mondcgreen-blog · 8 years
jeremiah / task 01
jeremiah jogged across cement sidewalks at a constant pace. this had become a nightly ritual; it helped rid him of his nasty thoughts, of his nasty actions, and of his parents harsh words. there was a difference tonight, though, the boy ran with a feeling of guilt in his heart when he had not even completed the task he had at hand. tonight, jeremiah ran with a duffle bag over his shoulder. tonight, jeremiah ran to a familiar house that he knew would be empty.
he cut across the street, not aware if there was any traffic coming or not. he did this often, holding his breath and looking straight across the street the entire time he crossed. it was a small rush of adrenaline every time he heard a car come screeching on its brakes. he never bothered to think about why he did this, he only continued to do it. maybe, he’d get ran over one day. maybe, that would put an end to his football career. maybe, then, his parents would ask him about something that didn’t involve offensive plays or scholarship offers. 
he came to an abrupt stop once he had reached his destination. there were no lights on in this house, and he knew there wouldn’t be. jeremiah opened the gate, and made his way to the front door of the home. he had swiped a key off a member of the household only hours ago. closing his eyes, he offered himself a meager attempt at a self-apology. this was a careless act, but he told himself that it wasn’t coming from him. it came from his hands and his body, but not his heart.
he knocked over a table in the foyer. a lamp shattered at his feet, becoming a million pieces in only a few seconds. for a moment, jeremiah stood frozen in this spot. perhaps he was waiting to see if anyone had lagged behind, or perhaps he was experiencing the guilt that had filled his heart moments ago droop into his stomach as he acted.
moments had passed, and jeremiah had let his bag fall from his shoulder. with the remaining bit of lamp in his hand, he followed the entrance into the family room. the walls were covered in pictures. children in bathtubs, wedding photos, distant relatives all seemed incomparable to the center of the wall, which housed a massive family picture. this was a large family compared to jeremiah’s own, not that it was hard to compete with a family of three in that aspect. his eyes were in line with the portrait, and he studied it for some time. in many ways, jeremiah was envious of this huge, loving family. if he was apart of a home like this, he figured, he would be a completely different person. his fist clenched around the piece of ceramic, and he reared his arm back. the next thing he knew, the glass on the frame had shattered, and it had fallen off the wall entirely. your hands, not your heart.
from his bag, jeremiah removed a can of spray paint. in black ink, he plastered the words ‘fuck you’ across the remnants of the image. on the wall where it used to hang, he drew something that wasn’t entirely fit for a family home. he put the lid on the paint, and tossed it back into his bag. 
the boy moved through the home, knocking over images, furniture, and smashing pieces of decoration. when he reached a certain door, his breath hitched in his throat. he made a grab for the can of spray paint and, without much thought, he scribbled a single word across the white of the door. plastered on the wall next to the door, was an arrangement of various pictures of the room’s inhabitant. jeremiah found himself in one of these images. it had been close to a decade ago, and the two boys pictured together held a trophy indicating that they had won first place in the pee wee football league. they smiled bright, and jeremiah didn’t recognize that smile in himself anymore. with the end of the can of paint, jeremiah crushed the glass of the frame. he continued to beat the glass until it fell off the wall entirely. 
jeremiah fell with it. he slid down the wall, and brushed away the glass. in his hands he held the photograph, and he tore it in two. leaving the half of the image that displayed cato’s eight year old charisma on the floor, and stowing his half inside his bag.
he didn’t want to admit that these acts hurt him. hell, he didn’t like to admit that anything hurt him, because he was supposed to be strong. physically, maybe he was. he wasn’t supposed to be in this sort of situation. he wasn’t supposed to be the victim of blackmail, he wasn’t supposed to feel guilty for trashing the home of his best friend. he wasn’t supposed to do it at all.
jeremiah wiped his eyes, and stood up from the carpeted floor. he lifted up his bag, refusing to look at the damage he’d left these people to clean up. as he passed the door to cato’s room, he felt the word he had scribbled on the door peeking into his peripheral vision. he would rather destroy cato’s home than tell him what had happened with marisol. they would be able to repair the damage that jeremiah had done to the house, but they couldn’t fix what he’d done with marisol. 
he left through the back door, running through small streets until he was a good distance away from the jenkins’ residence. when he was, he resumed his usual path back to his own home. this time, when jeremiah crossed the street, he kept his eyes locked on the opposite side of the road. maybe, just maybe, hoping he would be hit this time.
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jennsutter · 9 years
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BLUE BLUE SKY [ family; togetherness. ]
Jared Sutter is 44 years old and is currently working at a construction company. He can be described as calm, intuitive yet distant, suppressed and looks similar to Mark Strong. [ NPC ] Isla Browning is 40 years old and is currently in an unknown location. She can be described as youthful, spontaneous yet selfish, emotional and looks similar to Yancy Butler. [ NPC ]
Isla Browning left school when she was sixteen, escaped her Devon town as soon as she could and shared a crummy flat in Exeter with three other girls. She’d convinced a nearby pub that she was eighteen to work as a barmaid and just started to live her life as that. She had two 'plans: wooing a rich gentleman who would bestow upon her a country house and money to spend or skip the man entirely and travel around the European continent. For now, she was just doing city life.    
Jared Sutter was born to a family prominent in Somerset’s dairy scene. There were two choices for him as a traditional Sutter lad: join the army or take over the farm. He did neither, simply because he didn’t think of either as a decent option. Initially he worked as a bodyguard until he got fired for going overboard. He agreed to resign without pay if no assault charges were pressed. The job centre sent him to Exeter for a university building being refurbished that needed more manpower. 
The year is 1992...almost. Exeter pub the Moody Duchess hosts its New Year’s event. Isla’s working an overnight shift, with a skimpy outfit and drunk—no, wasted—men clamouring and grabbing for her, also shouting crude things. She just serves them their drink, too thankful for the job. A crowd raids the only pub in its vicinity that isn’t packed. Among them, Jared Sutter and his coworkers celebrate a year of not being laid off. As more things get built, more lads get sent home. Jared’s glad he’s not one of them and celebrates that. They catch each other’s eye. A short conversation at the bar. A whisper into each other’s ears. Skin to skin in the bathroom. 
The year is 1993. This game is ridiculous. She’s been round to his crummy flat a few times, and he to hers. Sometimes, they try to meet up. Sometimes, no one shows up. They’ve known each only a year...but it feels longer. Yet they can’t make up their mind about what they are. It’s been a year. They need to know. The two never talk...it’s always silent intimacy. Isla marches into his flat, demanding a difference. It doesn’t come. Nine months later, it’s a baby girl. Isla is only nineteen. Jared doesn’t know what he’s doing with himself. His calloused hands turn soft at the cradle of his new world.           
The year is 1994. "I’m not leaving you or Jenn,” he says, knowing how many of his mates have just left their girlfriends to single motherhood. She cries a lot, Isla does. Jenn is too quiet. What Jared doesn’t know is that six months later, it’s Isla doing the walking out. He comes home to an eerily quiet house, thinking both his girls ar eout. Goes to fridge for his afternoon beer, and hears his daughter. There’s a note. 
—perhaps in another universe      
He demands to know where she is and goes to every single friend. They refuse to say. He doesn’t even know her parents. Did he know her at all? He tries not think about it, gets on with his life. It’s all he can do. 
The year is 2000...almost. Jenn doesn’t know why her strong quiet dad breaks down into tears at midnight.  
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alnwickrp · 9 years
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In honour of our Spring Event, we thought it would be a good idea to set a task for each of the events taking place around Alnwick!
You don’t have to do all the prompts, or any at all, it is optional, but it would be a great way to explore your character and it could be fun, so give it a go!
Blue Blue Sky: Blue blue sky is a celebration about togetherness. This task requires you to create something about people who your muse are close with. We suggest on making a family template or a graphic or a drable of your muse and their loved one(s) or anything else! Be creative with this as we don’t have any limits on how this one could be done.
For the Kids: In honour of the fun games in Alnwick, we would like you to write a memory about your character’s childhood in spring. Either it was a bad experience or a good one. It’s all up to you!
Moonlight and Music: Music is a way to express yourself, they say. For that, we would like you to make a playlist for your character. It doesn’t necessary be a playlist about your character, it could be a playlist about the type of music your characters likes to sing or dance to. We don’t require it to be on 8tracks and such. You could just make the post about the list of the songs.
After you finish a task, please tag them as #mumutask so the others could as well take a look on your character development.
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