monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
are you accepting OC’s currently?
We are not. The only OC we will eventually open up is New Kid from the game series. But they will not be open until we have more main characters.
-mod k
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
hey guys, 
we’ve been getting a lot of apps for werewolf characters recently. unfortunately we’re going to be putting a small ban on any further werewolves joining. we really want the group to be diverse full of unique monsters. so for the time being apps that have werewolf muses wont be accepted until further notice. thank you!
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
Clyde Donovan: Accepted
Mun Info:
Name- Kate
Age- 25
Pronouns- She/Her
Time Zone-  PST
Discord- CarterRose#3995
Ic Info:
Character’s name- Clyde
Age- 17
Gender/pronouns- Male He/Him
Species- Werewolf
Physical description:  
Messy, thick chestnut brown hair that he rarely cuts. Usually it just lays on his head going in whatever direction it feels Rarely brushed. In the rare moments he does cut it, it usually ends up spiking up a bit due to his refusal to brush it, his eyes are wide and covered with a shade of emerald green. Thick looking lashes to complement them.
He’s athletic, yet still is on the chubby side to give him a kind of baby face. He’s about 5'10 in height without shoes on. Usually goes around with a big smile on his face, unless he’s crying.Head is more of an oval shape that gives the more baby face appearance to him. Has crooked teeth due to not taking good enough care of them, he never went to the dentist to get this fixed. Freckles litter his nose and cheeks, usually more obvious during the summer.  Has a Cafe-au-lait birthmark on his right shoulder and one testicle. There are a couple scars that mark on his side and on his face from accidents as a kid. He almost never takes off his Letterman jacket and usually wears a white or black shirt under it. If not one of those two, than a shirt that has some form of meme. Jeans are his pants of choice along with a pair of clean looking vans since he switches his shoes out for new ones whenever they get dirty.
Personality description-  Has a pretty relaxed attitude about everything that happens, especially when it comes to the weird things that seem to occur as he considers them to be normal for the town. So he barely gives it a second thought. He can be very trusting of others, even going as far as to trust Cartman from time to time. He loves to do things that he considers to be fun, even when dangerous. Very short attention span as he can jump from topic to topic quickly or space out during a conversation. There are rare moments where he will get angry and even this will surprise himself.  Though, he can also be overly sensitive, he can get stressed quickly in certain circumstances. Especially when arguments arise. He rather deal with things peacefully rather than violently. But on occasion, if the situation requires it, he will jump into a fight. Especially when he feels his friends need help. He’ll stand up for them regardless of how he feels about it. He can also be extremely gullible and fall for the smallest lies that someone tells him. Can also be a major cry baby when it comes to certain topics of things that happen and has the tenancy to just break down into tears. 
Background (one paragraph, please include information on their species if they are not human)-
April 10th at 3:00Am, Clydes mother gave birth to him in the back of her husband’s van. An entire month earlier than they were expecting to have him. He was born 17 inches long and 5.5 pounds. After a quick trip to the hospital for them to look over clyde, he was finally taken home. From there, they raised him as well as they could. Teaching him right and wrong throughout his younger life.
Starting in preschool and Kindergarten, He was already being perceived as a cry baby by the other students, crying at almost everything that happened. This was also around the time he had met some of his closest friends. Playing and doing stupidly reckless kids stuff with whoever he felt like hanging around with that day. 
Around the age of 5 he had gotten a colostomy and had to wear a bag from that point on. This was kept a secret by him until his guidance counselor in elementary school decided to announce it over the loud speaker for all the students to hear. Elementary was also when he started getting into dating girls such as Bebe Stevens and reading porn magazines. Around this time, Clyde was also bitten by a werewolf. It took him a while to adjust to this, and he still doesn’t have a full handle on when he chances forms. It hurts a lot and he’s afraid of hurting those he cares about. On top of that, he tends to take on the habits of a puppy when he’s in his human form, and can be very protective of those he cares about.
During the time of his mothers death, Clyde’s dad decided it would be better for him to see a therapist to help him cope with the fact he accidentally and unintentionally caused his own mothers death. He goes to see the therapist at least once a week during this time.
During middle school Clyde started getting more serious into sports and this was also when his voice started changing in the funniest way. His face would always be broken out as well. He never speaks of these years that much. Around when he started high school he would get more out there in the dating scene and improving on his sex life. you know, despite the fact he’s been a werewolf most of his life, he really just wants to try and live his life normally and try his hardest to keep up with his social life. Partying when he can and just being a hoe. He is always getting himself into more dangerous situations, just from doing his own stupid stunts. His dad never let him attempt to get a driver’s license yet during this age and to this day he still has no drivers license. He does however still play in basketball, giving up football his junior year. 
Head cannons (three-five)- -He quit therapy at the start of senior -One of his hobbies is dirt biking. Though he doesn’t do this as often as he’d like  -Willing to do over the top crazy stunts just for a rush of adrenaline, no matter how dangerous  -He actually keeps the green goo from the stick of truth game in his dad’s basement. He’s yet to tell anyone about it  -Can be pretty stupid on more than a few occasions  -/LOVES/ Tacos and also enjoys hot wings and any other kind of fast food  -He has a kitten named Chalupa  -He tends to be extremely gullible, believing things if he doesn’t know any better. Unless it involves the people he’s closest too, then he’ll most likely dismiss whatever was said as false.  -His older sister’s name is Bonnie 
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)-  It had been far too long since he was last here, the air still felt the same as he entered into the place he’d been avoiding for months. It was always so heartwrenching to visit, but, it also gave more closure since it happened. The air felt so cold today, the fallen snow surrounding the gray colored gravestone, almost covering the worlds ‘here lies Betsy Donovan’ Green eyes were foused on it for the longest time before-  FUCK  There it is, he couldn’t fight back those tears anymore, they overwhelmed him. Upon arrival he collapsed to his knees and stared at the snow covered gravestone in front of him. It’d been 2 years. It shouldn’t hurt this much still, should it? The ache in his chest, the tears that burned to fall down his face. God, he felt like such a wuss. “H-Hey mom. I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while. You know.. I just.. I started teaching kids basketball this year. The kids have been great listeners and learners” He said as he sniffled, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his jacket. More sobs were choked back as he searched for more to say.  “Dad has been doing pretty good too, his new girlfriend has been keeping him company, but i think he does still miss you.“ “Mom.. I wish I could take everything back.. we could be like before. I know I shouldn’t still hurt this much but.. oh god.. I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry!” He cried out, giving into all his emotions before finally collapsing face down on the ground.  Some would say ghosts aren’t real, but that day, as he cried there in the snow, he could almost feel the arms of someone wrapped around him in a hug. The familiar embrace of someone he loved who was long gone forever.
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
Ryan Ellis-Accepted
Mun Info: Name- Mily Age- 23 Pronouns-They/Them Time Zone- US central standard.
Discord- milybird#2636
Ic Info: Character’s name- Ryan Ellis
Age- 18
Gender/pronouns- He/Him pronouns. AFAB- Assigned Female At Birth however, identifies more as Gender Apathetic, doesn’t care for gender roles. However, prefers to present as cis male to strangers.
Species- Human
Physical description (one paragraph)- He is 5’8, lanky, about 120lbs so average weight. Very pale. Light brown freckles dust his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He has silvery blue eyes. Hair is naturally a murky brown color, but he dyes it white/silver.
He changes his hair color up a lot with temp dyes. He wore his fangs so much as a child it made his teeth crooked, his lateral incisors are quite a bit shorter than his two front teeth (central incisors), which is pretty comical looking when he does wear his fangs (unadvisedly from his dentist mind you), his left lateral incisor is chipped from a fight with his older brother.
He also wears an invisiline retainer when his fangs aren’t in. More teeth facts! He actually tried to file his canines as a kid so he wouldn’t have to wear the plastics? So, his canines are sharper than average and a little longer than his lateral incisors.
Personality description (one paragraph)- Ryan is an ENFJ almost to a fault. Highly principled, and charismatic. He relates easily to others and is very idealistic. He doesn’t get caught up in small unpleasantries too often unless he’s in some kind of funk due to dysphoria.
ENFJs radiate authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. They find it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in person, and their Intuitive (N) trait helps people with the ENFJ personality type to reach every mind, be it through facts and logic or raw emotion.
The interest ENFJs have in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when they believe in someone, they can become too involved in the other person’s problems, place too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as ENFJs’ altruism and authenticity inspire those they care about to become better themselves. But if they aren’t careful, they can overextend their optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they’re ready or willing to go.
ENFJs are vulnerable to another snare as well: they have a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing their own feelings, but if they get too caught up in another person’s plight, they can develop a sort of emotional hypochondria, seeing other people’s problems in themselves, trying to fix something in themselves that isn’t wrong.
Background (one paragraph, please include information on their species if they are not human)- Ryan never had an abusive home or anything like that, however, his parents never paid much mind to him at all. They were pretty neglectful and favored Ryan’s older brother over him. This attributes a lot of Ryan’s Demi feelings as well as his urgency for a sense of belonging among peers. Also explaining his habitual tendency to follow rather than lead and why his Instagram fame is so important to him.
He wants to feel like he is recognized and remembered by others where he was forgotten by his parents. He and his older brother don’t get along at all and often fought. His sibling enjoyed shoving it in Ryan’s face that their parents bought him this or that, or took him out to dinner without bringing Ryan which often sparked fights. The fights were the only time Ryan ever really got spoken to by his parents, but negative attention was better than none. Growing up in an environment like this forced Ryan to mature quickly as well as learn basic skills such as cooking for himself, sewing, things of the like.
Head cannons (three-five)-
1.) Ryan believes he is a psy vampire due to the way he would drain his parents’ energy when he walked in the room or spoke to them. That was easier than accepting that they just didn’t want to be around or deal with him.
2.) Because of his neglect at the hands of his parents Ryan often times has episodes of depersonalization. These episodes cause him great turmoil in which he fears he may not exist to people at all. It can be triggered by being ignored, among other things.
3.) Ryan is in love with crystals. He believes they have power over certain things and he loves collecting them. He’s a vampire, who is pagan-revivalist AKA a Wiccan.
4.) Ryan can sing very well. He’s an Alto/Soprano And has a very melodic tone to his voice. Very indie rock and soulful.
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)- Excerpt from a roleplay:
Ryan stepped back a bit as the door was open, but the moment he laid eyes on Vampir it was very evident he was not a member of the undead. The blood in his veins could not have been cold because upon gazing at his taller companion his pale cheeks turned a bright hue of red. His mouth dropped open slightly and his eyes filled with stars. He held the expression of an awestruck person, someone who had very clearly just seen something—someone indescribably beautiful.
He cleared his throat dropping his gaze as he realized he was being incredibly awkward. Usually he was so smooth, he knew just what to say and how to say it, but around Vampir he always fumbled. It was like he was an awkward twelve year old again. It was both refreshing and annoying.
“Y-you look amazing—er beautiful I mean—really pretty.” He fumbled out smiling up at his friend bashfully. He chewed on his lower lip nervously and nodded. “It’s been a while—yeah I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to go out with me!” A pause, a deeper blush. “I mean—! Not like out with me as in like you and I going out like on a date…like I mean you and I going out for dinner—for your birthday!!! Um—here I got you something.”
Jesus fuck, that was embarrassing. He word vomited all over the place. He wanted to smack himself in the forehead for making things unnecessarily awkward. Shifting his hands out from behind his back he presented the lavender colored rose with a sheepish grin before also presenting the small black box. “Happy birthday Vampir.” He stated sweetly.
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
Bridon Gueermo-Accepted
Mun Info:
Name: Swifty
Age: 21+
Pronouns: Any
Time Zone: US Central
Discord: Swifty#8662
Ic Info:
Character’s name: Bridon Gueermo
Age: 16
Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him
Species: Werewolf
Physical description: Bridon is 5'7” and 145 lbs, his body very fit. Brown hair and hazel eyes; he has a few small beauty marks on his face, one on his upper lip, and another near the corner of his mouth. Tan despite his living conditions. He’s almost never seen smiling with his teeth. He takes on a werewolf form that looks like a normal, yet slightly bigger, wolf.
Personality description: Bridon listens more than he talks, which makes it easy to pick up and remember things. He’s very hard working and works for what he wants and needs, and hates asking for help. Very tidy and a perfectionist. He’s the walking embodiment of a Virgo, really. However, he’s a fighter thanks to his dad, but will never throw the first punch.
Background: Bridon was born a werewolf, and was never good at controlling it at a young age. After Bridon’s mother stood up to his father, the abuse only got worse. Bridon kept it quiet, and toughed through it, fighting when he could, and hiding other times. Just a year later, the family ended up moving and traveling around, so making and keeping friends was very much impossible. He still kept in contact with some people, but after so long, he stopped. He perused basketball for a long while, but in private still, mostly playing in the park with others. It was when his mom fell ill while Bridon was in high school that they returned to South Park, and kept a low profile. By this time, he’s learned how to control his werewolf form.
Head cannons:
-Absolutely refuses to be seen in his werewolf form by anyone at all
-Grows to not hate dancing thanks to an ex girlfriend, but he prefers to do it on his own terms
-Doesn’t go home unless his mom is there, so he can often be found wandering the streets, under mall, or forests
-Very active to keep his figure and frequently overdoes it
Sample roleplay:
He keeps low to the ground, amber eyes scanning the area to check for anyone guarding with a gun, or even guard dogs. But it’s silent, the cattle fast asleep- he’s downwind, unable to be detected. With a hollow stomach as his motivation, Bridon stalks forward, fur brushing against the wooden fence as he squeezes through the gap.
There’s a calf sleeping away from the rest. He’s got the perfect opportunity, just sneak onward, careful with each step his massive paws make. Not one mistake-
The calf doesn’t make a noise when sharp fangs dig into her neck, a heavy paw pressing against her face to pin her. But somehow, it rouses another, not too far. He lets go of the dead calf, the flash of someone just in the corner of his eye. And he’s shifting, back to human form, and sprints- hops the fence and runs without a word.
Free hat
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
Mike "Vampir" Makowski- Accepted
Mun Info:
Name- Bon
Age- 24
Pronouns- they/them
Time Zone- GMT +1
Discord- Mike Makowski#1605
Ic Info:
Character’s name- Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Age- 19
Gender/pronouns- Bigender, but they are not out to anyone about this. Pronouns are he/him, she/her or they/them when identifying as a male, and she/her and they/them when identifying as female. Again, no one knows this! Everyone believes Mike uses he/him only.
Species- Human
Physical description-
Mike is the definition of a bean pole. Being 5 feet & 10 inches tall, lanky and thin with long arms and legs, as well as struggling with an eating disorder, Mike is a pretty frail looking person despite his height. There are no muscles to be found here. Mike still looks like he did when he was younger, dressing in the same jackets, cloaks and flashy outfits, and never leaving his house without his makeup on. He’s gotten a few new piercings in his ears, as well as a snake bites piercing. His favourite one is the one on his neck, where he got two studs resembling the holes of a vampire bite. He still wears plastic fangs that are attached to his corner teeth.
Mike’s hair is surprisingly not as long as one would expect it to be after so many years of sporting long hair. Because of reasons unknown to even the other vamps, he cut it off when he was around 17 years old. It’s grown out quite a bit now though and ends around his shoulders. His hair is black and has underlights in bright lime green, and he’s still sporting that silly little cow lick on top of his head. Mike has long bangs covering the left side of his face, not only because it looks stylish, but because he is covering up his left eye, that he is completely blind in. It is foggy white in colour because of a cataract in it, while his good eye is bright green. He never shows his eye to anybody, so people do not even know that he is blind in it.
Personality description- 
Mike is the passionate leader of the vamp kids. He loves to organise events and play around with the other vamps, loves to roleplay online, LARP, write fan fics, draw, etc etc… He loves to educate and bring people together! He adores every single vamp kid to bits, and would take a bullet for them any day.
This doesn’t mean he’s very brave though, or good at fighting. He’s been abused his whole life, and will flinch if someone moves their hand too fast in his direction, and is very easy to manipulate. He is bad at saying no, and if someone tries to speak over him, he’ll shut up and let them talk.
He is generally a very friendly person, and always feels a need to help and look out for those around him. He’s the big brother friend for sure. Or big sister, depending on the day. The only ones that can make Mike angry or bring out a good amount of sass, are the goths. He tries to ignore them if he can though. Over all, Mike is an outgoing weenie who loves his friends.
Mike grew up in an abusive household, away from his mother and Mr. Adams. When he was little his parents divorced early on, and he stayed with his father, while his twin brother went with their mother. His father blamed the twins for the divorce, convinced that the fault was in him and their mother not being ready to have two kids instead of one, and not because of his actual flaws as a person. He is physically and emotionally abusive, very manipulating, and the reason why Mike can seem like a pushover and hesitant to fight back. However he is also trying to overcome his struggles, so don’t think that he’s a door mat or anything for you to walk all over.
Growing up Mike always loved the occult and scary things, and was a huge fan of vampires way before the trend took off at school. If anything, what pushed him to really get the fad going, was the sudden popularity of the Twilight movies, and he saw a chance to express his love for vampires more openly. He surprised himself when he naturally fell into the leader role of the vamp kids, and with the position his confidence grew, he made some great friends, and the club pretty much became his life. Even as an 19 year old, he’s still managing the club with great passion.
Head cannons-
Mike is trans bigender, but still in the closet, presenting himself as a cis male. Only one or two people know about his actual gender, and Mike has told them to not tell a soul. He sometimes identifies as male, and sometimes female. He never knows how long he’ll identify as either, it can be a single day, a week, a month, or a whole year. He vastly prefers the name Vampir when identifying as female because it is gender neutral, and therefore always asks people to call him Vampir, to make it more natural. (OOC I might refer to Mike/Vampir as he/him, but also she/her. I kept the pronouns as he/him and referred to him as “Mike” on this application to make it easier to read as a whole)
Mike has a lisp with or without the clumsy vampire fangs, because of a tongue thrust he’s had to deal with his whole life. It could have been corrected with braces, but his dad never bothered to get him any luxury like that. He struggles the most on s, c, z, sh and th sounds, and it is very noticable.
Mike has ADD. This mostly presents itself in his wild imagination (he loved to play pretend when he was little, specifically that he was a vampire..), the way his mind jumps between topics, and how he’s bad at keeping things in his head. He has a short attention span and struggles to show interest in stuff he’s not passionate about (and he jumps stuff when he IS). He misreads things and sometimes skips certain words when typing something up. When he ends up in arguments, his mind goes completely blank, and he’ll either leave, or completely lose his side of the argument. He however is very calm in general, and laid back. He takes Ritalin when he feels the need for it.
Mike wants to become a teacher at South Park Elementary, an art and history teacher to be specific. He loves to draw with great passion, especially old buildings from the gothic revival, but he also draws more lighthearted stuff like characters and animals. He has his own webcomic that is starting out around this age, it’s about vampires (of course). It’s very good, and surprisingly innocent. He takes commissions and just loves to draw vampsonas for his friends (or whatever you might want from him… weirdos).
Mike can summon spirits, has a lot of experiences in spiritual games and rituals, such as using a ouija board, and playing “One-man hide and seek” by his lonesome. He’s made some poor choices in the past, and today he never goes into these situations without making sure it is as safe as possible.
Mike can see dead people, spirits of those that have passed on. He actually can’t tell them apart from people who are actually alive most of the time, which can lead to some awkward moments. He can’t sense the difference between the living and dead, but he can see and touch them no problem. It’s plagued him every since he was little, and he learned early on that he shouldn’t talk about it, because it’d anger his father, have him end up calling him crazy, and more often than not resulted in him getting hurt somehow.
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)- 
The last people Mike had wanted to run into this morning were the goths. He avoided them all like the plague, and he always made sure to never be left alone with any of them if he could. It was shameful to admit, but he just didn’t feel safe around them, and really, how could he? They had jumped him and beaten him up when he was just a kid, and sent him somewhere far away all alone. Even if they would’ve tried to apologise, it’d be difficult to accept. The encounter had been bad, he had said some things he would regret, and he was now in a sour mood… But it was nothing that the other vamp kids couldn’t fix.
As soon as he spotted them by their lockers the frown was instantly flipped upside down, and he picked up his pace to meet up with Larry, Katie, and the rest of the vamps. Years had passed, some of them were not as into vampires as they used to be… but they all remained friends. He excitedly told them about an event that he had planned for the younger vamps, or ‘baby bats’ as he so fondly called them, and quite a few of them said that they’d love to help out. With a dorky, fanged grin, the lord and dark master of the vamps took the lead down the hallway, excitedly exclaiming “It will be a night they will not thoon forget!”
Free Hat 👌
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Allison Mertz- Accepted
Mun Info:
Name- Xochitl
Age- 21
Pronouns- She/they
Time Zone- CST
Discord-  u already know c;
CW/TW: Mentions of human trafficking, CSA, and fetal/infant death
Ic Info:
Character’s name- Allison Mertz
Age- 14
Gender/pronouns- Agender [DFAB]; They/them or she/her
Species- Krasue
Physical description (one paragraph)-
Allison is an extremely beautiful young teenager, blessed with the genes of a god, or so they like to say. They are fair-skinned, with long, sleek black hair, and grey-blue eyes. They have a very feline appearance: sharp eyes and face, slender, long-limbed, and always giving off a mischievous and devious aura. Their natural gait is more of a prowl and complete with the gaze of a lion stalking their prey. Their head is always held high and never does Allison give off anything but a prideful vibe. Their clothing consists solely of blacks and purples, nothing else. Around their neck, always some sort of collar, choker, or stacked necklace to hide the suture visible just under their thyroid cartilage.
As a krasue, their appearance amplifies their voracious nature. While they keep their stunning face along with their head and the majority of their cervical region, their body is nowhere to be found. They are left a floating head with their all their viscera, from trachea to descending colon, hanging underneath them. A luminescent trail follows their path and they let out a shrill screech to announce their presence. More often than not, fresh blood will drip from the hanging viscera, leaving a trail behind them until they clean themselves.
Personality description (one paragraph)- 
Allison’s personality can only be described as volatile. Their moods and opinions can change from one second to the next. They’re brash, domineering, firm, and forceful in their approach to life. An alpha. They are defiant of authority and, more often than not, will assert their own dominance over whoever present themselves as the current leader of the pack. They believe in the concept of “tough love” and believes that self-help can only be achieved through challenges and not having the solutions spoon-fed to them. They will challenge others aggressively in order for them to prove themselves. Should one be successful, they will find that Allison will treat them with greater respect than anyone else. Allison is proud to the point of blatant narcissism. They demand respect from others, especially those that they consider to be at the bottom of the totem pole. Should someone not, they will hold grudges against the defiant. Their pride and drive for dominance naturally leads to outright aggression when challenged. They will raise their voices and get angry to show that they are the biggest and strongest, and, once again, assert their superiority. Allison takes pleasure in the pain, misery, misfortune, and humiliation of people they consider rivals. They are pragmatic. There is no such thing as “sugar-coating” in Allison’s world. To them, it is important to be blunt. Babying people will only get them thrown to the dogs.
Independence and individuality is important to Allison. To be tied down by authority, to be a sheep, a follower, is a sign of weakness and Allison would rather be shot dead than to ever lose the quirks and traits that separate them from others. Still, the vamp craves familiarity and close comradery. A group of free-thinkers can easily overthrow the suffocating establishment. To those Allison considers friends, they are very supportive of and would gladly take a bullet or two for them. A true ride or die.
Background (one paragraph, please include information on their species if they are not human)-
Allison was born in a small, secluded community tucked deep in the woods surrounding the Rocky Mountains, far away from civilization to Yannis and Valentina Mertz. Being prominent members of the community, the Mertz family was able to provide Allison with a relatively normal upbringing, well…about as normal as one could considering their circumstances. A cult-led community held up by the foundation known as human trafficking, something that the Mertz were very familiar with. Valentina worked closely with those taken from their homes and forced to reside within their little sanctuary, particularly with a young boy known as Pete to whom she was assigned as a caretaker, the one to watch over him for the duration of his captivity. At the same time, Allison was scouted by those of higher social status to be an entertainer. She was made to work as an escort for the more powerful members of the community, providing them with a certain sickening hospitality they so craved. Over the years, the Mertz family grew defiant to the community’s leadership, unhappy and uncomfortable with how things were ran and, most importantly, the exploitation of children. Together, Yannis and Valentina devised a plan to escape, free themselves from the community, and take with them their child, Allison and the captive Pete. The four slipped away into the night unaware that the higher-ups were well aware of their plan. But, rather than stopping them, their leader placed a curse on the Mertz matriarch as her, her family, and Pete deflected from the community. The family found refuge in the small mountain town of South Park, Colorado. While it wasn’t the average person’s idea of paradise, to them this was the promised land and they could not have found a better place to begin their life anew. When they first arrived in South Park, Allison had no real experience with socialization outside of her family or cult. The first few months in town definitely didn’t help the situation either. Allison wasn’t immediately enrolled in school nor were they actively seeking out any social clubs to meet and interact with the local youth. Still, they had no problem finding people to shoot the breeze with: the mailman, random passersby, people waiting at the bus stop, even the cashiers of stores they frequented. Despite all this interaction, the young teen craved the sense of community they had grown up with. They had a desire for a sense of belonging somewhere…anywhere. Allison just wanted someone to relate to in this new environment. The answer to their prayers, if you could call them that, came in the form Mike Makowski, local vamp kid and alleged master of a vampire society. With the apparent hierarchy and familiar terminology, falling into the society was as natural as breathing. Within the group, Allison easily made friends and seemed to have found a place where they truly felt like they belonged. And while the young vamp sees the dark master as their equal, Allison thinks of themselves as better than the other vamps and quite verbally expresses it in their refusal to call their fellow society members by their first names or show any familiarity with them. In the months following the Mertz family’s move to South Park, some strange—excuse me, stranger events began to occur. The number of livestock attacks along with miscarriages and stillbirths within Park County rose and were much more frequent, almost nightly. The affected ranchers, farmers, and expectant parents reported seeing a luminescent, gaseous orb and hearing shrill cries within the vicinity moments before their respective tragedies. The would-have-been mothers also reported the feeling of a slimy appendage along their pelvic region shortly before experiencing a miscarriage or stillbirth, with one recalling, in her anesthetized stupor, seeing a floating, decapitated head leave her delivery room. Local authorities have chalked these reports down to drug-induced hallucinations. Little do they know, that these incidents can be directly linked to the Mertz family, specifically to Allison, a newly-born Krasue.  The Krasue is an undead, vampiric spirit born of a curse upon their mothers, grandmothers, or any female ancestor caught practicing black magic or rebellion against their community leaders. Forced to roam the night with a ravenous, insatiable hunger and the need to hunt within their community to try and satisfy it’s gluttony, it seeks blood and raw flesh, even carrion in times of desperation, to devour. In the daytime, they walk amongst their community, undisturbed, unsuspected, as young, beautiful women. But during times of activity, from dusk till dawn, the Krasue are terrifying creatures, consisting of only a floating head with all of its viscera hanging below the neck. Their body is hidden away, safe and far from locals so as to keep their hunt undisturbed. Allison is one of these creatures as a result of the curse put upon their mother by their ex-cult leader, exposed to their family after the unfortunate stillbirth their mother experienced. However, because of their specific targeting of those in the more “rural” areas of South Park to become their victims, no one is aware of Allison’s true nature. Not the town’s human inhabitants, nor their fellow monsters, not even Pete. The knowledge belongs solely to the Mertz family and they plan to keep it this way for as long as they can.
Head cannons (three-five)-
Allison became aware aware of their true nature only after the failure of their mother’s latest pregnancy. As it progressed, Allison began to experience bodily changes that both they and their family attributed to being the beginnings of puberty. However, the night their mother went into labor, Allison experienced the most drastic change of them all. Their head detached from their body at sunset, and made its way down to Hell’s Pass straight to their mother’s delivery room. Once there, while their mother was unconscious from copious amounts of anesthesia, Allison’s newfound insatiable hunger drove them to feast on their younger sibling in utero, resulting in the child being a stillborn.  
Affectionate gestures are of little to no value to Allison. Hugs, kisses, sex, heart emojis, the phrase “I love you” mean nothing to them. They are the type of person to make out with/have sex with someone out of pure boredom and because it was an effective way to pass the time. Romantic affection disgusts them to the point that they feel physically ill. They also experience this when they start falling for someone but they only end up confusing the feeling with hatred and believes that a simple punch will get rid of the feeling. Still, that’s not to say that Allison is incapable of being in a romantic relationship or feeling love for someone. They care very deeply for their friends and mean every single “I love you” they says to them despite how they may act. For friends outside of the society, the same rings true but they are not comfortable expressing that same amount of “weakness” to them.
They are very hard to befriend. Allison doesn’t trust others very easily and refuses to let ‘outsiders’ [ie. non-vamps] into their life. Even if it seems like they’ve taken a liking to someone, it’s just them being social. There’s no surefire way to know if they consider someone a friend unless they ask them directly. But if they hate someone, it’s obvious and it’s very hard to try and get them to change their mind. They hold grudges for what seems like forever and doesn’t forgive easily, if they ever do forgive that is. Even if it was them that was in the wrong, their pride will convince them that it was all the other party’s fault. They won’t apologize first even if they really miss having contact with that person.
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)- 
The elevator game. Some kind of urban legend or Korean ritual or whatever that promised to send the participant to some Otherworld where the only human inhabitant is themselves. And to play, one only needs three things: Tall building? Check. Elevator? Check-a-roonie. Complete lunacy? Check to the yes. Allison met all the requirements with ease. Of course, finding a building with ten floors wasn’t exactly a hard thing to do, especially in Denver. But finding one where people wouldn’t board the elevator with her? That was the complicated part, especially in Denver. After hours of restarting the ritual due to others boarding with her, Allison finally managed to get the elevator to themselves. Granted, it was well after the hours of operation and they had to sneak back into the building to do so but hey, whatever it takes, right? They started the sequence once again: first floor, fourth, second, sixth, second, tenth, and finally, fifth. After this, all they needed to do was press the button for the tenth floor. If it goes up, they did it right and they’d be in the Otherworld. And if it goes down, git gud, Allison. You suck ass.
Their hand shook as they got closer to the number pad, their index finger pulling back the closer she got to the button. “Oh my God, just do it.” The vamp whispered to themself. Taking a deep breath, Allison jammed their finger on the round 1, their eyes shut the entire time. The elevator shook a bit before moving. Annnnd it descended to the first floor. Of course. Why did they ever expect it to work in the first place? “God, what a waste of time.” Grumbled the vamp, exiting the elevator with haste. Time to go home and tell everyone what a load of bull that game was.
When the vamp walked into their home, they immediately felt uneasy. Something wasn’t right but they couldn’t quite put their finger on it, that is until, they smashed their finger into it. Their hand knocked right into the corner of the glass end table in the living room, a sharp hiss escaping them the moment their skin made contact with the material. God, what the hell? This was never in their way before. Who moved it? They grabbed the table and moved it back to its original place, but now it was too close to the couch. Ugh. They moved the couch slightly before realizing what was wrong: All the furniture—not even just the furniture, everything was shifted slightly to the left. “What the fuck?” They mouthed before suddenly feeling their heart drop. One line from the ritual came shooting back into their memory. If anything seems off, even the smallest detail, DO NOT EXIT THE ELEVATOR. “Ohhh..FUCK!” This can’t be happening. It was all just a hoax, wasn’t it? Panicked, Allison went straight to their only place of comfort, their bedroom. They closed the door behind themselves so quickly, as if they were afraid of someone, or something, following them inside. The vamp rubbed their eyes free of the tears that were threatening to spill and looked at the small bat plushie they kept on her nightstand, one she used to cover a nail polish spill from when they first joined the vampire society. The furry friend was still in its place, perfectly concealing their age-old fuck-up.
Yes, still in its place.
Wait a second.
Allison went back downstairs to double check the rooms. Shifted. They ran back upstairs and inspected every single room. There was always a place for everything and everything was still in its place, upstairs at least. “Seriously?” Only one person who could’ve done this while they were out and by the loud snoring coming from down the hall, they knew he was still home. Throwing the door open, Allison stomped into their father’s bedroom, absolutely pissed off and, even more so, terrified. “Hey dad,” They punched the older man’s bicep with more force than they meant to. “If your gonna pull a prank, maybe don’t half-ass it next time?” Their tone was harsh, too harsh for something their father deemed as a harmless joke. It was whatever—best way to mask how bad their voice was shaking in their opinion. Allison was just relieved they wasn’t stuck in some alternate world. How bogus would that be, huh?
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Firkle Bellamy-Mod App
Mun Info:
Name- kallie 
Age- 24
Pronouns- she/her
Time Zone- bleh
Discord- meh
Ic Info:
Character’s name- Firkle Bellamy
Age- 15
Gender/pronouns- cis male{?} he/him but will answer to anything 
Species- human
Physical description (one paragraph)-
Standing at around 5'4. While he’s not the biggest guy, he isn’t necessarily skinny. He has more a of a leaner building, something close to a swimmers body only with out the muscle definition. Naturally his hair is a light shade of brown which he still continues to dye the darkest black he can find in the CVS. His eyes are a soft hazel color but he prefers to wear contacts that either make his eye solid black or an off grey color depending on his mood that day. Firkles’ complexion is fair due to his over use of sunscreen and avoiding actives that involve him being out doors. Despite this he is naturally blessed (or cursed if you ask him) with light freckles. 
Personality description (one paragraph)- 
He is known to have angry outbursts from time to time. Being an only child with overly dotting parents as lead him to feel entitled to whatever he wants. Whether that’s the last of something in the lunch line or something he may see another owning. Because of this belief he’s been known to steal things or bully people out of things he wants. He’s also used his fists and knife collection in order to reach these short turn goals. The goth’s are really the only one’s free from his violent tendencies. Not to say it’s never happened but it is extremely rare.
Background (one paragraph, please include information on their species if they are not human)-
Firkle comes from a decent family. They’re not super wealthy but they do pretty well. His parents are young and because of this relied heavily on parenting books. Out of fear of making him hate them when he got older, he’s been pretty spoiled his whole life. Even when he was punished it was really nothing. Usually just meant they wouldn’t get him something he’d been asking for or might take away one item. He’s never been spanked as his parents see punishments like that as damaging to child and the leading cause of ill adjusted adults. Since he was never told no he ended up looking for more and more extreme things, trying to find something that would finally break them. This is how he found the gothic subculture and later the worship of Cthulhu. Both of these things freak his parents out quiet a bit but they’ve yet to actually stop him. They do at times ask if maybe he’d wear “nicer” clothes in front of guests and family. Naturally he always refuses. While his family is more than happy to buy him new clothing, he still prefers to take Pete and Michael’s hand-me-downs claiming that it’s “more goth”. The other goth’s are the only people he’s ever made any attempts at being nice to as he wanted to join their group. 
Head cannons (three-five)-
+ is a total camera creep. he’s always taking pics of everyone/thing. unintentionally has blackmail on people sometimes
+ kind of a kleptomaniac. he’s known to just suddenly acquire things….  
+ LOVES rats and spiders. has two pet rats named Godzilla and Fang {animal crossing anyone?} and currently one tarantula named Annabelle {other character ref but horror film}.
+ is actually really insecure bout his height and his cutting scars. his main ways of dealing with those is platform boots and never wearing tee shirts without a jacket. 
+ hes kinda insecure bout his body in general though. like he truly believes he’s the ugliest guy in school but never really talks bout it
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)- 
0 notes
monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Larry Muller-Mod App
Mun Info:
Name- kallie {Mod K}
Age- 24
Pronouns- she/her
Time Zone- central{????} 
Ic Info:
Character’s name- Larry Muller
Age-  18 
Gender/pronouns- cis male, he/him
Species- werewolf
Physical description (one paragraph)- 
Due to having mostly sedentary hobbies and being on the school wrestling team since seventh grade, Larry is a fairly thick guy. It’s a fairly good mix between fat and actual muscle. He tends to always be gaining more for the next weight class. He stands around 6′ feet tall with deep blue eyes and naturally dark brown hair which is fairly wavy. He has kept his hair with the under cut while the top layer is a little longer than it was in his younger years, now touching his shoulders a bit. 
Larry was born a wolf and is still technically in his “puppy phase”. When he shifts into full wolf form he is only about the size of a St Bernard or two and a half feet. When he’s full grown he’ll be about five feet in wolf form. His fur is naturally dark brown and thick. If overly excited sometimes his ears and tail will pop out. If one were to actually look at his teeth they would see they are actually dog teeth.
Personality description (one paragraph)- 
He is actually an outgoing person. He’s pretty good at making new friends and can get along with anyone if he wants. This is part of what drew him to the vampire society. He enjoyed the idea of having a large circle of friends. He’s honestly not easy to anger. Larry is for the most part a fairly chill guy. His only real trigger would be someone harassing his friends. For the most part he’s an easy going and good natured guy.
Background (one paragraph, please include information on their species if they are not human)-
Larry is the youngest of two sons. His parents divorced during his eight grade year due to his mother’s massive debit problems getting out of hand and her refusal to fix them. His brother choose their mother over their dad. He saw his mother every other weekend for awhile before she just stopped calling. He hasn’t seen her since he was fifteen and doesn’t talk about her or his brother. For the most part his life has been pretty low key outside of events with the rest of the vampire society. He’s tried his best to keep up with the other vamp kids while also trying to explore hobbies outside of his group. 
Head cannons (three-five)-
+ Pagan, specifically worships dragon deities 
+ collects anything dragon actually. plushies, figures, books. you name it he has/wants it
+ Lives in jogger sweatpants. He hates his legs in jeans. He thinks they make them look lumpy plus his size is hard to find in cool jean cuts.
+ his only piercing {at this time} is his gauges that are size 16MM.
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)- 
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Red- Accepted
Mun Info:
Name: Swifty
Age: 21+
Pronouns: Any
Time Zone: US Central
Discord: Swifty#8662
Ic Info:
Character’s name: Red
Age: 18
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her or he/him
Species: Vampire
Physical description: 5'2” and 100 lbs; short and often times too skinny. Natural red hair and blue eyes, light freckles that aren’t even that noticeable all over her face. She has a very sweet face which she definitely uses to her advantage, though sometimes she looks 12, not 18- definitely a good way to get free food at restaurants, but not to get a fake ID and go out for a drink.
Personality description: Red is generally outgoing and positive, hiding any sadness or other negative feelings very well. However, she can be quick to anger, especially if someone tries to wrong her. It’s not often you’ll see her in such a bad mood and if she is, she’s not talking, and instead hiding away.
Background: Despite being born a vampire, Red grew up pretty normally most of her life. Her mom left when she was just two years old, and hasn’t seen nor heard from her since. Her dad wasn’t the worst, but he definitely didn’t invest time into her. He just bought her what she wanted or needed to keep her there. She doesn’t despise him for this- if anything, it’s made her grow very independent and that’s what she likes. However, in the early start of high school, she fell into the wrong crowd and ended up in trouble quite frequently. She learned a lot of self defense in these few years and developed PTSD. It was in junior year that someone came along and helped her out of this bad situation. She’s become more self aware in this time, understanding that mistakes are made and it’s not the end of the world.
Head cannons:
-Doesn’t die in direct sunlight, but she burns super quick; too long in the sun can severely hurt or even kill her. Sunscreen is required.
-Her fashion style can change from super feminine, to masculine in the blink of an eye.
-She cannot have animal blood, or blood of lower life humans. She needs high quality blood, which makes feeding not so easy in the town of South Park.
-Doesn’t need to sleep, but she will sleep when she’s in a bad mood or if she’s just got nothing else to do.
-Likes to play video games a lot and is very, very good at it. She’s got an online “persona” named Benjamin (Ben for short) to hide her identity. Sometimes she’ll go out as this persona- this is when he/him pronouns are preferred.
Sample roleplay:
It was a mistake. Sometimes things don’t work as planned. Sometimes people just can’t be saved. She’s walked the wires, gone through the trials and was given nothing for the pain. Something to just tough out, smile softly, ignore the gunfire and say everything will be okay.
But sometimes, it’s exhausting. Gives her a headache, makes everything feel much, much colder than it already was. She grips the dead grass, rips it out of the ground and tosses it in the air, watching it blow away with the wind. Because that’s calming, makes her heart soften once again and she leans against the stone.
Maybe if someone was there to wake her up, everything would be different. If she could’ve just stayed awake, a few more minutes even, things would be better. Late as it was, and school in the morning- skipping was possible, why didn’t she just skip?
But it’s getting early again, the sky is turning a lighter shade of blue and deep orange. With a soft grunt, Red picks herself up and reaches into her pocket, pulls out a blue marble and sets it in the small dish beside the headstone. “I’ll be back next month. Maybe I’ll even bring some Coors, yeah?”
Free hat
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Are any type of monsters welcome?
of course! our species list is just meant for a jumping to give you ideas. humans are also welcome too!
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Tucked away in a little mountain town live creatures most believe to be fictional…
      Monster Park is a semi-selective Au based roleplay group located on Discord. We’re currently looking for members to join us in a supernatural themed plot. If you’re 18+ and interested in what you see, please check out the links below and send us an application. We’d love to have you!
Rules | Setting | Characters | Apply | QnA
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monsterpark-rpg · 7 years
Stan Marsh- Accepted
Mun Info:
Name: Swifty
Age: 21+
Pronouns: Any
Time Zone: US Central
Discord: Swifty#8662
Ic Info:
Character’s name: Stan Marsh
Age: 18
Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him
Species: Werewolf
Physical description: 5'8” and 120-130 lbs; his weight fluctuates frequently from bad eating habits. Generally lean or just skinny in an unhealthy way. Black hair and dark blue eyes. His werewolf form is more monster/human-like, able to stand on his back legs, and his upper body is much larger, and stands at 6'0”.
Personality description: Stan is on and off from happy, to depressed, to anything in between. It’s hard to predict if he’ll be okay one day or not. When he’s at his best, he’s so good- the same goes for sadness. Easily stressed out and nervous and it’s very easy to see. He’s very willing to give affection to those who need it (so long as he trusts them, of course), and isn’t afraid to show that he loves someone if he’s just that close. He’s not a big fighter and prefers peace over war. It’s extremely hard for him to communicate his feelings, so he uses dark humor to cover up the fact he’s in a bad mental space.
Background: Stan’s parents divorced when he was 10, which drove him into unreasonably early alcoholism. He was hard to be around growing up, up until senior year when he started trying to work on bettering himself. However, it was sometime in his junior year of high school that he got attacked by a black dog that cursed him with lycanthropy. He still can’t control it, and can’t remember anything after he turns during full moon. He tries to hide it because he’s more afraid of it than anything, and doesn’t like talking about it because he’s afraid.
Head cannons:
-Stan throws up easy, especially when he finds something extremely gross, or his anxiety is just that bad. He doesn’t throw up when he likes someone, though.
-Stan’s clothes are all too big on him. Whether it’s one size, or multiple- those ones are given to him by Randy. It’s not like he doesn’t have money to buy some cheap clothes at the thrift store, Stan just doesn’t want to spend his money on clothes… even if his pants keep falling off.
-Because Stan’s cursed with lycanthropy, he looks more beast than wolf. He can’t control it, and it hurts like hell to change. It’s easy to blame his shedding and excessive body hair on genetics or hey, he’s just a hairy guy, but his sharp canines say otherwise. He doesn’t often smile showing his teeth. The growls and whimpers? Luckily those only happen when he’s changing.
-Stan suffers from night terrors. He often wakes up screaming or bolting out of bed before he’s even conscious. Sleeping is easier when he’s sleeping beside someone, but it’s still likely he’ll scare the shit out of them by screaming himself awake.
Sample roleplay:
There is just- so much pain that goes with this. Stan feels like he’s dying even more with each full moon that passes, gets a little bit weaker. This is more than just lycanthropy, more than just changing one day out of the month. With the flu-like symptoms, extreme thirst and hunger. It’s a wreck. He’s a wreck.
He doesn’t quite catch what Pete says, not right away. He scratches his face before picking up one of the shackles, heaving it onto his wrist and locks it. “Um- I dunno. I can’t think of anything.” Stan would tell him he can just leave, but Pete knows this. Right? He can’t remember what he’s said now. “Just try to chill, or… something.”
Stan heaves up the second shackle, locks that one into place as well. They’re far too big for him, but they’d be just fine once he’s changed. He slides the key across the floor to Pete and adjusts his blanket further so he can wiggle out of the rest of his clothes, put them aside. His hands start to shake and prickle, become weak, he can’t really feel them. His first change, he thought he was having a stroke. Now he really thought he was.
“If things get too intense, you can step out,” he says, head down, too heavy to keep up. He’s got cotton mouth, so fucking thirsty. “Won’t blame you. Can you just- talk? I don’t know, maybe hearing someone’s voice would help.”
There’s a whimper and Stan jerks his head to the side. He thinks it’s coming from somewhere in the room, a dog, but it’s him, mouth open and whining out in pain. He’s still not used to this, not used to the fact these whimpers- the guttural growls and snarls- are coming from him. How his jaw clenches so tight he thinks his teeth will crack, how his pulse throbs hot, he can feel his heart beating against his visible rib cage, the red flashes that shake his vision and make him curl into himself.
He doesn’t know if Pete’s been speaking at all. A good few minutes pass without Stan even knowing, he finds himself curled up, tangled up in his blanket and whining; he’s drooling at the mouth, jaw open wide as he stares ahead. Panting, rasping. When did he lay down? It seems to always go this way- so quick yet so slow. It lasts for eternity, but in the end, it’s over as quickly as it begins.
And it picks up just as fast when it’s happening. The first snap of bones, he jolts up, to the side, falls back over with a wail, writhing and scratching the mattress. His nails get sharper, longer, his sweaty skin starts to get even hairier. His face changes, jaw open impossibly wide to accommodate for the row of sharp teeth, extending canines that scrape at his lips, push and pull, break the skin.
It’s that initial taste of blood that makes him jolt and curl into himself, snarl and wail. He licks at his lip, the closest thing he can get. Part of him hates it but there’s a mass majority of his mind that craves it. Needs the warmth of it.
He curls tighter as his body starts to pop, snap. The knobs of his spine poke out, barely covered in a thick layer of hair. His hands get bonier, bigger, skin stretched taut as his bones get too big for his body. It’s white hot- Stan feels like he’s dying. Something feels awful wrong about it, it’s not normal.
But the wolf lays there on the mattress- it’s over quicker than expected. He’s panting and whimpering, amber eyes flickering around blindly. He smells the meat so much better now, smells more than just what’s laid out. Of course, he knows Pete is there, recognizes his scent as something good. Not safe and warm, but weak and vulnerable. Stan could easily tear him apart.
But instead, his vision becomes clear, he’s staring at the chicken and steak. His nose wiggles as he sniffs and he kneads the mattress- too weak to even crawl over. And it’s instinct that kicks in, knowing he’s probably going to die tonight. Stan tries to get up but his heavy, bony body collapses and there he is, left whining, big ears pinned back against his head.
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