#mun is suffering from a bit of sleep deprivation
runesanddeath-a · 4 years
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╳┊ The Mun’s Interpretation  II  accepting ┊╳
hey thanks for sending the meme ! i really appreciate the chance that I can get to talk about my little shit – - I mean Jace. 
So as it states in my rules, I mostly write Jace in book canon as much as possible, however, because of how stories go, not every story from each character can be told. 
One headcanon in particular that i touched upon but never actually got to go into detail;                 PTSD. 
Because i am a nice person, i am putting a read more sign on the bottom because it contains SPOILERS & possible Triggers for people. Just a heads up, this might get a little messy, because it also pisses me off at the same time that all of this shit happens to him… but here we go:
Cassandra Clare & even the TV show shadowhunters actually did a pretty good job showing this a little, such as with his deprived sleeping habits, the inability to eat food and the willingness to try and kill himself if he can 
                ( ex; allowing Simon who was recovering from his blood being                Drained by Valentine & allowing him to almost drain his own                 then stating “I would have let you drank all of it”. which means                             He was willing to allow Simon to kill him. )
Now to further explain why my character is a bit darker then you would read in the books or even see in the show for is that, JACE IS VERY DEPRESSED. he HATES himself to the point where he is willing to die for being WHO he is. he does not believe he CAN OR EVEN SHOULD be LOVED. Part of him wishes to die in battle, because he wants to make up for the fact that he is lacking his own self worth – - almost to try and purify himself. He may come across as COCKY and a Know-it-All. but after what happened to him, can you blame him from being traumatized by PTSD?
                                              MILD SPOILERS: 
Let’s begin with the fact that Valentine tricked him from the very start into thinking he’s his father. He raised this child, who btw he tour from a dying mother who he may or may not have tried to kill & raised him as his own teaching him how to KILL and be a SOLDIER. he even fricken’ killed his precious hawk that he ordered Jace to “Train” but because the Hawk ended up LOVING JACE, he snapped that Hawk’s neck and forced Jace to bury him. TEACHING HIM that TO LOVE IS TO DESTROY AND TO BE LOVED IS TO BE THE ONE DESTROYED. Also, let’s not forget, Valentine, also faked his own death and let a CHILD WHO IS BARELY 10 years of age, to SEE that said father’s throat SLIT in front of his eyes, then sent to a place where he’s never been before. Valentine also fucked with CLACE (which pissed me of to no end ) by making him THINK the girl he loves is his sister. 
I am going to be stopping there in regards to Valentine, because we can be here all day of me explain just how bad of a father he was to Jace. JUST AN FYI what i stated barely covers the fucked up shit that happened on the shitty things Valentine has done to Jace. 
                                           Now onto what happened during the war:
Jace dies, by Valentines hands, but then comes back to life because Clary wishes him to be alive by the ANGEL Raziel. What happened next is the fact that he was tormented for weeks almost months by nightmares of killing those he loved — - namely CLARY causing him to avoid sleeping and speaking to her. Because of all of this, he also stopped eating and visibly lost weight. We later find out that the this is happening because of Lilith, who then marks him to be controlled by Sebastian (  AKA the real Jonathan Morgenstern ). Now here is the real kicker. Jace reveals, when he temperately has control over his own mind, that it was HIM WHO CAME UP WITH THE IDEA of making DARK MORTAL CUP that mind controls SHADOWHUNTERS into turning dark. 
Now I know what you are all are thinking, wow it sucks right? can’t be much worse? nope. it is. Clary STABS him with the heavenly blade, giving him control of his mind back and also giving him the ability to control the heavenly flames ( which he doesn’t actually know how to control ) and now here the poor kid barely has time to deal with what’s happened to him, and has to fight in a war to stop Sebastian. 
Long story short, they succeed, but her is the kicker; in order to WIN, he had to let all of the “Tainted” shadowhunters die, because there is no cure for what has happened to them. 
Now in the novels, WHICH PISSES ME OFF TO NO END; he goes on to be happy with Clary and the two eventually might be ending up engaged while helping Alec to run the institute.     **COUGH COUGH**   sorry i will stop with the spoilers there.
My headcanon is for that Jace suffers from various forms of PTSD. For Example, he might not be sleeping properly for days on end, while other times he will push those he loves away, by either not talking to them OR simply barely speaking a word. He gets into fights, especially with random demons, though he tends to help more downworlders now then he used to. 
                                            He is reckless in his behavior still – - maybe even worse. 
He is angry at himself and at the world for what has happened to him and he WANTS to be alright, but is unsure of what is RIGHT & what is WRONG at times. 
I really could go on & on about this topic for him. but i think i made whomever read this far read to much already. so i am going to stop here. but i will be sure to continue explaining this topic to anyone who wants to listen. 
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Michael Gao- Accepted
Mun Info:
Name- Bon
Age- 24
Pronouns- they/them
Time Zone- GMT +1
Discord- Bone Daddy#1076
Ic Info:
Character’s name- Michael Gao
Age- 19
Gender/pronouns- Male (afab), he/him
Species- Vampire
Physical description-
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6'4", dark brown monolid eyes, natural raven curls, and a pronounced nose and cheekbones, Michael stands out in a crowd whether he tries to do so or not. While he looks like the type of person who’d be thin and bony under that big coat of his, he has quite a bit of muscle on his upper body. The most noticable thing about him is the limp, and the cane in his hand to support him. He lost half his right leg in a train accident when he was very young, so he uses a prosthetic to get around. He always wears black, and often wears a wide brim hat to hide his skin from the sun. Lastly, he has 3 sharp fangs instead of the traditional 2.
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Personality description- 
Michael is an unpleasant person that you would probably do better just avoiding altogether. He has nothing kind to say to anyone, and can even be curt and unpleasant with his fellow goths. He sees humans as nothing but a food source, and all other monsters as a pain in the neck. As a vampire he is drawn to sin, especially wrath and gluttony, and most of his victims are… well, victims, of it. He prefers to be on his own and often stays quiet and out of people’s business, but at the same time, he does love a good old confrontation…
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Michael was born a vampire, but grew up alongside the other goths of South Park while pretending to be a human just like anybody else. While his dad, who also was a vampire, was there with him when he was a kid and helped keeping him somewhat in check (without his mother finding out), he divorced her when Michael was around 14 years old. Michael was left alone with her and his two step-siblings, who were always really transphobic. Once his father was out of the picture, it didn’t last long before Michael just simply got rid of them. Ever since then, Michael became unhinged, giving in to his urges and constant hunger. He has several victims in his tow, and has absolutely no qualms about taking human lives… or others, if they present themselves.
Some facts about his species:
Limitations: He cannot be in the sun at all without some kind of protection, or he will burn, and eventually, catch on fire. Be it covering clothes, or maybe some special kind of sunscreen for vampires, he needs it, or he will die. He can be killed by stakes as well. He cannot enter any building without being invited inside, so be careful with letting him into your house. If he enters anyway, he’ll start bleeding out of his nose and eyes, and eventually mouth, and won’t stop bleeding out until you say that he’s invited in. Not so much a limitation, but he can’t consume food. He will throw it up later again. Liquid usually goes down alright, but he doesn’t have much interest in the taste at all. He also has no reflection, and can’t be caught on camera or video.
Strengths: He is cold to the touch, has no heart beat, and has enhanced senses, such as smelling and hearing, and the ability to see in the dark. He possesses inhuman strength, speed, and the ability to walk on walls and ceilings, as well as the power to regenerate. Emphasis on power, it is a technique he had to perfect. He cannot fly, nor transform into anything. 
Head cannons-
Michael lost his leg when he was in a train accident, after he got stuck on the tracks and was unable to get out of the way of the train that came rushing towards him. Only 8 years old, he was unable to regenerate a whole leg, and is therefore without one today. His time in the hospital was a difficult one, and he turned to the gothic subculture as a way to cope after the trauma. It was just the beginning of how he met the goths and they formed their odd little clique. 
He is not nocturnal. If anything, Michael barely sleeps at all. Plagued by nightmares from the incident when he was little, he suffers from both insomnia and sleep paralysis. It adds to the aesthetic of being undead to look completely sleep deprived at all times.
Michael’s mother is from Northern China, and frequently speaks Mandarin with Michael when they are alone. They are very close, which surprises even Michael, because she isn’t aware of his true identity. He doesn’t know how he hasn’t killed her yet, and he is honestly nervous about the day he might do so. 
Michael absolutely hates stupid jokes, puns and memes, and is a bit unaware of how to speak in a relaxed manner online. He really doesn’t give a shit though either, so you will most likely just see him begrudgingly complain about your shitty humour. Memeing a lot is a surefire way to make him hate you.
Michael is married to being goth, and will judge and school you if your tastes don’t match up with what he considers right…. and if you do like his favourite bands and styles, you are totally just being a poseur, and you need to check yourself. He is very much a gatekeeper, and believes that he knows better than anyone else. As a vampire, he also absolutely rejects you any kind of respect if you are not one as well. His actual relationship with the goths is… complicated. But he keeps those feelings to himself.
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)- 
At peace:
“Pete, how many times do I have to tell you? I don’t want to be in your lame selfies.”
Pushing the other’s phone away from himself, Michael gave Pete his usual glare like he always did when he tried to snap a photo of him. It had been around ten years, and he just never learned that Michael hated to be on camera. He claimed it was conformist, but… He was a bit too stubborn about it for it to be believable. Maybe he just didn’t look good in photos..? It was hard to believe, as he was rather vain.
Michael leaned back on his bed with a frown, a cigarette stuck between his lips like always. Just like Henrietta, he didn’t care about the consequences of smoking indoors. He might’ve done so before his snake passed away, but now… he just never got a new one. His prosthetic was put aside next to his bed, which it always was when he was at home, and Sisters of Mercy was playing through a speaker he had connected his smartphone to.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” He asked, looking over at the pile of books that Pete had pulled out to have a look at. Michael had gathered so much stuff throughout the years, that he was certain that he’d find some things he didn’t even remember that he had by now.
Who even hung around an abandoned factory? Michael would have assumed that some kid might play around among the junk, but Even then, it would just be too dangerous for them to be there. That’s why luring his victim there was the best possible option. No on around, and easy to hide if need be.
But during the middle of Michael’s oh so fancy dinner, a stranger did happen to see the vampire feast in what he believed was solitude. Down on his knees, he had carelessly ripped open a man’s throat, and was greedily pressing his lips against the open wound, blood spilling everywhere as he tried to reach as much as he could with his tongue. He had long ago stopped caring about making a clean wound, with his abnormal teeth, it was just not going to happen.
That’s why when he raised his head and met Butters’ eyes, his chin, all the way down to the base of his throat, were coloured crimson red.
It only took him a second to leap at Butters, pinning him against the ground and pushing his head to the side, exposing the boy’s neck. With fresh blood still dripping from his tongue, busy licking his lips in a half-hearted attempt to clean himself up, Michael was still high on adrenaline. The fresh blood made him want more, and that really was the curse wasn’t it? Once he got a taste, he wouldn’t stop until he was satisfied. And his need for that satisfaction was immense.
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