#chronuc pain
autobot2001 · 1 year
@mediwhumpmay: no pain relief @themerrywhumpofmay: chronic pain
Whumpee is used to chronic headaches but still hates having chronic headaches. They don't track how many days they have headaches a month. They know it's enough that they've missed many fun days with friends. They don't have to tell them plans are canceled for today. Before the headache gets too bad, whumpee looks for pain relief. They look in every drawer in the bathroom and even the dresser. They're certain the pain relief wouldn't be elsewhere in the house. The only conclusion is they're out of pain relief. The only thing whumpee can do is continue until the headache is hard to ignore or lie in bed in their dark bedroom. Except for the fact that they're bored, so whumpee decides to use their phone.
They get an hour of phone time before the light from the phone is a bother. Whumpee is hoping to fall asleep, as sometimes a nap helps. Other times, the headache becomes much worse when they wake up.
Whumpee struggles to fall asleep. The headache is worse than they thought. They struggle to get comfortable no matter the position they're in. The bright light from the phone indicating some kind of notification doesn't help. Without looking at what the notification is, whumpee turns their phone off.
"Whumpee!?!" Their friend calls just as whumpee is falling asleep. The friend enters the bedroom and turns the lights on, realizing they shouldn't have. They turn the lights off and use their phone light to see where they're going. "Another one of those days?" Their friend asks, and Whumpee tells them they have a headache and are out of pain relief. Whumpee's friend shows them a travel-sized bottle of pain relief from their pocket, "I'm always prepared. Well, the best I can be." "At least I'm not ruining the day." "You were never ruining the day when we had plans. We all know your headaches may cause a last-minute cancellation." Whumpee takes the pain relief, hoping to fall asleep. Their friend decides to stay, knowing how bad these headaches can be.
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Just because I have a chronic illness doesn’t mean my expectations change
I still want love NEED a clean home why don’t Pyscholigist’s understand how important that is to ME ....... And the people that may come over and Judge you when it’s not on point :(
just because it’s not done , when your body just can’t do the things it once did before or you Just can’t because there’s no spoons left doesn’t mean I don’t want it done,and it definitely doesn’t mean that I’m lazy !!!!
you have no idea how much it pains on the inside when you’re house proud and want things done the way you used to but just can’t . I guess a part of me mourns that bunch of fresh flowers that would grace my clutter free kitchen bench
Sick of judgement and people that think it’s so easy Some people think we have an endless spoon supply and have no idea what chronic pain is
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calcone · 5 years
Ableist Parents
(long post warning)
I need to use a cane most days, especially for longer distances. I bought one recently with my birthday money as my parents refused. They ‘don’t want to have a disabled daughter’ because I would ‘become addicted to doing nothing’ etc etc.
So far I’ve done 3 full days out and 2 school days in the 4 weeks I’ve had my cane - it’s helped so, so much.
Soon after I got my cane, I went to see a rheumatologist to try and get to the bottom of my problems. Long story short, he said because I’m autistic my brain is making it all up, there’s nothing physically wrong with me and therefore I need to stop taking days off school and using mobility aids because otherwise I’ll never be normal. Needless to say I wasn’t very happy.
Unfortunately, my parents heeded his advice and won’t let me use my cane unless we are out all day or walking a long distance. (Ideally, I’d use a wheelchair if I was walking all day - eg a theme park - but that’s not happening any time soon). This is really detrimental to both my mental and physical health because I’m obviously more fatigued and in pain, but also I feel like I’m faking all my problems.
I’ll save you a long rant, but I’d really like some advice. How do I convince my parents to let me use my cane before I become pained and fatigued? How do I tell them that I won’t become “addicted” to using a mobility aid?
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ancientbeast · 3 years
i know this pain is normal (i expected it to be worse with my chronuc illness) but my god i can hardly do anything at all
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okbyokaybye · 4 years
So its been almost a year since I was brutalized by 15+ nypd and my arms still hurt everyday like it's yesterda...anyone else have chronuc pain from getting cuffed??
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Oh hey it's chronic pain time.
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mossdeep-archive · 8 years
@gendfleur i've been 20 for a week now and tbh it doesn't feel real??? like it'll be brought up and i just sit there for a moment like "i'm 20??"
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sybilhallward · 2 years
meed,, strong plartner to cuddle the pain waya
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mynewsickworld · 11 years
Sjogren's Facts
I’m going to post some facts about SS over the next few days. I’ll post info beyond the basics. This one is important because people don’t seem to understand the possible complications of SS. This is from the SS Foundation.
Q. Will I die from Sjögren’s?
A. Sjögren’s is serious but generally not fatal if complications are diagnosed and treated early. Sjögren’s syndrome patients must be monitored carefully for development of internal organ involvement, related autoimmune diseases and other serious complications. In particular, patients should be aware that the incidence of lymphomas (cancer of the lymph nodes) is significantly higher in people with Sjögren’s compared to the general population.
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leavethescar · 13 years
Copied from letsbechronicallypositive
"You are in control of your life, not your nerves. Something I have to tell myself often." -Linda (RSD/Fibro)
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Living with chronic pain is BS
My heart hurts
SCREAMS doesn’t help all it does is take all of my SPOONS
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Pain in the back of my head ;always something gets added to the pain list
The right side at the back of my head always hurts the pain tensity is the same and wavelike doctor keeps telling me it's nothing it's a tension headache is it possible for it to be happening for this long sometimes I wonder if we people with chronic pain get boxed in the too hard box 📦
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