#my 21st birfday is sunday
leafsfromthevine · 11 months
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goodnight zukka nation !!!
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
September, and also, a schedule
Can you believe we’re already nine months into September? What the actual shit. If you, like me, exist somewhere between confused sentience and befuddled reluctance, you could do with some motherfucking scheduling to help you know what’s coming next. WOULDN’T WE ALL LIKE SOME ASSURANCE OF WHAT’S COMING NEXT
I can’t help with the world at large, but I CAN help with my own particular brand of distraction! And we’ll get right to that, after a word from our sponsor.
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It’s true! We’re all hostages in this capitalistic hellscape, so while I’d happily do all the things I do without a dime, sadly, the mortgage company does not agree, and I haven’t yet figured out how to break that pesky “eat to live” habit. But worry not! Thanks to this here Patreon, you can help keep me in Diet Pepsi and my cat’s bowl full, so he won’t have to gnaw my face off! And when you sponsor me at that aforementioned Patreon that I will conveniently link again right here, you also gain access to delectable exclusive bonus content! Adventures with Mina and Hot Pocket! Liveblogs, including nearly one hundred Steven Universe episodes! Livestreams and gamestreams and chats, and just, holy fuck, SO MUCH AWESOME SHIT. But if you’d rather something more direct and done, if I make you smile even once in September, how about buying me a Ko-Fi? THANKS AND LOVE AND HEY YOU LOOK GREAT IN THAT SHIRT
Enough of that. September’s schedule!
Week 2
Tuesday, 8th: Working on some stuff you’ll see soon!
Wednesday, 9th
MAH BIRFDAY, so probably fuck all, if we’re being honest.
Oh well except for the early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​ [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 10th: Working on stuff you’ll see soooooooon
Friday, 11th
Orphan Black liveblog (sponsored by @skylineofspace!)
public release of @guidedbyanewpodcast Old Fuck Special
Saturday, 12th: (evening) part 4 of our Control gamestream  [Patreon exclusive]
Sunday, 13th
And Steven liveblog (sponsored by Jayden!)  [Patreon exclusive]
(evening) Private livestream
Week 3
Monday, 14th: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Tuesday, 15th: PGSM loveblog
Wednesday, 16th
PGSM Loveblog
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​  [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 17th: And Steven liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
Friday, 18th
Gravity Falls liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
public release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​, Outtakes Special #2
Sunday, 20th: Princess Tutu liveblog (sponsored by Calantian!)
Week 4
Monday, 21st: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Tuesday, 22nd: PGSM loveblog
Wednesday, 23rd
PGSM loveblog
(evening) Carmilla liveblog (sponsored by @cello-moon​!)
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​ [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 24th: And Steven liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
Friday, 25th
BoJack Horseman liveblog/essays (sponsored by @docholligay​!)
public release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 32
Saturday, 26th: Xena liveblog/essays (sponsored by @bardofsomerset​!)
Sunday, 27th: (evening) Livestream (content tbd)  [Patreon exclusive]
Week 5
Monday, 28th: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Wednesday, 30th
Children’s Fair liveblog winner (to be drawn and announced today!)
(evening) Ask a Jet Wolf LIVE  [Patreon exclusive]
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​  [Patreon exclusive]
That’ll be of Ep 33, which will release that Friday as always, but we’re technically into October then, soooo.
All that, plus whatever other Asks, musings, knitting progress, UNV crossposting I manage to actually get queued up, and whatever other random ass live shit happens that bears commentary.
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