#mun: might be part of scenes later I don't know
Awww I understand but thanks for telling me.
And you have other stories too with her?
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((Your welcome sweetie. Don't worry when the writer's block passes, we will get back right into it. I will tell you something or some slight spoilers but nothing too major on my part:
*More info on the doctor will be playing a scene where you'll know more about him. And his true nature to what he's planning.
*A confession will happen later in the book or in season 2
*More action will happen along with some very tense scenes too
*And yes, more smut related parts will happen but again; you'll see
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((I can tell you that but nothing else. It's a idea I might have but you'll find out later. Second, the other stories with her are in different tags. I have a few of them so here you go.
*Officer demons/corrupting demons au (Having writer's block at the moment for an officer's corruption but is adding short drabbles))
*medival fantasy au ((Our muses being in a fantasy world of old with magic and other things are real. Also young adults in this too))
*demon adults au (when the DBT and my muses are young adults but a bit older. The more NSFW smut like questions/drabble/and stories show on this. This au belongs to demon mun too.)
*devil royals/young adults au(still being added at times when ideas show)
*Devil Nobels au/demon noble rulers au (On and off but still adding when possible)
*the DI5 infection incident au (Still ongoing but has writer's block on this/will continue when possible)
*evil world au (sometimes has them as their normal selves or young adults au/also has writer's block but will add when out of it.)
*demon high school au(with them being as teenagers or young adults au/also has writer's block)
*crime au/mafia au(also on going but on writer's block on this one)
*bad end au(bad outcomes on the muses/sorta on writer's block but still on going)
*Noir au/demon mun's au idea so credit goes to her (also writer's block but adds when I got idea. This is mainly her idea)
*horror world au (same as evil world au. Scary stories with our muses. Tw: has blood, gore, death, torture, and other dark themed things. Is still ongoing)
*Inner demon lust au(on hold but is open for demon mun to add anything if she wishes.)
*demon check up au(Finished for the main story but open for others to read)
*demonic deal au(Story is finished but open for any to read)
*dragon harem au (the six claws story involving their beloved van ink the dragon adventures)(Some stories are on hold/Demon mun's story)
*deadly battle au (Where sukuna is the monster but story is on hold)
*demonic omegaverse au(a real old idea but this is still ongoing with some ideas if our muses either being omegas, alphas, betas, etc.)
*jujutsu sorcerers au (A new idea where most of my jujutsu kaisen muses go on crazy adventures with the DBT and with new faces too)
*fraction adventures au (Adventures with the fractions of NYC with my muses and demon mun's muses. It's crazy let me tell you that.)
*Mafia and killers au (Adventures with some of my port mafia muses going on crazy daily things with the lovely horrors)
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((These are the tags I have for some of the stories so far we done together. Their are some that don't have tags but I might have to go back and give them one as well. Oh! and if new ones get added, they will get tags too. I got so many it's a lot. lol. But I know demon mun also has some stories too so you can also read them too if you wish. Their really good. <3 but yeah, hope this answers the question.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
0 notes
gordonthesquid · 3 years
What about your body are you grateful for?
Virg posed this question today and posted his answer over at @vgtracy. And I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. It might be easier for me to say my stunning good looks, yes, and while that might be true, there’s a reason this question is bothering me. And it requires the solemn answer, not a throw away joke. 
Rambling in bound, so apologies in advance. 
There’s a lot I’m grateful for. Virgil is more the type for these little daily self-reflections. I’ve done my share of those while I was healing after my accident, and they helped, but it’s been a while since I’ve pulled out my positive mindset journal.
By the accident, I mean the big one. Not the one from the Hood when I was retrieving Braman.
That’s why I think this question resonated with me today, by the way. Because it was a quick one to answer. There is only one answer it ever could be. The answer for me is my back.
All of it, the parts that healed, the parts that didn’t, the scars that will never go away, the complex network of nano-generated nerves that gave me a chance when there may not have been one.
For those that may not know (because I won’t assume everyone knows everything about me), when I was in the service, I was involved in a tragedy that killed my team and injured me for life. I lost all movement and feeling in my legs. It was only through my family’s love for me, my doctor’s belief in me, and the circumstances of my own privilege that I healed to the extent I did.  We weren’t sure I would be able to walk ever again.
There are days when I can’t move from my bed, and the agony comes in waves, and I pretend not to be in tears. And it’s...awful. But it’s a pain I live with. Not suffer from. There’s a distinction there.
My family will probably never understand, because it hurts them to see me like that, but I can only feel grateful. It’s a part of me.
I can’t begin to imagine what it was like while I was asleep, but I know from the moment of the explosion, what happened to me… it happened to my family too. Something like that affects everyone around you to some extent. It would be selfish of me to not realize that. I’ve heard a little bit about that time and after. Virgil went from student to caretaker. Hell, in my darker moments, the things I said to him?
But he kept coming back. They all did. They all lifted me up, and those first steps? They weren’t because of Gordon Tracy.
Can I tell you a secret? One of my worst fears is that Scott was shot down because of me. That he was distracted. Just enough, that that missile hit home, that his reflexes weren’t as quick as they could have been. I will never forgive myself for that.
Ah. Please keep that to yourselves.
So, another important distinction: we had money. I, the soul of the man named Gordon, could have been born to anyone. Call it a roll of the dice, or the will of something higher, whatever you may believe, but somehow, I was born into a family with more zeros than most families ever see in their whole lives. Born into the Tracy name and given opportunities associated with that name. And why? Fuck if I know.
It’s why we try to use our opportunities for good.
So when experimental treatments were offered, we had the support we needed to give them a chance, for me to have the best possible care in the globe. Not the nation. In the world. The best of the best, and a series of specialists in their fields who took a chance on the Tracy name, and then came to know the soul that is Gordon, and then believed in that human life.
And I don’t know why the world works the way it does. I don’t know why bad things happen to good people, or why I was the lone survivor of my team. I’ll probably never understand, and that pain is something I can’t even begin to explain. One I will always keep.
So if it had to happen - if someone had to be given the injuries I was given – I don’t sit here and think “why me of all people?” I’m grateful that this happened to me of all people. Because the soul that is Gordon Tracy was born by chance under the right stars for these circumstances. And because of it, I was able be the test for treatments that have since created medical opportunities for healing so many others. And all of that is bigger than little ol’ Gordon.
And I don’t know about you, but it feels like luck to me. How could I be anything but grateful?
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
just realised (or connected the dots) that when han juwon says that those who’re connected to the case shouldn’t handle it, dongsik agrees becuz the reason why the killer isn’t suspected is cuz he’s part of the close-knit village.
and dongsik understands this. and later on juwon understands that dongsik did understand that. which is why later on, juwon’s reflecting everything dongsik has taught juwon back to him, telling him “you’re too connected to this case. you’re too connected to the people connected to this case. you’re not suspecting the right ppl”
and mf gives him a list of ppl to suspect.
i love their dynamic so much
OKAY!! Tell me to shut up now because this is one of my favourite parts of Joo Won's character!!
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Despite how rigid Joo Won is - spine-wise and in terms of his moral compass - he still manages to be a very adaptable person. I think it's one of the things that many of the other characters in the show don't expect from him, which causes them to underestimate his intentions and misinterpret his actions. Some of these characters are Han Ki Hwan, Lee Chang Jin, Chief Jung Cheol-Mun, Oh Ji Hwa and Kwon Hyuk to a certain extent.
Episodes 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, and 16 (there might be more) follow the theme of one being too emotionally connected to the case at hand. Whether that be Dong Sik with Min Jeong and Yu Yeon or Joo Won with his father. But the topic is first probably introduced in Episode 3. Episode 3: Joo Won and Dong Sik have been asked to give a statement after they found Min Jeong's fingertips, so Dong Sik can be dismissed as a suspect (which Joo Won realises straight away and states out loud for the audience). DS: Your office is big enough. Why are we here? JW: She's doing this for you. A cop is only human. She knows how people will think of you with the recent case. The first thing Ji Hwa asks in this scene is are you okay? She hasn't entered this situation as a police officer, which is something she struggles with throughout the entire show. [Side note: Joo Won and Ji Hwa oftentimes share the exact same beliefs about how to approach their jobs. They believe a cop is a cop and no one is above the law BUT the law sucks. They both express these opinions in different ways throughout the show, Joo Won with action and Ji Hwa with opinion. But obviously, they express themselves differently and we are meant to perceive them differently because of their age, gender, and their role within the narrative.] So, because of the traumatic thing that has happened, which she now has to investigate, she approaches the situation as a friend. Which, given the informal nature of the summons, I get BUTTTTT the issue with that is... They're police officers and this is an active missing person/murder investigation, of which, Dong Sik was the lead suspect in a similar cold case... So, the two of them sharing information willy-nilly in the investigation room is actually kind of unprofessional (in my opinion). When I first watched it, I agreed with Joo Won: Ji Hwa is too emotionally involved to be non-bias and Dong Sik shouldn't be given information (inside the interrogation room), it doesn't do well for the investigation... AND to give Joo Won credit, he did live with Prosecutor (Kwon Hyuk), so he probably knows the ways a lawyer can tear apart a case. This then poses a very interesting line of questioning. Joo Won states all the logical reasons why Ji Hwa and Dong Sik shouldn't be a part of the case: they were like family to Min Jeong, Dong Sik was once a suspect 20 years ago, and the formality of the questioning of a witness does not allow for the briefing of that witness. But then Dong Sik counters his argument with: What's wrong with that? Why can't detectives get their feelings involved? What's wrong with being like family to the victim? We want to lock up the bastard who did this to our family. What's wrong with that?
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It's the whole reason he became a police officer. It's what he's spent 20 years doing!! HOWEVER, 3 years prior to the canon timeline, Dong Sik berated Lee Sang Yeob for having the exact line of thinking... and it influenced his actions, which lead to his murder.... (and considering how borderline suicidal Dong Sik is, are we stepping too far to assume that he doesn't care to come out of this whole experience intact/ alive??? Maybe, maybe not)
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But Dong Sik knows where Joo Won is coming from because he's been in his shoes but he also knows that sometimes, you need emotions to get involved. Lee Yu Yeon and Kang Min Jeong don't have anyone to help them now... there's only Dong Sik left. So, when it's your family that is killing your family, you need those emotions to stop them/bring them to justice.
"To catch these monsters, we must become monsters." Dong Sik, episode 3
So, Joo Won thinks the police shouldn't investigate with their emotions. Dong Sik thinks they should. Out of the two of them, Joo Won is the hypocrite here. He approached his investigation of Dong Sik with nothing BUT emotion (despite how much he likes to pretend he didn't). Joo Won is responsible for Lee Geum Hwa's murder. She's a sex worker with no family in Korea, with no one to claim her body. So, incensed with folly and guilt, Joo Won investigates with emotion.
In episode 4, Dong Sik asks one of the most important (throwaway) questions of the whole series: “It’s a dangerous thing to become attached to someone. Don’t you think?”
The series shows us throughout that the answer is yes and no. It is dangerous but it is worth it.
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Episode 10 Joo Won is one of my favourite versions of him. He took the time to digest his relationship with Dong Sik, he highlighted all the parts he didn't like and all the parts he did, he realised Dong Sik's language and decided to reapproach him speaking it. I don't care what anyone says, he's adaptable! It only took him a week to realise Dong Sik isn't the killer, it took a month for them to bring a 20-year-old serial killer to justice (although, you can't really give Joo Won credit for that), and it only took him 3 months to process whatever the fuck was going on between him and Dong Sik. Joo Won learned to speak Dong Sik's language by copying his actions. He planted the evidence (so the police would investigate Kang Jin Mook's suspicious death), he smiled at the camera so Dong Sik would know it was him, he made them dinner so Dong Sik would stay, he said the list of names to prove to Dong Sik 1) look I've been paying attention 2) I know you and I see you (he's a lil creepy) and 3) you've been blindsided by your trust. He doesn't want Dong Sik to make the same mistakes.
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Plus... everyone should be a suspect. (that's the way i see it anyway)
Throughout the show, Dong Sik proves time and time again that there isn't much he'll do for those he loves. Plant evidence? Sure. Get himself arrested? Duh! Be a part of a plot to take down the Commissioner of the police? Piece of cake.
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But Joo Won is just as willing and twice as reckless as Dong Sik.
So, if Dong Sik investigates with his emotions, Joo Won investigates with his whole heart. Because as soon as Dong Sik gains Joo Won's loyalty, there's not much Joo Won wouldn't do for him. Plant evidence? Sure. Voluntarily get arrested on live national TV? Duh! Promise to go to hell? Piece of cake. Go into a house with the knowledge that you could be murdered? Let's go!! Arrest your dad and your partner? (that one is a little harder)
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(gosh he needs to chill)
So, Dong Sik asked: What's wrong with that? Why can't detectives get their feelings involved? What's wrong with being like family to the victim? We want to lock up the bastard who did this to our family. What's wrong with that?
He investigates with his emotions dictating his actions BUT like he says in episode 11:
Inspector Han, it's my job to go berserk without thinking about the consequences. You can stick to just being you. Be calm and composed. That is your job.
Dong Sik knows, as does Joo Won and us, the audience, that Joo Won is not a calm and composed man. Out of the two of them, that's Dong Sik. He is the one that can compartmentalize his emotions and think these through before acting but he is very trusting, far too trusting for his own good. Whereas Joo Won is very analytical but he's impulsive and his emotions can make him sloppy and presumptuous.
But when they work together, they are able to keep each other in check and follow through.
So, to answer Dong Sik's question Why can't detectives get their feelings involved? The answer the show gives is that Joo Won is right: A cop is only human. So, yes, they can but they need their partner to keep them in check.
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Thank you for sending this ask! I absolutely adore this aspect of their dynamic as well. So I decided to agree with you by writing way too many words and include beautiful gifs. I went a little off-topic but I hope what I'm trying to say correlates with your point and furthermore, makes sense. I hope you have a great day!
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
bands | thirteen
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.9k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, slight degradation, trouble stirring behind the scenes if you squint, yeonjun and soobin (txt) make an appearance but also as reg 18 yr olds lol
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme​ @min-nicoleee​ @eggbutnotyolk​ @ra-mun-e @miinoongi​ @jimidol​ @ppeachyttae​ @thebeebi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @kooafraid​ @liriaus​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @sunniejinnie​ @cypheruby​ @cyb3rbab3​ @masterlists101​ @awhnamjoon​ @redhedhoseok​ @wooya1224​ @taeismydeath @jikookiekosmos​ @un2-verse​ @aynsx​ @wearenot7withu​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"BTS' Jeon Jungkook rumored to be dating stripper from nightclub!"
"Jungkook is no longer single, ladies!"
"Jeon Jungkook is dating a stripper? Why the hell is he doing that?"
"Who the hell does she think she is? I bet she's not even pretty."
"Jungkook fell for a stripper? Out of all people? Damn, and I thought he was better than that."
Jungkook has been tired, the rumors constantly being spread day in and day out. But, it still didn't mean he was gonna say shit to prove himself to people out there. He didn't need to give anybody answers. Hell, this was strictly between you and him and that's how he wants to keep it.
Fuck every single one of you who didn't wanna be behind him and support him. Don't even think about calling yourself a fan of his if that's your mindset.
He could truly care less. He was happy and he felt ten times better than he has in a really long time. It's unfortunate how people love to stay narrow minded. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that it was so unfair for you - how they stuck to that stripper image, rather than really getting to know you beneath the surface.
But it's not like anyone else deserved to know the real you, not after all this shit. And he was gonna keep it that way, and protect you.
"Hey, don't listen to any of that shit, okay?" Jungkook says as he meets you in your car in the BigHit building garage. "None of that matters to me."
"I know, but Kook." You look at him. "Your career, BigHit literally might not even want me here and-and—"
"Then I'll make sure they understand it's not an issue, because it's really fucking not." He says, getting irritated only at the thought of the company giving him issues over you. He watches as you slightly frown, causing him to sigh and soften his own facial expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get worked up like that. It's just annoying how people are narrow-minded. This has absolutely nothing to do with you." You give him a small smile. "Come on, I'll walk you." You silently nod and hop out of your car. You follow beside him, your stomach in knots having to meet with their performance director. This meant you'd also most likely run into the rest of Bangtan.
In which happens to turn true pretty quickly.
"Jungkookie!" Hoseok says loudly down the hallway as he approaches the both of you. He does nothing besides smile, curiosity definitely filling his eyes.
"This is Y/N. Y/N, Hoseok hyung." He holds out his hand for you to shake, his head tilting ever so slightly because you know he's familiar with your face. He's just trying to remember from where. Or, he has recognized you, but he's trying his hardest not to say anything.
Cause they have seen all of you, especially in that fishnet bodysuit.
"Hi! Nice to meet you! You can call me Hobi for short. Are you meeting with someone?" You nod.
"Yeah." Is all you can reply with as you shyly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Nice, goodluck!"
"Is everyone else here?" Jungkook asks, making Hobi nod.
"Yeah, but they're still running through some stuff in the dance studio. I just ran off to take a break."
"Okay." Jungkook looks at you. "Follow me, he's in one of the private studio rooms." You both part ways from Hoseok, the need to clutch onto Jungkook's arm immensely strong right now. You hold yourself off though, because even with passing a few female staff members, you catch them looking at you oddly with the way you're walking side by side with Jungkook.
Nope. Don't even think about it, Y/N. It doesn't matter.
Jungkook knocks softly on a door, the middle of it being made up of entirely frosted glass so it's difficult to see inside. Their performance director opens the door swiftly and welcomes you in with a warm smile, stepping aside to let you in.
"I've got it from here, Jungkookie. Thank you." Jungkook nods but tries to peek through the door to get one last glimpse of your face before he shuts it fully. "How are you doing, Y/N?" He sits in front of you, leaning onto his knees with his hands fully clasped together.
"I'm good. How are you?"
"Good, tired." He chuckles. "Thanks for taking my call earlier and for meeting at such short notice on a weekend. I had a couple of things come up and didn't want to push things off until later." You smile.
"It's no problem."
"Jungkook tells me a lot about you."
"Does he now?" You chuckle and tilt your head to the side.
"Says you're a really good person. Super hardworking. Told me a little bit about your situation with your brother."
"Mmyeah, it's a little complicated."
"It's alright, no need to get into the details." He smiles before letting out a small sigh. "It's incredibly rare for me to hear Jungkook speak like that. In general. He's usually very closed off, doesn't like to let people in much. He really respects you, you know? Cares about you a whole lot." You slightly blush.
"I'm still getting used to it." He chuckled.
"Look, I know you've been worrying because of where you've been and all that, but I want to reassure you that none of it matters. I don't like to focus on all that. You're here as you, not her." He says, putting another pronoun to your stripper persona.
"Thank you, I appreciate it." He nods. There's a small pause before he begins to speak again.
"I could really use some help around here if you're still interested? The boys are becoming a lot for me to handle."
"Ah-uh, yeah! Of course I am." You found yourself stuttering at the sudden offer. Was this fucking real?! "But, you are aware of where me and Jungkook are at, right?" You ask, trying to be completely transparent and honest about their relationship. He nods and waves his hand out.
"As long as you keep it professional here, right?" You nod.
"Come, let me show you around really quickly and have you formally meet the boys." You swallowed the lump in your throat. Fucking great. He definitely didn't know they've all seen your titties and pussy out during Yoongi's birthday, and now here you were - about to meet them again in this environment. Hobi was awkward enough even though he tried not to be.
Surprisingly, Jungkook wasn't waiting outside in the hallway like you thought he would be, but the tour commences and the PD is taking you around pretty quickly. You feel even more awkward and somewhat alone [even though you weren't] without Jungkook nearby, but you chug along and say your hello's to the people you're introduced to. He finally brings you into the dance studio, where there's loud ass music blasting, Jungkook, the boys and some backup dancers in front of the mirrors fooling around.
"Aye boys, come here real quick." You and Jimin lock eyes and your body suddenly gets tense. The room feels 10x hotter than it already is, especially when he slowly walks over and clenches his jaw. He is literally seeping with hate right now, maybe actually disgust, and he doesn't even try to hide it. Most of them for sure recognize you, but they seem to brush it off and give you a big wave/smile anyway.
"Last, that's Jimin - Jimin, Y/N." You give Jimin a fake smile, and the only thing his ass can reciprocate is the smallest, tight-lipped smile you have ever seen. You've never even seen your mom do that when she got mad or upset with you.
"Hi." Is all you can say.
"Sup." He looks at you before turning on his heel and walking away.
"Ooookay?" Namjoon furrows his brows as he watches Jimin walk away so rudely. "The hell was that about?"
"I knew that was Kookie's girlfriend! Maybe Jiminie remembers seeing her titties and shit too, needs to walk away before he gets his ass beat by him." Yoongi says lowly behind Namjoon.
"Yeah, like you're any better." Namjoon says, looking at Yoongi weirdly.
"I mean, we did see her practically naked." Jin says, chiming into the discussion.
"I touched her." Yoongi's mouth slightly hangs down. "I touched her."
"Go ahead, say it louder so Kookie can hear you." Jin nods sarcastically. "Go, say it!"
"No, stop." Yoongi's cheeks turn red while shaking his head and laughing. "He'll literally launch me out the window with one hand."
"You asked for her to sit on your lap too, bro!"
"I was joking, and it's not like she did it anyway!"
"Whatever, I'm keeping my birthday deep in my memory storage."
"Clean slate for her so it should be for you too, my guy." Namjoon says as he has enough of their conversation.
You look at Jungkook who is silently standing there, looking like a big dork with a huge smile on his face and his thumbs up. You give him the tiniest nod before proceeding to follow the PD out.
"So?!" Jungkook dashes to meet you in their waiting room area, where an abnormally large picture of Jimin posing oddly hung up.
"He said he'll send me all the info and papers and stuff!" You respond excitedly as Kook hugs you and quickly swings you around.
"See, I knew it would work out!" He puts you down. "Are you gonna tell Kai?" You shook your head.
"Not today at least, it's his birthday and I don't wanna take away from that. It's his day." Jungkook smiles at you.
"Text me when you've picked him up? I should be home by then."
"Okay." You blush and back away, making Jungkook look at you with confusion. "I have to keep it professional here, duh."
"Ah I see." He chuckles. "That won't last very long."
"Jungkook." You whine.
"There's a lot of private rooms here and—"
"I'm not listening, sorry. I think Kai is suddenly calling me." You cover your ears as you begin to walk away, giving him one last smile before leaving him to the rest of rehearsals and whatever else they're doing. He laughs to himself as he waves you off, excited to get through the day so he can just spend time with you and Kai.
As the hours go on and it's about time for you to pick Kai up, you quickly stop by the store because you're a procrastinator and didn't buy Kai's birthday gift any earlier. You felt bad you weren't able to find the shoes he wanted, but you at least snagged the video game he had been talking about for a couple of days now. Before walking into the arcade, you made sure to write your birthday card and slip some more money into it before shoving it in your bag to give to him later.
"Your pretty sister is here." Yeonjun grabs Kai by the shoulder as he finishes up a game.
"Yeah, and you're too young for her."
"Age is nothing but a number. It's only like.. 6 years apart."
"Besides, she's taken, dude. Sorry." Kai snorts as he watches Yeonjun's smile fade. "You would have never had the chance."
"You're mean."
"I'm mean, or you just have really high, unrealistic expectations?" The rest of their friends laugh as they follow Kai over to you.
"Hey!" You smile at all his friends.
"Hiiiiii Y/N." They all say in unison, some waving in awe, while the others shyly dug their hands into their pockets. "Birthday boy, you all good to go? Got some good Loco Moco waiting for you."
"Yeah, I'm good."
"Happy birthday again, Kai! Get online later!" Soobin yells out.
"Yeah, yeah." He says, waving them off as he follows you out to your car.
"You guys run through the entire arcade?" Kai laughs.
"Pretty much." He sinks into his seat, legs damn near touching the glove compartment with how long he is. "I'm honestly so excited for Loco Moco. It's been years!"
"It has not been that long." You laughed.
"You're right, it's been months." Kai looks out the window. "Wait, you're passing the road to get to our go-to shop though?"
"Cause I found a better place."
"How is there a better place when that one was already supreme?!"
"Hey, trust me on this okay?" You laugh. Kai starts telling you about his day and how so many people he knew from school had been messaging him happy birthday. He truly looked his happiest today and it was all you could ask for. Though at the same time, your heart slightly sank at the fact that he'd be going off to uni soon and staying at the dorms. He was just growing up way too fast, and you wanted to spend as much time as you could with him now before he was too occupied being a college boy.
You slipped yourself past Jungkook's security, parking in the one guest spot they have in the garage that's closest to the elevator. Kai doesn't really question it and hops out anyway, his hands in his pockets as he follows you into the elevator and onto Jungkook's floor.
"You ready, kid?"
"Is this some like, Michelin Star Loco Moco restaurant?"
"Ah, I guess you could say that." You knocked on the door, hearing music playing in the background. Jungkook opens the door and Kai's eyes widen.
"Oh shit, that's Jungkook?" Kook laughs and steps aside to let you both in. "Sis why—what—how come you didn't tell me we were seeing your boyfriend? I look like a mess!" He says lowly.
"You don't!"
"Hey Kai! Happy Birthday!" Jungkook says smiling, making Kai actually blush. He's cheeks are tinted with a rosy color and he suddenly gets all shy.
"Your brother's tall." Jungkook looks at him up and down.
"Looking at an 18 year old 6 footer."
"Must be nice."
"Go sit." Kai silently nods as he sits awkwardly on Kook's couch, while you go and check in on him in the kitchen.
"Is he always that shy?"
"No. Just with you, apparently. He's not even that shy around girls." You chuckle as he places a quick kiss on your head. "Need my help?" You still ask even though the plates are neatly prepared already.
"Not really." He smiles down at you. "You hungry though?"
"Starving, actually." Your eyes light up at the plates. "Ouuuuuu, yum."
"Honestly, I think this batch might be better than my first."
"Still honored to be your guinea pig." You carry a plate over to Jungkook's coffee table in the living room.
"Oh shit, that looks amazing." Kai says, slipping himself down from the couch to the floor so he could get a good whiff of the plate. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Jungkook hands you the remote before walking into his room. "Pick something."
"Here, birthday boy. Help me choose."
"Let's watch Soul on Disney+." At this point, Jungkook comes out of his room with a wrapped present, his eyes locked on the TV.
"Ooh, I keep seeing this everywhere! Niceeeee." Jungkook says, smiling with Kai nodding and already digging into his plate. "By the way, this is for you." You shoot him a look as he sits on the floor by you, watching as Kai unwraps the present. Kai's eyes light up as he sees a shoebox underneath the wrapping, quickly flipping the lid open to reveal those blue Air Jordans he wanted.
"Kook?!" You say lowly, making him smile at you and gently pinch your side.
"Holy shit!" He holds out a shoe, only for him to immediately shake his head and close the box again. "Jungkook, I can't take this." Kai says.
"No, it's your birthday."
"Yeah, but isn't this expensive? You've already done so much for me and my sister, I-I don't want to—"
"Kai, it's cool. If it's one thing you can do to repay me, it's to take my present." You literally want to cry at how sweet Jungkook is being with your brother. He had been good to you, no doubt, but this was one thing you didn't expect from him at all. Quite frankly, you had forgotten you mentioned the shoes to him. The fact that he actually remembered and kept his word.
"Okay." Kai says, gently setting the box down aside before looking at Jungkook with a small smile on his face. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. Like, even with the food and everything. It means a lot to me."
"You're welcome." You give him a soft smile before digging into your food while Soul was already off to a start. Kai and Jungkook devour their food together, with you following shortly behind as Jungkook brings over a small ice cream cake from his fridge for Kai to blow his candles on. After the boys had helped themselves to a good serving of the cake, they started getting hyper and pulled up Smash Bros on Kook's Nintendo Switch [as if Kai hadn't played enough games today]. It started to get intense; the boys jumping and yelling everywhere, bouncing off of the walls, with you getting pulled into the competition every now and then. Even though you knew you'd lost over and over again, you happily joined in anyway, seeing how excited your brother was - plus, it was always a bonus to hear Jungkook's loudly obnoxious, nerdy laugh.
"I WIN!"
"Hey, hey, hey. I let you win because it's your birthday." Jungkook said, making Kai laugh as he crashed to the floor.
"Sure." Kai huffed and puffed. "Crap, I'm tired. What time is it?"
"Almost midnight. We should start heading out, bubba." You patted Kai's chest gently.
"What? No, it's late. Why don't you two just stay here?" You suddenly remembered you've had Kai's shit in your trunk since you dropped him off at Yeonjun's this morning. You didn't have any change of clothes, but that could easily be fixed with Jungkook's closet.
"Only if the queen wants, she's driving."
"It's late, baby." Jungkook says to you softly. "No way I'm letting you two head out there."
"Okay." You give him a small smile before handing your keys. "Can you do me a favor?" He chuckles.
"What is it?"
"Kai's duffle bag is in my trunk." He nods and takes your keys.
"I got it. Kai, you can take the guest room or my office room." Jungkook says with his 3-bedroom apartment having ass. "I have my computer in my office room though, and a pull out bed. I don't know how comfy you'll be."
"It's cool, I'll just take your guest room. I always bring my laptop and switch whenever I sleep at my sister's." Kai says getting up. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Jungkook says, toothlessly smiling at the both of you, completely endeared at how alike you two were - even down to the fact that you both said thank you for every little thing. If this was a result of Kai being close to you and having you as pretty much his mother figure, then Jungkook wouldn't know what to do with his feelings. He felt butterflies every time he thought about how cute and sweet you were, and he was always excited to be around you.
Jungkook does a quick jog to your car, grabbing Kai's Nike duffle from your trunk before jogging back to the elevator and back to his apartment. He walks in to see Kai helping you clean up the remaining dishes in the sink, tidying the rest of the things in his kitchen.
"Thank you." Jungkook says himself, a little unfamiliar with saying such a thing to be completely honest.
"You're welcome." You say softly, wiping your hands on his hand towel. "Off to bed, or are you gonna go online with your friends?"
"I'll see what they're up to, but I'm pretty beat. Today was fun." Kai smiles at the both of you. "I really appreciate it." You ruffle his hair a bit before gently pushing him towards his bedroom for the night.
"Bathroom's right over there, help yourself to anything you need."
"Don't stay up too late."
"Only if you aren't too loud." You gasp while Jungkook laughs out loud.
"Hey, I'm just being honest. Please remember that I'm right in this room."
"Oh my god, go to bed." You shove him inside the room and shut his door. "Don't even say a word." You look at Jungkook shyly as you hurriedly brush past him to get into his room - even though Jungkook is literally right behind you with those long ass legs of his, making every stride so much easier for him to catch up to you.
"What's your outfit of choice tonight, pretty lady?" He shuts his door behind him as you start to make your way into his closet.
"Hm, I'll just wear this plain black--" You unfold it. "Balenciaga? Okay, I definitely can't just wear this to sleep."
"Why not?"
"Because this is like, name brand and everything."
"So?" He shrugs. "Just wear it, babygirl. It's not gonna make much of a difference, you're wearing it either way." You do a slight pout before you start to slip out of your clothes to get into his shirt. You make his way to his bathroom to take a little tinkle when you notice another toothbrush sitting next to his. A pink toothbrush, next to his blue one.
"Why do you have two toothbrushes?" You wash your hands as he comes in to the bathroom to start getting ready for bed.
"That's yours." Your eyes light up at his statement.
"I figured since you'd be over more, it'd be easier for you." He furrows his brows lightly. "Unless.. you didn't want--" You press a kiss against his lips, his hands resting on your arms to keep you close.
"No, I did want that. Thank you."
"Of course, baby." He pecks your forehead.
"By the way, way to make me look like such a bad sister!" You say as you start getting your toothbrush ready.
"Why? The shoes?"
"The shoes, the Loco Moco, the games, the ice cream cake." You laughed. "I literally got him a video game and some money."
"I mean, he is turning 18. I wanted to help make it as memorable as possible."
"I appreciate you a lot. Really."
"I appreciate you too." Your eyes widen as you brush your teeth.
"Waaaaow, say thaht wun mohr tiyme." You say, pulling a Jungkook while brushing your teeth.
"Eye apprushiate yoh toh." You giggle. The both of you finish getting ready for bed before slipping into his warm sheets. Jungkook never goes to sleep early, however, he makes sure all the lights are off and that the show he's watching isn't too loud. You have no idea what's going on in his show, but you lay on his chest to watch for a little bit until you feel yourself getting a little more sleepy. He's holding you close, his hand brushing through your hair softly, causing tingles to ripple through your body.
"Yes, baby?"
"You make me happy." You say sleepily as you hung him tighter. He smiles down at you, your eyes now shut close as you slowly start to drift into a deep sleep. He presses a light kiss against your head, fingers still in your hair.
"You make me happy too, sweetheart."
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there's a serious problem with lack of dash activity and plotting here. and even though you don't really take advice on how to improve the group or adding groups(unless its specifically something /youre/ asking of the group), the unwillingness to change much of anything besides "model groups" instead of making interesting changes like opening trainee slots, potential duos, bands, and staff positions, fun hinting at group debuts, or even a revamp of the blog with new features is discouraging.
Hi! As a policy, it’s much easier for me to address concerns off-anon, but I do want to start off by saying that I’m always open to taking suggestions for what people want to see! I address that and the bulk of your message more fully under the cut, but I wanted to touch on your dash and plotting concerns first above the cut since I wanted to give members a little reminder, too.
If you’re having problems with or concerns about any specific members, please come to me off-anon and I will speak to them. I can’t ever fully know what’s going on with plotting since that almost exclusively happens over messages, which I have no access to. If your writing partners have been slow to reply lately, we’ve got mini-events with the Base blog along with future full-group events and tasks that will be ramping up that will provide more to write about, as the dash does slow down when we don’t have any real events or tasks going on.
I definitely hear your concern, though, so, members, please make sure you’re putting in the effort to write and plot with those who express interest in doing so with you, and don’t be afraid to reach out to others if you feel your plots are currently lacking! Life can make people slow (myself included right now, especially when it comes to responding to plotting messages and, to a lesser extent, messages on the main), but make sure to follow up when you do get the chance, and it never hurts to let someone know that you’ve got a lot going on right now, so maybe going with the flow on a starter or doing a text thread (though, reminder: those don’t count for activity) would be better for the time being.
Likewise, members, if you ever have concerns about feeling excluded by anyone, please message me off-anon and I will do what I can to try to help you out! Your comfort is of utmost important to me.
Now, I’d like to address the latter part of your message, since it concerns me that I may have given off any kind of impression that I’m not open to suggestions or advice.
As I said at the beginning of this post, I am always open to hearing out suggestions and advice! A lot of updates that have been added recently are at the suggestion of members. Almost all of the claims that have been added to the points shop recently were specific requests by members, as well as several past rule updates and general changes to how the group is run. The biggest addition we’ve had to the group in a while was the addition of the Base blog and the events that will come from it (and the full scope of possibilities I want to incorporate through that has yet to be shown!) was an idea I’d had since the beginning of the roleplay in some sense, but was largely shaped by suggestions and requests from members past and present and those who submitted what they wanted to see anonymously. 
Generally, as a rule, I don’t publicly reply to suggestions for the group that come in since it can be hard to make an official statement on any plans I have for incorporating them before I’ve entirely thought it through and figured the best way, time, and method to implement a suggestion. I keep all anonymous suggestions I receive, so that I can keep them in mind and come back to them later. Messages do get eaten, though, so if you want to be one hundred percent sure I got something, please message me the suggestion off-anon and let me know you’d like to know I got it!
I do understand that the few times I have replied to anonymous suggestions publicly, it’s more often than not been to say that something won’t be able to be implemented (or that, if it will, it’s a ways off), but I only do that when a request or suggestion has been made multiple times and I’ve thought it through enough that I really don’t see it working within the confines of the group so that members aren’t holding on for something that I won’t be able to make happen for them. This includes what you’ve mentioned about opening the roleplay up for trainees, staff, or bands, because those are simply not roles that would work within the mechanics of the roleplay and its concept since everything (events, claims, points) is based around the specific lives and careers of debuted idols. Muses outside of that would naturally feel left out unless I were to do a major overhaul of the group’s core. I know idol roleplays with those types of open roles have been done before and are probably being done out there right now, though, so I do hope you can find a place to write your trainee, staff, or band muse if that’s what you really want to write out! Unfortunately, the specific sub-set of the idol roleplay genre that I’ve chosen for Famed to exist within doesn’t easily accommodate the types of roles outside of those that already exist within it. As for duos, I had suggestions brought to me about people wanting to see more sub-unit and canon collaboration opportunities and I’m doing my best to make that happen through all of the recent sub-unit debuts and the COLLA3ORATE event through the Base blog, and beyond that, music collaborations, dramas, variety shows, etc. are always available as a claim for two muses to work and/or promote together if they want to!
No group debuts have been hinted at recently because there’s none immediately planned anymore. I had a boy group I wanted to debut this summer, but it’s more important to me that existing muses have group mates to write with before I bring in new spots, so nothing is planned to happen there with that new boy group debut until next calendar year at earliest. We’ve had at least one new group or soloist debut every year since the roleplay opened (Femme Fatale in 2017; Lucid and Dimensions Soloist 2 in 2018; BC Soloist 1 in 2019; Dimensions Soloist 3 in 2020) and new debuts are something I’d like to keep up for as long as it’s reasonable.
I’m not able to accommodate what every single request, suggestion, and desire everyone has for the roleplay because not everything will fit into the roleplay realistically and logistically, but I promise I have never refused to make a suggestion happen out of sheer stubbornness or refusal to be open to others’ ideas!
In my view, my role as an admin is to keep the roleplay running and offer updates, changes, plot drops, story lines, etc. to encourage muse for writing among muns, but I am also very aware of roleplay as a collaborative art — meaning, as an admin, I also want to work with members to help craft a community unique to the members we have had and do have that wouldn’t exist in the form it does without their creativity and ideas. That’s why I will sometimes put out surveys for opinions and feedback like you mentioned. I never want to make members feel burdened by those, as they are always completely optional, and are intended to help me, as a solo admin, get a broader view on suggestions that have been brought to me to see if it’s something more widely desired. Other times, yes, they do involve concerns and ideas of my own, but I have no desire to put the burden of admin-ing on members’ shoulders and I sincerely apologize if it ever feels like that’s what I’m doing by putting out opinion and feedback surveys. I do often make decisions without surveys, but when it’s something that I’m not fully set on doing or not doing, I like to know if it’s something that will make members happy since, once again, I really do want the roleplay to be shaped in part by what brings members muse instead of forcing things that might suck inspiration out of the roleplay when that’s the opposite of my intention. If I’m asking for member opinions, that is always completely optional and if you don’t want to answer, you should never feel you have to! If the requests for opinions and feedback don’t match what you want to give, then you are encouraged to message me anyway with your own!
I do want to reiterate again since I am very saddened to hear I may have come off contrarily: I love receiving ideas for the roleplay from members. I do not regularly reply to anonymous suggestions so that I can keep them in the inbox to come back to, but I am happy to read them and consider them. I was actually thinking very recently about how I might want to open a separate ask box or open submission form for suggestions to encourage members to send their thoughts in when they have them, but we have quite a few blogs already, so I didn’t know if that would be wanted.
I’m one person and while I try my best to try to come up with new ideas and ways to keep the group exciting without being overwhelming, I’m under no illusion that there aren’t people out there with ideas I never would have thought of that are better than anything I could come up with on my own and it excites me when I get messages with new ideas for the group, even when I’m not able to implement them, because people making suggestions means they’re excited about the group and/or they have enough investment to want to see something and that means the world to me!
As for a revamp of the blog with new features, I’m not confident I know exactly what you’re referring to there, but if you mean a revamp for a new look, I know we’ve had the same graphics and themes on our blogs for a while as it hasn’t been a priority for me to change those with everything else I’ve had going on, but any suggestions you might have for functional features you want to see on any of our blogs would be great to hear! I’ve been working behind the scenes on creating a timeline of major canon career events (tours, first award wins, foreign debuts, that kind of thing) for each of the groups, sub-units, and canon soloists, so I hope to have those added to the new page layouts some time within the next few months, but other new features on the main, Exclusive blog, Base blog, and company blogs are more in their infancy, so any suggestions there would be lovely to hear!
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fouxtte-blog · 7 years
okay so i don't want to copy each symbol in but -- i'm just going to say all of the headcanons in that last meme you reblogged because i want to know alllllllllll the things please.
(( @tuppencetrinkets — headcanon meme ))
thank u so much!! gonna be a long post, so dropping it under a readmore!
—– Send ❂ for a like headcanon.
as i’m certain shows with the blog coloring, fayne really likes pastel colors. pinks, blues, and greens in particular. she also likes neon green, but only sometimes… and only on certain things like curtains or bedspreads. 
—– Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s. 
wall-e. the space dancing scene gets her every time. 
—– Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
pointe shoes. her first pair. in ballet. getting your very first pair of pointe shoes means that you’ve reached a higher level of skill, so its really an important event. and even though she has to buy new ones fairly often, now, fayne still brings her first pair with her to each performance, tucked away in her bag like a good luck charm. 
—– Send ✿ for a happy memory.
any time she spent with aunt cynthia. but, one particular memorable sleepover was when her aunt allowed her to watch Jurassic Park. fayne, of course, did not sleep at all that night, fearing raptors coming charging into her room or a t-rex breaking through her window  ( perhaps showing it to an, already prone to nightmares, 10 year old wasn’t her aunt’s best idea, after all. )  and her parents had a fit the next day when they found out. but, it was an amazing, thrilling night that fayne remembers fondly. 
—– Send ♡ for a friendship headcanon.
fayne never truly had any friends growing up. she was privately tutored for any actual schoolwork, and the rest of the time was spent training. there were a few occasions when she would attend a ballet class with other children her age. she got along fairly well with most of them and they’d have fun dancing together… but, then she was always whisked off to another studio, another instructor. eventually, she gave up trying to make friends altogether. 
—– Send ♬ for a childhood headcanon.
fayne was never really allowed much in the way of an actual childhood. the only times she was ever really treated as a child, and not a pupil, was during her time with aunt cynthia. those are the only times she can recall playing on playgrounds, or watching cartoons, or eating more sweets than she needed. or anything childlike in general. 
—– Send ☼ for a dream headcanon.
fayne tends not to remember her dreams unless they’re very strange…. such as arm wrestling a grizzly bear in space, for instance. her subconscious can be very bizarre when it chooses. 
—– Send ♧ for a cooking headcanon.
fayne is actually a decent cook, although she doesn’t do it very often. normally, she won’t have time and simply orders room service or take-out. 
—– Send ❧ for a food headcanon.
she really loves spicy foods. the spicier the better. in fact, if it doesn’t have five peppers beside its name on a menu, she might consider it a little on the bland side. 
—– Send ★ for a talent headcanon.
puzzle solving. originally she picked it up as a way to occupy her time during the long trips between performances / instructors, but she’s gotten quite good at it. she can solve word puzzles, number puzzles, picture puzzles, etc. in very short time. 
—– Send ❀ for a crush my muse has had.
she doesn’t really have crushes, per se. she has infatuations and lusts. to her, crushes are reserved for something more innocent, long-term, like a high-school sweetheart. what she has are quick, over in a moment, not usually built on anything other than physical attraction. 
—– Send △ for a sex headcanon.
she varies between top and bottom, depending on the day. sometimes she loves taking control and, other times, she’s just content to lie back and enjoy the moment. 
—– Send ➷ for a sports headcanon.
fayne did try competitive swimming at one point, when she was very young, but her parents were both very quick to shut that down because  “ that’s not what we’re training you to do “ . 
—– Send ♤ for a ‘dislike’ headcanon.
she’s actually grown to dislike sweet foods over the past few years. partly because they are a painful reminder of the times she spent with her aunt, and also because she feels sugary foods are childish. she’ll still enjoy a cupcake or ice cream cone from time to time, but for the most part, fayne will turn them away if offered. 
—– Send ♆ for something my muse hates.
her parents… HATE may be a bit of a strong word, but she definitely harbors a strong animosity toward them both. pushing her into a career she didn’t want, denying her a childhood, not allowing her to attend her aunt’s funeral… and these are merely a handful of reasons. if she never got to see her parents again, fayne would not be sad. 
—– Send ⊗ for a phobia headcanon.
lifelike inanimate objects. dolls, mannequins. at one theater she performed at, they were storing a realistic puppet for an upcoming show in her changing room. fayne absolutely REFUSED to be in there unless it was first temporarily removed, or one of her fellow ballerinas sat in the room with her. this fear has grown worse the older she’s become. 
—– Send ☾ for a sleep headcanon.
fayne does, surprisingly, have a very well obeyed sleep schedule. she’s in bed no later than 10 pm  ( on nights when she’s not spending time in a bar or in another’s company, that is )  and always awake by 8 am. 
—– Send ✜ for a fear headcanon.
failure. its been so ingrained in her that she must always be perfect, that the fear of falling below those expectations puts tremendous strain on her nerves. failure means punishment. a fall or slip means rebuke. not achieving a prize in a competition ensures absolute silence and disappointment from her parents until she manages to win another. she cannot fail. she cannot “let” herself fail. she’s terrified of the possibility. 
—– Send ☠ for a death headcanon.
fayne has no belief in an afterlife of any kind. while she does enjoy the thought of ghosts and spirits, she does not think they’re truly possible. and she certainly has no hope in any sort of deity. 
—– Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.
her favorite method of affection is affirmation. tell her she’s doing a good job. encourage her. praise her. especially during sex. the things it does to her, oh boy.  but even outside of the bedroom, the poor girl needs a little reassurance sometimes, considering she’s so paralyzingly scared of failure. a little boost to let her know she’s doing okay does wonders for her mood / self-esteem. 
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