miserable, ugly, horrifying / cruel, desalmado, inclemente, despiadado, inhumano, atroz
打開 だかい break in the deadlock / irrumpir, romper
一手 いって one move (in go, shogi, etc.), only way, only means, doing alone, doing single-handed, monopoly / movimiento (en juego), método, sin ayuda, monopolio
玩具, 翫具 おもちゃ, がんぐ, オモチャ toy, plaything / juguete
充満 じゅうまん being filled with, being full of, permeation
肯定 こうてい affirmation, affirmative (logic) / afirmar, asentir, afirmación
落っこる おっこる to fall down, to drop
落っことす おっことす to drop, to lose, to let fall
落っこちる おっこちる to fall down, to drop
心置きなく, 心おきなく, 心置き無く こころおきなく freely, frankly, without reserve
脈絡 みゃくらく logical connection, chain of reasoning, coherence, context, blood vessel / conexión, coherencia
引け目を感じる ひけめをかんじる to feel inferior, to feel small / sentirse inferior, sentirse pequeño
泥濘む ぬかるむ to be muddy, to be slushy
濾過, ろ過 ろか filtration, filtering, percolation / colar, pasar por el colador, filtrar, colada, colado, filtrado
造山運動 ぞうざんうんどう mountain-making movements, mountain building, orogenesis / orogenia
浸食, 浸蝕 しんしょく erosion, corrosion / erosión, corrosión
でもって indicates means of action, cause of effect, by
掛け合わす かけあわす to multiply, to crossbreed, to cross-breed, to cross, to cross-fertilize, to hybridize
深手を負う ふかでをおう to sustain a serious wound
言い分, 言分 いいぶん one's say, one's point, complaint, grievance, objection, excuse / declaración, opinión, pretensión, queja, objeción, reclamación, excusa, pretexto
スタジャン college jacket, baseball jacket
新陳代謝 しんちんたいしゃ renewal, replacement, regeneration, rejuvenation, metabolism / metabolismo, capacidad para deshacerse de lo inútil y quedarse con lo útil, renovación, eliminación de lo viejo y adopción de lo nuevo
空洞 くうどう cave, hollow, cavity, hollow
見透かす みすかす to see through, to see the true nature of something
運気 うんき fate, fortune / destino, suerte
よぼよぼ doddering, tottering, unsteady, shaky, decrepit, infirm, frail, feeble
くすむ to be dark, to be dull, to be unassuming, to be inconspicuous, to not stand out
栽培 さいばい cultivation / cultivo, cultivar
上っ面 うわっつら surface, appearances
どっしり, ドッシリ bulky and heavy, massive, solid, weighty, substantial, dignified, imposing, composed / con aplomo
独白 どくはく monologue, soliloquy, talking to oneself
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