#mun equinox echoes
themeowsticvigilante · 11 months
... All Systems Rebooting ...
Well well, I rise from the grave yet again. Yeah I was, kind of gone for a while here and a lot has happened since then. Anyways, how has everyone been doing? Planning to make a return here soon. Don't know exactly when but I'll definitely do so.
Since I've been gone just wanted to see whoever is still active here.
Please leave a reply or a reblog if you're an active Pokeask blog. Newcomers are also welcome! Would love to meet new people coming in.
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Hi hi, how's it going? Mun here and I greatly apologize for a few things mainly for being silent and flooding this blog with ooc posts. (Work schedule's a good one this time around so I can answer some asks and do some blog cleaning for once!)
So anyways I've been thinking of doing something just so this blog has some sort of written content. Every munday (and Wednesday for Worldbuilding Wednesday) , I'm gonna be posting lore tidbits about a certain thing in my own Sinnoh headcanon. Each given day will discuss a different thing entirely. Would y'all be fine be that? Just lemme know in the replies and such if you wanna give your thoughts about it.
On another note, I should also be doing an ask call come weekends so I can go on another asking spree again. With that being said, hope you all have a good time!
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Heya! How's everyone doing? You are probably seeing this way more than actual posts but I promise this is the last time in a while. I just wanna give you all an update since things have been radio silent from me.
So yeah for the meantime, I'll be stopping story posts in this blog for a while to make way for the new askblog I'm gonna be opening up soon. Still gonna do the event and munday stuff but for now, no new stories.
That being said, gonna open an ask call soon because it has been a while since I sent some asks so I figured I wanna change that too. Anyways, that's it for now. I'm looking forward to writing new stories with a fresh set of characters!
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Update + Blog Roadmap
Hey everyone! I'm sorta kinda back. Been doing better compared to last time and I do greatly appreciate the kind words while I was lurking and all that jazz. Can't thank y'all enough really.
Anyways, the new story post was up for about a week and I'm gonna be finishing off the few asks I've got soon. Might need more depending on the details.
Also, I guess I can share my Blog Roadmap which is essentially just a timeline of the future story stuff that I'll be posting.
[Intermission 7] This is the latest story post to give a bit of context
Intermission 8 & 9- Next part of the story I'm aiming to be done just before October ends. Cookie Run has been eating my would be time to write stuff
Next Installment of the Tales from the Sinnohans miniseries - So remember that poll I did? Well, Cresselia & Darkrai won so Expect me to be introducing another deity mon (well a few) sometime in early November. Don't worry though, Jirachi and Giratina will be next in line though it might have to be next year for their introduction.
Intermission 10 - I'll aim to finish and post shortly after the miniseries ends.
and that's the stuff I'm aiming to finish for now. Hope y'all have a good day or evening.
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Update (Semi-Hiatus)
And that ends our Sinnohan Tales Arc! I would like to thank everyone with the support so far (seriously though thank you so much! I'm glad y'all love my ideas for Sinnoh legendaries) for this and I'm surely going to do another poll for a different legendary next time.
That being said, of course this isn't the last time you will see Orpheum. He will surely appear in a future story update.
Also, I may have to lay low for now. Call it a semi-hiatus if you will. I'm just going to make some ask calls (Of course I have to give asks to those who interacted during the event just bear with me ^^"), do some blog cleaning and finally finish some owed stories that I desperately need to be done asap. I may also post some filler stories in between if I have the time.
So yeah ... I am aiming to finish all of the owed stories by June so that I can post some story updates again at that time.
With that being said, hope y'all have a nice day/evening!
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Hey hey how’s everyone doing? Been a while since I’ve done a blog patch notes and such ... Anyways, the event is coming to a close so figured I’ll share some upcoming stuff now. Such as:
- Gonna wrap up the Event plot going on (might take a few days after said event ends cause there’s quite a lot of interactions I have to go through)
- After that, I’ll be doing an ask call around March.
- I’ll finally start that mini-ask event I’ve been trying to do. Expect to see it within the first week of March.
- I’ll finally work on those giveaway prizes. (Sorry for the winners, I will finish it as soon as I can.)
- As for the second half of March, expect to have a continuation of the main story.
And that’s about it. Hope everyone has a great day/evening at wherever you may be. 
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