#my anxious brain says he thinks im clingy or too into him and he doesnt wanna see me again
borom1r · 1 year
feel free to pick whichever ones you want (I hope you did want asks to begin with hfjdnsbbd!!) but: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, & 16 from the OTP asks for wrightworth/narumitsu? :3c OR maybe franmaya if you'd like!!
anyways Wrightworth my beloveds!!!
2) What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
hrrrgh. mrrmph. ohhh this is such a can of worms bestie!!! i am answering this one last for like, context, bc omfg!! like. thru the spectrum of their relationship it absolutely changes bc early on Miles 100% refuses to spend the night with Phoenix bc he Cannot let Nick see him break down. and its like. ok yea the nightmares about him killing his father stopped, but HES SO FUCKED UP!!!! it is not a stretch of the imagination to say that new nightmares took their place.
nightmares about Nick dying (trying to run across a burning bridge or Manfred or Gant pulling strings to get revenge even from behind bars, etc). nightmares about Maya dying bc he wasn't good enough as a prosecutor (couldn't drag out the Engarde trial long enough, or she starved to death, or he was TOO GOOD and Engarde was declared guilty early). nightmares about him returning from "choosing death" to the Worst Case Scenario. nightmares about Gregory denouncing him, bc maybe he didn't pull the trigger but he decimated Gregory's memory and everything he stood for (even if it was all bc of Manfred's manipulation).
and like he told Phoenix the nightmares stopped. so that has to be the truth, full stop. he can't admit to the half-truth. so it turns into this festering little pit that winds up with Miles shaking in Phoenix's arms while Phoenix patiently unlocks the Psychelocks hiding Miles' secret. and yea it's a weight off his chest but Miles still half expects the worst because he's not Over It, he's not Perfect, and this is one of those times where it still comes as a shock that Nick doesn't expect or demand perfect. I think Miles gets surprisingly clingy when he's upset, and Nick, koala of a man that he is, is more than willing to accommodate.
I think neither of them would be particularly inclined to discuss whatever was in a nightmare that upset them, least of all immediately after (and Miles would absolutely be the one who'd ask Phoenix about it the next morning— Phoenix would lean towards letting Miles come to him when he's ready vs outright asking), and sometimes Miles needs to get up and Move for a bit, whether that's pacing or making tea or reading for a little bit. Phoenix can generally just crash again once he's satisfied himself that Miles is Safe, but Miles needs to redirect his brain most of the time.
it's definitely a pleasant surprise when Phoenix joins him the first time. just kinda sleep-mumbles something about the bed being cold without Miles anyways and watches Miles work off his anxious energy by pacing, or joins him for a cup of tea, or joins Miles on the couch n rests his legs on Miles' lap while he reads bc he knows Miles likes the pressure.
(sidenote but i do think Franziska and Phoenix get to be pretty close? definitely a lot of affectionate jabbing bc they ARE dating each other's little siblings. where I'm going with this is that sometimes, after a Bad Maya-centric nightmare, Nick will text Franziska a quick "Maya's good?" and she'll usually just text back "Y" because it's 2 am and she wants to go back to sleep, and Nick's ancient phone can't display emojis— but she never calls him a fool for it. he appreciates it a lot. she denies anything if he ever tries to thank her in person)
3) Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
in court: dear gods no. can u IMAGINE? Miles would DIE. Phoenix would love it tho lmfao
at home: 100% yes! i think it actually starts with Miles stealing Phoenix's clothes bc like Miles is a man w/ a matching pajama set. its not so much that he doesnt have comfortable clothes but that there's nothing Phoenix would really feel comfortable borrowing at first (all of Miles' wardrobe is expeeeeensiiiiiiive). it does eventually get to the point tho where the origin of certain clothing items becomes EXTREMELY debatable (Phoenix bought it?? maybe?? but Miles wears it the most. but Phoenix wore it out last so like Maya DEFINITELY saw him in it but it's kind of Miles' shirt, BUT-)
5) Describe their cozy night in.
they r curled up on the couch together parallel playing. Miles is watching Steel Samurai with a glass of wine while Phoenix plays Pokemon on Trucy's old DS bc she got him hooked, and he's got his head on Miles' shoulder and sometimes he'll look up when he feels Miles' arm get tighter around him bc he knows it must be a really important scene— or Miles will look down when he hears Phoenix start mashing buttons bc it must be a really intense battle, etc. just basking in the comfort of shared space, unwinding together without any pressure or judgement
(side note: Phoenix HAS that DS bc Trucy insisted he take it after Franziska got her a 3DS as an upgrade— Miles may not initially have wanted to overstep with exorbitant gifts, but Franziska is here to be the Cool Aunt!! Trucy DESERVES to play the newest games and Franziska doesn't care what Phoenix has to say about her dropping $200+ on gifts for his daughter! she doesnt CARE about his protests she WILL spoil his daughter bc Trucy is Delightful and Phoenix is A Foolish Fool)
7) Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
hmmmm i think its more that Phoenix and Trucy would! not that Miles is opposed but i think a Wright-built pillow fort starts as a bit of a whirlwind and he's more inclined to get popcorn/hot cocoa/etc ready for them to enjoy once the fort is Finished than get in the middle of the chaos lol
8) What happens if one of them gets sick?
I would LIKE to believe they would take care of each other but in reality they would BOTH try to work through the pain until they're too sick to work. it's a constant battle of "I'm fine I can work!" "you are absolutely Not Fine" "but YOU would go to work if you were sick like me!" "maybe, but would you LET me?" and the cycle continues until somebody caves. the roles are absolutely interchangeable.
they do eventually get to the place where they are willing to take better care of themselves and accept the other person looking out for them in turn but for a while. disaster 20-something workaholics in pursuit of TRUTH.
16) Can they stay up all night just talking?
Of Course They Can. they try not to bc Lawyers Who Have To Do Lawyer Things The Next Day(tm) but there are definitely nights where they just lay in bed talking abt anything and everything bc it's just too nice. and they don't want to lose any time together by falling asleep. especially early on with that added weight of having almost lost each other ("Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death" versus "EDGEY CHARTER A FUCKING JET BC NICK MIGHT DIE!!!!" which ily larry ilysm but that is not. oh that couldve been handled so much better. and yea granted Miles didnt grieve for a year but he's also still working thru SO MUCH can u imagine how devastating that phonecall mustve been. flying as fast as u can because if you don't make it in time you might never see the man who quite literally saved your life again? they are both so fucked up, peace and love)
Franmaya timeee!!
2) What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
I think similarly to Nick, Maya leans more towards the physical comfort side of the spectrum— but she's also much more willing to talk. Franziska will usually put the lamp on and hold Maya while they work through the dream logically. Breaking down what parts are grounded in reality and what parts are complete nonsense, reminders that Maya is loved, that the people she cares about are safe, etc until she's ready to fall back asleep.
Franziska is very much a fight-response person though, so she generally needs to ground herself before she's open to any physical touch. I think she used to squeeze her arm hard enough to bruise, and then Maya offered "you can squeeze my hand!" but Franziska refuses because if she squeezed hard enough to seriously hurt Maya and didn't realize bc she was so out of it she could never forgive herself (or if Maya tried to touch her and she accidentally lashed out). Maya stumbles across a solution when she's dragging Nick to a collectibles shop and finds one of those stupid little stress toys where the eyes pop out when you squeeze it of the Evil Magistrate??? shes so excited. she brings it home and proudly displays it to Franziska like LOOK. squeeze this to ground yourself! and Franziska can't help but start snickering the first time she tries it because it is So Dumb. this rubber toy of a children's show character with googly eyes that pop out every time she squeezes it. is staring back at her while she tries not to break down. and Maya kinda ??? as she wakes up, and Franziska answers with "I can't believe how foolish I'm being. squeezing a toy."
"You're not foolish."
"..This situation is foolish." and Franziska squeezes the toy again so the eyes pop out right at Maya, and Maya starts snickering too. and then they're both laughing, because yea, it Is kind of ridiculous, but they're both getting Better.
3) Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
hmmmmm generally no? I think Franziska would borrow Maya's casual shirts for pajamas but that's about as far as it goes w/ her, and similarly to Nick n Miles, for a while Maya is just. Not Willing to borrow and potentially mess up her GF's Expensive Clothes.
the first time Maya lets Franziska style her wardrobe for some fancy event, she absolutely steals Franziska's breath away. her girlfriend is stunning? she's dating the most gorgeous woman in the world? hello?? Maya needs to dress up more. actually no scratch that Franziska would lose EVERY case she faced off against Nick n Maya on if Maya dressed formally for court.
5) Describe their cozy night in.
QUESTIONS!! honestly, Maya could listen to Franziska talk for HOURS and on nights when Franziska just wants to read and unwind her favorite thing is what she jokingly refers to as turnabout book club. has she read the book? no! will she bluff her way through analytical discussion questions so she can listen to Franziska break down different aspects of the story? yep! absolutely! Nick would be proud!
alternatively, if Franziska isn't feeling particularly sociable she'll suggest a Steel Samurai marathon because she can just rest her cheek on her hand and watch Maya excitedly explain the intricacies of Steel Samurai lore across all the different seasons and reboots and the significance of his redesigns and can you BELIEVE they changed (insert character Franziska only knows via Maya's infodumps here) in (insert whichever reboot here)????? No, darling, of course she can't, how foolishly foolish of them. please tell her more about depths of emotion in the Steel Samurai's expressionless masked face as he experiences the epic highs and lows of being the warrior of neo olde tokyo
7) Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
yea actually! it helps that Pearl and Trucy are over pretty regularly (coughgivesFranziskaagoodexcusecough) but even without the kids, like. Franziska became a prosecutor at thirteen. she had to EXCEED Manfred's expectations because let's be real, to merely MEET them was probably just as good as failure. she didn't get to be a kid. ever. and Maya is fully like, you know what? we're fixing that. you're never too old to have fun!! and sometimes fort-making devolves into pillow fighting or just dancing around to whatever music they put on, or giggling too much while they build it that the moment they try to crawl in it collapses around them. but the point is that it makes Franziska smile and makes them both happy bc really, they both went through so much SO young
8) What happens if one of them gets sick?
perhaps surprisingly, Franziska is much better abt this than Miles is bc she can't maintain her perfect record if she can't focus due to being ill, so she's fully willing to take a day or two off and rest to make sure it doesn't get worse. Maya will happily join her— Maya sits under freezing waterfalls regularly so I think she's got the immune system of the gods. she RARELY gets sick and whenever she does it passes quickly, so after a couple times Franziska gives up on arguing that she could get Maya sick bc no, no she won't.
16) Can they stay up all night just talking?
MAYA can. Franziska is not a night owl at all. she tries her best on nights when she doesn't have to go into work but she is much more of a morning person. Maya, again, goes through some incredibly intense training at very odd hours so she's just kind of full of energy whenever?? she's happiest when she gets to stay up late + sleep in late, but she's never like. GROUCHY if she has to wake up early! which is nice bc honestly Franziska would much rather sit outside sharing coffee and talking with Maya as they watch the sunrise.
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Ah. Was vulnerable. Am nervous. I wish I knew how to talk to people
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All Emoji Asks.
🐰 what is one secret youve never told anyone?I don't really have that many secrets. I guess theres a side of my personality that I spend a lot of energy supressing like hell that I hate with a passion.💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?Right now? My best friend right next to me or my friend back home.🐹 what are some of your favourite pokemons and why?I mean, I only ever played pokemon go, but from that I loved the squirtles and the evees just bc theyre cute af🌠 if you were in charge of the world what would it be like?A lot more chilled out. Chill pills would be mandatory.👀 what was the most recent vivid dream you had?Okay I had two freaking weird ones the other night?In one I was a 10 y/o muslim girl going to a new primary school and while I was there I started raising money for a cancer charity.In the other I was taking a really hard A level maths exam and getting stressed and mad bc everyone kept talking and I couldnt finish it in time.☀ what do you like most about your best friend?EVERYTHING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Idk, I guess how forgiving and layed back she is. She always tries to understand and see things from your point of view.😘 talk about your crush or partnerLmao I'm alone 😂 I do have a crush but its a million miles from mutual so like, shes amazing but boi it hurts 😂💁 if someone was rude to you would you be rude back?Depends on how well I know them and what they're like tbh. I'll banter, but I avoid confrontation.🌟 what do you like about yourself? (3 things)😂😂😂 wow erm...1. I always try and put in all the energy I have if someone/something needs it2. I make loads of terrible puns its gr93. I really dont have any other qualities idk🐾 what are you scared of most? How will you overcome it?👏 I'm terrified of abandonment 👏 aaaand as of yet I have no idea how to deal with it ngl🎁 what never fails to make you happy?Really good stand up commedy or my favourite music💙 what annoys you about some people?Their complete lack of self-awareness. Idk, maybe I'm low key jealous too but srsly some people????😤 do you get angry easily?Yeah. I keep pretty good tabs on it so you probs wouldnt know it, but if something upsets me, chances are I'm hella pissed too.🐇 what do you always daydream about?Dramatic and upsetting situations or drunk situations 😂🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?1. Sort out equality and all that jazz2. Divide up the land more equally, bc it pisses me off that some people are living in tiny cramped shacks and others have 100 mile square farms.3. End capitalism and with that make all necessary services free.🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?Anon?✈ what is your dream city and why?I mean Ive always wanted to go to copenhagen but theres no guarantee its gonna be my fave. My fave so far is Amsterdam bc its so peaceful and the architecture is to die for.☕ talk about your ideal day?Spend it with my best friend/crush. Lay in bed late and be lazy and watch good TV/movies. Maybe go out in the afternoon to not go stir crazy and entertain ourselves. Stay up kinda late talking about deep shit, lying underneath the stars.🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?Ambivert!💧 when was the last time you cried?Yesterday lmao 😂 i havent gone more than 2 days without crying in the past week 😧 I just got myself into a nice Depression Episode.🎵 name 5 songs you like atm?Argh I havent listened to music in so long (7 days...) umm so things i wanna listen to- youth by daughter- voices by Motionless in white- living dead girl by rob zombie- corpse roads by keaton hensen- lost boy by troye sivan⚡ if you had any superpower what would it be and why?Mind reading bc my anxiety would be halved.💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?I'd tell myself to stop trying to fit in and be like everybody else because the people I know are just a tiny portion of the population and really aren't much to aspire to. I'd tell myself to drop all my shitty friends because it would stop me from dealing with a lot of crap later on. I'd point myself in the right direction of the better people 😂I'd teach myself how to stand up for myself and how to not take any crap.And I'd give myself a hug and tell myself it's okay not to be cishet, because maybe if I could turn back time and start to deal with it earlier I'd be okay with it now.💚 who are you jealous of and why?A lot of people really, with qualities I don't have.I suppose one kid in particular is like, everything i want to be. Kind, hillarious, confident, close to people I love. 💎 what would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? Why?Bravery or kindness?? Its hard to have one without the other. Also beauty ngl bc im fugly.🙊 what are you ashamed of?My gender and sexuality 👏🌺 which languages do you know? Which do you want to learn?I know english and spanish and I'm learning Danish. Hopefully once I'm okay at danish I can learn arabic. Ill be satisfied after that 😂☘ if you could be any fictional characters friend/lover who would it be and why?I mean, theres plenty of fictional lesbians where im like 😏👀 but honestly if I had to pick only one person I'd choose Kieren Walker from in the flesh bc he needs a friend and I relate to him so strongly.☁ talk about your dream universe.Mental and physical illness doesnt exist. People arent dicks. Everything is free. No one feels unloveable.💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?Idk I'm p much done for the day 😂 I've been helping out around the house all day tho🐬 if you could transform into any animal what would it be and why?I mean i might be biased but either a dog or a sloth bc they get to sleep all the time 😂🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike.Someone I was best friends with for 4 years suddenly turned around and stabbed me in the back, made up shit about me, arranged that all my friends not talk to me for a fortnight, sent group emails stuffed with emotional manipulation and blamed me for her suicidal thoughts. I nearly ended it. Now I get to watch my friends still loving her like she isn't the world's most heartless person. It makes my blood boil.😣 talk about something that has been making you depressed/angry/anxious.I'm staying with my best friend rn and I can't stand the thought of going home.🍪 what did you want to be as a kid and what do you want to be now?I wanted to be a nurse and now I wanna be a doctor 👏 variety 👏🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?I cant really eat sugar 😂 so fuck knows? Chocolate?🍑 what are you obsessed with?Brains, thought processes, psychopaths, graveyards and more 😂💘 what happens to you when youre stressed?I just get really emotional and start agressively making lists everywhere in an attempt to sort my life out.😪 what are you sick of?Humanity.🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?Yeah its terrible 😂 i hate anxiety but I also kinda love it when my heart races.💥 what are some unpopular opinions you have?I....dont? I cba with discourse lifes too short.☔ would you consider yourself a good person?I think anyone with good intentions is usually a good person so yeah😊 what do you do as hobbies?Sleep, binge watch netflix and blog 😂🎤 whats the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?👏👏👏 Mr Brightside 👏👏👏 what a jam 👏👏👏🐝 whats your worst trait?Being waaayyy too clingy.🌷 whats your mbti personality type and why do you think it suits you?ISFJ and yeah defo, its the defender and I feel that tbh🐶 send me 3 fictional people and ill choose my favourite.Anon?👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?Kaitlyn Alexander is my bae.Besides that I dont really....obsess over any celebrities? Eliza taylor is doing p good 😂 ummm also some youtubers? Do they count?🐴 opinion on __?Its a great bit of punctuation.🍋 do you consider yourself to be an emotional person?Lmfaoooooo YES📚 share 3 books you love and your favourite quotes from them.M8. Thats not gonna happen 😂 I love any book that makes me cry but I cannot quote a single word.😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? Does it work?Find a quiet corner, shut my eyes and listen to my Depression Playlist. It doesn't always make me feel better but it helps me ride it out.🙂 what thoughts keep you going when you're sad?The thoughts of uni and that I'll hopefully meet some great new people. Also my best friend. Just in general 😂🌎 which country do you live in?England.🐧 describe yourself in 3 words?Awkward, tall and shy.🙉 what quotes changed you?"Pick your fights" bc as much as its a meme it helps me chill outAlso "everything is temporary" and "the sun will rise and we will try again".💭 do you keep a diary?I have a personal blog which acts as a diary yeah💫 who inspires you?Kaitlyn Alexander!! (Listen theyre like the first nb representation I ever knew and I relate so much to everything they say and theyre so cute and talented)👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?I mean, my initial response is no. Because we're just bags of flesh made up of cells and when we die those cells die so theres nothing to live on.But tbh we know so little about the universe I'm open to the possibility of anything at this point.🎀 whats your fashion sense like?Dior. I know what clothes I like and think look good but I never like them on me.🎬 what are some of your favourite films?Deadpool, My sisters keeper, pitch perfect 2 ermm🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?UmmmmmmmmmmmmWhen I first got my bunny, that was an amazing day!!🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?Um my soulmate? Where are they at?
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empty-devils · 8 years
im frustrated
last fall a guy i didnt know was suddenly a part of my normal friend group here in town, met him at RT related events (joel show specifically) and if my friends met him before those i was unaware of it, thats where i met him. real talk i was never super comfortable around him, but he didnt seem like a bad guy, just awkward, and i tried to make myself act naturally around him and not make things weird or awkward but i was still really never comfortable around him fastfoward into the new year, hes a part of our dnd group, we’re hanging out as a group semi-regularly, im still doing my best to not act awkwardly around him and treat him like i do anyone else, its extremely obvious he has a crush on me despite me not at all subtly around thanksgiving expressing that i have zero interest in dating anyone or being in relationships at all atm, (also random uncomfortable things like making plans for me before i even agree to anything and just moving forward with them but like, friend, i dont even keep plans i make myself 90% of the time) BUT... basically i have a depressive episode, post about it here on tumblr, i wake up to DMs from him saying that he “happened” to be on my tumblr at a certain time and saw the posts and had excuses and was reaching out andddd on a hunch i checked my stats page and found that particular hit on my blog, and he’s been checking my tumblr almost hourly for moooooonths, i’d been seeing that hit, but i didnt know what it was and hoo boy it turned my general discomfort into WOW IM SUPER FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE AND NOW DONT FEEL SAFE POSTING ON MY OWN BLOG due to rly bad past experiences and ?? so i made a post vaguely calling out this fact because i didnt want to confront him directly about it, since i wanted things to remain as normal as possible i just wanted him to back the heck off so i get FB messages from him saying that “hes sorry that hes broken” and his “brain gets stuck sometimes” and that he’ll never contact me again and not to tell our mutuals why he suddenly vanishes, and then messages our friends regardless later that day saying to them “ive been unintentionally cyber-stalking mk, im going to go to therapy and get help but i cant hang out with you guys anymore unless MK says its okay” which...holy shit dude, you are putting me in the position of being the bad guy when i am the one whos space was violated and was made super fucking uncomfortable i tell my friends i want things to be chill, i dont want it to be a big deal, we can still all do things, im sorry it escalated like this, i just want him to back off of me, and once he sorts his shit out things can be fine (there was a level of “im gonna be mia while i start therapy” in his messages to them) because i dont want to be the one fucking things up for people?? and theeEEEENNNN allie comes and visits and her first night in town suddenly i hear allie from the living room “uh that guy @’d me” since...she knew.. the situation..since it was a Thing that just happened. and the tweet was along the lines of “starting therapy on monday, too bad this situation means i wont get to meet @ allie while shes in town - i feel like we’d be friends” (or something, it was a chain, and i saw it briefly when allie showed me) and according to other friends had pretty much a tweet chain about how he likes to meet people and collect friends like pokemon? and like...drunk tweeting yes, but holy shit, and still more of this trying to make people feel bad for you when you’re the one who did the thing????? (also he messaged me again in this time frame) so i talked to our mutual friends about it since i didnt really know what to do since i was scared of burning this bridge, but the immediate response i got was “block him” so i did. i blocked him, and i messaged him and explained why i blocked him giving him the benefit of the doubt that he doesnt get that hes being really fucking manipulative in the situation, but like bruh ill put up with a lot of shit and discomfort directed at me, but involving allie made me draw the line (plus after how weird and clingy he got of me it made me really anxious to think of him around allie at all?? even before?? god) and he then texts our friends and is like “so i guess i fucked up even more,” and then told them he wasnt going to be talking to them anymore and to never message him again, so...that..was that.. but of course it wasnt, hes trying to make amends with them it seems, which is fine?? he did nothing to them, but whats getting to me now its one of those friends is messaging my new roommate about it instead of talking to me? and when she expressed “well im not comfortable with him” because..shes..like me..and nervous about dudes and especially nervous about dudes who have pulled shit like this, he was immediately defended and i just???? why cant situations ever actually be over??
im frustrated and stressed out and fully aware that my relationship w my other friends is probably gonna be pretty well damaged if they get back to being friends with him, since im already a homebody and would never be comfortable going out to environments where he is a part of the group and they know that so i just. wont. be included anymore? and that also means mason gets isolated? god i fucking hate this
also he still checks my blog and probably reading all of this too so thats great
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