winterfox26b · 5 months
Does anyone think that the banter lodge thing on twitter is a ARG because I think so.
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 9
Final book and no matter what people say I think the ending is great.
Now Emily is showing Ikol the consequences of his actions.
And now Emily is not listening to him any more.
Trellis giving up the crown to Gabilan feels right.
The masks that Ikol wears is not fooling Emily any More.
It’s amazing how Emily was able to save both Cora and Cala.
What Ronin did is amazing thinking about the future and not the past.
West is right on page 83
I agree with Ronin that there will always be darkness everywhere.
Emily right that Ikol has no control over her.
Emily right that the planets need to be in a better shape than they found them.
Page 114 and 115 show how much Emily change in the book series.
Who ever that robot is on Page 132 and 133 is right on Page 133 panel.
And again on Page 136
I had no idea this how Gadoa trees were planted like this.
I’m amazed that Navin was able to figure that out.
Emily now knows you true colors Ikol.
What Emily did on page 186 to 192 was powerful.
Trellis is right on Page 206.
What Emily said at end of the book felt vary powerful and amazing as well.
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 8
I got this book sign by the man himself.
I’m amazed that how Trellis did not recognize the older version of Emily.
If Trellis understood who he was speaking with he would understand what she said.
It’s nice to see the inside of Charon house again.
Trellis social anxiety is showing.
I think that Emily’s painful memory help her remember who she is.
Karen still can’t believe what is happening in her life.
I didn’t know why they were put on medical duty.
Makes sense that you don’t want your equipment to break.
I guess that Silas told the resistance of the shadows.
I wonder when the bike races Alyson talk about happened.
I’m also amazed that Emily didn’t recognize her older self early on.
Ikol’s servant seems not to like what the other stonekeepers are saying.
Emily is being a better stonekeeper then Silas was.
What old Emily said on Page 133 was vary powerful.
Ikol’s plan is starting to fall apart now.
Everything in the Daikon Family home seems so small and cute.
Page 156 and 157 feel cozy.
I think Ikol didn’t expect Emily to do what she did to him.
It’s nice to see everything so good at the end of the book.
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 7
It’s interesting how Emily gets ready for the day.
If you take a look at page 12 panel 3, the book that Trellis is reading is called memory walk.
Max must have trusted Emily with the location of Algos island.
A bit of foreshadowing from Cogsley.
I don’t know why Cogsley didn’t remember that Enzo and Rico were not on the ship.
I wonder how the submarine docks?
General Pil should have known that Navin was going to do that.
Pil should have expected that Riva would send people to find them.
I think that Ikol is the one bringing Emily to the camp.
I think that the war was supposed to start later but because the Cielis guard found the ship the war was started early.
Gabilan is right that Ikol is choosing Stonekeepers for there weakness.
I believe that the ship will activate if Ikol would win.
Ikol must have put the new information in the cube.
Ikol did not want young Trellis from knowing that truth.
Ikol probably is the one making the computer not find Emily and Trellis.
They look like chess pieces because that’s how Ikol sees them.
If you take a look at page 136 panel 4 you will see chess pieces on the gas pump mirror.
If you remember the first post you will know that the car’s engine die but the barrier was not damaged.
Emily’s Inerself knows something is not right.
I wonder how Earth was discovered by the space program.
Makes sense that the elf king tried to dismantle the space program since he is being control by an alien force.
Riva must have told the Cielis about the resistance bace in space so that Karen, Misikit and Leon can go there to help.
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 6
I think that the rest of the posts will be short, I don’t know yet.
The king’s servants looking down so that they won’t see the markings on his face.
I don’t know how other people didn’t know that something was wrong with the cloud’s as well.
I wonder who’s idea to make a giant cotton swab for the wax extraction device.
Why does Karen think that Emily and Navin will be the ones going down there with Navin said “They’re sending us, mom.”?
It’s too bad that we don’t get to see the colossus’s in action.
I’m amazed that really old when he said “Silas trusted me to guard this message as I was his best student.
Ikol was probably the one who manipulated the council into exiling Silas.
The shadows probably don’t like the smell of fish and that’s why the Elf’s can’t stand it as well.
I wonder why the resistance went to Lucien.
It’s nice that Navin still remembers his home world.
Why is the code just the second row?
Emily is that they were chosen because they the most vulnerable.
I don’t know why Patrick thought that the pipe was a good idea for Navin and Alyson. (but then again he is just a kid.)
I think that Ikol know that they were coming for him.
Max must have known about Algos island by Gabilan.
What happened on page: 196 to 199 seams like the proficiency that father Charles said.
It’s nice that Navin believes that Emily is going to Valcor to fight the elf king but it won’t be until the eighth book.
The others that left since the cloud searchers are now back!
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 5
Same thing for this one as well.
Ikol probably is the reason the Humans hate the Elves  no matter who they are.
It’s interesting that Kazu had put the reveals of Ikol true intentions near the beginning of the book.
I think that Ikol made Max the prince for the elves because of how loyal he is to him.
Max said “One of the last of his kind” meaning that there are more than just Chronos.
I think that trellis memory’s are slowly receiving when he found out that Luger was his brother that’s why he is seeing the younger version of himself.
I wonder what Max and Silas talked about?
Karen is a bit worried Navin safety in page: 61 panel: 7.
I think that the event being described in page: 63 happen recently.
I believe that the third seat is for the commander of the colossus.
I wonder how that viewing sphere works?
The planet in the distance is probably Typhon.
Ikol is dodging Emily’s questions because he is the one controlling the Elf king.
I think that Ikol wanted Vigo to have his stone.
Navin piloting skills are really amazing.
Going back to point five this is how interacting with his members.
I believe what really happened is that the young Trellis followed Virgil to the library not Luger.
When Trellis was younger he knew something was wrong with his father and he had Virgil’s help with figuring out what happened.
I believe that Ikol appeared out of Max stone to show Emily that he is behind everything that happened.
I wonder how they put the spare engine on the ship.
Emily clearing the chess board is foreshadowing that Emily will not play by Ikol’s rules.
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 4
This on will be a bit short then the last one guys.
Ikol is waiting for Max to get the Motherstone.
Of course Luger and Trellis are going in different planes. Max is working with the elf king.
At the academy he separates Leon, Enzo and Rico from Emily, Navin and Karen.
Of course Max would not show Emily the council because they don’t exist.
Navin knows something is up in Cielis.
Why doesn’t Karen know something is wrong.
Leon knows something is up with the city.
Alyson knows how to stand up for her self.
I don’t know why that Misikit and Cogsley don’t know who Vigo is.
Destroying the Motherstone was a cover for why Silas really got exiled.
I’m happy that Vigo is helping Misikit and Cogsley.
Max separated Emily from her family to use them as a Bergen chip.
Max made the school a bit ordinary and a bit suspicious for Emily.
I think that the bullies are suppose to be the bullies who hurt Max. That’s why they died first.
Emily seeing the colossus foreshadowing them in the next book.
Why did’t the guy in the prison with Alyson parents realize that the elf’s were not bad and are trying to help.
I Think that the puzzle only if the person is alive that’s why it didn’t work on Ronin.
I think that Ikol told Emily about the hall of kings so that she knows that the fight has only just begun.
I’m amazed that Vigo kept his composer when he saw Max again, but not Max.
Navin saying that Emily is not alone is pretty powerful.
Its never stated that Ronin was dead.
The memorial for the fallen stonekeeper is vary beautiful in a very sad way.
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet Re-read: book 3
I was able to read book 9 of the Amulet and I thought it ended very good note. Anyway here’s book 3 for you guys.
When you lose control of the stone you are trying to regain control. One you do it damaging you physically and mentally.
The only what’s them them back to kill Trellis not because he failed but because he know’s too much.
I think that the reason that Trellis is helping Luger is because he is remember who Luger is.
The king is trying to kill Emily because he can’t control her and in previous book’s he was trying to control her.
When Gabilan said “When I king.” He want’s to help the Elf’s with wast’s happening to them.
I wonder how much Karen got use to Alledia.
Karen is right abut the alien planet.
Karen thinks that Leon should not be trust.
So Cogsley and Silas both built the house.
I’m interested on why Misikit not know that Silas was looking for Cielis?
Navin likes the airship plan.
Karen is right that Its a bar.
Enzo being happy that there is a map to Cielis.
Nice misdirection there.
Trellis is telling the truth about the king.
Emily is right Misikit.
Ikol is happy that Emily is using the stone again.
That is a bit of an overkill.
Another nice misdirection two for two.
Trellis to the rescue.
Emily can save her self Karen, in the future.
That is what you think Emily.
“He is not my son.” No but you are brothers.
Those two elves know that they are very screwed for not capturing Trellis.
Ikol showing that Emily can always return to Earth and nothing is forcing her not too.
The goblet cycle does seem like the best place to put Cielis at.
Cogsley is right Enzo Navin is destined for great things.
More training from Leon.
Of course Cogsley eats oil.
You where sleeping ok Enzo.
Karen doing some old school dry cleaning on the sheets.
It’s probably because you’re near there nest that’s why they are attacking.
I wonder what to gun was supposed to shoot.
That’s a good place to use what you have learned from Leon, Emily.
Don’t worry Emily you will learn how to fly in the future.
Don’t worry Emily you will be able to find them again eventually.
Selina probably doesn’t believe Enzo.
Navin is right Karen, It’s not like that.
“A stone is not known to survive without a keeper” sounds like a parasite that you are describing Luger.
Enzo knows his priorities.
The sky eels look amazing.
The auto pilot is having a hard time with the wheel.
Navin to the rescue.
Enzo is a bit impressed by Navin piloting skills.
The puzzle makes if it’s for a stonekeeper.
Gabilan is really happy because he is going to kill the guardian council.
Gabilan sounds very happy that he took Luger memories.
Gabilan is right that the stone has its own agenda.
Now knowing about book 4 when max comes its feels really deferent.
Cielis looks very pretty in the air.
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winterfox26b · 8 months
Amulet Re-read: book 2
Hi it’s me again. We will be doing book 2 I hope you enjoy it.
The Elf king not only is he mad at Trellis for not bringing Emily to him, but also Sybrian being dead and Emily not killing him.
I think I know why Luger is so tough on Trellis, but wait until the next post.
Navin must amazed that Cogsley ask him to pilot the house.
Ikol sending the Elf army to capture Emily as well as him waning her to prepare for battle, so that he can control her more easily.
I wonder how Silas got passport’s for the kids.
Silas must have asked Leon to protect and train her, that’s why stop that elf soldier from going after them.
Ikol having the Elf king ordering the elves to take land form the farmers so that a revolution can happen and when it’s done his people can take the land for them selves.
Leon is smart by calling him self a bounty hunter so the elf’s won’t suspect a thing.
What was so obvious that the guy was turning into a slug Doctor Weston?
I think that Ikol did some thing to Silas memory’s to prevent Misikit from learning that Leon is a good guy, probably when Silas was transferring his memory’s to him.
Luger seeing up a cannon to destroy the hospital so that the resistance can stop the elf king, all part of Ikol’s plan.
Misikit going with Leon and Emily because he still not trust Leon.
Emily jumping way high is foreshadowing for something in book 8.
“So easy, isn’t it?” Ikol been trying to take control of Emily since book 2.
Ikol must be the one that preventing Emily from removing the stone not the magic form the stone
Silas must have help make the resistance with the true purpose destroying the real enamy.
Father Adler must have saw the future in which Silas great-grandchildren to bring peace to Alledia.
You have no idea how powerful she will be Luger.
Ikol killing Emily serve two purpose. To eliminations Emily if she doesn't him and try to control her more easily.
Emily doesn’t know how to use a sword that’s why she use a stick.
I think Leon is right that in the end Emily will be helping everyone.
I wonder how the bugs got in the seed.
Ikol is happy that Emily is using the stone so he can try and control her.
I think I know why the elves don’t like the smell of fish, but wait until we do book 6.
It’s nice that Cogsley has a hobby.
I think the stones took control over the stonekeepers it was an experiment by Ikol to try and control them.
I think the elf king was the prefect host for Ikol. That’s why his stone came back.
That was an interesting test that Emily took.
Emily getting more powerful and more as the book’s go on.
I think I know why the Elf king sends his men to get   the healing fruits of the Gadoba tree’s to heal his body and to get the elf army angry at trees so that they will kill them so that the Gadoba trees can’t reviled the real invasion.
Emily trusting her friends and family is some thing Ikol will never understand. She only doing it for her family.
Emily is much more stronger then you think Ikol.
I think that Ikol made Luger lose control over his stone to force Emily to do the same to stop him.
Navin to the rescue.
Using the stone’s power on the house and having Navin fight Luger with the house was some thing Ikol did not expect.
Your mom is ok Emily.
I wonder how Emily got the impression that she can’t go home.
I’m a bit curious what Navin told there mom.
Silas must have made his machine’s to rebuild them themselves to some extent.
This is your new life Karen get use to it.
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winterfox26b · 8 months
Amulet Re-read: book 1
Hi there this is a quick recap of what I notice and my thought about when re-reading the books for book 9. This one will be about book 1.
Pay close attention to the car and the man in the prologue on page 4 panel 4 and 6, it will be important for book 7.
Silas must had have Misikit delivered his stone to his home back on Earth, and left the portal to Alledia open until Emily gone through the portal. That’s why Trellis, Sybrian and the Arachopod can come and go from Alledia to Earth.
I think that Ikol knew that Silas sent his stone to Earth for Emily, and in response he sent Trellis and Sybrian to turn her to his side.
On page 33 panel’s 1,2 and 3 Navin never tied Emily’s stone. It did it by its self.
I wonder how long they’re stuff was at Silas home on Earth. don’t how they can bring there stuff over to Alledia.
Navin was right not trust the voice.
I think that Trellis weird moth on page 76 panel 8 is because of Sybrian.
Silas said alternate version of Earth not parallel.
“But what if told you this power would allow you to turn back time.” foreshadowing.
Silas knows that the voice is not to be trusted but he tell’s Emily to trust why, because I don’t think he meant Ikol he meant trust the voice in your heart, do what you fell is right.
Ikol telling Emily to accept the stone’s power so that he can control her more easily.
The Albatross controls looking like a video game foreshadowing Navin being a pilot in the future.
Why did’t Misikit check to see if there was tranquilizer’s in the box?
“I’ll come back for you. I promise.” It might be the hardest decision that Emily made in this book.
I think that Ikol wants to replace the elf king with Trellis because he needs a new body.
“Fear. No more fear. Just focus” The greatest moment in the book.
Emily ignoring what Ikol is saying and not killing Trellis was not what he expected her to do, he needs him dead because he is no longer under his infusions and that he know’s abut the invasion.
Ikol choking Emily with her stone because she did not kill Trellis.
The Charnon house moving was a great way to end the book.
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