#mwm day31
autobot2001 · 1 year
@mediwhumpmay: no pain relief @themerrywhumpofmay: chronic pain
Whumpee is used to chronic headaches but still hates having chronic headaches. They don't track how many days they have headaches a month. They know it's enough that they've missed many fun days with friends. They don't have to tell them plans are canceled for today. Before the headache gets too bad, whumpee looks for pain relief. They look in every drawer in the bathroom and even the dresser. They're certain the pain relief wouldn't be elsewhere in the house. The only conclusion is they're out of pain relief. The only thing whumpee can do is continue until the headache is hard to ignore or lie in bed in their dark bedroom. Except for the fact that they're bored, so whumpee decides to use their phone.
They get an hour of phone time before the light from the phone is a bother. Whumpee is hoping to fall asleep, as sometimes a nap helps. Other times, the headache becomes much worse when they wake up.
Whumpee struggles to fall asleep. The headache is worse than they thought. They struggle to get comfortable no matter the position they're in. The bright light from the phone indicating some kind of notification doesn't help. Without looking at what the notification is, whumpee turns their phone off.
"Whumpee!?!" Their friend calls just as whumpee is falling asleep. The friend enters the bedroom and turns the lights on, realizing they shouldn't have. They turn the lights off and use their phone light to see where they're going. "Another one of those days?" Their friend asks, and Whumpee tells them they have a headache and are out of pain relief. Whumpee's friend shows them a travel-sized bottle of pain relief from their pocket, "I'm always prepared. Well, the best I can be." "At least I'm not ruining the day." "You were never ruining the day when we had plans. We all know your headaches may cause a last-minute cancellation." Whumpee takes the pain relief, hoping to fall asleep. Their friend decides to stay, knowing how bad these headaches can be.
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