#mutterings meant for worrisome waters ( ooc. )
fishermcn · 4 months
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And we must keep a measure of ourselves too these nights, lads. For when the Beastly Scourge takes to stalking our streets with tooth and claw, so too may our fellows be drawn by the sickness to likewise take up arms against us. Amidst the bloodletting and the gunfire, amidst the choking smoke and that sweet scent of blood upon the midnight air, remember this... lest the beast that tears out your throat be the one that wears the face of a friend.
// one samuel whist (or crow or soot--) disguised as a "proper" hunter by the every brilliant @yellowfingcr and her talented hands! needless to say, he's up to no good.
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fishermcn · 5 days
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fishermcn · 3 months
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fishermcn · 4 months
In a fight my muse... (elden ring style).
Bold the applicable, italicize if more situational or nuanced for what fits your muse tries in battle.
closes distance / makes distance.
uses overwhelming force / whittles down an opponent.
can endure a long fight. / cannot.
is quick to start a fight. / is rarely the instigator.
tries to dodge. / tries to block.
uses psychological tactics. / focuses on martial approach.
is a graceless fighter. / elegant fighter.
values honor. / uses dirty tactics.
accepts defeat. / begs for mercy. / cuts and runs.
// a bit of insight for the curious:
1.) when push comes to shove, sam relies on a combination of his more lethal aromatics and exploding jars to ruin someone's day or force an opening for his escape. he prefers creating distance for himself with a cloud of virulent poison or a roaring wall of flame, taking the opportunity space provides to decide on fight or flight.
1.) due to his shortness of breath, chronic cough and heart issues, a fight going on longer than two minutes will exhaust sam. as such a prolonged engagement is off the table, and sam avoids direct confrontation when possible. he'll attempt to weaken an enemy or tire them out with traps or aromatics before attempting to move in for a kill with a knife or his blade.
2.) should all else fail and his arsenal isn't enough to finish a fight, two things will occur. sam will draw a scavenger's curved sword and attempt to bleed out an attacker mercilessly... and he'll ring his spirit calling bell to summon one of two spirits. depraved perfumer carmaan's arrival is heralded with a fresh bombardment of aromatics, while the other has yet to be matched in a fight.
Inspired by a few things across rp tumblr, feel free to elaborate more if you’d like. And feel free to modify as needed for multi-muse blogs. Repost please instead of rbing!
tagged by: @rotten-pest (for this? for tagging me in a fight-prompt like this? homies for life :y)
tagging: @hexenjagd, @vulpesse, @yellowfingcr, @bcwblade, @miserycorde, @goesblind, @lumenfall, and you! i want to know how your muse throws down (ง'̀-'́)ง
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fishermcn · 4 months
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"Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree
How many dead men do you see?"
Couldn't help myself with the silent hill 2 nonsense. In any case here he is-- the lad himself, Sam. Did a Bloodborne take since he is the one I knew first. Hope you enjoy. 2 down out of 4.
// 'hope i enjoy" as if this isn't just absolutely incredible?? the look in sam's eyes, the water dripping from as if he's just emerged from the sea, the blue behind him and the harpoon (thr harpoon!!)... gosh cat but you've outdone yourself i feel. absolutely blown away with him bud ^^
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fishermcn · 4 months
// oh no, but after looking through the unused stuff for elden ring i think i found sam's canon look
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certified hobo drip...
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fishermcn · 4 months
// what's the consensus on yharnam being landlocked versus yharnam having access to the ocean? 🤔
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fishermcn · 3 months
// been seeing it come up a bit on reddit (yes i know, terrible) and honestly? i wouldn't mind a bestiary for future soulsborne titles, even if we only got a line or two for a description in the typical esoteric style.
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fishermcn · 3 months
// in every verse, every world with one samuel whist, there is a ring on the man's left hand. when he worries, when he frets, soot-stained fingers twist and rub the ring without thought. when he shouts, when he rages, it's cold against his clenched fist and bites into the skin.
and when he sits, when he grits his teeth, when he polishes it and polishes it despite knowing it'll never quite gleam again, he wonders why it was him and not her.
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fishermcn · 4 months
// in just about all his verses, sam knows his way around a work chant / "sing out" or ten what with how the fishermen carried on after a successful hunt paid in liquor
pros: knows plenty of sea shanties by heart, harmonizes half-decently, rarely sings
cons: sounds like a crow choking on a sea urchin, usually makes it through about a verse or two before coughing up a storm
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fishermcn · 4 months
// sam (or at least er verse sam) definitely has a tier list of his best to worst customers, with the very bottom of it having been permanently reserved by anastasia the tarnished eater.
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fishermcn · 26 days
// would perfumer sam go spelunking into the shadow lands? absolutely not, that's what we hire bright-eyed and underleveled tarnished for.
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fishermcn · 4 months
// kinda funny in hindsight that sam's my shortest muse at 5'10" (177.8 cm for my metric buddies) and he's still not exactly short rofl
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fishermcn · 5 months
what dnd class suits your personality?
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you're a practical and unusually resourceful person with "big dreams" that may or may not involve copious amounts of money or treasure. you're ambitious, you know what you want, and you'll do whatever you can to get it. some people might think you're selfish, but you know it's important to take care of yourself first. you thrive under pressure and you might have a bit of a mischievous or chaotic side.
subclass: scout.
you are skilled in stealth and surviving far from the streets of a city, allowing you to scout ahead of your companions during expeditions. rogues who embrace this archetype are at home in the wilderness and among brigands and robbers barbarians and rangers, and many scouts serve as the eyes and ears of war bands. you're an independent person who works well when you're left to your own devices. you're adaptable, capable of thriving in a variety of situations and skilled at drawing from the world around you to help you solve problems. you're a natural explorer and you may feel particularly comfortable in nature. you're a quick thinker with sharp instincts who appreciates a good challenge
tagged by: stolen from another blog o'mine!
tagging: @vulpesse, @izar-tarazed, @miserycorde, @hexenjagd, @rotten-pest, @tinyredrose, @sxnguinesxnctum, and you the viewer :y
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fishermcn · 5 months
// all right, after a quick shave and a dog walk, we'll get to writing. speaking of, peanut butter boy featured below
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fishermcn · 5 months
@hexenjagd // a chance bargain struck that ill-omened night; yet back to back they fight till the dying light // accepting.
i.) all manner of tall tales and legends arose from the survivors of the shattering, not in the least the story of a gaunt knight collecting the souls of the long dead and damned from ancient battlefields. that said knight happened to be very real and very much not a ghost was... unsettling. thankfully the runes she offers in exchange for aromatics and the occasional oddity-- a misshapen skull sifted from volcanic ashes, a funeral shroud scorched by a flame that froze, the truly strange shit --seems to have (inexplicably) settled any uneasiness on his behalf from dealing with helena.
ii.) as one of the fortunate few in possession of a spirit caller's bell (at the steep cost of both lifelong enemies and a few vicious scars) sam has a particularly vested interest in helena's ability to commune and interact with such spirits. many of their most valuable bargains were struck in exchange for the witch knight to act in the role of a spirit tuner... though of his two summons, helena has so far empowered only the spirit of an infamous perfumer. the other she's thus far refused to deal with in any capacity, much to sam's annoyance.
iii.) helena's mastery over the ghostflame unsettles sam in a way that nothing else she can conjure compares to, and of all the tools at his disposal the rancor pot remains his least used. perhaps the sheer wrongness of the unnatural flame wears at his resolve, or perhaps the way it inflicts wounds upon not only the living but the dead as well instills him with fear. regardless, sam's nerves are set on edge whenever she wields the terrible fire.
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