#my account has only been dedicated to him for 3 years tho lol but i've liked him longer
upperranktwo · 1 year
It's so surrel that Douma is like properly animated and has a voice and everything. I've loved him for so many years and it's just insane how long I waited for all these little moments 🥺
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captainkirkk · 7 years
yoooooooo. i was on the lookout for it the moment you mentioned there was gonna be a moana reference, but i didn't expect to find it right in the title! xD it fits perfectly though, and the fic is just WONDERFUL, tho at this point i've come to expect nothing less. so. you know the drill: i have to talk about it now, and the talk has to be extensive. so strap in for more of my ramblings~ (1/?)
Thank you! As always, the rest of the asks and answers are under the cut!
first off, i normally don’t read shinsou-centred fics even tho i like him, so i was surprised by how easily enraptured i was in this story, right from the beginning and all the way to the end without pause. it was compelling without being overly-dramatic, tugged on my heartsrtings (and snapped them – shinsou remembering what shouto looked/acted like at deku’s bedside is a special type of grief-fuel, tddk is my greatest weakness and you hit me right where it hurts most UGH), made me smile (2/?)
and overall improved my whole day a great deal: and make no mistake, the reason for that was entirely the fact that you chose to feature my online persona in it so profusely. when i started reading the fic, i knew there was a chance my username would be somewhere in there, so i kept an eye out for it, but i didn’t it expect there to be an entire segment dedicated to it! i was smiling so widely my mouth hurt, and i felt so touched by the end. you gave me an awesome quirk too!! telepathy is (3/?)
not something i have ever considered whenever i’ve asked myself what kind of quirk i’d like to have, but i love it! and you gave me direct interaction with one (or two, if you count bakugou seeing the tweet and insisting that mind blank read it and reply from his account) of the hero/canon characters too AAAAAAH~ the whole thing felt like a gift and i can’t thank you enough for this verse and for choosing to include me in it!!! SO THANK YOU. SO MUCH. REALLY. UGH.
now. QUESTION TIME *rubs hands creepily* 1. could you tell me more about deku and shouto’s mission? obviously it had to be something huge if the no.1 and no.4 heroes were both being sent out and told to keep it secret. and also the aftermath! i’m assuming izuku won whatever battle he was in/the mission was a success despite his horrible injuries, because there were some fans describing him as a BAMF because of it??? pls tell me he didn’t get hurt in vain/only to fail?? and also where (5/?)
was shouto during the whole thing? what was his role? was he the one who discovered deku after it was all over? i need details even tho i don’t know why i’m doing this to myself i absolutely hate seeing these boys suffer i hate it with a passion and YET. details. i wanna know em. but seriously, it must’ve been so horrific for shouto no matter where he was: you mention in the fic that deku had managed to go almost a year without hospitalizing himself, but i don’t assume the last time (6/?)
he went to a hospital was this traumatic? and lol, i wanted to laugh at shouto "willing to murder anyone who breathed wrong in his fiance's general direction" and the fact that there's a chat specifically dedicated to deku wrecking himself, but i couldn't, i was too worried. it's such an awful thing to happen during one's engagement too, on top of all things. can you imagine the love of your life dying, knowing you had been about to marry them?? FUCK. my boys need a vacation. (7/?)
hopefully the wedding will happen soon and their honeymoon will do them some good! question 2. shinsou said deku doesn't seem to be sleeping well due to perhaps his medicine, but is that really it? i thought there was something more to it, can you confirm? or was he simply tired/had a lot on his mind after his near-death experience? gosh pls don't make it be anything more serious, tddk deserve nothing but happiness and they've already suffered plenty have mercy i'm begging 3 (8/?)
and lastly 3. i understand that you are very busy, tired and stressed and the last thing i want is to burden you further with my obsession over your stories, so before i ask this i just want to let you know that you should feel absolutely 100% free to say no to this question, ok? goodie. now here it goes: would it be ok to change the gender you have used for me in the fic? i couldn't help noticing historyverse!me was called "him", but i'm a girl xD it's totes ok if you want to keep it like (9/?)
it is, or if you simply don't have time, i completely understand! once again, thank you for everything, and i eagerly await your response!!
Yes, the mission was a success! In my mind, a handful of heroes were working together to find and take down a villain group’s base (because, though villain groups have always been common, I imagine organisations became even more popular after the League of Villains). Todoroki and the others had their hands full with taking down the villains in the underground levels, but some of them escaped. Deku chased after them. The fight spilled out onto the streets, and some of the villains grabbed hostages, and Deku was Not Having That On His Watch. Hense the scary, badass moves that landed him in the hospital. He was trying to take on several villains that were making a run for it while also trying to protect the civilians around them. Trust me, Todoroki was so upset when he realised what Midoriya was doing on his own, without backup, but there was no way he could’ve realistically been there without jeopardising the mission
ALso: the group chat specifically for Deku and his injuries was (very vaguely) mentioned in ‘starry eyed’ too
No, don’t worry, it’s not anything more serious! Midoriya had a lot on his mind after being hospitalised because he’s almost 26. He’s been the Symbol of Peace for half a decade. He used to rationalise his injuries when he was younger, like ‘it was necessary, I’ll become stronger so I’m better next time’, but now that he’s older, he’s more reflective. I imagine Toshinori also spoke to him over the phone while he was in the hospital, and there’s always been parallels between the two of them, but this one doesn’t sit easy with Midoriya. He’s mostly just worried that he’s following in Toshinori’s self-destructive footsteps, and his overactive brain latched onto the idea and made it difficult for him to sleep. 
Why did I have a feeling you would ask this? A part of me wants to say no, since Blue is my fictional character, but they’re only in there for a few lines so it’s whatever
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