warsinmyhead · 2 years
favourite color — midnight blue and oxblood red
currently reading —  The Maze Cutter by James Dashner
last song — "Cool (Your Rainbow)” by NMIXX
last series —   TV series was “The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”. Book series was The Mortality Doctrine by James Dashner.
last movie —  Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantummania
sweet / spicy / savoury —  spicy
currently working on —  Answering memes, cleaning up the blog, and writing in general.
tagged by: @notfrsale
tagging (optional): @mxgnvmxpvs @clouclenvy @namzhvque @sovrumana @starsmaligned 
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bluehcvrs · 3 years
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@mxgnvmxpvs​​ / @stxxrlxxght​ asked: “ i would give everything and more just to be with you. “ - hweji and chi uwu
miscellaneous lyrics writing prompts pt. i.
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               ❝ so do it, then, ❞ chiyong says bluntly. does he actually want hweji to give up everything just for him? no, that’s stupid and selfish, but he’s also a teenager with a penchant for being dramatic. he’s completely aware that any kind of amorous interaction between the two of them is incredibly illegal, and it’s hweji that will have to deal with the repercussions rather than him, but that’s only if they get caught. it’s not like he’s planning on going out on dates with hweji in his school uniform and calling him teacher the entire time, and with hweji insisting that all their dates take place away from seoul, it’s not like they’re ever going to run into anyone that knows them, either. and besides, he graduates in a few months, anyway, and then there’s nothing wrong with it at all.
               ❝ that’s stupid, ❞ he says finally, annoyance written on his face. he’s not annoyed with hweji, just annoyed with the situation they’re in. sure, he gets why it’s illegal, gets that it’s to protect him and his fellow teens from being groomed by authority figures. but that’s not what their situation is like at all, and it’s an inconvenience that they have to sneak around like this when it’s perfectly consensual. if anything, he should be the one that’s in trouble for relentlessly pursuing his teacher. ❝ i graduate soon, just wait until then instead of like... quitting your job or whatever. ❞
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mvxnn · 4 years
a new beginning , @mxgnvmxpvs​​ ; mengwei
      ❛ These are so erotic ... you don't get embarrassed drawing this stuff ? ❜
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gidxe · 4 years
“Sleeping in? Hell yeah.” - Soohwa & Daewon
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“I told you yesterday that it’s my day off today,” he chuckles seeing the excitement from Soohwa and moves closer to his fiance to cuddle. Being able to sleep in, who wouldn’t love that? You were able to catch up on sleep and get to rest some more than you normally would. If there was the opportunity to sleep in then Daewon would take it. Though, it would depend if he and Soohwa had anything planned for the day. If they were going out somewhere then he’d rather spend that time with the younger than sleeping in. He always enjoys each time they spend together. “We can stay in bed for a bit longer so don’t worry.”
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malibvnghts · 4 years
‘ sweetie, i would never think that. ’ -hanbin
            his brows furrows at the other’s words  ,  he’s heard those words plenty of times before  .  he’s heard them from the adults back home  ,  from the teachers . . . they always tell him that when he’s  ‘  acting out  ’  .  that they’d never think that way or judge him  .  he knows hanbin means well  ,  that he truly wouldn’t judge him in any way  .  that hanbin trusts him 100%  .  but those words . . . he doesn’t like them  .             “  that’s what everyone says  ,  ”  the words leave kaelan’s mouth before he can stop it  .  he doesn’t mean it  ,  but sometimes his heart acts quicker than his mind could process  .  he’s reacting by instinct as walls come back up  ,  as if he’s trying to distance himself  ;  what if hanbin turns out like the people back in australia  ??  the ones that just shallowly cares because he’s just another kid  .             but he knows those words hurt . . . he shouldn’t have said that  .  he should trust hanbin more  .  after all  ,  hanbin hasn’t left in spite of the tantrums kaelan’s thrown and fixed up his battered bodies and held his scarred figure multiple times  .  “  sorry  ,  ”  he utters  ,  “  ‘m sorry  ,  hyung . . . i didn’t mean it  ,  ”  he says  ,  eyes downcast  .
* love ♥ starters  /  accepting  /  @mxgnvmxpvs
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izbrane-archieves · 4 years
Main Ships
Aron: Aries: Minho written by @seomxj Cain: Cason: Jaeseok written by @mxgnvmxpvs Etzio: Hoseok written by @angel-of-sunshine Keyon: Dongwoo written by @theconsortiumrp Lukas: Kyu written by @ofcosmicstardust Nova: Sehun: Ian written by @dashdasxorphans Sven: Tristan:
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ephcmeral · 4 years
@mxgnvmxpvs​ remembers bang taemin!
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    "How about...no..?" Replies Taemin through bursts of giggles, his hands coming up to cover his face. "Don't give me that look! You should've known I was going to laugh over that question!"
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yuseonguarchive · 4 years
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@mxgnvmxpvs​​ asked: 🍓 uwu
send a 🍓 for a compliment / opinion ig lmao
actual sweetheart!! i love writing w/ you & i love our ship 🥺🥺 i was so excited the day you first messaged me because we had a few mutuals & i’d been following you for a while but i never knew how to approach you jkdfhgda i hope you have an excellent day & ily!!
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shuoshuzhe-aa · 4 years
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@mxgnvmxpvs​ sent : ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - Hanbin and Kaelan
[  muse headcanon  /  not accepting ]
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⭐️ —  his first tattoo and any that follows are all commissioned to hanbin  ;  kaelan refuses to let anyone else touch him
⭐️ —  hanbin has inspired kaelan to take on something art related as a major and he’s decided that it’s either graphic designing or related to games  .
⭐️ —  anything that kaelan receives from hanbin is kept safely in a designated corner of his room back home  .
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nobilitylost · 4 years
stranger things sentence meme | accepting | kitae & xilin
@mxgnvmxpvs​ said: ‘the bad man’s gone.’ - xilin and kitae after xilin kills his bf
     Kitae wasn’t stupid; he knew exactly what Xilin meant by that comment. He also knew that it was likely traumatic for him, despite how desperately his boyfriend had needed to die. Men like that? They didn’t deserve the air that filled their lungs, and there was no way this side of hell that Kitae was ever going to judge someone for ending that chaotic mess. In his opinion, anyone who put their hands on someone they claimed to love deserved whatever had happened to him and worse. But then, maybe he’d spent too much time working for the Jopok.
Maybe he finally was as jaded as some of those in his family.
“If you’re expecting me to be upset with you, then you’re mistaken.” Said gently, because as much as the man had deserved death, Xilin didn’t deserve that blood on his hands – or those memories that would haunt him for the rest of his life. A step forward was taken, hand reaching out to close gently around Xilin’s shoulder.
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“Are you okay, though? I mean…I know you’re not okay, but…” Then there was the mess that needed to be dealt with – a cleanup that would ensure the police wouldn’t come looking. “You need to let me help you here. I have connections…people that can help. What happened?”
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liyabbay-archive · 4 years
@mxgnvmxpvs​     //     suspicious sentence starters   &   always accepting.
“It takes me a long time to open up to people, I’m sorry.”
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      The smile on his lips grew at the other's words; he could relate. Unlike his brother, Suho had a difficult time accepting others, though he did love that trait in Junho and was often envious of it. "I understand," he replied, his head still lowered towards his meal. For a while, all that could be heard were the chatter among other customers and the noise of their utensils. "Why don't we each share one thing about ourselves to each other?" Suho suggested, lips pursed for a brief moment before he spoke again, "nothing too personal, just an ice-breaker of sorts."
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warsinmyhead · 2 years
Make a new post and spell out your URL with songs that suit your blog/muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!  
Whose Side are You On? Ah Yeah
Run Boy Run
I am What I am
Nuclear Seasons
You’re Not Alone
Hard Carry
Enough to Believe All You Wanted
Dreams and Disasters
Tagged by: @notfrsale
Tagging: (optional) @namzhvque @hxghlysuspect @seoulxsinners @clouclenvy
@fatcdrcam @mxgnvmxpvs @sovrumana @gcntlebreezc @starsmaligned @lcvemaz @edw1n-k1m @complusiive
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atarcxic · 4 years
mxgnvmxpvs asked: 📱 - jitae and junghwa
Send 📱 To Find Out About My Muse's Phone
• What ringtone my muse has set for yours: ‣ This song • What contact photo my muse has set for yours: ‣ This photo • What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: ‣ Very childlike but funny in a sense • How quickly my muse responds to your texts: ‣ Not fast at all • How often our muses text: ‣ Not much until Jitae somehow gets ahold of his phone number • How often our muses call: ‣ Depends on the situation • Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: ‣ Sometimes • Last text sent from my muse to yours: ‣ [ SMS: Jitae ] So are you into some old school romance or something? 'Cause I didn't expect to see a flower peeking out of my sports locker or is this your way of indirectly asking me something?
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gidxe · 4 years
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“Obviously the hoodie I’m wearing is yours,” he chuckles. Wearing Soohwa’s clothes is nothing new for Daewon. He has worn the younger’s clothes plenty of times before and there was never really any problems or issues each time Daewon decided to wear Soohwa’s clothes. The hoodie he chose to wear was a bit big on him, but it was comfy overall for him. With this hoodie Daewon wasn’t planning on stealing and was only going to be wearing it for today. “You’ll get it back tomorrow. It’s really comfy and I’m lazy to change right now.”
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oriscri · 4 years
@mxgnvmxpvs​ // liked [ this ] post!
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          “listen...just because i got my license doesn’t mean i’m going to take you everywhere. did you know that commercial airliners emit 918 million tons of carbon dioxide per year? that’s about two-and-a-half percent of carbon emissions around the world. flying you alone would be irresponsible at best, and murderous at worst. ...................i could probably get you a fat discount, though.” ezra just laughed, nose wrinkling slightly as he did. it was hard for him not to over-exaggerate his reactions; he just couldn’t help himself because he enjoyed the reactions so much. the facts weren’t an exaggeration, though.
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izbrane-archieves · 4 years
Muses Main Ships
Aron: Aries: Minho @seomxj Cain: Cason: Jaeseok @mxgnvmxpvs Etzio: Hoseok @angel-of-sunshine Keyon: Dongwoo @theconsortiumrp Lukas: Kyu @ofcosmicstardust Sven:  Nova: Tristan: Sehun: Ian @dashdasxorphans
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