#my 3000 styles fighting to the death to see who's gonna be The One today
gh0st-4ss · 4 months
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ninainthetardis · 5 years
It's been a week since I saw Endgame and I think it's really the time for me to write some comments about it.
The First Part of the Movie
- It was kinda smart as in a couple of minutes it foiled almost every theory ever made about it.
- It was good as they showed us our heroes humanity, the way they struggled to move on after the snap and how alone, responsible and broken they felt.
- It was too long: they could've used half - or at least a third - of that time to cover some of the plot holes left at the end of the movie, or to show us something more interesting. For example, Imagine if there was no scene about Hulk taking pictures with his fans and instead of it we'd got Steve's meeting with Red Skull. Wouldn't it be amazing? Yes.
- Thor and Hulk were destroyed. Those characters went on a journey since we first met them, and starting from Ragnarok to finish with Endgame, they ended up going backwards instead of moving forward. They were hilarious in some moments, yes, but mostly they looked ridiculous and ooc. I mean... Hulk's dab dance? WTF?! Thor spending his days playing fortnite? It looked a little excessive to me honestly.
- I loved the way Natasha and Steve kept counting on each other like the family they were supposed to be. They give each other strength and support, and love. They were amazing. Truly.
- Tony's speech almost made me cry. Of course I knew that was not his end, - it was too soon -, but I almost cried anyway. Watching him suffering pained me. I was trying to figure out how they would manage to get out that situation when Carol showed up and I almost screamed. And CAN WE TALK ABOUT TONY LETTING NEBULA WIN, PLEASE?!
The Time Travel Thing
Basically, Ant man came back to our world to find out half of the population had been wiped away, and he has this idea of time traveling because why not? Let's mess with our minds a little more.
They explained that if they went back, their past would not change anyway, but at the same time Bruce says that when they remove an Infinity stone from its timeline, they create an alternative reality. Now, sure Steve put them back to where they belonged when they were not of use to the Avengers anymore, but still, there's a Loki who fled with the Tesseract in 2012 and I don't think that Steve faced him and fixed it on his own: I mean, it took the six of them to defeat him the first time! So, didn't that create a different reality? There is an Infinity stone out of place after all.
Still, I can't see how Thanos could do the snap if his 2014 version is dead. All I'm saying is that the timeline we saw remains unchanged, but we can't actually know whether there is an alternative timeline in which IW never happened or not. I like to think there is because this would mean that there is a reality where Nat, Tony and Steve are still alive, together and maybe happy. Just we'll never see it. Unfortunately.
Plus, the soul stone. A soul for a soul, right? Given that Steve returned the stone, couldn't he get Natasha back?
Tony. I expected Tony to die at the end of this movie but seriously guys that hurt too much, I was not ready at all. He finally had the family he deserved and wanted but could not sacrifice half of the living beings on earth just to keep his happiness. WHAT A CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. He started from fighting for himself to almost sacrifice himself in Avengers 1 and to actually do it in the end. Chapeau, Iron Man.
Steve. And here the thing gets complicated. I expected Steve to die as well,though his death would have broken me, - you know, favorite character and so on. We were ready for just one of them to die, so the only way to completely destroy our hearts was to kill both of them off. They didn't, and somehow this was even worse.
It's like we were robbed of our proper goodbye to Cap. I am, of course, happy he got the love of his life back (though I can't see how this will not affect the timeline tbh), but up to Endgame, things happened. First of all, Sharon Carter. And here everything gets weird. Secondly, he made a journey during which he changed and came to accept what had happened to him. In the end, it was all thrown away. It's kind of ooc for me that he just left Bucky in the present, friends who needed him, and went back to the past. And at the same time I can't actually see him just sitting there when he could prevent shit to happen. Though he promised Nat to move on, and maybe, after losing Nat and Tony, he realized that the only way for him to move on was to go back. Because yes, I think he wouldn't have come back if they had been alive. And Bucky followed his own path after CW, so they had already gone on separate ways.
As I said, it's tricky. A lot.
It's like Tony learnt from Cap to sacrifice himself and Cap learnt from Tony to put himself first for once.
"See you in a minute".
Natasha's death. That I didn't expect. Well, actually I did, being her my second favorite character and being used to watching my favorite characters die all the time. But you know, I thought that the soul stone required the soul of the one you love the most, and there was no way that Clint loved her more than his family. So I thought he was the one better suited for the sacrifice. And instead that wasn't the case and she died. But I didn't want any of them to die anyway. And it hurt because she said "see you in a minute" and then she didn't come back. And Steve's reaction when he realized she was gone forever. My poor heart.
This movie truly messed up with me.
Random comments
- Pepper was amazing and the scene of all women fighting side by side was MARVELOUS. I wish Natasha was there though.
- Poor Morgan lost his father, they were so cute and happy, my heart can't handle this.
- Thor giving away his throne was... I don't know, that's tricky as well. His whole path was about becoming worthy and gaining the awareness he needed to be a just king. So it makes sense he didn't feel like ruling at that moment, he lost himself and needed to find the right path again, but giving the throne away? Sounds too much to me imho. But I also don't think we've seen all of Thor, so... Maybe they'll fix it later on.
- Gamora. 2018 Gamora is dead, 2014 one is alive. What. About. Her? If the past remains unchanged, does it mean that she has only four years left to live (in perfect final destination style)? Or maybe she died when Tony snapped? Or she just run away to follow her own path again, as originally in 2014 she left Thanos and changed from a bad to a good guy, doing we don't know what exactly. Maybe she's meant to do it again, (just in the future) before meeting Quill again.
- The Scarlett Witch is FIRE. Can't wait to see her show! (Also, Loki's. I wonder if it will start from him fleeing with the Tesseract or if it will be a prequel like the movie about the Black Widow)
- Ronin. It was like Natasha and Clint's position were reversed and this time it was down to Natasha to save him and she did it. She's so loyal to her friends, her family, the family she found in the Avengers. She deserved so much better.
- I expected that they had to face either Loki (the one who fled with the Tesseract, after he did it), as a sort of coming back to the start, or Thanos from the past. It was Thanos and I was happy. I still hope we'll see Loki with his character development intact again.
- The final battle was INCREDIBLE. AMAZING.
- When I was at the cinema, I was 99% sure there was no scene after the credits. I waited anyway. And it was only when I saw that black screen that I realized it was really, really over. That was the moment I had to repress other tears.
- I'm gonna stop now. I just want to say that, in spite of all the plot holes and things I don't agree with and that were done, or things that I thought could've been done better, I loved this movie. It's the end to an era that meant - and still means - a lot to me and it was AMAZING. I will bring all those characters and those stories with me forever. Nat, Steve and Tony in a special way. One day I'll come to terms with the fact that this is all. But not today.
Love you 3000.
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konan-supernova · 6 years
Falling for You (Literally) part 3
Words: 3000
Warnings: deceit mentioned (malice also mentioned)
Tagging: @roxinnaxu and @stormblessedcastiel (lemme know if you wanna be added/ removed)
part one / part two / part three (you are here)
HUGE thanks to @obsessedfanofmanythings for beta reading this chapter 💙
Logan had never been one for feelings.
They were just so confusing, so unnecessary, so ridiculous. Why force yourself to go through all those horrible stages of weakness and despair just for a tiny moment of happiness? There was no logical reason to indulge yourself in such awful mindsets, no reason to suffer through that if you had the choice to remain numb to such things.
Logan had always diluted his emotions, especially those such as fear, sadness, anger, and the like. He tried to let himself experience happiness more often though, especially after Patton found out what he was doing. It was their compromise - he got to be happy, feel real emotions, but dial down the ones he wasn’t comfortable with.
He was not surprised, however, that at this point in time, he was unable to hold back his terror. Tears streamed down his face and stuck to the lenses of his glasses, making the body in his arms no more than a black and purple blur. He could barely breathe, his mouth was open wide and pulling in sporadic, shuddering gasps of air. Virgil twitched in his arms, and Logan sobbed, lifting him closer to his chest. He leaned in, shaking and sobbing into Virgil’s hoodie.
Why couldn’t he stop? Why couldn’t he hold his tears back, like every time before this? What was wrong with him?
“Patton,” he gasped, feeling a sudden hand on his shoulder. The hand guided him, helped him to stand up, then pulled off his glasses. A moment later, they were slid carefully back into place, and he could now more or less see Patton standing in front of him, Roman strung over his shoulder fireman style.
“We need to get them somewhere safe,” Patton sniffled, biting his lip. Logan nodded, unsure that he would be able to form a coherent sentence in response. He turned around, doing a quick survey of the area, then turned back to Patton.
Wordlessly, he took a step forward, his legs shaking under him. All at once, he felt his energy leaving him, but his resolve was anything but weakened. He had to help them, had to get them to safety, had to make sure they were okay. Patton would not be able to carry three unconscious sides out of the imagination, especially not when two of them were badly injured. He would be stuck, forced to choose between leaving all of them behind to go get Thomas or taking them one at a time to safety. Logan couldn’t do that to him, wouldn’t do that to him, not after what had just happened.
So he took another step. Then another, then one more, over and over and over. This will be the last one, he thought to himself. You can stop after this one step. But he did not stop, all the way through the imagination.
Even hours later, when they had long since reached the main hub of the mindscape, when they had long since put the others to bed, when they had long since told Thomas about the day’s events, he did not stop.
His feet shuffled onwards in his sleep, and he woke up covered in sweat, the covers kicked off of his bed. He was barely awake for a minute before the dark tendrils of sleep took hold of him, pulling him back down into oblivion. Ghostly images of Roman unconscious in the dirt and Virgil falling from the sky filled his dreams, but he kept going.
He had to. He had to. He had to. He…
He woke up earlier than he was used to.
Sunlight filtered into his room the window, his thin colored curtains casting everything in a strange blue light. His head throbbed slightly, and in the back of his mind, there was a thought, an urgent reminder that he couldn't quite reach.
He furrowed his brow, concentrating on the thought as he reached for his glasses. As soon as he slid them onto his face, he noticed the odd smudges on the lenses - the insides of the lenses. Tears.
A shiver ran down his back and he leapt out of bed, his normal clothes already having replaced his pyjamas. He raced down the hall, the activity not doing his headache any favors, finally stopping in front of Patton's room. The two of them had summoned extra beds the night before so that Patton would know if they needed something in the night (he had assured Logan that he would okay taking care of the both of them, that things would be fine. Logan had eventually agreed and retired to bed).
Logan hesitated at the door, his fists hovering above the wood, prepared to knock. After a moment, he did, trying to keep it as soft as possible. A quiet “Come in,” answered him, so he slowly pushed the door open, relaxing when he saw Roman sitting up on his bed. He turned to Logan, wincing as he attempted to wave at him.
“Don't do that, you need to stay still for now,” Patton reprimanded, bringing over an ice pack to the injured side. He muttered a quick thanks before pressing it to his forehead and closing his eyes. He then shifted on the bed for a moment, his brows furrowing as the seconds ticked by.
“I've been sitting still for half an hour, shouldn't I stretch my muscles?” Roman groaned.
“Soon,” Patton said, not bothering to elaborate further. He walked towards the door, smiling wearily at Logan as he passed by. “Watch these two while I'm gone, would you?” he disappeared down the hall without giving Logan a chance to respond, so he just sighed and stepped into the room, taking a seat next to Roman on the bed.
“How is he?” he asked after a moment of silence. Roman just huffed.
“Patton or Virgil?” he asked, staring at the lump of covers and ruffled feathers laying on the bed across from him.
“Both,” Logan answered, his thumbs twitching as they rubbed up against one another over and over.
“Patton's been working himself to death since I woke up, trying to get me sorted out. He's been running all around the mindscape, grabbing medicine and juice boxes and ice packs and pillows and whatever else one of us needs,” Roman paused, holding out one of the aforementioned juice boxes to Logan. He took it, setting it down on the bed next to him before letting Roman continue. “Virgil hasn't woken up yet. Patton filled me in on what happened, and….”
Roman swallowed, and it did not go unnoticed by Logan how tightly his fists suddenly clenched, or how he had to close his eyes as if to bite back tears.
“I'm afraid for him,” he admitted, indeed sounding choked up. “He's been hiding this for so long, and then he got hurt because of me and now everyone knows and he's going to be so afraid when he wakes up,” he gasped, a few tears escaping his eyes. They ran down his face slowly, leaving Logan lots of time to wipe one away, tell Roman everything would be alright.
He didn't, though. Instead, he sat on the bed next to him, reaching a hand over to console him. Roman looked up, tear streaks on his face and fear shining in his eyes.
“It's going to be okay,” Logan said, but he really wasn't sure.
In front of them, Virgil shivered, letting out a long breath of air. His wings twitched, but other than that, he remained ghostly still, the only movement being the methodical rise and fall of his chest.
“Sorry,” Virgil slurred, and Logan felt his heart freeze.
“Yeah,” Roman said, taking a sip from his juice box. Logan knew enough about emotions to note the thick sarcasm in his voice. “It's all gonna be just peachy.”
There was a rushing in his ears, like he was falling, then a ringing sensation, then silence. Consciousness usually hit him like a mallet, striking once or twice in the night, then once more with maximum power come late morning. Today, though, it was a rushing sound, a ringing sounds, and then no sound at all.
He let out a large breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, his entire body relaxing from the action. Virgil realized quickly that he was quite sore, and a few parts of his body hardly had any feeling at all, just a faint tingling sensation and a feeling of being hot and cold all over all at once.
His wings were probably where he had the most feeling, although a lot of it was currently pins and needles. He tried moving them, to no avail, and was left floating in this awkward (yet somehow peaceful) state of semi numbness. He tried to relax, go back to sleep, but that wasn't happening either.
“Yeah,” someone said, the words coming from somewhere behind him. “It's all gonna be just peachy.”
Virgil froze. Who was that? Were they in the room with him? If they were, they must have seen his wings, right?
A truckload of memories hit him, and he could barely control his heavy breathing as he remembered the day prior. The fight with the dragon witch, the reveal of his wings, passing out in someone's arms… it all came back, washing over him like a rogue wave of headache material. How was he supposed to fix this?
He had really messed up this time, hadn't he?
Virgil groaned, forcing his eyes open, wincing as bright light assaulted his vision. He found himself facing a wall, the light blue color being quite familiar to him (he'd spent enough sleepless nights up talking with Patton to know what his room looked like). He took in a deep breath, grimacing as his chest began to regain feeling. His right shoulder and left wing began to throb in pain, though he noticed that it was much improved from what it had been during the fight.
He started to sit up, knowing that rolling over would just cause trouble - he really wasn't in the mood to roll onto his wings and damage them further. Once had pushed himself into a sitting position, he turned around, ready to face whoever was there. Might as well get it over with, right?
Surprisingly, he was met with two sides - Roman and Logan. Both of them stared at him with varying degrees of shock. Roman looked like he was about to drop his juice box, as it was hanging out of his mouth from the straw. A few bandages were wrapped around his chest, and Virgil couldn't help but wonder if that was his fault for not rescuing him sooner.
Logan sat next to him on a bed that Virgil didn't recognize (and, now that he thought about it, he must've been on a new bed too, since Patton's was across the room), looking somewhat frazzled but overall, just exhausted. He did smile after a moment, which was a heartwarming sight, seeing as Logan tended to be less expressive with his emotions.
“I'm glad you're awake,” he said softly, so sincere that Virgil almost believed him. In the back of his mind, though, he knew that it couldn't have been true. Everyone he'd known before had hated his wings, told him that they made him the worst out of all of them. Why would Logan just not care? Even he would have to admit that they were unnatural, ugly, useless.
“Yeah, I am too, I guess,” he muttered, clasping his hands together in his lap. When would they bring it up? Would they wait, let him heal before they shot him down? Maybe they would just let him come to his own conclusions, pretend that it hadn't even happened. He kind of hoped they would do that, it would certainly make things easier.
“Roman, how does your chest feel?” Patton burst into the room, surprising all three of its occupants. He didn't even notice Virgil (or maybe he just ignored him), moving past him to tend to Roman.
“It's already doing better, Patton, thank you,” he waved away Patton's hands, pointing to Virgil. Patton spun around, smiling wide as he noticed the winged side.
“Morning, kiddo. How're you feeling?”
“Fine,” Virgil lied, forcing a small smile onto his lips. It felt wrong, poisoned, but he had to make them believe him. It was no use worrying them over something that he could deal with on his own.
“You sure?” Patton asked, cocking his head to the side. “Your injuries were about three times worse than Roman, and even he's in pain - don't look at me like that, Ro, you know it's true!”
Virgil bit his lip, nodding.
“I'm fine, really,” he assured him, already summoning his hoodie to cover up his bruised chest. “I'm just a bit sore, that's all.”
“Well, I'm glad to hear it,” Patton beamed at him, and Virgil felt a bit bad about lying when he saw his smile.
“Cool, now I'm gonna-”
“Since you're feeling better, though, I think it's time we talked about,” Patton paused, glancing down at Logan for a second, “the wings.”
“Oh,” Virgil gulped, holding his hoodie in his lap. He looked down at the lump of black and purple fabric, running his thumbs over it. He took a deep breath, getting ready to tell them that he would understand if they didn't want him around anymore, or if they didn't want his wings out around them. He'd always hidden them anyway, he really wouldn't care if they wanted him to keep doing it.
(Well, he would care, but he wouldn't say that - it wasn't fair to them.)
“Why did you hide them?” Patton asked before he could say anything. He sat down next to Virgil, turning to face him. Virgil looked down at the floor, unable to answer.
“Don't know,” he managed, curling a fist around the fabric of his jacket. “I guess I thought you'd hate them.”
There was silence for a moment, thick, tense and consuming silence.
Then Roman laughed.
“Why would we hate them?” he asked, genuine amusement and confusion on his face. Virgil stared, unable to understand. Why wouldn't they hate them? Only Dark Sides had non-human attributes, like Deceit with his scales, Malice with his claws and Virgil, with his wings.
“I'm not like you,” he answered, brows furrowed with a frown on his face. “I never have been, and these stupid wings are just a reminder that I never will be.”
“None of us are like each other, Virgil,” Logan said softly, catching his eye from across the room. “I can't process feelings like Patton can, Patton can't create like Roman can, and Roman can't focus like I can. We're all different from each other, so why should we care if you are too?”
“But it's not like that!” Virgil shouted, tears threatening to spill out. He shook his head, forcing them down. He would not allow himself to cry. “You guys are all normal, you… You look like people do. Having strengths and weaknesses is not the same as having a pair of wings slapped onto your back to remind you that you're not normal. You guys are different because it's your job, but this doesn't relate to my job at all! I don't need these, and you don't deserve to have to look at them all the time,” Virgil finished, both fists balled in his lap. He shook, holding back years worth of tears and shame.
Patton reached a hand out, letting it hover over Virgil's for a moment. Virgil eventually opened one of his hands and let Patton grasp it, bringing it up to eye level.
“You do know that we could never hate you, right?” he spoke softly, looking hurt and concerned and just so full of love. Virgil didn't nod or shake his head or acknowledge the question in any way, just looked down at the floor again. Patton hummed softly, bringing his other hand up under Virgil's chin, lifting his face up again. Virgil bit his lip, trying to avoid looking in his eyes.
“No 'buts’,” Roman chimed in, and Virgil turned to face him once more. “None of us could ever truly hate you, Virge, not ever. You're wonderful, absolutely wonderful.”
“And what you said about your wings and how they don't relate to your job?” Logan recalled, an eyebrow raised. “It's wrong. You used those wings to protect Roman yesterday when he was incapacitated, and again to protect us when Dragon Witch expressed will to harm us. As the protector of the group, wings would be an invaluable asset to all fight or flight situations.”
Virgil opened his mouth to retaliate, then paused, closing it again. How could this be? Did they really just not care, or were they being nice to let him down slowly later?
He closed his eyes, pushing away all of the nastier thoughts. He didn't have the time or the energy to worry about it anymore.
“Yeah,” he said after a moment silence. The world seemed to slow down as he opened his eyes, looked around the room at his friends. They each smiled at him, and he smiled back, a real (albeit shaky) smile. “I guess you're right.”
Later, he would tell Thomas about it, relive his doubts and fears as Thomas processed the story and his feelings. He would relax as Thomas wrapped him in a hug, laugh as the others popped up and joined in, careful not to press up against his injured wings. Eventually he would grow comfortable with them, showing them in videos without much explanation (the fandom freaked out after the first time he showed up with them out).
But for now, he would just sit, happy tears streaming down his face, sobbing his heart out with the friends he loved gathered around him. Things would be okay.
Everything would be okay.
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