#murs 💎
musicallisto · 1 year
clara have you read the shatter me series by chance?
i haven't! it's been a while since I've read anything tbh, let alone YA😔 but i've heard a lot about it! what do you think?
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mrrkvk · 10 months
YEIIII you are doing the ask gameee :]
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✨: Well, Murrkovka sometimes turn into murk, mur or a carrot, but also... Sofa/couch/chair (my name is Sophie), "Vasya 10 y.o looking for a girlfriend", "lonely lesbian older than 40" (I shaved one side on head and that's how one my friend called me) and... Croc/Crocodile (I don't know why but few my classmates called me a crocodile, so my friend turned it into meme)
🎵: (I listened to a placebo playlist while drawing Kuai)
🤎: brown, nothing interesting
💎: probably my computer. As far as I know it's not that bad...
Thanks for asking, Wawix! <3
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cocajimmycola · 1 year
pr0n0vns r3lat1ng t0 Fran b0w? -💎
Cat/Cats/Catself, Mur/Der/Murderself, Pill/Pills/Pillself, Blood/Bloods/Bloodself, Sha/Shad/Shadowself, For/Fors/Forestself, Hau/Haun/Hauntself, Ske/Skel/Skeleself, Hell/Hells/Hellself, Spir/Spirit/Spiritself, Run/Runs/Runself, Dark/Darks/Darkself
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christophe76460 · 2 months
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Ce chant dit : aucune ombre n'est trop sombre
ni mont trop élevé pour que tu me cherches.
Aucun mur ne peut résister,
ni mensonges ne peut tenir . Amour extravagant de DIEU il me cherche. 💌💎💌💧💌💎💌
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valheyrie · 8 months
🌟 Collection exclusive "10 ABEILLES DE DESSIN ANIMÉ en 4K" Découvrez la joie et la couleur à travers cette collection exclusive où l'art mural numérique prend une dimension nouvelle et dynamique. Chaque pièce de cette collection met en scène des abeilles de dessin animé dans diverses situations, créant une atmosphère joyeuse et ludique.
💎 Offre unique Saisissez cette opportunité inédite de transformer votre espace avec des œuvres où les abeilles dans un style dessin animé apportent une touche d'humour et de gaieté. Profitez de cette offre unique pour obtenir 10 fichiers numériques au prix d'un, invitant à la contemplation et à l'évasion dans un monde ludique et coloré.
### Détails du produit 📦 Ce que vous recevrez - 10 images uniques en JPEG (6144 px X 6144 px) pour un téléchargement facile et rapide. - Chaque image créée pour garantir une qualité optimale lors de l'impression, vous permettant de choisir le format qui vous convient le mieux.
📏 Tailles et résolutions disponibles - Taille optimale recommandée : 52 x 52 cm avec une résolution de 300 PPP pour une qualité d'image optimale. - Taille maximale disponible : Jusqu'à 120 x 120 cm avec une résolution de 130 PPP, permettant un affichage grand format tout en conservant une bonne qualité d'image. - Flexibilité des tailles : Personnalisable à votre convenance, choisissez la taille qui convient à votre espace, en gardant à l'esprit que vous pouvez toujours réduire la taille sans perdre en qualité. - Note : Les cadres et le mur d'arrière-plan visibles sur l'image de la liste sont là pour l'inspiration et ne font pas partie du téléchargement.
### 🎨 Flexibilité et Utilisations Créatives #### 🖥️ Redimensionnez et personnalisez à votre guise Que ce soit pour créer une pièce maîtresse pour votre mur ou pour personnaliser des cartes de vœux, la flexibilité créative est à votre portée. Utilisez un logiciel de retouche d'images ou faites appel à un professionnel dans une imprimerie locale pour redimensionner les œuvres selon vos besoins.
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musicallisto · 2 years
👒 + matthias helvar (of course 😭) i like playing video games (im playing that new game stray rn!), i get super loud/talkative around my best friends, i also get drained from said hyperactivity So quickly, my main hobby rn is staying up till 3 am for absolutely no reason whatsoever. my favorite color is pink and ive liked the smell of gasoline since i was a wee lad. um. cancer sun, intp (used to be an infp!!!!), i have gotten chaotic evil on the alignment test 4 times and have accepted thats what i am (i am a gremlin at heart 😽) anyways bye ily clara 🫶🏼
no way you're playing stray!! that game is so cute i want it so bad but it's expensive😭
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some headcanons about your dynamic with matthias:
okay but a tangent on modern!matthias for two seconds: VIDEO GAME NIGHTS!
he would not get the concept at first. like, at all. he's probably seen enough violence in his life to not want to take pleasure in a game where you have to kill people.
"but they're fake guards, helvar. it's all make believe." "and? what if they have families?" "they're lines of code-" "what if they have code families??"
so you decide to show him a harmless game like stray and he's not convinced either.
"why in the three hells would i want to play as a cat?" "uhm, you've never wanted to be a cat? do nothing all day and just be an inconvenience? i mean, yeah, thats kinda what you do already" and homeboy is OFFENDED--
but then you tell him, "think of it this way. are you not curious about what trassel does all day? how he sees the world? what it is to be him? that's the power of video games. it's the best way to put yourself into somebody else's shoes."
and even though he still grumbles that it's literally So Pointless, he gets it a bit better with the trassel example.
which by the way! Trassel loves you. So much. You spoil him rotten and give him treats and belly rubs and matthias at first tried to insist he's like, a combat isenulf!! and not some vulgar dog!! but you look him dead in the eye for like 3 seconds and he gives in. he literally spoils him rotten and gives him belly rubs on the daily what is he even ON about
evenings at the crow club!!! delirious. so much fun. drinking games GALORE. he's cocky enough after one pint to challenge you to a drinking game and boy, do you not like to back down from a challenge. you coerce jesper into playing too, but jesper is a lightweight compared to the two of you + you're so keen on outdrinking matthias that you'll stop at nothing, not even cheating, to always be the one giving out the shots.
so jesper has to back away, and he does in mild terror, like O.o houston we might have a problem on our hands
but it leads to careless nights, stumbling drunk to your temporary home in ketterdam, leaning on each other for support and talking one another's ear off (you both get So. Talkative. when night falls and you've had too much to drink, it IS literally funny).
perhaps that's how the first "i love you" is blurted out, in the dead of night, the words forgotten in the morning by both parties, but the feeling remaining just as strong...
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musicallisto · 2 years
i gave olive this same prompt so i am VERY curious to see your take 🍨 cym as random objects
taking all these random objects from what I can see rn
you as my friend's switch console (he just beat me at mario kart, but I fought tooth and nails)
@retvenkos as this grecian bust whose eyes are missing for some mysterious reason
@permanentreverie as this guide book on modern greek on the table
@noesapphic as the book I'm reading: largo pétalo de mar by isabel allende
@the-radio-star as this beat up, dusty jeep parked across the street
@destourtereaux as the telescope on the terrace
@softeninglooks as these drawings of the coast hanging on the wall
@amortensie as this heavy, ornate key hanging on the wall that might or might not open a treasure chest
@heliads as the parasol that's protecting me from boiling to death
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musicallisto · 2 years
🌌 as languages?
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@softeninglooks as latin (it's the humanities of course)
@amirahiddleston as arabic (maybe because i'm listening to habibi right now as per your request and it's an out of body experience)
@permanentreverie as italian (idrk why but it fits! it does!)
@noesapphic as spanish (obviously!)
@retvenkos as ʻŌlelo hawaiʻi (obviously x2!)
@ladyvesuvia as tagalog (i know you're filipina but there's also something about it that is just so warm! and i associate that warmth with you, so it's more than just your nationality in this)
@destourtereaux as french (obviously x3! but also because of your username!)
@johnskeating as ancient greek (the polished academia vibes!)
@daydreaming-optimist as modern greek (warm and latin and so similar sounding to spanish i sometimes get a stroke trying to figure out what they're saying only to realize they're literally speaking greek)
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musicallisto · 2 years
🌄 + rowan 🫶🏼
rowan; anglicized form of irish ruadhán, meaning "red"
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musicallisto · 2 years
☀️ (aggressive compliment 4 u: you and ur entire blog just. radiate such good energy & ur personality just 💖 ur so cool & i look up to u a lot & i am thankful we share such a strong love for matthias helvar bc he truly is Our Boy‼️ ik we joke abt how we think its funny we were intimidated by one another but i truly still just think its crazy we're friends bc ur so cool (cool older sister vibes that everyone likes energy) im just very glad we became mutuals to begin with bc i have loved every interaction of ours so much. i cherish every interaction greatly and i love u 😡🫶🏼)
asjwjwjwjw babe ..... i love your aggressive compliments so so much <33 you radiate such bestie energy like literally we have the same interests it's insane! if we were friends IRL, I would constantly be over at your house playing videogames (beating your ass at just dance because im undefeated :D) and eating the nastiest junk food we can imagine. i love our mutual brainrot over matthias like, Taste? we have the absolute best thoughts about this man and he deserves only to be written by us honestly ❤ and you just radiate the best vibes i love your style sm!! and your writing is also stellar like more than one peaky blinders or shadow and bone piece by you have spun me around like WOW you just did That. effortlessly! love that for you <33
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musicallisto · 2 years
GDNJSBGJDS FANDOM ID CARDS??? i remember seeing these & being so sad i wasnt a mutual bc i think at the time u were doing them for mutuals only and i thought they were SOOO cute ☄️
for the fandom the grishaverse pls, um, im a cancer sun, pisces moon, virgo rising, chaotic evil lol, intp-t, slytherin, um i really like tamino and sir chloe, i play too many story based open world games (far cry, assassins creed, tlou, red dead 2, nfs, tomb raider trilogy, etc) im also a wee bit addicted to minecraft and buying sims 4 expansions (on sale ofc)
im like 99% sure your fandom id cards r what made me follow u
congrats clara im so happy for u to have reached 1.2k :3
your words mean the world to me omg I didn't think anyone would remember the og fandom ID cards... and just because it's you, here's your fandom ID card in the original format, just like I did them back in the day 💜
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a bodyguard enemies to lovers with matthias??? uh, yes!!! would read the hell out of that!!!
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musicallisto · 2 years
🌆 im bisexual, my songs are "habibi" by tamino and stalker's tango by autoheart, for the fandom grishaverse please >.< thank u ILY clara & congrats again
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🌆 dusk
ok technically I know who your fave is but both songs are giving me the Most zoya nazalensky vibes!! i've already told you i go insane every time stalker's tango plays, and i love the sultry feel of habibi! very reminiscent of zoya, I think, both devilishly alluring and dangerous. you would be the pairing of the century is all I'm saying
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musicallisto · 2 years
25! for the spotify wrapped ask game 💕
25. zzoilo, Aitana - Mon Amour (Remix)
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musicallisto · 2 years
CLARAAAA HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3 i hope you have an amazing day ❤️🌸
thank you rowan!!! and i also hope you have an amazing day obviously <3
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musicallisto · 2 years
ello may i get 🌅 with this eddie munson one-shot of mine? theres suggestive content, drug use (weed), awkwardness/pining, and just the usual open ending that comes with almost every fic i write 🫶🏼
there it is for you! i loved it, it was so so sweet and fun, exactly how I imagine eddie to be! 💜
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musicallisto · 2 years
clara am i allowed to send in every type of ask for the celebration...
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