#music not autoplaying when you go to a blog anymore is nice tho. always hated that particular popular theme feature
bisamwilson · 1 year
Hiii not to be insanely annoying but how did you 'format' your bio, so that you can have multiple lines and not just one block of text?
hello anon!
in getting this ask TIL apparently if you update your bio from the normal edit appearance screen on the desktop version, it deletes out all your paragraph breaks. we love a hellsite
anyways! to answer your question, i've been on this site for over 10 years now, and, at least at one point, updating my description anywhere but within my desktop custom theme settings would break all my hyperlinks, so i always update my description within my actual custom desktop theme. i have no idea if it still does this but i'm set in my ways now lmao
to get there, i go to bisamwilson.tumblr.com/archive to get to my archive (should work with any blog name), and then, since i'm signed in on my laptop to this blog, it lets me hit this little art palette button to get to my blog's desktop theme. my theme actually has a button on my regular blog page to get here as well, but idk if all themes do so i'm explaining the long way around
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this takes me into my theme with a little sidebar for customization, and i can type out my description in html from there (which is how i get both my paragraph breaks and my hyperlinks!) this particular theme actually has different settings for my desktop blog description and my normal tumblr blog page description, which is why "in my anakin skywalker era." isn't on a separate line in this screenshot even tho it is if you saw my blog in the lil auto tumblr blog preview
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however, if you don't have a custom theme and don't plan to get one, i played around a bit with a blank side blog that i just keep to redirect an old url to this url, and found that while the paragraph breaks just go away when using them in a blog description on the desktop version of tumblr's appearance editor, they don't if you're editing your description in the tumblr mobile app (at least on iphone). i did, however, find a glitch where after i saved the new description, when i went to edit it again, it would no longer let me hit the return key unless i'd already written something new after where i wanted the line break. e.g, if i wanted "one" on the first line and "two" on the second, i'd have to write "one two" on the same line, move my cursor to before "two" and THEN hit return. but this was only after i saved the blog description once already.
beloved hellsite this place is, truly <3
hope this helps!!!!
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