kirbyoctournament · 3 months
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ROUND TWO: Storm Knight VS Nea Ubrum
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peach-cant-sleep · 2 months
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Thanks for liking. Here are the doodles!
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empathsblog · 5 months
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I took a walk around the city, and these two statues caught my attention. One of the statues holds Something familiar, which looks like a lyre, and in her other hand, a laurel wreath. They both look like muses!! Maybe it'll be a bit delusional to assume that everything is a sign, but it could be!
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sleepytower · 6 months
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There's a quiet grumbling as she sort of...pulls herself back together after her fight with the pink...thing, pressing cybernetics back into place before a noise catches her attention, pausing before turning. But what Susie sees, makes her heart skip a beat in her chest, blue eyes widening. ...that...was her.
It took awhile but she eventually did it; she manage to escape from the hell and get back to her original dimension however her journey wasn't over.... She needed to get back to her father to show him that she was still alive...
Still alive...
Tracking her father was difficult but not impossible due to the fact the other kept moving whenever she arrived at the location until luck was once again on her side as she manage to land on the same planet as the one her father was on.
The excitement and anxiety was building up; she couldn't wait to be reunited with her father once more....
She saw her.... Her own face staring back at her. Everything came crashing down around her as a small 'oh' left her.
Did.... Father replace her?
Her expression was blank as she stared at the other for a while until she finally spoke in a quiet but small voice... It was almost as if she wasn't there.
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".... Who are you...?"
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cookieofearthbread · 6 months
@musescfmusic (Strawberry Crepe and Pure Vanilla)
Pure Vanilla wasn't sure how long Strawberry Crepe been in their workshop (or rather the Wafflebot Hangar) however the healer was certain it was long enough that the child missed dinner thus he decided to check up on them whilst bringing some food with him to ensure Strawberry Crepe was eating.
It didn't take long Pure Vanilla to reach the Wafflebot Hanger from the kitchen where the food was being kept store. After all, the castle wasn't exactly huge and there weren't many cookies around to slow the former king down.
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"Strawberry Crepe? Are you here?" He spoke with a warm tone that was always presented after he tap against the hard surface, letting the sound echo, and announcing his presence.
"I brought some food."
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fairymint · 6 months
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"Excuse me, sir-...do you by any chance know where I've found myself? I'm a bit...stranded-" Gloved hands would fidget a bit, admittedly somewhat nervous due to lack of knowledge on where he'd found himself.
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"That would be the island of Zendo? Hello." Very, very curious. A strange man, but not a tourist! Most that made it out here knew very well where they were going; to catch some sun, meditation, and freedom! ...But, suppose people washed up all the time, what more different was any other method of transportation? "As the mayor, may I inform you that this may be one of the best places to be stranded, not to worry!" A bit of confidence; he liked the formality of being called sir! Very gender! Polite! A good impression so far!
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
Pay no attention to the small pink thing that's been following you like a lost puppy for the past few minutes, Teal, it's nothing to worry about.
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It certainly seems like he's not paying any mind as he's headed across town the the clinic Hope is working at for the day. In reality Teal is hyper-aware of the fact he's being followed. That's all he really cares about; who it was or intentions could be cared about less.
For now, at least, not a word is spoken and he continues on his way.
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
@musescfmusic liked the Starter Call for Reese!
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"Uh....hello~?" Stuck. He was trapped underneath a sleeping Fat larger then average Koopa. If it were a Thwomp he may not have the wherewithal to even call out but this lumbering jerk wasn't too much better. Mario couldn't get the leverage to move it off! "Anyone there??"The sewers of New Donk City haven't gotten any less eventful at least.
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mixed-up-multiverse · 7 months
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@musescfmusic sent: doodle (Ruby Cacao and anyone in the gingercrew :3)
Doodles | Not accepting
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"Here you go, Miss Ruby! What do yo think?"
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kirbyoctournament · 1 month
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ROUND FOUR: Parhelion Knight VS Storm Knight
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archived-diegesis · 4 months
❣ (Robin :3)
pros & cons of dating my muse!
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BERB ENERGY , SHE LOVES DOING SILLY THINGS WITH HER PARTNER, please understand she will do silly things such as play with your hands and do the dramatic "will smith " pose when your alone more because image and all that and because she's a private person
Will sing you to sleep if you ask her to, baby loves singing and will get you to sing with her
She's always happy to see you when ever you meet up, do not underestimate how much force she's willing to throw at someone in order to hug someone she adores
You may not get letters about how shes doing due to privacy reasons and it may take a while if you receive bad news if ever
Worries to the point of exhaustion , if something happens she will do everything in her power to help and make things better
Stubborn, good luck changing her mind if she makes a choice she will stick to it and your gonna have to deal with it
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multimuse-citadel · 5 months
The night had been peaceful, mere moments ago. Quiet, nearly serene as the moon hung overhead, shining its light down over all it watched over...when that peace was suddenly interrupted. The calm of the night sky being overtaken by a blazing orange, as a tower of fire erupted from the very core of Floralia's castle, lingering for a moment before dissipating...and all was back to normal, save for the lingering question...
What was that? What did it mean?
"What the? What is going on? Guards, surround the pillar!" Taranza shouted as he formed a stance to ready one of his dark magic orbs. The other Floralian guards were a bit nervous and scared, as they should be. But they readied their weapons, nonetheless. That is, until the pillar slowly disappeared, uncovering a familiar face that no one other than Taranza had known.
"It can't be..."
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dinomites · 6 months
@musescfmusic | snifsnif
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"....pat pat?"
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cookieofearthbread · 3 months
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"...can I show you something for a moment?" There's a breath in from the younger, cybernetic cookie as they approach their...their father, holding up a small metal device, clicking it on it displays...a familiar moment. The moment that Pure Vanilla, likely inspecting all the damage from the battles with Dark Enchantress and the Cookies of Darkness in what remained of the vanilla kingdom, and finding Crepe amongst some of the wreckage, abandoned there. "...that was...the moment that changed...everything." It flickers to another image, one of him healing the wounded younger cookie, of them looking up at him as they regained consciousness...confused, but not...scared. "you cared more than anyone else ever did...and you've continued to..." It flickers between several images, moments of Vanilla's support and care for Crepe, before finally turning off, Crepe taking another breath in as they look up with a teary-eyed smile. "...I know it's tomorrow but...happy father's day."
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“Of course, Strawberry Crepe Cookie.” The healer spoke, a warm smile on his face, as he wondered what the young inventor wanted to show him. He watched as the other held up a small metal device before a surprise look appeared on his face as a familiar moment flash appeared before him.
... This was after he 'woke' up and regain his true identity... ..And the aftermath of the fight against her....
He could still remember how he wandered around the street of his… The Vanilla’s kingdom… And inspected the ruin of the kingdom caused by the battles from the Dark Flour War and the battle between Dark Enchantress and the Cookies of Darkness, as a melancholy feeling washed over his body.
That feeling lasted until he came across Strawberry Crepe amongst some of the wreckage, concerned for the other, as the healer rushed to the young cookie’s side and checked over the damage done to the inventor.
Despite being enemies; Pure Vanilla never wanted to hurt the cookie in the first place and the feeling of guilt formed around him when he saw just how crumbly they were… Knowing that if they didn’t get treated soon then chances are; they would succumb to the wounds inflicted on them by him and his group.
He never wanted to hurt anyone especially a child...
…. Why did Dark Enchantress and her group leave them behind? A question that would never be answered… A question that didn’t matter in the end.
As the healer would not abandon the inventor to a cruel fate.
Regardless, Pure Vanilla watched as the image flickered to the moment where the healer reached out to the young cookie, healing the wound with his magic, a soft and friendly smile on his face forming on his face when they saw the inventor regain consciousness.
Reassuring the other that they were safe and he was healing their wounds. Not realizing his actions had changed everything for Strawberry Crepe until now when they revealed that fact to him.
A fact which surprised Pure Vanilla but he remained quiet; still listening to the young cookie. 
The images flickered through various moment of the healer checking up on them, giving them friendly reminders to eat when caught up in their work, inviting them to various thing such as picnics with the Raisins villagers or parties hosted by them, and overall supporting the young inventor to ensure their happiness and safety.
No matter what. And showing that they didn't have to be alone anymore as there were cookies who cared about them.
He was taken back and surprised when Strawberry Crepe mentioned what day was tomorrow as he didn’t expect to hear those words being directed towards him… However a warm smile soon form on his face before holding his arms out to give the other a hug to comfort them.
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“Thank you, that means a lot to me Strawberry Crepe” He replied softly; clearly happy that Strawberry Crepe saw him as a father as he knew how much that meant to a cookie like him as the healer could only hope that he could continue to support the other to the best abilities.
Regardless of what happens in the future.
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peach-cant-sleep · 6 months
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@musescfmusic Froge.
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