manifestedsun · 4 years
@museaddled​  "So if I bite you, will you taste like cake?" - Taka
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“I dare you to find out.”
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blastzoned · 4 years
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@museaddled​  /  unprompted asks.
"I love you, son."
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          he can pretend not to hear it, but his pride isn’t stronger than his appreciation for his parents. they’ve done more for him than he’ll ever admit, and though he loathes to admit it, they are more important than he can ever express.
           ❝  ...yeah, love you too,  ❞  he mumbles, but it’s not without a twinge of fondness in his voice.
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flagransanimarum · 4 years
@museaddled sent a meme centuries ago: 💉💉 // tenya for tokoyami
He had upturned the chair in his struggles, and he had received a dose of some kind of sedative for his efforts. Now, looking up at the incandescent hot reflector they had put him under to make sure dark shadow wouldn't come out, he could barely keep his eyes open, much less escape the place. He had been trying to keep himself awake, but the drugs those villains had given him to keep him calm still managed to pull him under.
A hand came to his neck, and Tokoyami opened his eyes, ready to try and lash out. But there was no need. Cutting the blinding light, a knight in a white armor was looking at him. He couldn't see the face behind the helmet, but he could easily imagine the arrow-like brows, furrowed in concern. It was his former classmate, Iida Tenya.
How had he found him, he wanted to ask, but all that came out was an uninteligible mumble. Damn. He'd better snap out of it, they would have to make their way out now and he couldn't be a burden to him. It was enough that he had came to rescue him.
But when Iida freed him from the chair, and he tried to stand, his legs wouldn't hold his weight.
"I can't..." he managed
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wintersfire · 4 years
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museaddled said: "You know, it still surprises me that Endeavor has such a pretty daughter," Hawks says with a cheeky grin. "You must take after your mother, right?"
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Fuyumi is sitting across from Hawks grading papers on the floor quietly. She's uncomfortable with his close scrutinization, but she does her best to ignore his gaze. He seems to step closer, before plopping on the floor next to her. He gets her attention then. The next words out of his mouth is a flirty line. "You must take after your mother, right?" She turns her head, hiding the warmth that came to her cheeks. "I bet you say that to all the girls. Anyway, flirting with me, won't get you an in with my dad. I think that would actually drive him crazy." She chuckled for a moment before setting her pen down. "Do you want something to eat while you wait? I'm not sure how much longer he'll take to get here... I can cook something." It wasn't that she wanted to leave, he just made her nervous. She couldn't help it. Most people wanted her as a way to get to the number two now number one hero. It was a massive con to being the daughter of Endeavor. Aside from the obvious cold household of the flame hero.
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truexman · 4 years
@museaddled replied to your post: @symbol-of-terror replied to your post: ...
man why are you reading all my fave series lol
;D because I have good taste
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niilplus · 4 years
@museaddled​ said: “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” // dabi? fuck starters - accepting
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“  hm. not much.  “  geten shot a useless look up at him.  “  do you seriously not have anyplace else to sit ?  “
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misanthropicapathy · 4 years
@museaddled wanted a starter!
      ♞◈ It was kinda cold, placing his hands into the pockets of his jacked white turtling himself inside to keep warm. Going to collect some sticks and random pieces for a fire he wanted to make in a pit for fun. Puling twigs and small pieces of wood he finally assessed that he had enough for a while. Putting the twigs and kindling in before moving back a bit to enjoy the fire. There wasn’t really much he could do out here. Tv and games were only so much while he kept to himself.
      Watching the fire and curling his knees to his chest he set his mouth against the tops of his knees. Sometimes he wished he had someone his age to hang out with, but as of right now he wasn’t lucky. Rubbing his eyes when he started to feel them droop, he couldn’t fall asleep now. But then again doing nothing and the warmth of the fire was pretty tempting to his body.
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abysmalpyre · 4 years
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Palaye Royale lyric meme ▒ Accepting
@museaddled​ asked: I’ve been feeling lonely. // shuichi
      ☠▒ Dabi rose an eyebrow when he looked at his phone. That was new, he hadn’t talked to the ex-yakuza in a while. Reading the text he was even more baffled by the contents. Shuichi wasn’t one to express things like this from what he could remember. He stared at the text, contemplating what he should do. Should he call? Should he text? Was it even shuichi? Thumb hovering over the call button he debated if he should or shouldn’t do it.
      Finally giving in he pressed the call button on his burner, listening to the ringing on the other line. If it wasn’t the other male he could hang up quickly then discard his phone and get a new one later. The sound of someone picking up brought him out of his thoughts. A familiar voice on the other end.〝You know i’m highly skeptical with that text Shu-chan. Why did you send that?〞
Letting the question hang in the air while he waited for a reply, it was odd and he was on guard incase he had to quickly hang up and disregard his phone.
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wintersfireaa · 4 years
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Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did.
@museaddled​ said: 📱 - for hawks
[text: bird brain] How can you eat all that chicken and stay so thin? [text: bird brain] Your jacket looks warm. Is it? [text: bird brain] Wear the blue visor. [text: bird brain] How are you so warm sometimes? [text: bird brain] Hey, it's Fuyumi. Endeavor's daughter. Please don't forget to come to my classroom. The kids want to meet you.
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shinyoi · 4 years
First 5 Get a Kiss // accepting (2/5) ||  @museaddled​
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“Why are you-” Shinsou scowled a bit, dragging his feet as his elder pulled him along. Somehow Takashi had gotten it into his head that he needed to know how to dance and then proceeded to make Shinsou dance with him. Or, at least, that was the excuse he was given while being grabbed and pulled around the room. Shinsou was just happy no one else was around to witness this. 
What Shinsou wasn’t happy about was losing his balance. His foot twisted and he pitched forward, dragging Takashi down with him. When he landed on top of the other, their lips connected for a moment. Pulling back and standing up quickly, Shinsou looked away. “Sorry.”
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spitecremated · 5 years
Seeing his brother after all these years of thinking he was dead, seeing how different the man was in front of him from the brother he remembered, Natsuo had a hard time wrapping his head around it. He wanted it to be real, but at the same time he was afraid to let himself believe it. "Nii-san," he says, quiet and earnest and despite his doubts, he reaches out and enfolds the other into a hug, eyes closed tight as he presses his face into the other's shoulder
This Is Comically Delayed But I Needed It In My Life  ||  @museaddled
There’s the immediate impulse to dart, to get as far away from his brother as possible  —  avoid dealing with the remnants of his fucked up past; with the consequences of his current lifestyle, and of his slowly crackling to life future. He can’t be getting wrapped up in emotional attachments; it’s a factually horrible idea, and it won’t leave either of them with anything short of newfound heartache. This would only end up hurting Natuso all over again, for fuck’s sake. He shouldn’t even be here  ——
Scattered thoughts cut short as the younger speaks, as he moves closer and chilled arms curl around the villain. He tenses at first, that’s only to be expected under their circumstances, but it’s only seconds before he finds himself starting to relax into his brother’s embrace.
❝ Natsuo. ❞   It’s a quiet murmur, voice curling gently around the syllables. Typical bitterness is nowhere to be found, and his usual apathy cracks away into a tone far too close to compassion. A moment’s delay, but then he wraps scarred arms around him in return, loosing a heavy sigh into the night air.
(  When was the last time anyone had hugged him? The last time that he’d had anything even remotely close to genuine affection? He can’t fucking remember, honestly.  )
❝ This is a terrible idea. ❞   The entire situation, that is. Reuniting like this, it can’t possibly end well for anyone. He hugs him tighter, contrasting the words near immediately.   ❝ But I have missed you, for what it’s worth. ❞
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manifestedsun · 4 years
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@museaddled​ sent: 17 & 18 for the munday meme :)
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17: How long have you been RPing? 18: Who was your first muse?
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I was introduced to rping in high school when I was about 16? via Gaiaonline and writing with friends in notebooks. I’d say about 15 years now. 
My first muse ever? Is an OC, I have to this day, made for Gaiaonline. She’s a half dragon, half demon queen who rules over a newly rebuilt city of other half breeds and has two children. She’s been incorporated to a series I was writing so I don’t really do much aside from draw her nowadays.  My first Tumblr muse was a Scotland OC.  And my first canon muse was Dick Grayson. 
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blastzoned · 4 years
@museaddled​ because an ask can’t fit this soft content
          he didn't announce he was coming home. he just did, closing the door as softly behind him as possible. he hasn’t been home in a while, and he takes a moment to enjoy the serenity of home, leaned against the front door as he kicks his shoes off.
          it’s not much. hell, he wonders if anything he does would ever be enough to let his father know how special he was. Katsuki never claimed to be sappy, but he allowed himself this a couple times a year, a gentle, almost crippling appreciation for his parents who had raised him despite what a little shit he was.
          he doesn’t announce himself. he doesn’t need to, padding quietly through the halls of his home. there’s still mirrors set up in quite a few places, a trick to allow Katsuki to know where his parents roamed about when he didn’t have his hearing aids in. they didn’t take them down, and he wonders idly if they would once he was grown and gone, if all the things they’d done to help him would slowly be packed away, forgotten.
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          not to get bittersweet, he rounds through the hall until he catches a glimpse of his dad in a hallway mirror. his office, of course. Katsuki hesitates down the hall, wonders for a moment if he should just put the cookies down and leave, but he doesn’t. he forces himself to walk, lean against the open door.
          ❝  hey,  ❞  he says, and he signs at the same time, a quick message that might even be missed if one’s not fast enough  —  Happy Father’s Day.
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bcku-no-boys-a · 5 years
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                FAMILY is supposed to be our safe haven. 
   Very often, it’s where we find the DEEPEST HEARTACHE.
                     Enji | Rei | Shouto | Natsu | Fuyumi | Touya | Hawks
                                   Welcome to the family
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wintersfire · 4 years
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Shipping meme.
@museaddled​ said: who are some characters you ship your muse with?
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I’m a big believer in chemistry over everything when it comes to shipping! If we’re asking what I personally ship when it comes to Fuyumi, though. First, it’s happiness. The girl deserves it! Second, I don’t personally write to ship! BUT! I’m a fic writer too. So, I could see myself writing fic to any of these one days. Third, I change it up every day. All of these can be platonic or romantic, but I’ll list everything. TENSEI X FUYUMI! HELLO! PLS! Hawks x Fuyumi is a favorite. Rumi x Fuyumi is another one that I JUST LOVE! I’m also here for UA teachers x Fuyumi. Midnight x Fuyumi. Aizawa x Fuyumi. Mic x Fuyumi. Vlad x Fuyumi. That one teacher with the uncontrollable class x Fuyumi. (they work at the same school and Fuyumi is fantastic at controlling her class XD) Villains x Fuyumi. A concept! Kai x Fuyumi. (I have a yakuza verse.) Kurogriri x Villain!Fuyumi (parents of the league honestly.) Proheroes x Fuyumi. Fatgum x Fuyumi. (She’ll cook for him.) Burnin’ x Fuyumi. (Taking her dad’s sidekicks left and right, tbh.) I’m also ALWAYS HERE FOR CROSSOVERS! So like Coach Ukai x Fuyumi. (I already have the plot in mind folks.) Kouga x Fuyumi. Basically, if I think it would be aesthetically pleasing + angst could be a thing. I’m here for it.
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createinfinity · 5 years
museaddled replied to your post “slams fists on table do you all have a moment to hear about our lord...”
I'll just take lumos then (?)
oh snap you want me to talk about lumos okay i got you don’t worry.
@aidonneus is flipping fantastic. she’s so good i alliterated, and that’s a whole level of awesome just on its own. lumos always has so many wonderful ideas and sometimes she slides into my dms and offers them to me and i weep as i gaze upon these glowing offerings from the heavens and i ask myself “what did i do to deserve lumos?”
the answer, friends, is nothing.
that’s right. for the ridiculously low price of absolutely nothing lumos offers me endless ideas and plots and ships. she throws her hawks at me. she lets me spew nonsense. she responds to it like anything i said even made sense when i know it didn’t. she humours my waffling and my weirdness and she gives me nothing but love and good content in return. 15/10 as a human bean. like fucking superb. an absolutely fucking superb person to exist. just knowing that lumos is online makes my day a little brighter because she is literally light. you can’t even argue with that because her name is lumos. that’s right, that’s science bitch.
so go follow lumos right the heck now because she is amazing and wonderful and she will shower you with nothing but the greatest of content.
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