zacksfairest · 6 months
get booped, muol
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unsoundedcomic · 2 months
I guess that with the whole "sensing each other through the Dammakhert" thing, to True Alds™ dealing with Soud might be likened to talking to someone who has neither facial expression nor vocal inflection.
Would you say it even borders on the uncanny valley? Like, that's clearly a person in front of them, but at the same time, according to their Dammakhert sense, there is no person there. The face moves, the words have tone, but there's something missing from it all.
Arguably it's also a bit like how people can find some forms of neurodivergence, or even cultural differences, unsettling when they're not used to it. There's a mismatch between the expected minutiae and what's happening so their brain is going "alert! alert! I don't know what, but alert!".
Either way, I'm imagining some backwater village Plat who's never met a Soud before being extremely on edge, while a cosmopolitan Aldish port trader who deal with outsiders a lot is like "yeah, and? get over yourself, muol 🙄". Like Ghersit who generally limit fraternising outside their caste being leery of Soud, while in Duane's time in the army the Plats and Jets there seem largely like "oh yeah, that's my good friend GoldBoy NoFace".
Nicely put!
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Frislandic Phonology Addendum: Minimal Pairs -Consonants
Just providing these as the first part of a two-part series accompanying the post on phonology. This is going to be a long one (because establishing minimal pairs is always laborious) so feel free to ignore if you aren't really into this kind of thing. Note I'm not giving minimal pairs for every single possible pair of consonants in the language, only ones that are phonetically similar and thus could reasonably exist in complementary distribution to each other, because in many cases that would restate contrasts that can be derived transitively from the examples given (for example since buol 'acorn' contrasts with muol 'hole' and guol 'kidney', we do not need to also state that guol contrasts with muol to establish a minimal pair between /k/ and /m/).
/p/ vs. /t/
bekk /peʰk/ 'stream, beck' vs. dekk /teʰk/ 'skin'
kob /kʰup/ 'flank' vs. kod /kʰut/ 'fox'
/p/ vs. /t͡s/
buoð /puə̯ð/ 'tie together' vs. zuoð /t͡suə̯ð/ 'body, corpse'
bivl /piu̯l/ 'bible' vs. zivl /t͡siu̯l/ 'devil, satan'
baj /pɑi̯/ 'refuse' vs. zaj /t͡sɑi̯/ 'chew'
/p/ vs/ /k/
buol /puə̯l/ 'acorn' vs. guol /guə̯l/ 'kidney'
bijð /pəi̯ð/ 'to a hero' vs. gijð /kəi̯ð/ 'beech'
nab /nɑp/ 'go, leave' vs. nag /nɑk/ 'people'
/t/ vs. /t͡s/
duj /tøy̯/ 'see, look' vs. zuj /t͡søy̯/ 'thirst'
kond /kʰunt/ 'punt (boat)' vs. konz /kʰunt͡s/ 'pike (fish)'
/t/ vs. /k/
dejn /tei̯n/ 'spine' vs. gejn /kei̯n/ 'towards
doroð /turuð/ 'on cloth' vs. goroð /kuruð/ 'cave'
bast /pɑst/ 'cloak' vs. bask /pɑsk/ 'lip'
/t͡s/ vs. /k/
zuoð /t͡suə̯ð/ 'body, corpse' vs. guoð /kuə̯ð/ 'turf'
zin /t͡sin/ 'catch' vs. gin /kin/ 'frame'
zisjt /t͡siɕt/ 'chins' vs. gisjt /kiɕt/ 'be replied to'
/p/ vs. /pʰ/
bier /piə̯r/ 'beaver' vs. pier /pʰie̯r/ 'pier'
sjib /ɕip/ 'dust, fuzz' vs. sjip /ɕipʰ/ 'ship'
bis /pis/ 'ice' vs. pis /pʰis/ 'peas'
/t/ vs. /tʰ/
duoj /tu̯əi̯/ 'elder' vs. tuoj /tʰu̯əi̯/ 'eggs'
dav /tau̯/ 'mind' vs. tav /tʰau̯/ 'surname'
mad /mɑt/ 'shock' vs. mat /mɑth/ 'dream'
/k/ vs. /kʰ/
guol /kuə̯l/ 'kidney' vs. kuol /kʰuə̯l/ 'wall'
Gal /kɑl/ 'God' vs. kal /kʰɑl/ 'peel'
gez /ket͡s/ 'turn' vs. kez /kʰet͡s/ 'hazel'
/p/ vs. /ʰp/
kob /kʰup/ 'flank' vs. kopp /kʰuʰp/ 'cup'
/t/ vs. /ʰt/
zid /t͡sit/ 'moorland' vs. zitt /t͡siʰt/ 'chin'
/k/ vs. /ʰk/
bog /puk/ 'law' vs. bokk /puʰk/ 'oven'
mag /mɑk/ 'sting' vs. makk /mɑʰk/ 'house'
nug /nyk/ 'oppose' vs. nukk /nyʰk/ 'hay'
/tʰ/ vs. /kʰ/
tuol /tʰuə̯l/ 'older sibling' vs. kuol /kʰuə̯l/ 'wall'
tav /tʰau̯/ 'surname' vs. kav /kʰau̯/ 'pain'
mat /mɑtʰ/ 'dream' vs. mak /mɑkʰ/ 'sand'
/tʰ/ vs. /ʰt/
gat /kɑtʰ/ 'street' vs. gatt /kɑʰt/ 'maiden'
bwt /pəu̯tʰ/ 'shop' vs. bwtt /pəu̯ʰt/ 'bellies'
/kʰ/ vs. /ʰk/
mak /mɑkʰ/ 'sand' vs. makk /maʰk/ 'house'
/ʰt/ vs. /ʰk/
datt /tɑʰt/ 'father' vs. dakk /tɑʰk/ 'penis'
mott /muʰt/ 'mice' vs. mokk /muhk/ 'pig'
itt /iʰt/ 'field' vs. ikk /iʰk/ 'lose'
/t/ vs. /s/
doroð /ˈturuð/ 'on cloth' vs. soroð /ˈsuruð/ 'spear'
duon /tuə̯n/ 'floor' vs. suon /suə̯n/ 'snow'
/t/ vs. /ɕ/
tuojn /tʰu̯əi̯n/ 'egg' vs. sjuojn /ɕu̯əi̯n/ 'urine'
/t/ vs. /ɬ/
dang /tɑŋ/ 'gull' vs. llang /ɬɑŋ/ 'speak'
don /tun/ 'apply' vs. llon /ɬun/ 'axe'
duok /tuə̯kʰ/ 'celebrate' vs. lluok /ɬuə̯kʰ/ 'choose'
/tʰ/ vs. /s/
tez /tʰet͡s/ 'brick, block, piece' vs. sez /set͡s/ 'green wood'
mat /mɑtʰ/ 'dream' vs. mas /mɑs/ 'anus'
tiel /tʰiə̯l/ 'day' vs. siel /siə̯l/ 'slug'
/ʰt/ vs. /s/
mott /muʰt/ 'mice' vs. mos /mus/ 'left hand'
datt /tɑʰt/ 'father' vs. das /tɑs/ 'serve'
utt /yʰt/ 'take' vs. us /ys/ 'flies'
/ʰt/ vs. /ɬ/
mott /muʰt/ 'mice' vs. moll /muɬ/ 'beetle'
bitt /piʰt/ 'wren' vs. bill /piɬ/ 'worm'
/ʰt/ vs. /ɕ/
nætt /næʰt/ 'meat' vs. næsj /næɕ/ 'split'
/t͡s/ vs. /s/
ziv /t͡siu̯/ 'stench' vs. siv /siu̯/ 'suns'
zaj /t͡sɑi̯/ 'chew' vs. saj /sɑi̯/ 'brow'
biz /pit͡s/ 'know, understand' vs. bis /pis/ 'ice, frost'
/t͡s/ vs. /ɕ/
zir /t͡sir/ 'wind' vs. sjir /ɕir/ 'faeces'
gez /ket͡s/ 'turn' vs. gesj /keɕ/ 'itch'
/k/ vs. /s/
nog /nuk/ 'blood' vs. nos /nus/ 'cover'
/k/ vs. /ɕ/
guor /kuə̯r/ 'we/you take' vs. sjuor /ɕuə̯r/ 'play'
/k/ vs. /ɬ/
guor /kuə̯r/ 'we/you take' vs. lluor /ɬuə̯r/ 'we/you open'
/kʰ/ vs. /s/
kwð /kʰəu̯ð/ 'oats' vs. swð /səu̯ð/ 'exude'
kad /kʰɑt/ 'beak' vs. sad /sɑt/ 'fight'
/kʰ/ vs. /ɕ/
kav /kʰau̯/ 'pain' vs. sjav /ɕɑu̯/ 'stone'
kwð /kʰəu̯ð/ 'oats' vs. sjwð /ɕəu̯ð/ 'count'
/kʰ/ vs. /ɬ/
kuo /kʰuə̯/ 'bog' vs. lluo /ɬuə̯/ 'open'
/s/ vs. /ɕ/
sara /sɑrɑ/ 'lizard' vs. sjara /ɕɑrɑ/ 'picture, image'
bæs /pæs/ 'porpoise, dolphin' vs. bæsj /pæɕ/ 'valley
bis /pis/ 'ice' vs. bisj /piɕ/ 'whistle'
/s/ vs. /ɬ/
sa /sɑ/ 'do' vs. lla /ɬɑ/ 'cloud'
dos /tus/ 'shoulder' vs. doll /tuɬ/ 'sparks'
/p/ vs. /β/~/u̯/
gab /kɑp/ 'bite' vs. gav /kau̯/ 'crows'
kæb /kʰæp/ 'hear, listen' vs. kæv /kʰæu̯/ 'save, preserve'
/t/ vs. /ð/
kad /kʰɑt/ 'beak' vs. kað /kʰɑð/ 'green, blue'
/tʰ/ vs. /ð/
gorot /kurutʰ/ 'prayer' vs. goroð /kuruð/ 'cave'
uot /uə̯tʰ/ 'vote' vs. uoð /uə̯ð/ 'in a tree'
/t͡s/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
tez /tʰet͡s/ 'brick' vs. tej /tʰei̯/ 'of tea'
bez /pet͡s/ 'spirit' vs. bej /pei̯/ 'other'
/s/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mas /mɑs/ 'sit' vs. maj /mɑi̯/ 'dig'
uos /uə̯s/ 'food' vs. uoj /u̯əi̯/ 'of a tree'
/s/ vs. /r/
mas /mɑs/ 'sit' vs. mar /mɑr/ 'eyes'
dus /tys/ 'berries' vs. dur /tyr/ 'decorate'
/ɕ/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mesj /meɕ/ 'fool' vs. mej /mei̯/ 'colour'
gæsj /kæɕ/ 'intestine' vs. gæj /kæi̯/ 'hare'
/ɬ/ vs. /l/
nall /nɑɬ/ 'hat, cap' vs. nal /nɑl/ 'volunteer'
bollu /ˈpuɬy/ 'nephew' vs. bolu /ˈpuly/ 'foreigners'
ijll /əi̯ɬ/ 'grasses' vs. ijl /əi̯l/ 'ash'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /ð/
mav /mɑu̯/ 'beloved' vs. mað /mɑð/ 'stir'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mav /mɑu̯/ 'beloved' vs. maj /mɑi̯/ 'dig'
/ð/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. maj /mɑi̯/ 'dig'
zað /t͡sɑð/ 'good' vs. zaj /t͡sɑi̯/ 'chew'
/p/ vs. /m/
buol /puə̯l/ 'acorn' vs. muol /muə̯l/ 'hole, gap'
tob /tʰup/ 'push' vs. tom /tʰum/ 'stand'
/t/ vs. /n/
dus /tys/ 'berries' vs. nus /nys/ 'newt'
desj /teɕ/ 'half' vs. nesj /neɕ/ 'island'
zid /t͡sit/ 'moorland' vs. zin /t͡sin/ 'catch'
/k/ vs. /ŋ/
nag /nɑk/ 'people' vs. nang /nɑŋ/ 'hawk'
tag /tʰɑk/ 'lie across' vs. tang /tʰɑn/ 'gull'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /m/
mav /mɑu̯/ 'beloved' vs. mam /mɑm/ 'mother'
/ð/ vs. /n/
doroð /ˈturuð/ 'on cloth' vs. doron /ˈturun/ 'a piece of cloth'
guoð /kuə̯ð/ 'turf' vs. guon /kuə̯n/ 'goose'
/j/~/i̯/ vs. /n/
mej /mei̯/ 'colour' vs. men /men/ 'smoke'
/m/ vs. /n/
muoð /muə̯ð/ 'sleep' vs. nuoð /nuə̯ð/ 'sorrow'
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. nað /nɑð/ 'custom'
mier /miə̯r/ 'throat' vs. nier /niə̯r/ 'moon'
/m/ vs. /ŋ/
tæm /tʰæm/ 'sea' vs. tæng /tʰæŋ/ 'deer'
/n/ vs. /ŋ/
an /ɑn/ 'so!' vs. ang /ɑŋ/ 'thing'
buon /puə̯n/ 'drums' vs. buong /puə̯ŋ/ 'float'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /l/
kæl /kʰæl/ 'lie' vs. kæv /kʰæu̯/ 'save'
/ð/ vs. /l/
kieð /kʰiə̯ð/ 'den, snug' vs. kiel /kʰiə̯l/ 'flash flood'
duoð /tuə̯ð/ 'in milk' vs. duol /duə̯l/ 'thanks'
/ð/ vs. /r/
ijð /əi̯ð/ 'exist' vs. ijr /əi̯r/ 'seaweed'
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. mar /mɑr/ 'eyes'
nuoð /nuə̯ð/ 'sorrow' vs. nuor /nuə̯r/ 'rake'
/j/~/i̯/ vs. /l/
tæj /tʰæi̯/ 'dog' vs. tæl /tʰæl/ 'drop'
duoj /tu̯əi̯/ 'elder' vs. duol /tuə̯l/ 'thanks'
/j/~/i̯/ vs. /r/
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. mar /mɑr/ 'eyes'
/n/ vs. /l/
uon /uə̯n/ 'sound' vs. uol /uə̯l/ 'beer'
duon /duə̯/ 'floor' vs. duol /duə̯l/ 'thanks'
/n/ vs. /r/
kovn /kʰou̯n/ 'cushion' vs. kovr /kʰou̯r/ 'help, assistance'
uon /uə̯n/ 'sound' vs. uor /uə̯r/ 'hours'
/l/ vs. /r/
ijl /əi̯l/ 'ash' vs. ijr /əi̯r/ 'seaweed'
kuol /kʰuə̯l/ 'wall vs. kuor /kʰuə̯r/ 'back of the head'
gald /kɑlt/ 'battle' vs. gard /kɑrt/ 'pack'
/p/ vs. /mp/
kab /kʰɑp/ 'chuckle' vs. kamb /kʰɑmp/ 'night'
gob /kup/ 'clog' vs. gomb /kump/ 'hammer in'
/t/ vs. /nt/
kod /kʰut/ 'fox' vs. kond /kʰunt/ 'punt'
/m/ vs. /mp/
gom /kum/ 'rot' vs. gomb /kump/ 'hammer in'
nom /num/ 'rub' vs. nomb /nump/ 'in front of'
/n/ vs. /nt/
bon /pun/ 'drum' vs. bond /punt/ 'eel'
son /sun/ 'pay' vs. sond /sunt/ 'nut'
I'm likely to add to this list as the vocabulary grows so be aware of that if you decide to reblog.
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sunburntagapanthus · 2 months
id love to know more about your pronunciation! i will freely admit that the poll options skew usamerican for a number of reasons including that i’m from there and also that i could only find ipa transcriptions for the us and uk pronunciations. when you say that its ‘cara-mul’ are you interpreting that ‘cara’ is one syllable?
yeah kinda. idk how you’d write it down in ipa but it’s two syllables. cahr-muol. like cāh that as a slight r at the end and moul/mool, like the starting sound of “oof”
i’m also a tradie and from the bush so my accent is a lot stronger than someone from down south/a major city. i think down there they’d like have a more defined and less slurred pronunciation but would still be two syllables
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theshedding · 7 years
“Messed Up On Love” 💗 excerpt (II) from November’s performance at Campari Milano with the Rogiérs Fibby Trio 🎹🎤🎧🎼🎬. #Rogiers #Rogiérs #RogiérsFibby #FibbyMusic #MUOL #theShedding #RnB #RnBVocal #BlackMusic #PopVocal #IndieArtist #IndieMusic #SingerSongwriter #LiveVocals #Independent #IndieSoul #recordingartist #VocalTeacher #RSM #BrooklynArtist #WMC #USVIArtist #LGBTArtist #BreakupMusic #Barcelona #BlackBarcelona #TopBilling #Headliner #Trio #JazzTrio (at Campari Milano)
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grailbot143 · 5 years
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Cat Finger Holding the Buck
I'd probably enjoy freaking people out like this too.
On another note, what is that bottle in the refrigerator behind him?
I read it as mold at first, but I don't really know now.
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cloutshoes · 4 years
Emergency Survival Kit 47 in 1 Professional Survival Gear Tool First Aid Kit
Emergency Survival Kit#47 in 1 Professional Survival Gear Tool First Aid Kit
Unique 47 PCS Survival Kit – Uniquely personalized by U.S navy veterans, our survival package consists of 28pcs emergency survival gears, 16pcs medical provides, 10pcs fishing instruments and 4 in 1 Molle EMT pouch to swimsuit all of your wants. Consists of folding knife, muols to higher fit your wants. The all in one survival package consists of tactical folding knife,…
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unsoundedcomic · 1 year
Could you translate the pulina tainish line just this once? I feel like I almost have it.
The soldiers are speaking in casual Tainish rather than Duane and Quigley's educated parlance.
Pulin muol guit ssomun atha, nim'echi alama well!
Literally: Because mega jerk is very near, I can smell his stink. But I'd translate it as: "The fucker is so near I can smell his stink."
And of course they're talking about Foi-Hellick.
Some handy new Tainish vocab. Guit is a slangy modifier, it can mean a lot, or very, or super. Nim is "to be able to." It conjugates just like any other verb, then you stick the stem of the verb you're able to do at the end. Nim'echi, I am able to smell. Nim'bali, I am able to see, etc. Matty might successfully beat a soldier in combat by clocking him in the head with Chitz and shout: "Nitin'khi!" I was able to do it!
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trieusbora-blog · 7 years
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We are Khmer Krom Buddhist Monks, we are Indigenous People. We need Human rights and Self-determination. From left to right: Venerable Ly Chanda, Venerable Kim Muol, Venerable Danh Tol and me Trieu S. Bora.
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tlangsam-blog · 7 years
Tuithraphai Diary - I
Tuithraphai Diary – I
Stranger in a Strange Land. – Robert A.Heinlein
Khumbeta intĕknu Dari damnaw leia thla riet zet inzin suok ta lo khah, ka rawi upa, kum 2003-a muol liem tah Ex-MLA L.Rokung tunu Mercy-in March 17, 2017-a pasal a neinaa a pu aiaw-a thrang dinga an mi fielna chu ngaipoimaw-in, March 15 khan Delhi-a ka mikhuol David Buhril leh Indigo-ah Manipur panin kan zing suok a, sunchangah Imphal kan vuong lut…
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theshedding · 7 years
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A special reunion with #melaniejbcharles this past weekend at WMC 🎹🎬🎤🎧🎼 She came up and joined me for the finale on “How Glad I Am” and we rocked it out like we’d been singing together for years! Always a treat to be around and work with such great people and artistry...and we are #birthdaytwins (!!) #Rogiers #Rogiérs #RogiérsFibby #FibbyMusic #MUOL #theShedding #jazzvocals #RnB #RnBVocal #BlackMusic #PopVocal #CaribbeanTalent #CaribbeanAmerican #pisces #SingerSongwriter #LiveVocals #Independent #IndieSoul #recordingartist #VocalTeacher #WMC #BrooklynEvents #WMC #USVIArtist #Haiti #TopBilling #Headliner #Trio #JazzTrio #nancywilson #endirecto #crosscultural #internationalmusic #musicainternacional (at Williamsburg Music Center)
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the-roots-that-bind · 10 years
The pointless book is pretty darn amazing tbh
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unsoundedcomic · 1 year
I think I've seen people say "Muol Hethllot" would be something like "Foolish Platinum", but what does "Maa Prokul Soud" mean, aside from referring to Golds?
"Muol" is the quintessential Tainish insult. It literally means "inferior servant," but these days you could translate it as anything from dipshit to simpering dolt. "Prok" is the second most useful Tainish insult and is about equivalent to our "fuck." -ul turns it into a noun. "Maa" is a noise of exasperation or disapproval or stinkiness. "Geez, fucking Soud," is a good enough approximation.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 year
Are tainish loanwords common in Aldish continental?
Yep, and vice versa. However since y'all don't know Tainish, don't expect to see too many in the comic :) I'll be sticking with caste over sultet, wright over purasa, sense over maom, even though the Tainish words are standardly used in Aldish Continental. I couldn't think up good translations for ghers, kussen, or muol though, so they remain.
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unsoundedcomic · 2 years
Can you tell us some Tainish swear words?
maa - stinky padorasa - pisser iwtu/iwtu kaef - shit/turd prok - frig/fuck toimitol, patapata ssopomit, babitwel - poof chig - fool/idiot iyanol - cunt/bitch gaegorit - soft-brained moron difhut - scum/slime tamo - mayfly, a rude way of referring to Silver or Plats yalenert - pansy, lit milkblood muol - servant/inferior
Put 'em together! Maa prokul iwt'kaef ul! - "Stinking dildo piece a shit!"
I softened the translations up but some of those words are equivalent to pretty offensive things in English. Take care using them if you aren't keen on wielding those kinds of insults.
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unsoundedcomic · 3 years
For the tainish on the page, I'm only certain that it ends with the word dog, in a pretty rude tone, I'm fairly sure it isn't "crescian dog" since I didn't see anything resembling the word cresce, it could be something something something like a dog! Or maybe something something queen's dog!!
Fuckin' Queen's dog, you got it. Vu is monarch. Prok and muol are the most useful swearin' words in Tainish currently. Fuck and servant, respectively.
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