#muse; nari
calledher · 8 months
@interxstitial liked for a starter!
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"I need a vocal demo -- my voice doesn't fit the song anymore," Nari said simply, shrugging a bit as she fingered the unlit cigarette in her grasp. It had been frustrating, recording and re-recording her new song only to realize that the reason it wasn't hitting right was the fact your ex-boyfriend wasn't singing it. (Yoongi would do male vocals for her demos if she need it - after a good amount of pleading and kisses.) Now, she was on her own. And without a male vocalist.
The unlit cigarette got tucked back behind her ear as she raised her gaze up to meet his. "I heard you are good vocal demo." Nari tempted, one side of her small mouth quirking into a smirk.
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bonegrieve-arc · 28 days
Narys facts:
A lot of people mistake him for a black dragon wyrmling. He is full grown. A type of wyrm I’ve been affectionately calling bog wyrm. They typically share space with black dragons and eat off their kills. Sort of the crows of their ecological niche. Like dragons they possess innate magic skill, and typically use their magic for illusions, traps, and mimicry.
Unlike other bog wyrms who are content to do nothing and laze about, he was raised by a dragon and therefore learned about hoarding. He has his own lair and it is chock full of random shiny shit. Never mind that it isn’t actually valuable. He’s doing a good job!!
Bog wyrms do not have a breath weapon ( another thing separating them from True Dragons ). However they are venemous and even if out of venom, their bite can still be septic.
Bog wyrms are based off komodo dragons and cottonmouths.
Narys is on his way to collect everyone’s valuables. You are most likely going to encounter him either stealing your shiny things, or scavenging off a camps rotted meat.
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magicshvps · 2 years
muse: nari seong. law student, very much goal oriented and stand offish...never wants to get distracted, let alone by relationships. open to: m/f/nb
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           “oh, i’m sorry if i gave you the wrong impression. i just didn’t want to walk back to my car alone, it’s late and i just...we’re friends, you know?” it’s a lie, but one that she hopes that she can convince herself of as she avoids eye contact.
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starlitwishes · 10 months
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TFW Someone destroys your entire life with just one sentence--
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sl33py-g4m3r · 4 months
thinking about it; the megaten games are almost always in Tokyo or Japan itself.
One was in or in a place similar to India with demons of Hindu myth and legend (tho I forgot what game that was......... Soul Hackers 2?? I could be very incorrect here I'll admit... I could always be incorrect.)
edited to add: I'm dumb i think, it was Digital Devil Saga i think..... Not Soul Hackers 2..... now i feel stupid......
another set of games took place in the arctic....
Makes me wonder what about other countries if that apocalypse was going on? Like if it was worldwide instead of local. Or how would the world population get together demon summoners to save everything?
If that's happened already, please forgive my ignorance.
Just thinking of whether each region would have their own spread of demons from their own local myths and legends; or would they just be everywhere regardless of regional myth?
Like in America; having a bunch of demons from the many Native American folklore.... Or the middle east being home to demons and mythical beings from Islamic tales, I'm sure you get my point.
and this may very well be the case.
would the summoners from different regions get along or see each other as enemies?
would the law/neutral/chaos alignments work the same way? surely they would honestly.
Are there different ministers in the cathedral of shadows for each region? Or is it solely The Minister?
Just musings about MegaTen over coffee~~~
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
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"fUCKINg hELl. it tAKEs a cERTAIn kIn d of tROLl to s tANd a gUy up on a dATe. eVEn i'm no t tHAt sHITTy, at lEASt i cAn fUCKIn' co mMIt to sOMETHi ng."
"on a sCa l e of 1 -10, hOw mUCh of a pSYCHOPa th do yOu th iNk i'd be i f i hUNTEd 'em fo r sPo rt?"
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rebelangelsims · 28 days
Planning to tackle the one thing I've been avoiding since making Nari and that is making her a partner.
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tvrningout · 8 months
i gotta go to work today, so i won’t be around much, but!! since i cleaned out my inbox, i encourage y’all to send me memes if we aren’t interacting ( or if you just feel like it ofc 💜 )! and for those who wanted a mistletoe kiss/want lil smooch for their muses, i’m gonna use this meme instead bc of the varying scenarios. ofc if you want something platonic, feel free to send something in as well!! and with that i wish you all a wonderful sunday 💜 MWAH!!
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lee-sol · 6 months
i can’t guarantee anything, but i’m gonna try to get a few things done and shove them in the queue
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starsweepers · 2 years
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me being reminded tonight ( yes, i have made this argument before, and i probably will make it again one day lbr ) that while i thoroughly support the fact nari probably still loves and misses her siblings... she was also really mistreated by them. yes, i know these screenshots are technically douxie in nari's body, but neither bellroc nor skreal ever question it or seem concerned by the fear that "nari" is displaying. they never have any qualms about literally hunting her down, degrading her, forcefully taking away her free will. a lot of this stems from the fact they believe what they are doing is worth it but? it's also?? really disgusting in a way. they never listen to her or respect her as an equal to them just because she no longer agrees. and obviously they never tried considering nari ran away from them. like. the movie is a dumpster fire and the entire thing can just never have happened but also it gives me a few crumbs for nari's development and relations with her siblings and douxie so i'm going to scrape what i can and what i can get behind. it's probably fair to say the show and all never truly regarded nari, skrael, and bellroc as siblings so much as equals. but even from that perspective, they still treat her terribly in the end. nari deserves to be angry at them, nari deserved to get to unleash at them. without prior plotting/discussion, my nari may still love her siblings, but she loves the ones that actually respected and cared for her and not the destructive and cruel versions. so she will remain bitter and angry about them alongside her love. this especially applies in my mainverse where i ignore them all dying and so she's helping them adapt to how the world has changed and become good and understanding... she's still internally upset and they've got a long way to go to mend their relationship. it's why she spends more time traveling or with douxie rather than them. ...insert my rant about why my mainverse is canon divergent and i hate how the movie went about 90% of the things and one of those things is the fates of nari, bellroc, and skrael, buuuuut i'll be good and not rant about that again just yet jaksdlf;aj long story short, nari to me is a character that is about compassion and forgiveness, but also that just because you still love and forgive some characters, doesn't mean they didn't hurt you and you don't have a right to keep them at a distance for a time
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tenebriism · 1 year
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Follows Tighnari around with a shirt that says ' BOYFRIEND MATERIAL. ' When they get engaged ( and then married ), it will be upgraded to FIANCE, and then HUSBAND MATERIAL.
Please laugh. Thank you.
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feralkumiho · 1 year
@xunderyourspellx asked: can you keep a secret? ( nari @ jasmine. )
"If it's something trivial, then most likely not. But if it's something serious? Then your secrets are safe with me." Jasmine beamed warmly at Nari. Her answer was blunt, but at least she hadn't lied. "As it stands, I will always share my secrets with you-- and if you blab to our sisters I won't mind too much."
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reflective-muses · 1 year
❛ what are you thinking about? ❜ (from Cyno to Tighnari)
"Hm?" Tighnari blinked and looked over at Cyno. He hadn't even realized he had been lost in thought.
"Oh, ah, just a few things," he admitted, "I still worry about Collei, even though she's doing well right now. I also know you have an extensive trip coming up regarding an eremite group..."
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starlitwishes · 10 months
Tighnari pats the top of his head..
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Oh no!!! He's been caught being kinda cringy!!! Nari no!!!
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momochiiee-reblogs · 1 year
Looking back at this fully knowing I am lazy on farming most of the days, feels like I'm stretching the task on purpose cuz already got most of the characters at 5th ascension
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Still trying to bring many up to the 6th ascension but ehh...
I also gotta farm some talent mats and the foking mushrooms and eremites for way too many characters
And there's a couple that still need passable artifacts TTATT that's the worst part ngl spending all day's resin to get 4 lame pieces is not fun at all
Hoyo give us more resin you bastards :'(
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goddesstrolls · 28 days
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"i fUCKINg hATe gROCERy sHOPPINg. i ca n nEVEr te ll wHEn so mEONe's tRYINg to gEt my aTTENt i on or if t hEy're tALKINg to sOm eONe eLSe."
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"go t to tALk to a cUTe gIRl fOr a sECONd be c aUSe of it tHOUGh, eVe n if it wa s sORt of em b aRRASSINg tHAt i dIDn't nOTICe hEr."
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