nythscribble · 3 months
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glass bones and paper skin...
my tav Izzovir and his daughter Nikita (belonging to @rain-11)
and Astarion of course :)
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squuote · 7 months
I loveyou yonny pikmin my best friend yonny pikmin
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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Baldurs Gate 3 blorbos go brrr
#my art#bg 3#bg 3 tav#baldurs gate 3#literally all of them are different tavs from different canpaigns#and theyre all mine#Zephyr was my first#hes a sorcerer with a guild artisan bg which i didnt know thats how i had hin set up#hes also the only one whos background i remember#becuase the game reminded me when i was doing a persuasion check#Oleander was my second i havent finsihed my first but she was made cuz my mulitplayer game with my sister died#and Oleander was my multiplayer character so i revived her in solo#Rose is the human and funny thing she replaced a druid character i didnt like so rip Alder#she also isnt human in game just in lore shes an elf in game cuz i liked the elf face preset for her character more than the human#not to say the human didnt look good the human presets are very pretty i just couldnt get them to work because they didnt match the image#in my brain#rose is also a bard!#moonlight is my first and only durge currently theyre a monk and were made by my friends on stream!#not featured in this comic are Floyd and Caspian#and yes hes named Floyd because of trolls he was also made on stream and we noticed he looked like floyd from trolls lmao so yea#Caspian is a high half elf like zephyr cuz i love the face preset for them so i have them as secret half brothers#i have so much hidden lore for these guys outside of the games actual campaign#i just think itd be neat if they all hung out and were friends#maybe ill draw floyd and caspian with them in the future too#i already have sketches of each and caspian has one finished drawing which is in the queue but thats it#but ye love these guys they spin in my head like ballerinas
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antianimus · 5 months
is it weird to say that a lot of recent online games feel really dehumanizing?
am i allowed to say that yet?
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mutationcip · 5 months
If you can't watch, give a like!
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mckinneybrink82 · 10 months
From Solo to Social: Finding the Perfect Minecraft Server to Join
Minecraft is a game that offers endless possibilities for creativity, exploration, and adventure. While playing solo can be enjoyable, joining a Minecraft server allows you to connect with a vibrant community of players, collaborate on projects, and experience the game in a whole new way. In this article, we will guide you through the process of finding the perfect Minecraft server to join, whether you're seeking a cooperative survival experience, creative building opportunities, or exciting mini-games. - Determine Your Gameplay Style: Before searching for a Minecraft server, it's important to determine your preferred gameplay style. Do you enjoy survival mode, where you gather resources, build shelters, and survive against the elements? Or are you more interested in creative mode, where you can build magnificent structures without limitations? Perhaps you're looking for a server that focuses on mini-games or role-playing. Knowing your preferred gameplay style will help you narrow down the server options. - Utilize Server Listing Websites: Server listing websites such as Minecraft Server List, Planet Minecraft, and Minecraft-Server.net are valuable resources for finding servers to join. These websites provide server descriptions, player reviews, and community ratings, allowing you to get a sense of what each server offers. Browse through different categories, filter by gameplay style, and read player feedback to identify servers that align with your interests. - Research Server Features: Once you've found potential servers, take the time to research their features and offerings. Look for servers that have active communities, regular updates, and reliable server performance. Consider the presence of unique plugins, mods, or custom features that enhance gameplay. Pay attention to server rules, staff involvement, and community guidelines to ensure a positive and inclusive environment. - Join Minecraft Forums and Subreddits: Minecraft forums and subreddits are excellent platforms for connecting with the Minecraft community and discovering server recommendations. Participate in discussions, ask for server suggestions, and share your preferences to receive personalized recommendations from experienced players. Engaging with the community will not only help you find the perfect server but also allow you to make new friends and connections. - Test the Waters: Before fully committing to a server, it's a good idea to test it out. Most servers offer a "trial" period where you can explore the server, interact with the community, and get a feel for the gameplay. Take this opportunity to assess the server's atmosphere, community engagement, and overall experience. Pay attention to factors such as server stability, latency, and the responsiveness of staff members. - Consider Server Size: Server size can greatly impact your experience. Larger servers often offer a bustling community, active events, and a wide range of activities. On the other hand, smaller servers may provide a more intimate and tightly-knit community where everyone knows each other. Consider whether you prefer a bustling hub of activity or a more close-knit environment and choose a server size accordingly. - Community Values and Guidelines: Ensure that the server's community values and guidelines align with your own. Look for servers that prioritize inclusivity, respect, and positive interactions among players. Servers with clear rules, effective moderation, and active staff members foster a welcoming and enjoyable environment for everyone. - Get Involved: Once you've found the perfect Minecraft server, immerse yourself in the community. Introduce yourself, participate in server activities, and engage with other players. Contribute to collaborative projects, share your ideas, and offer support to fellow players. Building connections and actively participating in the server community will enhance your overall experience and make your Minecraft journey even more enjoyable. minecraft dungeons servers down Finding the perfect Minecraft server to join is an exciting process that opens up a world of possibilities for collaboration, creativity, and social interaction. Take your time to research, explore, and connect with the vibrant Minecraft community. Remember that the beauty of Minecraft lies in the diversity of servers available, so don't be afraid to try different servers until you find the one that truly captures your imagination and brings you joy. So hop into the Minecraft universe, forge new friendships, and embark on unforgettable adventures in the perfect server for you.
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pizzaheadtv · 1 year
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yeah yeah i broke the game
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girlballs · 8 months
it's wild how Lesser Beast went from "hah yeah it's kind of a pipe dream project, i might not even implement mulitplayer" to "PvP is almost functional"
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vulpesradical · 18 days
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c. cult of the lamb mulitplayer update confirmed???? LIKE THAT HAS TO BE WHAT IT MEANS AT THIS POINT
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hyacinth43 · 2 months
what are your humanized AIs views on hit game minecraft.. what do they like to do in there ?!
- Hal likes exploring and filling out maps, he will try to visit every biome and have little houses scattered around the world that he travels between. He's not good at combat and usually sleeps/hides at night.
- AUTO would build a huge structure to keep a bunch of mobs in, he also likes to make a house overlooking a village so he can watch over/take care of the villagers. He usually ends up creating a functioning society (as well as one can in Minecraft).
- AM usually builds insanely complicated redstone machines to torture mobs with. He also likes to use lava, fire & TNT to destroy everything in his path. :-(
- WOPR speedruns the game and tries to beat it as fast & efficiently as possible, and then does it again when he's finished. he also likes playing on mulitplayer servers.
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dragonchris · 1 year
Game Review: Crosscode
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Imagine if you were playing an Augmented Reality Multiplayer Online RPG but instead of actually playing an Augmented Reality Multiplayer Online RPG you played as a character who was playing an Augmented Reality Mulitplayer Online RPG? Welcome to Crosscode, an absolute BANGER of a RPG and the single game I’ve been obsessed with for the last two months or so.
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Meet Lea, an amnesiac playing through the Augmented Reality game of Crossworlds to relearn her memories. Through the story, you meet incredibly fun characters and explore a gorgeous futuristic world, uncovering the secrets of your past and figuring out who you are in the present. This game’s got some twists and turns that kept me gripped the whole way through. I wanted to squeeze every dialogue option out of all the characters I met to learn everything about them that I could. Man this game has a story that’s so rich and plentiful I feel like I’m wallowing in a five-star course. I love a good lore-filled game.
Gameplay and Controls:
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As Lea, you travel through a 2D RPG, exploring new places, solving puzzles, and fighting monsters to level up! The world is vast and well-designed, the puzzles are immaculate, but one of the most fleshed out parts of this game is its combat system. I’m usually more a puzzle gameplay person than a combat one but man the combat just feels good. The enemies are interesting and varied, you’ve got an extensive amount of control over how to build the character that you want to play, and its super satisfying to go back to earlier levels that you’ve toiled through and just fucking disintegrate every enemy in your path. And there’s accessibility options too, for both the combat aspect of the game and the puzzle aspect!
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The music is a treat and is very intuitive to the mood of the story and the environment, But also, past that, just the sounds in general are great too. I didn’t realize what a treat it was for certain attacks to sound so nice until I was using them. There are places in the game where the waterfall effects are a bit too loud, but other than that, the game is just really nice to listen to.
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Crosscode’s got a nice pixel style which lends a special charm to the game, almost calling back to older games with its style while making a story about a futuristic gaming environment. The only gripe I have with this style is that, due to its 2D nature, it can be hard to gauge perspective sometimes which can make platforming a bit tricky.
Playable, Replayable, or Unplayable?
God, there is so much in this game to do. It’s worth playing it, it’s worth going back and replaying it. For an indie game, it’s so richly made and there’s so much love put into it that I can’t recommend it enough. If you’re looking into this game, I’d HIGHLY recommend also yoinking the “A New Home” DLC, which offers a whole-ass epilogue chapter. And if you’re not sure if it’s the right game for you, try the free demo out! Man, I love this game. 10/10.
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exonia-jackal · 6 months
So, we had a great necromunda game t'other day. It was the last game in our little campaign, the four of us vs a load of ghouls!
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We have Kyle's blood boys, Rob's van saar, Lucky's squats, and my nomads. And I provided the ghouls.
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Supposedly working together to cull the hoard, but Rob tried to kill one of my dudes and failed. I got sweet sweet revenge. The rest of the game went on, my leader was cornered for most of it. And near the end when it was only really Kyle and Lucky, Kyle went for squat blood.
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Sadly had to cut it short by one round 'cause time. But was still v fun! I always love the mulitplayer skirmish games. Making deals with other players n betrayal and all.
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Oh yeah, and we can't forget the coup de grace conga line!
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babblingbabycakes · 5 months
Hi! do any of you know where i can find an active webkinz community? i think there's one on reddit but tbh that website SCARES me LMAOOO but! also!
if any of you play webkinz, my username is pluedib! i would love to trade stuff or just have someone to be friends with on there 😭 ALSO I NEED TO PLAY A MULITPLAYER GAME FOR A MISSION AND I LITERALLY CANT BECUASE!! barely anyone plays on here anymore 😭‼️
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necroticdelay · 10 months
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Joseph Desaulniers AKA The Photographer From Hit Asymmetrical 1v4 Mulitplayer Online Game Identity V
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ukkigirl · 6 months
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slezhka · 7 months
question. how do u play as makarov in the mulitplayer. i want him
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