#mun// plEA S E
Here's a wet dream for Dazai--Oda sucking him off under his desk >:D
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((Ohhh, that's a good one. But of course, if you ask; you shall receive. <3))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
Dazai was taking a light nap in his own room but he seems to have been napping for a while. That or Oda being by him. He wonders if he was resting or maybe it was due to work. He didn't bother him for the time being but he didn't know what Dazai was dreaming of when he heard the shuffling on the bed. He looks seeing Dazai's face flushed pink.
What Oda didn't know is he was having a wet dream.
"O..Oda....n..nooo..n..not here....." he mutters confusing the other more.
In his dream, Dazai was trying to do something or seem busy but his face was flushed pink. He had his eyes closed, panting against his hand while twitching in his chair. He leans his head down on the desk, shaking as his body burns with heat. The reason why he was like this is because of Oda sucking him off but made sure he couldn't escape from him.
"O..Oda, e..enough p..please...please I s..said I would behave myself. I'm s..sorry if I was nugggh!!" he felt some tears near his eyes due to the pleasure but Oda didn't stop. He held onto Dazai's thighs keeping his legs apart while he saw Dazai sit back with one hand resting on his head. "W...we might g..get caught..we might..ahhh..."
"Mfffmm..mmmm......" His mouth felt good and hot, the caress of his tongue on his length only made Dazai moan against his hand. Oda heard the begging and pleas to pull his mouth up panting while stroking him slowly.
"Enough? Were not done yet with your punishment. Besides, I wish to see more of you and your cute expressions. So why not show me more?"
"W...what?" Dazai asked shaking that he twitched with a gasp, feeling Oda take him back into his mouth again, feeling his length twitch as Oda was sucking him off. His moans slip past his fingers as he moans out in the office.
"O..Oda, Oda please..please m..mercy mmm have mercy on..on me..please.." he begs in a needy tone but he already was bucking his hips with Oda holding his hips. He even grips Oda's wrists but only leans his head back still moaning out from the pleasure.
"Ahhhhh s..so warm..Oda f..feels w...warm..." Dazai moans in his sleep while gripping the pillow, turning his head while panting as his body moved and shook.
"M..More.....please more..." Arching his hips and back while moaning a bit louder in the room but he didn't know that a now flustered Oda was in shock hearing that Dazai was having a wet dream right now. All he did was look away covering his mouth flushed red.
Dang it Dazai and his cuteness.
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“try resaving it as a gif”
>is using a gif off the fucking tumblr website
I am gonna rip this goddamn site a new one istg
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hes-in-a-wheelchair · 6 years
*puts the diaper back on jevil* mwAhAhA
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tenderborn · 7 years
me: tries to re - make my sainw icons
photoshop: crashes 
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abscntee-a · 6 years
*slides url over*
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: okay don’t even get me started on nathan fucking petrelli. i have loved nathan for twelve years. yeah, peter’s pretty cool and all, but nathan is such a good guy. i mean, yeah, he has his moments. but he genuinely tries to do his best, i think. #VoteFlyingMan2k18how they play them: honestly, i haven’t seen a lot. but what i have seen??? hOO BOY. i am intrigued, i’m spellbound. honestly. so good. i’ll be in my bunk.the mun: I KNOW LITERALLY NEXT TO NOTHING ABOUT PYRAMUS. COME TO ME. honestly, i’m just a soft potato mun who is too shy to approach you. shh, it’s fine.
do i;
follow them: yessss.rp with them: nope. not yet.want to rp with them: uM YES PLEA S E.ship their character with mine: ...chuck says yes, but that’s a chemistry thing. chuck just thinks he’s pretty. 
what is my;
overall opinion: honestly seeing you around makes me want to hop back into the heroes fandom. but like i’ll be over here screaming into the abyss about you and the flying man ok??? ok.
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pelagaios-a · 7 years
💌 ☀️ (peaces out)
mun q’s  !!!  ||  accepting💌 I just think you’re amazing☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how
you did not hear my screech but you can be sure it happened.  Im gonna just cry a moment because laughs a bit I’ve wanted to rp with you for a while now but wasn’t sure how to…. go about that either. sweats. we should  ???  def plot something out or throw a random thing on the dash  !!!  either way I am always game for nonsense  (  also Im a meme plea s e kadsghjskf riGHT BACK AT YOU!  ).
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xphenxmenalx · 7 years
General Bits and Pieces
Heres a warning before you roleplay with me! Not following these rules can and will lead to me unfollowing you. These are rules for a reason meaning they are to be followed as such. Don’t like my rules? Don’t like something I say? Delete me! Your negative comments has no affect here, only consequence. Plenty of other roleplayers, you can follow and roleplay with instead..It’s all about fun! we’re all here to have fun, so let’s make the most of it. I don’t like to be miserable and I would never purposely make anyone else upset or miserable either. so let’s have fun.
I will never ignore you! If you send me a message and I don’t reply? It’s mostly because Tumblr is being a douchebag and ate it. If we have a thread and I haven’t replied to it? Please message me because more than likely, didn't see the reply, got distracted and forgot it or I lost it. If you decided you want to drop something between our characters, for whatever reason, please let me know, don’t just disappear and/or ignore me because I will assume the worst, so yeah please tell me. I won’t get upset, I will respect your reasoning behind it, and I’d like to know rather than being left hanging.
No Out Of Character Drama! No God-Modding!
Important! I absolutely can’t stand drama, it absolutely makes me sick, so keep your drama away from me. Besides I will not tolerate any ooc drama whatsoever. I come on here to have fun and roleplay and meet new people, I’m not here for all of the petty drama that comes along with rping sometimes. I don’t care to start drama, but if you start drama with me, then I promise its going to start a war with me. I can’t stand immature roleplayers, cry babies, or attention whores meaning I really can’t stand immature people acting like cry babies to get attention. Oh I do have a short temper and when I explode its never pretty. I will go off majorly and sound like a bitch only cause you deserve it for actually being a dick and starting drama instead talking your issues you have with me, in private with me. HOWEVER, this doesn't mean in character drama isn't allowed, in character drama is definitely allowed.
This is roleplaying essentials! Unless I’ve given you permission, I don’t want you to use my character and do things with them that I haven’t said okay to. Which means you need to understand that I am the one in control of them, not you so just don't try to control my muses and do not kill any of them. God-mod is never okay to do so please don’t do it here.
Relationships & Shipping
This blog Is Multiship/Multiverse! This means that they will have more than one relationship/plot going at a time. This does not mean any of them are cheating on anyone, unless we discussed it before hand. If you’re unsure of what this entirely consists of, please, google it before trying to get into it. I just want to make sure you’re informed. Don't force a ship down my or my muse's throat! That's absolutely not cool and fucking rude, so just don't do it. If you force a ship upon my muse and me, I will not be accountable for my muses actions towards your muse or you. However I will not allow them to kill yours, just let them be a dick towards yours and possibly allow them to hit yours. It will invertedly lead to you being blocked, I will not apologize because you are the one who broke the rules. I ship based on chemistry. Don't assume we are shipping without talking to me. Just because my muse kissed or had sex or flirted with yours doesn't mean we are in a serious ship.
My Muses Sexuality.
Alexa ➳ Straight
AJ ➳ Bisexual
April ➳ Straight
Jon ➳ Bisexual
My Muses Main Verse Relationship.
Alexa ➳ Single
AJ ➳ Single
April ➳ Single
Jon ➳ Single
Their relationship upon interaction unless plotted out is SINGLE which means they are currently unattached. That means Alexa is not engaged to Murphy, AJ is not married to Wendy, AJ is not married to Punk, and Dean is not married to Renee.
My Opts Who I Will Instantly Be Oki With Shipping With:
Alexa & Baron
Alexa & Allen
Alexa & Dean
Alexa & Randy
Allen & Dean
Allen & Alexa
Allen & April
Allen & Baron
April & Dean
April & Allen
April & Punk
April & Randy
Dean & Allen
Dean & April
Dean & Alexa
Dean & Punk
Dean & Randy
Dean & Baron
My Hell No Opts Who I Will Not Be Oki With Shipping With:
Alexa & Murphy
Alexa & Blake
Alexa & Sami
Allen & Charlotte
Allen & Natayla
Allen & JoJo
Allen & Renee
April  & Dolph
April & Daniel
April & Sami
Dean & Renee
Dean & JoJo
Dean & Charlotte
Dean & Natayla
Just because your muse isn't on the list, doesn't mean I wouldn't be okay with shipping our muses, you can always go ahead and ask me or tell me if you wanna ship just don't force a ship on me or my muses, for there to be chemistry between them first before a ship happens. Just remember I hold the right to turn you down for a ship I don't feel comfortable with.
If your muse falls on the hell no opt list and you want to ship then please talk to me and we can see if something can be arranged but remember I do have the right to turn you down. If it does happen, I will possibly only allow ONE ship of it, not multiples because I want to be comfortable on my blog. Tho same thing goes there has to be chemistry between them first.
I Write Smut But You Must Be Of A Certain Age To Write Smut With Me!
Yes, I do write smut paras and posts, yes sometimes I'll post smutty pictures. However I will not place them under read more tags, just because I shouldn’t have to. I'm sorry but if you have a problem with this then just don’t read my posts, its that simple. I will always try my best to make sure I tag them NSFW, no promises tho cause shit happens and I may forget.
You need to be 18+ in order to write smut with me, why? Because I'm in my twentys, which makes me a legal adult and I’m not going to jail if your mom or whoever is legal guardian of you finds our paras. It will fade to black before it even heads in that direction if you are younger than 18. Also if you are legal age and uncomfortable with writing smut then we can make it fade to black, I have no problem with that.
Smut however may be a rare thing that happens even if I have a sex driven muse, the mun is very shy and unexperienced in that area. I will however try my best but if it sucks then I am sorry, I just don't want to make promises or forbid it at all so I'm just gonna keep it at a rare thing because it can happen if threads lead in that direction or if a meme is sent or received.
Quick Facts & Rules
Make sure you read all G u i d e l i n e s and I n f o r m a t i o n accordingly before you interact with any of my muses
I am not exclusive but I am extremely selective and semi private so I reserve the right to deny any interaction between our muses. However that happening is rare since I am usually very open to roleplaying with anyone unless I have reasons of not wanting to roleplay with someone.
If I post a meme please don't be scared to send one in, even if we haven't interacted yet or if we already have other threads. I don't care if we have to skip ahead or a bit behind in the timeline, lets just build the story of our muses. I reblog them so we can interact and build a story. If you don't send one in occuasionally then reblog from the source and not me.
 If you send a meme in then please specify which muse you want! If you don’t then its either gonna get deleted or randomize. I get it that you may not care who you get but have the common courtesy to say ANYONE so I know its definitely oki just to throw a random muse at you and that you'll be oki with it.
If we are mutual following each other then please try to interact with me and I'll do the same with you, I may be a bit shy but the effort of trying to make it work is so much better than feeling invisible and horrible. 
If I post a starter call, please only like it if you plan on answering. I rather not waste my time typing up a starter for someone who doesn't even answer it. If it doesn't work for you then please tell me and I can try to fix it to where it will work for both of us. Also if you possibly like it to notify me that you received it and tumblr isn't being a dick, or I'm gonna possibly have a panic attack over worrying about if you got it or not.
I'm sorry but if you break any of my muses to where they are no longer happy outside of threads then I will literally go off on you. I don't mean to be a bitch but it has happened before to the point I almost lost a muse and I don't need to lose any of my muses. Try to understand it doesn't just affect my muse but it affects me too. This is my escape from everything I have to go through in real and when roleplaying starts hurting me too then something is in major need of changing.
Now I need to point out one thing, I aint exclusive means my muses will play with other muses of the same muse and possibly ship with them. But that doesn't mean you will be replaced or I like them better. No one thread will be exactly the same as others and I don't want to restrict my muses to having to miss out on others incredible writing and muses. I LOVE YOU no less. just remember that.
If I reply to certain threads faster than yours, its nothing personal its just sometimes I only have muse for certain threads. I promise I'll reply to our thread when I have muse for it til then it will be sitting in my drafts, unless I lost it or eventually ended up dropping it cause I had no muse for it. I'll mostly likely drop you a message saying sorry about dropping it so you know I did. I may ask if you received my reply or replied to our thread to see if it was lost. However it may be awhile before I ask that because its sorta hard for me to ask since I worry about annoying you, so either I'll just assume its in your drafts or the worst it was lost.
In order for me to even consider following you, you need to CUT YOUR DAMN POSTS, honestly this is my biggest pet peeve and I really don't want my dash to be a clutter fuck. If you’re entirely unsure of how to do so, please google it, I don't want to be rude I just want to make sure you’re informed. Honestly I know how hard it can be when you are on mobile but its not impossible, tumblr gives you an option to delete old replies. If you can then you can either have someone help you or start a new post after like 2 long replies or 6 short replies between both partner
If you want to turn an ask into a thread then go for it, all I ask of you is you move it to a new post. DO NOT REBLOG IT FROM THE ASK. I will not follow you if you do that shit, it clutter fucks shit also and its fucking annoying to see.
I don't care how many threads we have but do try to be a bit understanding, I'm not supergirl. My muses and I can only handle so much before we gets to the point everything is too much to handle. Which means replies may take a while to be answered and posted, hell some may be answered and place in queue that following night so I can keep up. I may start to limit the amount of threads each muse can have with a certain muse to about 2-5 depending on the length of them that gets posted straight away then the rest shall go into queue. I'm sorry but  I don't need my muses or myself to feel like we're drowning in replies and get stressed about not being able to keep up and get everything posted in a reasonable manner. This is supposed to be fun since this is a hobby, not a job.
If you tag me in a starter then please make sure my muses and I can understand it. If its too confusing for my muse to figure out how to reply to it and I can’t help them then its going to be in my drafts for awhile til it gets deleted. I’ll feel like shit about it cause it isn’t because I don’t want to roleplay with you, its just my muse doesn’t know how to answer and I can’t help them. Its not fair to my muses if I make them do something they are completely confused about and don’t even know how to answer.
Alright I’m sorry but this has to be said because right now I just can’t stress it enough. I’m a multimuse blog, which means that means this blog contains more than one muse on it and you know what, you may not see them all being active because a certain one may become popular. I don’t know why that happens but it does and I appreciate the love you are giving to that muse but it is unfair to the rest of my muses. They deserve a chance, not just one damn muse. I get it you have favorites but honestly its not fair that you don't even take a chance on the others, since you may never know what could happen there. Plus I don't need any of my muses feeling left out or unwanted because you decided to play favorites, it makes them want to disappear and I honestly don't want to lose any of my muses so please try to give them all a fair chance, not just one specific muse of mine. If you are unsure where you can find out what all muses I have then here let me inform you real quickly. I have a page that lists all my muses which you can find under the word my muses which is right next to the words Read First! You can click the link to the page underneath the gif at the top of my guidelines page or you know it states my muses faceclaims at the bottom of the guidelines page, it actually gives a list of everyone I have a couple of times through my rules so there is no way you could miss it if you are actually reading my guidelines.
Mun Notes
I have anxiety, depression, bipolar, mood disorders, and phobias. I'm sorry I can't control how fucked up I am but you are gonna have to bare with me. If I disappear without warning, its because my depression has hit an all time high and tumblr isn't helping me any. I always return tho and do my best to get all replies I owe done, even if it takes me forever. They will come I promise, unless I have dropped or lost a thread; in that case I will let you know.
I have a personal life and that will always come first, which unfortunately means that there will be times where I may not being able to get on and there may be times that I am online but to distracted to be paying attention to my laptop. There will be times when replies are fast as fuck and there will be times where replies are so as fuck but either way I will do my best to reply to you.
I will never ever send anyone any hate messages since that is very immature, I only send adorable messages to try to make one smile but its very seldom that I send anything because I am a bundle of nerves and shy as fuck haha.
I am a sweetheart til I'm pissed off, in which I must warn you that I have a short temper. Unfortunately you can say I truly am a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
Please don't assume shit, I hate that shit so much. I had that happen to me more than once and it hurts like hell. Especially when I am accused of something I didn't do, plus it is highly rude to assume shit without proof.
All Icons have been made by me, unless stated otherwise. Don't steal or use them without asking me first. It was hard work that took forever to do, I spent alot of time on them with the lil resource to make them. I do not own any of the gifs I use, unless I have stated otherwise.
I play my muses the way I want to play them, not how the show plays them, not how the actor plays them, not how others want me to play them. I shouldn't have to since I play them for me, and only for me. I play them so I can have an outlet away from stress, not to gain stress from the pressures of following canon perfectly. I will never follow canon and I'm proud of that, however if you have a problem with how I portray my muses then please go somewhere else.
I do not claim to be any of the muses I protray nor will I ever!
These are the urls I'm tracking.
Main ➳ xPhenxmenalx
AJ ➳ P1Stylez
Alexa ➳ lilxmissxbliss
April ➳ lxvebitesx
Jon ➳ xlunaticxfringex
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Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Call me DJ! :D OOC Contact: Tumblr IM’s where it’s at!
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
ZIM is a very loud, destructive little alien from the planet Irk. A defective specimen on his home planet, he defied his encoding and decided to crash his leaders’ assembly for invader assignments so he  could get his own planet to conquer. The Tallest, wanting nothing more than to be rid of Zim forever, awarded him with Earth. He still tries to conquer Earth to this very day, always falling short of succeeding.
Points of interest:
He’s lived on Earth so long he refers to it as his ‘home’.
He almost never stops yelling. Especially at GIR.
He’s a food service drone according to his encoding!
He’s allergic to Earth’s water, BBQ sauce, and meat.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Trying to take over the world, what else?
Where to find them:
The City is where you can find Zim! He’s usually at skool or at home in his strange looking base.
Current plans:
Still trying to conquer Earth after being here since 2001.
Desired interactions:
MO R E ZIM CHARACTERS FROM CANO N  PLEA S E. As much as I love and adore writing with the cadre of other Zims so that we can cause Zim-mayhem, I’d love to see some people take up writing characters we don’t see every day too! OCs of the other aliens in the show, Sizz Lorr! More Skoodges and Tallests and GIRs and Dibs and Gazs and Membranes, etc! I want like, 2174503295732095 versions of all of them.
Outside of the Zim universe, I’m sure that somehow, characters from things like Star Wars, Rick and Morty, Back to the Future, etc. could be crossed over. Basically if it’s sci-fi, I think it very likely that it can probably work together with Zim.
Offered interactions:
IDK. Let’s do some threads where Zim fights with others. Let’s do ones where he doesn’t, and has to work together with others. Let’s have him sick. Let’s have him injured. I dunno. Toss me ideas, I’m up for a lotta stuff with this green bean.
Only thing I won’t do with him is write NSFW content and anything related to criminal, sexual violence. Violence, show-level gore and a bit beyond, stuff like that’s ok. Oh! And perma-death! Any perma-deaths would strictly be AUverse if it happened. Temporary death is totally fine (and funny).
Current open post/s:
I’ve got a slew of memes that you’re always welcome to send in (just lemme know where they’re from if they’re symbols!). You can find those here. Open threads are here!
Anything else?:
Y’all stay tight, and thanks for reading my stuff!
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Restrain suck and swallow for Paris and Enery with their husband's as they are very hungry incubus
(Probably going to suck their husband's dry)
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((Yeah, they will be dry but they are so excited either way. So Lets see what the reaction could be..))
silver butterfly mun/peahen mom
[ restrain ] — your muse handcuffs my muse
[ suck ] — your muse gives my muse oral
[ swallow ] — my muse comes down your muse’s throat
"Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhhh!!! E..Emery st...stop no more please!! I'm gonna c..cum a..again!!" A dazed out Yukio was leaning against the wall as he was drooling from the harsh sucking on his swollen cock. He was handcuffed by his husband while moaning out lustfully. His blue eyes were glowing with blue flames seen on his shoulders and the cute tail just like his twin brother swaying.
"Mmmmmmmm..~" Of course Emery ignored his husband's plea still hungrily sucking on his cock wanting more of his cum. His cock was so cute but nice and thick, fitting down his throat while trying to get more. Even if he needed to eat, Yukio was always there to help.
Though, he didn't expect him to become so hungry during his arousal hitting it's peak. Yukio screams out leaning his head back while twitching feeling his husband's hand on one thigh to keep him open to feed him. Yukio had felt aroused but he was bucking his hips again.
"I c..can't stop my...h..hips..f..feels too good...I'm C..Cumming!!! Cumming again!!!" he whines out drooling still twitching that he came hard down his husband's throat. He gasps out feeling Emery gulping every load down loudly while already feeling his own cock hard while doing so. After he swallows it, he pulls his head up to gasp holding his tongue out as another squirt of cum hits it.
"*panting* S..so much still.....I need more, love. Please. I'm still so hungry~" he looks flushed stroking the wet slick cock making Yukio twitch from the feeling. Before he could talk, he gasped out in pleasure feeling Emery sucked again wanting more.
"P..Please..your going to milk me d..dry.....mmmmmm..my b..balls are getting drained.."
"F..Fucckkkkkkk you seriously are a hungry little thing, aren't you Paris? Your already planning on sucking me dry and I just started feeding you." Rin teased seeing how hungry Paris was sucking his own cock as well. He had blue flames as well out showing his own demonic features but seeing his sexy incubus husband hungry for his cum.
"Mfffmmm..mmmmmmm..." He was too dazed sucking on his cock wanting another load of his thick hot cum. Paris whines just swaying his hips while showing off a cute expression on his face since he knew Rin loves it. He loved being able to see how badly he wanted his cum.
"Heh, you must be but don't worry, I'll be sure to fill that stomach up with every drop of cum.." He growls bucking his hips for Paris so he can get every drop. He almost shook feeling the thrusts of his husband's hips that he closes his eyes resting his hands on his thighs.
'Yes please give it to me. Give me your cum, Rin. Feed me your cum!!' he thought in his mind but feeling his head moving down with the upward bucks of his hips wanting more of his thick cum. He already was drooling loudly slurping his cock louder wanting it. His kissable lips tightening around his cock wanting him to just let it out.
"Ahhhh ahhhhhh...so hot and tight..your mouth is already so good...." He whispered still bucking his hips seeing Paris sucking to show he was hungry for it. He needed his husband's hot cum!! Rin felt close that he was feeling the pulsing of his cock in his mouth.
"Alright then, here you go. I'll give you another good large load. Be sure you take it in and don't spill it." He quickened his bucks hearing weak whimpers from his husband before he twitched feeling his cock swell. Paris shook feeling another thick load of cum being given. His mouth kept shut while gulping it down as it goes down his throat and into his stomach.
'Ahhh h..he came!! My Rin c..came! It's so hot and thick..s.so good...' he whimpers gulping it down that his tongue licks under the length still swallowing every drop. After he did, he slowly made sure to slowly pull his head up before the cock was out, seeing how weak Paris was still licking against Rin's cock.
"M..Morrrreeee...p..please give me more cum~"
He heard this only to smirk still hard.
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