Musikalinga Scene (Part: UNO)
This morning, Dey went out to hunt some Psilocybins. A couple of hours went, he came back with that, and the idea to attend Musikalinga. It was gonna take place in Cainta, Rizal. Three hours ride. I thought the idea was great so we went ahead to dress up and eat. We had a couple of Psilocybin, a bottle of gin, which we drank on our way. To our experience, whenever we eat mushrooms, we often would do fasting so we’d get into the trip. Since we just ate for brunch, we brought gin to digest faster and to get drunk. We then arrived at We arrived at 4:20 PM. We were a bit worried that we might be already late. The show was gonna start at 3 PM, they said. 
We finally arrived at the Venue, One Arena. It looks like a school Gymnasium by the school just infront of it. We then went to smoke on the side, along with a band that was gonna perform. A bit worried if we were late, asked them if it already started. To our relief, it still hasn’t. We then took the mushrooms then and there. After that, we decided to get in, they were only just setting the stage up. We then proceeded to the bleachers from the side we came in. Settled our things, check out the venue. I went to the bathroom to fix myself up and Dey stayed still on the seat. It was already kicking in, for the both of us after a couple of minutes. I then sat beside Dey, to settle. I was just admiring the surroundings. There were two merchandise vendors, and a tattoo artist on the other side. 
People were still busy setting up the stage. The instruments, amplifiers and lights were the first ones to go. Then there it looks liked seven circles hanging, illustrating the phases of the moon. In the middle, forming a yin yang. A few more minutes went and I start to feel light headed. The shrooms were kicking in. Dey was laying down, to him, it hit him hard. I on the other hand could already feel joy. It still wasn’t there quite enough, but it’s there. I went to the bathroom to check my eyes. Diluted pupils. Altered feeling. Glimpses of what’s about to happen start flashing behind my eyes. We might’ve took this a little too early, I thoguht. The show hasn’t even started yet but we’re already tripping. I didn’t mind though because after a while, the stage lights would go on to trip me out while we wait for the event to start. 
I could feel my heart palpitating, I went out to smoke. I began to feel weird and started walking slow. My eyes were as diluted as an owl, on a 5 PM evening. Contrast was higher, I could see every detail that usually isn’t noticed on a sober, naked eye. There were mandala patterns all around the surroundings and my mind kept showing me that vivid kaleidoscope/Tesseract visual in my head. Time felt a little slower and more serene. I was staring on the grounds, admiring how my perception had differed. Everytime I sit, the pattern I see changes, as if it’ was three-dimensional. There were a couple of kids behind me, thinking I was stuck up on weed. Couple of ding bags couldn’t tell the difference. My eyes weren’t red, they were dilated. But I couldn’t care less about them. Smirked my way back to the gym as my hands and feet began to oil up. 
It wasn’t long until Slowdough came. The first one to see was Josh Flaviano. You could tell the moment he walked in he was in the cosmos like the most of us were. The band then went to the other side of the gym. My expectations towards the crowd were admittedly, overestimated. Still, only few folks. It was after all an underground event. And I’ve underestimated the mushrooms. I thought I was gone until it dragged me right back in! There were no more visualizations. But the feeling was there. I went out for another smoke to feel and think. The group of youngins were still there. Still watching and teasing me. It got old pretty fast they eventually shut their mouths off. I was too “lost in the void” to care, anyway.
To be continued...
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