#museum dehumidifier
ctrltech · 3 months
The Role of Industrial Dehumidifiers in Preserving Historical Archives and Artifacts.
In efforts to preserve historical archives and artifacts, this endeavor is noble and essential because it can let future generations touch and analyze the tangible remnants of the past. An industrial dehumidifier will undoubtedly help in this mammal task. Artifacts let us peek at the lives, mindsets, and worlds of those who lived before us; they are essential. Yet, the path to preserving these…
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
Writing Modern Steve Roger's Health Issues: A compendium
AKA How do Steve Rogers' MCU canon illnesses hold up in a modern setting?  
I am writing something that is SO NICHE and so NERDY I feel absolutely, positively deviant about it. Who knew you could have this much fun while eating a burrito and sitting in the sun on your back porch? 
OKAY! This one goes out to all of you writing modern AU's with a modern Steve Rogers. (There are literally dozens of us!). Let's go.
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So, I find it somewhat problematic when people write disabled or otherwise medically complicated characters and are wishy-washy about the diagnosis they have. In real life, everyone I know with ongoing medical issues is a fucking expert on their exact shit. A great tumblr reference for disabled characters is Cripple Characters, but I also use reddit threads to read about people’s day to day experiences with different issues in their own words. If nothing else, just decide what your character has and take ten minutes and read through a basic website article about it. 
So let's walk through what modern Steve's medical history and diagnoses might be. If you feel like I missed any details or got things wrong, happy to have comments to that end.
We'll start with the list of “ailments,” going with the MCU canon and combining the images from the museum exhibit and screen shots of Steve’s enlistment forms:
Fallen arches
Partial deafness
Scarlet Fever, Rheumatic Fever
Heart arrhythmia
High blood pressure
Palpitation or pounding in heart
Easy fatigability
Stomach ulcers
Pernicious anemia
Nervous trouble of any sort
Chronic or frequent colds
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Caveat: I am not a doctor, but I am a person who enjoys reading medical journal articles about illnesses I do and don’t have. The human body is a fascinating and terrible place to live. Talk to me about your medical complications - I will always find them interesting. I love small talk about Crohn’s disease and/or extremely graphic details about the time you had surgery because one of your wrist bones was the wrong length. 
Sucks To Your Assmar: Asthma! How has asthma changed? 
Kids who have their asthma well managed at a young age are going to have less scarring and lung damage (this is called airway remodeling). Thus a modern kid will likely have less severe asthma than a kid born in Steve’s time. Further, allergy medicines got way better from the 1990s, so kids with allergy induced asthma would have had fewer attacks. Fewer attacks as kids = less severe asthma as they age. 
I would also note that asthma is highly connected to environmental issues. If Steve grew up in a house with cigarette smoke, cockroaches, rats, or mold present, as is fairly easy to imagine, especially without dehumidifiers in a swampy Brooklyn summer, those are environmental factors that would have made his asthma much worse. 
They are also all factors that kids today certainly face, depending on how you write your modern Steve’s childhood. While people today certainly can have very severe asthma, it’s also entirely possible that modern Steve’s relationship to his asthma is pretty chill and easy to manage. (My partner has relatively severe asthma with a lot of environmental triggers; modern allergy medicine was a big game changer.)
Let’s talk about scoliosis ~~
There are a lot of variations to how scoliosis impacts people. I have very minor scoliosis and it's barely a thing in my life. I’m not trying to speak for everyone, but for what it’s worth, there are professional athletes with spinal fusion. I used Kyra Condie as my justification for writing climbing coach post-spinal fusion small Steve Rogers in one fic. My younger brother and best friend in high school both had spinal fusions. 
In reality the athletic and physical abilities of people with spinal fusion vary pretty much exactly as much as people without spinal fusion, so you have a lot of leeway for how you decide to write a character with scoliosis. I recommend reddit threads to read about people talking about how their bodies felt before and after spinal fusion, or why they decided not to have the surgery, if you want to get a sense of how it might affect your character’s day to day life.
Wait, so how tall is modern small Steve Rogers? 
You can see in this article that gains in height post scoliosis corrective surgery/spinal fusion varies, but the mean was 27 mm (1 inch) and the maximum was 66 mm (2.5 inches). 
The more severe the curve in the spine, the more height gained with surgery. 
We know Steve had scoliosis, we don’t know how severe it was (do we?). But if he was 5’4” without spinal fusion, and with all of his childhood fevers, and possible poor nutrition due to the Great Depression and untreated stomach ulcers, then it’s very reasonable that a modern Steve raised with proper nutrition and his gastrointestinal issues (see below!) properly treated and a spinal fusion could be easily 1-10 inches taller. 
I think it’s great if you want to write modern Small Steve as 5’4” - but I tend to write him as 5’7” or so. 
I think it is entirely likely that a modern Steve Rogers could end up being 6 feet tall given modern medical intervention and a healthy digestive system and adequate nutrition. As an example of how people with more or less the same genetics having different heights due to environmental factors, I know of one family of four brothers that immigrated from Italy in the 40s. Their height was 100% correlated to their age when they moved to the US/started having access to food: the oldest brother was around 5’4” and the youngest around 6 feet. The oldest was also a chain smoker and worked full time from around age 8, so you know, he was a fucking badass 5'4" Italian guy, if that's not clear.
What about fallen arches? 
Fun story, but I have fallen arches/flat feet and had a lot of foot pain as a kid, but I thought it was normal. I wear custom orthotics and/or birkenstocks and do exercises to strengthen my feet muscles and it's fine now as long as I remember to do the things I just mentioned. My dad had to have multiple surgeries on his feet, so I think it helped that they caught it earlier in me. 
Should I write modern non-serum Steve as deaf? 
Maybe! I think it’s lovely when people write characters with hearing issues. There are great blogs that cover ways to do that well (a good link, another one, and another one and I think this one on hearing aids is particularly good if you are trying to bring in subtle day to day routine differences a character that wears hearing aids may have. Another great option is, again, reddit, especially for questions around how sexual intimacy might vary in small ways that can be nice to bring in. (I am working on a fic with a seeing character whose ex is blind and also read a lot of couples first hand experience with sexual intimacy around that dynamic on reddit). 
But how likely is it that modern Steve would be deaf? 
I think that it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s hearing issues were a result of Scarlet Fever, which is a bacterial infection that can result in rheumatic fever, an inflammatory condition that develops in more severe cases of scarlet fever. 
Scarlet fever caused deafness - in fact, both Helen Keller and Thomas Edison had hearing loss due to scarlet fever infections. Further, sustained fevers of over 104 degrees can also cause hearing loss, so there is a reasonable chance that some other fever caused Steve’s hearing issues. 
Today, the kind of hearing loss caused by fevers and infections can usually be surgically repaired or never occur because we have better antibiotics and better medicines to treat fevers. However, I have a friend who has partial hearing loss and lots of other life long nervous system and fatigue issues due to complications from childhood chicken pox in the 80s (this vaccine came around in 1995).
I don’t know if it’s canon or fanfiction, but I often see Steve as having one bad ear. For what it’s worth, hearing loss in one ear is much less common than hearing loss in both ears. 
However, potential causes of hearing loss in one ear are infections that result in a high fever and some kind of head trauma, both of which are easy to imagine would have affected a Steve born in 1918, and while possible in a modern Steve, also easier to avoid. 
Heart Stuff: Heart arrhythmia, High blood pressure, Palpitation of pounding in heart, Easy fatigability
The aforementioned fevers that can cause hearing loss can also cause heart issues. I think it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s heart issues were from his fevers as a young kid, but I often write him with a congenital heart defect, because why not? 
These days, most of the time, such issues are detected at or before birth and fixed when the person is a baby, but there are plenty of heart issues that can require multiple heart surgeries at various points. Regardless, a modern Steve would most likely either have had access to corrective surgery or medication to manage these heart conditions. Which is not to say that he wouldn’t suffer mental and physical trauma from this medical complication. 
There are plenty of professional athletes you can find who have all of the above heart issues. And plenty of people with heart issues who have no interest in being professional athletes, so like, follow your bliss. 
Digestive System Stuff: Easy fatigability, Stomach ulcers, Pernicious anemia
I have easy fatigability under heart stuff too, because lots of shit can make you tired. 
My personal head canon is that Steve Rogers has celiac disease and/or lactose intolerance, it would cause all of the above. Both can also lead to poor growth - in fact falling off growth charts is one of the most common symptoms of celiac disease in children. 
While people have been aware of celiac disease since there were people, gluten wasn’t identified as the clear cause till the 50s. 
I typically write modern Steve with some kind of food allergy, and I think that addresses quite a few of his canon medical complications. 
Because so many causes of this category of symptoms are relatively easily solved with modern medical intervention/avoiding the problem, I would point folks towards Crohn’s disease if you are looking to write a modern character with medical issue that is more likely to be an ongoing source of similar medical complications today.
(Also, kids with Crohn’s are likely to have reduced height. I have a friend who has Crohn's whose 3 siblings are well over 6 feet and he is around 5'8" (so 4-6 inches aka 11+ cm shorter due to his severe childhood illness).)
Nervous trouble of any sort
Kids with medical complications and food allergies are much more likely to have anxiety. I’m so proud of all the kids making it through the day with anxiety. Luff you anxiety kids, I see you working twice as hard to be present as the non-anxious kids. Tough as hell. Give yourself a high five. I’m so damn proud of you.
Sinusitis and Frequent colds
I mean, god bless modern decongestants and allergy meds. Celiac disease and lactose intolerance can both cause sinus issues, so here is another one of Steve's ailments that can be "cured" through that diagnosis.
Other stuff
When you look at the above, you can see a lot of scenarios where modern era Steve, like many children/adults today, had multiple surgeries and serious and scary health complications as a child, but as an adult would appear as a relatively healthy able bodied person, with the possibility of even becoming a top athlete if he was so inclined.  It’s also likely that some issues like chronic fatigue etc, might linger into adulthood as relatively invisible illnesses that nonetheless affect his everyday. 
In some ways his character arc given the advances of modern medicine could mimic his arc due to the serum. 
Being medically complicated as a kid sucks. Even if you have surgeries to treat and/or learn how to live with things like Crohn’s and celiac and reduce flare ups, lingering mental health trauma can have an impact. 
Lastly and most importantly, I have a personal headcanon that young Steve Rogers of any era spent a lot of time sick in bed and staring into a mirror learning how to raise one eyebrow and perform other eyebrow gymnastics so he could more effectively sass his nurses. 
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I think it's actually reasonable for an author to say, "My modern Steve never had any fevers, and got his severe lactose intolerance diagnosed as a baby, and had good nutrition, had medications/clean environment that prevented his asthma."
So this Steve is 6 feet tall and healthy as long as he doesn't eat dairy and takes his daily zyrtec (cetirizine - it's an allergy med). The only medical issue he has from canon left is scoliosis, flat feet, and an astigmatism.
You can also choose to write a Steve with more complex medical issues, and there are lots of things that can be good and interesting and value about that. I think the main thing is to pick a diagnosis and write it realistically, hopefully this helps some with that!
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Aziraphale's Bookshop Hcs!
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So after working in a museum for a while, I learnt a lot about the maintenance of old books and all that goes into it. So naturally I started thinking about the books in Aziraphales bookshop and I thought up some hcs about the bookshop.
-Since books take in moisture overtime and mold(especially older books) Aziraphale has always made sure the bookshop has a dehumidifier on all the time. It creates a comfortable feel to the place
-Instead of cataloging all of the books on a computer, Aziraphale 'simply remembers' where every book is. He adores every book he collects so he never forgets one
-He only trusts Crowley with the really old books as they can be extra fragile, Crowley just doesn't trust himself
-Back in the 50s, there was a moth infestation in the shop and since the technology wasn't invented yet to stop it, Aziraphale had to perform a miracle to get rid of them all
-Aziraphale onced mentioned in passing to Crowley that the wooden furniture can give out moisture in the air, he then proceeded to varnish down all of Azirapahle's furniture for him
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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After setting a transcontinental record of 1:08:17 with pilot Col. Ed Yeilding and RSO Col. J.T. Vida, SR-71 #972 was donated to the Smithsonian Institution at this post-flight ceremony at Dulles International Airport on Tuesday, March 6, 1990. This SR 71 is fully intact with its engines it would take a miracle, but it is possible for this Blackbird to fly again. ( I am in this picture long black coat and blonde hair to my shoulders middle back row.) 😊
972 spent about ten years being housed in a temporary hangar while the Udvar-Hazy Museum at Dulles Airport Dulles was being built.
They took care of this SR 71 while it was waiting for a home
Ed Marshall of the National Air & Space Museum logs the levels on the dehumidifier attached to 972.  The humidity is adjusted 2 to 4 times a week to ensure the aircraft is preserved in the best possible condition.  
Dedication like this from Ed and others like him will allow our grandchildren to marvel at this engineering milestone just like we do today.
Source www habu.org
Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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roadhomewebsite · 1 day
Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global - BLOGGER - #Global
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goldnewsblog · 1 day
Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global
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booknewsblog · 1 day
Classified ads - Merchant Business News - #Global Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global BLOGGER - #Global
0 notes
diarynewsblog · 1 day
Classified ads - Merchant Business News - #Global Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global Classified ads – Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here. ANNOUNCEMENTS   THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381. ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located … Read More
0 notes
Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads – Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here. ANNOUNCEMENTS   THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381. ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located … Read More
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Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global - BLOGGER - #Global
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Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global
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ctrltech · 21 days
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Preserve Your Prized Vehicles: Wall Dehumidifiers for Garages!
Preserve the pristine condition of your vehicles with our wall-mounted dehumidifiers, specifically designed for car garages and car museums. These units efficiently control humidity to prevent rust, mold, and car interior and exterior deterioration. Sleek and discreet, they blend seamlessly into your space, ensuring your prized automobiles are showcased in the best possible environment. Protect your investment and maintain the beauty of your collection with our specialized dehumidifiers. #GarageDehumidifier #MuseumDehumidifier #Dehumidifier #CtrlTech4u #CarGarage https://www.dehumidifier.ae
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Our efficient wall-mounted dehumidifiers keep your garage and your expensive cars dry and safe from humidity.
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Classified ads - Merchant Business News - #Global Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global Classified ads – Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here. ANNOUNCEMENTS   THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381. ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located … Read More
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Classified ads - Merchant Business News - #Global Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global BLOGGER - #Global
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weblogwebnews · 1 day
Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Global - BLOGGER - #Global
0 notes
Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads - Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here.ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381.ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located at the Church, Moose Club, Walgreen’s.HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS WANTED to assist at our information desk, especially weekends. Great for teens needing volunteer hours (16yrs+). Other assignments available. Please call the Blake Volunteer Office at 941-798-6151.BOATS FOR SALEBOATS ARE SELLING VERY WELL. “Business On A Handshake”  Your Local Trusted Boat Dealer For 24 Years. I also buy boats. Dave Struber 941-228-3489.             Islandboatsales.net  CAREGIVERCLEANING SERVICETOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING: Residential, Commercial, Rentals, VRBO. Professional and Reliable.  Call 941-756-4570 or 941-565-3931COMPUTER REPAIRSTACY’S COMPUTERS- REPAIR & Tutoring in your home. Senior/Veterans discount. Apple & PC’s. Prompt, Friendly, Patient. Call Stacy 941-246-1048COMMERCIAL SALES HAVE YOU BEEN thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!    Duplexes, multi-family, small resorts?      Call BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216EMPLOYMENTESTATE SALEFOR SALEGE 50-pint, 3-speed dehumidifier with timer, on wheels, white, $175. Call 941-778-5070.GARAGE, MOVING, RUMMAGE & YARD SALESGOLF CARTHOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE! TILE! TILE! All variations of tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship. Prompt, reliable, many Island references. Free estimates. Neil  941-726-3077RENOVATION SPECIALIST ALL carpentry repairs, Wash Family Construction, locally owned and operated CBC 1258250 Call 941-725-0073.KERN CONSTRUCTION NEW Homes & Remodel. Design/Build. Since 1968. License # CBC1261150. Call Mike Kern or Brennan Gilder.  941-778-1115 www.kernconstructioninc.comGET’R DONE DRYWALL, INC Specializing in Remodels & Repairs. Island Resident for 20+ years. Call Neil. Cell 941-962-1194JSAN CORPORATION Renovations Construction & Handyman Services 941-243-0995 Lic# CRC1332505 [email protected] Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Repairs, Kitchen and Bathrooms, Trim & Doors. Free Estimates. Credit Cards Accepted. API’S DRYWALL REPAIR 15+ years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Love to help you. Call 941-524-8067.ISLE TILE specializing in Custom Bath/Shower & Backsplash installation. Pressure washing available. Call 941-302-8759; isletileservices.comGORILLA DRYWALL REPAIR, LLC. 15+ years of experience. Free Estimates. Let’s solve your Drywall problems together. Call 941-286-0607BMF INTERIORS Home repairs and more, No job too small. Please call 786-318-8585LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARER. GAROFALO’S Interlocking brick pavers, driveways, patios, pool decks. Free estimates. Licensed & Insured. Call Rafael 941-778-4823 or Veronik 941-526-7941 ISLAND RESIDENT. TREE/BUSH Trimming, removal. Sweeping, blowing, weeding. Weekly, bi-monthly or monthly schedule. Pressure washing. Call Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315LOST & FOUNDMOVING & STORAGEMARTIN’S MOVING YOUR Island movers! Offering dependable, competitive rates. No hidden costs. 941-809-5777.PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGPAINT! PAINT! AND MORE 28 years of experienced interior/exterior custom painting.  Pressure cleaning, drywall repairs and texture finishes. Many Island references. Please call Neil for free estimates. 941-812-0507“WIZARD OF WALLS”. Established 1980 Prompt quality service. Paperhanging/removal Faux finishes. Interior painting. Mary Bell Winegarden 941-794-0455DONALD PERKINS ABRACADABRA PAINTING LLC fully insured.  30 years experience. Many Island references. Call 941-705-7096PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES. Prompt & Reliable. Island Resident. Quality Workmanship. Interior/Exterior.  Minor repairs & carpentry. Free estimates. Bill Witaszek 941-307-9315 POOL SERVICESFOUR SEASONS POOL SERVICE AND CHEMICAL SERVICES.
  Certified Pool Operator.  18 + Years Experience. Residential/commercial. Chemical Service  Licensed & Insured. Call Dennis Clark 941-737-5657 COLE’S TROPICAL POOL SERVICE Call Cole Bowers for all your pool maintenance needs! Affordable and Dependable!! 941-713-1893PRESSURE WASHING & WINDOWTOTAL HOME SERVICES CLEANING : Residential, Commercial, Construction, Vacation, VRBO Rentals . Also available Pressure Washing, Roof Cleaning, Paver Sealing and Windows. Call 941-565-3931.  REAL ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS FOR SALEHave you been thinking of selling?  We NEED properties to List for SALE!!!  GULF FRONT, CANAL FRONT, BAY FRONT CONDOS or HOMES  ASK for BIG Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate to get it SOLD   941-232-2216LOOKING FOR A highly motivated real estate broker to buy or sell your next home? Darcie Duncan, Broker Duncan Real Estate a lifelong island resident bringing success to her customers for 30 years. Proven track record brings you results! 941-725-1589 HISTORICAL COTTAGE 409 Pine Ave. $2.2M 4BR/3BA pool. Brenda Boyd May Broker /Owner. All realtors welcome. 941-730-8589  FOR SALE:  $329K 4410 Fairways Blvd #406 beautifully remodeled golf course view; $365K 840 Audubon Perico Bay Club; $475K 910 41st St Ct W. NO HOA built in 2022 w/Boat or RV storage; $2M 201 72nd St Holmes Beach updated duplex w/established rental history. Kelly Gitt The Gitt Team Keller Williams on the Water 941-799-9299 REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSEANNUAL RENTALS:ANNUAL RENTALS WANTED! We have well qualified tenants for beach and mainland annual rentals, Full management or Finders fee. Call today for details. Ask for Paige DUNCAN REAL ESTATE 513-382-1992. ANNUAL RENTAL:  2BR/2BA furnished Wildwood Springs condo, no pets. $1850 monthly Call 941-778-4800FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA home in Holmes beach.  Annual rental only. Great location. $4,000. per month. Contact us at 941 778-4410.ANNUAL RENTAL: 611 Gulf Dr N. C15 Bradenton Beach, FL 34217, Imperial House Condo 2BA/1BA $2000/mo – Available Aug 1st. 208 A Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available June 1st. 208 B Magnolia Ave. 2BD/2BA $2800/mo- available Aug 1st. 407 76th St A Holmes Beach, FL 34216 $5000/mo- available June 1st.  Contact Sato Real Estate for more information. 941-778-72002BR/1BA, ANNUAL, carport, laundry room, porch, new central a/c, no pets, short walk to the beach. $2400/mo. Dolores Baker Real Estate. 941-778-7500. RENTALS: SEASONAL & VACATIONTIFFANY PLACE Gulf Front Condo for Rent Incredible views from living room and master bedroom. 2BR/2BA Green Real Estate Call 941-778-0455SEASONAL RENTAL in PALMA SOLA. 3BR/2BA weekly or monthly rates. Contact Barb Grace 941-201-2190ANNA MARIA ISLAND CONDOS Large pool, beach access, free WiFi, 1&2 Bedroom $900-$1200 weekly. redekercondosonami.com  Tim 941-704-7525 FOR RENT (SUMMER AT THE BEACH) AMI updated 5 star condo. Available May to November (monthly with Multi-month discount). Million$ water view, first floor, 2BR/2BA, beautiful water view deck, walk to beach, pool, tennis (smoke free/no pets) Owner/renter email NOW [email protected] or 570-239-0431 RENTAL WANTEDTRANSPORTATIONANYTIME TRANSPORTATION to all Airports, Casino, etc. Tampa/St. Pete $85. Sarasota $40. Pets welcome. Very dependable. Reasonable rates.  Contact Jeanne. 941-779-5095 Classified ads - Merchant Business News Classified ads – Merchant Business News To place a classified ad, please click here. ANNOUNCEMENTS   THE BEST VOLUNTEER position on the island. The AMI Historical Museum needs docents and bread makers. Call Kathy Primeau at 989-560-6381. ROSER FOOD BANK needs donations of cash and non-perishable food, PAPER & PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Donations boxes are located … Read More
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