llixulia · 2 months
It was hot. Arroth took his shirt off to cool off a bit, revealing the two long scars on his back. Perhaps it was time to consider going to the lakes to swim for a while.
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llixulia · 1 month
✵ You know who
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following:
Their first impression of your muse: "Where the heck did he come from?? Oh shit. I better be careful with this one."
Current impression: “Okay, so maybe there’s nothing to fear? I… kinda like him, or rather, them, if we include the Kin. I hope I can get to know them a bit better. I can’t help but wonder if we might be taking things a bit fast though.”
Are they attracted to your muse?: “Yes. Dusk is very pretty, and I can’t help but want to pet his feathers. They’re very soft.”
Something they find frightening about your muse: “He could easily find me with the Kin, even if I didn’t wish to be found. And I can’t help but wonder if he’ll always be watching.”
Something they find adorable about your muse: “His ability to mimic, trying to purr like I do.”
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: “Yes. Vor’iek tend to be protective of their friends and loved ones.”
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic: “When I get to know him a bit more, sure.”
One word my muse would use to describe yours: “Dangerous.”
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: He blinks. “No. Why would I?”
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: “Yes.”
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llixulia · 4 days
Meteor shower
Every year, a meteor shower would happen in Llixulia. It had been a while since they had gone to watch it, but this year it would be different. Ixion contacted Arroth, Eive and Zaihnaeth and they planned meeting up to watch it.
They went to the beach, bringing some food and drinks to take while they waited, and even a couple of sheets in case they felt cold. Once it started, they laid down to watch the sky, using Zaihaneth's coils as a pillow after she offered.
Arroth was staring at the sky... For a while at least. He didn't notice he was doing it, but his top eye set started glancing at Ixion from time to time, later completely focused on him. His friend looked quite good under the light of the stars.
Ixion noticed and smirked teasingly. "The sky’s up there, Arroth. What’s the problem? Can't stop looking at me~?"-he teased.
"Wh- I- Sorry. Didn't notice I was doing that."-he blushed, looking away.
"I'm not complaining. It's quite endearing, actually, though I'll admit I'm curious about why."-he grinned.
For once, instead of blushing, Arroth let out a small purr and looked at him, his tail wagging coyly. "Oh, I don't know. It must be because you always look so damn hot and beautiful."
Cue Ixion being surprised and blushing slightly, a smirk appearing on Arroth's face. "And who's the flustered one now, hmm~?"-teased Arroth, though he truly meant his words.
"You know... If you're going to 'get it on', at least wait until we leave."-said Eive, sipping from her drink, her and Zaihnaeth looking at them playfully.
Arroth looked at them, back to flustered. "W-what!? No! Gods, Eive."-he facepalmed. "You know we're not- ... and you're just as bad as Ixion apparently-"
"I'm right here!"-said Ixion, pouting.
"Believe me, I know."-huffed Arroth playfully.
Eive and Zaihnaeth looked at each other knowingly and smiled. Oh, these two.
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llixulia · 5 days
How attractive are you from 1-100?
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"Oh hey, I pass the half point. Good enough for me."-he chuckles. "With just my name, it's 17, so if adding my last name works better, I'm not about to complain."
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"Wha- really? I thought it would be higher. Eh. To each their own, I guess."-he shrugged. "It's probably a noble rating us hybrids."
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"I still got it."-he smirked.
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"It's because I'm mostly bones most of the time, huh? Oh well."
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"I stopped caring about what other thought of my looks a while back. Still... I appreciate it."
Tagged by: @ocsareawesome
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it.
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llixulia · 7 days
Due to his past, Arroth tends to have nightmares whenever he sleeps, to the point where he will try to stay awake for as long as he can. It's not strange to find him crashing on top of a book at his workshop, absolutely exhausted.
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llixulia · 9 days
"I could use some snuggles today..."-muttered Arroth.
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llixulia · 9 days
A knock sounded on the door and Arroth tensed slightly, knowing he most likely wouldn't be able to open it. The door opened on its own though, and a familiar voice called for him.
"Arroth?" He heard steps approaching to his room.
"Ixion... Over here."-he called back, wincing in pain.
His friend's face appeared at the entrance of his room. "Ah... So I was right. One of those days, huh?"
"Y-yes..."-whimpered Arroth.
"Alright. Let me take care of you then."
"Y-you shouldn't... shouldn't have come... It's windy outside."-said Arroth, worried Ixion might have been hurt if he'd come flying.
"And leave you alone in your time of need? What kind of friend would that make me?"-huffed Ixion. "Just give me some time and I'll get things ready."
Arroth nodded, and Ixion walked to the kitchen and grabbed some bags, which he filled with warm water, along with preparing some food for his friend.
Once it was done, he returned to the room, and helped Arroth as best as he could to move so he could eat and have the warm water bags on his bag to ease his pain a bit. It was painful for his friend, but he managed.
After Arroth was done eating, Ixion helped him lie down once more and gently started petting his head, making him relax completely and purr. "Good thing this still works."-muttered Ixion, watching as Arroth's eyes slowly close despite the pain.
"T...Thank you... for coming..."
"Don't mention it, friend. Rest." Hopefully when Arroth woke up later, he'd be feeling a bit better. "I'll be here if you need me."
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llixulia · 9 days
Never mentioned this, but due to who Arroth's father is, he has a great bite force, enough to tear someone or some creature's neck off when at full strength. Mostly uses it if/when he's in danger and has nothing else available at hand.
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llixulia · 10 days
Sooo... Did I ever mention that before I started interacting with people with my Vor'iek, I shipped two of my muses, particularly Arroth with Zaihnaeth?
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Arroth was in love with her but never told her because he didn't feel like he was good enough for her due to him being a hybrid and she a civilian. Still... I think they'd make a cute couple. Would be an interesting relationship I think.
Arroth would have, among other things, to get used to being coiled around for a hug without panicking, and to understand that it's alright to love her despite what others might say.
Zaihnaeth would have to be gentle with him and eventually convince him that it's okay that they love each other, that he's deserving of love too.
So yeah, they're one of my ships... One that unfortunately doesn't get enough attention since I started shipping Arroth with other people xD.
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llixulia · 14 days
"...It's... Not exactly a spinal kink, but since my bio mother and sister removed my wing bones, I sometimes get horrible cramps on my back, particularly when the weather is bad."-muttered Arroth. "It sometimes gets to a point when I can't hunt, so others have to bring me food."
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llixulia · 1 month
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llixulia · 1 month
Arroth’s eyelids opened slowly, weakly. Where… Where was he? Not… Not with them. He blinked, his eyes dim. Afraid. Where was he? What was going to happen to him? Was this a new trick to hurt him!? His heart started speeding up, and he tried to move, but the pain forced him to stop. Then he remembered. His wings… The pain…
It was then that another hybrid appeared. A female. “You- You’re awake. I’m glad… I’m so glad you could make it, little one.”-she said softly, a couple of tears appearing in her eyes.
The moment she tried to approach though, he scrambled backwards, away from her. “No! No… S-stay away from me!”-he cried. He was afraid there would be more pain coming. “Please, no, no no…”
Yihla felt anger at what those nobles had done to this child. On the outside though, she did her best to remain kind and gentle. “Okay. Okay.”-she said softly, showing him her empty claws and moving away, resting on a chair. “I’m not going to hurt you, child. I… helped, with your wounds. It will take them some time to heal, but you will be alright.” But he would never fly again. His family had made sure of it. Not to mention the bruises he also had.
“My wings… My wings…”-he muttered, tears falling from his eyes, hugging his legs. He remembered everything. Every little detail. How his sister had hold him down with her tail and claws while their mother… He shivered. He felt sick. Why… Why did they hate him so much? What had he done to them?
Yihla wanted to comfort him, but it was clear he didn’t want anyone nearby. The poor child was scared, and rightly so. She looked around and found a kha’lix plushie she had made. She picked it up and left it in his reach, moving away. She would stay with him, but respect his wishes. “Please, little one, take it. I… I wish I could comfort you directly, but I… I understand. It’s a kha’lix plushie.”
Still scared, he looked at her. She… She seemed kind… But he couldn’t trust her. He glanced at the cute plushie and slowly, as if he thought punishment was coming just for moving, he reached for it. He closed his eyes tightly, thinking he would be hit… But nothing happened. He blinked, surprised, and looked at Yihla. She hadn’t moved, her claws were still empty.
He slowly hugged the kha’lix plushie, which started purring softly, surprising him and making more tears appear in his eyes, though it wasn’t because he was scared. The purring, it… It was comforting. He hugged it tightly and started sobbing. So much… He had gone through so much… “T-They… They… My wings…”-he said between sobs.
“I know, little one. I wish I had known. I wish I could have stopped them.”-she said sadly. He kept crying for a while longer before finally falling asleep again, tired. She approached and gently and carefully tucked him in.
Nyxalius appeared and approached Yihla. “It won’t be easy for him to trust again. You know that.”
“I do.”-she looked at him. “But he lives. Thank you.”
He nodded and turned around to leave, but was stopped as she talked once more. “I hope you give them hell when they die, if justice doesn’t catch up to them first.”
A malevolous smirk appeared on his face. “Whether justice reaches them or not while they live, I will make sure they suffer when they die. This, I promise you.”
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llixulia · 1 month
Blood. There was so much blood. Nyxalius sadly looked at the child laying on the streets. A young hybrid, with his wings torn off, left to die. It hurt that he couldn’t help him. Death was a part of life. But such a young life… If nothing happened soon, he would have to claim his soul.
It isn’t fair, thought Nyxalius, angry. This child… Just because he was a hybrid. A low hiss left him. This should have never happened. If only he had done things different back then… He closed his eyes. There was nothing he could do about that anymore.
She had made her choice… And caused all of this. All the hate the nobles had for the hybrids, the insistence on keeping their blood pure, yet having no choice but to mix with Llixulians at some point because otherwise things would end up going very wrong at some point… But hating when hybrids came out from their union. It was her fault. She influenced the nobles, killed hybrids, too. It was… Her own revenge of sorts, for what had been done to her.
Nyxalius was now gripping his scythe hard. There was not a lot of time left before he had to carry his duty… And then a female stood before him. A hybrid, too. What was she doing in the noble area?, he wondered. “Don’t.”-she said.
He blinked. A mortal… Though not completely. He tilted his head, curious. “You… can see me?”
“I can.”-she looked at the child, slithered to him, and gently picked him up in her arms. She was soon stained with his blood, and started quickly slithering away, followed by Nyxalius. “I will do all I can to save him. Just… give me the chance.”
“…I will stay with you. If it’s not enough and his time comes, I will claim his soul. If he dies… I will make sure he is safe and happy in the afterlife.”-he answered.
“Very well.”-she agreed. “Thank you.”
“Godspeed… Yihla.”
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llixulia · 1 month
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"You're going down with me."
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llixulia · 1 month
"No! No tails. They are darn snitches."-huffed Arroth.
"Just because yours is doesn't mean ours are. Nor hers, if she decides she wants one."-said Eive.
"I blame Almira (//adoptive sister) for my tail wagging."-he grumbled.
"She adores you, Arroth. You made things easier for her with it."
He sighed softly, a small smile finally on his face. "Well, she's got some canine features. I just wanted to make her feel welcome somehow, so I learned how to show my emotions in a way she could understand better when we were younger."
"And it worked."
"Yes. And I don't regret it."
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llixulia · 1 month
Cowards, im just going to do it. Love story, Dusk and Arroth. No anons here
Arroth blinked, surprised when he saw the fanfiction. Wait, how did they find out? Should Dusk and him be worried? And... what was it about?
Curious, he clicked and started reading, a slight blush on his face as he read. Cute... but also, the author apparently had left a spicy cliffhanger. He... may or may not have marked the fanfiction to keep reading it when it was updated.
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