#multilevel car parking
estarengineers · 17 days
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wohrparking · 7 months
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mekark · 1 year
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Looking for a reliable and efficient solution to optimize your Multilevel car parking space? Look no further! Mekarkparking is your trusted Multilevel Car Parking Manufacturer, offering top-quality car lift systems designed to maximize parking space while ensuring the safety of your vehicles.
Our services offered: Two Pole Parking, Four Pole Parking, Shuttle System Parking
🌐Visit - For More Details: https://www.mekarkparking.com/ 
✨You can find anything here! Dial right away!
📱 Contact: +91 7338816164
📧 MailID : [email protected] 
📍 Location: No.15, First Floor, 62nd street, Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083
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impressbss · 1 year
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so.... i saw that you were interested in apocalypse au schlatt....
(may have written some things previously, but i have no idea where to take the plot so i sorta gave up after two chapters. feel free to extend it or use it or whatever, or ignore it. I don't care lmfao)
You’d always assumed that the end of the world would be quick.
That everything would all be gone in an instant, a big flash of light as the sun blew up, no pain, no nothing. Just gone .
Not this. 
Your baseball bat smashes against the skull of the creature in front of you, splattering bits of rotted brain and blood across the cracked pavement. The heavy scent of iron and the sickly smell of death linger in your nose, making it wrinkle in disgust. Ew . 
You bring the baseball bat back down to your side, rubbing the access gore off of the wood against the dying grass. 
The pavement stretches out ahead of you, splattered with the remains of what once were other people, other humans. Multilevel buildings line the sides of the road, windows broken and falling apart from the first wave of panic that had hit the city, when word had just gotten out. 
Something out of a dystopian novel, or the plot of several TV shows and movies. It had seemed like a joke at first, the news telling us that “ everything was fine” and that “It was all under control”. 
It wasn't. 
After people started to realise that something was very, very, wrong was the moment the panic had started- grocery store shelves emptied, rioting, looting, and more. 
And now you’re here .
Releasing all you pent up anger on the undead, walking corpses. They aren’t very smart, either. Slow, clumsy, easy to distract and fight. It was a wonder how anyone had died to them, honestly. 
Scratch that. You did.
The memories of animalistic shrieks haunted your nightmares as you slept, always the same. Never changing. 
Back to the present- 
You peer through the grimy broken glass of a store front, spotting the familiar fallen shelving and trash that covers the floor. There didn’t appear to be any remaining food, but it was always better to be safe rather then sorry, so you carefully headed into the dilapidated building. 
Obviously it was completely looted, but food was getting more and more scarce, to the point of this - going through each store methodically to find any last remaining food. 
A pack of gum, a chocolate bar, and a snack sized bag of chips. They all go into the backpack slung against your back. You leave the building, heading towards the next, satisfied with what you had collected. 
The next building was an apartment building- usually a hit or miss, dead bodies cluttering the halls alongside the undead, but the reward could be plentiful.
You creep through the parking lot, abandoned cars smashed and destroyed  creating a graveyard of attempted escapees- their bodies re animated  only to slowly rot away. 
The zombies are dealt with rather easily as you enter the building, stepping past what once had been the reception desk and the decrepit elevator, moving to climb a set of cement stairs. 
The first door opens up into a hallway with rows of doors on either side, not a single sound besides your footsteps as you wander down the hall. You pause in front of a random door, the glint of metal shining in the beam of the flashlight. You move closer in fascination, spotting a solid three extra padlocks attached to the side of a door covered in different coloured sheets of metal. So much for being inconspicuous…
You swing your backpack off of your back and unzip it, pulling out a pair of bolt cutters. Moving in closer to the door, you slide the bolt cutters around the first lock, and with some straining and a grunt the lock is broken. 
Once all three locks have been taken care of, you toss the now ruined locks out of the way. The door is now slightly ajar, leaving you feeling apprehensive at the thought of opening the door now. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea..
Oh well.
You've already cut through the locks; what was the worst that could happen? And with that thought you push the door open, baseball bat at the ready.
There was no one. 
And not much that you could use, either. Just the remaining odds and ends of a family long dead, trash piled in the corners. The next room was even more strange- a few food items laid out amidst the wreckage that you quickly scoop up, shoving them next to the other things you had found, and moving on to a bedroom. 
And that's when you find it; The motherload.  
“ Holy shit.”
You whisper, in awe of the amount of things stacked in the room- non peroshible foods, bottles of water, weapons- 
You first attack the food, filling the remaining space in your bag with canned chilli, vegetables, and whatever else you could get your hands on. The place you called home had more then enough water, so you didn’t need the bottles, and next up was the weapons. 
Of course, you had the baseball bat that you had used ever since the apocalypse started, but you didn’t really have anything else besides random kitchen knives and such that you had found. Whoever had created this stash had everything. The first thing you spotted was a black switchblade- perfect. You turned it over in your hand, feeling a grove in the metal. Curiosity got the best of you, and hesitantly you pressed it, dropping it in shock when the blade shot out of one side. 
You bend down to pick it up again, and that's when everything goes to shit . 
From behind you comes the click of a gun, and a voice speaks out. 
"Step back." 
(that was like half the first chapter, sorry for the long message. i also have the apocalypse schlatt brainworms)
i can send the rest, if you'd like. i have it posted on ao3 but i was sorta nervous to send it off anon lmfao
anon you have no idea what you've just done to me/pos
this is feeding into the apocalypse au SO HARD I NEED TO CRANK OUT MY FIC. I had to reread this twice it's really good man. I would definitely love to read the rest of it, ill take any and all crumbs really. If you'd like, you can simply share the ao3 link in the ask and ill post it on here or add reblog thread, this deserves some kudos
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 4 months
y'know i watch a lot of dave ramsey on my fb feed, ever since my parent sent me the video where a young couple had $750,000 worth of student loan and other debt. but like. although most of their advice is relatively okay/good for saving up and getting out of debt, the one piece of advice i take issue with today, mostly bc i feel like being pissed about something is "just get any job before you get THE job! you need work and money TODAY and also a side hustle if you have free time to watch netflix between 3 other jobs!"
like. i have been TRYING to just get ANY job for a year now, ever since i left my shitty and toxic asf traineeship/cadetship..... that made me so fucking anxious and stressed that i crashed my car so bad that i bashed in my back windscreen, my boot/trunk and knocked off my back wheels and exhaust pipe (and i also destroyed their multilevel parking.... and i refused to follow up on their building insurance to fix. ALSO my car is actually fine. my insurance fixed it lmao. it took like 3 whole months).
i've been trying for the past year ever since my shitty overly critical, controlling and micromanaging boss completely ruined my chance of a good stable job where i got BUMPED UP from trainee to a full admin assistant during the interview process..... all because i REFUSED to listen SPECIFICALLY to her and hr to be a disability/community support worker bc "tHeY'rE sOoOoOo DeSpErAtE fOr WoRkErS wHy DoN't YoU cArE!!!!????" and "SHE HAS THE WRONG PERSONALITY FOR ADMIN!!!!!" et al.... that she called me to demand to know EXACTLY what jobs i was applying for directly after she gave that bullshit reference report so she could guilt me to "use your (my) giving heart." *enter every tag rant i've made about this sitch on this hellsite here*
where people, performance and culture told me to get assessed and medicated for anxiety and depression. where one of the course coordinator ladies of the cert IV in housing course i did as part of this program told me to "hurry up and get assessed and medicated for ADHD bc it's ruining your KPIs and business performance!" bc i went too fast through my assessments for her to help me..... and "YoU'rE NoT fIgHtInG fOr YoUr CaReEr HaRd EnOuGH!!!!" whenever i got told both by my manager and my mentor that any chance for me to move up or do anything for my assessments was "not relevant to you" (even in TEAM MEETINGS!) and "just accept it's not in YOUR journey with us!!!". and finally where another coworker kept asking me if i had some undiagnosed disability that i hadnt told them about.... on the way to one of the very seldom inspections that i was SUPPOSED to be doing by myself, by the end of the program. but they continually barred me from doing. how the fuck was i meant to stay here and do anything successfully and healthily in this toxic ass workplace???
i've tried for a fucking year to get "just any job". be it from kmart to fucking heavy labouring shift work at the local steelworks.... bc i am fucking desperate.... to even a support worker in the last couple of months. that i didnt have good ref reports for (and quite understandably so this time bc this job is basically like rudimentary nursing which i've NEVER been interested in). but again i was desperate. and i wanted to test shit boss's/shit HR's hypothesis that it was "an instant job! it'll be so easy for you! bc you're so nice, and giving, and down to earth, and friendly!!! all it is, is making friends all day with your interests!! what the perfect job for you!!' ma'am i am NOT 18 like your son that you keep referencing whenever we talk about this. i am 27/28 (at the time). why the fuck are you SO condescending, belittling and supercilious?
i have been trying for a fucking year to get any fucking job possible.... when it's literally impossible.... when even rudimentary/entry level jobs like working at kmart or woolies or even as a door greeter/customer service person at a local bank; come with test after test after test after test...... that give you results like "you have big dreams and we can't help you achieve them!" or "you have NO emotional regulation and intelligence, and resilience skills whatsoever. why did you even apply to work for social services?! goodbye." or "you don't know what INNOVATION means bc you're too scared to try or come up with new ways to do things." shitbot.AI for social services. you're a government agency. you're the LEAST innovative fucking business in the ENTIRE country.... for personality readings. batshit insane multi-tasking tests like this one:
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i NEVER pass these tests, whether they're the standard personality test or the psychometric tests like the one pictured, or the system thinking ones... fictional staff IM chat ones; etc etc etc. FOR A FUCKING SEWING/ARTS/HABERDASHERY SHOP. the list goes on and on. where you only have 30 seconds to get every little bit of it right in 20 questions. i failed that screenshot test big time for the local bank. bc i can't math and i felt way too rushed.
there's so many job descriptions you have to dodge bc they don't list salary properly (eg monthly figures i've seen for writing jobs or one for working for influencers i saw last week) OR even AT ALL..... instead sometimes they just "profile salary match" bc they don't want to pay jack fucking shit. overly presumptuous and fucking patronizing as all fuck small business owners who are SO FUCKING sanctimonious about the supposed importance of working in a FAMILY OWNED small business as opposed to a MuLtInAtIoNaL where apparently "you can just go home and forget about work! not HERE!" that's such a massive red flag. since they think that, from the outset, they have the RIGHT to treat APPLICANTS like they have shit-for-brains for 85k a year...... and begging for this specific attribute in the JD from applicants:
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that hey. maybe it's not fucking worth applying for that and losing my sanity over ANOTHER god-awful boss and a 2hr commute to work (ie it was in southwestern sydney which is a 2hr commute for me where i live). also, as a caveat. who the fuck has had stable employment since 2020???? since the worldwide fucking pandemic??? where so many industries have laid off droves and droves of employeess??? and it's still happening?? like ok given this was as a HR admin support position and i assume a lot of HR people had career stability during the last 4 years. but also. what the ACTUAL fuck.
i am TRYING to get any fucking job possible. but it's hard to take some jobs seriously. these are the attributes of some influencer advertising/marketing firm and one of their "KPI's/company values was "honor" and was like "honor the vibes and the company" or whatever the fuck i found on indeed last week:
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it's also hard to take some admin jobs seriously. for example, a local wealth management firm DOESN'T list the salary of a customer service/admin/whatever the fuck else they called it "rockstar/superstar"position..... that DEMANDS the desired candidate does the job of the equivalent of 6 other people in their branch whilst ALSO doing the admin work of their two other regional offices. what the fuck is the pay for this position??? why won't you list it??? is just THAT GOOD AND HIGH???? or just THAT LOW AND AWFUL???? fucking list it, you dumb cowardly bastards.
again, i've been trying to get any job for the past fucking year, that i've finally started to slightly dumb down my resume by finally deleting my advanced diploma of marketing. it's a daily fucking struggle to not go feral and start bitch-posting on my linkedin about how fucked up the job market is. but obvs i can't do that when have Shit HR and other people from my first job lurking on my LI feed. or start a tiktok parodying the goddamned motherfucking mindfuck tactics of the useless fucking job market before throwing my 12 year old laptop out the fucking window. "just get any job" is NOT possible anymore when that "just any job" in retail or call centres (although rip me for leaving after barely a month bc a shitty call centre i worked for in feb/march this year REFUSED to fix a backend issue on THEIR END but kept blaming it on me and it ruined my training period).... are just so mind fucky and tiring that it's straight up NOT even worth applying.
it's straight up not worth applying to a job that some local social service org sends you directly on seek (or maybe another job site) bc they think you fit the profile for a traineeship in business admin. only then, when you apply you're marked "unlikely to progress" bc you decided to list your desired salary at the higher end (apparently) of the trainee pay grade in australia (50k) bc you believe you shouldn't be expected to stay at 45k for TWO MORE FULL YEARS during that traineeship (with a vain hope that hopefully, HOPEFULLY, they'll keep you on at the end of it)... bc you NEED to start paying off your student loans automatically through your pay. BUT. oh no. that was too high of an ask for your quals/experience apparently. they WANTED you to low ball at 45k (or even lower) and be happy about it. so they reject you. when THEY sent YOU the job.
it's not worth trying to get "just any job", when famously even food chains in the US, like i think it's panera bread (and also walmart) are using 2 hour avatar-esque personality tests to screen ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE out of the pool except for like 2 people. every second job i get suggested on linkedin is just applicant pooling websites (or straight up scams where the pay is ONLY listed in US $$) where businesses just straight up ignore your applications bc they forgot they even made an account on it (imo) so you HAVE to make an account on THEIR actual site..... when some dumb-ass career-advice-fluencer on my fb feed (and the tik of the tok) tells you that's exactly how you get your application ignored, while flogging THEIR applicant pooling and job searching/resume writing AI advice software website.
"just any job before you get THE job", my fucking ass. this no longer fucking possible. and also cut the shit about overworking yourself to death with 10,000 different side hustles. bc that's exactly how i i nearly fucking died in 2020 at 20 fucking 5 in hospital with a stomach tumour..... after TOO MANY years of uni where the supposed importance of "innovative systematic entrepreneurial flair go-getter thinking of the future" was being espoused to me on the fucking daily. like dgmw, i know people are doing side hustles in these fucked up high cost of living times (and also im actively thinking about doing door dash since NO ONE is bothering to hire me)... but god the "if you have time to have down time with netflix why arent you filling your time with 15 side hustles to get your net worth to 1 million bucks??????" is fucked up. let people NOT work themselves to death outside of the mandatory 2 full time and 1 part time or casual or any other mix of jobs that people just need to fucking SURVIVE today.
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enterthecuttlezone · 2 years
This post got ONE LIKE, you know what that means!
Welcome to Tati, son las tres.
Sometimes I feel like Tati. She’s easily excited by mundane things, smiles dumbly like a dog. She dresses plainly in “unfashionable” clothing until the occasion demands some movie magic (admission: I only do the first part). And for Tati, “English or Spanish?” is answered with “A little of neither.” When I was unemployed, I felt like Tati way too much. All of Los Espookys (season one was all we had back then) seemed to me to BE about jobs and trying to find jobs and not knowing what you really want to do with your life and that feeling of oh my god!!! You know? And to a certain extent, it is about that.
In the very first scene of the entire show, Tico tells Renaldo he should make doing spooky stuff into his business. “All I ever wanted to do was park cars, and now I do it full-time! This spooky stuff is your parking cars,” he says. Tico has loved to park cars ever since he was a kid. He’s a prodigy at it, and now he works as a valet and the valet world adores him. In terms of his career, he’s living the dream, doing what he loves and loving doing it. And this model seems to work for Renaldo too. He takes Tico’s advice, turns his friends’ spooktastic hobby into a business, and though he’s not exactly rolling in the dough (he still lives with his parents and doesn’t seem to have any other occupation), he enjoys the experience, taking exciting gigs, spending time with his friends, and making a little bit of money while he’s at it. And he’s happy.
The character of Úrsula doesn’t fare so well. She is virtually her family’s sole breadwinner, working 9 to 5 as a dental assistant for a dentist who does not respect her. Her freedom is limited by the demands of her job and the financial circumstances of her and her sister, Tati. Because of these things, she has less time to devote to Los Espookys, gets stressed out, and suffers the disrespect of Dr. Ricky, just trying to stay afloat. Eventually, Úrsula gets to the end of her tolerance for Dr. Ricky and quits her job. But her troubles don’t end there.
In the beginning of the series, Tati is working as a fan, manually spinning the blades of an electric fan and going “woosh” to keep her employer cool. Because this is a very inefficient way to do things, Tati gets fired. Throughout the series she works and gets dismissed from a number of different odd jobs, for example, breaking in other people’s shoes, or being a “human Fitbit” who counts her client’s steps. After having a falling out with her internet boyfriend, Tati decides to “focus on herself and her career” and gets involved in a multilevel marketing company called Hierbalite (wink wink). She believes in the prosperous future Hierbalite promises so much that she spends two thousand pesos on Hierbalite products to sell from her home. This gets her and Úrsula into a bit of a financial pickle.
Although Tati seems blissfully unaware of reality much of the time— she tells her new boyfriend (who is her ex-boyfriend catfishing her for the second time) about “how stressful this amazing opportunity with Hierbalite has gotten”— she has a few moments in which she expresses very eloquently the same emotions I felt when I was floundering about sin major, sin dream and sin job. While Tati and her friend Andrés are shopping for mirrors for a Los Espookys gig, suddenly and without prompting Tati says to him:
What am I doing with my life? Horror is your passion. You all know what you’re doing with your lives, but… What am I doing? Where am I going? I can’t break in shoes. I can’t count steps. I can’t help people lose, gain, or maintain weight. I can’t keep time. I fail at everything I try. I mean, where will I be in five years? What if it rains? I don’t have those kinds of shoes.
This scene, being TV, is neatly wrapped up with Andrés telling Tati that “there are those who enjoy the journey more than the destination,” and Tati, reassured, deciding that her dream is to “be Cirque du Soleil.” We never do see Tati achieve this dream. It’s entirely possible that she forgot about it the moment after she said it. At the end of the first season Tati marries the heir to a prosperous cookie company. Her happy ending: “Now I’m a married woman! No one can fire me from this!” (Season two spoilers: Tati gets another painful gig-economy job, her husband divorces her, and she ends up back in her sister’s apartment, gigging and gigging and gigging and gigging…) Not the most comforting story for floundering me. I guess this little Tati train is just gonna have to keep on chugging.
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razorfst · 10 months
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Mafia Verse - Andrei Lupei's Compound
Of course there has to be a location where he can fully conduct his illegal business of running a crime family and that is a business compound outside the city. It is three buildings though one looks more like an upscale protected warehouse, the other an office building with few windows, and the third being a connecting multilevel garage. This is mostly referred to as The Compound by Andrei and his associates, aka those in his family. The garage is large enough to fit a fair amount of cars but there is a parking lot mainly around the upscale warehouse looking building for those who are just going there or can't find a space in the garage. He always has a spot reserved for him when he isn't visiting quickly and pulled up in front of the upscale looking office building. Inside the main building, the one that appears to be an office with few windows, there are plenty of office space for those employed by him and in his family to keep track of the various ways he runs his crime family. It is mostly what you think of when one runs a mob like shipping of illegal goods and black market dealings. On top of that this is where he conducts meetings involving all of that as well as with other families. Sure there are overlap of his employees between his legal and illegal assets but overall he tends to keep a majority separate so as to keep those who are innocent, innocent. The main building is meant for the business side and the business side of it only. However some crossovers will happen, though he tends to like to keep the less than savory aspects of his life in the secondary building: the upscale warehouse. The warehouse is rather sound proof for multiple reasons. Here they accept some shipments of what they deal in, making sure it's all there if the order is important before sending it off to where it needs to go. There is also an armory, used to test black market firearms as well their own while sharpening their arm should it ever be necessary. In their life, it most often is. And there are multiple dark rooms, no windows, that have a chair, table, and bed. Those are meant for people his family need answers from, a shakedown or used for leverage. Almost like prison cells without the bars, that is their purpose. It is for that reason only certain people are allowed in the warehouse by his rule. Because again, he likes to keep those not involved or at least those it doesn't pertain to as innocent as possible. It lessens the chances of information being leaked as well.
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Confession 26
Last night after work, the city was crazy busy. I was walking to the car park around 11pm and there was a big crowd of super rowdy guys barging through everyone, so I ducked into the archway/doorway of a shopfront to avoid them.
There was a girl, standing in the doorway to the store. About my height, round curvy, pretty, done up, goth vibes. She had on a fishnet top with her lingerie visible and a leather jacket and a short skirt, thick black eyeliner and black lipstick.
I checked her out and she definitely noticed, so I said “hey”.  She smiled. “City is crazy tonight” She nodded. “What are you up to?”
She looked me over coyly and smiled and said, “well I was on a date but it went badly, so I’m just trying to get an Uber but they aren’t accepting”. “Damn” I said in reply. “Sorry to hear that...” I looked her over really obviously, then smiled mischievously and said, “Baby, you’re sexy as fuck... like... where you headed?”
She seemed taken aback, but then cooly replied with her suburb. Casually, I said, “oh yeah? I live in (neighbouring suburb), I could give you a lift if you want. I’m parked just up in there” and I motioned towards the multilevel carpark. She paused for a second, then smiled again and said, “Maybe this is my lucky night after all”.
We introduced ourselves on the way to the car. Her name was Gabbi. Such a hot name. I opened the door for her, and said, “here you go Babygirl”, she smiled, and bit her lower lip a little. “Thank you, daddy”, her tongue traced across her lips as she spoke, as if she was tasting the words as she said them, and my cock was instantly hard. Our eyes locked as she sat in the car. I walked around to the driver’s door and got in. I looked deep into her eyes and she said “I’ve never done anything like this”. I smiled again and said “bullshit...” my hand reaching up towards her cheek, brushing her hair aside, “I can tell you’re a fucking slut”. And I lent in, my hand gripping her throat as I kissed her mouth, deep and passionately. We made out and she groped at my crotch, feeling my hard dick through my pants, she moaned. I felt her tits. We kissed some more, then I broke away and started the car. 
“Your place?” I said. “It’s not a good idea,” she said. “Mine neither, but it’s OK, I know a spot”. Off we went. Chatting as I drove. She liked the music I was playing in the car, and we really got along well. She told me a bit about her terrible date, then part way along the drive she said, “this is so perfect, I was really in the mood to suck dick tonight”. We made out and felt each other up at the lights, and eventually we got to the dark little out of the way place I take all my sluts.
We kissed some more. I put my hands between her legs and she spread them wide for me. She was so wet. “Oh that’s nice” I said. She moaned, “You like my wet little pussy”. I gripped her hair with my other hand and bit her earlobe. “I like your wet little cunt”. 
She gasped.
“ I liked when you called me daddy, too”.
“Mmm, yes daddy. Please play with my cunt. Put your fingers in my cunt, please, daddy...”
I did as she asked.
Fuck she was so wet. It was thick and syrupy. I slurped it off my fingers and it tasted amazing. I kept going and made her cum. She was so loud. I licked her thick pussy cum off my hand. I made her taste it too. 
Then I unbuttoned my pants and pulled her head over onto my hard cock. I fucking love it when sluts go all in for it with their mouth, and know not to use their hands. She bobbed her head on my cock, drooling her spit all over me, making it wet and sloppy. She would throat and gag, spit up all over it, then slurp it up.
“Oh fuck yeah, you are perfect” I said. As she gave me the best head I’d had in years. I told her to climb into the back seat and take off her panties. Then I followed her into the back and ate her wet cunt. It was so tangy. Then I fingered her some more and she came hard again. I lent back against the car door and licked her gooey tangy juices from my fingers once more and she wasted no time, getting her throat back on my cock, sliding down into the gap behind the driver’s seat, head between my legs I could see her staring up at me.
I told her to get down and suck on my nutsack. I think she’s the first girl to worship my balls properly. She was so good at ball sucking, I left her to it for about 40 minutes. While she sucked and licked my balls, we exchanged dirty talk, and I beat my dick against her face, occasionally taking control and putting  my cock back into her throat. She made my cock so wet and slimy with her saliva. It felt amazing.
As she licked and sucked my nutsack, I stroked my wet cock, and eventually I was ready to cum. To be honest, I could have let this go all night and edged forever, it was so perfect. I pushed my dick against her face and told her I was going to cover her face in cum. She begged for it, and I obliged, painting her face in the thickest load. She didn’t stop on my balls either. She kept it going and I kept cumming.
Then I noticed something weird. Something was stuck to the end of my cock. It was her fake eyelash. then I noticed the other one was stuck half way along my shaft.  We had a good laugh at that. She kept licking and slurping on my cock, and she was so happy to have my cum on her face. She was rubbing it into her skin, and slurping it off her fingers.
It took ages to unfog the car windows. We kept chatting, and traded details. I told her I’d love to fuck her wet cunt next time, and she said she’d love that. I drove her home after that, and I’m really looking forward to the next time we see each other.
I can’t believe I just picked up a girl off the street like this. I might be old, but I have definitely still got my mojo.
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therapardalis · 10 months
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[Moon Knight Meme from @redlineoffate's Bucky.]
❝ I didn’t do that on purpose. ❞ ------------
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"Yeah, I guessed." Thera leaned her shoulder against one of the concrete support posts, gave a soft exhale. Behind her, the glass doors gave onto the interior of a shopping mall, all fluorescent lighting and ditzy music over the speakers, some of it already starting to lean dangerously toward Christmas tunes. Which went along with the other harbinger of the approaching season - too many people.
She wasn't sure whether it was that by itself, or the ad that had started showing on the big overhead screens - a war movie, of all things, with gunshots and screams - but she'd looked around in time to see Bucky heading for the nearest exit doors, out into the multilevel car park which thankfully had access to the open air.
Following him she hung back, keeping both a distance and herself between him and anyone else who might happen to emerge from the same doors.
"Are you gonna be OK?" She was careful not to crowd him just yet, her voice calm, "Let me know what you need."
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estarengineers · 17 days
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wohrparking · 7 months
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gharjunction · 11 days
Chavan Advaitam
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Welcome to Chavan Advaitam, where luxury meets futuristic living with its range of 2, 3, 4, and 5-bed mobile automation homes. Designed to redefine how you experience space, comfort, and lifestyle, Chavan Advaitam brings you the perfect blend of modern amenities and thoughtful design to enhance your everyday living. With a focus on creating life spaces that enrich your lifestyle, each day at Chavan Advaitam helps you evolve into the best version of yourself.
Project Highlights: - A towering 32-storeyed marvel offering Luxurious 2, 3, 4 & 5 BHK Vaastu-Compliant Homes. - Mobile Automation ensures you control your home’s features effortlessly. - Expansive 20,000 sq. ft. landscaped lifestyle podium and 12,000 sq. ft. rooftop amenities for leisure and recreation. - 25+ curated indulgences for a new-age living experience. - Five towers with multilevel car parking including EV charging facilities.
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impressbss · 1 year
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klausmultiparking · 26 days
Streamlining Urban Mobility with Advanced Multilevel Parking
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In Indian cities, the desire for personalized transportation has led to increased traffic congestion and a scarcity of parking spaces. This situation often forces people to park their vehicles haphazardly, exacerbating traffic problems. Such parking practices not only worsen congestion but also expose vehicles to natural elements and the risk of damage from other road users.
While the parking problem is significant, it is not insurmountable. Innovations like multi-level parking systems are steadily providing crowded cities with effective solutions to their parking woes.
Klaus Multiparking, a renowned German brand specializing in multi-level parking solutions, has been helping cities optimize their parking spaces for nearly six decades, having contributed to the creation of over 700,000 parking spaces worldwide. Present in more than 80 countries, Klaus began its India operations in 2002 and has since partnered with numerous businesses to deliver comprehensive and convenient parking solutions.
Introduction to automated parking systems
Automated parking systems, including stack parking systems, are designed to maximize available space by efficiently utilizing vertical space. These systems stack cars one on top of the other, significantly increasing the number of vehicles that can be parked within a given area. By doing so, they free up ground-level space, making it available for other uses or reducing the need for expansive parking lots. Klaus Multiparking offers tailored solutions
We believe that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to designing automated parking solutions. Every space and every requirement is different, and that is why, Klaus Multipakring offers a range of solutions that can be catered to your needs.
Broadly, our solutions can be categorized into three types: Stack Parking Systems, Puzzle Parking Systems, and Fully Automatic Parking Systems.
Stack Parking systems are ideal if you are looking to double or triple the available parking space. This type of parking can be customized to fit cars both above or below the ground, and are particularly suited to smaller projects like an independent house. We also offer more options within Stack Parking to ensure you have the right solution for your space.
Puzzle Parking systems are designed for maximum flexibility, and as the name suggests, the mobile parking spaces can be shifted both horizontally and vertically like a puzzle. This significantly increases the available parking space, making such a system perfect for larger projects.
If you want to truly elevate your parking experience, look no further than our Fully Automatic Parking system. Truly cutting-edge, these systems can be installed above ground, underground or in a combination of both. Each fully automatic system stacks cars into amazingly small spaces and uses advanced technology to make your car available via a lift with the touch of a button.
Other benefits
Automated parking systems offer several additional benefits. For instance, Klaus Multiparking provides an E-Charging add-on kit, allowing you to charge your electric car while it’s parked. Furthermore, the space saved through these systems enables real estate developers to implement greener initiatives, such as setting up mini-solar plants or planting more trees.
Klaus Multiparking is also known for exceptionally low downtime, thanks to our advanced German engineering. However, in the rare event of an issue, our comprehensive maintenance and service packages, along with our always-ready Workshop on Wheels (WoW) van, ensure that any problem is quickly and efficiently addressed.
For More Information Click On : https://www.klausindia.com/
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salzgitterlifts · 8 months
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Take your parking experience to new heights with Salzgitter Lifts! Introducing the Vimana Series - Multilevel Car Parking that combines innovation and efficiency. With two movement axes, 3 to 5 levels, and customizable options for vehicle heights, our lifts redefine convenience.
Call us at +91 9440800224
Explore the future of parking at www.salzgitterlifts.com and elevate your space.
Book now for seamless parking solutions!
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