#my Main Friend Group (my ride or dies tbh) just comprises of 5 people and even then we still have a lot of things we disagree about even-
woozi · 2 years
I hope u don’t mind me chiming in on the svt dynamics <3 bcoz I looove talking about that and their dynamic as a group together is the most fascinating to me ~
like sure, we don’t know them and every kpop group advertises their friendship since it’s what fans want to see. I’m actually a little cynical when it comes to this and don’t trust the “we’re like a family :)” talk easily since it’s often just for show. and that’s fine - idols’ jobs is to sing and dance, not to be bffs. but I think with svt it’s extremely obvious that in addition to being coworkers, they’re genuinely close friends, care about each other on a personal level, and like each other’s company beyond just working together. not to overanalyze but it’s the little things. how they hang out together constantly in their free time, them being close with each other’s parents/siblings, how when they were in single rooms in a hotel like 75% of the group gathered in one room bc they missed each other even tho they had spent the whole day together, and things like all their inside jokes and how their humor code matches so well (this doesn’t happen if you don’t interact a lot), how even tho some members are closer than others you can mix them up however you want and it won’t be awkward, how when dk mentioned the member he’s most awkward with is wonwoo so wonwoo made sure to spend more time with dk, or how jeonghan and mingyu often say they don’t match but then still spend time together regularly, how when even 1-2 members are absent the entire dynamic feels “off”, I could go on and on haha 😅
and I often think about how maintaining a healthy group dynamic as 13 (thirteen!!!) people on both a professional and personal level isn’t easy at all. it’s constantly compromising with and adjusting to 12 other individuals, making sure everyone’s seen and heard, being considerate of each other’s boundaries/preferences, basically keeping a vast mental encyclopedia of 12 other people’s little things. they grew up together so maybe it’s completely normal for them to do all that (and being bound by contract helps bc you can’t just quit when there’s conflict) but still, you need to be a very specific type of person to be able to do that i think… and even tho i’m certain their relationship is not always harmonious (it’s just how relationships are), it’s still incredible and very special <3
anyways “not to overanalyze” - *overanalyzes* lololol this got long I’m sorry but. I had to get this off my chest 💝 thanks for being such a warm presence here on caratblr yza what would we be without u 🥰
the way i can see how much u love the svteenies with this alone <3
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