llixulia · 4 months
Never Have I Ever with Midori
"Oh boy. Starting strong, I see." Eive took a shot. "More than once, actually." Though it'd been someone else breaking her bones, rather than due to a fall or other things.
"Okay, so... Midori: Never have I ever laughed so hard I spit our my drink."
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the-faramir · 1 month
Love Story with Eive
Midori happened to look down at the ground as she walked down the street. "What's this?" She picked up a pocket-sized, saddle-stitched book.
"Somebody litterin' or maybe just lost their book?" She looked at the back of the book, then the front. "Love Across the Stars. Oh, there's a kitsune an' a Vor'iek on the cover. Hmm. Kissin'. Must be one o' those romance rags. Pretty ladies. Wait, why does the kitsune look so much like me? An' the Vor'iek is Eive!" Midori gasped. "This must be one o' those shippin' romance stories that we keep seein' pop up around town! Wow, an' they put me in this one with Eive! Ha ha, I gotta read this!"
Midori sat down and flipped through the book. "Whoa, an' pictures, too? Heyyyy, wait, my boobs aren't THAT big! They should really have been focusing on my tails! An' they only gave me five!" She flipped through some more pages. "Can I even bend that way?" She held the book in one hand while she tried to put her left leg behind her head, but it slipped out of her grasp and fell back to the ground. "Definitely not with both legs!"
Midori shook out her left leg. "Guess I'll start readin' at the beginnin', then." She began to read, making comments along the way, such as, "I wouldn't say that," "I wouldn't DO that," "that's a total stereotype," and "oh, that actually sounds kinda nice."
She continued, giggling, engrossed in the first chapter. Passers-by passed by almost without her notice.
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alchemistdetective · 3 months
And the door to the Nurse office opens up, Cirno stepping in
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"Hey Umi, can you give me a hand?"
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"HOW did you lose your hands? Both of them!? Did you put it on an axe and saw it off just to see what happens?!"
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"Y-You know what? I don't have a solution for you. At all. I think you would need to go to some clinic in the Bamboo Forest where they do... miracles or something... Unless there's some kind of 'Hand Growing Potion' lying around somewhere...-"
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alchemistdefective · 2 months
Well? Can we fuck today?
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"Nope! I won't do it with anyone else other than P-Chan!"
"Also Sunday's over, soooorry!~"
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ruby-rolls · 5 months
Sulette it is so clear Miorine loves you. Like she is always there for you and also gropes your massive ass quite a lot. Thats not something you due if your not into the other and know that they will not mind. Just confess your love to her as she 100% feels the same.
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"I... well..."
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"O-Okay, I'll think about it."
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remnantsouls · 7 months
@0fbakerstreet has started following you
Able had continued to walk while smoking, but he raised a brow and then turned behind him, offering the mouse a slight lil grin. "Hey there, you following me for a particular reason or am I just in yer way?~"
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
9:56 P.M.
In the night of darkness while Koishi and the rest continue on with their fighting against the great evil that plagues the land the only one that has not been scene is S-Remillia who is dragging something inside her sack behind her is an empty burial where Reisen is once buried by Yorihime right next to the shrine. The creature had dug up the poor rabbit's body from her grave and taking her body home to due something horrific that'll not only bring her back to life, but twist her into something else entirely along with the others while she creates and breeds a new breed of monster made with the blood of the black dragon Koishi and the dark essence all around her. S-Remillia has finally made it home to the mansion where she'll begin the process as she sets Reisen's now torn in half body on the floor along with the rest of the bodies then sat down in front of them now preparing herself for the process.
" Now then my dearies let is begin the process, o'grace upon this once holy land let our gift of the blood of our mother bestowed upon these children! Let there be darkness! "
And so S-Remillia slit her throat with sharp claws, digging deep into the flesh of her own throat until she sprays it all over the body. Now the blood if Koishi takes it's course onto the deceased. Within the deceased her blood began to mutate, however it's not mutating into a new living organism, no far worst in fact. Koishi's blood had mutated into a virus and with this virus it began to work it's way into the dead cells. Upon infection Reisen's own body and the rest began regenerating all the while changing.
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As as the virus continues to change them the formerly deceased had risen from the dead changed and hungry for blood all the while devoted into the darkness. What the creature had done is turn these poor souls into a new breed of bloodsucker, the new breed of vampires. Despite these vampires being different than their old counterparts these creatures share the few traits of the other horrors of the night. The rebirth of the vampires is finally here. These pale and feral vampires are not alone as there comes the human vampires reisen being amongst the first.
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Part lunarian, part vampire the poor girl now covered in her own blood sat up on both of her knees staring at S-Remillia in her golden dead eyes. Reisen is confused yet she had quickly accepted her gift, her resurrection just like with the others. There is one crucial thing on her mind, and it's vengeance just as the rest of these new breed of vampires.
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S-Remillia tenders to her newest fledglings including Reisen. She has a feeling the few human vampires and the certain creature that had change into something else entirely are going to be quite interesting as she wish and welcomes them all to the family, to the lost children of Koishi Yakumo.
" Yes, yes! My beloved little Reisen all my little ones, you will make our mother proud. For she is the god's answer and you are ALL her gift. Reisen, do not think that I will enslave you, no you are all people. You are no animals you are all equal!
Let us celebrate with the rebirth of the vampires with the blood of the wicked, my beloved children of hope and bloodshed! "
S-Remillia burst into maniacal laughter as the new breed of vampires and werebeast howled and screech into the night as they all celebrate this beautiful night of the year of chaos.
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When the time has come these new breed of vampires and werebeast will be her greatest allies to overwhelm and tear apart all of the heretic's soldiers and the corrupting yokai that had assisted her on her quest on her reign of terror upon Gensokyo and Mugenri. In this night, there will be blood and blood the creatures of the night shall have!
《 To be continue... 》
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aplacefcrmyhead · 7 years
“If you get too drunk to drive. Call an Uber.”
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“You might get me as your driver.”
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succubuswrites · 4 years
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llixulia · 6 months
"I didn't think... What if she's taken? Ugh. I should have kept quiet."-she mutters.
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llixulia · 1 month
Eive's next couple hours are spent with Midori @the-faramir reading and giggling at a ridiculous shipping book.
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llixulia · 5 months
Today, if someone comes by, they will find Eive's busy crafting an instrument.
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llixulia · 3 months
Eive took a look out the window. "...Raining, huh? Guess today I'll stay indoors with a warm drink and buried in blankets."
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llixulia · 1 month
He throws water at her at the lake, with a big smirk on his face. He knows he can't beat her in a water fight...
But gods know he will try.
She's caught by surprise, but a dangerous smirk appears on her face. "Why, thank you for making sure I get enough water. Here, let me return the favor!" She's throwing it back at him, and maybe also using her tail fins to throw from two sides instead of just one.
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llixulia · 3 months
Blood in the Water (closed RP)
How in the world had it come to this?, thought Eive for the hundreth time. Trapped in a tank, as if she was nothing more than a mere fish! Worst of all was, no one would be coming for her. She was the bastard child of a general from the depths. Due to this, people didn’t like her, and Nis’ien and Hyperion, who actually did care, probably wouldn’t be able to find her, not considering she’d gone exploring on her own. Right now she had no idea where she was being taken nor where she was. So she bid her time. She waited.
The tank was constraining, and she was an entertainment for the crew that had managed to somehow capture her. But oooh, when she got her claws on them. She would make them bleed. She would tear them apart with her fangs and feed them to the sharks for taking her from the sea and her home.
It was during this thought process that she heard a commotion on the ship. It seemed like the crew were nervous for some reason. Perhaps, if they made mistakes, this would be her chance to escape... and to get revenge.
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llixulia · 1 month
"Hey!" Eive was caught by surprise, but soon was following Midori. "Get back here so I can boop you back!"
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