#murder and mayhem await ↳ ‹ Silaina: SWTOR threads ›
indomitus-ferox · 1 year
“Well... What have we here?”
Glowing red eyes study the human Jedi with intrigue, a smirk playing at the corners of painted lips. The Sith tilted her head to one side, and she gesticulated with the end of a hilt edged with a spike over the emitter, housing her double-bladed lightsaber. She had expected this wasteland of a planet to be devoid of Republic forces— especially given how far off the map it was, and due to the fact that it housed an ancient, crumbling Sith temple somewhere on its surface.
But it was not so.
“You look like a Jedi, to me. And rather alone, at that. I wonder: would anyone come to save you if you cried for help? Do you have a little band of friends waiting aboard your ship, or have you left them behind in the arms of safety?”
Thas’absi’nthe — known as Darth Inanis to some, Dark Councillor Silaina to others — strode a step closer to the woman, coat flapping in the gentle breeze.
@valleyofgolg || for leika'le!
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