calledher · 3 months
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starter call
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calledher · 3 months
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starter call for one of the star seeker muses (danica, calyx, & ronin)!
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calledher · 8 months
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His words felt like whiplash. There's a lot of horrible things... she knew that to be true but still -- it didnt mean you couldn't ache for the horrible things. Her eyes settled back on his leg for a moment. How was he going to do this alone?
"Okay, okay, no hospital." Yoonmi settled, her hand going to rest on his shoulder as if her touch could soothe him. "I promise." She closed her eyes before saying. "I've seen plenty of doctors sewing up patients - we can google a video, too. Let me help that way." Yoonmi offered. She hated needles, but she couldn't leave him by himself. Before he could reply, she moved to her feet, trying to think if she had kept that portable sewing kit her mom gave her... and if she had a bottle of soju hanging around in her backpack full of snacks, sodas, and who-knows-whats.
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"There's a lot of horrible things," Theo brushed that off. No. He had done this before and he could do it again. Last time Micah had gotten hurt, Theo had sat on him so Kiera could do the stitching, but it looked like that wasn't quite an option here.
"I just need the sewing stuff and the alcohol," Theo promised. His face curled for a moment, pain and anxiety reaching a height. "I am not going to a hospital. I'm not going to a doctor."
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calledher · 8 months
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"I'm... actually a bit lost," Danica commented. An embarrassed flush overtook her cheeks. She had learned all sorts of things in Stellare... just not this type of math. This world was so different. "You, uh - do you know how to do any of this?" she whispered, her eyes flickering back down to her notebook.
@calledher. sc. DANICA.
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❝ ----- you look bored. ❞
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calledher · 8 months
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Yoonmi's gaze only grows wider and wider. That had to hurt! She felt a lump form in her throat - she was always an empathetic crier. "No, that sounds horrible," she admitted, voice strained as she met his gaze with damp eyes. She blinked once twice thrice.
"Do you not want to go to the doctors? I get that - I hate the doctors! But this," she watched him pull his leg and she winced before she scooted to try to help alleviate something - pressure, pain, anything. Pushing against the sharp metal thing digging into the other's leg, she wasnt sure it did much - she wasn't exactly strong. "Let me help!"
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"I've done stitches on myself before, it is not that bad," Theo insisted. He'd been to hospitals, at least, that very first one... never again, he'd told himself. He pulled on his leg again to try and work it free, grunting at the pain of maneuvering the injury.
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calledher · 8 months
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"You need help! How are you going to handle this on your own?" Yoonmi countered, trying to keep him from moving too quickly. "What are you going to do to fix this?" she queried as she pulled back, holding her hands out so his blood on her hands wouldn't stain her clothes.
@calledher asked: “i know it hurts, i’m sorry, it’ll be over soon.” (from yoonmi - if you want! I know we arent mutuals so no worries if not!!)
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"You can't-" Theo insisted. He pulled himself in, yanking his bleeding leg back. He was already panicking, breathing a bit too hard and fast in a way that felt almost painful, that didn't mean he could stop. "I said I can handle it!"
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calledher · 8 months
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shipping call!
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calledher · 8 months
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calledher · 8 months
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Bora beamed prettily at his agreement. As petty as it was, she was glad he wasn't arguing that true art should be in museums or that her art was technically vandalism. She got those two a lot. Instead, the blue haired woman rose up to finish the piece with a spray of her bright green spray paint. The smell of aerosol filled the air.
"Thank you," she curtsied half heartedly before grabbing her bag full of paint cans. Tossing it towards him, the bag fell with a loud clatter and a splatter of multi-colored wet paint onto the pavement. "Try it yourself! I'd love to see what you make! Are you an artist?" The pronunciation of 'artist' was posh, spoken like 'art-teast', teasingly.
Hyuntae nodded in agreement. "It is the true beauty of art." He glanced over at the graffiti quietly admiring it. He had a silent admiration for street art. He could never have the steady hand using a can. He was too much of a perfectionist with his art. "It's beautiful.." He said softly.
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calledher · 8 months
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starter call for one of the star seeker muses (danica, calyx, & ronin)!
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calledher · 8 months
THE MOST CLICHÉ LINES OF DIALOGUE *  assorted overused dialogue for your muses to say to each other because why the hell not, adjust as necessary
in english, please?
are you thinking what i'm thinking?
whatever you do, don't look down.
so... where were we?
are you trying to get us killed?
i eat guys like you for breakfast.
we'll never make it in time!
how hard can it be?
did i just say that outloud?
no way, i'm coming with you.
don't die on me!
did i miss anything?
yeah, you better run!
you look like you've seen a ghost.
i have a bad feeling about this.
if i wanted to kill you, i would have done it already.
you're gonna wanna see this.
i was about to ask you the same thing.
i gotta get me one of these!
i can explain!
let's get outta here!
i could do this all day!
it's not you, it's me.
this is not happening.
is that all you got?
she's gonna blow!
it's not what it looks like.
i wouldn't do that if i were you.
i was born ready.
what seems to be the problem?
shut up and kiss me.
you have to go on without me.
we're not so different, you and i.
you just don't get it, do you?
you talking to me?
we've got company.
he's right behind me, isn't he.
we can do this the easy way... or the hard way.
you look like shit.
there's a storm coming.
i'd tell you, but then i'd have to kill you.
i'm getting too old for this shit.
sit down and shut up.
don't do anything stupid.
it's just a scratch.
you say that like it's a bad thing.
what is the meaning of this?
cover me. i'm going in.
it's quiet. too quiet.
that's what i'm talking about!
ready when you are.
danger is my middle name.
i've always wanted to do that.
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calledher · 8 months
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starter call for one of the star seeker muses (danica, calyx, & ronin)!
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calledher · 8 months
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Concerned Sentences, Vol. 5
(Concerned sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Are you crying?"
"Why the hell didn't you come to me?"
"Sometimes I really worry about you."
"I thought you quit?"
"Don't chase ghosts, okay? It's not worth it. Trust me."
"Would you say you struggle with anger?"
"What are you mad at?"
"It's not like you to be nervous."
"I'm going to yell at you later, but for now, I'm just glad that you're okay."
"Don't try to be a hero!"
"I'm around if you want to talk. No pressure or anything, I just wanted you to know that."
"You look awfully serious. Is everything okay?"
"You're afraid of him, aren't you?"
"You know, believe it or not, I'm actually beginning to worry about you."
"Hold on. Have you really thought this through?"
"Are you still getting the flashbacks?"
"Don't get lost in worst-case scenarios."
"You do realise the risk if anyone sees us?"
"Is there a problem?"
"Once on the path you choose, you cannot turn back."
"You look so unhappy. This breaks my heart."
"You're not very good at this, are you? "
"What the hell were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed!"
"I was hoping we'd have a chance to discuss the events of the last few days."
"You keep so much bottled up that you're blowing up everything around you!"
"I thought for sure you were dead."
"How are you coping?"
"He has lied to you, and he has used you. That is all that he has ever done, and that is all that he will ever do."
"If I said no, would you really believe me?"
"This is just a game for you, isn't it?"
"You can't save everyone."
"Hiding from your fear doesn't make your fear go away."
"Why are you crying?"
"Since when have I had the power to stop you from doing anything?"
"If you were upset, you would tell me, right?"
"I'm not going to be here forever, and who's going to look after you then?"
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Why are you drinking so much tonight anyway?"
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calledher · 8 months
@interxstitial liked for a starter!
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"I need a vocal demo -- my voice doesn't fit the song anymore," Nari said simply, shrugging a bit as she fingered the unlit cigarette in her grasp. It had been frustrating, recording and re-recording her new song only to realize that the reason it wasn't hitting right was the fact your ex-boyfriend wasn't singing it. (Yoongi would do male vocals for her demos if she need it - after a good amount of pleading and kisses.) Now, she was on her own. And without a male vocalist.
The unlit cigarette got tucked back behind her ear as she raised her gaze up to meet his. "I heard you are good vocal demo." Nari tempted, one side of her small mouth quirking into a smirk.
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calledher · 8 months
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starter call! specify muse or i shall pick!
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calledher · 8 months
@mndstom liked for a starter!
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"Come with me to this party!" Siri pleaded, her hand going to grasp the other's. Giving their hand a squeeze, she raised her eyebrows temptingly. "It'll be super fun; I know the guy who is hosting - he is super chill!"
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calledher · 8 months
PROMPTS FOR CARRYING/BEING CARRIED *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
all right! up you get!
i'm going to carry you, of course.
stop squirming! i'm losing my grip on you!
you're safe in my arms.
can you walk on it?
maybe i need to carry you there.
i don't want to be carried.
no! i can walk just fine by myself!
you're a lot lighter than i expected.
falling asleep in my arms, are we?
how long was i out?
have you been carrying me this whole time?
i don't remember being picked up.
this was your master plan all along, wasn't it.
have i been sleeping this whole time?
no! put me down!
can you at least be a bit more gentle when you lift me?
i could get used to this.
if you need a break, you can set me down.
you pretended to twist your ankle just so i would carry you.
i didn't ask you to carry me.
you're quite handsome at this angle.
if i'm not careful, you'll ask to be carried everywhere.
are you comfortable like this? i can switch arms.
could you put me down?
ow! that hurts when you move like that!
you can put me down right here.
just lay me down over there.
please don't tell anybody you did this.
if they find out i let someone carry me, i'm dead.
well, this is a bit awkward.
you're very warm, you know.
you smell nice.
you can go to sleep if you'd like. it's okay.
let me get you somewhere safe.
oh no. i'm not climbing on your back.
just stay quiet. i've got you.
you look rather beautiful all curled up in my arms.
i don't think i can walk that far.
we will never speak of this arrangement again.
just tell them i hurt my leg.
stop smiling down at me!
apparently my shoulder makes for a good pillow.
would you do me a favor and pick me up?
i'm not sure i can walk all the way.
i appreciate you helping me out in this way.
stop smirking at me. i see you.
no, i don't like this! i'm humiliated!
i won't let anything happen to you here.
do you do this often? twist your ankle just to make someone else carry you?
how about a piggyback ride?
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