quirk--karma · 4 years
The Things We Lose Aizawa x Reader
Aizawa looked at the clock yet again. He was probably just as eager as his students were for class to end on a Friday. Just another 17 minutes until the bell and he coul- “Daddy!” Tired eyes suddenly widened at the cute voice that followed pattering footsteps. Without much warning his two-year-old son came barreling towards him, eventually grabbing onto his leg. “Maka, mommy said to wait for her and not bother daddy in class!” Aizawa’s head turned to see his five-year-old daughter trying to round up her sibling. The sounds of murmurs and whispers from his class didn’t go unnoticed. Looking up he could see twenty pairs of wide eyes homing in on the two children who had suddenly made an appearance. The black-haired man sighed heavily.
Its not that he wanted to keep his loved ones a secret, but he definitely tried to keep a distance between his teaching life and his person life. But seeing as Maka and Keshi had just bridged that distance between the two worlds, Aizawa decided the only thing to do would be to introduce them. Lifting his son up and beckoning his daughter over he turned to the class, whose roaring mumbles trickled into dead silence. “Everyone, this is my daughter Keshi and my son Maka.  Keshi, Maka say hello to my students.” “Daddy are these the future hero students?!” His daughter asked with wide excited eyes. His son simply stared in amazement as his tiny hand timidly waved out to the teenagers. “Yes, they are.” “Put me down! Put me down!” Maka said suddenly fighting out of his father’s embrace. Before he knew it, his son was running between the rows of desks eyeing every single student. Most of the guys chuckled at the little boy’s antics and answered any questions he had about their quirks while the girls were squealing over the chubby toddler. “Sorry daddy, mama was trying to talk with her friend Ms. Midnight and she told me to watch Maka but he ran off to your class.” Keshi explained to her dad with a guilty look. He placed a hand on the girl’s soft messy hair and smiled. “That’s okay. Where is your mother?” “Oh she-” “I’m gonna be a hero too!” A determined little voice bellowed out from near the back of the class. Aizawa saw his son’s eyes sparkling as he clenched his little fists and stared up at a certain green haired student with determination. “Look what my quirk does!” Father senses kicked in as his son removed the glove from his left hand and knelt down to the floor. He saw the tips of his marker-like fingers ready to press to the ground before raising his voice. “Don’t draw on the floor!” Too late. The class chuckled at the boy’s cute lumpy character, which he looked rather proud of as he stared at it. “Wow, so your hands are markers? That’s pretty nea-” Midoriya stopped speaking as the image on the ground began to twitch. The entire class including the kid’s father watched on in amazement as a little 2d creature sprung up from the drawing and began crawling around the classroom. The two-year-old simply giggled in delight before looking to his father for praise. Aizawa felt his throat tighten at seeing his son’s quirk manifest for the first time. His quirk, it was just like- “Holy shit! Get it off me!” The class laughed as the explosive blonde tried swiping at the thing that was crawling over his body before hoping off. He’d let out a sigh of relief before practically jumping at the sudden appearance of his teacher’s daughter before him. “What the hell do you wa-” “That was a naughty word.” With that a small hand reached up and rubbed across his lips quickly but softly. Pulling away, the class was momentarily horrified to see Bakugou’s mouth completely gone as if wiped away. The teen began clawing at his face before the missing body part slowly rematerialized. Small sparks shot from Bakugou’s palms as he glared at the little girl, only to be surprised when her face didn’t falter an inch. “Keshi, don’t use your quirk on my students. Apologize.” Aizawa’s voice came out quiet but firm. “Sorry.” The young girl said never breaking eye contact. “You don’t sound sorry at all.” Bakugou said leaning towards her. “Because I’m not.” She whispered with a smirk before walking back over to her father. “Creepy little brat. She’s too much like her dad.” “Mr. Aizawa, we had no idea you had a family!” Mina exclaimed as she took a wonky 2d flower from a blushing Maka. “And with such impressive quirks!” Iida exclaimed examining the kid’s finger pads. “They really are amazing.” Izuku mumbled, jotting away in his journal. He tapped his pen to his lips momentarily before a figurative lightbulb went off. “I got it! Maka’s quirk reminds me of the former pro-hero, Scribble!” “That would be me.” A sweet voice called out from the front of the classroom. A beautiful woman in a wheelchair made her entrance into the classroom ignoring the dumbfounded stare from Aizawa. “Forgive me for interrupting your instruction time. I should have kept better tabs on my kids.” The woman said bowing her head slightly to the whole class. “Class was about to end in a few minutes anyway.” Aizawa said still staring at the chair the woman was sitting in. “Mama look what I made!” Maka said running up to her, holding his strange sentient drawing. The woman smiled brightly as she held her arm out to hold it and of course the class couldn’t help but notice it then. Midoriya, having known the back story of many pro-heroes, already knew to expect it but the attitude in the room shifted to see this wheel-chair bound woman with only a single arm. Before she could admire the drawing any further, the object suddenly melted into a little pool of ink that stained the woman’s palm. “Sorry mama!” “That’s okay baby, you’re still learning!” Mina suddenly took out a sheet of paper and placed her flower drawing on it to catch any ink spillage. “Wow! Ma’am it’s so amazing to meet you! I remember watching you on the news a few times when I was younger!” Izuku said standing up to give the woman a proper bow. “Please dear, don’t flatter me so much. And none of this ma’am business, I’m only 27!” “Oh yes sorry Mrs. Aizawa!” Izuku said with a big smile not missing the falter in her teacher’s face as well as the woman’s. “Just (Y/N) will do.” She said with a small fake smile. “Ahem for those of you who don’t know. This is (L/N) (Y/N), known by her hero name as Scribble. She’s Keshi and Maka’s mother.” While all the students said their hellos there was no denying that they all caught the weird way Mr. Aizawa had introduced her. “Mama mama! I found two new girlfriends in this class!” Maka exclaimed jumping into his mother’s lap. “What, two?!” Mina exclaimed, hopping up from her seat. “Who’s my competition?!” Behind her Tsuyu hid her own flower and heart drawing in her backpack. As the older woman laughed the release bell rang and all the students began to gather their stuff. Finally casting him a glance the woman attempted to speak up before Aizawa beat her to it. “Care to tell me why you’re in a wheelchair?” His students had cleared out by now and he was ready to let his questions free. The woman gave him a blank stare before turning to her kids with a huge smile. “Why don’t you two go and visit Uncle Zashi?” “Uncle Zashi! Uncle Zashi!!” The two exclaimed excitedly before bolting out of the classroom. “Well if you must know, they found the same issues as they did before. I chose to try a limb sparing surgery. It means I’ll have to be off my legs for a while but at least I actually get to keep them.” The dark-haired male scoffed but felt his demeanor soften as he grew worried again. “You could have kept me updated.” He replied with a slight damper in his voice. “What for?” An awkward silence spread between the two in the empty room before he spoke up once more. “I got to see Maka’s quirk. When did that happen?” “Last weekend. I know you were busy with training and couldn’t pick the kids up. He’s been super excited to show you ever since.” “And you didn’t you call to tell me that because…?” (Y/N) looked down at the lone hand in her lap. Aizawa wanted nothing more than to take back that stupid question, he knew damn well why she didn’t want to talk about it. “It’s just like my quirk used to be.” (Y/N) finally responded with a hoarse voice. Looking up she had an unreadable expression. “This is a long weekend, right? I’ll pick the kids up Monday afternoon. We already put all their stuff on your desk in the teacher work room. I’ll see you in a few days, Aizawa.” The whirl of the wheelchair’s motor hummed through the air as his ex-wife made her way out of the classroom. Staring after her retreating figure, Aizawa couldn’t help but think about how this was the most they’ve spoken in a year. ~~~~~ “Grilled cheese with pickle?” Aizawa asked with a quirked brow at his daughter’s weird request. “Yeah lots of pickles!” Keshi said slapping her hands on the table. “No crusts!” “Alright then. For you, Maka?” “Grilled cheese with tomato! Extra cheese and extra crispy!” “That’s how your mom likes her sandwiches too.” He commented feeling his own words tug at his heartstrings. He noticed his kids’ confusion as he pulled out the toaster along with a box of toaster bags. They watched as he prepared their sandwiches to their requests, placed them in little baggies and put them in the toaster. “What are you doing daddy?” Maka asked looking up at his father expectantly. “Making grilled cheese.” “That’s not the way mama does it!” He said a bit perplexed by his father’s unorthodox methods. Hearing that, Aizawa had vivid flashbacks to when he and (Y/N) were freshly graduated from U.A. New and broke heroes, he remembered fondly the way she would stand over the stove grilling sandwiches for dinner. He could imagine her sitting on the counter wiping her mouth, asking why he was staring at her so intensely, never realizing how beautiful she looked doing even the most mundane things. “But we will like them anyway daddy!” Keshi spoke up noticing a sudden crestfallen look on his face. “Maaakaa you made daddy cry!” Aizawa’s head snapped up at that comment. Looking up at his children, the blurred vision let him know that his eyes had indeed been watering. Rubbing at them he turned to put in his eyedrops. “I sorry daddy! I will eat all your food because its good like mama’s! Don’t be sad!” “No, don’t worry. You didn’t make me sad, I promise.” “Then why are your eyes teary, daddy?” Keshi asked with a small frown. Running a hand through his hair, he figured at the very least his eldest would understand what he meant. “I miss mama.” He answered honestly. “Why don’t you come visit us at mama’s house sometime?” “I don’t think mama wants me there.” “But why not daddy? I was asking some of my classmates and they say their mommies and daddies live together so why do you and mama have different homes?” Aizawa held his breath as he racked his mind for a way to answer that question. He knew things like this would eventually pop up as his kids got older but he’d hoped it wouldn’t be for awhile longer. “Well because moms and dads only live together when they are married. Mama and I aren’t married. Besides I need to stay here for my students.” He answered firmly, hoping it would be enough to squash the conversation. Sure, enough his kids wouldn’t let it go so easy. “Then why don’t you marry mama? Like me daddy, I’m gonna marry Ms. Mina and Ms. Tsu!” Maka said with a replenished sparkle in his eye. This caused his father to let out a sincere chuckle and smile at his kids. “Yeah daddy! Marry mama! You can bring her flowers like Uncle Zashi!” Aizawa felt his spine go rigid at his daughter’s innocent comment. He looked between both kids who held clueless smiles. He always promised himself he would never use his children as a means to get information about his ex-wife. He’d felt it was a scummy thing to do but right now he already felt like scum. “When did Uncle Zashi bring mama flowers?” “When she was in the hospital! Grandma and grandpa took care of us while mama was getting her legs fixed but sometimes Uncle Zashi would pick us up and we’d go eat and he’d take us to see mama. Every time he would bring her lots of flowers and candies!” “He’d buy us candy too!” “Would he now?” Aizawa had every emotion he’d ever felt whirling around in him before he smiled. “That’s good, I’m glad he bought my babies some sweets too.” “I’m no baby!” Maka protested with a little pout, before scrunching up his tiny nose. “Daddy something smells bad.” Snapping out of the conversation and his thoughts, Aizawa noticed that the sandwiches had yet to pop out despite the amount of time. Sure enough the toaster had been set to max and grey smoke was beginning to rise from the machine and burnt sandwiches. Quickly unplugging the machine, Aizawa lifted the toaster and rushed to place it outside the teacher’s dorms with his kids following on his trail. “Why does the toaster even go that high?!” His daughter exclaimed, trying to fan the smoke out of the building. “A villain must have been behind it!” Maka added, nibbling on a slice of cheese he snagged from the counter. “Okay, well dad tried. Get ready, we’re going out to eat.” The kids raced back inside, cheering. “And please brush your hair, Keshi!” “Brush yours, daddy!” “That’s fair.” He watched as his kids scrambled to get ready and finally let his face fall. Throwing himself on the nearest chair, he gripped at the area right above his heart. While he sincerely doubted that (Y/N) was dating Yamada, he couldn’t help but come to terms with something he hadn’t quite faced yet. They’d been divorced for 2 and a half years now. Eventually, if she hadn’t already, (Y/N) would move on. Maybe she’d get remarried, have another child, move across the world to be with that person. And yet his life hadn’t moved an inch since their split. He hadn’t dated or even shown an interest in doing so and he truly didn’t believe he would. (Y/N) was the only woman he’d loved ever and even when the two were still together he’d always told her that would never change. All he wanted was for things to be the way they were before. He needed her back in his life and he’d tried in the past to show that to her. He called to ask how she was doing but she always steered the conversation back to the kids. He would offer her gifts, but she refused every single one or gave it to their babies. Simple conversation wasn’t something he could make with her anymore and it killed him. Now it would seem even his best friend was closer to her than he was. She was and always would be the love of his life, but one thing was obvious. She was over him now. ~~~~~ (Y/N) opened her eyes slowly. Glancing over at the clock she cursed her sleep schedule for waking her so early. Turning over she was met with an empty bed. A space a husband hadn’t filled in years but one her babies found themselves in most mornings. She really tried to get them to sleep in their own beds but by morning one or both of them wound up starfishing it on the mattress, leaving their mother to cling to the edge. But the weekends were like this…lonely…empty. She couldn’t find it in her to feel too sorry for herself. Aizawa, she figured, felt like this five days of the week compared to her two. At the very least she could say he had his students to distract him on those days. The weekends were too quiet. Everything that needed to be done for the next week was always already completed. Often times she couldn’t help but think how much more busy her life would have been if she had taken the job offer at Shiketsu, instead of the average middle school she worked at now. It had been a job with better pay, better benefits, and more prestige but it had been too far west for them to make it work. Being so far away Aizawa would never have been able to see Maka and Keshi. Maybe once a month, if they were lucky every OTHER weekend. But she could never do that to them…to any of them. He might have been a crappy husband, but he’d always been a great father, and (Y/N) would have never made it hard for him to see his kids. Finally hauling herself out of bed and into her wheelchair, the woman went into the bathroom to prepare for her day. Smiling to herself she scrolled through YouTube to play her baby’s favourite song while she got ready. “Baby shark dododododododo Baby shark!” Running the brush through her tangles, (Y/N) laughed to herself imagining Maka singing the song in his usual off tune voice. Her joyous moment was cut short by a bing on her phone. Putting the brush down she grabbed her cell and opened the message from her friend Yamada. She’d known him since they were all in school together and was glad her divorce never made it so that she couldn’t still be his friend. ‘Let’s grab dinner tonight!’ ‘Sure but let’s make sure it’s a place that serves alcohol. I need a drink!’ ‘Same! I’ll pick you up at 7:00!’ ‘…Remember when we used to head out at 11?’ ‘We’re getting old…’ ‘Speak for yourself! See you then.’ (Y/N) felt relief for having something to do. Her phone suddenly went off again, catching her attention once more. ‘And (Y/N)…leave the ring at home. You’ll never meet someone with it on.’ Sighing heavily, she didn’t even bother to answer. She knew her friend thought it was a security blanket but honestly it was just her first line of defense. She wasn’t interested in romance or being flirted with. Putting her old wedding ring on when she went out drinking helped deter even just a few people from approaching her. It had nothing to do with her ex-husband. When he left he didn’t take much with him, didn’t even ask for the ring back. She’d tried returning it in the past but he insisted he didn’t want it and it was hers now, to pawn or give to the kids when they were older. It mostly spent its time in her junk drawer with several other gifts he’d tried thrusting upon her within the past few years. Jewelry, concert tickets, gift cards, fine clothes, things she couldn’t give away to her kids sat collecting dust in there. For a while it had been a constant thing, confusing her to no end. Aizawa was someone she barely understood when times were good between them. So, when they went bad…boy did they go bad. Only recently had he stopped trying to give her things or prod Yamada for info on her, that he would run to tell her about. In some ways she was happy. The divorce had been hard and that had only made it harder. Maybe she was also happy for him, he’d clearly not been happy in the marriage. Even after it was over, his actions trying to get her attention made her think he still wasn’t. But now that it finally stopped she figured maybe he finally was happy. Maybe he was finally moving on. Which meant…she’d have to as well. Rolling into the living room, she was snapped out of her thoughts when her wheelchair went over a bump. Looking down her eyes widened. Leaning down she swiped the object off the floor before rushing to dial her ex on the phone. It rang for a bit before going off to voicemail. “Dammit. Aizawa, Keshi forgot her extra EpiPen here at my house. I know you’re really careful with her but I’m gonna take it to you in case of emergencies. I’ll be there soon!” All thoughts of her tragic love life or drinking tonight went out the window as the frantic mother grabbed her things before heading out to her car. ~~~~~ “Oh come on it’s not like I’m some kind of stalker! I’m here on official business!” “Why do I find that hard to believe?” Aizawa said to Emi as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Daddy who’s that at the door?” Maka said grinding his tiny fist into his eyes, mirroring his father. The green haired woman blinked at the child a few times before squealing in delight. “No way, is this your baby!?” Ms. Joke exclaimed crouching down to pinch at his chubby cheeks, much to Maka’s disapproval. “I know you mentioned you had been married and had some kiddos, but I never knew they were such little cuties!” “This is my son Maka and please don’t baby him like that. Maka this is daddy’s friend Ms. Emi.” Maka swatted at her hands that ruffled his bed head. Before he could control it, he began giggling. “Don’t use your quirk on my kid!” Aizawa scolded, his eyes now glowing red and hair floating around. Much to his surprise Maka didn’t stop giggling, looking more closely he saw Emi making funny faces at his youngest. Turning off his own quirk he sighed. “You look just like your dad! How old are you sweetie!?” “Two.” The boy said smiling, holding up two random nonconsecutive fingers. “How about in sixteen years we get married?!” The woman said playfully, holding her hands out to the small boys who eyed her up and down. “No, you’re too old. Besides I have two future wives waiting for me!” “Ouch, being rejected by your toddler hurt more than by you.” Ms. Joke chuckled in a half jest. “What can I say? He is my son after all. Is your sister still asleep?” Aizawa asked Maka, looking back into the bedroom. “Yup. Mama said she’d sleep through the end of the world if you let her.” Emi snorted a laugh before beaming up at Aizawa. “Like father like kids huh?” “I guess. Would you like to join us for breakfast in the common area?” Aizawa asked begrudgingly. “I’d love to!” Emi responded quickly bouncing on her toes. “We can go over the paperwork my school sent your way.” “I wake up Keshi, daddy?” “No, let her sleep in for a few more hours. What do you feel like eating this morning?” The black-haired male asked looking down at the young boy who in turn stared down at his own little sock covered feet. “I not hungry, daddy.” “Really why not? Mama said you’ve been eating a lot in the morning.” When Maka had no response, Emi giggled into her palms. “Uh oh is daddy’s cooking that bad?” “It’s not and refrain from calling me ‘daddy’ if you don’t mind.” “What if I make breakfast for you guys?! After all you are doing me a huge favour by completing this paperwork so early in the morning! How about pancakes?” “Yeah!” Maka cheered suddenly running to cling onto the bottom of Ms. Joke’s shorts. “Please daddy?” The little boy pleaded putting on his glossiest puppy eyes. “Yeah pllleease daddy?” The cheerful woman said teasingly, hoisting the young boy up onto her hip. “Ugh fine. Just don’t put any c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e in it because Maka gets hyper. And definitely no berries, Keshi is severely allergic. Which reminds me, Maka where is her pen?” “Mama put it in the paw patrol packpack.” “Alright, be good with Ms. Emi while I look for it okay?” “Okay daddy. Come on Memi!” Maka exclaimed pushing out of her hold and tugging on her hand to lead the way. “Memi? How cute!” Soon enough the seafoam haired woman was flipping hot pancakes on the stove catching Maka observing her carefully from the corner of her eyes. He had been informing her about his favourite shows and YouTube videos while she listened intently, nodding and humming in acknowledgement. Aizawa had still yet to join them, she figured he was having a hard time finding his daughter’s EpiPen. In the back of her mind she couldn’t help but vaguely imagine that this would be her life if she ever got the chance with Aizawa. “Here you go love.” Emi said placing a single large pancake onto the boy’s awaiting plate. Gingerly she drizzled thin lines of syrup not wanting to get the kid too hyper. She watched in amusement as he attempted slicing the pancake, poking and mushing it down with his fork. When all else failed she witnessed him lift the entire thing with his hands and bring it to his mouth to take a chomp out of it. “Woah woah here let me cut it for you!” Maka placed the pancake down before something across the room caught his eye. Emi saw his eyes light up as the little boy went running. “Mama mama!” Ms. Joke turned to the entrance only to see a worried looking woman come in on a motorized chair. She watched Maka barrel towards her before flinging himself into her lap. “Hi my baby!” The woman said, squeezing her son with her one arm. “We are going home now?” “Not yet sweetheart, Keshi just forgot her medicine at home. Eww why are your hands so sticky?” The boy’s mother asked with a chuckle. “Syrup. Memi made me pamcake.” “Memi?” (Y/N) questioned finally looking up at the attractive woman now standing only a few feet away. “Hi, I’m Emi Fukukado.” She said holding out a hand to shake only to feel like an asshole when she realized the woman was missing the proper arm to offer. She dropped the gesture right away and noticed a bright smile come onto the woman’s face. “Ahh yes the prohero Ms. Joke correct? I believe you used to work near Maka’s father? I’m (Y/N) (L/N), the mother.” Ms. Joke’s mouth formed into a soft ‘o’ shape. Aizawa had always spoken of a wife since they’d known each other. She’d also known of the pro hero Scribble, whose hero career was cut tragically short. But she’d never known they were one in the same. “She’s daddy’s friend, mama.” Maka offered with a smile. “Daddy said to call her Memi.” “Sounds kind of like mommy, huh?” (Y/N) said ruffling her boy’s hair only for Emi’s heart to sink into her stomach. “I think he’s just having trouble with my name. Aizawa and I are-” “Oh here do you mind giving this to him? It’s Keshi’s EpiPen, she’s allergic to-” “Berries! Yeah Aizawa had been looking everywhere for this! I’ll be sure to give it to him right away!” (Y/N)’s smile faltered slightly before sighing and kissing Maka on the forehead, placing him down on the ground. “Alright baby, mama has to go now.” Maka began to whine slightly. His watery eyes were hard to ignore. “I go with you!” “Don’t you want to stay with daddy?” “Yes, but wanna go with you too!” The little boy hiccupped with tears running down his chubby cheeks. “Don’t leave! I wanna be with you AND daddy!” Emi felt her heartstrings constrict tightly like a violin. Aizawa never told her anything about his ex-wife so she couldn’t pretend to know the whole story. But it was obvious the young boy was struggling with the divorce in a way he couldn’t articulate. Leaning down to lift up the black-haired child Emi smoothed her hand over his head and shushed him. He rested his head on her shoulder taking in shaking breaths, clearly trying to calm himself. Her hand rubbed circles into his back soothingly, but his breathing was still ragged. “Hey come on, I’m sure mama is really busy! Your dad has the best time when you’re here! Maybe when Keshi get’s up we can go to the park!” He was shaking his head while his wails now verged onto hysteric levels. Emi was beginning to panic and was about to place the child in his mother’s waiting embrace before he began pushing out of her arms, kicking and grabbing for his mother to pick him up. “No! Mama! Mama! Go with you and daddy!” “Emi, what did you do to Maka? Why is he crying like that?” Aizawa said suddenly appearing from his bedroom looking disheveled. His eyes found the two women and child right away, widening when he processed the image before him. Speeding walking up to them he took Maka from his colleague quickly. “(Y/N), I didn’t know you were coming. Is everything okay?” The disheveled man attempted to smooth down his crazy hair with his one free hand while patting his still sobbing son. Of course (Y/N) looked fucking gorgeous this early in the morning and he looked like a hungover swap rat. “I called but I suppose you were busy. Fukukado said you were looking for Keshi’s EpiPen, but the kids may have knocked it out of the bag. I decided to bring it over and now that Maka is calming down I’ll be going.” Aizawa looked at the child in his arms who was now drifting back to sleep. Taking a few quick steps towards his ex he attempted to reach a hand out to her shoulder and wasn’t at all surprised when she pulled back. Didn’t mean it hurt any less though. “Would you like to stay and chat? We can have breakfast or coffee.” He offered feeling the heavy tension in the room as Ms. Joke shifted her weight and averted her eyes. “Thank you for the offer but I wouldn’t want to intrude. Besides I have plans for tonight that I need to get ready for. Bye Fukukado. Aizawa.” The dark-haired male watched as the woman made her way out the building. Why the hell hadn’t he charged his phone last night? Why did he have to be busy when she came? Why did Emi have to be here? He knew that (Y/N) probably assumed she was his lover and it shouldn’t matter…but deep down he didn’t want her to think that. “Hey, I’m really sorry Eraser.” Emi whispered, finally speaking up. “Just sign the paper for me and I’ll be out of here.” Breathing out a huge sigh, Aizawa walked back to his room to lay Maka in bed next to his sister. Smoothing his black hair out of his face he turned to his colleague with a small smile. “Why don’t you stay and have breakfast with me? I wouldn’t want your cooking to go to waste.” Ms. Joke seemed surprised but nodded eagerly, following the tired man out of the room. Though the experience was much more awkward than she had anticipated. Aizawa was silently eating his breakfast and sipping a glass of juice. He wasn’t trying to make conversation and Emi figured he was too deep in thought to hold one she started. That’s when she noticed it, a small sparkle around his neck. Whatever was on the end of his necklace was carefully tucked away into his black shirt. If she looked closely enough, she could make out a circular pattern pushing through. He didn’t seem the type to wear jewelry, so she felt comfortable making the assumption she was about to voice. “I guess that’s why I still don’t have a chance with you huh?” “What?” “I mean I knew back when you were married that you were 100% loyal but even now I’ll never have a chance. And that’s because you’re still in love with your ex-wife.” “Don’t psychoanalyze my situation.” “Oh come on I’ve known you for years and I’ve never seen your eyes light up the way they did when you saw (Y/N). When you talk about your kids sure, but that’s a different kind of sparkle. Then I saw you trying to fix your appearance up for her, last time you did that was for the sake of U.A because you’d be on national television.” Reaching across the table Ms. Joke tugged on the chain around his neck that sent a wedding ring flying out of his shirt. She watched him glance down at the low swinging object not verbally confirming anything. “You wear your old wedding ring around your neck. I know I come on really strong all the time but as a friend I want to know what happened? Why did she divorce you?” Aizawa fiddled with the gold band, glancing between the woman in front of him and his plate. Having been divorced for what would soon be 3 years, he hadn’t had to tell this story in a long time. And even then, only so many people knew the details. “I was the one who asked for the divorce.” He noticed Emi raise her eyebrows in shock, but she gave no response and waited for him to continue. “It’s a really long-winded story but to put it shortly, I made a decision for her and she didn’t agree with it and we just couldn’t be together after.” “I’m going to need more than that. Does…does it have anything to do with the incident that made her retire? I mean the press talked about it like a tragic decision she had to make for her family’s sake. She was only 23 and to be retired that shortly after debuting...” “She was gonna be big. Her name would have been up there with some of the greatest. I was so sure of it. Her rank was moving fast, her quirk was amazing. Hell, even after having Keshi so young, she was back out there… It wasn’t my decision to make, I know that, but I did.” “Sho, calm down love. You already upset Keshi with all that screaming outside.” (Y/N) said swinging her legs from the high examination table as they waited for the doctor. “You were at an elementary school for god’s sakes. It was supposed to be simple and easy, you just broke that arm and to rebreak it? Where the hell was Mic?” “Babe he was right there giving the presentation with me, you already interrogated him in the waiting room. A seven-year-old lost control of their quirk for a split second. I’m fine, it hurts like a bitch but I’m okay. Come here.” Aizawa shuffled over to his wife and allowed her to pull his head to her chest as she stroked his hair. He could feel her laying soft kisses on the top of his head. His eyes snapped open when he felt her tracing a pattern on his back. He knew she was drawing on the back of his shirt but didn’t pull away. “Love don’t move that arm.” “Come on, it’s already all cast up.” A loud meow filled the room and with a sudden kick off from his back Aizawa turned to see a plump chalk outlined cat sitting on the ground licking itself. He reached down to pick it up and touched its fur, if he didn’t look at it he would think he was holding the actual animal. “Mr. and Mrs. Aizawa?” A sudden voice echoes into the room. (Y/N) took her opposite uninjured hand and swiped it over the cat, erasing it from her husband’s arms. “Took you long enough. How is my wife’s arm? Will it have permanent damage because she had already broken it recently? Why did you have to run so many tests?” “To have the same bone broken twice, we were admittedly worried. Well we ran some scans of your body we noticed two separate things that need to be addressed. One possibly good and the other potentially very bad.” (Y/N) and Aizawa looked at each other with a slight bit of worry. “I guess we’ll hear the bad first.” Both watched as the doctor placed images on the lit board in the room. He pointed at a dozen or more milky dots littering her humerus. The big words he was using were flying over (Y/N)’s head while Aizawa seemed to be clinging to his every one of them. Finally, a certain word stuck out. “Wait, tumor?” “Tumors. All of these dots in the scan, we are unsure if they are benign or malignant at this point.” “Malignant? What you mean like cancer? You think I have bone cancer?” Her voice asked timidly only for her husband to grab her good hand and give it a slight squeeze. “We don't want to say that just yet but on first glance it doesn't look good. Have you been experiencing unexplained pain in that arm?” “No I-“ “Well wait yes she was complaining about a dull ache for almost half a year now.” Aizawa interrupted suddenly. (Y/N) shot him a look but he paid her no mind. “But I use my arm a lot in hero work so I'm sure it's just soreness!” “And your friend Mr. Hizashi informed us that the child merely bumped you when your arm broke? Such little force to cause a break is-” “Well he was kind of far! I don't think he saw properly! That kid had a strength quirk, so he could have put a lot of force-” “(Y/N) it's okay.” Her husband said grabbing her face gently and pressing his forehead to hers. When she’d finally calmed down he pulled away and looked at the doctor. “Okay so let's assume the worst. If it is bone cancer how do we...what do we do next? How do we treat that?” “Normally in the case of a single malignant tumour we can perform an extraction in the target area only. However, in this case, there are nearly a dozen tumours in her humerus. It would likely be advised to perform a full amputation of the limb.” “No! No no no I can't let you do that! My quirk is activated with this arm! Look see my chalk tips?! Without this arm I have no quirk!” “Yes, we've been made aware. In any other case we would suggest chemotherapy or radiation. That wouldn't be the best treatment but it would be another option.” “Then we'll do that!” “Here is where a problem may lie. The other thing our test showed was that you are currently pregnant.” The room went silent. The hands that had been clasping each other slightly went slack. Clearing her throat, (Y/N) had to restate what she just heard to be sure it was actually what was said. “Me? I'm pregnant? We're having another baby?” “Yes. Now it would seem you are very early in your pregnancy. That doesn't mix well with the other options.” “You mean it could hurt the baby?” “It's possible. Chemo is a risk to the fetus in the first trimester. Radiation is a risk up until delivery. If you choose to carry to term, amputation would be your best option.” “Well we aren't aborting, right?” Aizawa asked, looking to his wife for approval and saw her nod in agreement. “So, we only have one option.” “Amputation.” “No treatment.” Both spouses looked at the other as if they’d gone absolutely insane. “What do you mean 'no treatment'? That wasn’t an option.” Aizawa was the first to speak up. “Well I'm making it one. If we choose not to treat what would happen?” “Well you'd have the same symptoms as now, pain brittle bones but eventually if we fear the worst the cancer could metastasize. If that happens it will be much harder to get rid of.” “What are the chances of it metastasizing within 9 months?” “With how many tumours and depending on how bad it is the chances are not in your favour.” “Okay so here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna hold off for a few months until it's safe to start chemo, then we do that. Once I have the baby we can do radiation. But I'm not risking my baby or my hero career.” “So, you’ll risk your life?” Aizawa asked finally letting go of her hand entirely. “I will be fine for a few months. Everything will be okay love. I promise.” “But it wasn’t, I’m assuming?” Ms. Joke asked interrupting Aizawa’s thousand-yard stare. “She’d always been so stubborn. Who the hell even fights crime while pregnant? She took on jobs up until Keshi was born and intended to do so with Maka. I kept telling her to stop, especially with her conditions. She always wanted to save everyone but what about herself? So, I get a call one day that she’d been hurt by a villain, really badly, blood everywhere.” Aizawa took in a few shallow breaths. He could still remember the frantic call from Midnight. He was still hearing (Y/N)’s screams of agony, the very same arm completely shattered from fingertip to shoulder. Her x-rays were like nothing he’d ever seen, her bones had been splintered into something that he would no longer call bones. Mic had been holding Keshi, looking just as nervous. When (Y/N) had lost consciousness from the pain her decision now became his. “The doctors told me they could reset everything back in place. That it wouldn’t be easy but it was possible. Yet in the back of my mind not a day had gone by since she’d gotten the news, that I didn’t wish she’d chosen to not take any risks. So, as her medical proxy, I approved the amputation.” Emi gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She knew it was a hard decision and she would never sit there and judge him. But she couldn’t imagine waking up suddenly quirkless, having someone take the decision away from you. To know that everything you worked for suddenly came to a dead halt. “She didn’t even need to be told it was me. When she woke up and found out what happened she cried. I mean she sobbed, we couldn’t even bring Keshi in there because we knew it would upset her. When she finally calmed down and she told she’d never forgive me.” “So how were you the one who ended up asking for a divorce?” “I stayed by her side for a few months. But I would always catch these looks she’d give me when she thought I wasn’t looking. Looks as if she hated me, as if she was struggling to even be around me. Things weren’t the same after that, she wasn’t affectionate, and we didn’t talk like we used to. I didn’t want to keep her in a marriage she wasn’t happy in, so I filed for divorce a few months before Maka was born.” “Hmm don’t take offense to this but that’s kind of a dick move.” Aizawa’s head snapped up, not expecting to hear something like that from Ms. Joke. She noticed the look on his face and held her hands up in defense. “Don’t get me wrong, I know it must have been difficult in a way I could never imagine but I can’t help to think of her side you know? I mean in less than a year you find out you have cancer, lose your quirk and your job, then lose your husband all while being pregnant with his child. You gave her a few months to process something that probably would have taken ten times longer.” “I didn’t want her to be upset.” “Or did you not want her to be upset with you? I know it was hard on you, to think that your wife hates you. Now imagine that feeling times two because I bet that’s what she was going through. To me it sounds like you hated that your wife didn’t idolize you anymore. You hated that you gave her a reason to rightfully be upset with you…so you left.” “Yeah well who asked you?” Aizawa mumbled looking into his cup. “No one but if you did ask me, I would tell you that I think she still loves you too. I think if given the chance she would take you back.” “Huh well as usual, you’re wrong.” “Hmm why do you say that?” “I’ve given her chances to take me back. Chances to even just talk to me but she shoots down every single one. If anything, giving these ‘chances’ have only made things worse. Maybe a year ago when I was living at my old apartment, while the kids were sleeping…we spent a night together. I hadn’t been with her or anybody since we split, and I thought I finally had her back. But when I woke up she’d already left. We’d been MARRIED and she treated me like a one-night stand.” Emi could hear how hard it was for him to talk about this, how uncomfortable he was. She didn’t pry yet he continued on. “I tried talking to her about it and I realized that she could separate sex and love as two different things. I couldn’t and didn’t want it to happen again. Really it just severed us even more.” “Hmm this is a tricky situation. I’m 99% sure she’s still in love with you. She looked super jealous when she saw me in here with Maka.” “Of course, but that’s because you were holding her baby, it had nothing to do with me.” “I don’t think so. This wasn’t motherly instinct anger, this was ‘back off my man’ anger. Hmm well this is gonna sound stupid, but did you ever tell her you were sorry for what happened.” “I’m sorry for the consequences but I’m not sorry for the decision I made.” “Did you ever tell her you were sorry for how you made her feel?” The silence between the two was enough of an answer. Emi sighed but smiled at her friend. “Even if it’s years late…say you’re sorry. Tell her you’re in love with her and never stopped being. Tell her how much you want her back and pray it all works out.” Aizawa looked deeply into the woman’s eyes before letting out a short sigh and averting his eyes back onto his plate. “And if she does turn you down…well I’m always available for a date. I’m good with kids and cats!” This got a surprisingly genuine laugh from the man, startlingly Ms. Joke more than anything had that morning. “I know you are, Emi.” ~~~~~ “It’s not fair Yamada! She was so hot!” (Y/N) whined like a teenager as she took another gulp of her drink. “You’ve been hung up on Ms. Joke for the past 4 hours. Do you want to date her or be her?” “Yes!” The two giggled stupidly as (Y/N) appreciated the loud noises of the bar they were in. She was more grateful than ever that Yamada was able to meet tonight and get her mind off things. “Besides why does it bother you so much?” “Because my ex is moving on to bigger and better things. Career wise and in his love life. Yet here I am still stuck in my same old routine. My life has only gone downhill since the split.” “I told you, you shouldn’t have let the divorce go through. You should have taken those divorce papers and ripped them right in front of his face.” “Then Aizawa would have stayed miserable married to me.” “Fuck him!” “Ugh god I wish. I would take another session with him in a heartbeat. How does he manage to look even better than when we were in high school? While I got this mom body to deal with.” “Shut up, you’re still hot.” “You only say that cause you haven’t seen the real story! Clothes can hide a lot!” “Can’t hide everything. (Y/N), you’re a milf if I’ve ever seen one!” (Y/N) choked on her drink before busting out laughing. “Dude shut the hell up, you have to say that because you’re my friend!” “What? I’m just letting you know if you weren’t my best friend’s ex-wife, you’d be my current wife! Look don’t take my word for it. Hey c’mere!” The loud blonde called out to some random guy walking by. “Yamada stop!” (Y/N) urged all while stifling a giggle. After enough arm flailing, the stranger made his way over to the couple of tipsy friends. “If given the opportunity would you or would you not take my friend to the nearest hotel and have kinky sex with her all night?” “Yamada!” “Hell yeah, if she’s offering!” “See I told you, you still got it.” Yamada said with a cocky smirk before his face faltered as a strong set of hands began messaging his shoulders. “What about you, beautiful? You can join us too. Make it a really fun night.” (Y/N) let out a hysterical giggle as the man blew air onto her friend’s ear and he instantly recoiled with a girlish scream. “Sorry I don’t have enough alcohol in my system for that!” “Well how much more do you think it will take?” The stranger said reaching into his wallet. “A few drops short of alcohol poisoning! Come on (Y/N), let’s go!” (Y/N) continued to laugh as she wheeled out after her bolting friend. Once they were a few feet away from the bar, the blonde man turned to his friend with a pout. “It’s not funny!” “You should have gone for him he wasn’t bad.” “Yeah well my standards go a little higher than ‘not bad’. Besides that man wanted to ravish me, take away my innocence!” “Your innocence!? Bitch please, if you’re innocent then I’m a virgin!” “Rude! You make me seem like a cheap slut.” Her friend pouted slightly. “Aww no come on. You’re an expensive slut! All someone has to do is mention how much they love your radio show and boom you’re waking up in a stranger’s bed.” Hizashi did chuckle a bit at the truth behind that statement. He’d gone out with (Y/N) enough times for her to see his patterns of casual flings. Which in mentioning only made him curious. “I do tend to get pretty sidetracked when we go out like this. What happens to you? Do you ever find anyone that catches your interest?” (Y/N) slowly stopped laughing and began wheeling towards the park across the street. Not leaving her friend hanging she just sort of shrugged her shoulders. “Not really.” “So…have you BEEN WITH anyone since you got divorced? Besides of course that time you used Aizawa.” The blonde threw his hands up in defense when he saw the woman shoot him an icy glare. “I didn’t use him okay. He wanted it just as much as I did, he just had to go and make things weird after. And to answer your question…yes I have been with other people.” “Oh yeah? How many?” “Like one practically every weekend the kids are with their father.” “Shiiiiit and you’re calling me the slut? How come I’ve never gotten a turn?” “Because Aizawa would string you up to the tallest tower in Japan.” “Wait so you score a new body each week and you still think you’re not attractive? Biiitch you were just fishing for compliments at this point.” “Yeah well if I’m so hot how come Aizawa didn’t want me?” Hizashi stopped walking and watched his friend carry on. Very rarely did she speak about her feelings on the divorce in this manner. No matter how drunk he got her, her confessions were always full of comical anger or humorous self-deprecation. She never said anything so serious. “Didn’t want you? You’re joking right? You know that man has been pining for you since highschool and kicked it into overdrive the past three years. I’ve told you all this before. I know you don’t like to mention it but you can talk to me about this you know? It’s been a long time…don’t you think it’s time to talk about it with someone?” “Whatever, people pinning over others don’t divorce their pregnant wives. They don’t break apart their families. They don’t make life changing decisions for the other knowing damn well its not what they want. They don’t ruin everything you ever worked for! I worked hard to have a nice family and be this great hero and he took it all away from me.” (Y/N) stopped her wheelchair and wiped at her damp eyes. “He took everything from me, and he never even apologized for it.” “Would you have forgiven him even if he did?” Hizashi said kicked at the rock on the sidewalk. “Because from what I remember, you told him the opposite. But I don’t think your deal is forgiving him, it’s about forgiving yourself.” “What the hell do I have to forgive myself for?” “For almost hurting your family more than he did.” Hizashi sighed before plopping on the park bench. “You’ve always been a proud girl and if I had half your power or charisma, I would have been the same. It made you a great hero, but it also made you a pain in the ass. (Y/N), there was no perfect ending to your situation. Aizawa knew that no matter what someone was going to lose something.” “Yeah well why did it have to be me who lost everything? And why did he get to decide that?” “Because you didn’t lose everything and he’s the reason you didn’t. Remember when you came into that hospital completely broken, they told you Maka was in distress. There was so much going on and another incident like that… Aizawa made the choice for him to lose you so that he could keep Maka and so Maka could keep you. You both could have died or just Maka or just you. His reason for leaving you was selfish but not his reason for choosing what he did.” (Y/N) continued to let the hot tears stream down her face as she took in her friend’s words. “I know you were hurt. I know he made a mistake not talking it over with you more. And he made an even bigger one by being a coward and running instead of sticking with you. But (Y/N) you got to let him make mistakes because he let you make yours.” “What good does any of that do me now? It’s been years and the things I’ve said to him…the way I treated him. He’d never wait so long just off hope alone.” “I don’t think that man could give up on you if he tried. Talk to him and if things don’t go the way you want, I would make an excellent step-dad!” “Stupid!” ~~~~~ “Mama’s gonna be maaaaad!” Maka sing-songed as his father’s heart pounded hard. “Yeah mad at daddy!” Keshi mocked shaking her head to feel her newly shortened hair sway back and forth. “You know better than to fall asleep with gum in your mouth.” Aizawa said fruitlessly attempting to smooth down her tangled bob. “How the hel-heck is your hair still a mess even this short?” “Well like father like daughter no?” The familiar voice came from the doorway. “Mama!” Keshi and Maka called out in unison as they ran over to the smiling woman. She ran her hand through the young girl’s short hair. “I’m sorry (Y/N). One of my students gave her bubblegum and she napped with it and it ended up in her hair and-” “I think it’s lovely. Very cute and accentuates those beautiful sleepy eyes of yours.” Aizawa couldn’t help but blush. He knew she was referring to their daughter but everyone had always said he and Keshi shared the same tired eyes. “We are very sorry ma’am!” A blonde boy said looking just a bit nervous. “We gave her some gum without asking.” (Y/N) was surprised by the small gaggle of apologetic boys standing behind her family and smiled. Knowing Aizawa, he had probably forced them to come and apologize to her. The thought made her giggle slightly. “But you’re right! She does look really cute with that haircut!” Kaminari offered rubbing his palm across the girl’s head, static electricity making it fluff up. The girl’s cheeks puffed in anger as she pulled away from him. “She’s too young for you, go away.” Aizawa said his hair slowly floating. “W-what!? That’s not what I meant!” “Hey be careful this guy’ll fall for anyone whose nice to him.” Kirishima said slinging an arm around his friend’s shoulder. “Well then I will have to be mean to him!” Keshi mumbled running to bury her pink face in her father’s leg. “Besides I like Shiso bestest. He reminds me of daddy!” “It’s Shinsou. Shiso is a type of plant.” “The kid from the Sports Festival?” (Y/N) asked Aizawa who nodded quickly. “The resemblance is uncanny. When I saw him on T.V I was sure I was looking at an old high school photo of yours. I almost thought maybe you had a secret love child you never told me about.” The woman teased. Todoroki’s eyes widened and his lips parted to speak before Midoriya gently placed a hand in front of his mouth. “We should probably get going now so you can get situated.” Iida spoke up, ushering his classmates out the door. “Mama you aren’t mad at daddy, are you?” Maka asked sweetly. “Of course not baby, hair grows back.” “Then he can come live with us and you two can get married?” The young boy asked hopefully, making Aizawa’s hair stand up on the back of his neck. Leave it to a toddler to have the attention span of a ferret when you need him to remember something and then to spill every detail to your ex-wife that you figured he would have forgotten. “Go on daddy, tell mama that you miss her!” His daughter urged pulling his fingers towards his wife and son. “Keshi, that’s enough. Go take Maka and both of you go potty before you get in the car.” Both kids seemed to be visibly disappointed that nothing seemed to change but did as their father told them. (Y/N) watched as their little bodies turned the corner and against her better judgment looked up at Aizawa. “(Y/N) I didn’t put them up to that or anything. I would never use our kids to guilt you and I ju-” “I know, Sho.” She hadn’t called him that nickname in years. He missed it even though he’d told her how much he hated it when they were together. “And when you came over and saw Ms. Joke. She and I aren’t dat-” “It’s really none of my business.” “Well it is because you need to know who’s around our babies. I’m not dating anyone, she’s just a colleague.” “I see…I’m not dating anyone either. Not even Yamada, he told me you were worried about that. I would never do that to you, you know…date your best friend.” “You’ve never even thought about it?” “You got me there. I can’t lie. He’s attractive and attentive and great with our kids but when I look at him all I see is you. If I wanted him, I would’ve chosen him back in highschool.” Aizawa was staring at the woman in awe. She was speaking with him like a normal person. There was no ill intended sarcasm or strained disinterest. He didn’t know why it was happening but he figured it didn’t matter either way. Getting onto his knees so he would be level with her eyes, Aizawa placed his hand on her knee. The young woman looked taken aback but didn’t move away or push him off. “(Y/N), I can sit here and blame you for never getting to do this. To imply that you never gave me the chance to say it would be wrong because I had three years to tell you and it shouldn’t have taken me this long to make it happen. I am so sorry for what I did to you. You needed me and I left you. I saw everything you were losing, and I didn’t stop and think that I shouldn’t let you lose me too.” The woman almost looked like she wanted to cry before scoffing and turning her head. “Idiot. None of us lost anything important. I lost a job but I found another. I lost a quirk but I found it again through Maka. Our children are both alive and happy. If anything all we lost was us…our marriage.” “This was the only way I was willing to lose you and I knew I would. I wasn’t going to let you die. I could stand to lose you as a wife but I couldn’t stand for the kids to lose their mother.” “I know. If you had a chance to go back and do things over would you have changed any of it?” “Any of it? Yeah, I would. After I made the decision, I never would have left you. You needed time and I didn’t give it to you. I’d have given you the world. But if you’re asking if my decision would have been different…no. I could live my life a thousand times and I would always choose to make that call.” “I see…” “I guess that’s not exactly what you wanted to hear.” “Well-” “We’re ready momma! Let’s go get food!” Maka said barreling into his mom’s lap. “What? Food? You little piggies are always eating! But I suppose we can grab something to eat before we head home.” “Yay! We say bye to daddy now?” Maka asked looking just a little sad. (Y/N) looked into those bright round eyes and pressed her lips to the child’s forehead before smiling brightly. “Why don’t you ask daddy if he would like to have dinner with us?” Aizawa’s head snapped up in disbelief. “Yes daddy please come eat with us!!!” His kids said now crowding around him. Looking up (Y/N) was smiling at the image of her children and their father together. “Wahhh! Daddy why are you crying now?” Keshi called him out immediately, only for the man to laugh and wipe at his eyes. “I would love to come have dinner with you guys.” “And then you come live with us? Or we live here with you!” Maka exclaimed excitedly. “One step at a time, kid.” “Come on daddy! I will race you and Maka to the car!” Keshi called out already making a bolt for the car with Maka trailing behind her. “Hurry up or you’ll lose.” “No, I don’t think I will.”
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quirk--karma · 5 years
To Exit (Yandere!Aizawa x Reader)
Warning!: Typical Yandere stuff ahead!
“I don’t understand. Why am I the one being offered a deal?” (Y/N) swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked between her lawyer and Aizawa’s. Her grip on the plush caterpillar in her embrace grew a little firmer.
“Hear them out.” Her lawyer suggested with a sympathetic smile.
“Ms. (Y/N) from what we understand you and Shota Aizawa were dating before your supposed kidnapping. The more I reviewed this case the more I couldn’t help but think no jury would buy it.”
“Oh…and why is that?”
“Well to start you and Aizawa had been in a steady relationship for 3 years, with never even one report of abuse. For him to suddenly snap with seemingly no provocation and lock you away is going to be a hard story to sell.”
“It’s no story. Just because he and I loved each other doesn’t mean that he didn’t have the capacity to do what he did to me. You’re saying that me agreeing to a consensual relationship with him means I wanted to be locked in his house, wanted to be pulled away from my students? That I wanted to be tortured and threatened to stay with him?” Wet trails flowed steadily from the woman’s eyes.
“I’m saying that your body shows no signs of recent trauma nor are you testimonies solid. Isn’t it true you suffered a miscarriage three months prior to your alleged kidnapping?”
(Y/N) held a blank face, squeezing her comfort item tighter refusing to look at Aizawa and her voice replied coldly.
“It was two miscarriages.”
“Mr. Aizawa, please. And isn’t it also true that you were diagnosed with bipolar disorder not long before your ‘disappearance’. To top it off several sources confirmed that you had been talking about quitting quite a bit. Shota is telling us that you had finally had enough that you told him you needed time away and that time turned into 4 years.”
“That’s not true. No…I want the trial.”
“And you’re within your rights. However, before we waste your time and my clients, I’d like you to see this bit of evidence that had been provided to us.”
(Y/N) held an emotionless face as the laptop was turned towards her. On the screen, what looked like security footage played of an empty and mostly dark street.
She and Aizawa came into screen walking arm in arm. The two of them wander in to a 24/7 burger place and through the front window you could see the man kiss her forehead before stepping out to make a call on the phone.
“Shota was on the phone for roughly 9 minutes, plenty of time to escape if you were truly being held captive, no? And burgers in a public restaurant doesn’t exactly sound ‘chained up’ to me.”
“He would take me on walks but only really late when the public had died down. If I was…good that week he would take me to get something to eat. I guess he figured I need to get out if not I’d completely shut down and never submit to him.”
“And these were the perfect chances to escape, so why didn’t you?”
“He’d find me! I couldn’t run out the front door because he’s be there. And I know he could see me through that big window! He’d know if I got up and I couldn’t hope to outrun him.”
“Really a strong woman like you? A teacher at U.A, her alma mater, in which you graduated 4th in your class. An amazing quirk with combat skills to boot, yet you couldn’t find a single opportunity to escape.”
“He erases quirks! Especially with my co-….Look no matter what quirk I had I could never hope to escape.”
“But yet you did. How?”
“It was an oversight of his and…” (Y/N) finally stopped speaking and pressed her hands over her mouth to stifle a sob. “It doesn’t matter what I say. Nobody believes me…and nobody’s going to.”
“We’re sorry Ms. (L/N) and we know this must be hard. It has been for my client as well.”
“So what are my options?”
“Aizawa has agreed to not countersue for defamation or slander. Its been a circus for both U.A and his own personal credibility to be investigated for such an accusation. However, he believes this is all part of your mental health issues and would like for it to go away and quickly and quietly as possible. Drop the charges and he will agree to any restraining order you want to put.”
“A restraining order? So to not take me to court I have to agree to just dropping it? He gets no punishments no nothing for what he did to me? And this restraining order, what some metaphorical barrier that’s supposed to keep him from coming near me? That’s exactly what he wants…he’s just gonna find me again and when he does if he doesn’t kill me I’m never gonna see the outside again.”
“You don’t have to take the offer just know that he will pursue the defamation charges should you go through with the trial. He’s a well-respected man, I’d think very hard.”
Aizawa didn’t miss the way she spoke of him as if he wasn’t there. That had seemed to be her coping mechanism anytime she was faced with him during her attempts at a trial.
It pained him to hear her speak of him this way but everything was working just how he hoped. She would drop the charges because she was a smart girl. However, she wasn’t smarter than him.
In fact, despite her intelligence she was childlike to a fault. Take the whine in her voice or that godforsaken plush she’d kept in her grasp for the past few years. Her tendency to not think things through or lash out. She was predictable.
He knew not only would she set up the restraining order but she’d most likely leave town. She’d assume a new identity and get as far away from Japanese Hero Society as she could. Finding her from there would only be all too simple.
“No, he can sue me to hell and back…I’m not dropping my charges.”
Or perhaps his darling would put up a little more fight.
A fight may not have been the right word. A whole year without her and Aizawa would definitely consider this an all out war.
It had been a surprise to everyone when (Y/N) was the one to skip out on the first day of trial. Of course, that meant all charges against Aizawa had been dropped and his story was only solidified even more. But it also meant she dropped off the face of the earth.
He’d been looking for her for 12 months, different neighborhoods, cities, even countries. Every time he’d thought he got a lead it turned up with nothing. She really wasn’t going to let him find her no matter how hard he searched for her.
Midnight moon was casting barely enough light to make his way down the miles of empty road. The same roads he and (Y/N) would make their way down this time of night to go and eat at their diner.
The same road he’d silently followed her down months before her capture, making sure she was safe. The same road he’d chased her down five years ago when he could no longer ensure she was safe away from him.
“Shota! Please, let me go. I won’t tell anyone I promise!”
 Aizawa paced in front of her tied up form running his hands through her hair. He wished she would just shut up for a second, that she would stop crying…stop being hysterical.
 “Why are you doing this to me!? Please I love you!” (Y/N)’s tears were blinding her and her hands were beginning to go cold from the ties cutting off her blood flow. She felt her body jerk back violently and her lover reached up to brush her tears off. “Don’t! Don’t hurt me.”
 “Hurt you? I didn’t bring you here to hurt you. I love you, (Y/N).”
 “Then wh-”
 “You’ve been so distant lately, haven’t you? Keeping to yourself, taking private phone calls, not speaking to me! We need each other right now!”
 “No! You need me! I need time alone; the miscarriage has been hard on me too!” (Y/N) squinted before her hair was grabbed harshly and her head yanked back, snapping her eyes open. Aizawa’s face was harsh, his eyes burning red into hers.
 “Don’t even think about using your quirk on me! Mine will always win against yours. I know you and everything about you…you can’t escape from me.”
 Approaching the door, he couldn’t help but feel it truly looked like a prison. He wondered if (Y/N) always saw it that way. He knew he was feeling regret, remorse that he did the only thing he knew would push her away for good.
He missed those years when she was only his, when nobody in the world existed for her but himself. Everyone had thought she was gone for good. Some even believed she’d left him despite his claims that she was just fine at home.
In the beginning he’d forced her to make phone calls. To let Hizashi and other staff know she was safe. Over the years those calls grew fewer and fewer until they stopped all together.
For so long she existed only for him but now he wasn’t even sure if she was still alive. And that was the worst punishment he could ever imagine.
Opening the door, he breathed in the stale air. This house remained under his name as a formality, seeing as he now lived in the dorms with his students.
This would be the first time he’d been inside in months. Everything about it reminded him of her and the time they’d been together.
Walking inside slowly he listened to the ugly silence of an empty house. Guilt washed over him and he thought about all the times he came home to (Y/N) crying out of loneliness. Babbling to herself just to make some kind of noise to drown out this quiet.
Aizawa was tearing up the basement, trying to find where on earth (Y/N) could have possibly gone.
 “Goddammit!” He knew the handcuffs weren’t enough, that he never should have let her roam around the basement freely.
 Running up the stairs, he was already thinking about the first place she’d run to when he heard a bang come from the storage room.
 Swinging open the door to the dark room he was met with (Y/N) holding one hand up to her half closed eyes and the other holding something close to her chest.
 “What the hell do you think you’re doing in here!?”
 “I…I just got hungry.”
 “So you came to the storage room? Don’t lie to me! What do you have!? Give it to me.”
 (Y/N) didn’t have the strength to fight him as the man pulled the stuffed animal out of her hands. She was on her knees looking up at him pleading for him to give it back. Turning it over he was surprised when he recognized the plush caterpillar as an old childhood toy of his.
 “Please! When you’re gone…I’m alone for so long. I feel like I don’t even exist.” Tears ran down from blank eyes. “I can talk to him and he talks to me too!”
 Aizawa was slightly concerned at her cooing towards the inanimate object. Had he broken her this badly? He wished more than anything he could give her the 24/7 attention she deserved but it just wasn’t possible.
 “He reminds me of you, when you used to be in your sleeping bag during out conference periods at U.A. Let him keep me company?”
 He handed the caterpillar back to her and felt an overwhelming feeling of love fill his heart. She wanted his attention and if she didn’t get it she wanted to surround herself with things that made her think of him.
 Everything was falling into place. She was starting to love him again. Just the way she did before he had to take her.
Opening the storage closet he looked at all of her things he’d acquired over the past 5 years. All things he’d thought he’d have to get rid of lest it be used as evidence. Taking a step in he was surprised when his foot gave way to the floorboard.
It looked like it’d been pried up. Leaning down to inspect he was surprised when it lifted easily only to reveal a curious finding.
A familiar yellow and black caterpillar was stuffed under. The thing looked dirty and faded. Had (Y/N) really been here to abandon the last bit of his remembrance? But then why have it at the lawyer’s office?
This grime…it looked like more than a years’ worth.
The man was so preoccupied that he hadn’t felt the person sneaking up behind him. The creak of the door caused him to turn his head.
“Shota…god I’ve missed you.”
A clang of metal against his head filled his ears before the world went black.
“An earl grey and a black coffee please. Excuse my husband, he’s a pretty hungover.”
Aizawa stirred before opening his eyes. He must have been dreaming or perhaps a villain had killed him and this is heaven. Though after everything he’d done he figured heaven was the last place he’d turn up.
The morning sun glimmered across (Y/N)’s hair. Her eyes finally met his and a small smile fell across her face.
“Shota, long time no see. I ordered your coffee and that pie you really like.” The woman spoke to him nonchalantly, as if they’d agreed to meet up here and she hadn’t knocked him over the head and dragged him here.
“I don’t und-”
“There’s nothing to understand really.”
“How did you hide from me? How did you know where to find me?”
“I’ll admit I ran and hid for a week or two but I grew tired of that, so I started following. Every step you took I was there, always watching you try to find me. It was logical that I get as far away from you as possible so I did the illogical thing and got as close to you as I could.”
“For a whole year? And what exactly are you hoping to accomplish here? You know if you wanted to press the charges now they’d never go through right?”
“I just wanted to talk, this is the diner we had our first date at right? This is exactly what we ordered, I remember those things.” (Y/N) smiled fondly to herself.
Aizawa reached across the table to grab her hand only to see her jerk it back. He wasn’t surprised but he was hurt. She was sending out some mixed signals.
“I’m so glad you want to talk to me. (Y/N), I have missed you every second you weren’t by my side. I have thought of nothing but you day in and day out. Every villain I fight, I’m fighting so they can never hurt you. Every student I train, I’m training so that they can protect you when I can’t.”
“When you can’t? That doesn’t sound like something you would say. How can they protect me if you have me so hidden, they could never hope to find me?”
“(Y/N), please. I made so many mistakes.”
“No, you didn’t. You made one mistake and that was doubting our relationship. The kidnapping, the mind games, the…hurt. Those were choices, choices you made for four years.”
“And I have been regretting them every second I had you and every second you were gone. Please, I just…I didn’t know what was going on with us. We’d just lost a baby and you wouldn’t talk to me about it. And now I find out it was two and you didn’t even tell me about the second.”
“Because you took the first so badly. You asked all these questions, like you were interrogating me. What did I eat? What was I doing? Was I angry? Was I stressing? Did I bend the wrong way? And it never sounded like it was out of concern…it sounded like it was out of suspicion. Like you blamed me.”
“…You know you didn’t want that baby. I heard you tell Midnight that it was the worst thing that could have happened.” Aizawa said looking down at his own hands clenching.
“I was 22 and not married…I didn’t want a baby. But I never would have wanted to lose one either.”
“That’s all I ever wanted with you was a family. To hear you say that a family with me was so unimaginably horrible to you…it broke something in me.”
“Shota, we weren’t ready for a family. A family with you wouldn’t have been horrible but it wasn’t a good time.”
“So what, you were too young to settle down and decide that was your last time to mess around? All those secret phone calls, keeping me away, it was because you weren’t sure you were ready for a life with me.”
(Y/N) looked at him and for a second her eyes watered before returning back to their blank state.
“Is that what you thought? Is that why you took me? Something so small? Something that if we could have talked it out…this could have all been avoided if you’d have just talked to me.” (Y/N) seemed to swallow a lump in her throat before smiling at him with all her teeth showing. “No, if you were able to do to me what you did for four years…you would have done it no matter what. I didn’t need to talk to you to avoid getting kidnapped, this wasn’t my fault. It’s because you’re out of your damn mind.”
Aizawa watched as the young woman seemed to be slightly crazed spooning some dessert in her mouth, tapping her nails on the table. Finally looking down, he noticed the table was missing a leg but not wobbling. Catching sight of the waitress walking by he caught a glimpse of her name tag and saw the words mirrored.
Realizing what he was seeing, (Y/N) slammed both hands on the table to get his attention. With a shakey smile, she held the spoon up to his mouth.
“Have some?”
Glancing up at the clock on the wall, Aizawa saw all the numbers were replaced with shapes. Turning to (Y/N) wearily, he shook his head.
“Eat it!” The woman hollered, though nobody in the crowded diner even flinched.  
Realizing what was going on Aizawa activated his quirk and the world around him quite literally melted away. All that was left was he and (Y/N) sitting at a metal table in a dark room, the food and tea in front of him the only remains of the false reality.
(Y/N) (L/N)! Quirk: Virtual Reality!
With her quirk she can bend the reality of anything within a mile of herself. She can only create things she’s already seen. While she can cloak something small with 100% accuracy, the wider her virtual reality the more errors and glitches appear!
 “I’ve always hated that silly quirk of yours. You think you beat me because you wipe away my reality but is this the reality you wanted? To be the one trapped?”
Aizawa tried standing only to realize he was indeed strapped to the chair. He couldn’t believe he didn’t consider her using her quirk on him. Sure she’d tried within the first few months of capture but realizing it was fruitless against him, she’d given up pretty quickly.
He was looking around trying to figure out where he was. (Y/N) continued to eat before covering her mouth to speak.
“Don’t bother. You’ve never been hear before. It’s where I’ve been staying for a year.”
Footsteps upstairs drew Aizawa’s eyes upwards. Was someone else in the house? Was it a house? Maybe an upstairs neighbor.
“You didn’t think I stayed alone for a year, did you? No no I’ve had PLENTY of company.”
The black-haired man felt his blood boil at the thought of anyone else touching (Y/N). But as soon as the footsteps came the disappeared. He figured by the smug grin on her face that she’d used her quirk to fuck with him.
“People will come looking for me.”
“Oh no doubt they would have except you told Hizashi that you’d heard I moved to the States and you were moving there too.”
“I never even told him I was looking for you.”
“Hmm well then it must have been someone who looked just like you.” (Y/N) said with a little smile. “I tell you generating someone to look like you was easy but even this quirk can’t really get how bland you are.”
Aizawa laughed at (Y/N) reasoning.
“So this is my punishment? Being tied up and with you until the day I die? Sweetheart that’s what I always wanted.”
“Oh you think everyday will be us just down here chatting?”
An image of his best friend sprung up before him standing right beside (Y/N). The woman wasted no time standing up and pulling the Hizashi into a passionate kiss.
False reality or not Aizawa was infuriated and quickly erased her quirk. The woman breathed out in frustration.
“I guess if virtual reality won’t work…I’ll have to use the real thing. But I’d still need to cloak you.”
(Y/N) picked up her dirty spoon and twirled it in her hands. She examined the crumbs and whipped cream on it before another toothy grin broke across her face.
“Ya know, I’ve always wondered if your quirk could be activated with only one eye.”
Aizawa tried to fight as the woman threw herself onto his lap and squeezed his face between her fingers. Her eyes were crazed as the sticky spoon touched the bags under his right eye.
He quickly found out that not only were they in a house, but they must have been far away.
Because neighbours surely would have heard him scream.
“We gotta stop doing this.”
Aizawa tried to ignore the sounds and kept his head down. (Y/N) had brought in several of his former colleagues and forced him to be in the room as she let them ravish her. Today’s choice was a regular…
Hizashi Yamada.
At first he tried to believe that it was all virtual reality but their conversations, the way he spoke, the questions he asked about him. It really was him.
“Why the cold feet all of a sudden? Was I not good last time?”
“Oh you were better than any I ever had. But you really need to tell Aizawa about Ar-”
“Why do I need to tell him anything? He told you himself that he went to stalk me. Of course I’d want to protect myself and my…You still take his side don’t you?”
“No! NO! I’m just saying maybe if he knew about-”
“Stop! I don’t feel like this tonight. You should just go.”
“No baby, I didn’t mean to upset you!”
“Well you did so please just leave!”
The blonde leaned in to peck her lips but the woman turned only giving him her cheek. With a sigh the male sauntered out of the woman’s bedroom. As soon as she heard the front door slam, (Y/N) released her quirk.
“What did he want you to tell me?”
The woman ignored him as she undressed and pulled on her nightgown.
“Don’t ignore me! Hizashi may be sleeping with you but if even he thinks you shouldn’t keep something from me than I have a right to know!”
“A right? Honey you don’t have rights anymore…you don’t exist.” Turning her back to him she went to her mirror and began to brush at her hair.
“(Y/N) please…I can handle you sleeping around with people in front of me. With you telling me everyday how much I disgust you. I can even handle the physical torture…but I cant handle another secret. Secrets were what ruined us. Secrets are what made me take you. No more secrets, not even to hurt me.”
“You think I keep stuff from you to hurt you? Shota, anything I never told you was to protect you. I know it’s not ‘logical’ to you and you’ll disagree, but I handle things better. I create realities so I know a thing or two about excepting bad ones. The truth isn’t always freeing sometimes it hurts and sometimes there’s nothing that can fix it.”
“Protect me? Why on earth would you bother protecting me when you hate me?”
“Because I don’t! Did it ever occur to you that after a year of hiding you were nowhere close to finding me? I could have left it at that, I could have hidden forever! Hell, if I wanted to kill you I could!”
“(Y/N) come here…please.”
The young woman walked over to the corner of the room where the man was tied up.
“I’m so sorry. I know I’ve told you that a lot these past two months. But I would give anything to take everything back. You know deep down that I’m in love with you and I think that’s what was wrong was that I loved you too much. But I know if you think about it you’ll know that you love me just as much, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”
Both hands were pressed over the woman’s mouth as she stared at the man she loved. Tears were flowing from both of their eyes. Without thinking she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Aizawa breathed her in.
He needed this positive contact from her. He wanted her to know how he felt about her and given the chance they could start over and live their life right.
“(Y/N), could you ever forgive me?”
With both hands on the side of his face she looked into his eye deeply and shook her head.
“I could…but I don’t want to. I shouldn’t because what you did to me…that wasn’t love. I want to forgive you because I remember you before you fall apart, but it wouldn’t be fair to him. He would never understand. Sonzai only knows you as a monster.”
“Sonzai? Who is that?”
(Y/N) pulled away from him and walked out of the bedroom, leaving the door open to let the hallway light shine in. Aizawa felt his heartbeat skip as she came in gingerly holding onto the little caterpillar he hadn’t thought about since that night he’d found it under the floorboards.
As quickly as he put two and two together the animal melted away to reveal a frowning little black-haired boy.
“You found him mama.”
“I did.”
“Mama?” Aizawa asked breathing heavily as he took in the age of the boy. Probably about five years old and that meant…
“Before you captured me I couldn’t tell you I was pregnant. I kept calling the doctors to be sure every secret appointment came back with positive results. I wanted to be happy with you because I was ready this time but…What if it didn’t take again? I couldn’t hurt you like that all over.”
“And after? If you’d have told me I would have let you g-”
“That’s a load of shit and you know it! You wanted to protect me so bad as it was, if you knew I had your child…I’d have never gotten away from you. If you could do that to me. How do I know you wouldn’t have done it to Sonzai too?”
Aizawa was racking his brain trying to put every part together and it all made more sense. Her extreme attachment to the plush, the reason she never used her quirk to try and escape was because she needed 100% of her efforts to disguise him.
Thinking back, he could also remember all the times he’d hurt her around what he thought was just a toy. All the horrible things he’d said and put her through right in front of his own child’s eyes. And he knew that was why daggers were being glared at him, the likes of which he’d never seen.
“Did you do that to his eye, mama?”
“(Y/N), he looks just like me.”
“No, don’t say that! I hate you! Mama say’s I’m nothing like you!” The little boy screeched, his whole body trembling.
Aizawa’s heart clenched, his son was deeply traumatized, and it was all because of him. All he’d ever wanted was a family and he’d been so close to getting it.
“Please, Sonzai. You’re too little to understand but mama and daddy-”
“You aren’t my daddy! I’ll never call you that! I understand that you’re bad! You hurt mama and you made her afraid! Mama told me everyone thinks you’re a hero but only she and I know the truth!”
“Listen, I love you and mama. I wan-”
“No! I love mama, you don’t get to love mama! She’s mine!” The child was clearly growing hysterical, tears running hard and fast from his little dark eyes. His face was red from yelling and his eyes were beginning to glow the same colour, his hair floating, looking more like his father than ever. “I don’t want you to look at her anymore! You don’t deserve to have her when all you did was hurt her!”
“What do you mean?”
Aizawa looked up at (Y/N) who was having a hard time standing on her own two feet as she watched her son and his father interact for the first time. She knew this was how it would go down and Aizawa figured it was just another punishment, to know his only son hates him.
“Sonzai’s quirk developed not too long ago and he’s already got such great control over it. Lots of my things had gone missing while he was experimenting with it. We still don’t know if there’s a way to reverse it. A nifty little combination of yours and mine. Shota, this was his choice and I think he deserves to punish you just like I have.”
“You don’t get to have mama anymore!” Sonzai’s yelling suddenly stopped and his face went eerily calm as if someone had just flipped a switch. “She doesn’t exist to you anymore.”
Sonzai (L/N)! Quirk: Reality Erasure
Much like his mother he can warp reality around him but with his father’s quirk he can only erase things from the existing reality. He can choose to erase something from up to ten individual’s realities, leaving them unable to see, hear, or feel that thing. As of right now he can’t undo it once erased.
He didn’t need to think hard about the implications of their combined quirks and what power their child had. Aizawa’s head turned in horror to face (Y/N) who was already fading from his sight. Two streams of tears ran from her eyes.
“Goodbye Aizawa.”
“(Y/N)! Sonzai, stop it! My son please don’t! (Y/N)!” The man quickly realized he was calling out to nothing.
Looking up, the kid was staring at him with his mouth open and scoffed before his eyes stopped glowing and his hair settled back into place. The little boy turned to glance up and smiled widely to someone Aizawa could no longer see.
“Come on mama, let’s go watch tv!”
(Y/N) cuddled her son close to her chest as they watched his favorite cartoon. Rubbing his soft fluffy hair she kissed his forehead.
Curiously he perched his chin on her collar and stared into her face with a tiny smile. She knew had it not been for him she wouldn’t have survived for as long as she did with Aizawa. She’d have gone mad, killed herself even.
She’d always told him, he was her reason for existing. That no matter who his father was, he was her son first and she loved him.
“I can’t wait to train my quirk some more.”
“Why is that my love?”
“I want to be able to erase things from everyone’s reality except my own!”
“That would be a very very strong quirk! You’d be a great hero.”
“Oh I don’t want to be a hero. I just want to erase you! That man said he loved you but I saw the way he hurt you all those times. If you don’t exist nobody can hurt you again. Earlier I heard you yelling at Mr. Hizashi! He can go next! I want you to only exist for me, mama!”
(Y/N) smiled back at her child. She’s told him that he was her reason for existing. She’d put that idea in his head.
She’s spent all those years reaffirming him that he was not like his father. Perhaps she was trying to convince herself of that too. Over and over she had told him that he reminded her of herself when she was a kid.
But right now…
The way he erased her from Aizawa’s reality with no hesitation or remorse.
The way he rationalized his thoughts with wanting to protect her.
The way he was looking at her right now.
 Fear flickered in her heart by just how much he reminded her of his father.
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