#muh ideology (kind of)
spann-stann · 1 year
The basic idea of Patchwork is that, as the crappy governments we inherited from history are smashed, they should be replaced by a global spiderweb of tens, even hundreds, of thousands of sovereign and independent mini-countries, each governed by its own joint-stock corporation without regard to the residents’ opinions. If residents don’t like their government, they can and should move. The design is all “exit,” no “voice.” ... The essential inspiration for Patchwork is the observation that the periods in which human civilization has flowered are the periods in which it has been most politically divided. Ancient Greece, medieval Italy, Europe until 1914, China in the Spring and Autumn Period, and so on. Burckhardt once observed that Europe was safe so long as she was not unified, and now that she is we can see exactly what he meant. ...
So we can think of Patchwork as a new operating system for the world. Of course, it does not have to be installed across the entire world, although it is certainly designed to scale. But, it is easier and much more prudent to start small. Innovations in sovereignty are dangerous.
A patchwork—please feel free to drop the capital—is any network consisting of a large number of small but independent states. To be precise, each state’s real estate is its patch; the sovereign corporate owner, i.e., government, of the patch is its realm. At least initially, each realm holds one and only one patch. In practice this may change with time, but the realm–patch structure is at least designed to be stable.
Of course, Italy in the fourteenth century was anything but stable. Anything like a patchwork needs a strong security design to ensure that it does not repeat the constitutional solecisms of feudalism, and nor will it be subject to the same pervasive violence or meet the same demise. In a worst-case scenario, we could end up right back at liberal democracy! But don’t worry—we will discuss this issue in considerable detail.
To be a reactionary is not to say we must reinstall the exact political structure of the fourteenth century tomorrow, although that would surely be an improvement on what we have now. To be a reactionary is to borrow freely across time as well as space, incorporating political designs and experience from wherever and whenever. As Nick Szabo has observed, the most interesting, detailed and elegant European forms are found in the period we call feudal, and thus it is only natural that a reactionary design for future government will have a somewhat feudal feel. -Mencius Moldbug, "Patchwork: A Political System For the 21st Century"
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patchoulism · 1 year
I can only imagine what kind of bleak existence it is to be an Eastern European leftist: you either must suffer sharing an ideological basis with "people" who somehow got into sucking putin's dick in a tsundere-esque fashion because of "muh USA" or those who somehow believe that it's based that commies deported their grandparends to Syberia or sent them to camps, or you are one.
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shrapnelstars · 2 years
MI fandom proving that it has always been shit all the way down. I'm not surprised. Although the cunts that attacked me weren't alt-righters, they were woke-rotted/twitter brand insane.
The core issue is the bizarre type of person that series just inherently attracts. A group that blows any minor shit way out of proportion and reads way to fucking deep into tiny shit and extrapolates some wild conclusion from it that was never there in the first place.
It sucks because the series is kind of charming, but I'm long past the point of not wanting anything the fuck to do with it anymore after the "welcome" I got. I'm sorry for the creator, but the fans can rest in piss.
I didn't like the art style either, mostly because I'm tired of works using it, but it barely registered as a blip on the "anger" radar for me. It's just not a big deal in any capacity. Making a full character judgement about the creator based on the damned art style is beyond the pale.
It's also proof that the people yelling don't play the damned games. One of the main character dynamics ever-present throughout the series is that tough and serious captain woman constantly saving or outsmarting the player's goofy ass, and she's the assertive one in their relationship. She's also not white, IIRC. The cis straight white male PC is the klutzy clown throughout the whole thing. So too late for "muh forced diversity/leftist ideology/whatever the fuck". That was baked in from the start.
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bananasmiles2952 · 4 years
Dude bros and stranger friends I got into a fucking fight with an older feller while trying to fill in an application. All the good stuff, the virus isn’t as bad as it seems, they are lying about the cause of death for a lot of people, it’s just like a normal flu (thank god, amirite? now I know I won’t kill my stepdad by being an idiot), but also some new, crazy stuff, like this being survival of the fittest. Like people who don’t have funds because they can’t work in a pandemic (whether because their business is not conducive to working from home or is not essential enough to stay open) should “get off their asses and get a job” despite the fact that it could literally kill them if they have an autoimmune deficiency or have loved ones who are high risk, oh and no one really wants to hire right now???? (Don’t even get me started on this social darwinism bullshit of an excuse for letting innocent people die when the vast majority of their deaths could have been preventable) Other prize-winning statements were his blatant and frank revelations that he “doesn’t believe in the CDC” (what does that fucking mean???????) and his weird little dialogue about how the media is getting its numbers from “sources,” which I immediately, without hesitation, asked, “you mean scientists???,” and he just agreed. Like we can’t believe. SCIENTISTS.  
Let me dissect this for anyone who gets locked into combat with someone over this pandemic. This is a virus. It’s pretty gosh-diddly-darn bad. Some of the things he mentioned were along the lines of “so we just stop production and let the economy crash??? we just don’t work for (indeterminate amount of time)?????”. The problem here lies in thinking that you have a choice. Pandemics are tragedies you react��to, not bargain against. If this was a more visible threat, like say some horrible natural disaster, you couldn’t just say “oh yeah go drive through the tornado to get to work you fuckin idiot, also if you have asthma just breathe,” you react to the tornado and get out of the fucking way. So that kind of shuts down any and all “but muh economy” bullshit. The economy can be fixed, even if the boomers are doing everything they can to make our financial lives hell. If you die, I can’t say you’d care either way anyway. 
Also how serious does a pandemic have to be for people to take it seriously anyway??? How many people do you know and love have to be ripped away from you before you stop talking about how the media is “exaggerating and blowing it out of proportion” and start accepting that the numbers you keep hearing about all the time are real, and they’re scary? 3.5% may not sound that bad, not at all, but on a larger population, that’s thousands of people who are being allowed to die. Their life was looked at as a number, a risk, and they decided it wasn’t enough to try to prevent it. Hell, some motherfuckers won’t even do us the common decency of wearing a piece of cloth over their face.
I mentioned that kids shouldn’t go back to school right now because that is dangerous and another point brought up was so bad I kind of wanted to cry. There are like five things wrong with it that I could immediately see. 
“How are families supposed to make money when it takes two incomes to survive?”
What. The. FUCK. How do you hear that and think that 1) it’s okay to pay our workers so little that they literally don’t have time for themselves, much less time to parents their own kids and raise them, 2) think they can sacrifice the lives of children so that they can let parents get back to working their lives away just to survive, and Suffering Sappho I already wanna die. 
Oh and survival of the fittest? No longer applies to humans. See, after we started doing things like making clothing to survive in winters we weren’t made for, and developing medicine to survive illnesses, and creating solutions to genetic problems, we stopped being immediately affected by survival of the fittest. Right now it only applies to drunk dumb dumbs swimming with alligators and people who are going into bars. Not to the people who you claim to be “genetically inferior” (couldn’t remember the exact words but it essentially meant this) because they didn’t survive a horrible pandemic claiming lives left and right. Besides this, this kind of social Darwinism is based on racism! Using this ideology to excuse using eugenics against African Americans was pretty popular back in the day and still is now if the people you talk to are insane! Now it’s mostly classism, because you know who aren’t gonna die of this pandemic? That’s right, folks, the rich who can afford to stay home and not work, and can also afford the best treatment if they do get it, and are also probably high in protein and pair well with red wine (I’m just kidding, I don’t actually know if red wine would go well with the rich, does anyone actually know the answer?). Never, ever try to justify mass deaths, especially by blaming their “weakness”, because that makes you a garbage person, and the planet is already suffering from pollution.
Also if you are a scientist, I’m sorry, your lifelong work and research is worth jack diddly, this old man said so and he can’t be wrong :(
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funamblrist · 5 years
something i find funny is how there's a clear disonnect when it comes to comparing crimes commited by socialist countries versus capitalist ones.
like for example, people will take literally anything bad done under socialism - regardless of whether it's a direct consequence of communist ideology or policies - and add that to the tally of communist crimes, because it's easy to look at ideologically motivated countries with clear motives like the USSR, and to say "oh the cheka tortured people during the civil war, and that was under the command of a communist government in a socialist state - this is proof that communism is on par with fascism."
but when it comes to capitalism, countries usually don't have any radical ideology or goals, but just flip flop between basic bitch establishment faces like liberalism, conservatism, etc. while maintaining the same mode of production and abiding by the laws of capital. it's not like socialism where you have a very clear system challenging the world that actually wants to pursue some kind of master goal, and as such anything bad it does can be pinned on said ideology.
since most of the world is capitalist, and there are many different types of governments and leaders - some more openly horrendous than others - it's easy for pro-capitalists to observe all the human rights abuses committed over the past few centuries by numerous countries, and instead of being all "oh wow the U.S. alone installed a lot of corrupt dictators, used to openly persecute minorities until the 70s/80s, had interment camps, bombed foreign countries, and constantly covers up all the bad shit they do" and coming to the realisation that a lot of these things happened purely to benefit the ruling class - that capitalism is the problem - they either outright neglect these things or are all "rip to the slaves but that was in the past, and we've progressed now!" or "wow this is just the fault of *insert meanie party* we need to vote for someone else!" they view all the bad shit through the lens of some vague concept of "the government (past or present)" or "drumpf/obamba/reagan" and not the system itself. after all, it's easy for the average first worlder to ignore the crimes of capitalism when they aren't in your face about it, unlike those horrible Soviets promoting Marxism with their KGBs and their scary parades and red flags.
anyway, it's just some capitalist governments that do bad stuff! there are so many good capitalist nations like Norway! so clearly capitalism isn't the driving factor! let's ignore the fact that Norway is in NATO, engages in economic imperialism, and still exploits the working class like all other capitalist nations! as long as you have welfare and put on a happy face, it's A-OK! hell, sometimes you don't even need to do that - the U.S. certainly doesn't, but people are fine with praising them for "freedom and democracy" and exulting their "market innovations."
it's a lot harder to pinpoint the crimes of capitalism when it's hidden away under other bullshit, and isn't a proper ideology with theories you can point to i.e socialist collectivisation, "muh authoritarian one party gommunism", removing the bourgeoisie, etc. if we actually went through and counted all the bad shit every single capitalist government has done (and continues to do,) along with the amount of suffering people face as a direct result of the market, the death toll and list of crimes would make Pol Pot blush - whatever fucked up shit happened under the circumstances of 20s/30s USSR, or the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War, would pale in comparison.
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To Light A Magic Fart
We have been made aware that our latest commentary has elicited a rant.
We would like begin by saying the first half of this rant is not only a misdirect but a lot of personal stuff that is outside our targeted topics of commentary so we shall be skipping that.
“As I type all this, I feel a strange sense of bewilderment. I’ve read very little on liminal spaces, magical theory, mythic time, or Dionysus; and yet I’m sitting here, trying to tell my own story and no one else’s, and finding myself describing something that I somehow, recognize as being intimately connected to all of these things at once. “
We must inform you this is very doubtful.  As someone who has crusaded against actual knowledge and those who teach it, study it, and understand it, you suddenly valuing any knowledge you are adamant against giving any sense of importance, this is a contradiction.  We would like to remind you, you have spent years demonizing those who are academically minded, who would possess the best supply of these topics of information.  We need to remind you, you have chased, and guided newcomers away from these very informed and academic individuals with a very glib and dismissive expressions that they are somehow morally and emotionally defective.
We need to remind you, you have spent more posts declaring how unimportant and meaningless academic resources, information, and knowledgeable people who covet such information, that it boggles the mind how you can sit here now and suddenly have an appreciation for information and knowledge.  We must say that is highly convenient, almost like you are a bag of contradictions and hyperbole.
“ I don’t know. Maybe I can’t know. Maybe knowing how and why this is happening isn’t the point. “
We would like to mention that in every occurrence that knowledge is passed on from a deity it is made obvious that it is given by them.  We would like to remind you, this would be conferred as a minor miracle and the god that granted it would not do so with a cloak and dagger delivery.
“Maybe no matter how strange and fantastic my real life is...“
We can not believe you, as you complain constantly about how you are incredibly oppressed and put-upon by the evil capitalist misogynistic patriarchy, holding you in a death grip of poverty...strange and fantastic is not the picture you spent years painting.  If you’d like to recant those lies and give a more accurate depiction of your life, feel free, no need to keep up the pretense.
“... there will always be some way that I and everyone else can convince ourselves that there must be a perfectly mundane, scientific explanation for everything, that nothing truly magical could ever possibly happen in our actual, physical lives. “
We would like to say this is a gross generalization that disturbs us greatly.  We would like to mention that, something can be scientific and still be magical.  Magical events do not have to be beyond scientific involvement or divorced from the world in a separate sphere.  They are part of the same world, they occupy the same space.  Magic is everywhere, and science just helps us understand how that natural magic works.  We understand the gist of what you are attempting to say but it’s so mushmouth muddled with it loses cohesion.  We would like to simplify, you’re wrong.  --Memphis
Not familiar with the idea that magic is only science we don’t understand yet, are you?  The world is as magical as you make it. --Cairo
“In fact, if I had done what nigh on every single Hellenic polytheist told me, 3 years ago, that I absolutely must do before I was allowed to even talk to any of the Theoi; i.e., devote far more time, money, and energy than I even had... “
You’d have a functional well structured and meaningful religious practice that you can easily make a habit to exercise, in order to have an actual religious practice and not just invent it on a whim while screeching “muh poverty lack of resources”, in a religious practice that has its ancient methodologies of worship and practice well outlined with a knowledgeable community that could inform you of them and help you?  We can see how dreadful that would have been!  Better you avoided any of that ACTUAL respecting the gods with their own religious practices which are time tested and just dump a can of wine on the ground, belch and in tone “amen, bro”.--Memphis
If every single practitioner of a religion is telling you that you do something, perhaps that’s how the religion is actually practiced?  Just saying.--Cairo
”I would still be refusing to accept the very possibility that the Theoi are real, and trying to communicate with me, and weren’t just trying to kick the shit out of me because I ‘m not “humble” enough to be allowed to even casually worship them, or even think about wanting to worship them. That is the extent to which I have been gaslighted by an ableist, sexist, queerphobic world...”
We must inform you this is not gaslighting, and none of this is true.  You’re so buried helplessly in the twisted murky interior of your own ideology that you have bought into all the lies and fables it has generated.  Snap out of it!
“It’s because polytheists are, for the most part, every bit as closed-minded and self-righteous as the Southern Baptists who told me I was an abomination and a Devil worshipper and a degenerate for being a queer witch who talked back to pastors and smoked weed.“
We must inform you, you are confused.  These are your actions which you committed upon every community you attempted to infect like herpes.  Anyone who didn’t bow down to every word of your vapid ideology was to be summarily purged.  You created an entire callout blog (which we parody), to bully, harrass and purge people you deem morally corrupt and a heretic to your divinely sanctioned and holy edicts of social justice that must be obeyed to the letter.  You terrorized this community for years with it, dividing it, polarizing it and demonizing our gods, twisting them into these token puppets you can make spit out any words you want to give yourself the squishy feels. 
The only ones who act like southern Baptists or medieval catholic inquisitors, are you and your friends.  Don’t try to backpedal that YOU are the victim here, you are the bully, the aggressor, the one causing harm. 
Some sects of polytheism have actual ancient records detailing proper practices to how their religion is followed.  While following them in personal practice is largely voluntary, they are the methods espoused to have been prescribed by the gods of their own religion.  It’s just respectful to those gods to follow such practices.
”Because of all this, polytheists are perfectly willing to bully, threaten, gaslight, and otherwise abuse young, vulnerable people in their midst who even for one minute threaten their perceived “respectability” in the eyes of the mainstream and of their favorite Big Name Pagans. They are perfectly willing to ignore the real problems in our community -bullying, toxic groupthink, overwhelming authoritarianism, rape culture and misogyny, TERFS and other assorted trans/homophobes, bigots of every kind, ableism to the point that the first thing anyone says to discredit me is that I’m “obviously hallucinating” when I talk about astral stuff or magic (that’s not how hallucinations fucking work you fucking morons! Read a book every now and then, for chrissake), and goddamn actual Nazis- in favor of whining about how Pop Culture Pagans or “fluffy” people or “loudmouthed brats” are OMG THE REASON NO ONE TAKES US SERIOUSLY!1!!11!!! They do all of these things, and simultaneously fancy themselves particularly enlightened, superior to followers of “”Abrahamic religions””, by virtue of simply “following the old gods” and “being connected to nature”, or whatever.”
We are touched, this is clear vagueblogging about us.  What was it you said...
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Seriously though, you left this on our post as if you don’t care, and then wrote this thesis of how much it bothers you and you do care.  You’re pathetic.
“Because of this shallow, petty, and toxic paradigm that permeates basically every single official pagan and polytheist space, it is almost impossible for most of us to really, meaningfully connect and communicate with our gods. “
We must inform you, this is fundamentally untrue.  You’re reaching again.--Memphis
Citation needed.  This mod has actually heard more complaints that name you, Devo, and your friends specifically as making it difficult to practice, than heard such complaints about other online spaces.--Cairo
“Because of this shallow, petty, and toxic paradigm that permeates basically every single official pagan and polytheist space, it is almost impossible for most of us to really, meaningfully connect and communicate with our gods. Human beings are intimately social creatures; we are constantly, consciously and subconsciously, affected by the social environment that we are in, whether we like it or not and whether we know it or not. It’s basically impossible not to be drawn in by the assumptions everyone around you makes and operates on, even if we’re ignoring thoughtforms and energies and other woo stuff. Polytheists have convinced ourselves that anything we experience that’s in any way out of the ordinary; in any way not exactly what the historical record we currently have portrays…in other words, anything that might realistically be a part of interacting with actual deities and doing actual magic, absolutely will be called a delusion, an attention-seeking stunt, an idiotic act of hubris, an attempt to “start a cult” or gain coercive power over others, an evil and sacrilegious act, or all of the above, by anyone and everyone in our community who wants to discredit whatever it is we’re saying. No wonder even people who have fantastic experiences doubt themselves, or refuse to go public with it; I’m not a particularly sensitive person by a long shot, and I often have to steel myself to be honest online because of the (attempted) bullying and public shaming that I know for a fact will result from it.“
More about us.  You must love us dearly.  We must inform you, again you are entirely wrong.  You literally told Set in that interview post, you would start a cult.  You adhere to a collectivist ideology that operates on the concept of original sin and so everyone of that group must atone for the sins of the group for every instance in history.  You follow an ideology that abhors individual worth and thought over the group opinion and the group’s collective thought, in which any dissent and the individual will be sacrificed to ensure purity of the group.  You operate like a wanna-be cult leader who wants a cult.
You have done alot of evil in this community and you called it righteous because your ideology decrees it must be.  Your every action is dictated by it, your every thought is shaped by it to the point you declared that a god who historically always supported a theocratic monarchy...suddenly fell in love with socialism/communism...an inherently destructive and genocidal form of government and philosophy.  One that has claimed over 100 million lives, and more?!  That is alot ot buy, smarmy, a LOT to buy.  We didn’t even mention how he just outright confirms all your political points, thoughts, beliefs, and heralds them as divinely sanctioned?!  We don’t have to know how the stove top makes the coil red hot to understand touching it will burn.--Memphis  
Others have said it, and this mod will say it again:  It is not that you are sharing your personal experiences that is the problem; it is that you are stating them as being as factually true as peer reviewed historical sources.  You can believe what you want, but it is absolutely dishonest and disgusting to expect and insist that the rest of the community treat it as fucking holy scripture.--Cairo 
“I’m not a particularly sensitive person by a long shot...”
We would like to say, considering you felt the need to write this dissertation of drivel, you most certainly are sensitive.
“If you say you worship Set, but then spit in the face of his ideals in almost every mundane action you take -from the way you treat people traditionally associated with him to the way you think and talk about mundane, real-world chaos, riots, criminals, and political violence- are you actually worshipping Set, or are you just worshipping your own assumptions about Set?“
We are amazed at how unironic you write this and yet, it’s like you wrote this looking in a mirror.
“And if the very fact that someone online who you don’t like has posted UPG about Set condemning your actions and behavior…causes you to post frantic, histrionic paragraphs about how the person in question is an evil, power-hungry, lunatic aspiring cult leader who is “evidently” crazy and lying and trying to manipulate the entire kemetic community and also is in league with the Sn/ake that wants to destroy existence itself, are you really prioritizing your devotion to Set? Or are you prioritizing your own ego, because you refuse to even entertain the possibility that you could be wrong and ought to change your behavior in some way in order to better honor him? “
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Wow again, you gazed in the mirror.  None of our commentaries, nor those of any of your critics, are frantic, nor histrionic, but it is apparent that you are and you do.  They are not the ones fueled by such deep seething hatred and rage for anything outside your own myopic and narrow minded views.  They aren’t the ones demanding slavish devotion to an ideology that history has proven is murderous and dangerous.  They aren’t the ones who profess to be ‘on the side of the angels’ and in the same breath long for violent rebellious war to shred the country and slaughter millions.  You are a hateful person devoid of compassion and an enemy of anything resembling freedom. 
We see you have again mistaken UPG for something provable.  If you had written that interview and stated that you wrote Set’s dialogue intuitively, or you interpreted them, rather then composed the transcript verbatim...we’d have been more lenient with our criticisms.  We point out, every word of his dialogue was verbatim your own, that you have ranted about for the years.  Every bit, from his diction, to his syntax, from tone to word choices was entirely from your own and not from an external source.  The fact it entirely vindicates every word of your political tripe, your beliefs and ideology, to the decimal place, is evidence that it’s not from any external source, or external spiritual entity but from you.  This was a complete fiction.
To state that “anyone who disagrees with smarmy, Set and his people gunna git’ya”, is such a colossal over reach that it strains believably.  We are certain that any god who loves their devotee would say they will defend them against attack, but this.  We must inform you this is something else entirely.
We are quite certain we don’t need to change our behavior to profess your ideals as our own and bow down to accept communism and socialism or even anarchism as the true path forwards.  We don’t need to throw away any sense of actual morality to support systems that have led to more destruction and death then any others in history and recorded memory. 
We are also not above admitting if we are wrong, but when it comes to you and how you abuse the name of the gods for your own twisted ends, we aren’t.
We are however, certain you are.  You are so in love with your own ideological puppetry that you not only profess that a god has endorsed you 100%, promised to smite all who oppose you, promise you power and prestige as his precious prophet of his ideals (which you forced into him).  So deeply entrenched in this ideology and stances of no matter what the cost, no matter how ridiculous, you can never admit to being wrong when facing any dissenting voices or else it instantly negates all of your teachings, beliefs, and words (which it only does because you made them so absolute), that you cannot admit you are wrong and can only dig deeper down this endless trench of foolishness and madness. 
We have no doubts the S/na/ke influences you, it praises you, it agrees with you, it gives you whatever you want, the sense of righteousness that you’re never wrong and always on the side of purity, everyone else is evil, everyone else is impure, everyone else is wrong, everyone else is at fault...That is the danger of isfet and the parasitic spirits that serve it, and you let them in.
“ I believe that gods are huge, ancient, and multi-faceted, so sure, it’s possible that there’s a version of Set out there that likes racist bootlickers and encourages them to follow the law no matter the human cost“
This is among the most offensive things you’ve ever said.  Historical record cannot be dismissed and hand-waved away of how these gods have acted in the past and expect they did a full 180.  We would like to mention, that once again, like any good cult leader, you degrade anyone who dissents.  We would like to state you are completely off the mark, you have no understanding of this god if you honestly think he loves communism and loves nazism and loves racism because ‘there MUST be an aspect of him that likes it’.  We need to remind you, that would make him evil.  This is a complete insult to a god you claim to love and worship.  This is a damning and horrible thing to say about a god you claim to respect.  This shows us you have nothing but sheer contempt for the gods, so you invent a twisted and corrupted idea of them.  We need to remind you, it’s bullshit like this that makes us say your a delusional child aspiring cult leader who is aligned with the sn/a/ke, if you honestly think this about Set.  We are disgusted, you do this noble god, so much dishonor.  --Memphis
How dare you.  How dare you insult a god you claim to be even an outlaw priest of with such a foul misunderstanding of his character?!  Even for hyperbolic rhetoric?!  Can you not have even the barest smidgen of respect for the god you claim to serve or worship?  Or are the words that describe the most basic relationship of priesthood too uncomfortable for you?--Cairo
“ ... to “keep it real” by regurgitating tired and ignorant bigoted stereotypes and acting as though the fact the stereotype exists at all is somehow evidence that you’re right to be a bigot; and believe that “illegals” seeking asylum so that they and their families won’t fucking die are inherently dangerous enough to justify putting them in motherfucking concentration camps. But just because it’s possible doesn’t necessarily mean it’s very likely, now does it? “
We would ask if you ever get tired of making sweeping incorrect generalizations that make you look stupid but we already know the answer.  If you’d like to discuss what we believe regarding various political situations, we at KCFTP would be happy to chat, but do stop shoving words and beliefs into our and everyone mouths that do not apply.--Memphis
Who the fuck is Smarmy even talking about here?--Cairo
“No wonder people react to anyone showing historically common, textbook behaviors of a person being called to spirit work or reacting to being in a liminal space or state of mind, with derision and scorn and bullying. Genuine liminality, one of the main historical requirements for communicating with gods or using magic, is almost universally despised and cursed by modern-day polytheists as heresy.“
We would like to say this literally never happens.  This is a bold faced lie.  We knew you could not help it!--Memphis
That is really fucking weird, every discussion I’ve had with other polytheists and pagans has touched on how to communicate with gods, spirits, and other entities, magic, or other things that require having a foot in multiple worlds.  Everyone usually seems pretty eager to talk about such things.  Unusual for something “universally despised and cursed.”--Cairo  
“LGBT+ people are stereotyped as “special snowflakes” and yelled at about “assigning modern labels to gods” when we say that deities who canonically act as multiple genders or sleep with same-gendered-beings, are queer like us. “
We would like to clarify, no smarmy, that’s just you and your ilk...and it’s by other LBGT+ people...Stop trying to be some martyr, you aren’t.  Go outside, get off the internet.
“ Young people are bullied and publicly shamed on a regular basis if they run afoul of the wrong “Big Name Pagan”, and people smugly tell themselves and each other that it is, somehow, for the kid’s own good because they have to be “taught a lesson in humility” and “being the bigger person” or some other fucking nonsense that sounds like it fell directly from the mouths of actual child abusers and predators. “
So anyone who disagrees with you are child abusers and predators now too!?  We would like to say that is astounding, almost like it’s entirely fiction.  We’d also like to mention, the only BIG Name Pagans around here are you and Devo, and you guys are constantly a problem.  Maybe its you who needs to “be taught a lesson in humility” because you are no where near humble and you are among the most abusive individuals in this community.--Memphis
Said it before, will say it again.  We have seen you and your crew bully and publicly shame far more people in this particular community than any of us.  We’re not the ones who started the Kemetic Callout war, only the ones who have arguably been more successful at it.  And your callout blog only has the people who talked back and wouldn’t bend, it doesn’t count the many who bowed and broke before your bullying or those who left here altogether.--Cairo  
“Until sharing UPG that goes against the more popular narratives no longer makes one a social pariah among their polytheist peers, nobody should be surprised that it’s almost exclusively the heretical, disrespectful punks who are constantly being publicly snubbed and dismissed by their peers, who ever seem to talk about seeing any results or evidence that anything out-of-the-ordinary is actually going on. “
Translation: “Until I can share my UPG and it is believed as absolute fact without any question, and be heralded as the divine truth, the community is a shitshow!”--Memphis
As long as your UPG agrees 100% with your own personal and political beliefs, it will and should be questioned.  Whatever your stance, the gods have a wider experience and knowledge base than we do and will always have a different perspective.  Any spirit that tells you everything you want to hear and flatters you shamelessly is no god and has no good intentions towards you in the end.--Cairo
“Until we all accept that it doesn’t matter if Christians and mainstream secular people think we’re weird and so we don’t need to constantly jump through hoops to seem Academic™ and Serious™ and Normal™, nobody should be surprised that the only public discussions that don’t devolve into nasty name-calling matches are ones facilitated by a handful of holier-than-thou assholes who treat having a PhD in Philosophy as though it’s a permission slip from the gods themselves to be a self-righteous, know-it-all douche, and never really allow any disagreement with them on anything important.“
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Translation: “We need to continue being edgy punk teens who disrespect gods and culture and snub actual belief systems by turning them into comical satires of themselves, until the people smarter then us give up and let us have all the power, while we use our UPG to try and seem way more divinely important then we actually are by assigning ourselves flashy titles and divine endorsements!!! Cause if the gods support US, then we can’t be wrong!”
We would like to remind you that history is fraught with oppressive regimes who used this tactic, one example is the Spanish Inquisition.  Did you agree with them torturing and killing people to force them into conversion?  Another example we would like to mention is the North Korean regimes.  The ones who still have ACTUAL concentration camps. 
We would like to mention, China now has concentration camps where they hold and torment innocent Muslim citizens, and Chechnya who still have death camps where they send gay and LGBT citizens. 
We would like to mention these go entirely against your belief and political structures about LGBT+ issues, oppression, and gay rights.  We notice you never mention those.  We notice you never complain about them and how evil they are. We wonder, is it because it goes against your narrative of “communism is the truth and the way” or do you just not care? 
We would like to point out it would seem like those are true injustices you could fight against and for...not...how everyone needs to behave and believe how you want.
We would like to set the snark aside for a second and say, we’re always up for discussions.  We need to clarify that you always reduce the conversations to insults and calling everyone who disagrees with you “racist bootlickers”, so the issue is not on our side, but with you, so stop lying that we and all your critics are the unreasonable ones.
“And until we care more about taking care of each other than protecting our deities’ reputations, nobody should be surprised when our community remains a toxic, misogynistic, homophobic, Nazi-infested shithole, while everyone is more than happy to spend hours arguing about the particulars of shrine setups and deity name pronunciations and whether or not it’s okay to offer potato chips and Netflix binges to ancient deities who, ultimately, realistically are not that likely to give a shit either way. “
Literal Nazis wandered into our community and your reaction was “meh so what” and continued bullying other innocent people, who you labeled as nazis and racists.  You’re a one tune piano smarmy, and you just keep tooting the same tune.  It wasn’t believable when you were “the holy ambassador, ordained by Jesus, to the hellenics” it is not believable now.
“Until we fix the problems with our collective paradigm, until we fix the way we treat each other, until we genuinely value wisdom, compassion, humility, and courage over our reputations, we are all gonna have to accept that the gods we worship are not all that interested in revealing their actual, authentic, awesome, strange and unexpected powers to people who are determined to believe they are either incapable or unwilling to do so.“
We agree, you should start treating people better, starting with inatier and all the other people you’ve spent YEARS defaming, bullying, berating, harassing, snubbing, and demonizing.--Memphis
Actions speak louder than words Smarmy, and based on yours none of these are your values.  We have seen you bully and cast aside community members who did their research and were willing to share, we have seen your utter lack of compassion throughout your time here with anyone who has the nerve to disagree with you, and the idea of you having humility is a joke.  You worry more about being seen as your edgy, antifa, communist [insert additional labels here} self than about having the courage to suck it up, show some compassion, and value the wisdom of trying to mend the fences you have broken so badly over the years.
Additionally, we have had no problem seeing the many wondrous and varied faces of our gods because we are not hell bent on forcing them into tiny boxes that fit only our own personal beliefs.  If this is a problem you have been having, perhaps you should take your own advice.--Cairo
My colleagues have added much to these particular points of your diatribe, but I’ll add my bit here. While it seems like you may be in a better place physically (despite claiming you know more about psychology and medicine than your previous doctors do), you seem to be going down a dark, dangerous road mentally. You might just find yourself in jail yet, or worse if you don’t reevaluate your thinking.
“The insomnia is what caused my other symptoms to get so bad that they become delusions, paranoia, mania, and once, auditory hallucinations.” So you’re admitting to having breaks from reality, along with your emotional instability. Yet, you get butthurt when people are skeptical to your religious experiences. I’m no psychologist, admittedly, but I don’t automatically trust random people’s religious experiences, much less someone with a history of psychosis. Whether it’s you or anyone else. 
I would also recommend you be very, very careful using THC. I don’t know what medications you’re taking, but THC can interact with several different drugs, including Prozac. High levels of THC can cause paranoia and psychosis as well. 
You’re trying to act as a leader and activist when you’re still dealing with some very serious conditions. This is why so many people recommend to not use magic or occultic practices when dealing with mental health. People are not being elitist or ableist when they do this. The whole purpose is to encourage others to first attain treatment for their conditions. You’ve been claiming your own voice as Set’s, threatening violence to attain your desires in regards to politics, and using magic to harm your political enemies. You refuse to understand the motivations of people who don’t hold the same political opinions - even “centrists”, so that even the politically moderate are your enemies. This is even a symptom of borderline personality disorder, which you say you’re diagnosed with. Clearly, your symptoms aren’t completely managed.
You have a long way to go in terms of healing. You can blame the outside world all you like for not getting treatment or for a lack of progress, but your mental health is YOUR responsibility and you need to take responsibility and fix yourself before you’re in any position to try and “fix” the world with your ideology.
I highly encourage you to take a break and get some further professional help; wherever you are and however you can get it. Your writings are extremely troubling to us here. The last thing you need is to get arrested or committed trying to “punch a Nazi” or “take down the system”. You’re going to really screw up any chances of getting on your feet, getting treatment, and doing something actually meaningful with your life if you continue down this road.
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Make America Great, Period
I keep getting ads from Republicans on my other social media. All of this rah-rah, go 'Murrica sh*t. They're asking me to give my opinion on the president, rate his time in office or whatever. It’s an election year, i get it, but i kind of feel like whoever is doing their focus research is dropping the ball on this one, man. I am not anywhere near what you would call a “trump supporter.” I don’t “lean” right or even center. I’m what the media would call a “radical leftist” or “Antifa”, even though I'm more a democratic socialist that doesn’t want to be persecuted under a fascist regime, which is what the current administration is doing their goddamndest to make happen. I just want to be clear:
F*ck Trump.
F*ck Republicans.
F*ck being conservative.
F*ck religion.
F*ck MAGA.
F*ck the police.
F*ck nationalism.
F*ck 'Murrica.
I disagree with literally everything that is the current conservative discourse. That sh*t is misleading and dangerous. It's the most backwards, gas lighting, falsehood, posturing, bullsh*t I have ever heard in entire f*cking my life and I hate the fact a whole third of this goddamn country takes it as gospel. This sh*t is the most obvious manipulation I have ever seen and it hurts to know that people can see this same sh*t I do, and still take to that hook willingly. I literally watched Pence say Biden is trying to start free healthcare like it’s a bad thing and people agreed. How’s that Medicare, Karen? How’s that Social Security check, Darren? Oh, but you paid into that. Sure, okay, not lately though, right? You don’t have Social Security deducted from your Social Security check. I’m effectively paying for your retirement.My takes are going in on that medicare you’re using to buy insulin at a ridiculous mark up. But go on about how socialized medicine will bankrupt this county, while privatized medicine is bankrupting you. F*ck off with this whole “socialism” bad and free healthcare boogeyman nonsense. We’re the only developed country in the world without social programs and you motherf*ckers are too stupid to understand that’s a terrible thing. You drank the Kool-Aid these assholes on top are using to distract you from the fact they’re going to work you until you die because, at the end of the day, you’re nothing but dollars to them. Your life is weighed aginst what it can do for their pockets. Its like the Matrix but instead of robots, VR, and people batteries, it’s elitist billionaires, paying millionaires to make laws and distracting rhetoric, so they can exploit your labor until you are thrown away.
If for some reason what I said offended you, f*cking good. I'm offended right now. I'm offended every time I have to listen to some asshole say "All lives matter" when I’m trying to appeal to their humanity about my life specifically. I’m offended every time i see someone try to turn BLM into some domestic terrorist-like movement when there are literal militia members running down innocent people during peacefully protests or a secret police outside any government oversight, black-bagging political dissidents in states that oppose 45′s toxic and stupid ideology. I'm offended when I see cops get on TV and blame murder victims for being killed because they were out past curfew. I'm offended I get to see two expose videos a week of some bible thumping idiot talking about how they don't need a mask because they're covered in god's blood or that 45 is going to “fix us good” because "muh rights." I’m offended every time a goddamn millionaire televangelist buys a brand new jet for personal use while telling their congregation, hurting and unemployed due to this botched pandemic response, to keep sending in them tithes because you gotta pay for your blessings. I f*cking hate it here, man, and I can't even leave because your "leader" made us a sh*thole country and the rest of the world put us in quarantine. And if any of the sh*t i just said offends or gets you defensive, you're part of the f*cking problem. Get over yourself so we can get over the bullsh*t and be as great as you claim you want us to be.
0 notes
smokeybrand · 4 years
Make America Great, Period
I keep getting ads from Republicans on my other social media. All of this rah-rah, go 'Murrica sh*t. They're asking me to give my opinion on the president, rate his time in office or whatever. It’s an election year, i get it, but i kind of feel like whoever is doing their focus research is dropping the ball on this one, man. I am not anywhere near what you would call a “trump supporter.” I don’t “lean” right or even center. I’m what the media would call a “radical leftist” or “Antifa”, even though I'm more a democratic socialist that doesn’t want to be persecuted under a fascist regime, which is what the current administration is doing their goddamndest to make happen. I just want to be clear:
F*ck Trump.
F*ck Republicans.
F*ck being conservative.
F*ck religion.
F*ck MAGA.
F*ck the police.
F*ck nationalism.
F*ck 'Murrica.
I disagree with literally everything that is the current conservative discourse. That sh*t is misleading and dangerous. It's the most backwards, gas lighting, falsehood, posturing, bullsh*t I have ever heard in entire f*cking my life and I hate the fact a whole third of this goddamn country takes it as gospel. This sh*t is the most obvious manipulation I have ever seen and it hurts to know that people can see this same sh*t I do, and still take to that hook willingly. I literally watched Pence say Biden is trying to start free healthcare like it’s a bad thing and people agreed. How’s that Medicare, Karen? How’s that Social Security check, Darren? Oh, but you paid into that. Sure, okay, not lately though, right? You don’t have Social Security deducted from your Social Security check. I’m effectively paying for your retirement.My takes are going in on that medicare you’re using to buy insulin at a ridiculous mark up. But go on about how socialized medicine will bankrupt this county, while privatized medicine is bankrupting you. F*ck off with this whole “socialism” bad and free healthcare boogeyman nonsense. We’re the only developed country in the world without social programs and you motherf*ckers are too stupid to understand that’s a terrible thing. You drank the Kool-Aid these assholes on top are using to distract you from the fact they’re going to work you until you die because, at the end of the day, you’re nothing but dollars to them. Your life is weighed aginst what it can do for their pockets. Its like the Matrix but instead of robots, VR, and people batteries, it’s elitist billionaires, paying millionaires to make laws and distracting rhetoric, so they can exploit your labor until you are thrown away.
If for some reason what I said offended you, f*cking good. I'm offended right now. I'm offended every time I have to listen to some asshole say "All lives matter" when I’m trying to appeal to their humanity about my life specifically. I’m offended every time i see someone try to turn BLM into some domestic terrorist-like movement when there are literal militia members running down innocent people during peacefully protests or a secret police outside any government oversight, black-bagging political dissidents in states that oppose 45′s toxic and stupid ideology. I'm offended when I see cops get on TV and blame murder victims for being killed because they were out past curfew. I'm offended I get to see two expose videos a week of some bible thumping idiot talking about how they don't need a mask because they're covered in god's blood or that 45 is going to “fix us good” because "muh rights." I’m offended every time a goddamn millionaire televangelist buys a brand new jet for personal use while telling their congregation, hurting and unemployed due to this botched pandemic response, to keep sending in them tithes because you gotta pay for your blessings. I f*cking hate it here, man, and I can't even leave because your "leader" made us a sh*thole country and the rest of the world put us in quarantine. And if any of the sh*t i just said offends or gets you defensive, you're part of the f*cking problem. Get over yourself so we can get over the bullsh*t and be as great as you claim you want us to be.
0 notes
spann-stann · 1 year
Given this setup, let’s say you’re the Delegate. Your patch is the city of San Francisco, and your realm is its new corporate overlord—Friscorp. Friscorp is yours. Not that you own it, of course, just that the owners have hired you to run it.
First, let’s enumerate the basic principles of sovereign corporate management.
Principle one: the proprietors’ sovereignty is absolute. Securing it against all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the primary fiduciary responsibility of the Delegate. Lose the patch and the realm is worthless, and so are the shares. Everything else, even profit, comes after security.
Principle two: a realm is a business, not a charity. Its goal is to maximize its discounted return on investment. If Delegate and proprietors alike somehow manage to forget this, in the long run their realm will deteriorate, develop red-giant syndrome, and become gigantic, corrupt and foul. It may even turn into a democracy.
Principle three: except in cases where it conflicts with the first or second principles, “Don’t be evil” is always good business. Think of your realm as a hotel. As Mark Twain once put it: “All saints can do miracles, but few of them can keep hotel.” And while many hotelkeepers can do miracles, few indeed are saints. But all are nice to the customers—at least, the 99.999% of customers who feel no need to start torching the drapery.
While our test case, San Francisco, is hardly representative of the average stitch of Earth’s skin, it will probably be harder to manage than most—being both urban, and urbane. So how, as Delegate of Friscorp, would you run your town? Let’s start by assuming a steady-state system, ducking as usual the problem of getting from here to there.
There are two basic tasks of a realm: managing the residents, and surviving in the big bad world. Let’s take these one at a time.
Any hominid, hominoid, or other bipedal ape present on Friscorp’s patch is a resident. The basic idea of a realm is that the proprietors profit by providing the residents with a pleasant place to live, be happy, and of course be productive. Basically, if you’re not nice to the hominids, they’ll leave, the proprietors won’t have a business, and you won’t have a job.
It is difficult for those of us who grew up under democracy to juxtapose this fact, which is an incentive rather than a constraint, with the fact that as Delegate of Friscorp, you exercise undivided sovereignty over San Francisco. You have no constraint. Your residents are as ants in your kitchen. No combination of them can possibly oppose you. Not even if they all come together in one big angry mob, screaming, jumping up and down, waving their little signs and throwing rocks and gravel. All will be massacred by your invincible robot armies. Pour la canaille: Faut la mitraille!5
And even without any such cause for complaint, if it would be profitable to just spray the whole city down, exterminating the current crop of worthless bipeds and replacing them with a more upscale crowd, you will. And if you don’t, your proprietors will fire you and hire a new Delegate with a clue. Terrifying! At least from the San Franciscans’ perspective.
But we can nip this grimness right here: it won’t be profitable. Why exterminate, when you can enslave? (It won’t be profitable to enslave, either. But see further.) Once again, Patchwork residents do not rely on imaginary constraints to feel secure in the icy, lethal jaws of a sovereign state which could slaughter them all. They rely on real incentives. While the incentives may not be 100% reliable, they at least exist.
A realm signs a formal contract, or covenant, with all responsible residents. The deal is this: the resident agrees not to misbehave, and the realm agrees not to mistreat him. Definitions of each are set down in great detail. In case of conflict, the realm appoints an arbitrator to hear the case. All cases can be appealed up to the Delegate, who has the power not only to interpret the covenant but also—being sovereign—to suspend it.
This process is called “law.” It is not a novelty. A realm may adopt and/or modify any of the old Continental, British or American systems of law. If a common-law system is adopted, precedent should be rolled back to 1900 at the latest, and probably more like 1800. The democratic era has corrupted everything, law being no exception.
The covenant has two sides, but the sides are not equal. The realm, having sovereign power, can compel the resident to comply with all promises. Since San Francisco is not an Islamic state, it does not ask its residents to agree that their hand will be cut off if they steal. But it could. And San Francisco, likewise, can promise not to cut off its residents’ hands until it is blue in the face—but, since it is a sovereign state, no one can enforce this promise against it.
For exactly this reason, however, San Francisco must guard its reputation. It does this by living up to its promises, as much as possible. If it is forced by unexpected, understandable circumstances to invoke force majeure, people will probably understand. If it breaks its own promises all the time and for no good reason, amputating hands willy-nilly after swearing up and down that life and limb are sacred, it will not be viewed as a safe place to live, and no one will want to live there. Congratulations on your new burned-out ruin. The views, at least, remain spectacular. Your replacement can probably find a way to salvage some tiny fraction of his employers’ capital by turning the place into some kind of eco-park.
To live in or even just visit San Francisco, a hominid must either sign the covenant, or be a dependent of some guardian who has signed the covenant. I.e., your hominid must either be responsible, or have someone who is responsible for it. San Francisco is a city, not a zoo. The signer of the covenant, the responsible party, is the subject.
In the covenant, the realm promises to protect the subject’s person, property and dependents. It indemnifies the subject against crime, and pays unrecoverable tort claims. There is no such thing as perfect security, and bad things can happen to anyone anywhere, but Friscorp considers all disturbances of the peace to be its problem and its fault.
And most important, Friscorp guarantees your right to depart from the city with person, property and dependents, unless of course you are fleeing legal proceedings. (And maybe even if you are—of course, you would have to find another patch willing to take you.)
In return, the subject promises not to disturb the peace of San Francisco, or permit his or her dependents to do so. (I favor the ancient Roman design, in which the guardian is responsible for the actions of his dependents, and holds the authority of patria potestas over them. Authority and responsibility, as usual, being unified. Not quite a fractal or hierarchical sovereignty, but close. Friscorp has no business case for interfering in its subjects’ family lives.)
Residents of a Patchwork realm have no security or privacy against the realm. There is no possible conflict in the matter: not being malignant, the government is not a threat to its residents, and since it is sovereign they are not a threat to it. This absence of conflict allows the government to enforce a much higher level of peaceful interaction between residents.
All residents, even temporary visitors, carry an ID card with RFID response. All are genotyped and iris-scanned. Public places and transportation systems track everyone. Security cameras are ubiquitous. Every car knows where it is and who is sitting in it, and tells the authorities both. Residents cannot use this data to snoop into each others’ lives, but Friscorp can use it to monitor society at an almost arbitrarily detailed level.
In return, residents experience a complete absence of crime—at least at the level of present-day Japan, and ideally much lower. (San Francisco has no need of Yakuza.) Residents also experience a complete lack of security theater—to board a plane, they walk right on. Friscorp has no reason to tolerate the presence of dangerous or unidentified hominids at large in its city, any more than it would tolerate leopards on the loose.
Strong identification and tracking of residents also mitigates one of the most obvious problems with the Patchwork approach, the inconvenience of constantly crossing borders in a world of small sovereignties. What does a resident do if she lives in San Francisco and wants to drive to Berkeley, which is a different country? Is there a checkpoint on the Bay Bridge?
Not at all. She just drives to Berkeley. Her car knows who is in it, and the authorities of both SF and Berkeley know where it is. If she is for some reason not authorized to enter Berkeley, all sorts of alarms will flash. If she persists, she will be of course detained. Having a scalpel, Patchwork feels no need to whack anyone with a club.
-Mencius Moldbug, "Patchwork: A Political System For the 21st Century"
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piduai · 4 years
What do you think of Farnese/Casca as a ship?
muh feminism and muh lesbianism and whatnot but when i consume manime and manime-adjacent media like berserk and, say, ryuu ga gotoku i switch the part of my brain that is responsible for hot takes such as “women are people too actually” and “writing women like this is insulting, dehumanizing and hurtful” or “male writers should be forcibly lobotomized” if i want to enjoy it because it can compensate its astronomical, violent, mind-boggling misogyny with things i do like otherwise. high stakes etc. i have no hopes and no expectations from Female Characters(tm) when it comes to manime. men hate women and there’s little to be done about it. i don’t pay for this shit and i avoid the fans like the plague anyway so i may as well get over it and conveniently ignore things that have the potential to sour me.
not everyone is like me, though, and people on here like redeeming dumb shit all the time, or perhaps like humoring the delusion that not everything is as hopeless as it seems (it’s worse than it seems), or virtue signaling as an act of itself gives them an incredible high, i don’t know. i think the combination of these led to something as abysmal as the birth of this ship. do not get me wrong, it’s none of my business how people choose to cope, and if they desperately want a lesbian ship in BERSERK(!) of all things then uh... ok? you do you queen. but i find it bizarre. 
casca is uh, casca. there’s so much to be told about her that i’d rather not say anything. farnese was introduced as mildly interesting, she even used to have a personality out of her affiliation with serpico (wow), but then she met guts and Turned Good because craving paenis, and especially the one who belongs to such a mighty specimen, just does this to a woman. her “character development” was defanging her and stripping her of the two or three personality traits she seemed to possess in the beginning. isn’t it cruel? now she’s brooding and anxious and awkward. she was reduced to lowkey despising casca for being the object (barf) of guts’s affection (barf) while also taking the role of her caretaker, not a merry fate by any means. shipping a mentally regressed person with her caretaker seems weird to me, although i’m sure that the people who are into it ship it as a version of casca being healed and suddenly deciding she needs a woman’s embrace (bc god forbid we express a problematic concept here. as we all know berserk is very ideologically pure and wholesome).
besides both casca and farnese are painfully straight and obviously boy-crazy. you expect me to believe, realistically, that they’d have a relationship exceeding wine dinners, the way straight women bond with each other? please.
again when it comes to this kind of media i switch off my feminist brain and go with the flow, and the only thing i care about in this manga is griffith/griffguts so my memories of anything beyond the golden age arc are vague at best, but farnese never struck me as particularly intriguing anyhow. miura used up all of his writing potential on pre-eclipse griffith and then his head went blank and has stayed blank, reason he put up nothing but stupid garbage ever since. i’m not caught up with the manga either so i have no idea what’s going on + do not care. people who do, though, fascinate me, not gonna lie.
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
The best way to counter the far right? Know the enemy | Hari Kunzru
Since Trumps election win, his online footsoldiers are ever more emboldened. Heres how to fight back
Last weekend, I flew to Berlin to speak at a seminar. I found myself relieved to be off American soil but worried about leaving my family behind. I wasnt concerned about their safety, at least not as things stand. My wife and children are citizens and my immigration status is solid, though its significant that these are times when I have to think about my wifes citizenship and my solid immigration status.
Since the inauguration, which feels like a long time ago, the pace of change has been rapid and the need to be close to my loved ones is strong. Like many of my friends, my social media use has become compulsive and unhealthy. You could think of it as informational hyper-vigilance, a draining state in which your need to keep yourself informed wakes you up in the middle of the night to check if something has happened, something that requires an immediate response or decision. You need to know how everyone else is reading each new development. Who is being melodramatic? Who is complacent? Who is reading the roiling political currents in a helpful way?
Ha ha ha, says the voice in my head. Look at the anxious snowflake who cant get past muh feelz. One of my symptoms is a compulsion to spend too much time on the far-right internet. While itself driven by extreme emotionalism, the toxic right tends to adopt a tone of lofty rationality towards its antagonists. The pain of leftists is not only intellectually contemptible but actively enjoyable. Indeed, theres an argument that it may even be a policy driver for the Bannon-Miller faction of the new Trump administration, the part that has migrated from the internet to the Oval Office and which understands the appetite of its base for bloody revenge.
The coastal liberal, that great straw man, is considered to be smug and insulated from the consequences of the politically correct positions he or she holds, particularly on immigration. The measure of Trumps various Bannon-authored policy announcements may not be their substance, their wisdom or their basis in any kind of broadly shared reality but their capacity to wound and unsettle ideological enemies.
On accounts with profile pictures of crusader knights, Roman philosophers or anime characters in states of ecstatic euphoria, one reads a lot about the Enlightenment and about the self-indulgence and corruption of a mythical hegemonic left. The great vice is empathy, the decadent prioritising of sentiment over reason and of racial or cultural outsiders over insiders, a trait of a self-indulgent class that has been infected by a sort of viral guilt by Frankfurt School Marxism. Rationality is a cipher for whiteness in this conversation and often cloaks itself in the language of sociobiology. Liberal expressions of empathy, particularly towards minorities or out-groups, are not only maladaptive in evolutionary terms, theyre not even sincere, merely so-called virtue signalling, part of a coercive shame game the rightists are refusing to play. This appeal to rationality comes with a supplement of irrational violence.
In the days after the election, as the message boards exulted in the power of their meme magic to alter the course of history, the hashtag #rwds did the rounds, standing for right-wing death squads. A quick and queasy perusal showed a lot of frothing millennials gleefully imagining the cartoonish torture of Jews, intellectuals, all the usual suspects, with an aesthetic derived from the cold war in Latin America. After the inauguration day incident in which Richard Spencer was punched while giving a TV interview, these same people presented themselves as victims of an intolerable breakdown of civility and the rule of law and threatened to take matters into their own hands if they werent protected by the authorities.
Ive never had much time for the strand of armchair American liberalism that believes in the essential goodness of America, the sort of people who quote Dr Martin Luther Kings famous phrase about the arc of the moral universe bending towards justice, not in order to urge fellow citizens towards struggle but to suggest that some cosmic process will make everything turn out all right. Theyre usually people who would never dream of espousing the embarrassingly retrograde theology of Manifest Destiny but cling on to a sort of fuzzy exceptionalism, in which they are absolved by their Americanness of responsibility to make the future.
While I was in Berlin, the executive order on immigration was announced and all hell broke out at the airports. Customs and Border Protection started detaining travellers whose status had changed while they were in the air. At Washington Dulles airport, a five-year-old Iranian boy was handcuffed. The Customs and Border Protection patrol defied court orders to give access to detainees, court orders that wouldnt have even been sought had a large cohort of lawyers not been part of massive protests that made it impossible for the authorities to ignore the situation.
This kind of practical grassroots action is in sharp contrast to the supine posture of congressional Democrats, who are lagging far behind the people they purport to lead.
Though the right berates the left for a politics based on empathy, their own strategy (or tendency, if you prefer not to tell conspiracy stories) is towards the colonisation of the public sphere by the presentation of feeling, instead of more traditional republican (and Republican) virtues such as moral rectitude, sincerity or adherence to truth. The presidents background in reality television gives him an intuitive sense that the veracity of a thing has no necessary relation to its feeling of truth and in that lies its political force. If he says his inauguration was the biggest ever, or that some nameless expert told him that torture works, no amount of fact checking will, in itself, counter that.
For those of us who believe that we need to preserve a functioning public sphere based on some shared standard of truth, it remains important to combat the alternative facts of the new administration, but the most successful actions of the last two weeks, such as the Womens March and the occupation of the airports, have shown that the facts on the ground matter just as much.
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Read more: http://bit.ly/2jS1wCe
from The best way to counter the far right? Know the enemy | Hari Kunzru
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post from like five weeks ago that i just got around to finishing now woot
oh man, I thought I had run out of salt to mine aside from heromaca, but just look at this fucking shit it's fuckig beautiful--
wait no actual first off, I want to complain about the fucking otter motif- we get it Ukuhara you made two pseudo-successful series with animal motifs, now you're being self-referential. fucking stop. There's nothing to the otter motif that can possibly actually add anything to the show- "uhh sometimes they hold hands ???" doesn't work because it's nowhere near the desperate clinginess implied in the trailers, and if that's how it's supposed to be it's an incredibly shallow motif, and it can't be the gay man thing because that's about hairy guys, not anime twinks. But becusae Penguindrum had a penguins and Yuribears had a bears and becueas meaningless callbacks are meaningful to retarded people, we have to have something so working backwards it's otters. My conficence in this production is though the roof
first off, there's the weird wait for it DOUBLE STANDARD with how people describe what they expect from this show versus how they describe Utena et al- with Utena it's about the porblems stemming from the magic evil society monster from forever ago, the good old patterwacky, how we're not saying the mens are responsible for all evil but we're saying hurr mens, how we're not saying women are the only victims that matter but every mention of male victims goes into some bizarre circular language avoiding ever actually assigning agency to any sort of a human cause while every mention of le female victims goe striaght to belbllbelbleblelbblbllbr but with these male characters it's suddenly, oh, it's about the expectations placed on men (reasonable enough), expectations to live up to muh toxic masculinity (no)... sentence ends. The expectations don't come from somewhere, they just... sentence ends. Not even society half the time. Because men can't be the victims of anything let alone a social anything, I guess. Definitely not from women. and of course there's some fucknaut beating off about "HRUUUUU BE AGNAISNTNT DUBE BRO CUTLURE ???" because why the fuck would a japanese director who writes deap n meeningful tresh care about your fucking misandric american derangement complex you fat unwed dangerhair rre-- Especially amazing how this *subtle/subconcious sort of leftist cancer is coming out of 4chan, but I guess you really can't expect people to be very reverse woke outside of, like, /pol/ (where they may be just a little bit too woke). fuck idk Reminds me of like 7-8 mins into this video where some shlubnut declares proposal expectations or some shit sexist... but does not say against whom. Because then they'd have to admit it's possible for things to be sexist against men, or a bad time for men because of their gender, and possibly because of the actions and expectations of a woman. Can't have that. So it's either sexist against women or it's just sexist against the air and nothing, I guess.
There's something about Iku being a communist edgelord and in some kind of commie cult, and about Penguindrum being a refutation of that... uh, somehow. I guess because it had something to do with a cult? Somehow?
There's something about Ikuhara and Hideaki Anno going on a gay spa trip, I don't fucking know- but interestingly, one anon's interpretation of the preview materials sounds entirely like the "hedgehog's dilemma" shit from Eva. And they did both work on that new Godzilla thing. Hmmmmm
And of course there's the convergence shit like "if it deals with The Stereotypes then it is a feminism even if it has ideological components that have nothing to do with anything feminism ever does or addresses". Can't have anything outside of the thing, obviously using the show's existence as validation for their own twisted and retarded viewpoints and so having to insist that is conforms entirely to said viewpoints while simultaneously not having the more odious elements of said viewpoints because we totally don't hate teh mens guys, we just like an anime that's about ~~sticking it to the virgin-whore complex~~ that totally exists while sucking off the male knight-beast complex most of the damn time except the knights are evil too and the one guy who's actually nice is a spineless wimp who's sexually assaulted by his sister all the damn time and should totally be happy about it FUC (srsly, there's an Utena fan site or forum thread or something I found once that talks about the virgin-whore thing in Utena with googly eyes and gooey lips but then suddenly mentions the show flipping it onto males and just... says it's "interesting" and leaves it at that... some fucking shit like that meh)
oh yeah, there's this guy
For a long damn while I've thought to myself that Ikuhara's works, while touted as feminist and certainly dealing with those feminist sorts of issues, aren't quite... so. They're certainly some kind of gynocentric, but with just a little bit more... sympathy for the male characters, responsibility placed on the females, and generally some sort of actual nuance. Maybe. Just a bit. Certainly more than basically every breakdown I've ever seen of his works has put forth up until this mofo. I guess the best thing I can say is his works seem to exist in some kind of limbo between the two... Utena seems like it's deconstructing the idea that the "roles" are some unique oppression to women or even fucking matter, including a backstory for Akio where his role as prince breaks him so badly (thanks to greedy peasants who, if I remember, are a mixed-gender crowd... where do they lie in the prince-princess-witch equation?) he basically fucking invents an evil role for himself where none apparently existed before. But then it ends like it was... not doing that, or something. In Yurikuma, I mostly saw people say shit like "this is what society makes lesbians do by being so mean to them!!" (lol remember when lesbeans got stoned and thrown off of roofs lollololol so oppress clearly the victims of anything etc etc), but there is just... no fucking society in that show outside of the cannibalistic sex offender bear lesbians and the Higurashi-tier paranoia-cult schoolgirl lesbians. The latter victimize themselves by coming up with ridiculous social mores to defend against the threat of the bears in their midst (entirely reasonable, but they sure found the most retarded possible way of doing it), while the former are cannibalistic sex offenders. NO ONE WAS THERE TO MAKE THEM THIS WAY. Hell, with the humans being called "yuri" and the bears being... well, bears, which is a gay guy thing, and the plot being about segregating two compatible but different halves of society where the more violent half can go "undercover" and "pass" within the less violent half in order to hunt them... it comes off more like the females are trying to political feminist themselves and build a wall to keep the males out. Which comes with the implication that men are cannibalistic sex offenders, but since the grils are being characterized to an absurd height of feminine toxicity as well and the show is about both sides learning to cool their tits it kind of works. Kind of. fuck idk The entire plotline with the teacher who let herself be waited on hand and foot by some guy (nice fucking meaningless reuse of the coffin motif from Utena, by the way- shit like this is why even if this was the most reverse woke anime ever it would still just be shit) and then when he simply got bored of her and politely moved on she lost her shit and immediately killed him, then remained bitter about it for the rest of her life and went on to assault teenage girls... that has got to be taking the piss. It's just gotta. If not Iku has his head up his ass to heights previously unimagined.
and then there's those converging lefttards in that thread going "he is wrong with his subjective interpretations of a vague show though!! he is wrong!!! reeeee" Uhhhh, there's like a bazillion types of feministsms so the show can't possibly be about critiquing it!! It can't just, like, pick a type, or pick out some commonalities (there sure are plenty for something so supposedly nebulous), and mull over that, it's unposstible!!
Finally I find this interesting... while his previous works had some kind of strange innocence about them despite the sexual shit, the first male-centric work he does outright has "lust is life!" as a tagline and the word "desire" worked into the title. I'm... not even implying anything with this, I just find it really kind of interesting. The title itself actually inspires more confidence than his last two works- the "zanmai" could mean "lust" or "desire" and is likely referring to the same thing as said tagline, and the "sara" could mean "dish" (as in "this place's signature dish", not a literal plate or something); lusting after food is often metaphorically used to mean lusting after someone sexually (gobble someone's cock, etc), so already it looks like there's something vaguely resembling a coherent symbolic framework rather than the random-words-based titles and plots of Yuribears and Penguindrum.
Honestly however this show turns out it's going to be a fucking disgusting beautiful delicious shitshow and I cannot fucking wait.
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republicstandard · 6 years
Enemy of the People: The Media Want More Dead Whites
Dear White People and White Allies,
I'm sure that you've noticed the incessant anti-White propaganda in the media- if not, where have you been? Before we get into the reasons for the media's push for Whites to become extinct, there has been a curious and timely illustration of this larger issue that has arisen through two independently posted videos. Presented first today for your delight is a happy, clappy, innocent celebration of white genocide.
New viral video "How White Is London?" openly celebrates the replacement of native Londoners. pic.twitter.com/uxP2Jx1lCk
— ❌#QFDshadowbanned Alba_Rising❌ (@Alba_Risen) July 30, 2018
Genuinely, I think this video has good intentions in that if you truly believe diversity is a strength, for only then without irony can you say;
"Places like London make me happy, because the more colors, culture, and languages you can fit into a city, the more people can call this place home. I'm not white, but in London, I feel at home!"
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Well, I suppose the minority of indigenous people -White Londoners- who are quickly being pushed out of their own city by a tidal wave of crime may not agree. There is a window into the mind of the J-Left here though; the video begs the question, if you feel at home in London having been raised in the Middle East, would White Londoners feel the same- or would it feel to them a bit like living in a Middle Eastern shithole? This question is never, ever considered by leftists, because White people are just a meme. A block to be pushed against in the name of anti-racism, until this toxic garbage of whiteness tumbles into the sea, drained of all resources and will to live. The question "how do you feel about being replaced in your homelands?" is never asked -and has never been asked- of European peoples. For the Power Elite to ask this question would be to admit there might be a problem, and that maybe, just maybe, diversity is not our strength at all, and is in fact a slow march to our extinction.
On the other side of the video-coin, a pair of English YouTubers made a video about London being a bit of a shithole. They are not lying. London is a shithole now. Why could this be? Everyone in the first video looked so happy to be in a bustling city with no Whites around. Predictably, the two content creators have been hounded by progressives until they deleted the video and crawled on their knees in supplication to Moloch.
— Joel & Lia (@JoelandLia) July 31, 2018
Pro Tip: Don't ever do this. It doesn't work. Look.
YouTubers @JoelandLia uploaded a video and tweeted it out that labeled many racialized and low-income neighborhoods as “dangerous.” They deleted the tweet and the video, but will they be accountable and apologize for the racist and classist dog-whistle rhetoric that they used? pic.twitter.com/c6ed7YDfmS
— Manveer Singh (@manveerssihota) July 30, 2018
Your apologies will never be enough. Communist Sikhs living in Canada will jump on your head from a great height for your racist ways. But what heinous racism did these two God-forsaken crackers perpetrate on the Melinated Peoples Republic of Londonistan? The Metro breathlessly squeals the dirt:
At other points in the video, the two claimed that people in Lewisham, South London made them ‘feel uncomfortable’, telling their viewers that ‘you would have no reason to visit.’ The pair shared a map showing ‘poor’ and ‘posh’ areas.
According to the 2011 census, two out of every five residents in the London borough of Lewisham are from a black and minority ethnic background, with it being the 15th most ethnically diverse local government in England.
As far back as 2013, Lewisham was the least safe area in the entire country. Of course, Joel and Lia made the mistake of displaying perfectly rational behavior while white. You can't say, for example, that Lewisham has a murder rate that should make you think twice before visiting, because it's mostly black people doing the murders. What are you, racist or something?
So: brown people celebrating whites being eradicated from London is good and pure and the video goes viral on Facebook. White people saying that London ain't what it used to be is the dinner bell for feeding time for the zoo and the video is consigned to Room 101.
In other words we have a double standard, which I am sure will come as a surprise to none. Through the mainstream media, we are being programmed (pun intended) to accept the idea that the world would be a better place without us. Oh, sure- White people will be needed in the near-term as taxpayers, but eventually this will no longer be necessary. Then we can go quietly into that good night, leaving an unironic epitaph written by our replacements that reads: Here lies Whitey. They Were All Racists. Allahu Ackbar.
I really didn't want this article to turn into an oh my God look at the double standards kind of deal but... oh my God look at the double standards. South Central L.A is 95% Hispanic, Latino and Black. Is that the good diversity that will save our white souls from the sins of muh slavery? Because you have an aging workforce and your population isn't growing like a virus consuming all resources in a feeding frenzy, well, there's something wrong with that. You must be replaced. If you don't like it, you are a f*cking racist.
What a headline that is-and it bears repeating that switching the races around in these progressive magazine titles provides you with content that is indistinguishable from Daily Stormer articles. Ezra Klein, who has a very high verbal IQ, uses a lot of words in this piece to quibble about why whites would worry so much about imminent extermination. Here is the main takeaway. A series of sociological experiments discovered that:
Even gentle, unconscious exposure to reminders that America is diversifying — and particularly to the idea that America is becoming a majority-minority nation — pushes whites toward more conservative policy opinions and more support of the Republican Party.
I would like all of you individualists out there to read this a hundred times. Even when you do not consciously think about your town becoming less white, you still become more conservative in the group dynamics. That's a huge realization for people who think that individual liberties are all that matter. At least we can recognize that group interest is a thing now, right? The reason why people become more conservative under the threat of demographic change is that the conservative parties of the West are, in theory, those who wish to preserve the culture. Of course, the reality is that most conservatives are globalist shills just as much as Obama and Merkel and Blair are, but, I digress. On with the show.
Imagine being descended from the brave settlers and conquerors who tamed a wild land, and then being expected to adapt to your replacements. Assimilation is no longer expected, and in fact it would be decried as a racist policy if you called for such; and so it is the white Americans who must be assimilated into the Borg/PoC mass. This is the future for white children today- sitting alone in lunch rooms with schoolmates and work colleagues they don't understand, eating food they don't like. They will be the last of us.
What follows are four stories the BBC in Britain pushed through their Twitter account in one day.
There is not one Black, Asian, or Muslim family in the UK that would fall for this utter nonsense. Remember that well.
Imagine a school that could be so intolerant of sexualizing children.
A sympathetic screening of a young white male who shot his parents. We're not saying shoot your parents but if you did, you can bank on 15 minutes of fame with the BBC.
On the BBC in just 24 hours we see the destruction of the gender identity of white children -particularly males- and a tacit endorsement of patricide. Oh, there there. No harm, no foul. It's just honkies. They don't matter unless they are the butt of a joke or a horse to beat.
In a country that has so many issues that can be lain at the feet of multiculturalism, the state broadcaster has decided that instead of pursuing the public good and fulfilling their tax-payer funded charter they will instead betray the very people who pay for the service. This is ideological, this is part of the BBC's extended (and racist) campaign against White identity, and this will only get worse as the study mentioned in Ezra Klein's Vox article replicates itself in the UK in real time. As the British people similarly wake up to the reality of group identity, the state media will be forced to double down.
Before you jump to the reasonable assessment that I'm being paranoid, this is the daily BBC post mentioning the only good thing about Britain right now.
Street art is colloquially known as graffiti and in most cases it is considered vandalism. Vandalism is our strength! In seriousness, there was not one BBC tweet for the entire day that could remotely be construed as a criticism of even an individual who happens to be non-white. That is the depth to which the neo-Marxist claw has sunk.
No matter where we look in the Western world of today, be it South Africa, Spain, Germany, Australia or the USA we are seeing very similar scenarios play out. To notice and to question these problems of clashing cultures is not permitted. As Joel and Lia found to their cost even inadvertently noticing that London is a crime-ridden shithole is racist, because there aren't many white people throwing acid in the faces of women and children, and that means that you, dear reader, might be about to have a thought which might just lead you to question this whole disgusting charade.
White people have nothing to apologize for, and increasingly it looks like we have nothing to lose. Most things that we valued have already been taken from us. All we have left is our existence- which must be secured.
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The next 30 years or so will be critical for our existence as a culture; and those that control the media know this as well as you do. This is the reason behind the relentless anti-White people propaganda; because prior to the internet being a thing, this whole demographic replacement exercise was easy. The media was so powerful that those who spoke out were dismissed by the general population as cranks or white supremacists or neo-Nazis. Those days are over, and so the Cathedral of the press and the education system has had to turn the dials up to eleven. Every piece of content discussed in this article was published in the last seven days. Donald Trump is right- the media really are the enemy of the people. I wonder which people he means.
It really makes you think.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2O2oGWd via IFTTT
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spann-stann · 1 year
One way to see internal security in a Patchwork realm is as a compromise between two sorts of Orwellianism. In the sense that the realm is (effectively) omniscient and omnipotent, it would fit most peoples’ definition of “Orwellian.”
In return for its Orwellian powers of observation and action, however, Friscorp has no interest at all in the other half of Orwellianism: the psychological manipulation of public opinion as a device for regime stabilization. The realm cares what its residents do. It does not care what they think. It is difficult to express the importance of this freedom to those who have found a way to live without it. ...
Libertarians in particular may have a great deal of trouble understanding how an authoritarian, omnipotent and omniscient sovereign can be expected to create a free society. The fundamental diagnosis of libertarianism—that today’s democratic governments are much larger and much more intrusive than they should be—is obviously correct. The remedy proposed, however, does not have anything like a track record of success.
In fact, I believe the libertarian opposition to sovereignty, dating back to Locke, is a major cause of modern big government. Our present establishments, not to mention our tax rates, dwarf any divine-right monarchy in history. The attempt to limit the state, if it has any result, tends to result in an additional layer of complexity which weakens it and makes it more inefficient. This inefficiency gives it both the need and the excuse to expand.
So we may ask: why does the post office suck? Not because it is sovereign, but because it is not financially responsible. Its freedom to be wasteful and inefficient is what gives it that familiar Aeroflot feel. (The bankrupt airlines, such as United, feel more like Aeroflot every year.) When we postulate a sovereign authority which is financially responsible, like a Patchwork realm, we have no reason to expect it to display these pathologies of government. In particular, we cannot expect it to waste resources in order to pointlessly annoy its residents, a form of inefficiency in which democratic regimes seem to positively revel.
The sight of a financially responsible sovereign, even the thought-experiment of one, is a good lesson for libertarians, because it reminds us what a healthy government actually is. Today’s democratic megastates are to healthy sovereigns as liver cancer is to liver. If you find liver cells invading every other organ and crushing them all into goo, it is only natural to think that the cure might be a drug that was lethal to liver cells. But you actually need a liver. You need to kill the cancer, not the liver.
-Mencius Moldbug, "Patchwork: A Political System For the 21st Century"
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spann-stann · 1 year
Anyway. Enough anecdotes and generalities. Let’s take a harder engineering look at the anatomy of Patchwork. The basic engineering problem is: while one can fantasize ad libitum about the way in which this system should be governed, how will it actually be governed?
This entire problem can be described as one of security. We postulate some structure of authority for the Patchwork. It sounds good. If the above propaganda is not appealing to you, all I can say is that we have very different tastes and perspectives. But is the result stable? If we set it up in some state, will it remain in that state? Stability and security are the same thing: if the structure of authority changes in any authorized way, it is not really changing at all.
The designers of the Constitution of 1789 were political engineers, too. They were neither stupid, nor ignorant, nor inexperienced. But the government they designed diverged immediately and irreversibly from the envelope in which they intended it to operate. Surely the risk of divergence is even greater for a multipolar framework—not an architecture with a good historical record of stability.
Anything like a patchwork can merge into a single centralized state. It can degenerate into an asymmetric form in which one state dominates the others. It can split into two factions which fight a civil war for the world. Individual states can turn evil and try to turn others evil. Etc. History tells us that all kinds of awful stuff can happen, and probably will.
Because of these dangers, Patchwork’s philosophy of security is simple and draconian. It is built around the following axioms, which strike me as too self-evident to debate.
First, security is a monotonic desideratum. There is no such thing as “too secure.” An encryption algorithm cannot be too strong, a fence cannot be too high, a bullet cannot be too lethal.
Second, security and liberty do not conflict. Security always wins. As Robert Peel put it, the absence of crime and disorder is the test of public safety, and in anything like the modern state the risk of private infringement on private liberties far exceeds the risk of public infringement. No cop ever stole my bicycle. And this will be far more true in the Patchwork, in which realms actually compete for business on the basis of customer service.
Third, security and complexity are opposites. A secure authority structure is as simple as possible, so that it is as difficult as possible to pervert it to unanticipated ends.
Bearing these principles in mind, let’s separate our security overview into two parts: the internal management of realms, and the relationships between realms.
A Patchwork realm is a business—a corporation. Its capital is the patch it is sovereign over. The realm profits by making its real estate as valuable as possible—whether it is Manhattan or some ranch in Oklahoma. Even the oceans can and should be divided into patches; a naval realm is sovereign over, and profits by taxing, all economic activities within a patch of ocean.
But how should realms be administered? The answer is simple: a realm is a corporation. A sovereign corporation, granted, but a corporation nonetheless. In the 21st century, the art of corporate design is not a mystery. The corporation is owned and controlled by its anonymous shareholders (if you’ve ever wondered what the letters SA stand for in the name of a French or Spanish company, they mean “anonymous society”),1 whose interests in maximizing corporate performance are perfectly aligned. The shareholders select a chief executive, to whom all employees report, and whose decisions are final. In no cases do they make management decisions directly.
It is at least probable that this joint-stock design maximizes corporate efficiency. If there existed a more effective structure—if firms were more productive when managed not by a committee but by an executive, or by the collective decisions of their customers or employees, by separate legislative and judiciary branches, etc., etc.—we would know. Someone would have found a way to construct a firm on this design, and it would have outcompeted the rest of the stodgy old world. (In fact, I think one of the most plausible explanations of why the Industrial Revolution happened in England, not in Sung China or the Roman Empire, was that the latter two never evolved anything quite like the joint-stock company.)
Our great difficulty, though, is that history records nothing quite like a sovereign joint-stock company. Perhaps the closest examples were the chartered companies of the classical era. But even a colonial chartered company was chartered by a sovereign, though it operated outside that sovereign’s realm.
Rather, I think the best way to think of a realm or sovereign corporation is as a modified version of monarchy. A royal family is to an ordinary family business as a Patchwork realm is to an ordinary, nonsovereign, public corporation. Joint-stock realms thus solve the primary historical problem of monarchical government: the vagaries of the biological process. In other words, they assure that the overall direction of the realm will always be both strong and responsible—at least, responsible in a financial sense.
A joint-stock realm simply cannot have anything comparable to a weak monarch of the classical era. Realms will certainly recruit their executives from the same talent pool large companies now draw from. How many Fortune 500 CEOs today are regularly bullied and led by coalitions of their nominal subordinates, as (for just one example) the French monarchy so often was? Zero is probably too easy an answer, but at least an approximation.
Note, however, that we are not considering anything like the watered-down “constitutional” (i.e., again, ceremonial) monarchies of the democratic period. If the joint-stock realm is like a monarchy, it is like a true, “absolute” or (most pejoratively) “divine-right monarchy.”
-Mencius Moldbug, "Patchwork: A Political System For the 21st Century"
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spann-stann · 1 year
The peaceful, reactionary world of Patchwork is a world populated entirely by rational absolute sovereigns: states which are managed competently and coherently for financial benefit alone. This world can be created on a subset of the entire planet, of course, though then it needs plans for defending itself against the rest of said planet.
Within Patchwork, peace, security and order are most definitely the same thing. Of course, a realm is designed to maintain absolute or near-absolute levels of internal security and order. Society within a Patchwork realm has none of the running sores of the democratic era: there are no slums or dirty streets, no gangs, and no politics. Japan or Singapore would be the closest analogies today, though both of course are quite imperfect.
We can define a rational absolute sovereign, such as a Patchwork realm, as orderly. Such a sovereign is controlled centrally from a single point, by competent administration acting for a purely financial purpose. All its motivations come from its desire to produce return on equity. If predation is more profitable than cooperation, it will predate. If cooperation is more profitable, it will cooperate. (Obviously, the goal is to design a framework in which cooperation is always more profitable.)
(Note that all these criteria remain absolute. The administration cannot be too competent, its purposes cannot be too neutral, its responsiveness to the proprietors too complete, etc., etc.)
Patchwork is at peace if every realm in it is secure: i.e., it is orderly, and it maintains absolute control over its patch. Once again, no realm can ever be too secure, just as peace is always better than war and no society can be too peaceful.
Between realms, our goal is to achieve the same or nearly the same level of stability, without building anything like a centralized authority that would impose it. A centralized or federalized authority with the power of judgment or enforcement is itself the government—and if you try to split judgment and enforcement into competing agencies, you are just asking for trouble.2
Patchwork has no central authority or community of realms. It has conventions, such as rules protecting shared resources (the atmosphere, the oceans and the fish in them, orbital space, etc.) from any abuse that would be collectively uneconomic. Sometimes people need to get together and update these rules, as with any system of rules, but they are only occasional delegates and do not constitute any sort of permanent organization. Sometimes realms must vote on these changes, but this is a rare event indeed. Turning the entire system into One Big State is a failure mode, not a goal.
So, for example, let’s say a coalition of demented realms are taken over by administrations which, for some reason, are affrighted with the perils of global warming. (Stipulating that global warming is a pile of nonsense—if not, substitute something else which is.) They round up a majority and manage to change the rules for the atmosphere, imposing carbon credits or some such absurdity.
Is that something that could happen in an Patchwork world? Sure. What should the realms in the minority do? Go along with it, I’m afraid. This is the level of imperfection I think is acceptable in a design that remains basically peaceful—it is aggression in a sense, but of an inherently unprofitable form.
What we don’t want to see is a situation in which we get civil war, we get predation by some patches on other patches, we get standing internal alliances, we get patron–client relationships, etc., etc., and all the nasty structures that arose under the old international order. A bit of overzealous pollution control is a strain the system can handle.
Our goal is thus to get, at the level of Patchwork as a whole, as close to total security as we can. This is also complete stability. Ideally, politics is at a complete end, as is war as a means of political endeavor. Except through free and peaceful transfers of shares, there should be no further changes in power. Each realm in each patch should last forever. Frankly, if this isn’t world peace, I don’t know what is. I hope it’s not too much peace for anyone.
(Transfers of shares that constitute a merger into bigger and bigger patches, eventually ending in a one-patch world, should be blocked in some way. Since realms do not control their shares, this cannot be done by restricting share transfers. However, it can be done by including a promise of independent ownership in the realm’s resident covenant. Like any other item in the covenant, it can be violated, but usually not profitably.)
The basic secret of inter-realm relations in Patchwork is that it is much, much easier to construct rules for a community of rational or orderly sovereigns than for a community of irrational ones. Therefore, even in a world which contains both rational and irrational sovereigns, it is rational for rational sovereigns to have different rules for other rational sovereigns. This set, whether or not it covers the planet or is even geographically contiguous, constitutes Patchwork. At least if it is working as designed, there should be only one.
Orderly sovereigns deal with each other in a very different way, because orderly sovereigns are sovereigns for whom deterrence always works. Therefore, it is extremely easy to discourage predation: it can be deterred either (a) through collective disapproval—which might become quite costly, especially if the disapproval of other realms leads to the disapproval of one’s present residents, as it almost certainly would; or (b), all else failing, military retaliation.
Military retaliation is important because, in real life, it is rather hard to make war profitable, and rather easy to make it unprofitable. While there is no shortage of rational sovereigns in history, history’s profitable wars are often best explained in terms of irrationality. For example, while Hitler’s conquests of Czechoslovakia, Poland and France may have been in themselves profitable, each of these three countries was more or less a client state of Great Britain, and counted irrationally on British assistance against Germany. As a result, not only did they not defend themselves, they were not prepared to even try to defend themselves.
Among rational sovereigns, the theoretical military confrontations which would otherwise occur between Patchwork realms, and which there is no authority to prevent, will just not happen. Armaments will be gradually de-escalated, each side of each border prepared to inflict an adequate level of pain on the other in the event of any attempt at aggression. At the end of the process, cross-border security cooperation between any two sovereigns will be at the same level as that between any two “countries” in the democratic world today, and security forces will revert to police forces.
Of course, this process of complete de-escalation can only happen in an all-Patchwork world. Irrational sovereigns can be aggressive in arbitrary ways for arbitrarily crazy reasons, and they are not necessarily deterrable. Against the rest of the world, Patchwork is at least expected to stick together, possibly even forming joint security institutions—which are temporary, of course, based on the specific threat.
The general attitude of Patchwork toward the world outside is neutrality. This of course was the staple of American foreign policy for a century, which might well be described as one of the only things Washington has ever done right. No more need be said about this well-known approach, due of course to George Washington himself. The rules of neutrality are well-understood under classical (19th-century) international law, a considerable improvement on its 20th-century successor.
Patchwork will defend itself from the rest of the world, but never attack. It will trade if allowed, not if otherwise. Basically, it will keep its head down and try its best to avoid surrendering sovereignty in any way. It will try to keep its trade balanced, avoid accepting loans in currencies it cannot print, maintain resource, food and energy independence to whatever extent possible, etc., etc., etc. Its advantage is in its vitality and economic efficiency, and it will maintain this.
Especially, each realm and Patchwork as a whole will do their best to avoid any compromise of sovereignty. A slice of sovereignty is what each shareholder in each realm holds, and it is not to be surrendered for any reason. And while there may be a theoretical incentive for individual realms to free-ride in defending the whole, surely the loss of reputation capital exceeds any potential profit to ride freely.
I’m sure that, to many democrats, Patchwork seems like a design for permanent global tyranny. This is just something we’ll have to work through. However, it is indisputable that, at least if it works as planned, Patchwork will produce world peace. And it is certainly reactionary! Just think of it as a cross between the Holy Alliance, the Hanseatic League, and the National Basketball Association—with all the advantages of each, and the downsides of none.
-Mencius Moldbug, "Patchwork: A Political System For the 21st Century"
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