#multishipping is not evil btw <3
thefandomsurfer · 4 years
Favorite She Ra Ships?
Ohh, another she ra ask to start the new years off! Nice.
Btw most of this is just Catra cuz. I just multiship her with everyone.
10. Repkyle
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Cuties. Pure. Amazing.
9. Spinnetossa
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Two lesbians in love. Nothing else to say-I loved their storyline in the final season. Broke my heart but then mended it with their love.
8. Scorptra
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They had their moments of being very, very cute. I just think their first couple of episodes of season 3 was amazing. 
7. Glitra
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They just give me such interesting vibes. The episodes focused on them was amazing. I just really like them and their differences, yet similarities.
6. Catrouble
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They are basically the ‘partners in crime’ couple. The sexual tension was high, and they where Catras final shred of ‘not alone’ for a time before they called her out. Just really liked them together.
5. Scorfuma
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I love how Perfuma helped Scorpia heal and grow more confidant in herself. And just how soft they are. I love it.
4. Entrapdak
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Ahh, the evil one being soft for the energetic one. I just like their dynamic a whole lot-Their storyline was cool I thought and I felt myself grow very emotionally attached with them.
3. Glimbow
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I. Love these two so much. I had my eye on them for a long time-always noticing they had a different type of subtext compared to Bow and Adora or Glimmer and Adora. They just are so wonderful together-The trust, the drama in the final season, and how they bounce off of each other.
2. Seamista
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I really loved them as well-The way Sea Hawk just adores her and her annoyance for him turning into fondness-It was so entertaining and heartwarming-Especially when he broke her free from mind control. They are so adorable I love them.
1. Catradora
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The whole show is centered around them-Of course they’re my favorite. The drama, the childhood friends turned turned enemies then lovers-Its all great. The comfort they find in each other, the sexual tension-Its all so captivating. I loved it the more it went on-And am really happy it turned into a healthy ship.
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helihi · 4 years
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty: Spop season 5
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I’ve stopped screaming, and I took the time to rewatch season 5 with my little brother. So, here are my thoughts:
The Good
Horde Prime - The cult™ : I really dig the aesthetics, that combo of religious fanatics + fascism hit good. The crew did a good job at portraying Horde Prime as the ultimate villain of the show. He was engaging to watch and his ideology was pretty clear. The way they played with the hive mind concept was really fun, and it was Horde Prime’s biggest strength. He was also a very good manipulator, successfully playing with Glimmer and Adora. He was unsuccessful with Catra because she had already hit her lowest point.
Entrapta: honestly, she was the most hilarious character this season. Not only was she engaging to watch and listen to, I felt really connected to her this season. The fight with Mermista hit really good and it hurt, but you could see her trying her best. I love how open she is and how accepting of everyone and everything. I’m glad we got to see so much of her this season.
Scorpia: baby, she only deserves good things in life. When she got mind control, you could see how fucking powerful she is, but luckily for us, we got to see her shine independently before that. Her interactions with Swift Wind, Perfuma, and Double Trouble made her shine. She’s smart, talented, and without an evil bone in her body. I’m happy she can move on from Catra and find love and friendship. (I hope she reconnects with Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle in the future too)
Mermista: babe, you were always mood. She has been consistently funny, her get ups and plans are so entertaining to watch, but also: her relationship with Sea Hawk is great! They are definitely made for each other. I’m sad she was mine controlled for the other half of the season, but I’m happy we got to see a lot of her before. (Also she burned someone’s ship OMG GANGSTER SUIT)
Sea Hawk: happy to see him back. He was funny as always, and I’m happy he got his moment with Mermista at the end. 
Perfuma: “ADORA, WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE?” “A TANK” “NO!” Her relationship with Scorpia is so good! I wish we could’ve seen more.
Netossa: I was one of those who was sad to know the 2 canon lesbians of the show were just background characters. I am so incredibly happy to see her shine this season! SHE SAID MY WIFE. She is the queen of the roasts and I stan.
Spinnerella: Dude, I didn’t know you were this powerful what the fuck. Also, your wife is super cute and she draws like Noelle.
Emotional Support Cat: Bro, I love Melog’s design. I think it was a really clever way to have Catra express her feelings and process them out loud for the audience by giving Catra a supernatural cat.
New She-ra design: I see the subtle reference to Bow, Glimmer and Catra in the design. Honestly, Adora looks 100% more badass.
Not Hordak: I really wish he had picked a name from himself. Aside from Entrapta, this might be the other hilarious character of the season. He goes through his individualization process in a healthier way than Hordak and showcases that the clones can be different from Horde Prime and rehabilitated. I wonder how he will feel about Hordak? But we got no epilogue so idk I guess.
Darla: I can’t believe they named the ship, but I love it.
The Best Friends Squad: I swear to god, when Bow, then Glimmer and then Catra interrupted Adora’s train of thought, I knew we were going to have a great dynamic. The way their characters play of each other is hilarious. Bow, who usually has the only braincell, is cautious and a total dad; Adora is the dumb jock with the heart of gold that gets herself into trouble; Glimmer is the chaotic enchantress with no patience; and finally Catra who’s got all her walls up, but gets shit done. I want a show of them together going on misions and almost dying in the process, thank you.
Catra Redemption: You wanted it, and here you have it! I was cheering for Catra this whole season while proclaiming I’d die for her (which I had only reserved for Scopia previously). Though things may be a little rushed, Catra takes her time to process things, and goes back and forth a couple of times. She deflects, lies, and runs away, but in the end she opens up and rushes back.
In general, the season was packed with content. I was never bored through any episodes and I honestly laughed outloud while watching it alone and later with my brother. There were moments when we paused the episode to discuss what had just happened or to process new information. This makes me feel even more weird about the bland season 2/3 division.
The Bad
Okay so, let me make this clear: I will never attack a ship or anyone who supports it. In this blog we multiship like adults and respect other people’s OTPs.
That being said, while this season was long and packed with content, it also felt rushed when it came to the relationships of the main cast
Glimmer - Catra: The prison episodes had barely any interactions between both of them. I wish they’ve had had more time to talk and to connect. There were Glitra moments that make me feel happy, and my brother was for a moment convinced that they could be canon. They are foils of each other after season 4. The conversation they had, where they realize they had a lot of things in common could’ve been a catalyst for both of them to grow and heal. However, Catra has her change of heart really soon and saves Glimmer, which prevents any deep interactions between them in the future. Aside from the jokes, Catra must be with Adora, and Glimmer must be with Bow, so everything else gets dropped.
Glimmer - Adora: The conflict between them after Angela’s “death” was one of the main plot points of last season. When they reunite again, their issues are solved in a couple of minutes and then brushed off. They really don’t have big interactions after that, which feels completely OOC and empty.
Glimmer - Bow: I wasn’t the only one who felt the sharp turn of their relationship. In previous seasons, it was really platonic, but as soon as they see each other again you know they are going to end up together. The camera zoomed on them, Bow was always holding her protectively, the way they looked at each other change. Since Glimmer is not allowed to have intimate moments with anyone else, it kinda dulls everything up. Don’t get me wrong, I love some best friends to lovers, but in this case it felt rushed for me. If I pinpoint the moment things turned romantic for them, it’s the first time they interact in person this season. It didn’t feel organic (contrast with a ship like Korrasami, where you can point at the moment Asami realized she had feelings for Korra, and then later when Korra’s attitude towards Asami changes after the time skip).
Adora - Catra: Honey, we all knew this was going to be end game, and I love the fact that Catra is dealing with her feelings and Adora acknowledges that. However, after the end of season 3, I’d have expected things to progress a little slower. Catra did put some resistance with the chip scene, but even afterwards, what would’ve been better paced with more episodes, was condensed in a few. Don’t get me wrong. I love that Catra redemption, but I’d have loved a better pacing.
BTW for anyone interested: I ship Glitradora, so any of the 3 ships ending up canon were good for me, and I liked Bow/Glimmer, just preferred them as bffs.
There’s a list of characters that barely show up that could’ve had more screentime:
Huntara: barely appears at all. She’s seen fighting, but there are no references to her or a storyline with her.
Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle: briefly shown. The gay couple of the century have adopted the baby demon and are now the best dads in the desert. Lonnie is their braincell.
Double Trouble: at least they had a scene and lines, but I feel like they could’ve been more involved after they were discovered by Scopria, especially since they escaped with Sea Hawk and Perfuma.
The Star Siblings: idk man, they were part of a whole episode and then faded into the background. It was a glorified cameo for an episode where Glimmer and Bow fight.
Glimmer’s Aunt: sorry but I was asking “where the hell is she?” until she finally showed up late. She barely had any purpose.
The Dirty
Hey, guys, girls, and nonbinary pals, can we sit down and talk about redemptions?
IDK about you, but just because a show is aimed at kids you shouldn’t “redeem” all the villains. This trend bothers me specially when it touches on abuse or totalitarian leaders.
Shadow Weaver was an abuser until the end. She shouldn’t have had a heroic sacrifice, and her “I’m proud of you” line was bitter for me. I’ve said before I was raised in an abusive household and I don’t think it’s healthy to tell children that you can change your abuser or that you can expect them to change without therapy. I’m glad Shadow Weaver died, but I wish her death wasn’t in any way shape or form considered a “redemption”. A heroic act of sacrifice doesn’t erase all the pain she cause and the years of trauma Catra and Adora have had to endure.
Hordak. HEY HEY ETRAPDAK SHIPPERS DON’T COME FOR ME! I was weirded up by the ship until I realized Etrapta is in her late 20s. I’m happy they found each other but I think it’d be better if Hordak had to redeem himself through a life of service to Etheria. He can't erase the horrible things he has done, but with the help of Entrapta and others, he could give back to the community he ruined. Since we don’t have an epilogue, we just see him reuniting with Entrapta at the end and that’s it.
ALSO SOMEONE GIVE MICAH A HAIR TIE. My man, you are not in a hostile island anymore, go rock a dad bun or a dad ponytail!
How do you guys feel about it?
I’m here looking at cute GIFs of Catra and that kiss scene on repeat. I want a Rogelio poster, he was my boy.
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ibijus · 7 years
I wish you would write a fic where an imposter Rai bully M21 and M21 don't know what to do until Frankentein figures it out and kick the imposter out of his house. P.S. Real Rai was gone for a walk and got lost.
I mighthave gotten a tiny bit overly excited with this idea, but it was ton of fun!Thanks for it, btw ;) Maybe not pushing all the buttons I wanted in all theways I really wanted to, but SOMETHING was done and I had fun :x
Here’s the Send me an anonymous ask completing thesentence “I wish you would write a fic where…” (if you want to reblog too)post and BTW I’m all about crazy cracky shippings (and serious ones too),multishipping is love, poly is love, SHIPPING IS FUN AF anyway: gen, ships,funny, sad, anything, if you’re in the mood hit me up and let’s pray thatsomething good comes of it!
(dear sweetfreaking LORD it took me 3 hours to do this??? I let a 3 hour “wooden sailingship on sea ambience” playing and it’s crazy to see I was done by the end ofthe audio)
The housewas quiet and every step was terrible loud as M-21 run to Frankenstein’s officeand searched around for the files he’d asked for. The man couldn’t help butscoff at his situation, having to leave school in the middle of the day tofetch some paper or another for his boss. In this kind of situation Tao wouldbe more efficient, always coming into the spacious and well organized room toshow things to Frankenstein or talk about his new ideas for the school’ssecurity system, yet somehow M-21 got the task.
“Heprobably just picked the one of us that was closer…”
He keptmuttering while pilling the color coded files and making sure nothing wasmissing before heading out, sure that if he took too long with the easy “mission”he’d have to endure the blond’s witty comments. Joy.
With hismind fully focused on the fastest routes he could take from the house to schoolM-21 had to do a double take of which he saw standing in the middle of the kitchenarea.
“What areyou doing here?”
M-21 frownedand waited for an answer as Raizel slowly turned to face him, still in hisuniform and not showing any urgency in his expression or movements, there was howeversome tension in his shoulders that put M-21 in high alert. He was ready toshower the other with questions when Raizel finally spoken, colder than he everheard before.
“What are you doing here?”
Blinking inconfusion M-21 lifted the pile of papers he still had in hands.
“Frankensteinasked me to get him some files.”
“Of coursehe did.”
Raizel keptwalking slowly around M-21 and the modified human was now looking at the filesFrankenstein wanted. Some accountability info and resumes for new staff,nothing out of the ordinary, so why wasRaizel acting so strangely about it?
Years oftraining and (not so healthy) paranoia made sure he wouldn’t fully take his focusfrom the other person in the room, even while puzzled about what was going on,so M-21 wasn’t surprised when he felt Raizel right behind him, stepping a bittoo close to comfort before whispering right next to his ear.
“Sometimeshe has to get creative to get rid of you.”
That madehim jump, put a good distance between himself and Raizel, the man was as calmand composed as always but his red eyes where ice cold and his words wheresharp. M-21 lifted the bundle of papers in front of himself, the stupid thingwouldn’t be of any use as a shield if the noblesse decided to go against him, nothing could shield someone from thenoblesse, but those where the things he was asked to fetch, they could besomewhat important to Frankenstein. Raizel wouldn’t destroy something importantfor Frankenstein, right?
“You are ahandful, always getting yourself in trouble and bringing it right back at us.More trouble than you’re worth of.”
Raizelspoke slowly, not even deeming it worth to look at him while saying those words,that worked just fine for M-21 if there was a risk of getting paralyzed by hisred eyes. He just looked bored whiletaking small steps in his direction and M-21 stood as still as possible,letting his eyes run all around the room, asking himself how to get away fromthat one insanely powerful being that seemed to be judging his value and not liking what he was seeing.
“We did so much for you and you keep bringingyour fights to this house.”
Shit. He was getting closer and backing off wouldput him against a wall eventually. Maybe then he could make a run for a door,but that wouldn’t help if Raizel where too close, towering over him and readyto… Whatever the hell he wanted to do with a troublesome unworthy waste of space.
One stepcloser, one step back, M-21 knew he was faster but Raizel was faster, andstronger, and even if he had a fighting chance he’d have to be ready to faceFrankenstein right after. Would Frankenstein be outside, waiting to finish himin case he attempt to run? Had everything been planned just so that they couldget him alone and finish him?
He wasalready dead but Raizel wasn’t done talking.
“How manytimes we fought and bleed because of you? You don’t deserve what we did foryou.”
Thenoblesse jumped and M-21 was sure he was already using his influence because hecouldn’t move, a slap at his hands made all the papers he hold fly to the sideand for a second the fair haired man thought about the mess they were making,how disappointed Frankenstein would be, then there was a hand at his chest andblazing red eyes so close to his own grey ones he could feel the other’sbreathing against his face.
“You don’tdeserve that heart.”
M-21 couldn’tmove, only half catching how Raizel’s face contorted in a ugly smile he neverseen on the other’s face or how he had one of their big kitchen knives in hisother hand, lifted high above their heads. Everything happened in the longestsecond of his life, feeling his muscles tense and discovering he could in factmove, there was no mind control going on, he watched as a dozen black tendrilscame from behind himself and impaled Raizel all over his body, the impact throwinghim backward while he did his best to pull and stab his target before goingdown.
A hand grabbedthe back of M-21’s suit and pulled him from the other’s hold, letting him watchthe knife go past dangerously close to his face as the other missed and wasshoved back.
“Coming tomy house and using my master’s face, so disrespectful.”
Frankensteinlet go of M-21 and stepped around him, letting the impostor free from DarkSpear long enough to get up and face him properly. The once wearing Raizel’sface was laughing in a hysterical way, then talking in a voice that didn’tmatch the face.
“How couldyou hit this beautiful face of mine? Never mind, I’ll pardon you if you let metake what I came to collect.”
Theimpostor still had the knife and didn’t seem to care for the many poisonousblack injuries he now had, the idiot probably had never been fully briefed onwhat he’d face in this place or he was crazy enough to think he had a fightingchance against Frankenstein. M-21 honestly didn’t care whichever was theanswer, the fucker made a mess of thefiles he had to take to school.
Frankensteinalmost didn’t get a chance to rile the guy, maybe he wasn’t in the mood withthe other using his master’s face, or he was that easy of an adversary. Therewas some damage done to the room, black holes in the walls and broken glass butat least Dark Spear had been especially neat on its consumption of an enemy.
A sideglance to the nearest clock showed M-21 that if they were quick with thecleanup they could make it back to school before the end of the work day.
“This isinfuriating.”
Or not, if Frankenstein felt like fuming and passingaround the room. He’d probably push the cleaning at him at this rate. M-21 tooka deep breath and turned to collect the papers and file cases messily pilled atthe floor, he didn’t know enough of each of them to properly put them backtogether, but pilling it all at the coffee table seemed better than lettingthen in the floor.
Turningaround he saw how Frankenstein had stopped and was looking seriously at him. Itfelt like an awful déjà vu.
“My files.Of course. Thank you, M-21.”
The mantook a few large steps to the table and M-21 hold himself in place, refusing toflinch at his sudden move, looking at anywhere but the blond. Frankensteinlooked through the pile for a few seconds before heavily sighing and looking straightto M-21.
“I’m sorryI took so long. As soon as we got the alert there was an intruder in the houseTao and Takeo where ready to come, but I choose to let then taking care of theschool. I was the reason you werehere alone, after all.”
Frankensteinwas kind enough to turn away, taking his time to look at his messy living roomand let M-21 recompose himself. Everything felt like  a strange dream, suddenly he’s taking care ofa simples errand and then Not Raizel is running at him with a knife.
M-21 sitdown on the couch. Frankenstein gave him a quick but pleased look.
“Oh, finally. I was about to shove you at achair. You’ll have to tell me what that guy told you.”
“Hm.Nothing interesting.”
“I’m in themood to hear some bullshit. Amuse me.”
Frankensteinpicks up his cellphone on the third ring.
“Boss! What’shappening? Dark Spear fried the living room’s cameras and I’m blind over here!”
Tao hadbeen biting at his nails since Frankenstein left him and Takeo to guard theschool, watching the house’s security system feed where M-21 was being corneredby Raizel-nim’s Evil Twin while Takeo collected Seira, Regis and the realRaizel to make them aware of what was going on in their house.
Everyonearrived at the principal’s office right when Creepy Not-Raizel was about tostab M-21, then Dark Spear was all over the place and the system went down.Seira had to grab Regis by the back of his collar when he tried to bolt to thedoor. Tao and Takeo felt just like him, and they knew Seira and Raizel did too,but they couldn’t suddenly leave at any given second and it was Frankenstein dealing with whateverwas going on at their house.
The nextlogic conclusion (after a good minute or so of arguing and convincing themselvesthere was no need to run and M-21) was to try and call Frankenstein’scellphone.
“It’s atragedy…”
Frankensteinnever sounded so desolated, evenRaizel eyes were a little wider than before. Everyone held their breaths andTao felt how weak his voice was in his next words.
“B-Boss? IsM-21-”
“The wallswe just painted are a mess. The paint Miss Seira chose so carefully… And it wasexpensive, too. M-21 agrees with me, he also liked that color.”
Raizelaverted his eyes while everyone else traded looks that communicated clearly “Frankensteinis truly a monster!”
“Ahjussi!We heard you fought a burglar yesterday!”
M-21 wassurrounded by the kids, their worried faces with big shinny eyes made himnervous. He threw a side glance at Tao, who smiled and blew him a kiss from faraway. Bastard.
“Shouldn’tyou be resting today? Tao-hyung told us it was a pretty intense fight! Are youall right?”
“Uhg… I’mfine.”
“D-Don’tlie to spare our feeling, ahjussi! We care about you! We wouldn’t know what todo if something happened to you…”
M-21 pattedYuna’s head in an attempt to comfort her. He didn’t know what to do with abunch of kids worried about him, much less with one of them looking ready to cry.
“I’m fine.Director Lee helped.”
The fourkids turned to look at their director crowded by students, smiling and wavingfriendly at them. Suyi was the first one to turn back to M-21, a curiousexpression in her face.
“What didhe do? Smiled so brightly the burglar was blinded and you were able to subduehim?”
The threeother kids turned all to Suyi and after a second of consideration all fo themagreed that was obviously what happened. M-21 used their distraction to runaway retreat.
[Notes: mygreat regret is that I didn’t just straight up wrote “M-21 is shook” or justmade him say “I’M SHOOK” but M-21 IS SHOOK, OK? Frankenstein is father of theyear, he felt really bad for accidentally sending M-21 to face that disrespectfulguy who stole master’s beautiful face!!! Oh yeah, the guy didn’t had any mental power to paralyze M-21, he was just panicked enoughabout FRICKING “NOBLESSE” WANTING TO KILL HIM to feel like he was in fact paralyzed,just wanted to point this more clearly here.
Also, sorryfor changing some events, only now I’m thinking about “what if the bullyingwent on for DAYS before someone figured everything out?” that is…. A greatidea!!!! But how to work with it????? To tell the truth, now that I think aboutthat guy using Raizel’s face on the house…. What… What the f are you doing thereat that time? Omg lol let me sit here and point all the plot holes in my ownfic! Idk maybe he had a way to track M-21 and saw he was moving to be alone atthe house, that makes sense! (maybe?)
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