Why, hello there! I've looking through your blog and I simply love it! As it seems, you really love this girl, Karmi (i'm new in the fandom, forgive me ;u;) and you ship her with Hiro. I have mixed feelings about them, part of me is like: SHIP, SHIP, SHIP! and the other one is like: F R I E N D S H I P. Could you pretty please tell me some cons and pros about the ship and the friendship? I really need to clear my mind or have a consistent idea...
First, SORRY IF IT TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER. I’m in vacations and I usually prefer to answer asks with a computer, because Tumblr app can be… meh sometimes.
I’m really glad you like my blog! :) And welcome to the fandom!
For the moment, it’s not like Karmiro is my BIG ASS OTP, because we’ve seen only one episode with their interactions. I’m just opened to them becoming an official couple over the course of the series. But I have a feeling I’m gonna ship it a lot lmao.
So, under your request, I did a list of pros and cons about Karmi and Hiro’s relationship (no matter ship or friendship)  :)
*Note that it’s only based from one episode, and these points can change as the series go by (since we don’t know much about Karmi)*
Karmi is Hiro’s age. Both never seemed to have a friend their own age before (Karmi simply never had friends, and Hiro only has people older than him, a robot and formely his big brother) and having eachother as friends would be benefict for the both of them.
According to Baymax, Karmi doesn’t have a social network for support like Hiro does. By how she only has her viruses for friends and she considers Hiro’s kindness towards her for a crush solely, she might’ve been hurt in the past and has trust issues towards other people and an anti-social behavior. So having Hiro show her kindess and make her trust him would be good for her.
Hiro is still going through his grief process over the loss of Tadashi. Having Karmi support him through it would be a pretty sweet move from her and it would show her true colors.
Both are child geniuses with similar, but also different experiences, and it’s interesting to see.
A tsundere and a sinnamon roll together, it would just be too cute.
Obviously, Karmi is rude to Hiro for no good reason (for the moment) It could be due to prior bad experiences, but Hiro doesn’t seem to want to be her rival and really wants to be friends with her, so I’ll be disappointed if Karmi doesn’t mellow around him/keep being despicable to him despite Hiro’s honest friendship proposal.
Karmi seems a bit obsessive over Hiro’s superhero persona, and while it could change, I hope it’s not the ‘‘crazy fangirl’’ stereotype all over again
If Karmi ends up befriending/dating Hiro, I hope she has at least has interractions with the rest of the gang; otherwise she’d be dependant of her friendship and affection with Hiro similarly like he was to Tadashi. What I mean is, since Hiro was probably the first person in years to treat her with respect and kindness like a decent human being, then Karmi would only open herself to Hiro and no one else, and it’s not healthy. We knew what happened to Hiro when something awful happened his only source of happiness, so the same could happen to Karmi if she’s too dependant on Hiro and doesn’t open herself to more people.
That’s all I could think of. 
Feel free to add more in comments or reblogs :)
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