#musician smurf backstory is. yeah.
schtroumpfcurieux · 2 years
alright i guess now is as good as any of a time to do this
Smurf stories rated by how dark and/or fucked up they are when you think about it (Part 1)
only in the main line comics tho
Les Schtroumpfs noirs (The Black Smurfs/The Purple Smurfs) : 5/5
Imagine if you will: you're a smurf who lived a very easy peasy life so far; today you and the people in your village go to work, and your buddy ends up going alone a bit further away. When he comes back, he's... different. His skin is not blue anymore, he can't talk, doesn't recognize anyone, and he seems mean, almost evil. Your leader is immediately worried, and tells you that it's not the first time he sees this happens, and it's not good. Then you find out that by a bite, that... thing will turn you like him. Your leader knows there is an antidote, but can't remember it. As he tries many things, more and more people in your village get turned and join the group of infected. Finally, he finds the remedy, by pure luck, and when you go back to the village to prepare the remedy, you can notice that there's only ten of you left. Ten on almost a hundred. The remedy is prepared, and it works, but you are easily overwhelmed by the number of infected. You're 9, then 8, then 7, then 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ... you get bitten, and as you turn, you see your leader alone, surrounded from every corners by the things you're about to become a part of. The reader sees Papa Smurf transform, and everything seems lost... until, by pure luck again, an explosion allows the remedy to fall on everyone in the village, saving the day.
So anyway the first smurf adventure is a zombie apocalypse that by all means ends bad, but luckily kid comic+first story armor makes it so that all the characters are saved. Zombie apocalypse scenario already gets points because they're very dark in nature, but here it's made even darker by the facts that 1) it reaches the worst outcome before luck ex machina, 2) in universe it's supposed to be the first time the smurfs deal with a very dangerous and distressing situation that affects them directly. actually it's the first time they have to deal with something bad happening to them. quite the first time.
Le Schtroumpf Volant (The Flying Smurf): 0/5
There isn't much plot in this one; a smurf wants to fly, and he tries different techniques. It's closer to a comedy short than an actual story, so there isn't really something dark or fucked up in it.
Le voleur de Schtroumpfs (The Smurfnapper): 3/5
In this story, Gargamel is introduced! While he is already a goofy villain, Gargamel is very much a big threat in this. Most of the story is spent seeing the smurfs trying to save one of them, who's been caught and will be put in snake venom at dawn (to be melted for a potion Gargamel needs to do in order to change metals in gold). Every time they're about to free the poor smurf, Gargamel comes back and so everyone has to quickly hide. Eventually, dawn comes, and Gargamel is about to put the smurf in the mixture when all the smurfs attack at once and flee.
Points for potion that asks you to kill a sentient living being to get rich, almost smurf melting, and for the characters, first time meeting Gargamel which for them must have been particularly distressing.
Le Schtroumpfissime (King Smurf): 2/5
A smurf makes false promises to get elected, then once in power he does nothing of it and becomes a dictator. Points for dictatorship and how sad it is that a 60s comic still hits with current politics.
Schtroumpfonnie en ut (Smurphony in C): 5/5 oh my god
Alright alright so. In this shirt story, the smurfs want to play a symphony. But one of them plays incredibly bad, so they kick him out of the band. The smurf goes in the forest to lament, and Gargamel hears him. He disguises himself as a fsiry and gives to the smurf a musical instrument that he says will always sound good. But it was a trap, as the instrument actually puts people who hear it in a deep sleep. The smurf learns the truth from Gargamel who followed him back to the village, and a chase follows. The smurf escapes, try different ways to wake up the others, with no success. He then decides to go to Gargamel's house to find an antidote. At one point Gargamel is in a position where if the smurf played the instrument, he'll get rid of him forever( deep sleep+falling from very high, you can guess what would happen), but he decides against it after remembering what Papa Smurf taught them. So the smurf finally gets to read about the instrument, and learns that no remedy has been found. Now sad and all alone after being tricked into causing the death eternal sleep of everyone in his village, the smurf lines them up, and takes out his trumpet to play them goodbye. But his first note is so off that it could wake up a dead, and guess what happens (btw it's literally the saying used in the story, wikipedia may say coma but the text says death). And so the smurf found the remedy, playing his music, and wakes up everyone. All is well that ends well, the smurfs play the symphony, the smurf included. Since he plays trumpet and plays off with any instruments he uses, we can easily guess it's Musician Smurf. So if you like his character and didn't know it, that's his backstory, putting everyone into a magical coma and finding the remedy by accident after he resigned himself to be alone forever.
Do I need to explain the rating.
I will stop on this one, because next story is the smurfette and i dont trust myself in keeping it short
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