#muse: ronny schiatto
boundlss · 1 year
well. no matter.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
take a nap with me. / Maiza to Ronny… let them be domestic
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"You know I don't need to sleep."
Well, no matter. Not that it's going to stop me.
He's already halfway into bed, after all, following Maiza's impulsive decisions with no complaint. It's somewhere he also wants to be, after all. Relatively speaking, that level of intimacy with Maiza is completely novel, and Ronny finds that he relishes in it in a way that he relishes in very little else.
It will probably seem less pressing in time, to abide by those impulses, but Ronny reminds himself that it's not like he'd ever turned down Maiza's wishes before, so this wouldn't logically be any different.
His mind doesn't wander any further than that.
In fact, it's remarkably easy for him to snap back to focus and pause for a second to appreciate the way Maiza looks more contented than Ronny can remember seeing him before he made his return to New York. Of course, he only lingers a second, closing his own eyes ( though he doesn't necessarily need to have his eyes open to look at Maiza anyway ) and resting his head down on the pillow with a general sense of unfamiliarity in his actions.
He rarely even used his own bed.
He allows Maiza to draw him closer, trying hard not to look at anything at all as he reciprocates the contact, shifting to fit their bodies together.
It's nice, although he suspects his own bias has something to do with his general contentment towards the idea of taking a nap. It's certainly not something he'd enjoy, organically and alone. But he's not alone, and he can feel the projection of Maiza's satisfaction, and that is enough to make him stay.
He takes a long, slow breath in and releases it with the same unhurried pace. Ronny doesn't need to breathe, either.
The next thoughts he has aren't voiced, but they aren't private either. They're only communicated to Maiza without words.
I only ever enjoy things like this when you're here.
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misc. sentences. / accepting.
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drfeelgreed · 2 months
this is a single-muse starter call for ronny schiatto; like this post for a starter! multis specify muse.
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(This didn’t start out as an individual post; I saw @toushindai‘s recent great Rosetta fanart and was five paragraphs into writing the below musings it inspired until I came to my senses and realized I’d better keep share it separately. Go take a gander at the drawing which prompted the below, reblog yes/yes?, and then come back.)
(Pro tip: if you save a draft on the official app and want to continue writing it on a computer, copy and paste the content into a new draft via desktop).
Musings on Rosetta (and Ronny-ish) + powers are under the cut for length.
Honestly I wouldn’t mind a 2006 manga-type take on 1935 in which Jacques-Rosé ‘dreams’ about being in Ra’s Lance, thus allowing us to see a few versions of how the party would’ve gone had he been there. Granted, I have a sneaking suspicion he would have had more than one Bad End à la 1931... There’s almost no doubt that at least one possible future would’ve had him encountering Nader again, and/or Nader recognizing him as the real hero he admires.
Well, I have wondered before if Rosetta’s reasons for avoiding Ra’s Lance are either “I have seen a little of how Ra’s Lance plays out and the little I saw was enough to keep us way the hell away from it” or (in accordance with the interpretation that she might be able to manipulate time) “JRB died twice before I could successfully put The Fear in him, after which I refused to look into the party’s future and am thus only familiar with the ones he could have been in.”
I do like the time manipulation one because any excuse to see more JRB and Rosetta is always a good excuse, and I always enjoy “what-if” alternate scenarios when it comes to Baccano!. The NDS game is pretty much Flying Pussyfoot: The Butterfly Effect, and Narita has more than one unsubtle moment in the novels where he’ll go, “If [character] had only realized/had not been there/etc, then the fate of history would have changed.” A 2006 manga-type take with JRB and Rosetta except with 1935 would presumably have the potential for more insight into Rosetta’s powers, which I Keenly Need.
Rosetta experiencing timelines in which JRB dies at Ra’s Lance (or: seeing an initial future in which he dies and seeking to change it) also tickles me as a concept because it would technically mean she knows something about 1935 after all: something that Ronny does not. In 1935-A he knows that she “was unable to experience it firsthand” and thus “saw only a part of it” because she “evaded” it, but he is surely referring to only one future - the true future that already happened, and the true future he assumes she saw.
So if he were to learn that Rosetta (theoretically could have) experienced possible futures for the party which he would have known nothing about, I expect he’d be pretty curious as to what happened in those possible timelines and a little arch at the thought of Rosetta being coy about what she really knows. 
That’s fellow kin for you...hey, if Christopher thinks of Ennis like a ‘sibling’, does that mean we're overdue for a character, any character, to frame Ronny and Rosetta’s dynamic as a sibling-like one or otherwise suggest it? I could absolutely see Ronny I doing that in 300 BC... or Elmer, if he were to meet Rosetta someday... I don’t know if Ronny and Rosetta themselves would be so quick to label their connection as that of a sibling one, especially considering how Ronny takes to her in 2003, but now I want to see them engage in a brisk bank-and-forth dialogue, anything that would highlight that they might be more similar at their cores than at first glance.
...A sudden question regarding the powers of Formerly Complete Homunculi has popped into my head just now, and I wonder why I haven’t seriously asked it before: Ronny can canonically ‘hear others’ thoughts’, which probably naturally extends to “he can read others’ minds.” So - what about Rosetta? There’s nothing that suggests he is not capable of reading her mind, in which case... 
...Would it be possible for a Formerly Complete Homunculus [FCH] like Ronny to read the mind of a FCH like Rosetta and see the future that she sees? If he can only hear a person’s thoughts in the strictest sense, then he might not be able to ‘read’ the ‘unspoken visualizations’ of a person’s mind...though that seems doubtful, since he can project/implant images just as easily as words into one’s mind.
So to sightly rephrase the question - if Rosetta were to clearly picture the future she Sees and mull it over, would Ronny be able to ‘read’ her visualization? If she were remembering her vision of the future, would that count? Or can she only see the future when she is actively using her power... 
I suppose what I’m getting at is this: my first instinct is that the Choice a Complete Homunculus [CH] makes in leaving their flask is too significant to allow for such easy workarounds/loopholes. Sure, Complete Immortals can workaround the rule about their name by using only part of their real name or having someone else introduce them/write down a false name on their behalf, but that’s on a completely different level to, “You must give up something significant in order to leave the flask; you must forgo having total knowledge.” 
One is sacrificing their knowledge and ability in one go, meaning that they can’t know what they have given up. Ronny can’t ‘see’ the future. The only plausible workaround that I can see is that Rosetta could simply tell him the future she sees (a proxy, like a complete immortal’s friend) – as “giving one’s ability up to see the future” doesn’t necessarily imply that one cannot hear it. But if Ronny were to try and ‘see’ the future Rosetta can See, who’s to say he’d be able to actually ‘see’ anything? He can see, but he can’t See, and therein is the rub. 
Really, even if Ronny does turn out to be able to cheat and ‘see’ the future that Rosetta sees by reading her mind, he likely wouldn’t...go through with it? I suspect he wouldn’t really deign to ask Rosetta what the latest version of the future she sees is, given that the main reason he gave up the ability was precisely because he enjoys being surprised and having something unknown in the world to experience. He likes being curious about the future.
Mm...okay. If Ronny’s choice to forfeit his knowledge of the future left him able to manipulate pretty much all the laws of reality, Rosetta’s choice to retain her knowledge of the future must logically have come at a significant cost to her reality-warping powers in turn. Seriously reducing the scale of one’s reality-warping powers is no small matter; I don’t know about you, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that Ronny-type FCHs’ limitations would have to be on par with the limitations that Rosetta-type FCHs experience. 
I’ll level with you: I started this draft several days ago, and now that I’m revisiting it I have no idea if I had anything more to say beyond where I left off? It’s mostly speculation and variations on “I wish/I hope/do you think?” as it is, so I’ll leave off here for now...
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storytell · 4 years
@oflegends asked for assigned baccanos.
okay, i thought i was gonna stick only to anime muses, but one of these is light novel only because i could NOT make this post for you without mentioning him. anyways. i tried to include a couple different kinds of characters as opposed to just going based off of shibusawa lmfao.
first: graham specter. he’s not REALLY within the type that i see you write most often, but i feel compelled to assign him to you because of how interesting he is, just as a character. in the anime, we only really see him in the OVAs, but he’s one of the most standout characters in the entire show. i would describe him as very turbulent; his whims and desires change with every minute and he gives long, drawn-out speeches wherein the second half completely contradicts the first. he’s always either at 0% or 100% and almost never anywhere in between. he likes to start his ramblings by saying “let me tell you a sad, sad, story” or variants thereof (let me tell you a happy story, let me tell you an incomprehensible story, etc), and his one passion in life is dismantling and breaking things. he doesn’t like killing people, but he finds breaking all of their joints to be completely fine.
second: lebreau fermet viralesque. he’s the LN only character i was talking about, but i couldn’t not mention him because he is SO strongly aligned with your type; this was the choice i based off of shibusawa and fyodor, mostly. he’s an immortal from the early 1700s who has his fingers in a lot of pies in the worst possible way. he’s a master manipulator and faked his death not once but twice despite there being no possible way for an immortal to survive being “devoured”. he’s a very cruel and sadistic man who outwardly presents himself as kind and thoughtful. the VERY FIRST mention of him in the entire series is in the flashback of another immortal where fermet continously kills and tortures him just to see how much immortal bodies can take. fermet also is good at playing the long con, and likes to hurt people mentally more than physically.
third: rachel. unlike fermet, ALL of her appearances are in the show--she doesn’t appear at all after the arcs that were adapted into the show. i’m mostly going off of the female muses you have when i suggest her, because she’s very like some of them. rachel is pretty quiet and can seem standoffish at first, but she’s actually pretty selfish. she adores trains, but hates the railroad companies, so she tends to stow away on trains when she takes them places to do her job, which is being an infobroker. she actually has a lot of empathy and singlehandedly saves four of the most important passengers on the train that most of the anime takes place on when shit starts going down, and is strong enough to just crawl all over the train while it’s still in motion. she’s also kinda socially awkward and blunt, but pretty willing to make conversation.
honorable mentions: claire stanfield, huey laforet, ronny schiatto, ennis, jacuzzi splot, nice holystone.
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guildielove · 5 years
     meechi. just to let you all know, i AM remaking the muse page with a couple of new additions : kunikida doppo and ronny schiatto. it’s not yet done BUT i am letting you know that i am definitely working towards it!
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closedcoffins · 2 years
thread moved for beta editor. / @empiriical
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Ha. What an odd sense of accomplishment.
Though he feels a somewhat dull sense of regret that he can't snoop any longer into Maiza's thoughts, his mild disappointment is far outweighed by the fascinating feeling of something as simple as holding hands. It's not something Ronny ever imagined he would go out of his way to do---he's not generally very tactile, despite his underlying desires to exist alongside humans. Still, he can almost see why it is so desirable.
"Everything is exactly as you left it. Well, almost everything. It's difficult to exist in a space and not disturb it somehow, but I've left most things untouched."
Ronny meets Maiza's eyes. He knows his own are unwelcoming to look at and tend not to reveal much, but generally when he looks at Maiza, he's only looking at Maiza. It's as if there's nothing---no information, no current happenings---that are more important to be paying his attention to.
There are very few others to whom Ronny extends the courtesy of absolute, unbroken attention.
"Well, no matter. I thought you might want to get settled in after being away for so long, that's all." Ever the blunt one of the pair, Ronny breaks his gaze away, beginning to lead Maiza towards the door. For a few seconds, it seems like the silence he falls into is contemplative, like he'd been planning to speak, but his demeanor returns to normal just a moment later.
I'm not sure why it was difficult to say. It's just that I don't think I've ever experienced a longer stretch of thirty years.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
continuing my baccano! reread. love ronny inflicting torment on an actual child bc that child pulled a knife on him. we support equality
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closedcoffins · 2 years
ronny schiatto really watched elmer fall off a boat and said this guy is interesting enough that i want to grant him a wish, but not only that, i’m also going to throw out MIND CONTROL as a suggestion for what that wish should be. there is no way this will go wrong.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
things ronny offered to elmer after he fell off the advena avis that he can apparently just canonically give to people
- remove the "devouring" condition from immortality, resulting in truly infallible everlasting life
- the ability to see over 'vast distances', probably implying the type of omniscience ronny himself has
- the ability to control peoples' actions
- the ability to STOP TIME
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closedcoffins · 2 years
thinking about how the concept of devouring another immortal in baccano! was created by the metallurgist ronny as a mercy to immortals who wished to die, and how ronny *schiatto* made this a hard and fast rule of immortality to see that wish for mercy through. also thinking about how he’s the only immortal being who can’t be devoured.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
fun writing choice of the day ronny schiatto gets more internal dialogue than any other muse because whereas they all have thought structures that are wild and disoriented, ronny thinks in perfect sentences almost as if he’s purposefully saying the words inside his head at all times.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
"so." maiza clears his throat, finally alone with ronny after the anticipated but still somewhat overwhelming fanfare of his && czes' arrival and subsequent welcome back from the martillos. thirty years have gone by && pretty much none of them have aged a day, but maiza himself feels far more changed than anything physical would suggest, even if it were possible. he hardly even knows where to begin, the words he's practically been rehearsing in his head the entire drive home refusing to rise to the tip of his tongue. so instead, he allows ronny permission into his mind, in hopes that he'll be able to make sense of the jumbled, nervous thoughts he cannot seem to vocalize. i meant what i said back then. i've been thinking about it this whole time. i want — && that's what he can't say in any coherent way, even internally. he can only hope ronny picks up on the feeling && gets the idea ; a clenching in his chest that's so familiar it could almost be mistaken for grief — but it's not. this is the kind of longing that's achievable. that doesn't end in unresolved heartache.
/ this has been rotating in my head for 24 hours i couldn't go to bed without putting this into the world
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Ronny doesn't have to read Maiza's mind to understand what has him so tongue-tied. But Maiza has allowed him access, and he's an incredibly greedy creature, so he listens to what thoughts he can even though he could have guessed exactly what those thoughts were.
I've always wondered why the truth seemed just a little more true when you have some sort of tangible confirmation.
"So," he repeats, unable to hide his mild amusement---in the way that so few people are able to, Maiza manages to elicit a small, wry smile from Ronny. "I recall you being better with words when you left. I hope nothing terrible happened."
It's a little bit of a nonsensical game he's playing, pretending he never showed up at all, whether because Maiza asked for him or just because he was feeling uncharacteristically lonely.
Put in the most simple way possible he's teasing. He always did like to do that. "Although, I wonder if I should reevaluate that high opinion. You didn't exactly say anything last time, either. Well, no matter."
I can dismiss things like that quickly enough out loud, but I still remember that moment with perfect clarity. It was something rare that I hadn't meant to hear and certainly hadn't been meant to hear. A cathartic sort of confession that was never meant to actually call out to me. But he did.
Ronny's smile, unnoticeable to most, turns just a little more fond.
"I understand perfectly well. Although, you seem to be under the impression that your feelings aren't easy for me to decipher."
He holds out a hand, a gesture even more uncharacteristic of him than his smile. Maiza seems just a little frozen in place, after all, and giving him a little nudge forward couldn't help.
"Actually, I understand them very easily. Not for lack of complexity, but because I'm very familiar with that sort of sentiment. Well, no matter. Why don't you come get settled, Maiza? If it's all the same with you, I'd like to make up for lost time as soon as possible."
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unprompted. / always accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
UMBRELLA :  for one muse to share their umbrella with the other on a rainy day. / Maiza for Ronny…
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"Penny for your thoughts?"
Ronny interrupts the downfall of rain over Maiza with a plain black umbrella, knowing fully well Maiza had probably abandoned his own on purpose. He doesn't understand exactly what would possess someone to do that. He could if he wanted to, but his question hadn't been so much a request for Maiza to speak his thoughts aloud as it had been a request to hear his thoughts regardless.
Maiza sometimes considers him all-knowing, but that's only when he wants to be. The truth is that unless Maiza is specifically thinking in his direction, he generally likes to respect his friend's privacy by staying away from his thoughts.
He's never held himself back so much for the sake of a person. Every other time he's had prolonged interaction with someone, he's constantly shown his abilities and undescribable power of reality off. Perhaps he'd been looking for amazement then.
Of course, Maiza wouldn't be amazed by something like that. It was those very powers that made his life exponentially more difficult, was it not? Well, no matter---I didn't want his amazement from the start. If I had to qualify my feelings into a matter of what I desired from Maiza, I would want him to look at me like...
"Let's step under the overhang, at least. My arm will get tired." It won't, but Ronny often makes very human excuses. It's as if he wants to blend in, but whether that's for his own convenience or his feelings has never quite been made clear. "And you look a little bit like a wet cat."
Maiza's smile isn't necessarily happy, but he doesn't look at Ronny with any sense of insincerity, either.
Well, no matter. The way he looks at me now is just fine.
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scenarios. / accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
" tell me the truth. are you really surprised? " | to ronny!
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"I don't make a habit of pretending to be surprised for the benefit of others."
That Ronny is difficult to surprise is somewhat common knowledge. Most people have a strange idea of what it takes to surprise him---all the chaos and confusion that tends to erupt in the general vicinity of himself and the Martillo family certainly isn't enough to do it. Actually, what tends to get him the most is genuine human intelligence---a fact that sounds condescending, but Ronny's perspective on humanity is from a place so far above them that it's impossible to see humans as a whole as "intelligent".
In the face of a being who knows everything, most people would seem unintelligent. Actually, it's like the relationship between humans and dogs. Even though we can communicate, generally speaking it's impossible for humanity to understand the complex things I can. Well, no matter.
"You gave a very smart answer that I've never heard anyone come anywhere close to, Luck. I heard your answer before you said it, but when I did hear it, it surprised me. Well, no matter---it will be taken care of. I made a promise, after all." Ronny really isn't beholden to upkeep the wishes he offers, of course, but he's not so much of a slacker that he'd just abandon them. "I'm interested to see how you'll take advantage of that."
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misc. lyrics. / accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
🌿 | fuck it, for ronny too
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“Hm. It seems the holiday spirit has claimed two more unwitting victims.”
Of course, only one of the two of them can be called ‘unwitting’. Aside from general omniscience, Ronny had humored Isaac and Miria’s wishes by hanging the mistletoe up around Alveare in the first place, so it’s only natural that he’d know in advance where it would be.
Well, no matter. I hadn’t actually anticipated standing underneath it with Luck, of all people, but I can’t complain either way.
“... Although, ‘victims’ might not be the right word for it when compared to the circumstances of most others.” Even as he speaks, Ronny’s gaze slides over to the very couple who had wanted the mistletoe hung in the first place. Despite their insistence, they seem to have gotten some of it down from its original place and have begun wandering around, holding it up over people who look vaguely like they might be a couple. He’s already watched the Boss give Yaguruma a hearty kiss on the cheek. “Well, no matter. When it comes down to it, tradition is only upheld when people want to uphold it. What matters is whether or not you’d like to.”
Ronny doesn’t call his own desire into question---the lack of care should make it obvious that he won’t be bothered no matter what Luck decides. Of course, Luck doesn’t have to say anything. Ronny can hear his thoughts, after all. Those running things that drive Luck do not spell out a desire, necessarily, but rather a quiet curiosity. 
“I honestly should have known that would be the case. Well, no matter.” It would have been unlike him to have some sort of desire. And I’m just curious, too.
As if the action itself is the most innocuous thing in the world, Ronny kisses Luck. Frankly, there are many poets who would describe the idea of kissing and being kissed in an indescribable number of different ways, but Ronny has never understood the bombastic exaggerations. For what it is, it’s nice. It’s not something he’d complain about repeating. But there’s certainly no drastic change in the fabric of Ronny’s being.
Well, there’s one change. I’ve never kissed anyone just for the sake of it before. Even a change like that makes a difference to some people.
“I hope that was enough to sate your curiosity,” Ronny comments, after the moment has passed and he’s stepped back, looking very much as though nothing at all has happened. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
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mistletoe. / accepting.
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