vuulpecula · 9 months
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✖ @valleyofgolg inquired: 🫦 haha what if from leika'le what if
send me 🫦 to have a New year’s kiss at midnight ( or if you can't see the icon, send 'new years kiss' instead | accepting !
Fox was blushing before she even spoke. Idly finding interest in a loose thread at the end of her sleeve. "...On my planet, it is customary to share a kiss at the very start of the new year." She shrugged as if indifferent. Above them, fireworks sparked as the galaxy prepared for the start of a new age. "It's supposed to be for good luck."
Chewing her lip, Fox tried to figure out how to ask without actually asking. The kiss did not need to be shared between lips--not that she even thought to mention that, already too embarrassed to bring it up at all. "I haven't participated since I left... I guess not sharing a kiss at midnight doesn't mean you'll have a cursed year either, but..." Well, she had just ruined her own argument. Was there any point of going on? Sheepishly, Fox finally glanced up from her sleeve to Leika'le. "But...Sometimes I miss home is all."
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indomitus-ferox · 1 year
“Well... What have we here?”
Glowing red eyes study the human Jedi with intrigue, a smirk playing at the corners of painted lips. The Sith tilted her head to one side, and she gesticulated with the end of a hilt edged with a spike over the emitter, housing her double-bladed lightsaber. She had expected this wasteland of a planet to be devoid of Republic forces— especially given how far off the map it was, and due to the fact that it housed an ancient, crumbling Sith temple somewhere on its surface.
But it was not so.
“You look like a Jedi, to me. And rather alone, at that. I wonder: would anyone come to save you if you cried for help? Do you have a little band of friends waiting aboard your ship, or have you left them behind in the arms of safety?”
Thas’absi’nthe — known as Darth Inanis to some, Dark Councillor Silaina to others — strode a step closer to the woman, coat flapping in the gentle breeze.
@valleyofgolg || for leika'le!
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galacticshame · 1 year
@valleyofgolg asked: ❝  some might call this reckless ,  stupid .  and unfortunately for you ,  i am very stupid .  ❞ -- for wyndel/xylek, from leika'le (because making dumb decisions is VERY on brand for her)
"Arrogant," he says sharply. "I think that's something we can agree upon." Arrogance and perhaps a bit of stupidity. That was the first two things that came to his mind, though reckless was something that was down the latter end of things in all reality.
"You do know this can only only go one of two ways," he says, arms slipping across his chest. "It's a wonder you just don't surrender right away, but then again, it always comes down to wanting to prove something." It was a full out fact and one that was highly annoying.
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"We highly recommend against it."
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darth-marr · 1 year
Despite waking at the same time, Lord Honos always finished his morning routine before she could. Her morning skin care always took a while, leaving her sith to wander into the living room long before she was done. Xyraan worked her hair into a messy bun – the two of them had planned to stay home today, a rare treat for them both – so there was no reason to spend too long on it. She was perfectly comfortable in one of his old shirts and shorts that barely covered a thing. 
She reached into one of the drawers in the vanity, rummaging around for a small box of perfume samples she had purchased the other day. These were new scents to the market, and today seemed like the perfect opportunity to try one of them and decide how much she liked it. I wonder if he’ll notice, she thought idly as she applied it to various pulse points. 
Xyraan eventually made her way to the living room. It was, of course, raining on Dromund Kaas, heavier than ever. “Good morning, my handsome Sith.” She leaned over to give her lord a kiss.
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paramounticebound · 4 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
Khan Noonien Singh (you are here)
Everyone on my multi ( @deficd )
Everyone on my SWTOR multi ( @valleyofgolg )
Eleanor Sunden (OC) ( @earthshiiine )
Vega (OC) ( @sxbaist )
Saufa and Leika'le (Star Wars OCs) ( @cfmartyrs )
WANT TO WRITE: (maybe i will write them someday, maybe not)
Man, I'm not sure. If I want to try writing a character, I'll usually just pop them on to my multi as a test muse. Hm, maybe Paul Atreides (Messiah flavored), Leto II (Dune), Kissen (Godkiller) and/or Officer K (Blade Runner 2049).
Kuja (final fantasy IX)
Xigbar (kingdom hearts)
Squall (final fantasy VIII)
Pyramid Head (silent hill)
Jack the Ripper (OC kinda)
Martin Riggs (lethal weapon)
Aunty Entity (mad max)
Kylo Ren (star wars)
Bender (futurama)
The Batman Who Laughs (dc)
Corvo (dishonored)
a plethora of OCs throughout various fandoms
more I'm obviously forgetting
Good question. Probably most of my 'have written' if it was requested or if something reignited my inspiration for them.
tagged by: @godresembled ages ago ty<3
tagging: how about you. yes, you. if you're reading this, say I tagged you.
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Hello. My name is Lee, a genderfluid (they/them) mess of an individual, and this is my SWTOR blog, made lest this cursed game invade my thoughts eternal. I'm a jobless ecologist (have degree, but have disability too which makes work difficult) that likes writing, Star Wars, and reptiles.
Elisai Legacy if you happen to catch me in game.
Here is my OC page!
YO RP BLOGS THAT GET FOLLOWED BY ME: here is my side blog dedicated to rping my idiots -- @valleyofgolg
My quick and very incomplete SWTOR Character list:
*note: Nearly everyone is located on Star Forge and available for RP either in game, via discord, or via tumblr!
Leika'le Kela'an (Leika'le in game)
Self-exiled gray Jedi / Perpetually conflicted / Tainted with darkness / Trying to do the right thing
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Telos IV
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: @oolathurman's Azukni (Lana Beniko and major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former padawan of Saufa, bff of Rhin, enemy of Va'rika
Jarrok Kosokhan
Darth Honos / Former Emperor's Wrath / Commander of the Alliance / My *true* Outlander
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Agamar
Orientation: Straight
Ships: @oolathurman 's Xyraan (Vette and Major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist / Ship playlist ft. Xyraan / Ship playlist ft. Vette and Hildr
Notes: Ex husband of Hildr, Nemesis of Saufa, Ally/friend of Sek'nos and Siree
Sek'nos Atithim (Seknos in game)
Overseer of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge / Darth Imperius / Darth Gnosis / Bad father / A huge nerd / The devil is a gentleman
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Sith Pureblood
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Dromand Kaas
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist (ft. ship songs)
Notes: Father of Aurine, weird friend of Leika'le, ally/enemy of Saufa, Ally/friend of Jarrok
Saufa Veki (Saufa in game)
Barsen'thor / Tormented by everything he's seen / Failed Jedi Master the first time around / Better but still whoops Jedi Master the second time around
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Class: Jedi Consular
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Alpheridies
Orientation: Gay
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: (Former) master of Leika'le, Current master of Dhalu, Nemesis of Jarrok, Ally/enemy of Sek'nos, friend/ally of Rhin, older brother of Kaeve
Rhin Elisai (R'hin in game)
Battlemaster of the Jedi Order / Righteous good guy / Always clueless / Tragic victim of unrequited love
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Corellia
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Kira Carsen in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Bff of Leika'le, friend/ally of Saufa, friend/ally of Dhalu, ally of Khi, enemy of Va'rika, enemy of Kaduul, arch nemesis of Skaeln
Va'rika Al'dira (Vaa'rika in game)
Darth Nox / Lord Hauntis / Dark Council Member / A true sadist / Hears the voices of her dead siblings / Why have morals when you can have power
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Ryloth
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Andronikos Revel and Khem Val in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Arch nemesis/tormentor of Leika'le, enemy of Rhin, “pal “of Kaduul, ally of Skaeln and Mokon
Brask'ael'nuruodo (Skaeln/Ael) (Skaeln in game)
Cipher 12 / A bad bean / Addicted to spice
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Chiss
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: @oolathurman's Athenyia (casual with Kaliyo in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former fling/current coworker of Kaeve, coworker of Siree, ally of Va'rika, arch-nemesis of Rhin, underling of Jarrok
Liora Saris (Liurah in game)
Republic Trooper / Devoted mother / Cracks in her armor
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Class: Republic Trooper
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Aric Jorgan in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Saufa, Rhin, and Dhalu, enemy-to-friend of Siree
Kaeve Veki (Kaeve in game)
Cipher 22 / Walls up / Always escaping Korriban by the skin of her teeth / The use of Force suppressors is unhealthy / No name means no baggage right
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Miraluka with cyborg fittings
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Vector in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Younger sister of Saufa, Confidant of Darth Agonia, Former fling/current coworker of Skaeln, Familial relationship with Siree, bff of Aurine
Absolute idiot wow what the heck
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Human/Cyborg
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Akaavi in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Both enemy and friend of everyone tbh
Aurine Atithim (Au'rine in game)
Empress' Wrath to Acina / Darth Portentis / Daddy and mommy issues with a smokin' side of abandonment issues / Honor-bound
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Sith/Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Malavai Quinn and Arcann)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Bff of Kaeve, daughter of Sek'nos, casual lover/fwb of Darth Agonia
Mokon Zokanv (Mokon in game)
Champion of the Great Hunt / Asshole as an occupation
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Rattataki
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Mako in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Va'rika, Coworker/associate of Khi, Coworker/associate/unrequited desirer of Ahkira
Kaja Kallig
Zeison Sha Warrior / Chaotic neutral / my theyby
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Chiss
Gender: Genderfluid
Planet of Birth: Yanibar
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Lana Beniko in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Zeison Sha warrior, ex-Sith, guardian of the spacelanes
Hildr Fahn
Darth Occlus / Darth Agonia / Overseer of the Sphere of Mysteries / Mentee of Darth Marr / Child of a literal wound in the Force / Machine-hearted / A healthy fear of chains
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Sephi/Wound-in-the-Force
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: n/a – born on a ship in Wild Space
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: Jarrok and Vette (formerly), Aurine Atithim (casual), Theron Shan (casual) (Arcann in game and in my black heart)
Spotify playlist / Ship playlist ft. Vette and Jarrok
Notes: Mentee of Darth Marr, Child of a literal wound in the Force, machine-hearted, has a healthy fear of chains (and commitment), uses the word “darling” way too much
Khi Vreetoas
Mandalorian / Ex-slave / It's entirely possible to be a bounty hunter with a heart of gold
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Glee Anselm
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Torian Cadera in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ex-slave, Heart of gold, Mandalorian of Clan Skirata
Knight of the Old Republic / Dark-hearted / Beliefs are polarizing
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Class: Jedi Consular
Species: Togruta
Gender: Questioning, she/her
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Demisexual
Ships: n/a (Tau Idair and Sahar in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Dark-hearted, Beliefs are polarizing
Siree Fahn
Watcher 6 / Mother on a mission / Local hater of the Sith / Undercover to find her daughter / Now knows not to have relations with wounds in the Force masquerading as pretty men
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Sephi
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Thustra
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Vector Hyllus, Nico Okarr in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Mother on a mission, Local hater of the Sith, Undercover to find her daughter, Now knows not to have relations with wounds in the Force masquerading as pretty men
Qirzah Kela'an (Quirzah in game)
Not a smuggler / Has a kid out there somewhere
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Kiffex
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Nico Okarr and Risha in game)
Spotify playlist
Lord Desolatis / Practitioner of Sith Alchemy
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Planet of Birth: Ch'hodos
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Mentee of Darth Agonia, Enemy of Rhin, Arch nemesis of Dhalu, ex-friend/ex-ally/ex-obsessee of Va'rika
Desc. here.
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Nonbinary, she/her/they/them
Planet of Birth: Mirial
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Akhira, ally/friend of Leika'le
Sibahl Singh
Desc. here.
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Species: Wound-in-the-Force/Human ig
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Akhira Rudak
Desc. here
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Cathar
Gender: Trans/Female
Planet of Birth: Cathar
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Chit-to, friend of Khi, friend of Leika'le, associate of Mokon
Good at his illicit job / Accidental dad
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Coruscant
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Father figure/protector of Akhira, father figure/protector of Leika'le
Laalw Kol
SIS Agent / Conflicted in perpetuity
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Togruta
Gender: Demigirl
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Sapphic
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Sister of Dotaash, enemy of Xiig
Dotaash Kol
Mechanic with interesting morals
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Togruta
Gender: Genderqueer, He/She/They
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Sibling of Laalw
Sindra Johdi
Troubled doctor
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Echani
Gender: ??? -- they/them
Planet of Birth: Eshan
Orientation: Unsure
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
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deficd · 2 years
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I have an updated interest tracker that can be found here. Even if you filled out the previous one, it’d be great if you could fill out this one (as some things have changed), if possible. c: This also serves as permission for me to send you memes and give you random starters from said muse(s).
Link to google doc of muses + rules.***
I can also be found at the following URLs:
@paramounticebound (Khan from Star Trek)
@sxbaist (Star Trek OC)
@valleyofgolg (SWTOR OC side blog)
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vuulpecula · 1 year
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✖ @valleyofgolg inquired: 🚑 + reverse -- valleyofgolg, from leika'le
meme |accepting.
Iron, like blood in her mouth, that is how the air tasted. She had a bad feeling. Something was w r o n g. Brows furrowed, Fox looked to Lei, scanning her for any obvious signs of discomfort or strangeness. She found none and yet, the feeling would not dissipate. Already she had asked Leika'le if something was the matter, if she was okay, and the answer she received was a dismissal.
"--You're lying to me," Fox spoke up after a moment. "Something is wrong, I can feel it and its coming from you."
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vuulpecula · 1 year
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✖ @valleyofgolg inquired: ᕤ -- from darth agonia
this meme | accepting ↳ 14. “What’s with all these sad frogs I see everywhere?”
Fox tried again not to crawl out of her own skin as her boots sunk again into the bog. It was unnaturally warm--or maybe that was natural for this planet, but either way, the sensation was near sickening.
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"What's with all these sad frogs I see everywhere?" She tried to break the silence, tried to fill up the air with more than insect buzzing and the ever present sound of them squelching about. "Why are they staring at us like that?"
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vuulpecula · 1 year
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✖ @valleyofgolg inquired: “ it's okay, i just get nosebleeds sometimes. "
blood sentences | accepting
Fox tried not to look skeptical as she dotted a piece of fabric carefully against Kaeve's nose. It was the third time that she'd heard the exact same phrase come from the others lips and she was beginning to wonder why. Once was okay, even twice was not strange, but three times? As if Kaeve did not remember saying as much before?
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Leaning back, she watched the other carefully. "Why do you get nosebleeds, Kaeve?" She asked carefully, curious to know if there was an answer or if there might be something else going on entirely. Injuries of the brain could cause such effects, she knew, but there had never been any reason given to suspect one before--though they hadn't known each other long enough for Fox to truly know.
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indomitus-ferox · 7 months
“Yes, well, as they say, news of my death has been greatly exaggerated.” -- @valleyofgolg / Darth Agonia, for Ashala if you want toooooooo
“Oh, good. You’re still alive.”
The words were dry, but they were not sarcastic. Darth Tenacity had been genuine when she had observed the fact that Darth Agonia was still living was a positive thing. The Empire had been through much, recently; there were less Sith Lords than there used to be, and powerful ones were especially in decline.
Ashala folded her arms across her chest, saber glittering at her hip, and leaned her back against the hallway wall outside the Council Chamber.
“Can you fight, is the question?”
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vuulpecula · 1 year
"Here, hold this for me, will you?" She shoved the object into the other's hands. "Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous...at least, unarmed it isn't."
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@valleyofgolg ❤'d for a teeny tiny starter.
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galacticshame · 1 year
@valleyofgolg asked: ❛ They see what they’ve been told to see. ❜ -- for thrawn, from skaeln!
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"And it will stay that way." Thrawn enjoyed when orders were not only followed to the letter, but they were ultimately done without question. It not only made things easier, but also efficient. "Keep them looking in the direction I deem suitable, until it's necessary to reveal the whole picture." Only, then it would be too late for their enemies or just about anyone to do anything at all about it.
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galacticshame · 1 year
@valleyofgolg asked: imagine my surprise when i found out you were still alive. -- for malgus, from agonia!
There was a snort at the comment. Was it truly a surprise? Perhaps. He kept his presence sealed for a reason and more specifically, he didn't appear until such a time when it was necessary. The Empire, for what it was handled itself, even though there was true doubt about how well - it wasn't his problem while he was gone. He played his hand and lost dearly, but that didn't mean he couldn't deal with what he ultimately had left.
"It should not be surprising," he says bluntly. "You'd be surprised what you can accomplish when death decides to pass you by. What you'd be willing to do for the ultimate survival."
There was a pause as Malgus' eyes narrowed. "To take vengeance out on those who betrayed you in your most desperate hour."
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