norwegianfriedokra · 4 years
Just another sunday morn’
Feelings of love Or wistfulness at a past gone They flutter my memories Like dust bunnies Threatening to get run over by a passing cyclist
Lost no more Two firm legs like tree trunks Holding ground in my chilly river Fresh and crisp with wriggling toes for small fry nip and snap At my dead flesh
Restful awakening greets me Another day
Life is a river Molding and molded Babbling rapids and foamy change
Restful awakening greets me Another day
Softened flesh and skin Small fry having been fried Refreshed digits Chillily gripping smooth rocks With rigid, stock like support beams Holding me fast and true
Passing cyclists waving hello To fuzzy rabbits hopping about Memories aflutter  Of a past, soulful wistfulness And feelings of love.
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