#multiple times monsters went blue eyes… black hair…. ITS ON BITCH
Supernatural/avengers Pt.5
Supernatural/avengers pt.5
Supernatural/avengers: part 5 of 5 
Part 1 
part 2 
part 3 
part 4 
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(Y/n) had the best sleep ever. She did worry about monsters killing her and her family in the middle of the night. Nor did she worry about Hydra coming to take her away. She was slowly waking up when she felt something moving her hair.
Opening her (y/e/c) eyes she was met with Lokis green/blue ones. He smiled as he leaned forwards to place a soft kiss on her lips. Placing a soft peck on her lips he pulled away as a the two heard multiple footsteps coming into the living room/kitchen.  
"Good morning you two." Steve said as he, and the winchesters came into the living room. Y/n chuckled as she seen the bed head Sam had. Loki had a smile on his face until the oldest winchester spoke up.
"So I found a case back towards home. Demons I think; so I figured we'd leave today since we finished the case." Dean explained as Steve fixed a pot of coffee and Sam sat on a couch next to the couch where Y/n and Loki were laying.
"We're leaving today?!" Y/n exclaimed; sitting up really quickly.
Dean looked at her confused as he started to speak. "Yeah, I mean we only came to do the job. Its like every other hunt we go on."
Loki felt her body tense as she stared at the older winchester. Sam could tell she was tense. Dean looked at Y/n confused and then to Sam who gave him his famous bitch face. A face that pretty much said, 'you should understand whats going on.' "Do you have all your stuff ready?" Dean asked as he took a sip of his hot black coffee that Steve had just handed him.
"No, i dont." Y/n answered as she frowned, slowly getting up from her spot on the couch.
Deans green eyes meet her (eye color) eyes. He seen the emotion behind them and spoke softly.
“Look, I know you love staying here with all your friends. But we have a job to do. I understand if you want to stay, but me and Sammy. We have to go. Hunting is our life.”
Y/n nodded as she looked at Dean. Loki got up from the leather couch walking with y/n. The two walked hand in hand to the elevator to go to Y/ns room. He could tell there was something wrong, but he wouldn't push her to talk about it. As they approched her room loki took his hand out of her and cupped her cheeks looking into her eyes.
"Are you okay, my queen?" She shook her head slowly. She wasn't okay she didnt really want to leave. She loved hunting with Sam and Dean, but she also loved being an avenger and being with Loki.
"I just. I don't know what to do." She took a deep breath as Loki took his hands from her face to open her bedroom door. They walked in and they both sat on the edge of the bed. Loki stayed quiet allowing Y/n to speak freely.
"When the guys and I came here, i thought that I would want to leave when it was time. I didn't think that you would want me. I thought when i left that it was the last time I would see everyone." She slowly started to explain. "I don't really want to leave. I love being here with the avengers. I love being with you! But i also love hunting with Sam and Dean." Loki wiped the tears from her beautiful Y/s/t face. Looking into her Y/e/c eyes he gave her a soft kiss on her lips.
"No matter what you choose, I promise you, my queen. I will always support you and your desision." He promised. "Why do you have to be so amazing?" Her voice was muffled as she had her head pressed into loki's shirt. Loki was going to give a smart reply, but didn't when she started to talk again. "I love hunting, but i love you more. I just don't know what to deside." "Well, my love. What ever you choose, I'm sure everyone will understand." Y/n looked into his green/blue eyes with a soft smile on her face. "I love you." She spoke the three words that made his heart beat harshly in his chest. She leaned forwards bringing their lips together. Loki kissed her back as soon as she brought her lips to his.
After a few minutes of a heated kiss a knock was heard at the door. Y/n pulled away, but loki wasn't quite done. He continued, kissing down her neck leaving soft kisses, love bites and hickeys. "Loki, there's someone at the door." She moaned as he sucked on her spot on her neck. "They will leave eventually." He mummbled against her neck, bringing cold chills down her spine. The knocks continued louder this time. "Fine." Loki said letting Y/n get up from off the bed. Loki rolled off of her and stood up. He walked to the door as Y/n made herself look presentable.
"Sam, what's up?" Y/n said as she stood beside loki. "I was just making sure you were okay. You seemed upset about leaving." He explained himself. Y/n nodded looking at Sam with a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. I have something I want to talk to everyone about. Can you tell everyone to meet me in the common room in 20 minutes?" Y/n asked her bestfriend. Sam nodded as he leaned in to give her a hug. He kiss the top of her head (IN A FRIENDLY/BROTHERLY WAY). 
"We're always here for you, you know that right?" He said softly as he looked down at her. (If you don't watch supernatural, you probably don't know this but he is for real 6'4). She nodded as she pulled away. Loki wrapped a protective arm around her give Sam a glare that said not to mess with his queen.
Sam got everyone together in the common room while Y/n got a shower and dressed. She had something important to say to the avengers and the Winchester brothers. 
(Ending 1)          (ending 2) 
Choosing to continue hunting:
Everyone grouped up in the common room. Each avenger/hunter wondering what it is that (Y/n) had called a meeting for. Y/n and Loki exited out the elevator; Y/n seemed nervous as Loki was holding her hand. His thumb trying to help her anxiety.
“Hey guys.” Y/n greeted them with a soft smile. She stood in front of them as Loki went to sit beside his brother on the leather couch.
“So what’s going on?” Natasha asked looking at her younger sister. Everyone looked at Y/n waiting for her to answer the question black widow had given her.
“Yeah, so you know how I’ve been having a bit of trouble about leaving? Dean you gave me the choice of staying here and being an avenger or leaving and continue hunting.” Y/n started.
She was so nervous she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to get the words out.
“I’ve decided that I’m going to keep hunting. When I was an avenger I could’ve brought hydra straight to you guys. And that’s not what I want. They still don’t know I’m alive. Plus hunting as been the best for me! I love doing it! I love saving people and being with you guys.” She said looking at Sam and Dean with a smile.
“What about you and Loki?” Thor questioned as he looked at his brothers lover.
Loki smiles softly as he goes to answer his brothers question.
“We will continue to be together. Whenever she had time to visit she will. Whenever I Choose to I can. As long as my Powers allow me to. Plus with modern technology we can communicate.”
Thor nodded satisfied by the answer. “This won’t be the last time you guys see me. It never is.” Y/n smiled looking at the group of the people she loves to call her family.
“We know it’s not. You just better be careful.” Steve said as he stood up. He walked over to the (y/e/c) eye woman. Giving her a friendly hug. “We are going to miss you. So you’re gonna have to text us every so often, so we’ll know your okay.” Bucky said as he stood beside Steve waiting to give Y/n a hug himself.
“Group hug!” Wanda called out as she stood up. Skipping happily as she gave Y/n a tight hug. Everyone piled into the hug. Even Sam and Dean.
“I’m gonna miss this though.” Y/n said softly. Everyone chuckled as they hugged.
-choosing to stay with Loki and the avengers. Instead of leaving with Sam and Dean.
Everyone grouped up in the common room. Each avenger/hunter wondering what it is that (Y/n) had called a meeting for. Y/n and Loki exited out the elevator; Y/n seemed nervous as Loki was holding her hand. His thumb trying to help her anxiety.
“Hey guys.” Y/n greeted them with a soft smile. She stood in front of them as Loki went to sit beside his brother on the leather couch.
“So what’s going on?” Natasha asked looking at her younger sister. Everyone looked at Y/n waiting for her to answer the question black widow had given her.
“Yeah, so you know how I’ve been having a bit of trouble about leaving? Dean you gave me the choice of staying here and being an avenger or leaving and continue hunting.” Y/n started nervously.
She was so nervous she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to get the words out. She was scared as to what was going to follow after she said what she was going to do.
“I’ve decided that I’m going to stay here and do the little bit of extra training to be an avenger. I loved hunting, I did truly. But I really never was the best. I couldve messed up and hurt you guys. Or I could’ve brought Hydra straight to you guys.” She looked at the Winchester brothers while talking.
“Just because I’m done hunting for right now. Doesn’t mean I can’t come help you guys when you guys need help. Hell I’ll do anything for anyone in this room. I love all of you. But that’s my choice.”
Dean was the first to do something. He stood up and walked over to her. He whispered something in her hear as he gave her a tight hug. Sam then walked over to them and gave Y/n a hug after dean had finished hugging her tightly.
“You’ve always been a sister to me, and hell of a hunter. You just never give yourself enough credit.” Sam whispered softly.
“If you need anything call. Well come straight here or where ever you are.” Y/n chuckled nodding her head as tears started to form in her beautiful y/e/c eyes.
Sam pulled away wiping the tears from her beautiful face. Kissing the top of her head before backing away.
“Family, always and forever.” Dean said looking at her with a smirk. “Always and forever.” She said quoting their favorite show they binged watched together.
-hope you guys enjoyed that. Request open
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borntodie6x · 6 years
We touched the stars (Destiel)
He wasn’t really sure what he would find. In this line of work you learn not to be surprised by much. You simply pick up some books and learn how to kill whatever freak they had to deal with this time. At least that’s what Dean always thought but this one, this one hunt had thrown him for a loop unlike he ever expected.
It started as an innocent Saturday morning with the usual coffee and banter. Sam scrolling away looking for a case with Jack sat next to him trying to understand why everyone is raving about Orange is the New Black while Cas mumbled in agreement, his nose hardly coming out of the book he’d been stuck in since Dean walked into the kitchen that morning. Dean was quite curious.
“I hope you aren’t hiding porn in that book because from the way you’ve been eyeing it I say you two need a room.”
Cas scoffed, used to Deans weird remarks typically having to do with porn. Cas vaguely wondered if Dean was hiding something but then again so we he.
“I’m researching time travel.”
Dean choked on his coffee, the angel had a way of saying things as if one would say “I’m heading to the cinema” or “What do you want from the store?”
Dean was intrigued and found himself wandering over to stand behind the angel, glimpsing at the centuries old book placed in his lap.
He raised a brow seeing an unfamiliar language.
“Cas, I hate to have to ask this but why are you researching time travel at 10am on Saturday?”
Cas replied rather quickly, still not averting his eyes from the book.
“I was on a hunt a few weeks back and after slaughtering one of the oldest vampire nests in Rome I had gotten down to the last one and had one question for them. How did they stay off the radar for so long? This one was newborn and I could see him look to the book with fear. After killing him off I took the book, a few other things and fled. It’s taken me weeks to crack the language but i’m certain it has to do with time travel.”
By now he had not just Deans attention but Sam and Jack had been watching with astound looks on their faces.
Dean sighed, again. Rubbing his hand down his face he looked to Cas who still hadn’t moved from his page.
“That sounds awesome and all but buddy, what do you plan on doing with that? It’s not like time traveling is easy business I mean hell, we know that already.”
Cas finally looked up, blue eyes meeting green and for a moment to long they shared a look. (Which Sam totally caught and shrugged to Jack, nodding in their direction with a smile)
Seemingly back to earth now, Cas shook his head and shrugged.
“Curious is all.”
Dean stepped back and thought for a moment.
“Well if thats all i’m gonna hit the shower. Maybe take baby out for a drive.”
Cas was already back in his book.
It was a few small hours later after Dean had returned from his drive, a case of beer in one hand and a bag of take out in the other.
Sam was the first to speak.
“Dude, how do you eat that?”
He gestured to the beer and take out with his fork, a piece of lettuce from his salad dropping onto the table.
Dean smirked and placed the food down, pulling out a chair and kicking his feet up.
“Same as you eat your rabbit food Sammy, with love.”
He bit into the burger, mouth full he smiled to Sam who shook his head.
“Why does it matter, isn’t it just food?”
They both turned to Jack in surprise. Speaking at the same time.
“Its not just food-”
“Well for starters one is much healthier-”
They turned to each other with glares.
“Oh don’t push your nasty crap onto him Sammy, he’s a kid. He can splurge on whatever he wants.”
They settled into bickering. Sam saying he should care for his body while he’s still young and clearly Dean should have done the same. It wasn’t until Dean opened his mouth to argue back did Jack speak up again.
“Why don’t I just try both? They can’t be that bad.”
Sam and Dean shared a look and with another shrug pushed their food over to Jack, Dean of course giving him a freshly wrapped burger from the multiple inside the bag.
They watched with curious and hopeful eyes and when Jack smiled after trying the salad Dean groaned and slumped back into his chair. Mumbling something along the lines of how nice, Sam has already corrupted him. But when he bites into the burger and smiles again it dawns on the boys that of course. Of course he would like both.
Satisfied enough Dean continues eating with a smile while Sam does a pout when Jack continues to eat the burger. This doesn’t last very long after they hear the crashing coming from down the hall and all three boys are already down the hall with guns in hand, except Jack of course. Who needs a gun when you have powers?
What they don’t expect to find is a bowl shooting up black smoke in the middle of Cas’ room and no Cas.
Sam immediately runs to the open book and scoffs.
“He figured it out.”
Deans shocked face explains enough.
“Son of a bitch, why would he go without us?”
Sam speaks up reading from the page of ingredients and steps that had been left there
“Dude it’s Cas. He didn’t want us to get hurt. C’mon man you know him better then we do.”
Sams eyebrows knit together after his statement and he speaks again.
“Dean, this. This is really easy I mean we have all of this.”
Dean straightens up at that.
“Well let’s go get the bastard.”
That’s how Dean finds himself on a familiar street with dark hoodies that Sam insisted they wear in case they run into themselves. A weird sentence to anyone but them.
“What now?” Jack calls from behind the brothers.
Sam goes to answer him but catches sight a familiar coat.
“There.” He points over to what looks like Cas but after the mans face turns they are all suddenly stopped in their tracks when they see the clear joy as he walks into the cafe he and Dean would visit when Dean had found himself up into the late hours unable to sleep from a nightmare and Cas would suggest the old coffee shop. Simply saying its already 4am so why not? To which Dean would answer by grabbing his coat.
They had been doing this for a few months now without being caught, well until now.
They watched on with interest as future Cas walked into the shop and sat across from who was clearly Dean with some more grey hinted at the back of his head.
Dean found it weird, why was Cas meeting him there?
His shock only grew at seeing future Sam and Jack walking in. Cas getting up from his seat to make room for Sam and Jack, sitting beside Dean.
“Well, atleast we aren’t fighting some awful apocalypse.” Spoke Sam from beside Dean.
Dean laughed a little and grew nervous, Cas was sat awfully close now and they only seemed to get closer without noticing. Like gravity was doing them a favor.
“Man, we’re all smiles and things look alright. I really thought Cas was here for some bigger reason ya’know? Just looking up time travel and tracking down one of the oldest nests doesn’t seem like something he would just stumble upon, Right?”
Dean was hardly listening as he watched them so comfortable with each other. Something was different. Why did Sam and Jack know about their spot?
“Dean, are you even listening? We still don’t know where Cas is.”
He followed Deans gaze and seemed to finally realize. Turning back to Dean who had glazed over green eyes he went to say something he wasn’t sure what but he caught sight of the trench coat once more and there he was. Cas positioned a few buildings down and trying his best to hide. The same glazed over expression in his eyes, mirroring Deans.
Once again Sam went to point him out but Dean somehow already knew. His gaze snapping to the right where he finally saw Cas watching their future selves. Still not sensing Deans presence.
It clicked faster then he expected. Monsters, the Apocalypse, Demons, Lucifer, The Darkness, the Mark, Purgatory, Hell, God himself. He always knew what to do but seeing this, he was rendered speechless for the first time in a long time.
His thoughts where confirmed when he saw future Cas pull Dean close and press a kiss to his temple.
Dean felt like he was going to be sick, not realizing this meant Cas had feelings for him too.
Yes, too. What was there not to love about the angel? From the scruff of his hair that Dean longed to run his hands through, to the veins that ran down his hands that he wanted to hold so badly. His beautiful blue eyes that he had fallen in love with the second he came into that barn so many years ago.
“Dean?” He was surprised it was Jack calling him and even more shocked to see he had been staring at Cas with silent tears down his face, drenching into his sweater.
Jack gently touched his arm and when he didn’t move away he stood in front of Dean while Sam watched, astonished with how Jack was handling this.
“Dean, he loves you. Don’t run from this. I know its scary to face something you don’t understand but we do this everyday. It’s easier when it’s a monster you can kill but this is love. Please Dean, talk to him. He won’t ever approach you in fear of losing you.”
Jack stepped to the side and Dean didn’t question why Jack seemed so sure of himself. He already knew.
His feet carried him forward before his brain had agreed. His heart pulling him closer to the man he had loved for so long but unable to address because he simply didn’t know how to.
Sam caught his wrist and pressed a piece of paper into his palm with tears in his eyes.
“To get back, i’m sure he already knows but Jack and I are going. And Dean, please. Don’t blow this. Just talk to him.”
Dean nodded and wiped his face. Unable to think about how his day made it this far and he was showing the most emotion in a few minutes then he had showed in years.
His feet continued and he saw Cas turn a corner and knew, he wanted the privacy in the dark of the night. Which Dean was grateful for.
Before he had turned he already felt a pair of arms wrapped around him.
He buried himself into the smell of his angel. Letting the tears of the past ten years flow over. The fear of finally finding happiness. The fear of losing that happiness.
“It’s always been you Cas, always.”
They pulled away to look at each other. Basking in the feeling of getting to grasp at every body part for the first time. Simply roaming their hands over the other. Dean discarding the tan coat to simply feel him. No words spoken between them. Their eyes speaking the words they failed to say.
After long moments of shared silence their roaming hands found themselves at the base of each others neck. Cas reaching up to cup Deans face and pulling him to his lips. Getting lost in the feeling of his soft lips opening up in a gasp unable to understand the blissful feeling radiating throughout his whole body. How right it all felt, how it felt like the stars arranged themselves perfect above the men pressing themselves closer together. Hands, tongues, souls entwining.
They had touched the stars and there was no coming back.
Holy shit. I got hit with inspiration and here we are hour and a half later and there may be grammatical errors but this is my first ever destiel fic! I read a lot and I mean a lot and never felt like I would write because I tend to burn out halfway through and scrap it  but this hit me and now here I am.
I’m so proud? It may not be the best but I was just feeling it and it may be a flop but maybe let me know what you think and I hope you like the fluff.
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anuknowha · 6 years
Title: Afraid
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Reader 
Rating: R
Warning: Suicidal circumstances, cutting, mentions of abuse.
Word Count:  1,824
Characters: 9,457    W/o spaces: 7,653
For the longest of times, your bother was abusive, but when you find someone just like you, are you finally able to be free?
Requested by: @fuckmeupbetch
“You’ll never be good enough!!” your mom spat at you, a 6 year old baby girl. Someone who never did a wrong on purpose, but today you did one in her eyes. You had accidentally broken a vase of purple roses that your father had brought her before he left out for work this morning. She was angry at you, and it was as if the flowers were worth more than you.
“I’m sorry mama.” you said with complete sympathy in your heart. It seemed she ignored your apology and you soon found yourself on the floor with a giant red mark against your cheek. Tears started to form at your eyes and you burst out crying. You quickly got up and ran to your room.
Years past and there was nothing but abuse after abuse for nothing. It all started because when you were 6, your dad started to cheat on your mom, and therefore she started to drink, quickly falling into the world of alcoholism. She would let it get the best of her, bottle after bottle, stronger and stronger, the liquid ran down her throat everyday. As years went on, by the time you were 8, she lost her job, and by the time you were 12, she had resulted to being a prostitute just to afford more drinks. And when she wasn’t out crawling the town for the lowest of the low of men, she was there, molesting you, abusing you. You’d have to wear makeup to cover your cheeks from the dark red markings from her feet and hands. The slaps across the face for forgetting to get something from the store or even for returning home past dark. At every chance she had, she was ready to abuse you. The marks on your arms were coating almost every inch from your wrist to your shoulder. You’d go to school aching and come home crying. You had nowhere else to go. You had no real friends, all of the girls who claimed to care, were just there to step on you. You had one spit onto your face during gym and everyone laughed at you about it. The teachers never cared there, they didn’t take time to suspend anyone, unless a kid actually died. And there was a time that you almost did.
You had a crush on this guy who was with a “close friend” of yours, but you knew you couldn’t have him. When you were with him you felt happy, he gave you joy, made you feel like a better person, and you shared a lot of laughs together. But sadly, that “friend” was nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
One day she invited you out, and walked you into the alley with her, where her and her posse beat you until you went into a coma. They kicked you in your stomach, and tore at your clothes. And by the time they were done, you were left half naked. Your shirt near the exit of the alley, and blood coating your lips and hands. You had even had a black eye, and a severe concussion.
You were in a coma for over 3 months, and missed a lot of school. After you woke up you, a few more days of rest, you were sent home, back to your abusive mother, and she didn’t even let up her anger to help you.
“Look at these medical bills you dumb fuck!!” she threw the papers at you which scattered across the floor around you.
You rushed to pick them up and put them on the table. You than ran upstairs and grabbed your razor.
You are now 18.
“Why haven’t I killed myself yet…? It's been 12 years… and I have no job, and I’m still stuck here with her. I hate it here!! I hate my life!! I hate everything about this world!!” you looked down at your arms.
The bandages that were on your arms were from the school nurse, she placed them them so you would let the cuts heal completely.
Today marks the middle of the school year, and your last year of school. You were glad to be so close to getting out and yet so far from being free from your old life. The abuse and struggles seemed like they were to never stop. You walked into school today, and a crowd of people were standing around a person, seemingly someone new to the school. "You're so cute!!", "Amazing!!", "Why don't more guys have long hair like you?" Were all comments you heard as you pushed your way through the crowd, and accidentally reached the center. It was a new student, he was tall, with long blonde hair and blue eyes that could stare right through you. They were luminescent, and they were full of pride. "Hey bitch, how about you move out the way?" You felt hands against your back and a sudden force of gravity had pulled you to the floor. It was embarrassing, but you landed face first right in front of this man's feet and the crowd erupted in a laugh. He looked down at you, a face of worry and gently picks you up from the ground, dusting off your clothes. "Hmm? Are you alright?" He commented with a straight face. You stayed silent. A sigh left his throat and he started to escort you through the crowd to the nurses office. Upon your arrival you take a seat on the bed, realizing you had a bloody nose, which had been dripping onto the hallway floor as you guys were walking to the office. He went to grab a wet paper towel and returned to dab the blood from your red and slightly swollen nose. "Why are you helping me?" You you spat. "I saw them push you, and what they did was not pleasing to the eye. Do not treat someone like trash, especially, if they have done nothing wrong." His blue orbs met yours and you stared at him. "My name is Michael Langdon..." He started, "...and I've sadly been through the same type of struggle you've been through." "How could you?" You huffed. He continued to clean the blood off until it was completely gone, and it disgusted you that you even let him this close, but at this point you were too tired to fight it. You could die right here, right now, and you couldn't care less at this point. "I've been abandoned by my mother." He sighs as he sits down next to you. "She deemed me to be evil, to be maniacal, that everyone around me was better than me, even my father. But she never kicked him out... And he was the one who raped my mother. Everything in my life has been a lie, it took forever for me to grow. The constant abuse and hate that I got from the woman who took me in, it was unbearable. So I know how it feels. And I can tell by the markings that dawn your arms, that your body is giving in to this, and truly, it does hurt. Your mom was your abuser as well wasn't she?" "H-how'd you know that?" You stare at him in shock. "Oh, I come with much intelligence about everyone in this school. I can read their minds and faces, but yours is one most relatable." He leaned his head on your shoulder. You blushed, you haven't felt so comfortable around someone in a long time, and it's been a while since you let your guard down but something told you not to be afraid. His hair was draped over your shoulders and it caused you to smile for once in many years, and this one was real. It actually relaxed you to a point as you tilted your head back some to stop the blonde flow. You stroked his head gently, feeling his gorgeous long strands between your fingers and across your hand. He was innocent to you, like a puppy, and it was cute. He looked up at you and went to go get you an ice pack from the nurse. When he came back, he placed it on your forehead and held it there, watching you watch him. It was wonderful. You guys stayed at the nurses office all day, and it wasn't until the last bell that you and him left. He was to walk you home but you refused to go, so instead he took you in. Every day was better for you. He cared for you and nursed you back to health as much as possible. Some nights you'd wake up drenched in sweat because of the horrid nightmares you had about your mother. It would constantly drain you of sleep, and when it did, he would hear your cries of help and come to your side; cuddling you to sleep. Some nights you would often sit outside the door, pacing back and forth with your mind racing, thinking to look for a razor. And one night you did. It had been a month since you had last even seen your mother and she had called multiple times but you decided to ignore them all, until today. The phone rang, and fear darted through your mind as you decided to take the time to answer it. You picked it up. "Y/N... Is that you? Please come back to me. You're such a good girl and I miss you." You mom's voice sounded from the phone, almost as if it was sympathetic, but you could see right through it. "Y/N? Y/N?" She cried. You ended the call and started to cry. Her words ran through your head hungrily and you found yourself going to the bathroom and looking for a razor, the sharpest you could find. You lifted up your sleeve and dragged it up from the base of your wrist, you grunted through tears. The feeling hurt, and your vision became blurry as blood started pouring down both sides of your arm. You were losing consciousness and quickly felt yourself growing weak and falling to the floor. The crimson liquid quickly built up a puddle under your arm. Soon, you were awake to a voice calling your name. "Y/N!! Y/N!!" Michael ran his fingers through your hair as you woke up in his arms. You looked down and the cut was closed, sealed, and the blood on the floor was cleaned. Your arm was covered in a giant scar. "How...? You're not suppose to be able to fix it..." You whimper. "There's a lot you don't know about me Y/N. And its for the best, but I do want you safe, so please stay safe and stop harming yourself, it'll only make things worse." He pecks your lips softly and watches you fall into a deep slumber.
Taglist: @sexy-monster-fucker @the-captain-kidd
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katymacsupernatural · 6 years
A New Life Chapter Four: Starting Fresh
Dean Winchester x Reader
1400 Words
Story Summary:You’re a Demon who is trying to erase all the bad you’ve done, by helping the Winchesters. But the price to be good can be too much, even for a crossroads demon.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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Dean's P.O.V.
Quickly checking behind me as we walked towards the cabin, I wanted to make sure that the girl had stayed behind in the Impala like I had asked. There was something about her, seeing her stranded on the side of the road, it had brought out my protective side, and I had a feeling I would do quite a bit to keep her safe.
Walking beside my brother, I peered up at the small cabin. The windows were shattered, the door hanging on by a thread. The wood on the front porch looked rotten, and I was afraid one step by either Sam or I would send the whole place falling down. I could sense Sam glancing my way, and with a sigh I turned towards him. "What?" I hissed, keeping my voice low.
"Dean, how do we know we can trust this girl? For all we know, this could be a trap!" He exclaimed, always the voice of reason.
Shrugging my shoulders, I knew he was right. This could very well be a trap, Y/N sent out to lure us. But for some reason I didn't think so. I don't know why, but I didn't think Y/N would do that to us.
Carefully stepping up onto the porch, the wood groaned underneath our weight but held us up. With my gun out, I peered through the open door, searching for her captor, or anything else that seemed out of place.
When nothing moved or caught my eye, I made my way inside. Sam followed behind, both of us searching the small place. It was easy to see that no one had lived here for years. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, except for the chair in the middle of the room, rope still tied to the legs and arms.
"It does looks like somebody was held here against their will." Sam remarked, squatting down next to the chair.
"No shit sherlock," I replied, earning a bitch face from my brother.
"Well, do we trust her? It's not like her kidnapper is here to solidify her story." Sam said, looking towards me for guidance.
I thought carefully. It wasn't in our nature to trust easily, but her story seemed to be holding up. And there was something about her, like she could see straight to my soul. I might not trust her yet, but I wanted to know more about her.
"It does look like her story could be true. I say we keep her with us for a while, see what happens." I said,
Your P.O.V.
Your mom had always said that idle hands were the devils workshop. Well yours were definitely not idle. While waiting for the brothers to return, your hands kept picking at the loose thread on the hem of your shirt, slowly making it longer and longer as you waited, a nervous habit that you hardly even noticed.
After what seemed like hours but was only a couple of minutes later, Sam and Dean finally emerged from the cabin. Climbing into the car, Dean turned to face you, his green eyes intense as they gazed your way.
"We scoured the entire cabin. Didn't see anybody. But we did see where you were held. He must have gotten away while you were walking. " Dean explained, while Sam watched curiously.
"So what now?" You asked nervously, knowing they had probably talked about you in the cabin. Sure, you could always transport away if things became messy, but then your cover would be blown, and they would probably end up hunting you down anyways.
"Now we head back to town, and get some grub. I'm starving, and I bet you are too." Dean explained, turning back, and starting the engine.
Sam glanced at you, before turning his gaze to the wind shield. "Why don't you catch some sleep, it's about an hour to the nearest town."
Agreeing, you curled your legs underneath you, leaning your head against the window. Most Demons didn't eat or sleep, but you still enjoyed the same normal things as a human. You hated the fact that you were a Demon, and you tried to keep as normal a life as possible, including your love for food and a good night's sleep.
Before you knew it, someone was gently shaking you awake. "Hey princess, we're back at the hotel," Dean murmured quietly. "Sam went to get us food."
It took you a while to wake up, you hadn't slept that well in a long time. Something about the movement of the car, the classic rock softly playing, and the security of having two men watching over you did wonders for your sleeping habit. Stretching, you caught Dean glancing where your tight black shirt had ridden up, showing a flash of skin. Blushing, you lowered your arms, and followed Dean as he made his way to one of the faded blue doors lining the outside of an older motel. He opened the door and you followed inside, standing nervously at the door, waiting to see what would happen next.
He threw his duffle bag on the table, before heading straight for the bathroom. Throwing a glance over his shoulder, he noticed you still standing by the door.
"Make yourself at home. There's beer in the fridge, and the remotes on the nightstand. I'll be out soon." He told you, before shutting the bathroom door.
Moving to the fridge, you pulled out a beer, glancing down at the label. It was your everyday, run of the mill brand, one that had just started producing when you were human. Using the bottle opener on the side of the fridge, you took a sip, wincing at the bitter taste. You had forgotten how bitter beer could be. Beer had never been your first choice of an alcoholic beverage.
"Not a beer fan?" Dean asked from the door of the bathroom, and you shook your head no. A smile on his face, he took the bottle from you, taking a long drink before setting it down on the table. The movement seemed innocent but at the same time, incredibly intimate.
Dean took a step towards you, stepping into what you considered your personal bubble. He reached his hand up, and gently brushed a stray piece of hair away from your face. "Are you okay? I know you've had a lot of things happen in a short amount of time."
A part of you wanted to step back, away from the personal contact that you haven't had since Steven, but another part of you wanted to step forward into Dean's arms to see how far he would take it. Before you could make a decision, Sam burst through the door, multiple fast food bags in his hands. Raising an eyebrow at how close the two of you were, Sam placed the bags on the table. Dean stepped back, and the three of you sat down at the table, digging into the simple fare.
"So Y/N, do you have any family that we can return you back to?" Sam asked, around a mouthful of burger. Looking down at the fry you were ready to inhale, you sadly shook your head.
"No family, they died quite a while ago." You said sadly, and truthfully.
"A job, or a home?" He dug on, before glaring at Dean. Dean must have kicked him under the table or something.
"Not really. I had a job, but I won't be missed. They probably haven't even realized I'm gone," You answered, truthfully. None of the other Demons really cared for you, so they left you alone. The only one who ever visited you was Crowley, but the visits had stopped about a year ago.
"Would you like to stay with us?" Dean asked, earning a bitch face from Sam. "At least until you figure out what you want to do. I have to warn you, we don't have normal jobs, or hours, but with us you would be safe from that man in case he came after you again."
Glancing at Dean, you could tell that he actually wanted you to join them. You considered your options, heading back to your job of a crossroads demon, or embarking on a trip of untold surprises.
"If you don't mind, I would like to stay with you for a while," You answered, almost timidly. "But, what is your job?" You already knew, but you were curious as to their answer.
Dean and Sam shared one of their unspoken conversations before both turning their gaze back to you. "We are hunters. We hunt monsters."
Dean/Jensen Tags:@acreativelydifferentlove @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @anokhi07 @aubreystilinski @bebravekeeponfighting @brindz30 @colette2537 @crusadedean @darthshreydar @deanwinchesters-impala67-deacti @haelyn @horsegirly99 @ikeneasul11 @its-not-a-tulpa @just-another-winchester @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @librarygeekery @msimpala67 @love-charmer-sketch @pisces-cutie @ria132love @ruprecht0420 @shadowhunter7 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @torn-and-frayed @wonderfulworldofwinchester
A New Life Tags:@andkatiethings @biawol @gh0stgurl @heartsaved @horsegirly99 @edgaralllenpoop @fralackles @jordannicole56 @kiranagoya @librarygeekery @mypage-myfandoms @newtospnfandom @suckystoryteller @superlightalternateuniverse88
Forever Tags(CLOSED):  @16wiishes @4401lnc @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anspgene @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @buckysmetalgoddamnarm @bumber-car-s @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @camelotandastronauts @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280 @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @herbologystudent252 @heyitscam99 @highfunctioning-soiciopath @hms-fangirl @hobby27 @ichooseeternalplaces @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @leanbeankeane @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @luciferslucille @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @nanie5 @natashacamillaus @newtospnfandom @offbeatsilhouette @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @ronja-uebrick @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @smoothdogsgirl @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @sunskittlex @starry-chaos @superbadassnatural @thebikiniinspector @theflameontheinside @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tina8009 @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @walkslikesummeractslikerain @whimsicalrobots @wildlandfox @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @worldwidehansum @zombiewerewolfqueen
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
In the Land of Gods and Monsters: Intro
A/N: I’ve always had a morbid curiosity with the mob(any kind of organized crime, really) and this story has been floating around my head for so long. I love Biker!Bucky, but I feel like it’s a very popular AU right now, so I thought what about Mobster!Bucky? Huh. Fuck yes. I even thought about writing this back in the 30’s-40’s but I’m a sucker for modern day AU’s. This is just the intro, the story will be taking you through Bucky/Reader’s meeting, falling in love, and ultimately demise. This one’s going to be tragic ya’ll.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: As with all of my stories, there’s a permanent warning of Cursing. I have a mouth like a sailor, and I express myself through the word Fuck. Mentions of murder and various crime. Mentions of trauma. This chapter is pretty vanilla, since it is just an intro- but this will be a very brutal story. I’ll always give you guys a heads up for what’s coming though.
Summary: You knew what you were getting yourself into when you met Bucky Barnes. He was a known wise guy. A feared mobster. Everyone in the neighborhood knew his name. Funny, in retrospect, you think that might have been why you couldn’t help but be drawn in like a moth to a flame. This first and foremost, is a love story. Blood stained and littered with bullet holes, but the story of how you fell in love with the man none the less. Mobster!BuckyxPlus Size Reader
-Present Day-
As you sit in the police station, you feel numb. Your mind has cooled over, gone ice cold; slow and dragging due to the trauma it had just been put through. You’re not able to process your surroundings. Not really… there, in that moment. You cant hear the constant clicking of computer keys from the cop who sits at the desk, the one you know is keeping an eye on you, or the bustling of people coming in and out around you, on just the other side of the door. Your eyes are glued to the clock that’s mounted on the wall, to the dials that seem to move so slowly now. How had they moved so fast, just hours ago- and now they drug on like molasses.
You couldn’t catch up- your body did the motions, you were here. In an interrogation room, but your mind stuck. Replaying the harsh sharp sounds of gunshots, and the cries of children and your husbands silver blue eyes, frantic as they looked at you.
“It’s gonna’ be okay” He promised, just as he always had. No matter what, you and me, we’re gonna be okay. And you’d always believed him, willingly naïve. Clung to those words desperately, blindly.
He’d lied.
You don’t think he’d meant to, but he had.
You close your eyes, forcing a deep breath into your lungs, hoping it will unthaw your thoughts. Because you had to be strong right now, you couldn’t- you didn’t have the time to be like this. Weak like this.
Where are they? Your brain urges at you, yells. You’d asked that good for nothing secretary over and over, but he’d just looked up and replied with a sack of bullshit. That he didn’t know anything.
“Above your paygrade?” You’d hissed pure venom at him and he’d glowered at you and told you you’d have to wait for the detective. That was close to an hour ago, so when the door finally does open, heavy and whining your eyes snap open and you perk up in the hard, uncomfortable chair. Two people enter the room; the detectives you deduce. A middle aged woman, pretty. Her hair pulled back into a severe ponytail, dressed in a pantsuit that made her look like a force to be reckoned with and a older black man, his salt and pepper beard neatly trimmed and one of his dark eyes covered by a fearsome looking eyepatch…
You’d heard about him before. Him and his witch hunts…
“Scary motherfucker. Got one eye…”
“Mrs. Barnes, I’m Detective Nick Fury and this is Agent Hill” He introduces them both as they approach, before sitting at the table, in the vacant chairs across from you. Your heart is beating in your throat, scared as all hell, but no one would know that by the sight of you. Your jaw is set and your eyes are blazing.
“Where are my kids?” Are the first words that come out of your mouth, the only question that matters right now.
“They’re in the care of child protective services at the moment, but we can get more into that later” Your nostrils flare as he goes on, just at the thought. Oh, you bet they were so scared. Your poor babies, the innocents in all of this.
You feel an ugly bubble of self hatred gurgle in your chest.
Your fault. Bucky’s fault.
“I’m not talking to fucking anybody until I know they’re safe” You snap “Are they in this building? Where are they?”
“That’s information we cant give to you right now-” Agent Hill starts and you cut her off instantly.
“What do you mean information you cant give to me? I’m their mother!”
“Their mother? Yes. Their legal guardian…well, that’s in your hands now, Mrs. Barnes” Fury is calm as he speaks. Calm and cutting and threating. “As of right now, you are an accessory to a slew of illegal activity that ranges over the last decade. Would you like me to list the charges off for you?”
You bite the inside of your bottom lip and keep a hard gaze. Breathe. You’ve been eye to eye with motherfuckers far more fearsome then him…but none of them had ever threatened to take your kids. That’s new. That ignites something in you that feels worse then anything you ever could have imagined.
When you don’t respond, he begins again. Listing, ticking off the crimes he reads off of the tablet in front of him.
“Robbery, multiple counts of Assault. Disorderly conduct, disruption of the peace. Distribution and trafficking of illegal arms and drugs. Possession of illegal arms and drugs. Those in themselves could get you looking at, what” Fury looks to Maria idly “A decade? Twenty years?” She nods at Fury who looks back to you, with his one eyebrow crooked “And that’s not including the murders of Congressman Alexander Peirce, John “Shmiddity” Schmidt, Brock Rumlow- well, you get the just. I’d be sitting here all day if I was to list off all the men your husband and his pals have killed, wouldn’t I?“
You knew better then to say anything else.
This wasn’t your first rodeo, your first back and forth with the law. No, you’d been through this shit before and the only thing you had to say to them was-
"I want my lawyer. I’m not saying another word until she gets here”
Hill shots Fury a look, but his eyes don’t leave yours. He’d known that was what you were going to say. He knew women like you, wives. Girlfriends. Strong as nails females who would follow their husbands through the gates of hell. In his opinion, you were just as bad as your husband, but he forces a half smile at you anyway. Trying to lure you with a false sense of sympathy.
It’s acidic and you see right through it. God you fucking hate cops. You’d always loathed interrogations.
“Why should you take the fall for them? You’re looking at twenty five to life if we can tie you or your husband to any one of these murders” He sighs, his hands folding on the table as he leans back onto the chair “And trust me, it’s not going to be very hard. You know, I’ve been keeping tabs on your husband for the last few years?” That’s when he pulls something up on the tablet, before spinning it in your direction and sliding it to you so you could see the screen.
What catches your eye first are Bucky’s multiple mugshots. You realize he’s showing you Bucky’s file.
“James Buchannan Barnes; street kid, Brooklyn boy. Had a string of misdemeanors on his name before he was even seventeen. Went to Juvie for the first time when he was fifteen. Joined the army right after high school, everyone thought he was going straight- until the accident” Fury clucks his tongue and makes an exaggerated frown that angers you. “Came back with a vengeance, huh? Bloodthirsty”
You grit your teeth to an almost painful point. He didn’t know shit. Bucky was never bloodthirsty, ever. He just did what he had to do…
“Linked back up with his childhood friend Steven Rogers- and the Stark mob” Fury is assessing you as he speaks, his trained eye prying, looking for any crack in your resolve. “One of the most infamous mafia branches in New York. But you know that already, don’t you?”
You don’t do anything but cross your arms over your chest. You don’t speak, you barley breathe.
“I can see you’re not going to be of any help at the moment- which is understandable, considering what you just went through. Call your lawyer- when she get’s here, and you two get all your stories straight, I’ll be back” Fury tells you simply, bluntly as he stands “And trust me when I tell you this Y/N, you’re going to want my help. Your husband is in some deep shit, and you’re not any better off for it”
“And why would I trust you?” You ask, a bit of bitter humor lacing your tone. You didn’t know who you could trust right now, but the feds? Yeah, they were on the bottom of that list.
Fury leans in close, and it takes all of you- all the strength you could muster not to cower back.
“Because right now, I’m the only one who doesn’t want you dead”
And with that- he leaves the room, agent Hill trailing behind him. He tells the secretary to let you make your phone call, and then the door is closed again, behind him.
You want to scream, and cry and flail. You want your children, and your husband. God, you want Bucky right now. You ache to have his steady arms around you-
“Its gonna’ be okay”
His voice hums in your head, and you realize that the only way that statement is going to ring true is if you suck it up. You cant fall apart right now. So with a deep breath, you unclench your hands. You hadn’t even realized that you’d balled them into fists during the duration of your time with Fury. Your manicuredly sharp nails had dug into the meaty, soft flesh of your palm that they left little crescent moon indents. A couple were beading with crimson.
You stand on shaky legs, and go to the phone.
How did it come to this?
Your mind laughs bitterly at you. Dumb bitch. You dumb bitch, you’d always known it would come to this.
And so you dial the number of your lawyer, not allowing yourself even a drop of self pity.
These violent delights have violent ends.
Okay, so this story is my new love child. I’m so excited to share this with you all- it’s going to be a lot darker then any of the other fics I’ve ever posted but I love to challenge myself as a writer. As usaul; please leave me some feedback! Comments are like crack cocaine to me lol. And let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this series!
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I originally wasn’t going to write an flash back chapters but this one snuck through. I was kind of worried that Moon was too bland compared to Kevin. You learn a lot about Kevin’s character before the breakout and even more during the breakout but Moon kind of feels like Master Chief but a female ninja instead. So what better way to make your character relatable than a dramatic flashback! I wrote this whole chapter while listening to one song, and in fact that song decided the plot of this entire chapter, I didn’t ever really have an idea of what her back story would be. So after you finish reading you should go  youtube “unfucktheworld” by Angel Olsen.
Moon strolled along side a man down a dirt road. She plucked away at her ukulele humming a few tones, other times singing a line or two from a song. Her hair was fluffy and free, coming down just below her shoulders. She wore a puffy name brand jacket with multiple layered leggings. Aside from the ukulele Moon was unarmed, carrying only a backpack.
“Hey, could you stop playing for a bit?”
“Oh, sorry”
“Yeah, it is just really annoying I’d like it to be quiet so I can focus”
Moon tilted her head as she lowered the ukulele “Are you feeling ok Brad?”
Brad shook his head “I’m fine it’s just your- you know what, forget it, just don’t play anymore for now ok”
Brad was tall and wide shouldered. He was sporting a buzz cut with brown hair. The muscles from playing football in high school hadn’t worn off yet despite not keeping up with the game after eighteen. A sports jacket hung on his shoulders unzipped leaving his chest exposed. A strap ran across his chest attached to an AK-47 on his back and the imprint of a handgun could be seen through the pocket of his jacket.
Moon’s arms locked around Brad’s “You know tomorrow will be our two year anniversary”
Brad didn’t look at her as he kept walking “Yeah two years since the world went to shit”
Moon smiled and shook brad slightly “But at least you met me right?”
“Yeah… totally worth it”
They walked down a dirt road which was lightly dusted with snow. A few other travelers crossed them from time to time. The sun was at it’s apex causing some of the snow to turn to puddles along the path. Moon playfully jumped around them while Brad marched down the path. Without looking Moon jumped forward over a puddle and bumped into an older man.
Before she could apologize the man grabbed her “Watch what you are doing woman”
Moon struggled to get free from his grip, eventually sliding her arm out of her coat to get away, exposing black and blue skin. “I didn’t mean to, I’m sor-”
She suddenly found herself falling to the ground as Brad appeared between them. “Hands off, she’s mine”
The old man scanned over Moon’s body seeing the bruises and shook his head. Brad’s hand slid toward jacket pocket “You’d be smart to keep walking old man.”
The old man took a glance down, then put his hands in his pockets and continued on the path with a grimaced face. Brad looked at Moon for a second and shook his head and turned to keep walking. Sweeping away snow and dirt, Moon jogged to catch up with Brad.
Once she was at his side again she rubbed his back “Thanks, I really messed that up”
“You know, you are a lot of trouble to deal with sometimes.”
“.. I know. I said thanks. You know I’d be able to defend myself if you taught me how to use a gun too”
“It would take too long, and I don’t want to waste the ammo. As long as you stay with me you’ll be fine.”
“Ok, well then maybe you shouldn’t complain when you have to defend me?”
“Yeah well, just be more careful I don’t want to have to fight anyone today”
They continued on until they reached a small encampment of survivors. Moon helped clean up the camp and socialized with the few women there. Brad haggled with the hunters for food and ammunition trading with furs and metals. They spent the evening around a communal fire chatting with the regulars there. Moon played a few songs for the crowd while Brad conversed with a few other men about their old favorite sports and models. The people at the camp offered them one of the spare tents for the night which they gladly accepted. While they were laying down Brad slowly put his hand between Moon’s legs.
Moon grabbed his arm and pushed it back “No, I don’t want to do that, these other people will definitely hear us”
Brad brought his body closer to Moon’s “Come on babe, it will be warmer if we do”
Moon scooched herself to the edge of the tent “I don’t care, please lets just go to sleep”
Brad’s hands forcefully pulled Moon toward him. His hand pulling at her pants “Don’t I get something for saving you today”
She rolled over and pushed him away. They went back and forth for a few seconds before Moon got and rushed out of the tent without grabbing her coat or shoes. Brad pounded a fist “Dammit Moon come back, Don’t go out there!”
Moon ran into the woods and found a large tree to hide behind. She sat down on the ground and buried her head in her knees. Eventually she pulled her feet up into her pants trying to keep them from freezing in the snow.
“Moon! Moon! Where are you?” Brad stomped through the snow scanning the area. Eventually he walked past the tree she was sitting behind, only noticing her from the agitated breathing. He picked her up from the ground and shook her “What are you doing? You are going to get sick out here like this”
“Leave me alone you jerk”
Brad pushed her against the tree “Stop being an idiot, let’s go back to camp”
Moon held her ground pushing back against Brad’s arm “I’m not going back there, I don’t want to do it tonight!”
His grip tightened on her shoulder “Listen Moon you could at least try to appreciate what I do for you. You are helpless without me”
“Let go of me, it hurts” Moon squirmed in his arms for a few seconds. Brad eventually overpowered her, pinning her against the tree. Moon’s head bounced off the back of the tree and she let out a shriek in pain.
Brad let go of her and threw his arms in the air “See, if you just listened to me, this stuff wouldn’t happen to you”
Moon looked up at him trying to hold back tears. She grit her teeth, with a balled fist she knocked Brad down connecting with his jaw. She ran past him traveling farther away from the camp while he struggled to get back to his feet. Brad wiped blood off his lip and followed Moon into the woods. Moon only made it a bit farther before falling over in the snow, her feet now completely numb.
Brad emerged from the darkness with a furrowed brow. “You are really fucking pissing me off now”
Moon turned away from him and covered her mouth trying to prevent him from hearing her crying. Brad towered over her as he reach down. Taking firm grasp of her hair he pulled her up to her feet. Before she was fully standing something knocked Brad over. Moon caught herself before colliding with the ground and turned over to see a zombie on top of Brad. She pushed herself backward, only to bump into the legs of another. She dodged to the left barely avoiding the clutches of the monster. While it was bent over Moon saw that the undead had a pocket knife on its belt. She ripped it off and flipped the knife open. Before she could strike the creature threw itself on top of her. Luckily the knife lodged itself into the nose of the undead and Moon was able to use it to guide the head away from her. Using her free arm, she hit the hilt of the knife slowly cracking the neck of the zombie. After a few strikes the head broke loose and the body fell limp on top of her. She shuffled back away from it and got to her feet.
Brad was stuck grappling with the zombie which had initiated the engagement. “Moon, grab my gun and shoot this thing.”
Moon looked around to see two more zombies appearing from the darkness. She dashed over and pulled the handgun from Brad waistband. She fumbled around with the weapon for a second before finally finding the safety and unlocking it. The gun rattled as she tried to steady her aim pointing it towards the monster. She held it there for a second then began to lower her arm “Fuck you.”
“Moon shoot it! What are you doing you bitch?!”
She wiped another tear from her eye “Fuck you.” She clinched her hand around the gun her knuckles turning white “FUCK YOU!” Spinning around she fired a round into the head of the next zombie and began walking back towards camp.
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